CITY GUARD rrrrrrx i ti t- " " ; , l, ptM g Iswkt festv Seventh snd EiL . tU L nw a nirii.J wa. w 731NG. AltvkiianU inserted u loll, wwv i.w, v nun ur liil., UUek . ..w....i..t i .I tion to A........ lit i;. i 1 ksraaes. "Uiredra Ti: alrertiser will be ckarzeli . iarratsi: r101- 0(4 sasar thro months L,, M M " suavmth A" " " iw ; far kkok insertion, f V mill itiii ue renierei a.i stll Uk w,.,k n ut be r,. A l---.l-.l- kill. : M l. - i t rOSTOFFICK. tfle Hears -From I a. . to ? n. t:StaJ:Mp. m. V U kirives fro re tin tooth sn1 leave I a, as. ArriTn from the north iH Inn em M I II p. . tor BiuisUw, rrauklin ft. el., kt ( a.m. on We In. U. K..r r rills. Case Crak so I Brownsville itlm UMm will b res. It for.telirwv hlf TiTkl kf trains. Letters ihoiiM he left it the kk kekr keierk smile riepnrt. A. 8. PATTERHOV Y. OCIKTIE. kkkkljooni V II. A. r. n l meet knl ui tuira Welaeadkrs ! i Rrssnik Bnrrs Toikih Ho. I : I (J. F. MeeUeTerjrTiiee'laj-irenin. I , . , vriMwHLA Rwr.u.wr.r kh niwx Seasonable doods. I ra tkk tdkBll 4th We lnndkTl ill !. mnnlM limn Lorit, o. a. o. u. wAFine Cashmcrb in every mmu ( aikennie Hull the iccona nd fourth J. M. Si.oa!, M. W. Ciif iTRic Poit, No. 40, O. A. ).-AreeU t MkkkniD H ill, the ttr4 and tliinl YM.wt u mi aeata. liy orjor, Cuwanher. , 9ih p CnositM Frifnos. Mwtn the lrt and third Satr.rilny .tvenimm at Mwnicl mm. a j oraer oi j. it Sloa.h, U U. & iTIiHlf, ALBANY. L. BIITEU, ElOBXr. STIlAUAiV c BILVi:U, attorneys and Counsellors at Law, TBi.CTICE IS ALL THE COUKT3 OF X thu state. 1 hey special attcution M kkueounni ami proltnto iiutWrs. ff 101-Orer W. V. k Cn.'t Kxpre elli Geo. 6. Washburne, Altor:ac5 -:it!.uvi, AWCIHE crrv, - - - OXICIJON ITlc farmerly kccuiiiei by Tboinnon CEO. t,l UllB, Atornsj an J CcmssIlij-at-Law, asi Real Estate A$eiit. a SuCENE CITY, - - - OREG0.V. OFFICE-TWO doors north of Port O.'fice. Dr. Wm Osborne, Office Adjoining St Charles Hotel, Ok AT THB- DW& STORE OF EAYE3 mi LUCKY. A. I. H I3XLIN, m. D., l'kysician and Surgeon. XUGEXE CITY, - - OREGON Oflie. la Underwood' brick, over the E- i olSce. iu tt OR. JOHN NIC KLIN, fiyiician, Surssn and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill Couoty.) BIDENCE-Two doors south of M. E. a urea. DR. JOSEPH P. G ILL, fMiX BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res- Vidian when not professionally eu-0'tj. fie at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Precby riaa Church. DR. E. G. CLARK, Graduate of the Philadelphia JltnUl College.) DEI5TIST, JUUENECITY, OKE'iU.V. TAVING PURCHASED TJIE DENTAL JLA. office of Dr. L. M. Davis, 1 am preiwred to da all kinds of work in iuy profeasinn. D. T. Pritchard, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. REPAIRING OF WATCHES AXD CLOCKS executed with punctuality Mil at a reasonable out. Willamette St., Eugene City, Oregon. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LOCXEY, 2y5 SEALER IX Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc Repairing Promptly Executed. C-AIIWork XVkrraBt4. SJ J.S. LL'CKKY, n.Kns-r..rth t Co.'s brink Willamette street, j ESTABLISHED PUR THE A GENERAL A large assortment of La dies and Childrcns hose at 12 1-2 cts. Good Dress Goods at l?c Best Corset in town for 50c n fn imninoD vtnik ff AT7i I "t?zt7 aw.rf Nobby styles in CLOUILYG. iberal Discount for CASH. ew Departure Z? WO I?33LZ0333 I . AXD pATIl E THE MKN WHO IIKLP T . HOl'SKS, wlione iiiteri'i-t an iipeud thet lAtiU at hume. Xuke uotico tl.uU A I PETERS, Will sell goodelr CASH at (trratly reduced pi icei, Uet Prints U al 18 yards Jl 00 I 18yanls $1 00 te.t ISrowD aad bjavhed Miihlitis, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cU. tlarks aal BroolUmwil onttan "5 ct per Do. PU'ii nnj MiUedbmnels, 23, 3T: 4.'i and 50 CU, Watar Proo . Its Fine Wlftte KL liirtnto cu and $1. And aMbther Coeds at Also the l'elvlir.tle'1 AVTIltK Sli .VI NG MACHINE! Nnnei buttr fur sfrrUh. ize, and durability), At iff To my old Ouxliirn. wlu. hv tn.l bv m tTlUf as ll'T'tdfore t tima lin If af nv limp all sni, as others, tl full credit on irv rtdutti..n Romnson 4 Church. DEAI.EKX IS SSELI & HEAVY HARDWARE I HAVE TUB Wcleifcd Slock in 0rc?ni. f K3TICE TO SHEEP OVHERS. NOTICE IS HEKELlT GIVEN TO ALL hheep owners that thev Di;irt dip tiieir niitrp as whiu as snekied IK i)ISLAED. lti aw manes p.imione that wbm the owners fuil H dn w, th tt the Inspector eiiiU cauek it to Ur done at tueu enpenrc. S D. COATS, Sheep InnpecV fr Co, Or. CRAIN BROS. D2ALERS Of Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and waironlen. -wtliwek eoro-r i n lillametU and l.ihth .tr-t. AtMVIViruiOSlrtorNiL.v,.l,;:, Am tt?taai,tj- Itiiitn 1 1 OISSEBIMTIM OP OEMCRATIC'rEIIUPtES, lD TO EARS A.I mm LIVING BY THE EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, III 610 Trimming Silks and Sat ins in all shades. Moireantique Silks- Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place. BOOTS and SHOES :nall grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions. f ? OFB-SOSk, IiVILD YOUR HRIUGES. ROADS AND vuur iuU?ret I Ant jcruikaintly located aim at low as any Ctlier CASH STORE. Fin. Cheviot Sliirta. 50. 73 cts and !L New Assortment DnrM Goods (No Trash) 15, 20 aud & cts. Mens' Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, 50 ct Mens' Over)iii1s, 75 cts. and $1. Mens' Overalls, 50, C5, 75 cts and tl. KuilToidcries and Edwins at Fabulous Low Prices. Proportionate Rate3. m tm atly reduced rates. mi I irnr. I will cntitinu t- Hell on sarrk Ihev U'uh til 1ia.l.e CASH Diircliasrs. I will L-ive A. V. PETERS HAVE FOR -oi. at th LOW'ES'J Hutw. IKON. STEEL. . AXES, ANVIT.P NAILS, ROPE Chains n 1 Pnrl'.t JUi'LERY, AS. PJKH AMMUNITION JRH'l'MritAL IMI'LE.VEX'JS BliMtinir Pwdir, FikliinL' 'larlde. Etc., Etc. We invite an atam ination of .ur gud enntidrnt ttsl o ITotK will suit th times. A. LYNCH. JAS. PACE. LYNCH PAGE, In Dorrii' Erick Eaildicg. OEAUM IS Groceries Provisions, Will keep on band a general amwirtni.nt of 'irio-rie, 1'rovi.iona, Cured Meats, Toluici-O, ClVkrs, C'kDilirS, Candirk, txiaps, Notions, Green and lTied Fruits, Wood and Willow Ware. Croikery, Etc Business will be conducted on a CASH DASIS. Which means thai low Prices are Citahlhhid 5odi dtllurfd vilbaut charge U lijn M KINDS OF PRODUCE 'VVANTf r -w wiucn.wt "en rn.r... .. . .. -rw loiruKNK crrv 23USINESS 33IRECT0HY. BF.TTMAN. O. Dry goods, clot)dnR, Kcerie slid irenerkl inerrbsndiw, suuthaest corner Willamette and Eighth strreU BOOK 8TOKK-On d.r south of the Astor House. A full stock of asortd bos J'sixis plain and fancy. CEAIN Dim-Dealer in .Tewtlry, Watrh s, ClncVs and Musical IintniMents-Wil-lamette street, between Seeiilh snd Ei'i'ilh. CALLISON, R. O.-lVsl-r in crcene, pro ruions,coitutry pnxluco, canned pio.lii,lhHiks, sUtiunery, eta., souibwest corner Willamette and !)th Sta. DorfRIS, 11. F.-Dealer In Ptflrea and Tin wsro-Wil'iuuettk ktreet, between Seventh and Kiclith. FRIENDLY. S. H.-Dealcr In drt pvhIs, clottiinjj anl general tner. handi Wlilara ettk street, between Eighth snd Ninth. GILIj, J. P. Vhysieikn. Suiyeon and Dnir int, Postofflca, Willamette a reet, between Uventb and Eighth. HENDRICKS, T. O.-Dealei In cenersl n.r eliandlse-northwest mruer W illamette and Ninth Jtreets. MODES, C-Keeps on hand fine wines, llq iors, cigars ami a pool ana lui:iarit talile: Willamettk street, bit keen Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M.-G;in.mith. Rifles ar.J shot (runs, lireech and muule lurders, fur sai Repa'TiuK done in the m steal style and nar ranted. Shop on Dth street LVKCn. A -Groceries, pMvirlons. fruits. t- eui'les, etc, v illamrttk street, first door Skum oi rostomos. LTJCKEY, J. S.-Watchmal(er and Jeweler; keepa a hne stock of gixvls in hi. line, Ulau etU street, in Elhiwortb's ilnig store. Mi'CLAREN, JAM KS - Choice, winek.llnuors. ami ci'ars - v lllsmette street, between higlitu and intn. a OSBURN & CO.-Dea1rrs in dniirs. medidnea. chemicals, oils, paints, etc. Willamette st, opposite . l.liarles JloteL PArrERSON, A. S.-A fin stock of plain ana lunry vimtiug caMs. PRKSTON. WM. -Dealer In rWllerr. liar n-ws, (. arriaKe i mutiimM. etc. illamette street, lietwocn neveutu ami fJghth. POST OFFICE -A nb stock of standard schivd bonkk just received kl the pout ollk-e, itr...-ii . ji. ines, ijiiunrs, anil 1 1- vara of the best qnnlity kept coiiKtuntly on hand. The best billiard table in town. REAM, J. R. Undertaker and liuildini; con tractor, mrner i illamette and beveuth streets. ST CHARLES HOTEL - n,rlaa Pa lter, prietress. 11m best Ilote In the .!t. .Cuner Willamette and Ninth streets SCHOOL SUPPLIES- A latve and raried assortment of slates of all sizes, anil quantities of slates anu slate-books, lliree doors noith of tlie esiiress ottlce. WALTON. J. J. Attorney at Law. Onice- Willumettk street, between Seventh and Eighth. 2a s&rayi Corai onl nover dlsaj woinU. ViiO word's croat Psvia" . ItoUovor for Man ani Baast. CUeap, roiok auad reliable). PITCIIEU'3 CASTORLV Js uot Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Slot hem like, and Physicians rccomnicml CASTORLV. ltra'iiiutcstho BowcIh, cures "Wind Colic, allays revcrlslwess, aud de stroys Yi'orms. wei de azrzn' ca tarrh Cure. ConkUtatlonal A&tldota for tbi ton lb la mala dy, by Aasorptloo. Ibe mos. Important CiafiOTery sine Vao (laatioa. Other romedlo may rolleva Catarrh, tUs earaa at tij ata 1efor Consuuptioa kU la. TUTTPS 11 IwL CTWPTOM3 CF A TORPID LSVEF?. Tm. m lmMi. lkivel. eot Tk.l'kin 'a the Head' win a dull sens- tion to Oik bask Drt. rn later in nrionioer bask part, rk'i unier in onouiu.r h.aa. rniiiMiH .n- as. i nr. with a disin- cl net inn to eie.rum if d.kjt cr B.inl, Irrltatill tT of tamp -r. Lcw sp rits, wita t fooiiofof hkVlnf nilecl A KimertuiT, wtri k'.a, Uia.ije-s, liutieriiif at tee Hea t, Dot before tha n es . V knuw Ukin, Hekdk.:ha enra.!j cetr tl.a riaht aya, Itekviessnmit, witrt tUui aU o-s, kUul aslurea Urina, ar.d coM$T??A7:or. m-TAI I kl Sku Sir I TTTTT I'll-L-kJe e-prrUIIaaawvkai snrh tun, i ui lie. I .aeh a vbaava f f ewlln "k to n.lai'Uli ! klr. Ther Imrmf fr M mlM, n rm. Ike Mr Ut -la mo l "' . Kri.Hel ui l nf l" " tsl .. V SMaie terra i. strsnl'-r aie U-o. rric o a. Hrr7 . TUH'S IJAiRBYEs Ov.t H?k e Wwr ersneM w kOor.T hi-.r tr .insi'-fcri ' ' ' '"a. 1' Pi imii-d tJi r, . n ii ...' P ! f Unit. iM mm If r,f m f l . errm. a rirsii a.. are? kv. TlTTk M." tt mm fckpa f SWEAT OP 6TR BM V. 1882. nop Ctiliiire la New Tuik. Tlia liop crop of central New York in n int.Tetiiijj fcatur in American ag-rii-ulture. This yur tliers. hat Wn total failure in the hop crop of Eng land, a lark ahortage in Germany, and a dexreaae n (he American yiild that haa sent the price up to fifty cants per pound, and in artin inntances more. The new Imps re repreaenteil as of ex eelhut quality and cleaner than uhurI, owinir to the dry weather, which has prevented rust, honeydew, and teriiiiii from injuring the, fruit The yield ta, however, small. I at-e it atated that one of the Urgent grower in the town of Markliall eays that he is getting thus far an average of 9."0 pouiidn p r acre, here last year l.e aentged 1 ,344 pound H does not complain, fcr at fifty cents pi r pound he i a'ao getting (475 per acf, against (J42 per acre at eighteen rents per pound 14 year. Tli Kangckfleld growers say '.hat they are getting aWt 800 pound per acre, against 1,100 last yar, Another in the town of Kiikland aay ha picked 1,250 pounds last year, where now he is averaging little Utter than 1,300. A Madison farmer, estimating from the 300 boxes picked the first day, esti mates hi crop 30,000 pounds aguiust 22,000 pounds last year. This is one of tli exceptional cases of large increase- A good many growrrs report their hops heavier ly tha hox tlinn in previous years, hut their numher of Ikw s considerably lean Th estimate of shot Inge of from ti fleer, to twenty per cent, will prove not far out of the wny. Tha accounts of hop harvesting are interesting, jhousands of strangers hasten to the fields, and only hlindnesx is a positive disqualification for hop picking. At 35 cents per hox and Iionrd, iiitnUk fingers can make better wages in the hop field than in the kitch en, at chauilier work, at ordinary day labor, or as waiters iii lintel or restaur ant, and when tli cry of ' ln ppik"is hoard in the land there is a general runli to the fields. From Utica ami Syracuse. and from illugs in central New York, lifts, women, and children go )y hun dreds and even thousand. Families shut up their homes and "go into the country" on their annual vacation, and form groups around hop boxes. The farmi'rs want pickers, and generally they tska whoever coun-s without re quiring a "character." Thus the very worst and worthiest are gnthreJ into one neighborhood, perhaps on the same farm. Tli" ambitious hop picker is described as being at hU work as soon as it is light, and continuing thereat till dark ness sends him to ImhI. Those who go to the hop fields for the fun they can i;ct out of thein are quickly detected and told to nifind or move, faultily the picker is as desirous of putting as many boxes to his credit as the farmer is of having him do so, and long days of steady application in the Eeld.s beget desire for sleep during the hours of night. Frequently one will find select groups amon the pickers. They may e families from nnar-by villuges, or pnrhaps from the household of the owner of the yard. Ladies of refin merit aud of high social accomplish ment not infrequently ate in Hf the opeuirg, and continue till the end of thu "season." Tliey pick hops for diver sion, for their health, fur pin money; at uy rate, they pick of tlioir own choice, not bncausa their askiatanct is par ticularly needed or desired by their lius'iunds and fathers. On lady Wsted lat year of gaining ten pounds in flesh and 115 in pin money from her vacation in her hulnnd s hop fields. Another displayed $20 as her profits, and said her, health was benefitted more I no it hod been by her four weeks at the seoxido, Itith of theae, were pick ing hop agv'n this year, and declared that their thrifty example has Wen ful lowd by several of their acquaintan ce. Hop dance are the chief source of amusement fur toe niasars, and the fellow who ha the "gift of fiddling" adds conideraM to hi earnings by playing at these festivities, formerly, tha pickers rot op d.iuces whenever they fe't like it, but for tha hint few vear the farmers have taken control of the) matter, and insist that dancing shall I the exception, and not the rule. On the brat regulated frn only one (In nee is permitted, and that at the close of the "eeaaoav American Cultivator $2.S0 per year IN ADVANCE Somni rn'iiiliiiu In Do;s. Boomerang. There is something peculiar aliout' somnambulism when considered from a scientific and philotophical stand point. The sleep-walker, it will lc found, still retains a faint idea, even whil ha is asleep, of the condition of affair whan he went fo sleep. For instance, if h leaves his ck the in a certain part of tlis roam on retiring, h know when I,' rises just where to find them, even in the dark. This is a question which opens up a wonderful held lor physiolo gical and mental research. While young and giddy we became a somnambulist and excited a great deal of curiosity by our strange freaks dur ing sleep, and this one question of the slumWing mind and its memory of facts existing prior to sleep was the most remarkable thing aliout it all to' us. We puuled over that a good deal. At night we would retire to rest aad the next thing we would know we would wake up in the middle of a con- tiguous melon patch, and there would be two or three other somnambulist-' there in the same patch, and a much surprised as we were. Still there is the una truth staring ui in the face,' Every somnambulist there had through his sleep retained in his semi-conscious' state a perfect recollection of where every article of his clothing was and how to get out of the vp stairs window without waking the old people, Tye and byu the owner of the melon patch p'ocured, at great expense, a large humorous bulldog, who was also' a somnambulist, lie walked irl his sleep a good deal. That is why we quit We didn't propose to descend to' the level of the brute creatioa We just said, if a bulldog we.nt to om- nanhulixt, he can do so and we will leave the field to him. We made this resolution one night just after we had plugged a water melon. While stooping over in the act, we felt a ping of conscience and heard our suspenders break. Ferhaps thu casual reader has never nut down on a buzz saw and full him self gradually failing away. It so he does not know what it is to form the acquaintance of a somnambulist lull dog in the prime of life. After that, somnambulism didn't have such a run in our family for a while. We never slept so sound that we didn't remtmber places and objects that hud made an impression on us prior to slumber, and that is why we say that there is something in this matter that scientists would do well to look" into A Lonely brave. Near Carthage, in a lonely spot rare ly visited, aleeps a wandering minstrel of our own times, whose one immortal song has been heard everywhere the English language is spoken. Like the' roving singers of lovely Proyence.many times he had nothing but hit harp: John Howard Payne was a gay Bo hemian, extravagant in taste, lavish in expenditure; living much, too much, 'mid pleasures and palaces," yet with a vein of sadness down deep in his heart He died while holding the office of Con sul, and a plain marble slab, sent out by the Government of the United States uiarkes the grave of the home less man, sixty years a wanden.r on this earth, the author of "Home, Sweet llome." One winter he was without money or credit, and in London had not where to lay his head He tried to quiet th pain of hunger and Lomalessness by looking in at window and from the areas scenting good cheer. It was Christmas eve, the snow ftdl fast, the wind was sharp and keen. At on luxurious house the hungry man stopped and watched the lighting ef the Christmas tree. Its candles beamed brightly on the pa re merit, and among1 the evergreens he could see the red lsrries of holly, the toys and garlands,' and the pretty heads rf the children. They danced and clapped their hands while the presents were distributed, and the air ran with ehouts, laughter ' and acreams of, delight. When the- merriment hal spent itself a little, one young girl wmiI to the piano and struck: up ''heet Home, while the family j joined in a rousing chorus. Was ever' 1 contrast so bitter.