r 71 E H ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSESIMIM OF DEMOCRATIC PRMPLESJXD TO EiM AS HONEST LIVING BT THE SWEAT OF OCR BROW.. iP F 11 ID1 cr Y AW. iTJ WHOLE NO. 783. lit tfagrne (City Guard. I. L. CAMPBELL, rublisher and Proprietor. VfICI-Oa the East .id. of Willamett. taeetbetwe.a S. Tenth and Eighth Street OUR OMLT A.ra or advkktisinq. . Atvaraiameate insert.! M follow: fa. Mir, 10 liats or less, on. insertion $3; .sbs.aa.it insertion f 1. Cub required in aivaaae. Tint elverttseti will be charge! at the fol oviaf rates: Uti i,i.r. tore, m.iths to 00 " " six month. j..,. g 00 " " ant y.ar 12 00 Cr.iii.it notice, in local column, 20 cut. per ' no Ir .eca uaernon. . dvartuiaf bill, will bo rendered quarterly, ill job work rau.t bo paid roit on pelivkhy, MSTorncE. Lara -Proa I a, at. to 7 p. a. Snail.?. ail arriTM fr.a. th. south and leave, loin north It a. m. Arrives from tho north ami learea gjoing; Mlk at 111 a- F.r Siuialaw. Franklin and Unit rta, eleea a neaneauay. ror urawrord. fllli. Caaa Croak and Brown.Till. at I p.m. lttere will ready for deliyery half an hour after o.tieel f train.. Letterashoald be left .t th. offlc a h.ar tef.ro a.ll. depart. A. 8. PATTERSON P. V. SOCIETIES. ItoiaaLoDoa Ha II. A. T. and A. V VmU trai aad third W.laead.ya la .arh ' sa, ',,ni "BrT loBoa Ke. 0 I. O. jkQ.t. Heatseverjr Tuesday evening. -"teape WtMAwniLA F-NnAMmmiT No. 6, aat. on th. Id .ad 4th Wedneadaya in each month. a Lodoi, No. 15, A. O. U. W.- Khu at Maaanic Hall the tecond and fourth Tatar, in .ach month. ' J. M. Sloax, M. W. Cumtmci Poit, No. 40, G. A. It. Meets at Maionio Hall, th. first and third Friday, of aa.hm.nta. By order, Comkaniikh. vidii of Chose Fiursns. Meet, the Int and third Saturday .veninin at Masonic BalL By order of J. M. Sloan, U C. I. I. STIlaUlf, ALBANT. L. BILYEU, IUOENE. STEAHAn fc BILYEU, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF thii State. They give .pedal attention t. aallaetioai and probate la at tent. inoi Orr W. V. k Co.'t Express office Geo. 8. IVashburne, Attorney -at-Lan, ftVCENB CITY, - - - OREGON flice formerly ecenpied by Thompson ft laa. jyn3 GEO. H. MILLER, Ittarnsy and Ccunsjlbr-it-Law, and .Real Estate Agent. irGENECITr, - - - OREGON. OFFICE-TWO door north of Tost Olfke. Dr. Wm Osborne, Office Adjoining St Charles Hotel, OR AT THE KIT BHUO BTOSE OF HAYES and LUCKTT. A. I. N ICKLIN, M. D, Physician and Surgeon. EUGENE CITY, - - OREGON. Office in Underwood', brick, over the Ex pus, oflio.. iw " OR. JOHN NICKLIN, ftj.ician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly Vainhill County.) JtlSIDENCE-Twa doon louth nf M. E. ahiirch. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, TUN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res- Videnco when not prufeiuionaliy enjfageu. Oaiea at the TOST OFFICE DRUG STORE. lt.sid.net on Ei.'bth itreet, opposite TiM Irian Church. . DR. E. G. CLARK, Graduate of tho Philadelphia Dental College.) DENTIST, ITTttltVlt PITY. . OKtljUO, 0 vn TKV. DENTAL oftira of Dr. L. M. Davi.. 1 m prepared U do aU kills of work in my profession. D. T. Pritchard, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. REPAIRING OF WATCHES AND CLOCKS eiecuted with punctual; and at a reasonable cost Willamette St., Eugene City, Oregon. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, D KALES IX Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. dlUWerk Warranted-- J.S. LCCKF.r, BJwrtktO.'lbHck Willamette itreet I E. BUMS A GENERAL A large assortment of La dies and Childrens Hose at 12 1-2 cts. Good Dress Goods at 12c- Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CLOIHING. Liberal Discount for CASH. New Departure TWO SPIRjECJIEIS I PATRONIZE THE MEN WHO HELP T SCHOOL HOUSES, whose iuterentn are spend their profits at home. Take notice that- A V. Will .ell goods for CASH at (jmatly reduced prices, as low as any other CASH STORE. Best Prints lb and 18 yards $1 00 Best Brown and Bloached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cts. Clark, and Brooks spool ootton 75 cts per hot. Plain anil Milled Flrnnels, 25, 35: 45 and 50 cts. Wator Troo , cents Fine White Shirts, 75 cts and f 1. I And all other Coeds at Also the Celebrated WHITE SK ,VIiNrG MACHINE ! Vnf Vwtter fur strenith. size, and durability). At u'reatlv reduced rates. t-iTTomy old Custntnen, who have stood by t'rms as heretofore on tim, but if at any time all sm, a. others, the lull credit on uiy reuuetum a. v. xiiir.no Robinson & Church, DEALERS IN SIIELF& HEAVY HARDWARE HAVE TUB Best Selected Slock in Dregm. MTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS. ,.n.Mr f'll'l'V TH Al l. i Sheep owners that t ier must dip thrir aheep a. sn as sheared IK IJI. i in. aw Lk provUions tlt when th. ownen Ui aw niak". prov to do n(tht tf to do ao, tbt the In.pector .uaii u. . uone at wi "-i p COATS, Sheep Ijwpector It Lana Co, Or. CRAIN BROS. Watchri i i Jcvelrj, Musical lntrumentf , Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Hocks, and Jewelry repaired and ,-arranted. N.rthwe. corn of illamett and Etfhthstreu THIS PArJ-xt k Uiiwu " ac- i EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, WIS ! ) Trimming Silks and Sat ins in all shades. Moircantique Silks Velvets in Colors. TJie finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place. BOOTS and SHOES ;nall grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions. f t BUILD YOUR BUI DUES, KOADM AKiJ your interest. I Are permanently located and PETERS, Fine Cheviot Shirts. 50, 75 cts and II. New Assortment Drew Goods (No Traah) 18, L'O and 25 cts. Mens' Underwear, Shirts and Drawer., 60 ct Mens' OverxhirtH, 75 ct. and $1. Mens' Overalls, 50,05, 75 cU and f 1. Embroideries and Edwins at Fabuloui Low Prices. Proportionate Rates me so I mg, I will continue ti sell on same they wish to maka CASH purchases, I will give HAVE FOR, .ale at the LOWEST Rates. IRON, STEEL, AXES, ANVILS NAILS, ROPE Chain, nd Pocket JUTLERY. AS. PIS'J ULS, AMMUNITION iKICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Blasting Powder, Fihhing 'lackle. Etc., Eto. We invite an exam (nation of our good confident that o btikk will luit th time A. LYNCH. JAS. PAGE. LYNCH & PACE, la Dorrls' Brick Bailding. Groceries J Provisions, Will keep on hand general aaanrtment of Groceries, Proviaioni, Cured Meat., Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Candli, Saps 'otioM, Green and Dried tnita, Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, Etc Business will be conducted on a CASK DASIS, Which mean, that Low Prices are established Goodi dcllTcrcd vilhoot charge U Boyti ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE"WANTEC K-f which we will payljthe hihMt market LYiSC H PAGE I If llll I S KUOKNK CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BETTMAN, G. Dry goo.li, clothing, grocerie. and general mrrhandi, aouthwe.t comer Willamette and EiKhtb .trevU, BOOK STORE One door south of tha Astor Hous. A full stock of auorted box pajur. . plain and fancy. CHAIN BROa-Dealer In Jewelry, Watch a, Clock, and Musical Instruments- Wil lametta street, between Seventh and Eighth. CALLISON, R, 0.-lealer in grocene., pro viaion., country produce, canned gnoda, book., tationery, etc, Muthwe.t corner Willamettt and Oth fits. DORRIS, B. F.-Dealer in Stove, and Tin waro- Willamettt .treat, between Seventh and Eighth. FRIENDLY, S. H.-Daler In dry good., clothing and general tuerchandiao Willam eU .treet, between Eighth and Ninth. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug- gist, roa-Aimce, niametta t rcet, Iwtwtea Stventh and Eighth. ENDKICKS, T. G.-Dealei in general mer chandiao northwest corner Willamettt and Ninth JtreeU. HODES, C Kee. on hand fin wine., liq uora, cigar, and a pool and billiard table; Willamette itreet, between Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M. -Gunsmith. Rifle, af.d shot (funs, breech and nmiilo lo. dera, for sai Repairing done in the neatest style and war ranted. Shop on Hth .treet LYNCH, A -Grooerie., proviaioni, fruit., reg- etablca, .tc,, Willamette street, first door touth of Postoffiue. LTTCKEY, J. & -Watchmaker and Jew.ler; kM a hn stock of good, in his line, Willam ettt .treet, in Ellaworth't drug .tore. McCLAREN. JAMES - Choice, wlneajiaora, andciirar. - Willamettt .treet, between Eighth and Ainth. OSBURN & CO.-Dealer. In drug., m.dlcinea. .. ..! -! H f. 1.1 III . cneinicaia, oils, D.inia, tic iiiam.iit .(., opH).ita S. Charles Hotel PATTERSON, A. S.-A fin. .tock of plain and fancy visiting cards. PRESTON, WM.-De.Ier In Saddlery, Har- noas, (. arriagt Iniuniinga, etc. w illamett. treet. between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE -A new .took of standard chcol book, just received at the post ollice. RENSHAW. WM.-Wine., LiUon, .ml Ci gars of the lest quality kept constantly on hand. The best billiard table in town. . REAM, J. R. -Undertaker and building con tractor, corner Willamette and seventh .treeU. ST CHARLES HOTEL - Charlas Ba- ker, prietress. The best llote in the lity. iConer Willamette and Ninth street. SCHOOL SUPPLIES-A large and varied assortment of slates of all aires, and qunntitiee of .late, and .late books. Three door, north of the express office. WALTON, J. J.-Attomey-at Law. Office- Willamette street, between aev.nth and Eighth. al-7aya Cnrea and nerer dlaap" point. Tho world'e groat Pain Keliever for Man and Baaat. Cheap, quiok and rollabl. 7,1m PITCHER'S C ASTORIA Is not Narcotic Children grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTOUIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Fcvcrlshness, and de stroys Worms. WEI SE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, a Conatitntioaal Antidote) for this terrible mala dy, by Ai.orptlon. Tha mo Important Dlaoovery ainoa Vae dnation. Other remedies may raliera Catarrh, tlia oaraa at any ataga baforo Con.ampUoa aet. in. TUTPS PILLS sfc Sl II SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Low of AppetlU, Bowels eottive. Fain In tho Head, with a dull aeoaation In the blade, fullnea. after eating, wit b a duin- baek part, fain unuer in ooonmar clinatlon to exertion oi l of h or arini1, Irrltabllitr of Umper. Low apliita, with D007 fealiDC of bartna neglected ome dutf, . . i . ThtHMin. At tha Heart, Dote before tha area. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right aye, Be.iUun.aa, with HUui dl sua, hiftkiy olored Urine, and tpOWSTIPATIQW, TTTTS PILIJIatw pewlallr adapt U .arb eaaa, one lot. Rrct. .oeh a change f fMllnar a. to a.tanlah th .offerar. Thr I . 1 1 hit Ut Appalls, .n4 tana the eodr t Tk w rii. lioui ihe arawm le aaarkM. aal lr lhir Tows Artlaw on th. lleMlT Orjs-a. tucrA. rrle eania. M Humr taw TUTT'S HAIR DVE. Oa.T Rataoa Wnrswmi. eh.nrM loaOiwT Kuca by a aln.le (n.lrilrm " "oa lv r.. Iinn Mru a aaloraa oul. acU ImtanuiiHmalv. ""'M If linionu. or arnt b eiprra. on rawi.l of II. mre. u HiiitT t, xrw vorK. (r. II II1. BlSriL 1 VM. Irimla u4 . t a.Hja a to BiM lUIn ill'lU'aa. 1882. STATK NEWS. Several cues of scarlet fever at Mc Minnville. Duckn and Lake county. gtrs are numerous in The Wasco county court house will le finihlied in a short time. Barley 90 cents and oats 75 cents per bushel at Cove, Union county. The road from Alsea to Monroe, Uenton county, is now open for travel. The new charter makes th town of Ashland one mile wide and two miles long. A good sample of sorghum made from cane grown in Wasco county has been shown in The Dalles. A five inch vein of coal has been struck in tunnel No, 1 on the Oregon Pacific railroad in lienton county. Tim Albany saw mills are now en gaged in sawing timliers for tunnels on the southern extension of the 0. A C, The recent term of the Circuit Court in Yamhill county was tho least ex pensive of any that has yet been held then. ' A man named J. Meilligh, residing at Coquille City, committed suicide last Saturday by hanging himself. Family trouble was the cause, A sulphur spring at Cove, Union county, keeps the water in the mill race warm, and enables the millers to keep the wheel going even in tho coldest weather. Nearly all the pack trains that transport goods fron Crescent City to Josephine county, are owned by China men, who understand the business thoroughly. Jacksonville is improving rapidly ait 1 a healthy growth psrvades the entire place. There is a good demand for houses, notwsthstanding there are very few, if any, to rent Montgomery station, on the 0. le 0. R. R, in Douglas ounty, contains 39 houses including several stores, saloons and boarding houses, all doing a thriv ing busineHs. Comstock it Miller have completed their contract with the 0. & C. II. 11 Co., of clearing tho right of way as far as Cow creek tunnel, with the ex ception of 1900 feet which will be com pleted next spring. On the road from Pendleton to Cen terville, says the Tribune, several log houses are being erected by Indians or half breads, who havo picked out their 1G0 acres and will commence farming a la whico man. The large tunnel at Cow creek hill, one andWe-half miles east of Mont gomery, is being rapidly pushed for ward night and day, On the south side the tunnel entrance lias been effected 300 feet, and on the north sido 150 feet. Contractors complain of not having reached a solid formation as yet, much to their dissatisfaction. The Umatilla Indians expect to put under cultivation next year over 10,000 acres of their reservation, They have a saw and flour mill, thrsehers, headers, and in fact everything they need. Tho more industrious of the tribe are getting wealthy. Chief Homily informed the Walla Walla Democrat that fifteen or twenty of the Indians are worth 10, 000 each. Tho company engaged in the con struction of the military telegraph lino between Astoria and Cape Hancock, have fininiklied the land line to Fort Stevens. The Washington Territory sidu next receives attention. The line is to be built from Chinook point west ward, following the course of the bay, after which the cable will be laid and Cape Hancock will be in communica tion with the world. A suit at law is pending in Ohio against a telephone company which re moved A Ulophono from plaintiffs premises "Iwcaune of tho use of profane language." We had supposed that it was a well recognized fact that tele phones and profanity wen one and in epa'able. It the telephone is to I withdrawn from all premises where profane language is used, then good-by to the telephone: its davs are nuui- bered. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE A Jam Kirpta'i Beard. Adam Kirpen, of Chicago, who pes sesscs the longest beard in :lie world, is sixty-four years of age, is five eleven inches tall, and a perfect specimen of a robust but aged German. By means of his beard ho has amassed a consider able fortune, but, notwithstanding, lie endeavors to sell his photographs on the plea of poverty. The beard which he wears at present has attained the wonderful length of nearly twelve feet, lie disposes of his rather unwieldly ap pendage when walking on the street by rolling it around a leathern Itelt sus pended about his liis neck. The length of the beard is such that ho can placo both feet upon it, and the other end, upon being lifted, reaches a few inches above his head. Tho beard, which it of a dull gray color, is quite thick, and is the result of twenty-two years unin terrupted growth. From his youth Kirpen gave evidence of becoming as bearded as Esau. At eleven years of age he was under tho necessity of shav ing, and at fourteen had a largo bushy beard, which, added to his robust frame, caused people to frequently confound him as being his father's brother. When Jie entered the German army at an artillerist his mustache was three feet in length, and he experieaced abott as much trouble in partaking of his meals as Victor Emanuel, of whom it is related that he tied his mustache behind his cars when about to eat Ho was the wonder and delight of th other sex, and received innumerable privileges from tho officers on account of his appearance. It was not nntil ho came to America that he allowed full sway to tho growingproperties of his board. When the beard was five feet long he sold it to a Chicago museum for seventy five dollars. From that time, twenty-two yeart ago; no roxor has boon applied to his face, and tho beard Sat steadily grown and is still growing, having increasod two feet since 1878. Tha hair branch out liko a tree, some having as many ai a dozen splits. Tho old man has ono son, but the board does not teem hereditary, as ho found it a difficult matter to raise a beard previous to his thirtieth year. His grandfather was remarkable, however, in having limbs and body covered with hair nearly twelvo inches long. Republican Sentinel. Petroleum la Miisonri. Very promising discovirics of pe troleuin are reported In Vernon coun ty, Missouri, where shallow wells have been sunk by persons prospecting for asplialtum. Tho supposed asplialtum, which in places covered the ground to a depth of four or live inches, has been pronounced by oil experts to be heavy petroleum. It is described as of a black i.'h green color, and of the consistency of thick molassei. Tho region in which petroleum is suppose to exist in quar. tity is a plateau about 5,000 feet above the level of the tea, lying near the con ter of a tpur of the Ozark Mountains and between two arms of Clear creek. The soil is of a silicious nature, yet so finely decott posed that it is admirable for farming purposes. Doneath the toil there is a thin stratum of clay which restt on a layer of argillaceous rock. Underneath this rock is a stratum of porous tandatono from 20 to 40 feet thick. Next comet a thin vein of coal, and lieneath thit is the oil deposit The wells that were sunk in the search for axphaltuin are from 25 to 40 feet in depth. Arrangements are making for the sinking of deep wells. Never forsake a friend. When enemies gather round, when sickness fulls on the heart, when the world is dark and cheerless, then is tbo time to try true friendship. They who turn from the scene of distress betray their hypocrisy, and prove that interest only moves them. If you have a friend who loves you be sure you sustain him in adversity. Let him feel that bis forn er kindness is appreciated, and that his love was not thrown away. Real fidelity may be rare, but if exists in the heart They only deny its worth and power who have never loved a friend, or labored to make ono happy. The good and kind, tho affec tionate and the virtuous, see and feel , the grand principle. t