The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 04, 1882, Image 6

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Tou loved me onoa, ah, well I knew it then !
Out night you kitted lue, uuJerneath the
And aaid tbnt ire must never ki again.
Tbt m the parting, tint strange moment,
Tbe heart its weakness and lie strength dia
clows. I knew you loved me tbon I
Tou loro me yet. ah, well I know It now!
But these few stolon kinaca. aad aa leader,
That gave my spirit etrength, I know not bow,
falling like beniaonion lip and brow
To fill my anul with mingled gloom and ipen
dor -
I know you loye me now I
Aa then and now, oh, lot it he for avel
Lit tliM dear li still I'll Cho sweet old
Let tlnwa kiml kirn at ill drive grief away,
LigWu my bMvy enma frim d.iy toils',
And make tn crowu ol th-jrul a crown of
Forever aud for aye!
Jacques Auriol did not even manifost
that sudden start of nervous anger that
doepons the wrinkles of the faco, and
clonohes the hands as though with the
desire to smite an enemy when, at tho
bottom of his wife's jewel box, ho found
the letters; of tho pott Sergei Hardunges.
They were tied up in pink ribbon in
bandies tho dates scribbled upon the
envelopes; together with dried flowers
turned yellow, that had obtained the
subtlo order of iris impregnating the
satiny folds between which thoy hud
long remained and all those little
nothingnesses which are like the seals of
love histories.
"As well that it should be he as an
other," was all that ho grumbled out,
with shrug of his shoulders.
And, wholly unmoved, ho untied the
pink ribbonB und read the letters ono by
one. At first a looker-on might have
supposed him to be curiously examining
a bundle of common place papers picked
up in tho streot. The table seemed as if
covered with a fall of white petuls. Tbon
tho ardent passion that illuminated euch
phrase, like tho glow of a Bengal firo;
tho unbroken souk of kisses kisses
whose madness and bliss scorned con
tinually to increase in strength and sweet
ness: tho truo romance in reading in
which ho forgot his own ridiculoji role
of Hagurolle all strangely captivated
Jacques Auriol. lie would read certain
passages aloud, listening to the musical
sonority of the words declaiming the
ecHtatio avowals like the tirades of a
comedy. When he h'td finished reading,
Ln rricd aloud, with a skeptical smile:
"Purblcou! a ready-made book which
Las come to me from Heaven!"
And, futile evening, heoontcutod him
self by saying to his wite in an almost
paternal tono, botween two puffs of
cigarette smoke:
"I have been informed, my dear, that
Ifsrdangos is your lover. Well, after
all, if you find any amusement in that "
Madume Auriol suffered in every fibre
of her being from that odious disdain
which shipped her like a spadeful of
mud flung in her face. Hhe suffered
till more when she discovered the theft
of ber letters. Her letters, which
while far away from tho one she loved
bad so well consoled hor, had holpod Iter
io ' endure her unfortunate life, to kill
tho insufferablo slow hours had ca
ressed hor to sleep had inspired her
lumber with dreams had filled her
youth with eostasy of illusion!
Her marriage had beon indeed an un
lucky event for her. Sue had but just
loft the convent, with a littlo sentimen
tality ln her frail bird brain, with that
awakening of a heart which beats without
ihymo or reason with that longing for
the unknown whioh is indefinable, which
tortures and makes circlos about the
great curious eyes of young girls. And
it was then she first met Jacques Auriol,
at a sort of literary solon, to which her
parents sometimes ooudncted her. Ono
of those numerous salons where the
reading of nnpublishod tragedies is sub
stituted for the enchanting airs of Johann
Strauss where tho gentleman wear cot
ton socks and have bluck finger nails.and
the ladies have toilettes that seem cari
catures, and resemhlo truo fashion
about as much as Uuiguol resembles
opera. '
Jacques Annuls heal recalled thove
faded vignettes which adorn tho covers
of old-fuf hioned romances. In that wau
visage, that long hair thrown buck,
those vague eres, there was something of
the olottu who exhausts himself in per
performing serenades to the moon,
somethiug of tho tonor with paint-bo-smeared
visuge, something of tho addle
poled Worther who makes a pro
fession of his future suicide. Like a
great many other fools he passed for a
man of talent, aud scribbled newspaper
articles which were neither good or bad
-scribbled right and left like a soldier
firing his cartridges at random. Bom
bustift, and skillful in flirting behind
open fans, hit clown's name suited him
miraculously well, by reason of his per
petual chattering, the adroit manner in
which ho leaped over the obstacles of
life, aud the cunning way in which he
befooled all who were innocent onongh
to trust him.
This animated mnuikiu easily be
witched the littlo school-girl, Sho saw
the vision of a fairy title before her that
deceitful fairy tale through which struts
the fascinated silhouette of the Prince
Charmant. She intoxicated herself with
the promises he reiterated in honeyed
words. She believed in oaths. The
hope of a lifolong hnppinesj of a warm
and exquisite love, made her dizzy,
blinded her, rendered it impossible for
her to resist. She even stopped her ears
that sho might not hear the warning
cries which the most disinterested poo
plo shouted to her out of pure uharity.
And the marriage was patched up just
like a pleasure party, with great fuss aud
At the end of a month or was it even
so long? she was disgusted with her
husban 1, and had no further disillu
sions to know. And of all her euthusi
astio love nothing now remained but the
agonizing knowledge of the burden alio
had to bear, the sickening memory of
Bohemian acting, the insslent lies and
ready made phrases of the man whose
name she bore. He had duped her
shamefully, like a gambler who loads his
dice before a deciaive game, fchi awoke
, from her dream with a feeling of Imo
late desolation of a death von than
physical death, whioh is rest aad peace.
Do'uth of her heart, death of her youth.
Jacques Auriol did not love her. He
had married her only to ihow off; to
make a parade of ber like some beau
tiful rare flower pinned in his button
hide. Hii talent was like himself
And she recollected her disenchant
ment npon the day when after hiding
like a wild school girl who enters some
forbidden orchard through an oponing in
the hedge she had opened Jacques' li
brary. The sheves were burthnned
with books marvellously bound. Noth
ing but Jacques books with sonorous
titles. "Complete Theatrical Works,"
"Poetical Works," "Moral Romances,"
etc. She hesitated, and at last picked
out "Gallant Oood Evenings" a volume
bound in Dink morocco, which looked
as tempting as its luring title. But the
elegant binding only clad quurter quires
of immaculate white paper. Thore was
neither good morning nor (rood even
ing there, She pulled out a seoond
"The Perverted." It was the same as
the "Gallant Good Evonings."
All the books wore precisely tho same
Titles and blank puper. ' She carefully
closed the book case, and covor spoke of
it to Jacques. And when, in moments
of expansion, ho oomparod his work to
that of Balzao. the woman bit hor lips
convulsively, fearing least she should
burst into tears of shame and contempt.
Jacaaes' wife was as adorable as her
twoutv vears. and as her antiquated
name" Sj lvalue a sweet eclogue name
that rhymes with the whispering ol
leaves among the hedges, and tho poorly
trilling of shepherd's flutes.
The blonde beauty had the artificial
oharm of a pastel of the last century.
One might have thought her some fanci
ful marquis in holiday furbelows, flow
ered pettiooats and short dress, on her
way to the imaginary island where now
dered gallants recite madrigals in shadv
The intoxicating perfume of Paris
evaporated from her goldon curls
from her red lips like a scarlet pepper
dotted with grams of rice front tbe
nosogay balf-buried in her misty luce
from her nosh downy with velvety floss
She was of vesterduy and of to-day
Of yesterday, by reason of the darling
dimples of nor laughing lace, ana the lit
tle blueish birthmarks that looked like
slumbering flies. Ol to-day by reason of
the da-k circles about bereyes that made
languorous the brilliancy of nor glance,
bor little baby feet the frou-frou of her
robo, and the teasing, mischievous mock
ery of her laugh. Vibrating to the least
sensation like a viol string frenziodly
smitten by artist fingors, she felt all
pains and all blisses to their fullest ex
Sho was indoed created to love and bo
And in spite of her sufferings, in spite
of her tortures, her wounded heart
piously preserved the instinctive hope of
a consoling resurrection, like tho nostal
gia of a happiness lost before being
Serge Hardanges was presented to hor
at the famous "bal ohampctie" givon by
Madame Lvan, lue poet was seeking
love as the poor seek the Philosopher's
Stone. Sylvino was tired of weanug out
hor knoes upon that interminaolo way of
the Cross. She had no longer the
strength to struggle, to resist the im
petuous current that was bearing her
They understood each other. Their
hands sought each other's pressure like
those of friends mooting again after a
long separation. Anil this delicate,
charming, mysterious friendship, like
lovo on the sly, gradually deeponed into
an absolute communion 01 their
thoughts, their acts, their impressions.
She belonged to him as he belonged to
And during hours of absence, the for
lorn and solitary hours, they exchanged
letters four pages long letters in which
their lost souls sang, in which their
ecstacies revived, in whioh their double
ufo was recorded at detail, minute by
minute, with fragments of dreams, lita
nies of oaresses. The poet of blonde
women, as Hardanges was oallod, had
nover written aught so beautiful before
so enchanting, so passionately intoxi
cating as those bird calls of love, as that
hi minims apotheosis of an idolized sweet
heart. Jacquos Auriol carefully rocopied all
the poet's letters without omitting so
much as a comma. He skillfully
alternated thorn with notes, four lines in
length - ropresentmg the hasty replies
scribbled by a woman under tho sur
veillance of a jealous husband.
Thus the collection was transformed
into a veritable romance of affecting
eulisui doliciously written at once
dainty, tender and melauoholy. There
was a heart-beat in every line. There
were pictures of Paris executed wi'h a
siugle stroko, enchanting landscape
nooks, soaring toward the sea or tho for
est which served as a frame for the per-
fuinod idyl of the two lovors. And the
love symphony porpetually reoarred,
through it all, repeated itself, commenced
and terminated eaoh letter with morbid
Jacques entitled tho book "How to
Love. It was issuod by the great pub
lisher Quentin Metsys, and prefaced
with a most delicate and witty introduc
tion by Alphonse Daudet. The success
was immense; editions followed upon
editious, Journalistic comrades were
astounded that such a literary crown,
who had hitherto written only idiotic
jokes or articles at threo sous a line,
ould have been capable of creating
such a romance.
Jacquos Auriol triumphed and strutted
upon tho terraces of the cafes. He re
ceived compliments in an indifferent
manner, and did not read the articles
sent him. And he even had the faotas-
tio impudence to send a copy to Serge
Hardauges, with a dedication as from an
equal to au equal.
ihe poet preserved the copy as a
precious variety, aud responded:
"My warmest compliments, my dear
colleague. Were Balzao alive he would
have rewritten his 'Marncffe' just for
Tallyrand once said: "What I have
bee a taught I have forgotten; what I
know I have guessed." In the last re
spect he was a sewing society all by him
self. The apple tyrup works at Albany, N.
Y.t started by men from Holland, bave
ooromsDced to ship apple jelly in cask!
to Holland.
' More rbjalcal Kxerelse Heeded.
One of the problems of the age is to
discover the oause why women cannot
pursue the tame oonrso of studios with
men, and not break down by the way, or
Invalid themselves for the fnture if they
keep on. It seems to have been pretty
well proven that they have the intel
lectual power to grasp the same studies,
and when they break down it is not be
cause they have gone beyond their intel
lectual, but their physical itrength.
Could I have for one year before grad
uating, control of six yonng wonn who
have begun to faint and fail, and of six
of the most healthy and active of the
young men, I could show the tablos
turned. Let the young mon, for twelve
months, be forced to lead the kind of
life these "broken down" girl students
have led; let the young women gradu
ally fall into the number of hours of out
door exercise their brothers have bad,
and the result will bo six pallid and
drooping yonng men shall come op to
take their degrees, and six rosy-cheekod
smiling young girls shall come up for
theirs, with health enough left to make
long and happy use of the stores of
knowledge they have treasured up.
To ask the tired schoolgirl or the
more weary teacher to "take a walk,"
seems to invite them to a monotonous
effort, of the good of which they are
onlv half oonvinced, of the pleasure even
less so: bnt once lot it be known what
pleasures are open to the habitual
pedestrian, and the ranks of walking
students will fill rapidly. It is said that
girls break down in their studies not
only became the studies aro too severe,
but because, tired as they are, the
natural craving for excitement leads
them to evening parties and amusements
which still farther tax the failing
strength, and so a crnsodo is preached
against excitement. But the craving for
it remains, and youth, however ambiti
ous, will still demand to be amused;
the only way is to provide a means of
healthy excitement, and this lies far
more in the possibilities of a walk than
those who hove not experienced it would
reully believe.
Some of the ladies of my acquaintance
who are now the best walkers were a fow
years ago pitiful invalids. Through a
carefully acquired habit of exeroising in
the open air, they are now in perfect
health capable of great endurance and
raj) id recuperation. It seems to me,
could I have the personal control of one
hundred delicate women for a year, that
I would bring ninety of them, at least, to
a condition of health before the year was
It has been ssid that iu this country
walking is not practicable; that there
are no proper roads or paths; , that our
rude and changing weather, our mud
and dust and winds, are almost insur
mountable objections.
I bave been thrown by circumstances
into nearly every variety of adverse sur
roundings with regard to walking in this
country, and I have yot to find any part
of tho United States, or the British
Provinces, where I oould not walk
from ten to twenty miles at almost any
season, with no more serious inconven
ienoo than might be safely borne by any
young girl in ordinary health who had a
habit of out-of-door exercsie. lliertba
Von Hillern in Youth's Companion.
It is very satisfactory to note, if one
is interested in the subjoot, the immense
change in the treatment of people with
disordered brains, between the practice
of this generation and of those preced
ing it.
Our exciting life is one that produoes
great mental activity, frequently result
ing in mental disorder, and our exciting
times, with their coasolss wonders, are
enough to disturb the organization of
totally sound brains that would keep up
with their discoveries and advancements.
Thus tho Increase of iusanity has been
so large as to cause it to be seen that the
cases aro by no means confined to heredi
tary ones, but that the sad trouble is one
to which, if all are not liable, none are,
at uny rate, to consider thomsolves strict
ly exempt. In this view, the subject of
tho treatment of those disordered ner
vous centers and unsettled intellects
comes home to ns all, and as a matter of
vital importance, since if we bave not
chanty enough to make it important for
the sake of others whom we do not know
or individually care for, it is not easy to
say how soon it may be- made so by be
coming personal to oursolves or to those
whom we do love. Meanwhile it is to be
remombered that women are in the ma
jority among tho iusauo, and among
those the women botween their fortieth
aud fiftieth vears, who have found
thoir loud of life at last too heavy to
bear, and hnve broken down beneath it.
In the old davs. when this horror de
clared itself, one of the first things done
was to starve the patient, or rather to
feed him the least trine short ol starva
tion, and he was physickod, bled, and
depleted in a way to which the religions
superstitions of possession by evil spirits
largely ooutributed. Now, on the other
hand, it is often seen that the bruin is
already so starved as to produce tho dis
order, and the sufferer, in conjunction
with other treatment, is fed on all that is
rich and nourishing, but not stimulating
or exciting, in ower 10 iuorpnu iu
Quantity of blood in the system, and
11 the delicate and minute capil
laries that carry blood and nutri
tion to the prinoipal orgun of the being.
In old times, too, the patient, if refrac
tory or violent, was subjected to corporal
punishment, sometimes eveu for it is
not to be Jorgoiien inai we sprang irum
those who sprang from barbarians he
was whiuned. But tho one who now
shall be known to lay a lash on such a
person would be held by common con
sent a subject for the whipping post him
self. In those good old times, again, the
forms of "restraint" were countless, the
dungeon aud the chain the oldest o! all
but the crib, the padded cell, the
strait-jacket, were thought in their day
to be merciful improvements. Where
they are still used it is as the propertios
of those sorry times, and not altogether
with approval. Possibly there are vio
lent caaei in which iome of these re
straints cannot be entirely dispensed
with, but they are found, to be of rare
occurrence comparatively, and, after a
little, faithful and patient attendant! are
found to have most requisite restraiuU
in their own firm and gentle and re
assuring tones and gestures. The attend
ant are paid for patience for patience,
not for knowledge or skill, since the phy
sicians have all is to be snp
posod. They find by exercising this
patience that poor creatures who would
not lie down for a week, and were put
into the crib for their own rest, can be
induced at lost to lie down and take their
rest like other people, and that treating
them as nearly at possible as if they
were rational ii tho only way to holp
them approach rationality.
It makes one with the least sensibility
shudder to remember what the suffer
ings of the demented must have been in
days but just gone by, loaded with
chains, their arms pinioned in canvas
jackets, or their hands in the almost
equally uncomfortable and restraining
"muff" and "wristlet;" and the mind re
fuses to dwell on the ioad-and gono and
already foul past, where the patient,
chained to a staple in attic or cellar, was
left by those who perhaps knew no bet
ter, and were not intentionally crnol, to
grovel in filth and nakedness and cold
aud hungor till the blood coased to riot
in the veins and death had more mercy
than life. In some spots ot the far west
aud south it is said that tome of theso
bitter conditions still follow the insane,
yet but temporarily, we trust; for the
example cannot but bo contagious whore
in tho north and all along the east shame
and sorrow have wrought successfully
togethor, and made totally different ar
rangements that are fnund usually load
ing to cure, and always to comfort and
as much content as can bolong to a dis
ease, one of whose froquunt features is a
profound melancholy, and fitful gaycty
fallowed by melancholy again.
In the old times, once more, besides
starvation, punishment and restraint,
solitude was often the lot of the insane
from morning till night and from night
till morning. They might in their more
lucid intervals yearn for human socioty,
the touch of a friendly hand, the solace
of kind words, the pressure of a loving
lip; they did not have it, and returned
only to brood on themselves and grow
madder than before. Now, procisoly tho
opposite course is ordered; the demented
are given whatever light and work id
company that there is, and that they are
in condition to do, this being found one
of the curative processes, acting both by
abstracting the mind from personal
causes of troublo, and in systematizing
its action in helping to regain its
balance. Companionship is sought for
them, walks and drives are given them,
out-door is all but forced npon them,
religious services are held for them, and
all amusements that they can safoly
share are provided for them, such as
concerto and readings, mild theatricals,
and suitable visitors.
The result of all this change is some
thing bordering on the miraculous. It
proves the truth of the conception that
insanity is in genoral a curablo disease
of the physcical brain, and not an unal
terable condition, as if the soul had
been withdrawn from the body. Tho
achievements of the age have been many
in surgery, in the use of new niodiea
ments, in the discovery of the diviue
power of amosthetics, in all the marvels
that make ns tremble at thought of what
the future may accomplish, the past hav
ing done so much but iu nothiug has it
done a greater or more beneficent work
than in making life cease to be so heavy
and so black a burden on those whose
montal force is like a monarch born in
the purple, but overcome by disaster,
and left naked to his enemies.
Tbe Lion and the Lamb.
A Democrat and a Republican were
having a friendly game on the evening
of the couuty mass convention on the an
nexation matter. The game was pedro
and the drink was Kentucky wine per
haps better known as whisky. These
two goutlemen felt friendly toward all
the world. Said the Democrat, refer
ring to the fact that Democrats and Bo
publicans could "take suthin' " together
to the success of the ind pendent candi
date: "It's kindor nice to see the lion and
the lamb lay down for a little snooze to
gethereh, pard?"
"Yes; mighty nice an' it's mighty
clever of the Bepublica i lion. Fur the
lion's the Republican don't yer furgit
that." said "pard."
"The h 1 he is!" said the flrat speaker.
"Who wastellin'ye?"
"What ! Say, Bill, did you ever beam
about Ole Abe?"
"Well, now pard, yer've kinder kor
railed me. Who is he, anyhow? what's
his last name?"
"Durned if I know, Bill. I s'pose it's
Abe. Ole Abe's the only name I ever
beared of fur him."
"Well, wha'd he do ?"
"Why you fool, he's President!"
"Git eout," said Bill.
"Faot," said pard.
"Why, pard, Olellick'ry's President!"
"Ole Hiok'ry," said Bill; "Who the
is he ? what does be do ?"
"Well, pard, that's too good; what
durn fools you republicans be. Abo's
not president. He's dead, pard."
"No, Bill, its OleHiek'ry that's dead."
"Olo Hick ry dead? not by a durn
sight. He's not that kind of a man! He's
president, I toll ye."
"No, Bill; Ole Abe's president."
"Do you mean to say I lie?" said
"Abo is president all the same!" said
"Ca-biff!" said Bill and the claret
bangl" said pard, and the claret
flew again.
Friouds parted the men but tho crowd
felt a little of the geniune old time
enthusiasm; and tho uames of the dead
loaders commanded the silent reverence
of all.
Old Undo Joo has not taken much
interest in politics since Harry Clay was
carriod back to Kentucky for the last
time; and as he walked from the room
bo said with considerable feeling: "Boys
them were great men; I wish we had 'em
And we thought it would be interest
ing to have them here; but times have
changed, and they would not know what
to do, nor would they care to stay.
On September 16th, Dr. Lemstrom of
Henliugfors, began a aeriea of measure
ments of terrestrial currents, and he will
devote attention to the measuring on the
1st and 15th of each month. They are
conducted on two telegraph lines, one of
which between Tornei and Helsingfon
runs north and south, and the other be
tween Marichan and Kexholm runs west
and east.
The Bapldttf f f Thought
Blackwood's Magazine prints the fol
lowing: To be shot dead Is one of the easiest
modes of terminating life; yet rapid as
it is the body has leisure to feel and time
to reflect. On tho first attempt by one
of the fanatio adherents of Spain to as
sassinate William, Prinoe of Orange,
who took the lead in the revolt of the
Netherlands, tho ball passed through
the bones of his face and brought him
to the ground. In the instant that pre
ceded stupefaction, he was able to frame
tbe notion that the ceiling of the room
had fallen and crushed him, The can
non shot which plunged into the brain
of Churles XII. did not prevont him
from soizing.his sword by the hilt. Tho
idea of an attack and the necessity for a
defense was impressed npon him by a
blow which we would have supposed too
tremerdous to leave an interval for
But it by no means follows that the
infliotion of futul violence is accompanied
by a pang. From what is known of the
first effects of gun-shot wounds, it is
probable that the effects are more stun
ning thao acute. Unless death be imme
diato, tho pain is varied ob tho nature of
tho injuries, aud those are past counting
up. But there is nothing singular about
the dying sensations, though Lord Byron
remarked the physiological peculiarity
that the expression is invariably that of
languor, while in death from a stab, the
countenance reflects the traits of the
natural character, that of geutlenoss or
ferocity, to the last breath.
Some of these cases are of interest to
show that with what slight disturbance
life may go on under a mortal wound,
until it suddenly comos to a final stop.
A foot Boldior, at Waterloo, pierced by a
musket ball in the hip, begged water
from a trooper who chanced to possess a
canteen of beor. The wounded man
drank, returned his heartiest thanks,
mentionod that his regiment was nearly
exterminated, and having proceeded a
dozen yirds on his way to the rear, fell
to the earth, and with one convulsive
mov.ment of his limbs, concluded his
eventful career.
"Yet his voice," says the trooper, who
himself told the story, "gave scarcely the
smallest sign of weakness."
. Captain Basil Hall, who in his early
youth was present at tbe battle of Cor
nnna, had singled out, from the con
fusion which consigns to oblivion the
woes and gallantry of war, another in
stance extremely similar, which occurred
on that occasion. An old soldier who
was shot in tho heud arrived pale and
faint at tho temporary hospital and
begged the surgeon to look at his wound,
whioh was pronounced to be mortal.
"Indeed, I feared so," he responded,
with impeded uttorauco, "and yet I
should like very much to live a little
longer, if it wero possible."
He laid his sword npon a stone nt
bis side, as "gently," said Hall, "as if
the steel had been turned to glass, and
almost immediately sank dead upon the
Hrst ("ousl is to Their Grandmother.
Relationships, of course, figure largely
in novels. In the old romances it may
almost be said that everybody turns out
in the end to be everybody else's grand
mother. One would suppose that every
kind of discovered relationship had been
already utilized to form a striking inci
dent in novels. And yet we venture to
say that the following "nation" has hith
erto been overlooked by inventors of
plots, to whom we freely offer it:
Imagine the bride and bridegroom,
after innumerable trials and obstacles
of every kind, to be at last at the altar,
and the marriage service begun. The
officiating bishop (we will suppose the
contracting parties to be of such noble
birth that it takes a bishop to unite
thorn) asks whether any one can allego
any impediment now, "or else forever
hold his peace." To tho dismay of the
wedding party, an old woman (the evil
gonius, or fairy not invited to the
christening) comes forward and explains
what she alone has known the mys
tery in which the birth of the bride's
mother, long since dead, was involved.
Documents are produced whioh prove,
to the satisfaction (or rather dissatisfac
tion) of all present, that the bride's
maternal grandmother was the bride
groom's half-sister, nearly fifty years
older than himself; "ond, therefore,"
concludes the malicious old beldame,
"as a man caunot marry his nisco, the
marriage is unlawful!" Great sensa
tion, of course, ensues; but the
Bishop, who is well up in the table of
kindred, etc., quietly remarks, "A man
may not marry bis niece, but he may
marry his great-niece, and. accordingly
proceeds with the service, to the discom
forture of the old hag and the joy of
everybody else.
Snch a marriage, indeed, would be
quite lawful, for the relationship, it will
be observed, is one of the fourteenth de
gree, and accordingly it is not ouo of the
"forbidden degrees." Should such a
marriage be followed, as most marriages
are, by progeny, we should have the
curious result that children shoul t have
their own mother for a "Welsh niece,"
and would be first cousins to their grand
mother, and first cousins, twice re
moved, to themselves.
A marriage in high life actually took
place, a few years ago, in which the
bridegroom was first cous:ns, twice re
moved, to the bride. Her ladyship,
therefore, became daughter-in law to her
own Welsh nephew; and when a son and
heir appeared upon tbe 6cene, he figured
as second cousin to one grandfather, and
as great-great-great nephew to the other,
who was less than sixty years of age!
f London Society.
peakln; by the Card.
Several gentleman were standing on
the corner of Galveston avenue when
one of the most fashionable ladies of
Galveston passed on the sidewalk.
"Ah I" exclaimed one of the gentle
men, "what a complexion! There is
nothing to beat it in Galveston. I am
proud of that woman, I am."
"Are you her husband?" asked a
"No lir."
"Her father, then ?"
"No, air; I am no relation of her; bnt
I am proud of her complexion; I am the
druggist that toll it to her. I mk it
Vivisection ia to be rigidly nrohii.;. t
throughout Sweden by Lit
ernmeut. B0T"
Dr. Hewson asserts that the comm
sparrow is liable to have ZZ2
is capable of communicating th&tdi,.
It is mggested by Herr Dueborg that
the moon may be habitable on the aid.
invisible from the earth, the water and
the atmosphere being drawn thither b
tbe effects of gravitation. 1
M. H. Geoffry has brought before tha
Academic des Sciences of Paris a tmci
men of wire clothed with asbestos Vi
threaded through a loaden pipe for a
prevention of fires where is employed
for lighting. M. Henri Lippman, enU
neerto the Faure Accumulator Coni
pany, states that tho copper conductor
has been entirelely volutilizod in some
experiments made by him, without the
loadon pipes being in the least affected.
Captain King of Paris makes a positivi
on glass from a negative, and on the
same glass, in this way: The back of the
negative is covered with soluble bitumen
or asphalt, and then illuminated through
the negative. After an exposure suffl.
ciont to render the light part insoluble
the remainder of the asphalt is dissolved
off with any of the usual solvents, nj
the result is a positive. The silver new.
tive is then dissolved off with the
chloride of copper and a fixiug agent.
Light uickol plating may, it is said, be
effected by boiling. Dr. R. Kaiser pre
pares a bath of pure granulated tin
argols and water, heats it to boiling, and
then adds a small quantity of re J -hot
nickel oxide. A portion of the
is shown by the green color which the so
lution assumes, that is.above the grains of
tin, is readily dissolved. If a copper
or brass article is now immersed in the
solution it almost instantly becumos cov
ered with a silver like coating of almost
pure nickel. If a little cobalt carbonate
or cobalt tartrate be added to the bath a
bluish tint; is produced which maybe
made lighter or darker according to the
quantity addod. When the article a
rubbed with dry sawdust or finely-powdered
chalk a very brilliant polish is ob
tained. Regarding the origin and formation of
the diamond in nature, Dr. A. B.
Griffiths says there are only three ways
in which the crystals are produced by
fusion, by solution, aud by sublioation,
and in an alluvial matrix of sandstone
and pebbles, and knowing the sandstont
and pebbles are produced by the action
of water, and as aqueous or sedimentary
strata are often fossiliferous, we may
draw an inference that the carbonaceous
matter of the fossil plants and animals
has been dissolved by highly heated wa
ter aided by great pressure existing in
the crust of the earth, and that ths car
bon had subsequently cooled . slowly
down into the crystallized form of the
diamond. Iu other words, the diamond
is the result of a solution process.
A True Story.
Jacob Strawn, of Jacksonville, 111.,
was, during bis lifetime the largest far
mer in Illinois and a very eccentric man.
The circumstances of his marriage are as
follows :
Outside of Jacksonville, a couple of
miles perhaps, there lived quite a re
spectable family. The family employed
a servant girl. Graceful and neat in the
extremo, and possessing a very fair share
of intelligence, this girl was a match
for whomsoever might take her unto
himself. Jacob saw this flower, and de
termined to possess it. One day he rode
up to the door of the residence of the
fair maid, alighted from his horse, and
knocked with the but ond of his whip.
The lady of the house answered his call,
and, immediately npon her making her
appearanco, Jacob asked to see the ser
vant girl.
The servant girl came and Jacob said:
"I want a wife, and I have picked you
out as the most proper person for that
position I can possibly find. I've never
spoken to you before, but then that
makes no difference. I'll give you one
week to deoide."
The girl blushed, and was dumb
founded. Jacob mounted his horse, acd
rodo away. Tho girl inquired into Mr.
Strawn'sVnaracter and standing, and
was advised by those with whom she
lived to accept tbe offer of his hand.
Punctually a weok later Jacob rode up
to the door, and knocked again with bis
whip and asked:
"Is it no or yes?"
Blushingly tho girl answered in a low
tone, but quite distinctly:
"Well," said Jaccb, "let's see; we'll
got married the day after to morrow
Wednesday. Here's some money to buy
3 wedding outfit." , ,
And he threw her a .urse containing
a thousand dollars.
The conple did get married on Wed
nesday, and no happier pair, during
their lifetime, was to be mot with in the
Stato of Illinois.
Twice Married ih Eleven Dais.
John Deiterle was arrested in Jersey
City the other day on a charge of big
amy. The complaint was made by SI"
Carrie Deiterle, to whom he was married
on November 1, 1881, and whom he de
serted the following week. A short tun
ago Mrs. Deiterle learned that ber hus
band was living with a woman namw
Elizabeth Shannon, who called herse I
his wife. Mrs. Deiterle placed the mst
tes in the hands of the detectives, wbo
learned that Deiterle was married on
November 12. 1881, at tho City Hall in
this city to Elizabeth Shannon. Mrs.
Carrie Deiterle yosterdoy produce i be
fore Justice Allen, by whom she was
married, a certified copy of the recdrf
in the second marriage, and in defani
of bail be committed the prisoner sna
sent the papers to the grand jury. I -v
Y. Times, Oct. 5th.
It is noticeable that the places in En
gland which have supplied names to
families are not generally the larg9
towns, bnt rather the smallest village
London, for example, is a very rare ur
name; Bristol and York, the two other
largest medueval cities, are but spar
ingly represented; and even London,
though rendered famous in the person
of the martyred President, h f fro
common. On the other hand, there
hardly a petty hamlet in England whicn
has not given rise to a siirname, oa
some of these surnames are now horns
by Urge number of men.