The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 02, 1882, Image 4

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. j . - J
Tkt Bmnile Ijairliaiir-
It M not tie part cf political w-'.
iom, says theXew York Sua, to a- iftu i.mS r- uwtf ;
rerata Busier sucres. or to wUMtionkea the Pre:deit apposed.
mora than was intended ,y th jMpjtkewrnnieri, and 4a:J all rep
UrwDL The Democrat acquired WnUtUm to any other than the pro-
majority in the How of Repreaen:-
tive in 1974 when the whole country
j- . , . ,
mi- i t .i.- ...
nresminn tr r.nsjnesL Ur7lr the rmUit
of ui'roeniment. A reoit a;vnat
the rnlerj tu couiparttively Ay fc
Wmahoota. that tim. h-?n U'r
wu naeo)p!oy.d and whn eompttnt
wa universal
ThU year the country U prcsperoni,
Lot the public indication U as itArn
and haa Un m aternly expressed a it:wteenor the r.t:es, and
wain 1?C4. ' 'haitiken 2,0t0 pa;a of testimony.
If the Democran are wi.,'thy will ' Eat it hu not traveled enoajh or taten
understand that thU resale ii not no 'noa-h evidence,
much of rote of confidence as ft pro- It cannot e any reaaon hy the
test againat the yvm, aainat the ma-; iroar.Uirvoa burden cf tArid utatnn
chine, and, above all, the cornip'.ion jahoalJ be lifted, or why Anri.-an ia
and profligacy of the Republican, Tty j dairies ahould bo protected by jivin;
mast earn the confidence of the eoun-. th nw "eria! frw of tat It
try. A great opportunity u printed
to the Democratic leaden who hae j to p!ea! one iJ and a alijht
the ability and aaacity to improve it I to the other. The government
The party has bad aoverely explicit in- J w taking from the people every month
atruction in the paat They must not , in met 15,00,0 more than iu ex
forjet that failure now will almost in- piu-i and the infret on the public
rifably lead to their own Of erthrow j d-bt The appropriations year
and ft reconstruction of partiea, i were swelled by all kizds of rk:w
! extravagance and di.ihonet jcJ.Vry.
jOn top of this, a-ihiBjron advice
The following i an extract from Deisute that the dirT-rent
Long's journal, written on the 4th cf have increa-vid thfir estimate fir the
July 1831: "Our fag are flying in'coming Cal yir by $l0,0)
honor of the daf, though to me it w ft ' Excessive taxation U bleeding buine
very blue one. Tliree years ago toIay ' and excessive revenues are dmortvl.zina
?mt Jlarre, the Jeancette was chruten-, the administration of the govern,
J and many pleasant thing were said ( lt the tariif comrnLion t'.nk t.o
and anticipations formed, all of which j changes are necessary,
have gone down with the the ship. I j One of th largt iron mtn-jfactur-did
not think that three year af- j n in this county testifies distinctly
terwards would aee us all out on the . to the commission that the taxes on
torv of a loet shin to come back to our :
weH-wwhers at home. 3ly duty to
aaieir ict. ana to oevote tut Krenztn 1
and mind to that end; my daty to
those, depending on mt for support
tttmJur, impels me to desire that I
sboald return also; but, these duties j
apart, I fancy it would make but little j
diffisrenee if I had gone down with my f
ship. Rut as there is nothing done
i . . ;
good purpose, I must i
. , . i
ithout some
endeavor fo look my mi fort one in
in the face, and to leant what its ap
plication may l. It will bo hard,
however, to ti known hereafter as a
nun who undertook a Polar expedi
tion and sunk his ship at the seventy
seventh parallel.
Ibe (hiBfit Goii;.
Passengers arrivals at San Francisco
for OctoW were CsSG; departures,
5.4G1. For the corresponding month
of lart ysar the figure, were f 03S and
5124 respectively. The exerts of ar.
rivals over departures during the first
ten months of IPS 2 was 31,9jG; gain,
13,562 over tha lant yrar. During the
year ending Atgust 1, the Chiimse
population, under pressure cf the law
rstiicting immigration, then to go in
to efTuct three n onths ago, 3G30 mora
have gons to China than have come
this way. Figurss for three months
are: Departed, 3319; arrived anly
1GD. Arrivals from China and Japan
last month only 73 against 072 in Oc
tober of last year. At the end of ten
years, should this average of decrease
continue. 143,200 Chincao will have
gone, and tha numW remaining will
hardly bo noticed.
Among the humors of the late cam
paign in New York is tha following:
'Smyth's State Committee sent to a Ile
nublican in Onteo Mnint fur a (inviu
of his town. His anxwsr was as fol
lows: "Democrats 175; Pro'ubitionints,
86; doubtful, C3; d d doukful,
OriA " Tli. s.1.r 1.1. in . n J
predate the joke, sent Wk to him for
the Republican vote, and replied that
it would be found under the head of
d -d doubtful" Under that head
the Republican vote appeared to ba
when counted.
a ...
The Republicans draw a hopeful au
gury from the fact that although they
lost the Houm in 1874, they gained
the presidency in 1876(1). There
might 1 some reason for the inferetce
if they had gained the presidency
without the help of Returning Roards,
and tha Electoral Commission. It may
be aaid that these forces will not make
the next president.
TllB Democratic maiontv in
the I
t . - j
f xt Congress will be nearly 70.
lie Tiru'f CiaaruiM
When the people's representative at j
Washington last Winter ahirked the'
. thc" Upr!
, tVCtlOIial eiement.
It u now ar.noanced thu th forth -
eoroinz report of the commission
1 not recommend anr chan.; in taxa
The com.TiLWoa hu in ion
. a Bonth '' Pr-
ilonjd eiaaiination for nix wii into
(th bfant inda:rie of Lorsj Branch,
H las trare'.td ;,0)0 mi! hM Tuiul
: recommend, a iilijht decre of ta-i
American mn jfict unni Thae for
ign ores are needed for mixing with
I '
loreien ore na'ie a marw-t lor a ton of
American ore, and excited a new do
rarxl fr .innca:i Jai.or. Tut the
commission's sole recwi -negation with
regard to the Use, on iron that they
rH increawJ.
The uorthy men bve not travels!
;h. They lie started out
again. They should not Leal.owlio
. ' , l
atop, l ut kepi going teer-ihe sev-
eral Wandering Jews of reform.
The total vot f'r Ocvernor of Penr
ylvanit m 7 43,.? 03. Pai'.ivii s plu
rality ws 40,202. This U the largest
vote ever polled in the State, with the
exception of the presidential eor:eu of
1875 and 180 The vote for Stew
art, the independent, is not a great
deal more than Pattiaon's plurality.
Money ii rolling into the United
Stat-s treasury at the rate r.f ?1,'iC0,
000 pT day; but thanks to the fore
sight of our li'ieral Congreni tliere i
no danger of a general clog. It go s
out about an fast as it flows in.
J, B, Rhinchart,
amur. Ci.mor inth an-l (Jk trttJ.
Oak Wood Wanted.
until the lit .lay of January, l.-t. by the
Eierutlr Commlttre of the l'ianl of K'fritu
of tha State l'nienity, fir fnfty corn nf
rplit oak (, taenty inchea lun', two rnK'!b
for a onnl. To he or!nl ami n.eaiirel to lh
committee on th I'tiivrmity frouno:; a;(l
wnnd to be ilrlinerct on or before th l.t day
of Auitt, l.vd. Tb onnimitua reMrv the
iiB'bt to reject any anil atl hula.
Chairman of Com.
Sheriff's Sale.
1 1 lv virtu of an elocution duly iuue.1 out
of th County Court of tli Huu of Ire-.'on.
lor tli t ountv o( Ijine. on the .M day .4
Novmtr IKS-., by th Clerk thjreof. anil to
m dim-ted ui n a ji'Linnt rrnlrl in aiJ
onirt on tha giHhdavof Novenilwr 1I. in
faror of T (1 Hendrii ki fl tiutitf, and a'aio't
rviwanl I Hky ileiinilant. Ir the urn of one
hundred and aiily aaven dnllani C51ii7.)). and
the further aura of twenty three ilolUra and
twentv-five eenU (rJ3 Z), c-U and ilibune
menu, ti;rthrr a itb soomini Mt and in
ternt, eniuniandiuj m thjt( out of th rval
nperty hrlon.rlnk' to th atld deftndant in
my county on or after tb AHb day of Xo.em
t In'.', Iieinir th real mwrtr hentiforv at
tached by me in tbi action and ili-Ti(wl a
follow, to-a iti Commenrin at the X K fr
nr of liolwrt Calliaona donation land rlaini.
in T 1M, 8 K 2 W, thence running wt
pen, thenn toutli K) nxU, thenca tul ISO, thenti north roda to pier of hein
u'wt. aonUiulii lUOacrv. all in I Jin County
Oregon, to Mtify (lie ai.l turn wf tli'7.00, and
the mm of tii ou, with inUmt and so
cruiiif pota.
Now, tliervf.vr, by rirtu of laid eeutl. I
bar tlii ?-M day of Noremtier jH.vJf lerird
Ue and will aril the aboe dracribed nreuiiar
at public auetioa for cah in band, to th hi-h
et biildrr, at the Court Id hut duor ia Ku,-rn
v ij . umii tnuuij, rrrKUW m
Tsteaday, Iee. 29, 1 .
betweee th boor ot 9 o'clock A St. ami 4
o'clock P M. of aaid dar.
J. R. CAMrilELL,
fihriff of In County, Orron.
PaWd (hi Zid day of Xov,
Heartily Recommended.
Don't em !m g-l thirty bcia J
f"""1 k7 wortl.: .o.tri.
''inf ' r:e
; jf..,,
- " 3Ufiraf.wtl.
" lawrf oysters 9.
" 7 n of Liuw f,,r $L
r-U cheap' K-n iwliee
: '.rJfJ SIT"
Te BiT San is the wiHI :'r Lni".
rj, Sirvii, I'Wk . Silt Khe-un, Fr St,
T,ttr l"bipw I fUn,!. Cail'iUta. .me.s&i
, ...w .;.rw , ir. .-.t
Hog Wanted.
j Vtm!
j U Y
ocnm li'ia; ituti! is the pr' F'- j
iaj twos'!, w3 pT tt kq,-tnt urk ft ee ,
f ir pnrk, drnw! or ea Giv thcat a tall
tfcr eoctrtrtia yoor h-v-
Thosa Pianos and Organs
Bart imttl at Cm'a Bma. Alan tha !ar?tt
ifiea jt.i uw uv waatco, ? -a
v!rv, ar aai net brouk'bt
:bt t
Evaa. Core in 1 .
PniVA'i ViUlL-er ta wht ymne! fr Co
tirtini. l f At'pt). I'urjywi aa-1
rrmnVMiM jf lrrniv Pri l!-ir.M.-ta,
ivttld. by Kourn an Co, E ;-,'o.
Tax Notice-
Xtica w ittrtby inn that the tax nil af
Lata e'Onty ia dw m r j banH i:h a
arrant lot tha eU?ux f tb Uii thtre
13, an-1 I ara reaily to rtceiva aod rtueit for
tha ame.
Date.1 Oct 7th,
Sberi.f ami TiX t'.'llt oi Laae Co., Or.
Mothers S'tould Knew it.
Fre'.'.i! lu' b!p riLiiarbin;
rrjbi t. an.l m- t'..trt I'ical l ka-iw b-.w
uoth.B; Pfkr .ir-trr Tnv U. It p f ifj'.r ttu lr..l.hv, relieves
H;.- Ci-ghter sSa'ely
I! !! tV.s t Co. ir I U o think
my .i fjl't r-ni l hv Iivrt -.x nvvrt.'ii
ku . "t Ctr l j'ar &te Kitney iu,i
lar Cnre.
5 II D M i-.iT, 5-1 LiV-rir St.
y-r r-i y 'i eh:l.l .:" r
t b.-.:I M MRS.
1 w;.l r,,-v lit nnr little m:f.t-T mm!:t y
1 : it: tr.r w tr'-u
Tar u B"t a nr mi ttrfa ha tr
l iv, w'jo iwt i T'"Q at "Doe tail rt
ill r-Lt tS '.x.-rel. af) rt V th '
Bothr, n.l rtlirf ax bartb ti the chit'!, np- j
ia a.1 ctMrt. anl f!i.Bt to t!i txU, aa I m j
im prw.npti a hi oo tt tha rHet an-i r-rt
f-nl phy.-i.rltm anl ia tit l"nitil
sta:. ! evrywbTa. ITictbU a l.u.
A ( enth, Cold or Hore Throat
Houl.l be t.(.pH. .W.-l-t frvtit;r r-i:It
an I ar arable f.aa: r ran-
aarapilAti. RKOHS'S ftiinrilXL
Hlo IIX are rertaln I zlfa relieiln
athma riraacblll, "oaU, alarrh,
aBarapif nmd Tbraat Diwaw,.
F' 3- f-jr tli lr:N have Vrn rw m
mn.i!l by fiby.tcvv:, ami alaar. fit jr
ft Tufj art B'ii aw nr un
triifil b-it bJtvioj U'a ty-tv.i Lt wi.! ?.n.l cdo-t-wit
t. f.r Tnry an entire pcnn',iin. t"iy
h t 'U:a-- w!l ni-ri'l nr,k &m.r!he frw
UIe rTa.-,!inf the a.-, f'altlie tpeak
fr an-i Min;er theta t- ci-ir tel
tren.liea tb Voice. S.hl at 2T. nt a b.x
XI aiil be at the ui'jal place of ..tin; at
the ta.-Knu precinct in Iv D County, (h"n.
for the pur of receiiinf U, frorn !
o'cl'wk A M to 1 o'clock P M of .vi dy, a
I rvinaf , .Monilay I;embtr 4
Lmij Tom 1'aendav " h
Riclarda Wednesday " 6
Sjicnctr Thnrailay " 7
MiotUw FrUy " S
fl..renr tBrday " a
Creswtll Monday 11
I'leaatat Hill Toeailay " 12
It Valley We.loea.lay " 13
MuUUrVrk Thnraday " 14
Kail Crek Friday " 1.".
?prin((lilil haturday " lii
Camp Creek Monday ' IS
M..hak Tueaday " 10
Willainatte Wednlay " 20
Jumjtioq Thaittlay " 21
CotUk-e f.r.e Krulay " 22
Haul Ill Saturday 2.1
S nth Kuen Tudy " 5i
Xorth Eu)n s'et)iidy " 27
McKcni...., .Thurday " 2S
Sheriff ami Tu Collector of Una Co.
Eugene City, Koe I, JyJi
In tb County Court of the Mat ef Oregon
for th Cosuty ef Io.
In th matter o( tli taU irf A J McDsn
iel, d.caviL
To AlWrt McD!iM, .Tame MoDaniel, and
flora Mi-Daniel, (rreetin:
(iREliOX: Ynn are hereby cited and re
o,uire 1 to aiear in the County Court, for th
( '.HiBty of 1 jtne, at th court rrom thereof, at
r.u((frit i ity, in the County n: l.ane, on .Mon
day, the let day of January, 1HS3, at 10 o'clock
in th forenoon nf that day, then and thrr to
ahow rauae, if any there be, why an order
should nt he made by aaid Court lor the aale
of th following deacribed ival pmjiertv brloni;
lo to aaid aUU of A J Mcl'auitd t!ecajel.
to wit;
Comrnenc'nff at X E corner of donation land
claim of H C )wen and wife. Not M7T 1 .
K i W, theno aouth .V.1 ltvlOU cha, thenoe V
si an lmi e). thence X 32 1 100 chs thenc E
41 t0 )U0 ch to place of be-innim;, containing
14 42 100 a:rra. Aim cotumen'-in; at SW
comer of donatiiHi land claim of Arl Cantrrll.
Sot STM, T 1H M, R 5 W, thene E Sn;4-10
eb. thtao N 33 2.-1I10 rh. thenc W ."W "4
UK) ch. thcatw S 22 '-H 100 ch to plar of be
irinnin,', containina' 13 3.VliM acre ia I jo
County, Orejroo.
Witne th Hon C W Fitch. Jnd,-
of th County Court of th Sut .rf
I I tirexTi. fur th i oonty nf 1 jne,
Seal Vwith the teal nf ntid curt arhxa.1,
( J tbi 3d day of Nov. A D. ISSi
v-" ' JOEL WAKE,
Cooaty Clerk.
Star Kestaurant !
F. A. TOzier Proprietor.
j W iir. Tie U of mtaU will b
i".etv Gist km a trial.
Is tit Cocr.'. Tonrt th Sta: Oryjn
for ti l'inty Ln.
Ia tie Bisifer 4 tt ru o J M ILirriaoo,
T- Mjrv L Larc. rrft:nr
(V-;"a : Y-a r hrl y r:ti an. r-
"tirt. appear w tae iocaty tw i toe
tr.o:rt ra t.-.r. (. t j.u-n .... ii tat
1 ;.!. i'u. ...likMLiiioiruH if ur
I tht X why Tr tSwriti f4tf mi bv
Iwi Court ':ita"rm la fctlj of IM m 5
S'a'direct irom A. T. Stewart & Co.N.
) rfiVM.v tttiII Viq arilH offlioT "V T 04-.
j Seal.
SaL wita WfJJ oc fuiiKir i-swo,
Jor.H AKE.tVrt
Ji iSHTA J- WALTa N. AWy f-r luf.
J the nnkri.Tiei k b n itn!y aVHttfl
a:minUtnt r nf tn puce of A L yno f t
wej. by th County Court of I n Cuuntr,
Ornn. All (nmi haitn claim ariat
ut nuk. r brhy nntiril to pretest tb
una pr"frly riS'l t the ui'lenL-ne'l at
tHe Uw i.f5 nf ."trahoa & Kilyn, is Euyene
City. Orpe, witLla tia rutioUw from tha iUt
J. P. rTRIilN'.AJajiaistrator.
L. EILYEL', Aht.
A Ur,- Tuntity of Iamb wW at the Xw
F.wVTy, fi whk-a we will pay th hiiest
ourkt tic, ia Cub. We will coinnence
perxtinn oa the IA ef Xnveinher, avi will
mimfirtnr anil ke-p far tal all kunU of
Yir, ?.k., W.l Eat:in0-, etc
All orvleri filleil on the iho.-test notice,
Eaioe Cicr, Oct dJi,
Mm i
" y U e-
Abcoluteiy Pure.
Tli' powder never rric. narcl of
ptirity. treni;th and whulirsomenef. Mre
economic.' than the ordinary krnUr and can
nt he ol i in onipetition with the cnJUtinJe
of low te.t. rhort wei'.dit, aliira or phoxphate
pow-irra. t-old only in can. Jlovai leaking
I'uwiter Co., m Wall-aL, X Y.
pH MV.y eh h .sieitrif ADnE c
rpllEBKST shoes eve:: ekocuht
L to tbi arket, at th h vt price
A D vl 1 1. I ST R ATO R S KOTICE-
il the urelervi-ne 1 baa been duly aifiiited
aiminitrator of the cute ot Jxtnah liood
chill, decexd, by the County C.sirt of Lane
CouMy, Ore-on. All periu batia-,- duiuui
a?aiit aaid estate, are hereby notified atl re
uire to preaeut the aawe, properly rerified.
to the unl. rsined at the law omce ot .'r.ihan
k llilreii. ia Eugene City, tlrtgon, within ix
montba from the date hereof.
4. SEVERN'S. AdminL'trator.
I EILYEL'. Att'vfor Adminiatrabjr.
En-en City, Sept 30, 12.
In tli Circutit Court of the State of Orrg-on,
for tb County of I-ane.
Mary U RiWbry. anil M D Ritchey")
her hutliaad. and W W Craitf,
Joaiah Cnv. Jniejh Prai.', X'ancy
Martin, Siar.'aret Young, Anna J
Caton, IVfenduita. J
To tai 1 J.wiahCrai;, Ji.eph Craii;, Xancy
M.trtin. Marvaret Vunn.' and Anna Caton,
the aaid 1 lefrndanU:
Oregon, you and each of you are hereby
reiiiri V be and appaar in aaid Court and
anaarr the complaint of the plaintiffs, now on
tile, within ten dav from the data of the
ervioe of thia mtamon upon you M rerved in
aaid I-ane County, .h-e;un, and if aervd in
any oil cr county in thu Mate, then within
twenty day from the date pf th service here
of ujion ytrfi, and if aerved by publk-alion of
ftiruinon, then on the firt day of th April
term of tlii Court, 1KS.1. And If ynq fail to
apar and anawrr, jiulment will be taken for
want tbrreof.and th idaintins will demand the
relit-f prayed for in th complaint, namely
The sale of th following deacribed premiara,
to-witi Th S of the rt E J of Sec 14, and
the H E 1 of S V. i of Sec 13; and lot No 8, of
Sec 14; and lt No 4, of Sec 13, TKS RSE,
contuiniuK 149 V10O acre, in Lane Countr,
Oregtti, in partition, aad tb prorewl ef aaid
ale ilitideil equally ani( the aaid plaintitft,
and d, femi'Uita, aftrr paying tb ent of this
suit and espenar of aaid aale, and for ich
other and further relief aa may be )uiUU
and juat
ia nimmon ia pnMUbed br order TTon
! II S (lean, Ju.h,- of tb Second Judicial Iha-
tn-t of i hyon.
lted (.t9.1iW2.
JilHUA J. V ALTON. Apy for TVTt,
The Dry Goods
Has stopped in Eugene City.
1 '
Wortnot Dry
JL Vrf i-i-a. SW tbyxvt. MU
h ntrono I IiT.TT Irnnna aanhonn nn.'
v-aa.w viwj . vwJ WvJ VXAaJ tliSili
1 wide Table Linen at 2- cent. per yard; worth 50 ctper yard- 18 yards
of Eancy Prints fx- $1.00, nod everything at such bedrock ' prices,' ' '
We keep the very latest in Ladies
Cloaks and Dolmans.
for Boot arsd Shoes ar BLXKIXCliAJf & HJXIiTs mxiw aud r
warrant every pair.
We keep GROCERIES am! soil them frr ash at Portland price '
Birtf Cages, Wall Parer ainl Coal Oil cheaper than elewhr.
Come and see o as you surely
want to bnv.
Crner SEVENTH and WILL.VMETTE STREETS, Ei.;en. O yi-srt
a-? -v . ivr - - : -IT
L amine
7-i -"- tane pua--!iro :u waitm;,' on ri-ilora.
Give J2ic a c:a!I befoi'e iiirclsasin chewlicr?
if fit
Goods sold as
in Oregon, for
Gash or Credit.
Highest Price paid for all kinds
of Country Produce, Call and see.
S . H. Fr i m li
ami Retail Dsslsrs and Manufscrjrers of all Kintfe of
Furniture, Mirrors, Picture Frames,
Mouldings, Coffins & Caskets.
OSr Special attention given to all ord for
by Mail or Telegraph, Night or Day. 25!Sf
Retail Dealers will find it to their
advantage to send
fre purchasing elsewkere.
Dr. N. J. Taylor,
Office no ttiim. one dKr south of Thomnaon
and Bean' ol.l orfi.-e.
V J A. J J
and Fancy. Goods
UUV Xt t I i- LZj lit 1 1 R
will ga.e-i.j pr r crnt. oieverytkin va.
I.VV a ttnent of th latatt at jl.a ( loniiHuw
al I pliolrtery, ccsmutic; of fin
Pa for and Charrber Suites. Sofas, Lounjis,,
Tsblss, Fancy Furniture, Chairs
Of ai! Descriptions, Etc-, Etc-r
VHch 'S1wa at lU L.VLST.rriw. -I MFT
Ail l erjon-s are re niectfullv inrited ta tall mi
my Ste.-k and b w'i.Sed f9r tkwslTa.
low as any House
for price list be-
Geo. B Dorris,
Attorney and Counsellor-at
Real Ratal bought and told. MoaT
Collection promptly atteaded .