I THE LITTLE BRIDGE. Thar parted on tha liUle bridge Which spans the running water, The bright eyed youth with fluent tongue, And ahe the yeumao'l daughter. A few fond words stolen kiss, A little guidon trinket, 'Twai all but that hit heart could change Bhe did not dure to think it. Jle journeyed to bright southern landi, Where tropio skies bent o'er him, And wooed blind Fortune till ihocast A shower of gold before him., Then Fame took up hor trumpet, tuned To sound his praise in story, For much thut to his life belonged Was what this world OiOs glor. A ribbon marked his high dogroe, His name had added FoUers Inil not on him wus any sign Of life.' more galling fetters. The maiden's path lay toward the north; Bhe toiled for daily guerdon, And nieck'y bore hor low estate, Nor felt her tank a burden, Till hope deferred hor spirit broke, And thorns seemed springing round her, And thoughts that onou were purest joy, Had only power to wound her. A poor old maid with failed check Toils on from early morning, With scanty thanks and litllu praise, Ami of times heartless sooorning. And yet soniolinies Bhe noes the bridge, And hears the river llowing, When memory lifts the shroud of yean, The dead past calmly showing. And somotimes ha, in idle mood, 'Midsilenco all unbroken, Just wonders if the bridge still stunds Whora their last Words were spoken. The little bridge still lightly spans The rippling, running watei; Cut no bridge spans the gulf 'twixt him And her the yeoman's daughter I Stealing a bride. A dispatch from Mansfield, Ohio, No vember 24, to the Cincinnati Commer cial, says: This vicinity lias been con siderably excited over a highly sensa tional ocenrrenco which took place at St. Vincent do Paul, a convent situatod five miles from this place. The convent in, as is usually the case, also a female boarding school. It has a wide spread reputation for exoellupco, and because of its secluded situation and the kindly. yet alert and watchful, attention given the pupils, has made it a great favorite with parents and guardians of attractive girls, regardless of religious proclivi ties. On Monday last Mr. George W hite, a gentleman from the adjoining county of Henderson, came to the convent, bring mg his ward, a Miss Moss, a mere child botween fifteen and sixteen years of ago Miss Moss, so Mr. White informed the lady superior, hud become entanglod in a love affair explaining the position clearly, that the Sister might understand tho necessity of unusual vigilance in the case of Miss Moss. Mr. AVhito returned to his home in Henderson, satisfied his unruly charge was quite safe from harm within the con vent s peacef ul walls. Miss Moss was a cheery little maiden apparently not at all love-lorn. But at noon next day, when tho young lady pupils wore scattered about under tho tall evergreens and firs on tho lawn; a buggy drove up to the gato and a young gentleman sprung out. 1 no j'oung man who turned out to be the bote noir of the puardian suddenly opened the gate advanced qnickly toward the startled girls, and before any one, unless it may have been Miss Moss, suspected Ins in tentions, grasped her by the arm and attempted to drag her toward the buKKV. Tho girl seemed unwilling to go, and struggled to escape with apparently the greatest earnestness, even alarm. In the midst of the uieleo another pupil, a Miss White, sister of Miss Moss guardian, flow to the rescue, and it is pfobaWo that Mr. Thillips would have failed in his attempt to imitate the ancient Roman had ho not unexpectedly pullod out a pistol and levelled it at the frightened girls. By some accident for such a thing as the girls being alone was almost unprecedented none of the sisternoou were Dresent. When the revolver appeared such a shriek went up from the affrighted girls, who fled like autumn leaves in a wind, as brought the nuns to the scene. It was too late, however, even had there been one among the gentle Sisters of Charity stout hnarted enough to uave Draveu air, Phillip' cun. Mr. Phillips, with his re- luetant bride in the buggy beside him, wus rapidly disappearing in tho tlis tance. The fleoincr couple, en routo for Shaw- neotown. 111., the Gretna Green of this region, passed through Morganfield. Miss Moss was quito smiling when seen here, and was wearincr Mr. Phillips' hat. Matters seemed to have been amicably settled between tho young couple. When they mashed tho Ohio, at a noint opposite Shawneetown, they re ceived news that orders had been re ceived at "Shawnee," per telephone, to arrest them, so they drove on down tno river, and all trace of them was lost by the pursuers. ' For an I Anoiit Women. Colonel Frederick A. Conkling intro duced Miss Emily Faithful and her leo- ture upon "Tim Changed Position of Women in the Xineteeth Centnry," to an audience composed mainly of women, in Chickericg Hull, New York, recently. "Tho great need of tho time is proper employment for women," said she. Grad ually those forms of industry best suited to her have been usurped by man and machinery he controls. As long as the spinning wheel buzzed by the fireside, women could find employment at home. But the situation has changed, and hard necessity has driven women from the re treat of the home circle. She is found doing some of the roughest, hardest, most laborions work. It is but recently thftf n.irlinment interfered to take thou- Hands of women from the collieries. Fifty thousand women hawk fib and vegetables in Great Britain and thousands drudge out their lives at agricultural labor. In hundreds of factories women are employed at work ha'der than that done by the men in the name establishments. In the porcelain factories of Staffordshire women are for bidden to one hand rests, and are thus prevented from turning out work com parirs with that cf th? men. Through out the entire field of labor woman in England is debarred from competing with man in the luorative brandies. "Is it not silly to tell her that her proper place is the homo circle, n tho face of woman's excess of five per cent, over the nuinbor of men? Unlesa we adopt Mormoaism we must allow her to support herself. To-day there are 80,000 English gover nesses who can save nothing against the demands of ago and want, and hundreds work for food and lodgiug aloue. The only way to work a radical cute for this crying evil is to begin at home. Lot mothers see that their girls are thor oughly trained in some trade or profes sion. Skilled luber, whether at the loom or at the easel or in the myriad branohes of industry, will afford a liveli hood. Every ono of the duughters in tho Enplish royal family is taught a trade. Woman only wauls a man's training to assume a man's responsi bilities." ' The Three (.'old Dollars. When Uncle Charles came to spend Christmas with his sister, ho always gave each of her three boys a present. Last Christmas ho gave them each a gold dollar, and told them to see how they could spend it. The next day Ilarry and Nat went to a toy shop. Ilarry bought somo pretty marbles, a bull, a top, a toy gnn, a knife and a bag of candy. "You havo not bought anvthing for your sister Susie," said Not. "Uncle gave mo this money to spend on myself," said Harry. "Susie must buy her own things." "I will buy her a doll," said Nat. "She will be glad to have a new one, and I have all the toys I need.'' "Lot hor buy hor own dolls," said Ilarry," as ho ran off with his bundles. Nat was about to buy the dolls when ho saw a little girl standing by the door in the snow. Hor face was thin and pale, her foet were bare, and she looked very cold. On her arm was a basket of matches. "Please buy my matches. My mother is sick, and we have no food at home," she said to htm. Nat took all the matches in the basket and put his dollar into the littlo girl's hand. Then he went with her to buy bread, meat and milk, and carried them to her nome, which was in a cold cellar, The next day Harry showed his undo the toys he hud bought. James hud not bought anything. Ho had put his dollar in ins tin imnk to save it. "Let us see what you bought, Nat," said Uncle Charles. "I bought thirty boxes of matches for mother, said Nut. Then they all laughod. But Susie told about the poor girl, and Undo Charles said - Nat was a good boy to be kind to the poor. "Nut has spent his money best," ho said. He has made two hearts happy and done a kind act. Which do you think did best Harry who spent his dollar on himself; James who saved his; or Nat, who gave bread and meat to tho sick woman and her little girl? ShooK 111 in for 'Em. "We have a sweeping victory," said a slow-movement man to tho bartender, 'Democrats havo curried everything." "Yes, sir." "But what is it to me ?" "I don't know." "You don't know? An American citizen, with bottles all around hiro, don't know. Don't you know, 6ir. that I want to drink to tho success of the Democratic party" "But I am a Republican." "And hope thut the Republicans wil do better next time 1" "But I don't hope that they'll do bet ter. I've fallen out with tho party." "Got no political enthusiasm ?"' "No." 'No chance to get a drink here ?" "Nouo that I can see." "I was mere iestinir. my friend. Have a drink with mo." Tho saloon man com plied. "Here, give me twenty-flvo conts." Tho slow-movement man began to quietly withdraw, whon tho bartender seized him and shook him until his teeth chattered. When ho went out ho was asked by his companion who had gono to "skirmish" at another place if ho wti9 Bucceisful. "O, yes," ho replied, "tho bartender Bhook me for tho drinks and lost." A Question or Tho. Tho ocent of a minstrel show, who was traveliiiK over the Pun Handle routo the other day, happened to take a seat opposite a Boston drummer, i.acu wore a pin with six diamonds in it, and displayed two waicu i-uuius. iu eidence happened to strike a solid old' fashioned farmer us rather curious, and hitchinaralowr up to the pair he asked: "Gentlemen, will you give mo nouesi answers to a question or two.' Thev said they would, anil no con tinnpd: What time is it by your lour watches?" Tho upent ren.ied that ho only had one watcn and mat, utuu i m;a, ui the other confessed that ho had none at all. . "Ono more question. Did you buy i . -in.. .... ,9" your diamond pins at, uie uuimr uik The two men loosen at eiiuu uuht in troubled way, and then informed the blunt questioner that he had reuched the limit. "Oh, wal, I didn t inten.l to be sassy. ie remarked as he fell back; "I'm Bpark- ... ITT J . .. .. 1 T ing a Wldder up in Moou cuujuy, miu a was a thinking thut If I could buckle on a dollar diamond and harness two watch- chains around me she'd either kick or cave inside of a week. Pntfttfies do not keep well upon a cellur floor, where there is more or les damp ness, and an imperfect ventilation. It ! mnM, better to store them in bins. This is made of strips, both for the bot tom and sides, with space between mem, and being raised upon legs, tnorougu ventilation is secured. Coss-boards may be put to separate varieties. Such a bin is easily, cheaply nd quickly made, and will pay for itself in a single season, in preserving the potatoes. When there is large quantity of potatoes to be stored, three or four of these bins may be p aced ono above the other, the lower ones not being full in order to j secure the deiired ventilation. The Unhappy Mi ItIIIm. 1 The Chicago Times priuU the follow ing: Miss Sarah Capoll, from whoso bouse in Brooklyn Muudo Melville was ab ducted by her mothor recently, adds somo statements to tho story of the in felicities in that family. She sayi while Melvillo was away the lost timo for eight months Mrs. Melville drew from the pay master $140 per month, and for the re mainder of the time 00 per month, and vet when he enmehome he found himself involved in debt on every hand. Among the bills was one of 845 for liquors, in eluding wines, whiskeys audchampagno, When Mrs. Melville was taken to the asylum, her other two children, Elvio.10 years old, and Meta, 8 years old, were allowed to go with her, but they had no clothes to wear, and Mr. Melville's sis ter, who lives in New York, was sent for to prepare them to go to their mother. They were absolutely destitute, and the houso was not much better. There wore no sheets or blankets on tho beds, and everything had bet a allowed to go to ruiu. Maudo is perfectly familiar with all tho mysteries of pawn shops, and tickots were found in the house representing almost every article of value that had ever beou there. Id tho collar was a hogshead full of wine bottles. Tho truth is, Mrs. Mel villus intemperance is notorious. Besides tiint she has a vicious temper. Engineer Melvillo and his wife have boon married about eighteen years, and this domestic trouble has hung over the household for at least the lust half of thut period. Al ways when Mr. Melvillo returned home from a voyage he brought liandsomo aud costly presents to his wife and children. Maude had on her fingor when eho left hero yesterday a ring hor father brought her worth $300. Women have been so long Accustomed to indignitios from their lords and pro tectors (?) that it is a pleasure to find ono occasionally who is cupablo of pro tecting herself. The Now York Times has upon its editorial staff the well known stock-reporter, Middy Morgan, a lady who is regarded as a better judge of the stock maiket than any male reporter in New York. An insoknt policeman, the othor day received a Taluablo lesson at her bunds. This fellow mistook her for a wanderer from the back woods as sho was walking on tho wharf near the Battery, and loudly advisd hor to "walk overboard." She quiotlr took his num ber, reported him at the station, identi fied him when ho appeared at tho end of his watch, and had him suspended for two weeks withont pay. The astounded rogue tried to beg off, and his fellow officers shut him off with t'uo remark, ' Served ye right." SOTICE. To the Farmer and Mtchimic of Oregon, Wiwhington Territory and Idaho: 't wish to call your attention to the fact that our annual Catalogue and price 7sf for 18s'J-(m la now ready for imtritiution. 11 will he fouud very mluable and inxtrnrtire rcudina. and will be furnuhtd gratuitoMly, Send your name and yontiiflior adder to FAIlSlERS and M ECU ASICS' STOKE, lf4 Fiml ttreel, Portland, Oregon. c)-ni P. O. Uox 173 DON'T BUY BOSS BOOTS UNLESS YOU WANT THE BEST. SEE TnAT OUR NAME IS ON EVERY PAIR. AKIN, SELLING & CO. llm-ib- Afcn Mnmr Hitykiu: Send to Vi'itpv It. Allen, 153 Third street, l'ortlaud, for any book or music published. Orders by mail filled promptly. The "Musical Pastime," a monthly journal of music, 50 cts. a year. Beud stamp for big catalogue ol music. Frauk (1. Abell, the Portland photographer is leading the profession in all tho novelties of the art. Ills work is always ol the best and his cus tom rs are satisfied with what they receive. The mole ami femitlo minstrels at tha Elite theuter in Portland are drawing crowded homes, The Tudors aro the latest sensation and more talent iB on the way. Mnven'N onetime Cherry TimiiIi Paste An nroumtic combination for tho preservation of the teeth and gums. It is fur stijicrior to any nrenaralion or its kind in the market, in large, handsome orwl pot, price fiftr cents. For snlo by all druggists. Hodge, Davis & Co., whole sale agents, rortluncl, Ureon. The best liver regulator known, sure cure for D8peWia and indigestion is In: tenloy tali- !omia 1. A. li. miter TuniciHU Runs. Send to Jobn 11. Garrison lii7 Third street Portland, for catalogues ot le- Onrnson repairs all kinds of sewlne machines Fiplainel t foot of this column. MI MICA U TIIK Ml l A I. I'ANIItt r.-A monthly lour mhI ot miii'lr (Ik.iIi vck uI nl histruinrniHl,) writ 10 unv aMrtwi tor .View wr ynjir, Ail'1n- VU-y H. Allen, publisher ami music dealtr, lo.i Third street, rort IHiirl ( in-iron, i TtlHioiriiM iff. N1KVKVOK1. nr. H. M a V It li dvlf kiurli.et'r. t "Vuiiriu ior anil mirvi-vnr. OnV Itixim No. Lane's Hull. ling, Kul Purl Intnl. All kinds nl surveying- and ilrultlng iluncforitny part nr in.' ronntry. H.IKKKIIX F.MPIKE'ilAKI'.ll VJi WusWnKtnii. VnMs A Kuhr, ITur. MHiiiifarlurersof lllol hrwul, H1a. IVnlr, Hntt-r, Rimmii, isuKiirmnl Mbue Kly rrarkera. Orilern (ruin the trade MjIMIK'd and pruminiy u- AWATCHH. '. tt. A . 1' Knmt ntreet near uithiiitfi(ii. fires, metals, mineral water, roah. eu. mrvtully analysed. Amuivk for odd and silver SV.mher melMIHIrwIl 1 1. in . 'Hill nn immikiii and bars made. Orders by mull carefully alwinled Ui. J. II. MrIXTOill,-Vr. Fnmt and Ntarlc. rhem- tral atialvsw niaoenf cml, irunerni waiem. m:, ur illnarv atisavs of ifold. sliver, lead or romier, from 4 f., 4", l,r. V Mnrev. 'ne-'lltinir t "hernl-t. . vrroKM-vsi. P. P. K KS I' f, Attorney anil l ounwi.ir l i..t1'iii. to letters I'atet't for Invention", hefcin .n I'HtHtit lole-e or In ttte tv.nrt. a soe. 'hUt. IQt'ID OH MtY. P!l( f?i.i:-ATMOHI'lfKRIt I ll.ftiunaior. fre e j v ... . . - mahert on rw lt.1 of iirV e, with full dire. tl.in fur ul' 1 1 it 1 1. V l'i IHiivirMa lkl llr-l tors tre-t.'l'onli.-'d. Of! Hola te-il tor Utr S.JfttXM 'UK "WHITE." WB IIAVK THIN PAY HOLD Inu-riHrt In. and transferred the f the White tsewlnf Machine to Mr. John B. liarrl- ourentlr ,ull7 intra Mr n. ronaoi, . ""7; I hereafu-r fni.jy the rum demand lor Uilr r,r aud mnu-ar aem "'"'u. BA RR. Lvcr ta I i-tcy d:sr.-ct rctoed Ij Vimc Til.V Bn. IMIinf . H. E. 1 ETLKT FAIR GUARANTEED. AKIN, SILI1IU A (Mk SEWING MACHINE STORE 167 THIRD ST. atTAiaine Dom ON SHORT NOTICE. r 1 y. AHL4dln MACHINES NEEDLES. SALE. Y THBKAO. HTlCnMESTS,ct!. CNEKAL ASKHT FOB TBI s uniipriini n o tipuiTr nuuoLnuLu a nni i l EIUUSOX'S GUIS STORE, tt tint MrrsM, Foetlaad, Or. UN, rmroLsi axo .mmihitioii talat Tarkl or Ktmrr DmrliHM. UI XTAl It.V.NT Till! IIIVSTI TIIK ('IT! AH Modem liiiitovc iiii iii. (iien all day, .1. II. IIIIKWr.K. Ironrteln" W1.(MM lti:WAItI V Kelli'itu V Jlllaon'aNy.lrMiof llrraa mid (imik 4 lilllnti, and, Willi a BirM ineaa. AVVfkVI.- WHO U'll.t. I.K V UN lire aim nertei-i t utiinn, jiruuiu-'vii mm miuhh I M.vuno.A. have IiimI la-en made. Axeiits to sell anil teach wmited I In everv town. i(hsi lureiita no; u.ase inun ,ii- k I l li Kill , .1 1 1.I.SII.N'. Chenev. hiki.ne IV, W. T 10 COO Pmnos 1,01)0 Organs. sv, Mftif. jii.jr (if M jliiifarnri'i J'r-.llll.Olofl.tHJO Lkn, Kmc. i-r Illatl llliiflllsl HVTISFtL. cr ViiVf'At owtti nal i jin.t U V ZEPHYR WOOL. flKHMAN AMI IIF.IIMASTfiWN WOOL. KNIT NI ANH KMIIItcU liKKlNfl HII.K, I'A.N- ADIKM' INIiKUWKAIt. MONKS' AMI CIIII rAtm iTiMfi.K i i: w a k ii mull'.. I I'IKt'K- fii on. Ill l'IKCI'.M-:7 HO 165 Third Stront, Portland, Or. IP. O. Ilox I0 MEN AND WOMEN, Ravi and ',rl. anvone wl:. wantfi hlfht, lilennant ent' plovnient In whM'i fnitn to (to per dav i-i.ii be mar Will Hellll llielr name alio IMeunnu-e auoreMeioua no' nnillalely, and recelv- our iteaenrmve rimilam. Ad rirem, II. II. Oetrhell V I '., Ml. 1ST h roil' .tree! riiriland. Oreifon. Write to Cle.e snd Dispensary, D. J. MALARKEY & CO., BpetUI atUnBon flreo to tha sal of Wheat, Oats, Flour, Wool & Dalrj rroduce. Bmi lac WZXKLT PRirTM CURRK5T. toallaa trs 00 application. liberal Adranct on Consignment. 0?flf nn fits and Orders rloUdtM. i 4t WKOKT SJT., rOBTLAXD, 1. W. E fhaniherlaln Jr. Thim A. BrJilnaon, Life Scholarship BEN l) FOB C1KCTLIB. ;' 2mtow r a. aid w 5. 1 v CO f' I . ' s i CO g I ca H t si; ( UiaieuTkssto Msask, 1sU MSSsl" m Mil mm s a ftiiST" . .rCIvclnU,0.,Jorl'aiiiihlutin kl K' 1 14 villain scaled envel- li V 1 oio. deeriliuiK atl .IH' A Nlrl5tRUMtlr (Mrs) gt II I v a mjhtl for curinif Y Usee mir WfNlHT tlMlnKloNrT. 1 tMUmenlali I ' eiwvle.Clieap, .Never hails. $70 BETTER TIIAM Oa,D. CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALT. A riraaaut and Kfllrat'loim Remrdr, IF YOU HAVE ABUSED YOURSELF lly ever IndttlKeure In eating: m drluktna; liave utek or hi-rYuiM hendaelte; dryneea uf the .Win. a-tth a fevertih tendency; llhtht feWeNtaalidHli't-ilriv.teM; by all tueaita uiai Slaveit'i California Fruit Salt. And feel yiHinf. mire more. It li the vrotttairn friend. I'rv tt! 1 ht bottle; H hnttlei tor iX Korwletiv all ditlKltlHla, lUIHllK.HAVIHA IXI.. n hol.-aale Auenu. II. K. lit'KKN. SiininoiuVs Kcniucky Nabob itouruoii W hiskcy. (if all the fainoiin rndiu'tlunnf Ihe lllm- llrti Il--trli't Hits Whlnky t nnexeelleil fur purity ami lluvur. rur futility un'd iiit-dletiial purHiiiea IVlI3013m In niitiirliitia. It In made from pure barley anil wheal plrlt. and Ita varluiiaeiiiniHiui'tit parts tili inlol Willi m'lenltlte aivuruey. The Best and Purest Brand In tho Market. T4IIIII A III VI V. Note Agent, far PiiHIiind, llit-aon unit ihe i'rr- i..... il.u r..,i.. l... MiM,iill.l ln Hie bar ret half barrel r eaae, at the aaiue prlt e ami Ii thik a III hentileky or Han f-ninrlaeu. WILLIAM COLLI Kit, IvdrOECIlTIST. Dealer In New mid SKC0ND HAM) MACllINEItV, AS MnillaunHi., Purtlnnil, Or. I'nrlle. 4r.lrln Holler., fnalne. or SAW Ml I.I. SI IHIM HI ran aeeui by ruldrrolua Mr. I'ulllrr. Now mid Second Iliuwl Machinery iiia-hl and anlii or traded In adviioliisr. USE ROSE PILLS miACPHATE I'NKtVil.lHI MH Curlna Skin Dleet ml '"r I'rrari vlasi A llin-lliy Mitti. S)C Uuvrsra of Imitallnnsof nrth the sbovs lu.tiT oeluhrated arlleles. The genuine maud only lf Iho HTANDaKD HiMI t'OMI'AN Y, who Nu roalinnnmro Hi" latKM aiMiirtiu"iit of Ul'NPKY snd TOILKT ,H)AP In iho wiirl.l. Otneo '-"I .-aeramenlow rvr-t. Bin Kranel.ni l a t . SPORTSMEN'S EMFCKITTrT WM. BECK & SO? IniHirteni and dealer In " GnnSi Rifles, and Rovolv. j .l .'N. 1.. . ItaNkPtN, ty Ltucs, " ..I'. X -.- Hi-'A'Si. 7 TTxeinira- tackle. llratdeil and Tapered Oil HUlc Linen Six Spliced Split Bamboo Rods, inA and 1AT Sneori.l at., Pnrllaiul. Or rorCutH,ltiinix, SorpN,lulU,illc8 rarf tin Caked llroast.s, ('oriiN,etc.,lt hni no ptiial. Sold hj Druu; ylsl and cuiin- trjr fclorcn ot 10 rent h )ir box. OR. SPINNEY, No. II Ksani sirwt, . F l-i-raia aOI ChnmJo mmt dsd Blsoa YOUNG MEN UntO MAT BK HUFFKRINfl FftOWTRK r- Vt frru of foulhfiil fulllftjor IniHacKtlon, will do "ii invn ijiuir'jvm 01 1111 turn crfHttut oH)0 wIMNNKY rimrn' to fnriVH imjO fur vry ever irwi At iut iur or utTfrlnir honii.ii tv. UK r- frt rvriirii wHurifii or pnvkuj aavtr or f in.i or eluafiHiwr wlikll bt undtrtkti uid Uiit U riii. MIDDLK-AOEO MEN. 1hriii fnirif M the ( of Ihlrt (Ailitf wlic 4'c trouij.txl with U)o fri(itnl iva'itmloim ff Uif n l r, oftfn 4VToiiiiAiit(l by tiitflil mimrttiiff 01 n r ling un?un .vii a wknliif of tti nvi-m li t Min'ittfr thi (utltMit riiii((t wTtuiit for. Otiffint fm.iK ili tirlMiry d"iMnlt ropy MHUnic-ni will off-c 'M ti-uml, nn J wrructlitlMl Rmikll purtlfl-'t of ftltMinxu ,r-r. or tti color will ovof thlh intikmtt Ihih trt it't t:)nn',tK to m cIhtK nn1 trp"t njt-unn' r Hir-ri HI' lfiiltijr tlltn Wlirt ftttuf t Tll llIlll'MilV. ((f'lO r' '( tm ri.n, m Iiti'h 1 ttli ir-ciii(ll icurt uf Klnl iiU WfakMOfik, lr. H. whl KiiarKnti-i p. rC-cl 'iir li li ii-h vnJU't. hldl ft beftltlt tftfttM'ivU lit tUv ': 1 1 ' rni'iti f nrXMim. m't IJ'iir-fttoltinii Inl H-iMiltvn fr-.m l j II A. M. 1'i'r'suluiluu frvfl. 'ihoruurfh iu9 CE.J Of Mff-m DR. NPIWFY Ai IO., No. II Rr,i m'r 1 r. I.-..,,. mm STENCILS SEALS fllX nssUTKI, i a 7IaUrTsTt rosTLAif . oa. mm 1S . r a r a mtf - II i i.- - - ma.ooo. wvj.ooo k rERnnciT of MinuEBsuir . FOR TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS IX Til K Universal Benevolent b!w Of rsll'nmu tnt rtiminlfd Peranns l:ior i at the ra:c ol Jill '.rr inouih lheflrl T"r. tho aeentid y.r. lu the thlid year and IO the fourth y-r. Icr ftirtlur irllcuHni snd terms end for a ity of . ur new itvr, "The Iden "idiln" !il h sviil I tttu fee. KKiUil.K UVK AlikST- WaMfcli In iverr lusru tint cmiiiiy In orrrnn snd Wsh1ni!t"U Ter. Hend Tir li rn, Honee to V. Wilt IKWH.L, iieii'1 Art. (Iro on and ahliiK'on liinioij. Il'a.m i i;uio:i .lo, lr I'o.lUrol i . PERUVIAN BITTERS. mm The I'lnr.l Itt ri'l Kt In the WORI.Ia, TIIKY KKI'Kni'Al.l.Y t'l'I'.K MAI t RIAL tlSEABES, VllnlUe the i.lem mid arre.f the ra.arr-a Ihe llreiullill Alrxliol llahll, llll-MIM t.MA. A.k fwur lli'Uuttt.l .r Win Merrhnnt frr IhrM. VII.M:KDIU .r CO., Agent., un la' elaro. V. J. VAX M III TVIK A- CO., Ponlasd USERORF.PIMS J. A VIt'ii, Penman at Ihe Portland Kusiness College, Iteei Ived the pri iiilnin a vn hy Ihe l'OlllLAMI MK HANKS' KA1U, Knrthe h.l rxhlhlli f I'lul i W'rtlhnt.ranl Wrlllnf I liiillKlin K. I.etlerllix and I'ell PluwIiK. Th I'nrtliliitl ItiiKhiPsa (iillcjro Joiirinili Cotitnlini'lf tin I'lnietiH nf oriintnetital t"en work, ese i nteil I'V I'l'il. We ii. Hill he -eni fni' lu any aililrina, '" ."il.TKM-Tlllim M.-lf IJMK H'Lt MH. I'-lUl. lHl. Or. 1850. 32 Years Pracllcal Expcrit-nce. 1882. John A, Child J ccje DRUGGIST, ii .... A ' .'V pi I cater id Nr-KMK. ft fln() chemca,S( .;V Pfrfumery, U'ty Toilet Artlolos, V?;'rv.ir'V Sponocs, Soaps. &. Rubber i.DOflS, ( nr MnrtlMin u Mrts 1'urtlsMl, .'r. Hpe'-'al stinrtlon paid in outers t j mslt wti-'ii ai i-i ra t. tiled Ti'h the e, hh. 81( f) KEWA11D W1 O TO ANY PKItmiN 1'ROUl'O reetual remtdr than ire Cure lor Utarrfa. i."t for fourteen years, l'hrsl all who hav naed and tliur uiet) U aawlnetnr Ui. rureul . Vy li. Your aru(iat tuu lonianda, aial IseniUieiitljr V I em eft. i ' i it auaorowo auu iar- . and all aa,havyif 1 ' mant for fourteen years t , ,n Ihe knife. Ita favor- 1 Ui uadr atleaU Krtea, . tt, Younf. ttl.MIe ed or iiy or life of soilennc is ins too apply In time lo Ui , ' . i Mji.ia,aiul ) competent to traat j,, . ,- tt u.orv timo nor money wtlh u (m i. . ., inns. Allnoiumunkatloiisam-ndiKl hmiiini i andare strlrtly condilentlal. atedl il.,w.iitt(ianr part of tin country. Cin'iilarm, teau Biainaw. and a l'-t of printed Qiiiialon. fnruaUal on aiailK'Klh.ii. CO.HMri.TATIOIS rKKK. Inrfraa. a tlini' i ent tump for llai and addre LibV JAUi UM'K, NoMJ tint street, Portland. Or. USE ROSE PILLS. Tola froal tra la. alria Kaawtlr aa Nerra l.ale at in w- ,'lllniate result of orer a) i ears of pnw'tleal el pert . nee.antfrt'KK Uli H I'NFAILINU fKHTAI.t I'Y, Nervous and Vhvid .1 IlebUhy, Kemlnal Weakliea, Hpennat'il- rtiiH'a, l'roatatorrhea.Kne nlaaliins, Inipoleni y, r. iauated Vltallly, l'retua nra lieellne and l.OHll or MANIIOOO, frt"n whatever ranio' prtatui-eil. II enrli In . and mirllies Ilia hliaal. mrenKI liens ino Nervea, Brain, MWlea, IHaestUin. Itepnwtu. tlv Or lans, and PhyA-al and Mental ta-'ultlea. 11 sbips any onnalural dehllltain drum orn the system, preventlntf liivolnnurr oiwe, da billtatlnf dreams, asoilnal Um wlin tho nrtue, ate. ao deHtrurtlvo to mlod and ImhIv. It Is lan're ? imuZto of all KILN K Y A Nl) 1'(aJ;I.KK (IIMI'I.AINIS. IT CO.NTAINH NO ISJfRIOtM I.NOItKlilKNT. Ta ttt" mmtrrtrnt froaa Iho tt feel, of ynalhral I ad lee Pel I an. mr Heja I aiweriy, Ihamajk mn4 raunll I B. I VIAHAM'l l ll. Prt.. 6pertKillle,iir svo Imltleo In eaie with full directions and advk e, 10). Kent ae tire from olewrvallon to any atldreaa uHin re cclpl of price, or I'. O I). To he had only of llr. I'. II. alaVld, l Kearar atrrW. Ran r-raiiclsro, l al. roimiltailon. ilrli lly coiilt.len Hal, hy letter oral om,e, ,nr. K. rcirinennr-T-iM",-of pallenta. and In order lo , lire perfei t aai-rwy, I have ailoiite.1 a private addreaa, under whh h all w a aaeaare fiirwapleil. TKIAI. HOTTI.lt Fstir. Riifflrleiit o h w Ita merit, will ha aenl lo any oe api Ivlns; hy letter, otniinsr his vmptoius aud a t oinniuiili allons iiuklly conUdciiUal. iroDF-nm, irsTi:riiEXTs:i Oa obuli soy mm eau p..y. THE McTAMMANY Organetts, Mclopsaas aLi ia'iiTiMic Orgihj. -i -..'J ' ' ' . X -ve-v,r , " - j 1.1 ' v.'.. I SLMON HAinilS, GENERAL AG EXT, J 4 'J FIRST ST., r0UTLA.D,0n. t i 1 l atal.iniea of Instrurueoui and Xfu.lc mailed fteo up",i applhatlon. j o-rAwrUT WASTED. - ,. ..g i ! i l-.-Vs: ' L- 1 ' -: r V . A f mioMFiFinni 'll.MMIIl.lllMSSS;'