THE m CITY J A.... L ESTABLISHED FUR THE DISSEMINATION OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES. AND TO EARN AN IIQXEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OP OCR BROW. WHOLE NO. 785- lEUGENE CITY OR, SATURDAY, DECEMBER I), 1882. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE in Ike dmnt iTity Guard. '. 1. L. CAMPBELL, Publisher and Proprietor. TPICB-On hKitid of Willamette Street iMtweea Seventh sad Eighth Street. OTJI OifLT VkfBS Of ADVERTISING. aYlterkiieaainU inserted u follow : re. line or lew, on insertion $3; ?,' insertion 81. Cash required in adnata. ... Tin aSvertiser will be charged at the fol rtt Ob r tbre months SO 00 " ix month 8 00 ' " out year 12 00 TraatUnt notice in local column, 20 ceuta per fc (or eeeh insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. JlII (ok work mutt be Paid roa os HKi.ivLiir. ImgBBMMMMMIOtfl 1 MP POSTOFF1CE. ifflc H.nre -From 7 a. a. to Tp.. Sunday. tt.o I'M to S:M p. m. ail arrive from the south and leaves oing nnrth i. m. m. Arrivea from the north an'l leave (t.m . . r Lilt. .1 t akh at 1 II P. 'a. ror oini.taw, rransitn uu ..on . close a WB " - 111., U4P BMU iM"n..m. ...... Uture will t realy for nelifV hauan ho . af traia. letter ahoulil be left at tl --- x ti ..;u. .1 I w M. hour after the office ,u. -"XVtERSOS P.M. SOCIETIES. tninlDiil II. A. F. and A. M. Meet, irat a third Welne-daye in earn m.nth. Hamritar Bum Itn N.. I. O. kavtr Maata.verT Tuesday evening. KNcmrvKNT No. 0. ft.tU a the Id aad 1th Wednwdaje in each month. iioifti Loook. No. 15, A. O. IT. W. keeti at Maaonie ITall the tecond and fourth i'riday U each month. J. M. Sums. M. W. titfATEicc Pom, No. 40, O A. R -Mt at Maaanbs Hall, the first and third rmUy of ak month. By order, Commankkh. Oedi or Chosfs FaiESis.-Mect the lit and third Saturday evenim.-" at M wnnic HalL 15y order of J. M. Sloan, uU tl. . TliaiV, ALSANT. L. BILVKD, Kt'GKNE. 'feT It A 11 A IN & MLYEU, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, KUUHNE CITY, Ol! EGON. OttACTICB IX AT.L TUB COURTS OF A. th:a Slate. They Rive ecii.l attention to to'lebioni And probate matter. Office. -Oor W. F. ft Co.' Exprem o!li Ceo. S. Washburne, Attorc'-at-Lanr, boosnk cirv. - - - orecon lYlCP frmer'y oucupt.-d by Thompson ft..a. '. CEO. fL MiLLER, 'Attornej and Counssl'.or-at-Lav, and ' iicrti ffe Agent. EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON. 0FFIC1jTwo door, north of Tost Oiike. Dr. Wm Osborne, 6fic 'Adjoining 3t Charles Hotel, Hit AT THIS 1TJT DIDO 6T0EB OF HATES and LUClJE?. A. I.N 1. 0, Vkijsician and SurScon. EUGENE CITY, - - OREGON, Oflic in Underwood' brick, over the Ex office. i tf OR, JOHN NlCKLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill County.) RESIDENCE-TWO doors south of M. E. ehiiroh. . DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FQUXD AT HIS OFFICE or rea ideaae when not professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. a Reidec on Eighth .treet, opposite Presby riaa Church. DR. E. G.CLARK, Ordnat of the Philadelphia Dental College.) & DENTIST, I JGEXK CITY, OREGOX. --w . ,rr-n ITncn k Cfn THK 1 l I. JLL office of Dr. U M. Davis, 1 am prepared to d. aU k:a of work i mr proiesw. D. T. Pritchard, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. TEPAIRIXG OF WATCHES AND XV CLOCKS executed with punctuality aad at a reasonable coat. Willamette St., Eugene City, Oregon JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. lUCKEf, OEALEK IX ' Cocks, Waches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. a-lllVrk Wrrted.-3 J.S. LUCKF.Y, i tlbwrth k Co.. brick Willamette itre.t I. B. BUM'S CS A GENERAL A large assortment of La dies li nd Childrens Hose at 12 l-'J cts. Good D.rss Goods at'12c- Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable GoodSi Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CIOIHING. Liberal Discount for CASE New Departure TWO lEPIEilECJEJS I CASH AM) 02F8.jS2X3ri1 TXYTROXIZETHBMKXWHOHEI.PT 1 SCHOOL HOUSES, whose interest art, spend tlioir prliU at home. Take notice Unit- A V. Will sell goi'ils fur CASH at greatly reduced prices, as low as any other CASH STORE. Best I'rinls lb and IS yards .SI 00 Best Brown and Bloached Mmlins, 7, 8,9, and lllcU Chirks and Brooks spool ootton "5 cts per Do. Plain and Milled Flrnnels, 25, 3.": 4.". and 50 cts. Vt?r Proo , cents Fino White Shirts, 75 cts and fl And all Other Goods Also the Celebrated AVHITK Sli rVING- MACHINE! ..... i. ...... r ,l...V!lvi At reduced AtCS. carTomv old Customer, who have stiKxl by me so 1 mg, I will continue ti ell on ame tns as h'er .tofo.e on tims, but if nt any time they wish to make CASH purchases I will give all am, as others, the full credit on my reduction f A. V. 1 , I fcJta Robinson & Church, DEALERS IN SHELF&HEAYY HARDWARE HAVE TUB Best Selected Slock in 0re?i. NOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS. ATOTICK 13 HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL N Sheep owners that they inu.t dP their ahe as aoU a, ahe.ire.l II' 1)1. LEASED. I .i. ,.. Lke. provisions that when the owner fad to do so, that the ln-lctr shall cause It to be do.,e at their expetee. 'OATS, Sheep Ii.sitector for Ijina Co, Or. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS is Nt'lotki, Valchei d Jewelry. Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Hocks, and Jewelry rep!""l ""J arranted. N-wthwes. corner of lllamette and KW'hth street. THIS PAP EE FVZtt'X UJM 14U M nkaMM W w- A -J t.i 1 1 S ' r II ! Trimming Silks and Sat ins in all sliadcSi Moircantique Silks Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place- BOOTS and SHOES ;nall grades- GROCERIES of all descrivtions f t .liUlKDYOUU BRIDGES, HOAPS AND your iiiWn-st.i I Are permanently located ami PETERS J Fine Cheviot Shirts. 50, 75 cts and $1. Xew Assortment Dresa Good (No Trash) 15, 20 und 25 cts. Mens' Underwear, Shirt and Drawers, 50 ct Meus' Ovcrshirts, 75 cts. and 81 Mens' Overalls, 60, 65, 75 cU and tl. Embroideries and Edjjina at Fabulon Low Prices. at Proportionate Rates. HAVE Fi at the LI FOR sale LOWEST Hates, IRON, STEEL. AXES, NVILS NAI1.S, ROPE Chains nd Pocket JUTLERY. AS. PISTOLS, AMMUNITION JRK'ULTUHAL IMPLEMENTS Blasting Powder, Fishing 'i arkle. Etc., Etc. We invite an exam nation of eur good confident that o stock will suit th times. A. LYNCH. J AS. PAGE. LYNCH PAGE, In Dorris' Brick Building. rilU'.ERS 19 Groceries Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Provision, Cured Meats, Tobacco, tvr, tanrtiea, Candles, Soai, 'oti"n Green and Dried; Friita, Wood and Willow Ware. Crockery, Etc Business will be conducted on a CASK BASIS, Which mean that Low Prices are Established Coodi deTirerrd vilboat charge to Bdjm Ml KINOSOF PFODUCE'IWANTFC r whUh w. will pay th. h.htmrket LYKCK PAGE. . "' LIU. L KfJQKNK CITY USINESS DIRECTORY. BETTMAN, G. Dry goodi, clothing, groceriea and Keneral mrrhandiN, aouthwe.t comer YVilliuuette and Eighth ttreeU. BOOK STOUE-One door aouth of the Aitor House. A full atock of uaorted box paper plain and fancy. CRAIN BllOa-Dealer in Jewelry, Watch- , iMock and Muiical Inatrnniriit Wil. Inuiette itrovt. between Seventh and Eighth. CAI.LI80N, R. G.-Dcaler In grocenea, pro. riaioni, country produce, canned gooda, Uxika, tationery. etc, tonthweat ci'rner YVlllainett and 9th St. . DORRIS, B. F.-I)ea'er In Store and Tin wiwo- Willamette itrvot, between Seventh and Eighth. FRIENDLY, S. H.-Dealer In dry (?oo,la, clothing and general merchandise Willam ette atrwt, between Eighth and Ninth. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Prog gut, rostoHice, v uiauielte revt, Iwtwecn lat, rostomce, ill eventh and Kiwhth. Si HEXDKICKS, T. G.-Dealei In gencnil mer- chandiae northwest corner YVillaniette and chandiae nort Ninth jtreete. HODKS, C Keep on bahd fine winca, ultra, cigar and a poo' rhd billiard tulde; Willamette street, '.e,wecn Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHA3. M.-Gnnsiuith. Rifle nr.d hot-una, breech and imtzxle lofdera, for aie Ri'pa'.ring done in the neatest atyle and war ranted. Shop on !Uli atreet. LYNCH, A -Grocriea, provision, fruit, veg etable, eta, Willamette tret, first door outh of Poatoflice. Lirt'KEY, J. S. -Watchmaker and .Tewlerj keeps a tine stock of goods in hi line, Willam ette street, ill Ellsworth's drug atore. McCLAREX. JAMES- Choice. w!ne,1lrpinrs, and cigars -Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. OSIU'RX CO.-Dealer in druga, medicine, chemicals, oils, paints, etc. Willamette at, nposite S. Charle 1 Intel PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting cards. PRESTON, WM.-Dcaler in fladdlery, Har ness, Carriage Trimmings, etc. Willamette street. Iwtween Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE -A new atwk of standard oIkhiI bHik Just received at the post ollice. REXSHAW. YVM.-Wines, I.hpiors, and Ci gars of the best nuality kept constantly oil hand. The best billiard table in town. REAM, J. R. Undertaker and building con tractor, corner Willuiuette and Seventh streets. ST CHARLES HOTEL - Charlas Ba ker, prietress. The best llote in the city. .Coner Willamette and Ninth ttreet SCHOOL SUl'PLIES-A large and varied assortment of slates of (ill sues, and quantities of .latos and slut e-books. Three doors north of the exprcia nllice. WALTOX, J. J. Attorney at-Law. effice- Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. Children ICi'rlAies Mri r-n. m n I Kothor Xilie and Physician rooommond it. IT 13 NOT PARCOTi:. 332 3 CEXTAUIt LINI3IKXTS; (ho "World's prcat rnln-Kc-lioviuff romcdics. They hcnl, F.oodio and euro Iliirun, Vi'ounds, "Weak Uack and Khctiniatlsin upon Man, and Sprains, Calls and Lameness j!jou Iicasts. Cheap, 'quick and reliable. EP UKT3 cf dlcnii3 Knon, Cnuiea. Craoklins Pain fa tlio iload, Fetid Eroath, Ceafne, nnd any Catarrhal Complaint, can l exterminated ty Wei Co XZoyer'a Catarrh Care, a Consti tutional Antidote, Djr Absorp tion. Tfcemoit Important DU covory inoe Vaccluatloa. TUTTB FILLS 8YWIPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. tcvis of A ppetlte. Bowel eoifye. Pain la the Head, with a dull en'tion tn the v.. .. rrt pm under the Shoulder blade, fullne after eatiny, with a dltn elinatton to exertion of body or ir.inn. IrriUbllity or temper, iow pirn, mu a feeling of hv(n neglect-d aom duty, Vearioea, Diaune, iluttering at the Heart, DoU before the ere. Yellow 8kln, Headache generally ever the right ere, Bestleaanoaa, witn fitful dl Oi. highly ou lured Urine, and . CONSTIPATIOM. Ttm V I LUi are eapeeiall j adapted t vrh raaos, ena doa eflecl narha ehavage f feeling a to astsnlah the urTrrr. Ther ti Ar.wllt.nd raw IB. bratr U Tae Vtr. H the sMn I. mirttHr. and t'T ltiir Tnl Artlea nn tn imiwi w';r ".ri,pV duceo. Prle H cnt. M Mrr7 M. TUn'S HAIR DYE. nAT Jlut tnlftrmm ehair1 In a GlfY .. . . . .....I i rlnn li.. liT K. Il tin arts a natural eolr. acta Iruuntarttooaltr. f.l4 by bndiMl. r ol Bf eapna w ' mcK, a mi kmat wew roirav. r. trrr ajsr.t i .w y is) H w roa Home Bill No II. A bill for an Act to Exempt a Homo- stead, for lorced Sule on Attach tn.'.nt or ExecutionH: 13 it fiietoJ ly the l4iHlativn An- iipnii'ly of the htato of Orrgon: Skctios 1. There nliall 1 exempt from, execution nml attachment, to ftvery liousclioltlt'r, lieing the head of a family, homestead, not exceeding iu aluo the sum of (2,000, while occu pied as such hy t lie owner thereof, or is or her family. Said homestead may coiiint of a lot or lots in a city or town, or a farm consisting of any num- Iht of acrt'H, so that the value of the same Khali hot exceed the aforesaid urn of 2,000; hut to entitle tho per son to the'heiicfits of this act he or nhe shall cajso the word homestead to be ntered on record in the margin of his recorded titlo to the same; J'rovulctl, Always, that any person Owning and claiming huch homestead shall have the right to chang the same from place to place, Ly tcihplying with the provis ions of this act, but shall only bo en titled to hold one such homestead. Sue. 2. When any person dies seized of a homestead, Irdting a widow, or husband, or minor children, the sur- irors shall lie entitled to the home stead for their own use; but in case there bo neither surviving husband, widow or children, tho said homestead shall bo liable for the debUof deceased. Sec. 3. Nothing herein contained shall b constructed to prevent the owner of a homestead from voluntarily mortgaging the same; but no mort gage shall be valid against tho wifo of any mortgagor who may be occupying said homestead with him, unless she shall freely and voluntarily, separate and apart from her husband, sign and acknowledge said mortgago and the ollicer taking the acknowledgement shall fully appralsi! her of her rights, and the effect of signing mich" mortgage. Sec. 4. When any creditor shall be nf the opinion that any homestead claimed under the provisions of this art is of greater valuo than $2,000, on tiling nit affidavit to that effect with tho Clerk" of the Circuit Court,- the udgeutfnt creditor may proceed against said homestead as in' other cases of real estate, and if miid homestead shall sell for over ?2,000 and costs: tho sur lus shall Im applied to the payment of the judgement of said creditor, urtd in 11 such cases tho sum' of $2,000,' free of charge or expense, shall bn paid to the owner of the homestead; and in case the said homestead shall not Rcll for more thnn $2,000 and costs, the person instituting the proceeding shall iav the costs of procedini, and the proceeding cease and not aliict or muair the ritrlits of tli6 owner of the homestead. Sec. 5. In case of the sale of said lomestead, any subsequent homestead acquired by the proceeds thereof, shall also be exempt from attachment and execution, nor shall any judgment or other claim against the owner of said homestead a lien against tho same in the hands of a bona fled purchaser for valuable consideration; J'rouiJal, however, that nothing in this act shall in any way impair or effect the validi ty of any contract, debt or lfen now ex isting against the property that may hereafter be selected as a homestead. Skc. G. Inasmuch as thero is no homestead exemption in this State, this act shall take effect from and after its approval by the Governor. Intelligence from l'ort Kniith gives the particulars of lie capture in the Indian Territory : a female desperado named Ilelle Stan. Shu was wanted for horse stealing, and hpr hus'iaiid was captured after a loinj oliase and sharp light. Jlrs. Starr is perlups tho most noted character of tho western border. She has led a wild life for many years. It is claimed that she was a memlier of the Younger gang of outlaws and was prestnt when Sltepard claimed to have shot and killed Jesse James n ar Short creek. Mo. She has aevral aliases, and many deeds of violence ara charged to her. She has been admitted to bail in the sum of $3,000. Two dogs attacked a laiid of 32 sheep recently, Wlonging to Jessfl Mc Cee, of Linn county, and killed six and 1 wounded thirteen, The Stalwart Dope Old Simon Cvneron speaks for his clan when he gives voice to the) hopS that the Democracy will kill itself, now that it has got possession of the new louse of llrpresontatives. This remark of the Patriarch of intripue and crook ed practices ought to be heeded by Democrats. It is of a pieoa with the advice given by an old lady in Louis iana to one. of her acquaintances; "Watch your friends; your enemies won't hurt you," There is no doubt ut that the active Democratic stales'- men have now an opportunity for the' enjoyment of a long period of success.' t i.i the fairest field that ever opened H-fore us, llie greaf fectlotial qucs- ion of slavery, says tha Examitier,' which so long proved a stumbling block is gone, never to return.' llio dead is buried. It must not le resurrected.' Should any antiquated or foolish per son seek to exhume and galvanise into' ife the questions that wero treated by past generation, he must be left to' himself. The Democracy is the party of the living and present population. It carries its' face' towar'd the future. It can, as a party, point with pride to' its former achievements, but it cannot mid itself responsible for the crimes' and follies of its adversaries. This great country is about to be placed' under Dcmacatio control, and it will be a shame and a crime if any of those that we advance to places of trust and honor fail to prove worthy of tha con-" lidenco bestowed in tlibm. But what-' ever somo may do that is wrong 6 foolihh will concern thsra alone. We have no room for blunders. "A bluiu" der iu politics is a crime." The party will cast off those who may seek to be tray it, or whose folly would destroy it, and advance triumphantly to ao- complirh its glorious work' in the re generation of ttio Ilepublio, the purifi cation of the Government and tha de monstration of the capacity of the American people to manage and con trol their own affairs. Home BiH '5J. A bill for an act to prevent Minora un-' der llie Ago of Sixteen Years, from Smoking Tobacco, Cigars or Cigar-' . ettes: Ho it enacted by tfco Legislative As- nemUy of llie State of Oregon: Skctios 1.- That it shall be unlaw ful for any minor uiider the age of six teen years to Binoka toWco in any form; cillier in a pipe, or cigar, or1 ciga- rettes; and persons under sixteen years of ago violating this section of this act' shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than five nor nore' than twenty dollars.- Sec. 2. That any person or persons selling or in any way disposing ol cigars, cigarettes, .or to'wicco for the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten no? more than fifty dollars for each offense.' Sec. 3. That Justices Courts shall have jurisdiction to try all offenses ae fined in this act. The Return of Our Wirt. It was in a horse car. She had been away for several months and the chil dren had gone to the depot to meet her. They chatted away merril while she patted their little' heStfr and" smiled interestedly. ' , "How is Maryf' she inquired when" they stopped for breath. Oh! she is well, She's taking her music lessons right along.'' "Aud lTurryT' -He's going tc school.- Started "ah wwk." "And papal" 'He's well, too,- Tie's having sf bully time. He saicf ne didn't care it you didn't como home for a year." The pasengrs roared. Grabbing her children with both1 hands she rushed for the door with an? ril-Bet-even-with-you-forthia-expreBsiorr- i on her face. Heaven' Jielp him! Flour is $14 per barrel at Canyon City, Grant county. ' "Postmaster Hall, of Canyon City, has been summoned to testify in the' star route trials at Washington City. All the Grant county witnesses ara' ordered to appear again.