r 1 FT TTJ 71 '1 Li XJi J ESTABLISHED FOB THE DISSEIIMIO! OP DEMOCBATJr PRINCIPLES, A.D TO EARN AS DOXEST LIVIXC BT TOE SWEAT OP OCR BROW. NE ARB. i -.i-i.r tjg;j,ijaianu.l VJL JL s WHOLE NO. 793- tit tfujfnr City Guard. , L. CAMPBELL, Publisher and Proprietor MICl-0 k. East .id. of Will.mette toost twa derentk and Eighth Street OliU OSLt S1TM or ADVJXKTlSmO. aVIvortis.Meat. laeerted as follow: ).. .sr., 1 ""t i"rtioi M; took ii.M,.it iasertiea f L Cask required ia -tirlTrtier. will be ckarce. at the fob ovlaf rates: Oi. i.aiv tkre. moiitbs 16 09 " ix '" w " - " an year II M Vrairisat otlees In local column, 29 cenU per for eack iaiertien. aYjT.rtisiai bills will be rendered quarterly. All i'ek work must be taid for tf nsuvm. posrornce. tlnVnn-fn" 1 . . W If". B"7s I'M to I: W p. i. V.il'.vriTe. from the with an tiT oinir ortJi T. f mm tli north n1 lew rnin tkfc it 111 W- For Hiui'l". KraaM ni fm o '"'!'. Clawfosd lilU CD Creek an! BrowiMYille t I oek..rk.f.re ..31. ATTWWW ,.V. rl aftr a. ijTPmnoum sOWE'TIE. ... a. .. Mta rrt ana liinl W.J.nduy. Ik cell rmi- BTrm Tjoi IT., ft 1. 0. WlHAWIIAI.A ElCAI.T11.Vr p.. we.ts .. th. Mnl 4tb -Wc'nwHay. t ai.lill L0. N. 15. A. 0. IT. W - Mmu it Mnic Ht'l tlie wuoad nd fnurtU )T.44y In ecL aiontb. J. M. Sloax. M. w. r....tfr PnT Vn. 40. . A. Tt Mt kt Muenie Hll. the Ht ud tliitd Friday. f Mkm..tk. BorJcr, . .omua.-i.i.. rnKM KiiiESiw. Mwl" the rat ud third Pnrdcy t-Teitin?. at MhWic .11. P.or1.rf M Si,nr. . . . iTAHA. AIAST. I- BH.YEC, EUQUNX 8TKAI1.VN & B1LYKU, IMUrnsn tid Counsel'on ftt Law, IUGENC CTTT. OREGON. taanmcs nr all i-he courts of I (l,;! gutt. Thi-y iriv. Foon.-U auenuo. m Mll.eti.. d f rbte m.Uirs. ftKt-Ovt V. F. CV Kxpreo .ffie Ceo. S. Vtfashburnc. WJCMt CITT. -? - - ORZr.ON rn f.rrlr "copied by Tbotnpson k W "85.L CEO. 11. KILLER, 2kttorni7 aid Coiasellsr-tt-Law, tad TicaZ Jgcnt. XUCENK CITS'. - - - OREGON. Of FIO-Two door, mwtb of Port OS. Dr. Wm Osborne, Ofi: Addling St Charles Hotel, OR AT rilE 1TT 8T0UE 0? HATE3 ind LUCXEI. Star Restaurant I Kttchin$ Ha rrill .... Props KUGESK CITY. ORCGOX. EVERYTHIXfJ KKfT IX THK HKRT ' of order. Tlie best of meals will I giroa. Give me tiinl. OR. JOHN NICKLIN, Phjsisian, Surzean nd Accoucheur.; (Tormerry of T.mhill County.) "HSIDKMCE-Tw. dnr. ot!i of M. E. kurok. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAX BS FOUXD AT HIS OFFICE or res id.aoo whea not pnifessioaally engaged. So at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Rosid.acs Eighth .treet, oppofite Presby rla. Church. DR. E. G.CLARK, Graduate f th. Ph iladclphia DenUI College. DENTIST, lUUEXHCITY, OREGoX. HAVING PURCHASED THE DEXTAL oftios af Dr. L. M. Davis, 1 am prepared to 4. all ki.ds of work in my profession. D. T. Pritchard, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. RBPAIRIXG . OF WATCHES AXD CLOCKS executed with punctuality ad at a reasonable cost Willamette St., Eugene City, Oregon. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. 'J. S. LOCKET, DEALER IX Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. tZ-AU W.rk trarrmatcCjn J.S. LUCKET", ElbrvMh k Co.' br)4 WillaraelU itre HA-1 NEW mmmdltmi E. B, DIJM f" A GENERAL J A large assortment of La dies and Cliildrdns Hose at IS l-'J cts. Good Drws Goods at 12c- Beat Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Pine Cashmere in every sliadcx New and Nobby styles in CLO'JJtlNG. Liberal Discount for CASH. New Departure ! ! TWO IPHEOEIEJ I P IF.f-'F110 HKLP T-i liUILD YOUU BRIDGES, ROADS AND L M tlUUI. HUUM-b, whose interest" are your iuterfihU 1 Are iieruuuientl located and ipend tlieir profits at Lome. Take notic tl.nt- A I Will lell gooda for CASn at irreatly reduced prices, as low as any other CASH STORE. Best Prints lb and 18 yards $1 00 Hest P.rown and Reached Afuslitis, 7, 8, 9, and larl.s and Brooks spool ontton "S cts per Dor. Plain sad Milled Flrnnels, 23, 3Ti: r( ud 50 cts. Wat(r Pron , cent. Pine Wlille Slilrts, 7S cts and J1. And all Other Goods at Also the Celebrated WHITE BK rVTN"Gr MACHINE ! N . hett-r for .trenijth. size ,,! durability). At (rrcatly reduced rates. .i...0 ky f'Cut0'''..Y'',n';ve.t)dl,yr,.eso 1,1I will continue t- sell on same K J flf"iifl V'n' l"Vf at Sny timB ,viel' tomko CASH purchases. T will give all sm, as others, the full credit on my reduction A. V. PETERS rr 1HK LAKtiUT AXD OUT onri.r.TR MtC IKE MAaJWs. (ukJi AfyifMi L 9 scotch Typc Founoeim 205 & 207 M Jeado.f i aua 529 Comrarcial Streets, r: jfroo irt. SA0 VRA:'CIC0, CAL oZ,:T ! Tn j-T-a.nu wan. u ck1Uu, KJimia-o en tU Cesil mm NOTICE TO 8KEEP OWNERS. rOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL 1.1 Sheep owners that they must dip their sheep as soon as sheared IF DISEASED. Th. law makos provisions that when th. owner fail to do so, that the Insjiector shall cause it to be don. at their expense. . V. COATS, Sheep Inspector for Lan. Co, Or. CRAIN BROS. r DEALERS IX .iS Jtwtlry, Mutlcal instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Northwes comri of WillametU and Eighth street PTTTJ T 1 PITT? ost I- fninil rm (llt n airwprttMntf ffeimui t to .pmM at, w nr. $ w,ir."nrn alf iukk. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, Trimming Silks and Sat ins in all shades. Moireantique Silks- Velvets in Colors. Thd finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this jAace. BOOTS And SHOES :nall grades- GROCERIES of all descrivtions: PETERS, Fine Clioviot Shirts. 50, 75 cts and 81. Xew Assortment Dress Goods (Xo Trash) 15 20 and 25 cts. Mens' Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, CO ct Mens' Overshirts, 75 cts. and 81. Mens' Overalls, 50, (15, 75 cts and 81. Embroideries and Edgins at Fabiilou Low Friots. Proportionate Rotes. Tire rni vnnv 1.1. w. T PitlFEt! COAST. i -U ui U.iiV ti .lecM, Cxmj 4 Uiw. ooa.r. (or MBpcte with I. .allty f flood.. DUZ.EB IS Groceries od Provision 5 Will keep on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Provision, Cured Meats ' Tobacco, Cigars, Candles, ' Candles, Koajis, Notions, Green and Dried Kriits, Wood and Wiilrnr Ware. Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASH 13 ASS. I Which means that Low Prices are EsfaJjIlshcd Goods dtliwcd withonf charge to Eoyn Ml KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED T which we vllry ih lirbe:niark(t' price. LYNCH PAGE w"', Jill I, fa, KUO1CN10 CITY EBUSINESS ICSIRECTORY. BKTTMAX, 0. Dry go.H!, clothtnif, groivricn mid p'lwil niiroliHiidiNp, outliwet i-ormr Willamette and Kihtli stret'U. ROOK STORK One door smith of the Alitor House, a tun stuck oi aborted box paper, plain and funcy. VX 'n'SX. -.. . ixr nnn ...... vwon.. country prodiico, canned (f.wxls. Imh.Us, stationery, etc touthnost corner Will andVtksu ookhis J. K-Dealer in Stove, and Tin wan-Willamette street. lwln aodKiKhth. . . ........... . , ... iTT in urr irnoas. clotnimr an.l trneral nienhandiHe-AV ll.t..: ctte street betaeeu hihth and Ninth. Ill irii rf-tt rrt-tonuxv WiUunwtU i wet. between Seventh and Eighth. Hi:.M)lll.lv, T. G.-Dealei In inbral mer- ch.niline northwest corner W'illiiniette and .Mil tn jireei. MODES, U, Keep on lmtid line wines. Ho viK.i. mm nun uiniani tame: WilUiiH'tto struct, between Eighth and . iuiii. HORX, CIIAS. .M.-Gunnmith. KiRei and s.'iot K'ims, breecli niid niuulo lorders, for sale Repairing done In the neatext style and war' LUC'KEY, J. 8. -Watch maker and Jew.lerj muven. ciwp on :tn street. K!Tjsuiir kwk'ic oi rikmisiiiiiis line, W Ilium- ette street, in Ellsworth's druir store. Mt:LAREX..IAMi:S-nioice,wines,lln,iors, and cigars - UUtnette street, between Eighth andXinth. h PATTKRSOX, A. S.-A fine .took of plain PRESTOX, WM.-Doalcr In Saddlery, Uar- rf n " ne, larnagB j rimun iBS. e te.-ttwamrtt, street. IMtween Nevp.itli i.tti! Kf.rlilli POST OFFICE A new stock of standard o sonooi uooks jum received at mo post ollice. 1 II , ii ... .... REXSHAW. WIL-Winc.. Lhrnors. and Ci- para oi me nest gusnty Kept constantly on hand. The. best billiard table in town. . i .( .' REAM, J. R.-tJ..dortaker and b.iiMin,, con- tractor, wmer v uiumetto ana Seventh RIUXEIIART, J. K-Ilous, sign ahd car- n!To painter Worlt Kuarunteed hrst class, . i.iv ruiu , iiii.11 ujr ouyuuD 111 Eugene, ST. CHARLES HOTEL Charles Raker. iroprictnr. llio best Motel in the city, .'orncr Willamette and Ninth streets. SCHOOL SUI'PLIES-A lare and varied awortment of slates of all slzra, and quantltie of sUtcs and slate-books. Three doors north 0. the express orlico. WALTOX. J. J.-Attnrnev-at Law. Office Willamette .treat, between seventh and Kightb. CliiMren EZottars Lie and Physlolan. r.oomcicml It. IT IS NOT nARCOTlC. r'l,JI''n CEXTAVIt MNOIENT3J tlio "World's privt Puln-Kc-Iicving remedies. They Leal, ho)(lle nnl euro Burnn, '"our.t!f(, Weak Back and Jtheuuiatistn upon 31 an, and finraius, Galls and Lameness jou Boitsts. Cheap, quick and reliable. C CPURT3 of dlsfjn.tlnc Mnon., GuoClc, Crackllua; Folu. la tlia Head, Fetid Croatli, Cenfaei, oi any Catarrhal Complaint, rpn he exterminated by Wei Da ISoyer'o Catarrh Core, a Constl tuttonnl Antldoto, liy Absorp tion . Tho tnoKt Important Dia corory .ices Vaccination. TUYTB PULLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Less of A ppetlto, Sowel. costive, Fain In tbo Head, wila a dull aensntlon in tho back pari. Fain under tha Shoulder hlaHA .iillna. .f ..hn. art f 1. . l.ln elination to exertion i-V fiody or mind, Irritability of tiriD. Low SDlrlts. with WartntMlSS SeTcr,wa i.lnJ ii...; ..4 - I Ue.tlessnesa. with litful di da hlxhlr I CONSTIPATION. It ITS FILLS ar ewprrisUf Adopted tm uch cat, one tlon eiirt nuch change vi itjr'iintf mm in nHipriiu mi wnnwmr, body to Tnb on Flfh. tint Hi pvtirm tf ThT InrrMMt th A pnoMlla. wntl ran tha irih4L nr hr tlt-'r Yont lotion on Ih Dimiif orsor.a. r 1 W Gastoaia. Tun'sraBVg, Ok.t Bairoti WitTrrrs rhsiirM tniOtomr Black by alngli ;p!m!lnn-u in lrr. Itim (" o n.tnral cnlur, lni"innf.ii:r. swld br brucella. 0 a-r.l h eipn-. on rwvi4 of tl. mrr,M m nji,T t r.r.vt tern. (. Tirrs mm at I ,.v,mn, U., . 1883. OREGON AND WASHINGTON. A lanl of trado i to be brganizeel at Tim l)allo& Clmrlrg Zollrr in in jail at TU balleg for larceny from a ntcamltfat. The SuDreiua Hnnrt. 1mrt..,l I Him aP -hrritT of Grant coUrtt7. wnounung to I3,16a 30. A. thmaiiian was aliot at Riddle Just Sunday nd died the following day I ' ' U'V' Tlia boom haa atruck Walla M'alla. aiiH Kill tvn ..... ( I i; rmim reiuMKk A fiirm nn Ttt . itn " nil WM 80UI for 820,000, The river closed on Friday at The Dallea so that peonla crossed it on tbe ice. TLu !. Ort rrn i i i . ... .c io .u,uuu uunnciB oi wneat in ono wuiehouso at rerrydale, Polk couu- Walla Walla is having a large addi tion to it8 population of gamblers and Jilnrlr Ipmi 8 E. Jlinton, of Wasco, last week had ... i . . ... ona of hu len broken by being thrown from a horse. I .T . . . Y m "lUgeway, of I'olk county, is under F500 bond, for an aMnlr. . I ". I i """g""'"'! "Capon ni.. LS.wl . J:.... l . . v' " u,oruo" SDb uu,on8 i ll.. l il A n . l"" noraca on me u. tE U railroad and :.,.. u.... J .1 . ' 1'raying women have attacked the YreJmS Raioon-Keepera of Ulieney and exliortod thorn to COIlifi to Jesus. Tho liody of an unknown man was found between , Sumiucrvillp, Union county, and WtiMou, Ulliotilla, lant week. A petition ia boinj circulaWd in Ma rion county asking the ctiunty coUrt lo build a bridgo acrosa tht Santiam at JeQ'erson. AtPuyallup, twentf -aovon cents par Kund ia tha lalrat prica offrfd for next year's hop crop delivered at thn station. J. F. Nclcnto fell from tliaroof of a building nt Seattle on the 18th, receiv ing injuries from which he is expected not to recover. Steilaconm has the oldest wagon shop and brick bdildinp; on the Sound. Tha former was established in 1854, and the loiter wait built in 1858, Thomas Linnvillo and Aurolius Arm. itago engaged iu a little shooting at Alturas, Lake county, for which the former was fined (125 and tha latter 825. Mr. James Price, who has for a num ber of months held the position of cus tom houHo iiiKpector, has been appoint ed deputy shipping commissioner at Ta cctna. It is claimed that Smith and "Dixie,'1 the two prisoners who escaped from the custody of U. S. Marshal Hopkins, are now numbered among the toughs at tho N. P. front A Nannimo dispatch of the lGth snys: At 2:30 this morning a man named Samuel Lowe, working at East Wellington mine, foil down the shaft a distance of 210 feet and was instantly killed. Three dollars per hour is chargod for sleigh-riding iu this city, and yet many people indulge in the luxury an evi dence that money is plenty. W. W. Union. No, it only shows that fools are more plentiful than money. Instructions have been given to the Sheriff of Columbia county that, in case of Snodderly, Owenby and Porter, or either of them, ore found guilty at their examination, to have them re moved to tho Walla Walla county jail for safn-kceping. We learn from the secretary of the O. S. B. ii T. Co., says the Plaindealer, ' ' ' that ftctlv" rs Wn6 J- tow Br(,,, thft ,aMin' 01 thn Cooh w a- u.if Tl,. ionrin ..I ... . r "iwu oiinrrn vi stock, representing a capital of 14,000, 000, has been subscribed and stock cer tiucates therefore issued Four men left Wecksville the other day, says the W. W. Democrat, coming down the traek .toward Trout creek. Two of them had money, and the otters were financially embarrassed. Some where Wtween the Y litlow Thonipson river and Trout creek, the wretches without money murdered the ether twa Vn rlno fi tti rr"' 1 $2.50 per year IN ADVAfSCt Jnie Jamtt' Cave. Mr. D. K, Spinners, a promineni nierehant of Gallatin, Tenn., and Maj; W. S, Munday, while exploring tha oave rnfently discovered on the farnJ of CoL James Alexander, which for tha last five years has been tha rendezvous' of tha James' brothers gang of outlaws; discovered a largo flat rock in one of the chambers, and thinking that soma' of the secrets of the gane might be hid den away under it, removed it witli great difficulty, when to their utter as tonish mdltt a large cast iron sugar ket tle filled w ith specie and jewels of va rious kinds met tUclr view. They could hardly belieVb their iehses, btii finally managed W examine the treat: ure, and found thttt there was ever $400,000 in specify besides uumerouH gold watches, ringj diamonds, and other jewelry of great vkldfe. Majof Munday guarded the great treasurd while Mr. Spillers hastened td tiallatini and securing his horse and wagon, re turned as speedily as possiblo to the civa They placed the kettle and its contents iu the wagon and drove rap idly to Gallatin, and at once deposited their treasure in the vaults of the Sum ner deposit Company. The greatest excitement prevails, and the Sumner Guards have been ordered to the cayd to prevent a hungry horde of curiosity; hunters and treasure-seekers from coW pletely ransacking iti This is the second lot of Valuables found iu the cave since the death bf Jesse James. Thousands of Visitbri mvrj Wen denied Admission by Colonel Alexander, and it is only by strenuous' eflbrU that any pbrtidn of its contents aro spared from seekert bf nibhientoel of the great bandit considerable portidn of the jewtirV is ill the original boxes as they left tha jewelers, and contain the addresses of many jowelers throughout the West, and also a few in the East A watch bears tha inscription of "Joseph Gre er, Natchez, Miss," and a pair of iracclets are marked, "Mrs. W. J. Johnson, Natchez, Miss." Many others aro marked in full, and will be returnod to the owners, provided they can be found and can prove thoir property. ni i iii . . iuiouci Alexander nai already sent a great many of the former lot to several parties in various portions of the Unt tfd States. Further exploration will be made at once, as it is thought other valuables may still be hidden in the cave. SdcKsi la Farming. To achieve success in farming, or in producing improved stock, the two ni list go hand in hand. To grow drops bf wheat to sell in the market may da ai an expedient to raise a temporary breeze, but ia disastrous to follow. Look where you will, in localities where it has been followed as a specialty it has taught a severe lesson by the reduc tion of the fertility of the land. The best animals soon degenerate without persistent care in feeding aatl become scrubs, unfit io reproduce. Lo calize all farming interests around a good homo and introduce tbe liest seed; prepare the land with the best tools in the liest manner ; set out trees, both fruit and forest. Start whatever lin . of live stock you intend to product, on or more, by the selection of the bwsii Do not take a scrub to breed, even n t) gift No matter how small your start i do not do so with the inteintiofi of raov ing, but of making a success. Every' dollar laid in beautifying a home is a dollar in bank, which! yields a daily in-' terest, makes home a loved spot to men' and women and attractive to children.- A man worth $500 with a snug, neat, tasty, comfortable home ia warth more and hm family caw take more eom fort than the ranchman ' who has f 10,-' 000, but no home but just such a ens' as simply shelters him and his wife and children. The orchard, the garden, the lietit fowls, hens and turkeys, to raixo the best hogs for the supply of htm and bacon for the houm and some to sell, the best domesticated cows for milk, butter and cheese and' a feW good hones and the man's labor laid out about his own fortress, instead of being expended riding over the hills for cattle or any stock, U what will es tahlih a country in wealth and art in- i