Domcititiling Hie Parlrldgr. CaUldll "Wehcliove that tlie partridgo can 1 domesticated. An attempt was nmdn boiup years ago on Long Idhnd, which Was partially sueceHHful. In aoVcth Winters At the Wt, durint heavy snow storms, they have been known to approach granaries and hams, and to feed in common with poultry. We had, several years pant, a somewhat singular experience with a single speci men of this shy liird, which may m worth relating, as it is a strong proof of the possibility of their domeKtitu- tion. Ono evening wo found a full grown partridgo under some currant hushes. It was a strong, fine liird, and did not seem afraid, although after the habit of its kind, it was quite watchful. We easily captured it liy hand and caged it, but its efforts to rtileano ilsolf wore so severe that wo resolved to give it its liberty. Strange to say, it seemed grateful, and allowed quiet handling. We had several broods of young chick ens, and at feeding timo it regularly appeared among thorn for its portion of food. -At night it made its home on a low grape trellis, and on occasion of anyone passing beneath it would make a alight noiso and would pirniita touch of the hand. A bit of red color in a dress or in any other shape always seemed to excite it, and it would clinn the children up and down the garden walk as long as tho offensive color wan displayed. As cold weather appreach ' ed tho bird sought warmer shelter and found a roosting plnco in the chicken house very near tho fowls He had re mained with ts nearly tho entire Sum mer and suddenly disappeared, the probability leing that he was stolen. What Train arc Worth. But fow persons, as they see ono of the fast express trains Hit by, are aware of the value of such a train. What is known as tho royal limited express over the Pennsylvania road, as the train is ordinarily made up, represents over 4120.UO0, as follows: Engine, ?1 2,000; baggagocar, $1,200; smoking car, $3, 000; dining room car, $12,000; live el egant Pullman cars, $1S,000 each, $90,; 000. While this may seem to bo an exception, the ordinary express trains represent 83,C00 to $85,000. The engine and tender, which are consider ed together, valued at $10,500; baggage car, $1,000; the postal car, $2,000; the noking car, $3,000; tho two ordinary passenger cars, $10,000 each; and three palace cars, $15,000, urn in many cawt worth $18,000, and somo Pullman cam are now run which cont in tho neigh' borhood of $30,000. It is stated that the average value of a freight train is, still greater than a passenger truiii, when tho rolling-stock and vilue of property carried are in cluded. iSonu limes tho freight ,on one of tliesrt through' trains aggregates in value 1250,000 o $300,000, and what is a little ii,;.;ular in tlm fact that the trains moving wet tun:,! nro more valu able than . those -inming eastward;, a large per cent, of tho West bound bus iness is merchandise or valuable ma chinery, wbilo nearly 75 per cent of the East bound business in grain, whi;h is carried ia a car costing $150, and the property carried will average $ 1C0 per car, so that tho entire train of 25 cars, engine included, a to not worth over $34,000 or $35,000. "And you say that you are innocent of the charge? of stealing a rooster from Mr. Jones!" asked an Arkansas judge of a meek looking prisoner. "Yes, sir ; lam innocent; as innocent as a child." "You are confident that you did not steal the rooster from Mr. Jones 1" "Yes, sir, and I can prove it." "How can you provo it 1" "I can prove that I didn't steal Mr. Jones' rooster, J udge, because I stole two hens from Mr. itiraston tho same night, and Jones lives ifive miles from GrastonV "The proof is conclusive," said tho judge. "Dis charge the prisoner." Arkansas Trav eler. Fears are entortainod for the mtkty of Mr. J. A. Nor tli r up, who left his bora) soma mouths a;o with a band of cattle for tlin railroad. His wifo rv oeiyed a letter from liim m&rj two months ago, written at Jacksonville statinjj that lie lind sold hi cnttlo at a gxd figure and iiittruatinj that lio would ahrirtW start, fnr liomr.. ain. which time nothing lias Wn heard from him. As he no douM had quite a sum of money with him, it in feared that he has Wen foully dealt with. Curry County Toht Prims Rki.ui en. -The prices for meal, a Q. fi i .a . . i , i , r Un St Charlea Hotel has len rwluced Far-1 wieri wui nmt Hie mesis ai tins tiotei nit cla . i' im tvery particular, and at livim; r.ti-s. The Dying ntnilrii-ki Tlinrc in a fjnitit laugh at the expe" of liijf, doctors in Indianapolis. Ex- Hmmtor llpiulrloks wua recently in- poi iou critiuany in oi erysipelas, wim gangrenous symptoms, certain, the great doctors of Indianapolis and Ivonisvillo said, to carry him to a spoedy death. The Kenator prepared for liisfato calm ly, and resignedly raited for the grim messenger. But ho did not proceed to oia The day to which the sci6nti'fic doctors limited his life, a blunt old Democratic friend, who was a country practitioner, came to pay his distin guished friend a farewell visit, lie . - it mi . f i- looked at the erysipelas of the dying statesman, and suddenly said, with an oxpiessive grunt: "Nothing but a bile!" The next day tho statesman was at tho polls, voting tho Democratic ticket. The distinguished scientific physicians are very quiet on the subject. TTllttJENti II. L. CO. NO. 1, WILL IU five their Annual Hail at LANE'S HALL, uu Friday Evening, Dec 20, 1882 Executive Ccxmittco: R. M. DAY. If. C. HlTMPIIliEY, W. M. IIIJNSHAW, .1 KKUY IlOKX. W. II. ALEXANDER. Invitation Outfitted: EK1ENE: T. O. ir.'iKlrlckx, J. H. CntnpMl, & 11. Friendly, J.ICUeam. jfscTios: Win. IL Baber, James Huffman. ii'.vino: vanduys: James Luper, Lucian Ward, J. W. Yates. James Smith. sPKlNuriKLD: Win. It. Walker, Ji W. Stewart. ciikmwkll: George Gllfry; W. W. Scott, Jr. cbmiifi rfsovFi Cumin Osbitm, Aftrort Lurch, R. W. Whipplm iuiir.iHBuiia! J. W. Crawfnnl, Ire. Ilehdcrson; (iosHKN:--J. W. Matlock Recaption Csmmittes: ( j 1:0. Wi (lux, Geo. A. Doiiiiw, Gl!o. Choskh Floor l&m&gcfsi Ofa Smith, If. C. itriirHhKY, WM. llKNSIIAW. W. II: ALEANIIKn, MUSIC i 1st Violin ami Prompter J. P. Randall A Violiu G: W. Cmuer Comet 1 II. Fiirrull Tuba J. I!. Kinchart l'iiim W. W. Moore Tickets (Without Supper) 2. A nood supper will be prepared for the oo- enilnii. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE 18 IIERKUY GIVEN TIiAT by virtue of un Execution duly isstfed out of ttie Circuit Court of tho State of Ore gon for Lnno Comity ly the Clerk thereof and to ne directed on to-wit: Decemlier tth, lbK2, upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure ren dered in said court Novenilier lith, lss'.', in fa vor of l(. C. Humphrey, pliiiuiilf, ami aijninst Allien Lawrence, defendant, for tlie hmui of four tlioiiwmd two hnhilrcil ami fifty (WiO.tKI) dollars with interest thorelm at 12 percent, per annum from the date of said judgment snd for twenty-six ami sixty five hundredths (S2U.I'm) dollars costs ami disbursement)!, together, with accruing costs and expenses of aule, ami for the fnrocloMnre of tho iftoit'aed premises de scribed a folhuve, to-witi '1'he S. E. $ of Sec, 111. T. Id S. It. 4 W:, containing 1W) wrea, in Lhiic Comity; Oregon. Xov tlieMoro liy virtue ol n execution, J will sell the ahove ilenerilied Jnortuaircd lirein is' to the liilu nt bidder at jiulilio auction, fur ciVih in iuiiiil, at the I ourt lloune tliMir ih Lu Keu City, J.sne Ctxioty, t'lvnon, on Rloiitlii)-, Jan. 13, ISH-i, At the hour of imo o'clock P. M. of nml day, J. U. I'A.MI HtLL, Sherilf of Lane Co., Or. lHt, thin NUli dxv of Hee., ltW. n f vsS.VI101v HKVL re Thf IfiuUiiK KrionlUtit orto 1ht a;:ne that iiiiwtdineases are caused by dinmlered Kidneys or Liver. If, then-fore, tin Kidneys and Liver aie kept in perfect order, ierftHt health will bo the rtwult. This truth has only been known a short time and for years ieople sintered irreat ijfony witnout Ueim,' aide to hud relief. The discovery of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks ft mw era in the treat ment of these troubles. Made from simple tropical leaf of rare value, it contains just the elements necessary to nourish and invigorate tKtn oi uiree Ksral organs, and satelv rmtor and keep them in order. It is a I'O.VITI VK Hctiietly fur all the diseases that cause tiains in the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver Headaches .lanndire Dmness (travel- ri'ver. Agiie-Jlahmal rever.and all .lifncul- ties of the Kidney.. Liver and I'rinarr Orcana. It is an excellent and safereinedr for female during Pri-jniancv. It will control Menstrua ation and l invaluable for Leucorrhoea or Fall ing of the Womb. As a Rlood I'uriti-T it is nneiiuajed, for it cure the organs that M.XKRt the bloo.L This remedy which has done n h wonders, is put up in the LAKUKST SIZED BOTTLK of any medicine Um the market, and is sold '7 l,r',i"'" n"! u ' '.K!, " Diibetes, enquire for WARNERS s i FK HI 11KI'K.S CI liK' It I. . lusl. u r. IS.' II. II. tRliR . J ltorbisl-r, X. V. 1 IS1 Iff II. ill ''i-S. lli-el:jaMdrtang ''-..t'llil 'bjiselvrKil lijr lliou 'V.'V' !'' """'i.towy li,.,) , (i,. iii;ir.i;.ir r.itli-Io, eq m. '' -vV; I 'iV' 'icuciil of ill cuprrior . Wclcanlineriaiid purity, SJ&'-JtJ.j'! j t eoiiuini material! tA' tjry-y only liwl iiencticml if.T'-.' 'fs llie tenia and Ka. r.nJlrayt , Reitsrtj IU ' Ji ti'u! Cslor 13 C.-cy cr liJod Hah Tarker't linir rian h faitW prfiimd and u warranted t rcvnt fn'.tnj of tlic Iiair nud to rft. move ilacGnili l:v.s.: t: Co , K.Y. m A ZwvhUt'.'M tr.i Sirenjfl ffettrw. If yoti b.- a mcrliani; or fcrmcr, woru out wkh 6vrrwoilr. t r a moi!i.:t run ty family or lioutc holl duuoi try.rAliKKii'i ' im.k 'J'uNiC. If you Bre a hw; n, :n ni .:cr or biiine man cr-damt.'dl'ynie-ilil ttrr.iiiorciixi'iiiicarts, do not take Inloaicaiingiliinu'.inU.imf.iK I'arWiCiiifcrTonio . . If yon hjvi t i:l?nn on, I.h-pedLi, Rheum lim, KiJncyt'omrlniiin, orreyu'widirofthslungi, (touifth, liivt!, ulood cr nctvo I'AFKra'i GiNO Toitcwiitc!iryon. Ititthedreatestlilood A:d ti Cii! a-j Cures: Csr Curs Ever. Uisd. 11 you nrtwaiti.-.s away fwrnrje, diwipation or liy Oi x.kii or weal nru t 'id nruua I itimulant laid , CiNdiM 'l'i"'C rt 'me; it will leviorale andi build ' Tu'l up fiom I'u frtl disc but ill ntv.r inluticnte. It haiuved buudiedi cf lives; it m.iy tavo yourt. CAUTION I nrfutt'lliI''illt.itM.rrktr,iOlnmTon!tll vrvyw'. 'f Ih Init rt n-v.lul i.rnu in thworM,nni Uoitiitly j ,Vriit 'tiif'-'.tliiit..f'rti. bvni lor clnular t A Co.. N. I. A l iut, ai dnlrn la drop. ohxat EAVi::o domab i?x Jim i a.u l.i-unf; Ir Krance 11.11 nunc li.u drli,:hif il p'rnirm ex:ociu'.iBly popular. Thero !fi iitS.-j(t Ilk It.. Ii.u.t 'J.xm Iuhiik Tuioii. Ton vOUu.sBiM(ll .k for kij uf-.ccl en rwf Milo. Aur :n -itt or diaWr m ffiJiitf ckn rii'i',,-y'. Mm,.1 is t t-ti. HAYS & LUCKEY DEALKflS IX Drugs, Medicines. Perfumery, Palnts,l Class, &c. HA VINT, BOUGHT OUT TIIK STOCK of E'.lswnrtH ft Co,, we will continue lie buineH at the old etund on Wiliametto rect, offerim; iiicrcaiied iuducemcnta to cum tomcrs. Attontiiiii carefully iven to Jft riijkli'iaoi rresenptioni k tnoiliy Recipes ei eee V. McFarlaiid mAKKS PLEASUKE IX A.VXOCNC I ill'.' to tint public tiiat be has opcne l a i iiudiop in the old Ht:in.l a 1 1 j n i 1 1 i 1 1 '.r LcUmmi's corner whsre !:o vm sou !'.t tlie cash price Stoves, li an'es, Tinware, dictate, Notions, Fumps, and Fives, And house furnishing goods in my lint gen erally. t jrCall ami price my goods, and I will quar tee satisf action. a '. McKAllLAND. BE HOT DECEIVED Uy Piasters olalmhsg to be nn Iniprovcmi'iil on ALLCOCX'S POKOUS PLASTKMS. ALLCOCK'Sisthe original and only gciiufuc Forous Flaster; all so-called Porous Plasters are imitations, lie ware of lliem. See that you' get an A LLC.OCK' S l'LAiTEie which we guarantee has effected more and quicker cures than any other extcr nal Remedy. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. EIGEXE MiRBLE UOltKS! Eugena City, Oregon. Marble Headstones, Tombs, Monuments & Marble Work or Evany MacKtrTios, Furnished at the Lowest Market Kate, and of the Finest Marhle, Oiv us a rail and exatuiue our work. Miop on Willamette, out door south of the C i'aku otBce, GUS HICKETHIER, Props. I GUARD OFFICE -Newspaper, n.vV and Job pritigU; .t.t,. ice, corner ilLl! m.'tte aiulyeventh NEW SHOPS NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SLTHE CURR GUARANTEED Dll E. C. WEST'S N EKVE AND IlItAIN treatment, a niieciiia fr Hyuteria, l'izzi- nix, Convulhiuim, Nervoiw licaiiache, ileutal I leprewm.n, Loiw of Memory, HiiertuatorlineM, lmiHiteucy, Involuntary emimiunii, tiretuature i Id ae, caused by over exertion, nelf-abuse or ovcr iinliil,'euco, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box ifl cure rvceut cases. Each box (Hint'iins biie month treatment; on dollar a box, or six bokes for five dollars; vent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. ve guar antee six Isixes to cure any caso. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with hve dollars, we will send the purchaser our written KUiirantet to return the money if tho treatment dots not effect a cure. Guarantees is sued only by WOODWARD CLARKE 4 CO. liulcsale Ketau lrruKipit, J'ortlaml, Or. Orders by mail at regular priixs. iHylfi mm m.d see R. G. CALLISON Kextdoorto 8. H. Friendly, and get your BOOKS, 8TATIONEUY AND GRO CERIES. lie is always on hand ready and waiting to accommodate his Customers with ALL kinds of food for MIXD JND BODY, And can funilh a SMOKE to those desirinna A GOOO CiGAil, CR TOBACCO To those who use h narcotic plant CHEAP for CASH Goods (led rered to any part of the city free charge. ti U. LAlao, Geo. W. itinsey, . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Real estate for side Town lots and farms. Collections promptly attended to. KtHiiiKNi I, corner Eleventh and Ei;h St., E ujci.e City, Oregon B. F. D0RH1S DEALER IS Stoves, I'u nips, lJij)t'S, AKD Kai!53 rurnisWr.g Gcods Qcnerally Ve!!s Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. M illanielte Klrect, Euscne Citv. Oregon. CJAN JUAN LIME for sale hv P T. r;. HKNnniCKs. LAKIN'S (TABLE. Formerly owned by Titus. HAVING riTvCIIASED THIS W'KLL known stahle, I respectfully request a continuance or the pnhlics patronage. 1 in tend to thoroughly refit and re stock the sta ble. If you want a Nobby Rig Be sure and give the Fashion StaMe calL Horses Boarded at Reasonable Rates. This Stable is first-class iu every respect, and competent and obliging hostlor are on hand ready to serve the pulic. Give us a Trial I Stable, one door south of St. Charles Hotel IX K. LAKIN. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon tor tlie I nunty ot l.ane. In the matter of the estate of J M Ilarriaon. deceased. lo Marv L Lan?. greetinij: IN TIIK NAMK OK THE STATE OF Oregon: You are hereby cited and re quired to apjiear in the County Court of the Mate of Oregon, for the County of Lane, at the court room thereof, at Kugene City, in the County of Lane, on Monday, the 1st day of danuury, lMS3,at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then anil there to show cause if any thcrelie, why an order should uot be made by said Court authorijiini tho sale of the k of N V j, and W J of a V j, of section 2i5, T 'JO S, K 4 V, belonsitu: to tlie estaU of J M Har rison, dc-eased. Witness the Hon C W Fitch, Jude . of the County Court of the State ( I of Oregon, for the County of Lans V Seat with the seal of said court affixed, ( ) tliia iMth day of Oot, A 1), 1882. v-v-' JOKLV'AKE, Clerk. JOSHUA J. WALTON. Att y fur fatatA QIIOCEUIES-IsLall keepoa a fullot GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Andiuvi.ttht tention of housekeepers.' I . li. Hh.MlKILA. poit ULNER4L nEIirilAKOISM f T. C. HENDRICKS. rpui: ni;sT shoes kveu unoriiiiT L to tliij "Carket, at the lowest pri'-e T M. HE.NDtaCK Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT, Prcjriotor. will hereafter Veep a complete stock LA OILS', MISS L' AND O ILDItFN'S S HO 9 lluUoii Boot, NUppem, white and Had, Nuiulal. French kid SbucH. MENS '& BOYS BOOTS & SHOES And in fact everything In the LOOT and SHOE Hue, to which 1 intend to devote in crpecial attention. MY GOODS ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed as represented, and will be sold for the lowest prices that ft good article cau be afforded. A. II I'M". liOTIGE. To Whom it Slay Concern. T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I AM I the sole owner of the Patl-nt flight for Sinking and Driving Wells iu Lane county, State of Oregon, and tnat said iiight is pro tected by Letters Patent issued by the U. S. (ioverauient to iMelson w. ureen, nt Ooun- land County, State of New York. All persons who have l)riven Wells, or. hail them driven. without my permission, since the 21st duy of February, 1W3, are liable to prosecution for iufi iiiirnmutit of said Right and are hereby no- titled to come torwanl and adjust the same. All infringement in the future will be ro ecuted. I am prepared to drive Wells or will gran permission to other on application. B- P DORRIS- Chas. M. Biorri, PRACTICAL G UN SMITE. DEALER IN GUNS, ItfTLKS, Fishinfr - Tackle an! materuds. Kepairing done in the neatest style and warranted. Sewing machines, bates, Locks, etc., repaired. 1 Guns loaned and ammuniion furnished. Shop on Willamette at, opposite Astor ITous9 M and StatmnerY SloiL POST OFFICE IJUILDINO, F.l'aENIC City. I have on hand and uiu constantly recreivini; an assortment of the Dent School an Miscellaneous I'.'ilti', rt.ution:ry, lihiuk Book lorttolios, t Hnls, Walltts, Blanks, j'oitnmr tte e., A. b. FA.'.TiCLSO. POi ECKNA VISTA STONH WARS so r to T. O. JlKNDKICIva Sheriff's Sale. "TOTIf.T2 13 HER ED Y OlftX TIIAT i.1 by Tirttio of an execution duly irtiid nut of the C6imty Court of the State hi ( ire'oii, for the County of Lane, on the 21.t day of November- l;i;t by the Clerk th -reof. and t we directed np'n a judgment rendered in said court on (he Slth daV of Noveiuher IMS?, ill favor oT (i Hendricks phinti!, nnd against Jtuwanr l ilky iletemlani, lur tr.e smu of one hundred and sixty-seven dollars. (HI7.00), and the fiu.her sum of twvnty-thrco dollars and twenty five cents (&.'.'. 2o), witi and dishttrse meutii, together with iiccriiiny cf'wta and in-terei-t, commanding mo that out of the real property belnnjniii: t tlie snnl ilefeuilnnt in my county on or alter the 20t!i day of Novem ber lS-J, beinif the real tironorty heretofore nt tached by me in this actimi and di'-rDied as follows, to-wit: Conimciicinfr nt the N E cor ner of Koliert (alluoti't donation Lmd claim. in Tift, Sit 2 V, thence runuina west 180 nxls, thence Bunth Hi) roils, thence eift 180 Mils, tlience north 8'J roils to place of bcirin- niti. coiitair.iug 100 acres, all in Lane County Oregon, in suiisiy tlie sani sum wt l(.,'.ui), anil the suiri of S23.L'o costs, with iutciebt and ac cruing eosx Now, therefor, by virtue of said execution I have tins ir.'rl day of iNoveniber 1882. leviei HIKin and will sell the above described premises at public auotmn for cash irt hand, to the hiirli est bhiilcr, at the Court House door in EiK'tna C ity, l.ano County, OreKon on Tuesday, Hoc. 20, 1HS', between the hours of 9 o'clock A M, and i o olick P M, of said day. J. E. CAMPBELL, Sheriff of Lane County, Ore;jon. Pnted this 22d day of Nov, 1882. Citation. li tli Cuiinty Court of the State of Oregon for the Connty of Lane, In the nmUer of the estate of A J McDan ieli dereaeeiV ToAlliert McDaniel, James McDanicl, and Dora McDanicl, trreeting: IN THE .iME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby cited nnd re quired to amear In the County Court, for the t onntyo Lane, at the court room thereof, at Kngcae City, in the County of Lane, on Mon day, the 1st day of January, 1883, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. tlien and there to show cause,- if any there be, why an nrder should not Is? made by mid Court for the sale of the fullbwinij described iVal pro;rtv l'lo. UH to said estate of A J McDahiet deceajed, to-wit: Commenciftir at N E corwrof donctinn la.m! claim of 11 C Owen and wile. Not KJT5.T 18 S, It 5 W, thence south 32 h)-W rhs, tiience W 41 80-1(10 chs, tiience N 32 1G 100 chs, thence E 41 8O-lfl0 chs to place of K-giniiinif, containing 154 42 100 acre's. Also commnieins nt S V correr of donatio land claim of Ari Cantrell, Vnt !tlV K W .I. .. V OJOIIiUll ' - - m .v ' . . - .. ..... 1. V.D ' i.-l-AI chs. thtnee ni S2 2lhl00 chs. thence W 38 24 100chs, thenceS32 2(i lOJchsto place of be srinnim, contafaitng 123 3.V100 htc in Lane County rvon. 1 V. ltness the Hon U V Pitch. JiuIkc of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Ijiae, with the seal of said court attixed, this 3d day of Nov, A I). 1S82. -v-' JOELWAKi; County Clerk. FINAL SETTLEMENT- NOTICE LS'.KEnilBY GlVlI.V.TIIAT tlie nndeni-ned. tAlministratur of the rotate of Martlia Mulhollaiid. deceased, has tiled his account fr final scf.lenient therein, and by order of the the Ctm,ty Court Tues day, January 2J, 1.VS3, has Uen set fur hear o& the same. K. M. MCLHOl-LAND, AiLrs't Ceo, S. W'a-bui r.m. At' ney. OSBTJRN & CoV NEW DRUG STOKE ON Wttt eete, StnutW Ninth, 1LLAM DrIlkus m MtUGS, CHEMICALS, OlL, , H PAlNi'S. GLASS, VAltNlsilES PATENT Efj:i3ICIME3, &0, Brandies. Wines and yquetx AIL KINDS. tn fact, we bay's the best asso'rtnient M rticl FIRST CLAS'3 DEU'6 3T0H. We wartant all out dro, for they are i.w t,i I'reb. Particular atUntieu is ealltd te ... Stock of v Perfumerw anu Toilet ArtiolM, a we bavt bought OUR GOODS FOR CASH Ws can eompett "with ny establishftieBt 1 (rim vii,; iu nK auu accommoaaiioi liuy your goods where you oaa r. the Twst and cheavest. ; PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY TIltEl) ai an noun oi me aay or ntgkk P. M WILKINS Pracical Druggist & Chemist, DRUGS. MEtaCIJfES, BRUSHES, PAINTS,. GLASS, OILS,', LEAD TOILET ARTICLES, ITO. Pbjsifian'i Prtscriptioi ComponDdci If yes wish it luy yu food. ebeXp, yei --,) go te tht itert tf COTTJIGH SI20YB. The keep eao of the kwesi stueb tf General MerchandiM Outside of Portland, mi they sell (tee's tktaa er than it can be bought anywhere is tke WU lamette valley. FIBAL SETTLEEMT. -RTOTICS 13 HEREBY GITENITBAf i.1 C.vnthia Ann McFarland administratrix of the estate of Jnhnathan McFarlsail. i cean-il, hfis filed her account fo fiaal settle-, merit, of said et-tnte, and Monday, November Otli, 1S82, hns been net for hesiirc the sans. CYNTHIA ANN McFARLAND: O. B. Dukius, Attomoy. cZ uy at dealers' prices, Itill0 sc ou 2J article for Jhipily or He personal use, in any qtiantitj', at wholesale pries. No ni.ttcr whet you want, sc'.KtforoiirCrvtjilogue.rfY o- fci:'w oyr 3 jlnf-O illustration. We carry in' ptock the largest variety of goods in tlie U. S. 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. The uioftt popular and fragrant Perfe e the day "If ACKM KTACK" try it field ky Osburn & Co., druwiitta, Eiifient City, Oiteu JLi agent for this Selcbrated wajjos- T. tl. 1LKNDWCKS (JJC tfl COn perduyat heme. Sample. worlkl! VPS IU vDZLlro.. AJdress Busses C,t tri lunil, iilaine. 4 THE CHAMPION -OR- P n e u matic Evaporaior. Is the CJicapcst, most Simple and most DurabU Fruit Dryer made Every Farmer Shouid Have Gre. For particular and tangles 'of dried fruit apply to I. F. YOCUM, gmt A?cnt for lxa Coca 0PP0SIAI0N ' IS THE LIFE OF TRAD SLOAM BROTHERS WILL DO WORK CHEAFIB than y other bnp in town. EoasEs shod ron ti cash. With new material, all round. Resetting !! Shoes $1. SlV varrauted to fire sat Ua tinn. Shop on the Corner of 8th and Olivo Street . For lame Hack, Side or ( he.-t o.e .uhill rmus lU'ter.l'r'ca 20 cf. Csturn Co, if' MRS 1 I I