Something Abut CarUlni. Tlicre i no one thing that adds to jnoch to the f arnisbing of a room as cur teini. With good carpet, nloa walls, tasty oarUina, though you have little furniture in your room, it will look quite eh'RDt. There is no greater mis like made by people furnishing than putting all their money into a parlor get, and leaving only enough to bny dark shades for their windows. Where a bouse is without shutters, dark shades seem a necessity, but uglier things could not have been thought of than tho present fashionable shades dark gray and brown. They make the house gloomy within, and look, outaido, u if no one lived in the bouso. For shades there is nothing prettier than white, and nothing wears much better. I have some that have been iu use five rears, and do not look so very bad yet. The dust slips off Holland very easily, and if the large brass rings are attached to pull tbom down with, they can be kept free from Eager marks. But inside the shades tome drapery is necessary to give a graceful appearance to the window. These can be of Swiss, scrim, or Canton flannel, as one fancies. If the windows are a north look-oat, Swiss could be used vey well; these are pretty, made to part in the center, and edged with antique or coarse torchon lace, and at the top set in large box-plaits and fas tened to rings slipped ou a pole. It is not necessary to purchase the heavy, ex pensive poles, and rings at tho stores, if you choose to manufacture your own. Hftve a pole turned at the carpenter's, a little longer than the width of the win dow; into the end fasten a knot which can be bought at a hardware store, to gether with martingale-rings of iron, which can be covered with crotcheting in brown zephyr. Sew these at equal distances along your onrtains, and hang them on two large hooks, which cau be purchased at the hardware store. Tho curtains should only reach the floor; loop them back a littfo bolow the middle of the window with ribbons, and not at the window-sill as formerly. For a door, a pretty curtain is made of tarlatan, very lull, gathered on a string at the top aud bottom; part in tho mid dle, and tic back to each side with a rib bon, so that the opening forms a dia mond. Inside of this have a red or white shade to draw down for privacy. A very pretty way to fix a window looking out upon an unpleasant scene, is to dissolve Epsom salts into beer un til it is the consistency of cream and put it upon the glass with a sponge. It will lorm the most beautiful shap3s equal to -Turk Frost's paintings. This arrange ment keeps out ugly sights, but does not keep out the light. If the curtains are mado of Canton flannel, the trimming should bo in broad bands of another contrasting color, pat a foot from the top, directly across the enrtain, and on a lino with the window sill place another band. Kind inches, ut least, in width should the bands be; line the curtains with thin cambric, and trim thum on tho edge with worsted , fringe, which comes in beautiful shades at from 20 to 50 cents a yard. If you would like them more elsbora'o, there are beautiful strips of wool canvass abput six inches wide, to be had in all colors, which can be em broidered in aDy of the pretty stitches now used, and used as the bands, instead of another shade of Canton flannel. Thee stripes come for nfghons, but can be used for a number of articles where stripes are employed. They are in nearly all colors, aud are fifty cents a yard. Very heavy gray linon is also used for curtains; along the edgo of tho pattern the linen is outlined in worsted or crewel. With tho great abundance of malarial it is very easy in these doys to make homo beautiful, if one has taste; and one cannot do that with plenty of money unless they have taste. The greut trouble with many homes is there ij too much mixture iu them. To have everything one must have a large house; and wheu people learn to furnish houses according to tho house, wo shall see more pretty homes. Furnish cottages in cottage fnrnitiire. and leave tho massive fctyles for larger houses. Tad Llr-colnN Lit ulcnnncy. Oe day, Tad, in search of amusement, loitered into the office of the secretary of war, and Mr. Stanton, for the fun of the thing, commissioned him a lieuten ant of the United States volunteers. This elated the boy so much that he went off immediately and ordered a quantity of mnskets sent to the White House, and then ho organized and drilled the house servants and gardeners, and with out attracting anybody's attention, he actually discharged the regular sentries about the premises and ordered his un willing recruits on duty as guards. Hubert Lincoln soon discovered what had been done, and thinking it a great liatdship that men who had been at work all day should be obliged to keep watch during tho night to gratify a boyi.di freak, he remonstrated. But Tad would listen to nothing from his elder brother, and Robert appealod to his father, who only ianghed at the matter as a joke. Tad soon tired, however, of Lis wlf itnposed duties and went to bed. The drafted men were quietly relieved from duty, and there was no guard at the president's mansion that night, much to Mr. Lincoln's relief. He never approved of the precaution of mounting guard at the White House. While Tad sported his commission as lieutenant, he cut qnite a military figure. From some smuce he procured a uniform suitable to his supposed rank, and thus proudly attired, be bad himself photographed. Noah Lrooks, in St. Nicholas. One Woman's Mabkiaoes. John A Philips was arraigned before Justice Xettleship, in Newark, N. J., on Friday for refusing to support his seven-year-old daughter. The child's mother is dead. The main witness was her sister. Trom her testimony it appeared that the mother's first husband was a man named Dean, who is now dead. Then she mar ried a sailor named Beardsley, who went away in 1873. When he returned he found her living with Philips. In 1876 the left Philips and married Lawrence I'-urke. Burke testified that he was drunk when the ceremony was performed and did not know be bad married the Vflman rtiitil tl, ArtiftatA YUM sboVD. X. Y. TIuss. J The (iarllelUs. Mrs. Lncretia It. Garfield, wife of the late president, is living quietly with ber children and his mother in Cleveland. She spent a good deal of time during the summer out on the Moutor farm, whieu her husband loved so well, and which was in his lifetime snob a place of politi cal pilgrimage. Elder Zed Uudolpu, one of the founders of the Disciple church, is living on the farm. Thore have been some slight improvements, and the grass is greener in the front yard than it was when trodden down by the feet of "countless thousands" of ofllce seekers in the fall of 1880. Tho porch, which ran across the south and part of the west ends of the mansion, has been extended clear across the east end this summer. The wires which ran into the little office and library building, a little to the rear and east end of the house have been removed. On bright Saturdays Mrs. Garfield and the children take a run down to Mentor and remain until Monday. She still takes a great interest in matters there, and the neighbors say that her whole desire seems to be to do every thing just as the geuerul intended. Captain Burridge, a neighbor, and ono of the elders of the little Disciple church there when the Garfields used to attend, related the following incident to me: Just before the general's departure for Washington be told me to go ahead aud do as well as I could toward raising funds for the church, snd that, at the close of the year he would divide what ever deficiency there might be with me. Meanwhilo he died, but Mrs. Garfield was careful to ssk me if there was not some arragement for the year's church work between the general and myself. I explained how nutters stood. She asked bow ranch the deficiency was, and I told her $300. She gave me her check for $150 immediately, and I paid the bal ance." The now $50,000 residenco which Mrs. Garfield has lately purchased on Pros pect street, in this city, was selected, I am informed, by Dr. Boynton. It is quite largo, but probably none too large for her some what extended family. There are Mother Garfield, Mollie, and tho two younger boys, besides Harry and Jimmy when they are at hony. It will be remembered that it was an nounced some time since that Mrs. Gar field would in due time publish the au thorized edition of her husband's works. President Hinsdale, at that time of Hiram College, but now superintendent of the publio schools of this city, was selected as the editor; James R. Osgood & Co., of Boston, are the publishers, and the books aro printed at the University Press at Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Gar field herself, However, has the exclusive control of the work and its publication. She pays for and owns tho plates, and whatever profit there may be Irom the sales of the books will be bers. There will be two volumes of the work, each volume containing 750 pages. About 100 of General Garfield's compositions have been selected. These includo speeches in congress and on the stump, some- of his finest legal arguments, occa sional addresses, aud articles contributed to various publications. Chicago Tribune. IIOtSE SI) FARM. Call's Liver. Cut a calf's liver into slices, and put th.m in a frying-pan with a little butter and parley; add a spoon ful of flour mixed with a little broth, a spoonful of viut gar, or half a glass of wine, pepper, salt and spices; cook ten minutes, and serve. Harmless Snakes. It is a groat mis take to destroy harmless snakes. They are great feeders on destructive insects, and very useful in flild and garden. The foolish dread of them entertained by many otherwise sonsible people is some thing to be ashamed of. Tapioca cup pudding. This is very light and delicate for invalids. An even tablespoonful of best tapioca soaked for two hours in nearly a cup of new milk; stir into this tho yolk of a fresh egg, a little sugar, a grain of salt and bake it in a cup for fifteen minutes. A little jelly may be eaten with it. Squash an Gratin. Paro, quarter and boil the squash, mash and press to get out the water, beat in a good spoonful of butter with pcper.saltand a little cream, pour inco a bake dish, stew with fine crumbs, and bako in a quick oven until they aro slightly browned. Force-Meat Balls. Minco boiled veal or chicken very fine, add nearly the same quantity of salt pork scraped very fine aud about as much bread; season with sweet herbs, cloves, allspice, pepper, mace and nutmeg; mix it well with eggs, and make it into balls; fry in butter. Ham Cooked in Cider. rut a pint of cider and a cup of brown sugar into enough water to cover the ham; boil three hours, or until ttie skin will peel off easily. Remove the Bkin. cover the ham with a crust of sugar, and bake in a slow oven three hours. Dissolve a cup of sugar in a pint of cider and baste the ham frequently whilo baking. If the cider is sweety use less sugar. Steamed Fish-Place tail of fish in its mouth and secure it, lay on a plate, pour over it a half pint of vinegar sea soned with pepp r aud salt; let stand an hour in the refrigerator, then pour off tho vinegar aud put in a steamer over boiling water; steam twenty minutes or lonper if the fish is very large (when done the meat easily parts from the bone); drain well and serve on a napkin garnished with curled parsley. Social Mathematics. A mathemati cal professor had been invited by a city friend to visit him at bis residence in a certain square, and had promised to do so. Meeting him some time alterwards, the friend inquired of the professor why he did not come to see him. "I did come," aaid the mathematician, "but there'was some mistake. Yon told me von lived in a square and I found my self in a parallcogram, eo I went away again." (Hartford Times. Mes. Partington- is TowN.-Mrs Part ington savs that a. friend of hers is build ing a fine'eottage at the seashore in the Mary Ann sttle, and when it is finished it will have fine terra firm chimneys. While shopping a few days ago she pre sented a trade dollar in payment, which was banded back as bad. She threw it on the counter, saying: "That is good it has a deep tone it sounds resinous, -f X. Y. Wo: Id. SOTICE. 7b the Farmer and Meclvxnict of Oregon, U'tuhington Territory and Idaho: , We with to call your attention to the fact that our annual Catalogue and price lift for 1882 83 is now ready fur dintribution. It will be found very wiiwiWr ami instructive reading, and will befurnithed yrutuitounly. Send your name and iwttoflice ad tin-ft to EAllSlEltS and St ECU ASICS STORE, 184 Irnf ttreet, Portland, Oregon. ;7-lm ' O. Box 175 Protects Pis Hem Uocsi. The American Poultry-Yard savs: An Iowa City olergyman has 153 hives of bees, which are arranged around his Lea house, and when he hears a thief prowl ing round that establishment in the dark ness, he jnst lies still and waits to hear a hive upset, and then laughs at the sound of wild yells gradually dying away in the distance. Mavn'i lonriolte Cherry Too III Paate An aromatic combinntiou for the preservation of the teeth and guini. It in fur siitarior to toy preparation of it kind in tho market. In lari;, D.intlrnenpnl puu, price fifty oent-. For tale by all druggists, nodo, Davis A Co., whole vile agent, Portland, Oregon. DON'T BUY BOSS BOOTS UNLESS YOU WANT THE BEST. SEE THAT OUR NAME IS ON EVERY PAIR. AKIN, SELLING & CO. Book Ani Mimic Buykhs: Pond to Wiley B. Allen, 153 I hint street, Portland, for any book or music published. Oniera by mail tilled promptly. The "Musical I'tistime," a monthly journal of music, 60 cts. a year. Bond stump for big catalogue of niuiie. RHEUMATISM! No one suffers from this distressing complaint if the blood is pure and healthy. OUEUON Bl.OOD ITKIKIEU makes vcrv ltieh Blood Hud cures Kheumittism, Pains in the Hack, Limbs, etc. Trv It. $1 a bottle, all druggists aud medicine dealers soil it. Frnuk O. AMI, the Portland photographer is leading the profession in all the novelties of the art. His work is always of the best and his cus tomers are satisfied with what they receive. Send $1.00 toW.D. 1'almer, Portland, lor one year's subscription to the l'aeifie Overseer, the great semi-monthly A. O. U. W. paper. Tim male and femalo minstrels at the Elite theater in Portland are drawing crowded hollies. Die Tudora are tho latest scusatiou and more talent is on the way. Ti'iikihh Itres. Send to John B. Garrison lli7 Third street Portland, for catalogues ol (e im. Tho best liver regulator known, sure cure for Pvspeia and indigestion is L.. Henley's Cali fornia I. X. I.. Bitters. (larrisnn repHirs all kinds ot sewing machines. Explained at foot of this column. TIIK MI NH'AI. PANTIM B.-A monthly Jour nal uf music (hoih vik-hI and Instrumental.) sent to any address (or Soots per year, Address Wiley H. Allen. publisher anil music denier, IM Third street, Portland. On-ifon. Cstnloifiie free. NIKVIlVOHt. W. II. MAY K lIvTTKiuriiteer. I'onlrni'tor and surveyors. Olllci Kooiu No. 8 Ijines Hull. Unit, KhsI I'nrtliind. All kinds of surveying mid dralllng done for any part nf the mnntry. HAKF.KIKN. F.M PI K l! IIA RKKY K WasfiTngtiiii: VTiis A I'iilir. ITops. Mnnurneltirorsnf I'llot bread, Htsla. Picnic. Mutter, lloston.KnitaraudNhi'e Fly i-iackers. (inters Iroiu the trade hollJltetl and promptly at- 1 !. I I to. ANN.tllKS. W. J. JKSM" Itl.-mi Front street r Washington. Ores. ntctAls, mineral waters, rimb, etc., riirrfullv Hiiulvtrd. Assays for gold and silver t.l.; other metals (runt IT to i (Inld dust bought aud burs made. Urileis by mall run folly attended to. J. II. MlTOill, -Cor. Vront and Stark. Chem ical analysis made n( coal, mlnerul waters, etc. or dinary assiivs of ifnld, silver, lead or eopiier, Irom unto .v ir. P. ItHrvpv. Consnliliiif ctomfsi. ATTORFY. II. I'. Kt:.KIIV, Allorni'V auu Counselor at l-nv ICoora & Helium's building. Lcual IhisIuch.1 pertiiloluK to letters Patent (or Inventions, belon the Hnteiit Otliee or In t he I 'iillrts, H s Illliv. USE ROSE PILLS. 1850. 32 Years Practical Experience, 1882, John A. Child DRUGGIST, t'ealer In Fine Chemicals, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Sponges, Soaps, & Rubber Loods. Cor MorrtMin k M IU Portland, Or. Bpeclal attention paid to orders by mall when scoom panledTHh Ihoossh. V. K chamberlain Jr. Thou. A. Holilnson. Life Scholarship HRSD FOB C1RCCLAR erS 2menw STENCILS r H?,B SEALS, rc. i. noBiTta, , m rimurt rr, romTLANf OB. JJSjS RO SEPIT.LS, -I n ...... f nntnvmlil Ij lufin or e!tlcEtim;".TMOspirv.m. malo-don rw-eli of prtc, with foil direction fi f U' hhl I '.HI 'Mr. t o., irisiri-iw r ,r-i M. Pi.t.p4. Or. ltu e-'t for tlw NHacl Write to Ch snd Cltfxourr. V . Telan(l,o.,forPaniphletm gf I 4 . plain sealed envel- .IN V tin', drx-ril'it'it an 111 d A II iNsrRUUfcNI la-orn V a1 A I'll mjhti for eurinf ft oorlW.r MT .Mineiu.v. fcMttBMUII P feimle. Cheap. wf run. PHK "WHITE." WE HAVE THIN DAT M.l 1 oor entire lntr"t In. and tran.(e rred the ""7 u( the White n mmrimm iu u.... ...... son, A 17 Third Mr et Prtuu,d. Or Mr Oarrtaon will hi-Mfter supply the cmwlnf demand lor Udr superior Hrfl pollf l" m"hH",-, AHuPK. Lt?t tad iiJ disfsjet retoed Ij Din Pill. Ht ttEK WE. S IBB $70 BtrriKK THAI MOLD. CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALT. A Pleanuit and Kffiradous Rtoiedy. if Sl fl ffi bm&fvm IF YOU HAVE ABUSED YOURSELF By over Indulgence In eatliif or drlnklni: have sick or nervnii In-wlache; dryness of the skin, with a feverish tendfticy; night sweats aud sleeplnwuesai by all means us Staven't California Fruit Salt. And feel yotmir once more. It Is the woman's friend. Try It: l per hottle; S hottles fi.rt For sale by nil dmirxlsls, HOlHi H, PAY IS A It)., wholesale Agents. K. K. ut'KKN. Simmoiid's Kentucky Nabob IJourboii Whiskey. US Of all the famous productions of the Hluetlrnss Dis trict this Whisky t unexcelled for purity aud iluvor. For family and medicinal purHises "INiX30I3 Is notorious. It la made (mm pure hurley and wheat spirits, and Its various isiiupouenl mrts blendtHt with scieutllic accuracy. The Best and Purest Brand in the Market. Tonn m Bivr.x, Hole Agents for Port bind, (Irmcon Nil the Ter rllorlea, w here the trade call be supplied Itv the bar rel, half barrel it case, at the same price ami terms aa In Kentucky or Han Francisco. NO MORE DYSPEPSIA. BEST TQtUO IN USE. Recommended by all Physicians. llevl Of' llflrle on bark or llollle. A ure Cun for Indlvesilnn, Loss of Appetiw and Hie Best Liver Kexulalor kitowH. SOLD ONLY IN GLASS. To 1111 or fell an; but the genuine article nut of our bottle Is . leloti) sun win n m teni a, will be iroseeii!ed to the fu.leilent of the Is w Trade tuppi iii ty Arpad Haraszthy & Co. S:tO WaahliiKlon !.. Siisx Krnaln. rati. PPTJITDER'S (UIISTEMID MiaOH lililll VIGOR HEALTH AND LIFE. KEMF.MHEK, hv ITItlKYISil ynnr lll.O(il vim Jt"Kiilule the l iver and Kidneys, cleanse the htomiu h o( nil Morlild hwretlons, and enjoy thul Kreul iHHin, (iissl Health. No silffiTer should full to Kivc this ixipiiliir reoiiilv a trial, (let the OK.N'I INK ami uhserve the Tnule Murk. One Dollar per bottle For side i.v.-ryw lo-re. SEWING MACHINE STARK t7 THUM! ST. A" ETAiuiig Bona ON SHORT NOTICE. AHLswIUlf MACHINES VXMEEDLES, on HALE. imCHJIEXTS,ctc yr KIKKAI. MKT HOUSEHOLD & WHITE WILLI A.V (OLLILIl, MACHINIST. Dealer l Srw SIA 0X1) HAND MA( inEKI. M4Immi -. Partlaisd, Or.' Purlle 4f-slrin Millers. l'a1n AW Ml I.I. Mil HIMK e Ut iMrralii Mr. (oilier. New and Second Hand Machinery MEN AND WOMEN, Roys an! rtrls yo.i wr wants IwM. pleaaaat ern- 5 I 0jm x U. 1S7. . 4 A a- - fy THBKAD jo 3 FAH.MIXO MiVCIII.N V TH E J. I, CANE PLOW. Vrn thf -) Rif.-nti for On ton Wfthlnffimi l'orublv KiikIim-, Kiikiim um bkutt, miU hIiik' or ilnuldc uP t t' L II j " i r. SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. WM. BECK & SON ltnsirlc rs and dealers In Guns, Rifles, and Revolve a Hod, -'i '. slnKi rs, Miics, Flies JSJ'. Iadfrs, feC- ' nllMiitl FTTSHIlSra- TACK'uE. llraldrd and Tasns1 Oil Nilk Lilies. Six Spliced Split Bamboo Rods, 1(1 anil 1At ni'l ., Pnrtml "e r a aiu Hen. Kvlllo. Is w rtvj pair. ETKBT PAIR GUARANTEED. AKIN, IILIJII1 A CO. USE ROSE PILLS HUDSON'S GU5 STORE, to rtrat nmt, Po-ttaad, Ora. viN, rirroxa) ajio amminitioa Tel of rer ItasrHf lUa. J, A VI'('(l, reiiinnn at the Portland Hiisluess College, Iti-eelVHl the premium veil by tho I'OIMLAM) MECIIAMCS' FAIR, Korthe best eiblliltif IMnlo Wrltlnf.CKnl Writing I'loiirlshii'K, l.i'lliTlnn and I'en lirnwinK. Hie rurtluiitl I'lislni's)! Ctillct'o Joiirnnl, Ciintnlllllir slieelmena of orniimentill pen worK. eje emeil by Prof. Wi m o, will he ent free lo any address-. Hioid iiatne on ptttl I'Uid. Adilri'ss A I'. AUMXTItnXO. si'Ttl 4H k Hot IIM. roithmd, (Ir. $1000 KEWAJtD WII.I, BR PAID TO ANY PEHHON I'llODUO till a mora elTectual reroady than Dr. Keck'i Sure Cure for Catarrh. Which haa stood thateirt for lourteeo yeara. I'hyst elans, liruKHlato, and all who bava used and llior oiuihly tested It, pronoune It atsaelflc (or tlia eura o( that loattunma tawaa. Try It. Yuut druiwUt Us 'SVrKit'it thofoafhlyonderaUnd,anl la eminently aueeessiul In tlx Irnuiiwl of lUchraal anu 1IS call SIsmim of hmth mwm and all him, having made a spedsUtyof their utauniMit for fourteen rnn He until I sn iTtirivl -rf-f 1- knlle. Illsravor lie iiremrlptlon la funilaaed Uilwtr patlenu FrM, No lady should be without It. Young, aitddle aged or old, male or letMle, h.sanlty or life of wftrrtiig Is your luevlubla duom unlem yoo apply In lima to lb physlrlan who uiHleruanila, and la competent to treat your eaae. Waata no mora tima nor money with In rumiietent pbysli-laiia. All communleatlona attended to with dUpaV. and are atrlelly eoiili'lentlnl. lledb (him sent to any part of Hi country. Cireulan, teatl monlala, and a llsi of printed oueMJons (iirulahed on apnlloaUon. .ajr LTATIUN IKKK, Inclnae a thre-i-eiit atatop lor liet and addres" 1J11. JAMkJt Kl.CK.No. m Hint street, l'ortland. Or, fAs ForCntslliinif, Sorrs,l(illii,illi'a (uked Ureasls, (oriis,ct'.,lt lias no eiial. Sold hj Irng. trlslrt nml coun try Mom ot 10 rents pi-r box. DIME t 1.MMI Hi:VAllI f.lOlt ASYIlVK Wild WII.I, l.KAItN I A- .IIILoa'sXstemiif llress ,tnil louk utllna, and, ltn aenrrl niean. ,omi"I peibi t lilting, prolin e a IhmI tilting I'lriiient. hwersl Impruvemeiiis have )n H1 iMiule. Agi-i'tsto sell and U-ai h wanleil nevr tipwn. liO"d W.Tits ear. inun Hi to lii per day. KKI.WHHi A JIl.IfiN Chenev. Himllaiie '".. W. T D. J. MALARKEY & CO., j apaaial atuntloe gl.aa lo th salt of Wheat, Oatfl. Floor, Wool & Dairy Produce. (ad tm WXXKI.T PRfrm CTTHBEirr. BalM Iim ao afpUtaUoo. IAeral Adraneca on Consignment. aatgnn a-la and Order, Bollclud, 4t vmua-T aT.. rBTiAjia, t n. crhwc. 0 jJ y I'rT"'' I . I P" 1 M f UJ V 1 CO 1 CD I 1 S J I C - ? J kaxIMtouInal M,1U 1HJ"N TfctTKU MPH BEKUKRt m4 DSILI.ft. Terrltnry of hr Id J. cahr PUIWH, hhw Milk ( mI mul uh oi r fur CtttAlotfitt-a U' A I L' L II L ... s t . . . n i dt.n r ivin f-.. itnn in nainiiiu, I iirUAIUl. . HV'.tKM). : i rKRtlKii i I k iiF Mf MIU KSH f TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS I I K ; Universal hmM h'n (if CaH ntii' ' I im.siilri) lvtti. i.iee ri at the ra ol 4II tir it li h. tlr I e r 'li Kiotiil Jiai, $ id il l,,, ). '. ()u the li'uriti y-ar. jor 'tir'ltr isnmt r stiu itrmi Mi,d lor a i oi j if ii 1'i-w . r. !. ,, l"HMr'' M(i 'li niit t hKiIirLr: ll liNTs ..i.. ,ni r n,,i snd i' null; In wii-nm sn lili i(i, ii Ter heno f i Inns st enet lo . X Hi I K w HI . i- 'I si tir. (ou snd ablti i n luriiu ). Hj tu L'uioa li'oi H,,.i.n I 'p. PERUVIAN BITTERS. The Finest lllTri.KSI In the VVOHI.av TIIKY KFPKi TV ALLY (TltK MALARIAL riSEAES, Vllallaa Ihv ttv.le- nnil nrresl the ravareaa the UrrH'lliil Aleohnl llubll, UII'.IIM.tMt, Ash lour llinagtsl nr Mine Mrrrhnni tar I beat. WII.M KKUI.NO ,tt CO., Agrnls, Huu ! rlM-u. V. J. VAX Mill l VCK COh rnrllaasl .ears or prai'tleal eipen- nil-, and l l Kf. W lill I'NPAII.IMi CKIll'AIM I'Y, Nervous and VbyaS si llelillll), Kemlnal Weakness, HH.ruiator rhiH-a, Pmstatorrhea.Kaa- inlsslons, Iiuhi y, Kb- hauated Vltailly, Frniav i ura heellne aud IAIMS 41 r MAM II (MM, tnim a hatever eause prouu!. It fiirlili'-a and iMirln.-a Hie bhsHl, Htri'Kiheua tha NiTVia. Ilraln. Mliselisk Dlaeitloll. KHiinslui'tiva Or gans, and i'hynYal and Mental r ayiilt lea. II amps any unnatural dehllliaili g dram upoa the svsn-m, prevailing Involuntary losses, d bllllatlug dn'ams, Muiloal loasea wlih I lie u'los. ele ao denirurllf, to mind aud body. It a asiireillnilnnur of all KIUNKY ASI llf AIHiKH (HlMI'I.AIN IS. IT (tlNTAINH NO INJl'ltlOt'x INdltKIHKNT. To tansa aaa-ering fi-" tha ef. (Vela ut yiiafthfal Inillrellnna ar eee.a a peeily, lltiirfincb and permanent I'l KK a lirAKA.M'KKH, Fri.a. ) Au tn'rbottle.or Sv hotth a Iu ease with lull dlreeiHiua and s.M. e, aiax Hi'iu seeitre Irom observation lo any address upon re celpt ot prk'e, or ('. O 1'. To he had only ol llr. '. It. aalflelil, IO Kearny street, Han Franelaeo, Cal. rousiiliailons strli-lly roundea tint, by Irlivr or atufhVr, KKK. Kiirlliemovenleiii n( patients, and lii order l aeeiire perl'-et si'reey, I have adopted a private addreaa, under whk b all paet ages are lora ariliil. , Tit i a i. hotti.k rarr. RufKi-leiit In all wlu merit, will Imi sent in any nue apt'l.vlng hy letler. staling his aymptoiiis and ag" t'oinmuiileatloiis strictly confldeiitial. RFJITAt'KAXT THE HITI.V THK ITW All Modern Improvements, open all day. t. II. IIWFNWrW. Hmswaa ZEPHYR WOOL. (IlIlOlAX AMI (IKHMAN'lllWN WOOL, KNIT INK AMI KMIIIIIHIIKKIMI HJI.K, CAN VAHHK.M. KKI.IM, all kin, l of Faury work. AUIW l.NliKIIWKAll. MIHMK' A.NII 1'IIIL llllt'NN f.VllK.ltWKAlt. FAT-1 CIIMPI.KI'K WAKIIHnKKl M l,IKl,K-f.1 at Vnxt-il W6 IO.'j Third Street, Portland, Or. v. o. Km m 10 000 Pianos I. OOR Organs. 11.11 Km t HMIIll.CtHI.-. ye. DR. SPINNEY, Ma. It Kaaraf atraa. V., Traata all Cltraala aad Baaalal Dsaat YOUNG MEN TTHO If AT BR HrrrKRIWO FROM TBI 9t Jmw ol youthful folll or Indlaerwikrii, wlU 4tt f II U kVAll thooiawlVM of Hit, tta vrHii( V pvt laid ftt ttim ftitar of fUaTHfinff bamftiiltj. UK. 8PJN.NKY wvll fuu-kiitsM to forMt for enry r of HrilnaU WMKnow or privau dUfM4 of utf kind orbrctr utilcl. bo ondoruUtM outl lidJo to MIDDLE-AGED UK. Thr ait mnT m tbo mt of thlrt (ottitvwno ant lnmb!4 ub loo fr-jUii ovtv-UAtlonn of Ut bind'lfr, ofun svomiiftiir(l by m oiuht lutrtinf of burnlnff m?riMlM)nandork?nlnf of th valai to 0 nirinr iUm wtleti cannot ovount fur. uu ttn Inlnff ih urfiiauy dr-nodu nip otHtinifiil will elLo h fiiiiiid.ftnd omeumia mn.ll pnxttclr of lhmwo li. ftpor. nr Ibr color will b of thin oillklnli bM, uratii thuii('mf to o dark onit Utruf (ro. TljTtHrMUiauijr nin wIm dl of thto d)ftl'-uiiv. rnt 'tf thm vmamm, wtik'h t th OUfii UaI of Hrtitl. nttJ WfKiatiraLtv (r. M. will ffUaumitu m prU-i lo 11 wu h nwi oud bulla. tvUtnxkta of tbr gtia Biinary orajaut. OtTlf HKir lO.OaWrdl tol Hnn1T from mm II A. M. I'oKoulutiuo frvo. Tboruufb iniiiuuO 01 d VWsf, t ttW or odTro DB.Bn.VKeT TO., SO. It I UOr tUU fesftvO t raMMiW U. lati. II,- m.-VitA& ! - a j, i i-y I II lll'T tMaif' VII IB if (Mm Sill j,4;. mm a j .11 v Tuarr i il mm "aras. in ii Hr i