FEittOJAL AJD GE3ERAL. Archer, the famous English jockey, i to visit America. Clark Mills, the sculptor, who re cently bad a shock of paralysis, is im proving. The venerable Maiuhul Cuurobert lives in small house in Paris, in the Rue 1e Marignon. Mrs. Julia Ward nowe preucuoil at the Channing Mnraoml churcli id New port, K. I-, la Buuuay. Annie Louise Cary, acoorJing to Mr, Raymond, her hnsband, has entirely re covered ine use 01 uur voice. Senator Lamar is qtiotod as having said tlmt he would like to end Lis duvs as b professor in tUe ueorgia Lfuversity Social gossips suy that tho wedding of Senator David Davis and .Miss Annie Barr is to take place November 5th. As soon as Ins term ot omco expires Governor Pluisted, of Maine, will retire from politics and make his home in the West The latest telegrams from Coreu state that tlio undo of the king hus seized the throne. It's a oold dav, even in Cores when a pawnbroker gets left. Chicago girls have discovered, it is paid, that by keepiug live or six bean in their moutn me voice is given "an old aristoeraetic accent." Among the bequests made in the will of tho Into Nelson Curtis, of J5oston, is oao of 831)00 to General Miles, thelndinn fighter Moses Williams, who diod iu Boston a few days ago, leaving a fortune of StJ.000,000, becan life peddling milk in the btreets of that city. Vinnie Ream Hoxio seems to have more love than sho can conveniently be ntow npon her husbond, and she divides the surplus among lorty pet doves Herbert Sponcer characterizes Oscar Wilde as nn "outlawmu porson who at tempted to reconcile idiocy with art, and namb.ypjmbyism witu sentiment. A Chicago paper reports that General Thil Sheridan receives an average of 1200 invitations a year to attend publio .gatherings as a lion, but never coos to anvthiiiR of the kind except army re unions, whore he can liavo a "good time with tho boys, The first Sunday school ever formed in America was in Roxburg, Mass., in the year 1804. Xo question or library books were used. The school was thoroughly drilled in the assembly s shorter cate ehisra, ten commandments, and in the recitation of scripture and hymns Among the resolutions adopted by tho General Association of. Congregational ists of California, just held in San Fran eisco, were the following: Kesolved That the observance of Sunday as u Sub- bath a day of rest is an essential ole ment of our Christian civilization; a her itage from the common law of our mother country, end should be incor porated in tho organic stmoturo of onr State, and. Resolved, That we thank fully recoirnizo thj hand of Almighty God in the adoption in some of our sister States of constitutional prohibition, and iu tho increased strength of the prohibit ing movement in other States; that we consider the ultimato prohibition by con stitutional authority of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, the end to bo seconded in this State, and that the present maintenance of the law, now in our statute books, which prohibits the ale cf intoxicating drinks on one day of the week, is the immediate duty of tho hour. HOUSEHOLD. JLomato Catsup. A buxnel or ripe tomatoes cut up and cooked thoroughly; strain through a sieve when cold; add 3 quarts vinegar, l1, pints salt, 3 ounces each of whole clovjs nud allspice, i) ounceB black and white pepper, ly. ounces cayenno pepper, 12 ouions boiled whole in it for several hours, watching and stirrinsfor fear of burning. It need not boil hard, but simmer steadily When cold, bottle, after removing the onions when they have well flavored tho mixture; keep in a cool, dry place. Pheserved Tomato. Scald and skin tnem, and weigh equil pom of sugar and fruit. Let the tomatoes lie on a sieve to drain off some of their juice. Then lay them carefully in layers with the sugar into a stono jnr. Allow oue lemon to every four pounds of fruit, find put the juice and grated rind of one on each layer. Cover the jar close and set in a pot of boiling wuter and let it boil all day long. I5e sure and see that the water comes up to the top of the stone jar, but does not boil into it. Let the jar stand in the water till it is cold, after it has been boiled enough. Stewed Peaks. If small and ripe, cut out the blossom end without paring or coring. Tut iuto a saucepan with water enough to cover them, and ste nntii tender; add onc-julf cup sugar for every quart of pears, and stew altogether ten minutes; take out tho pears and lay them in a covered bowl to keep warm ; add to the syrup a little ginger or a fow cloves; boil' fifteen minutes longer, and pour over the fruit hot. A "delicate cake is made by heating five eggs very light; beat the whites and yolks separately, and if the yolks are at all lumpy, strain them. Beat threo cups of powdered sugar and one of butter to a cream; add one cup of sweet milk, four cups of sifted flour in which you have mixed one teaspoonfnl and a half of bak ing powder and tho juice and the gr.stcii peel of one lemon. Put the whites of the eggs in last. Bake in a moderate oven in one large, round loaf, or in two long, narrow tins. Small new potatoes are often wasted by careless cook, who is usually in a hurry, and who does not know how to use them to good advantage. Hero is un excellent way to prepare them: Remove the skins, Using a very sharp knifo, so as to tuke off a little as possible of the potatoes. Have hot lard in the kettle in which you fry cakes. Wash the potatoes, wipe them dry, then drop them iuto the hot lard. They will require from twenty totwenty five minutes to cook, and should be of a delieats brown. Turn them often. If you have trouble to get yonr last Jfrs catsup bottles perfectly clean, after washing them thoroughly in ids and rinsing in clear water, chop a potatoe qnite fine, mix it with a little arm water, put this in the bottle and shake it well; it will surely remove any foreign substance. Tfa and Coffee is Rivals. Coffee and tea are natural allies, but they are natural rivals. An against alcoholic drinking in any form they are combined. It is over the unoccupied torritory after aloohol has been driven away that the contention between the two comes, Taking the world through, the general verdict seems to be in favo: of tea. Two of the largest empires in the world China and Russia aro tea kriulc era. In Bokhara and Sumarcand, and in most parts of central Asia, the tea nrn is lorever steaming. On the other hand the Arab and the Turk, and with then the whole of the western part of the .uouummedan world are 3offeo drinkers. Tho decision of Europe is not absolute for either side. It seems to be very much determined by what we may call the accidents of tho ease. The nations which can get good coffee drink coffee Those which can get good tea drink tea, 'pi i .i . . . .... iuui)iiii'i) can get com urinn both Luglund claims to oo one of these, but the preference of England is beyond all doubt for tea, and not for coffee. The unfair choice is very largely compensated lor in the United Stutes- tho chief eoffee-consuniingcoun' try in the world. Englishmen, too would probably make more use of coffee than they do if thev could once be in dueod to overcome tho initial difficulties of having it prepared as it ought to be lea can be made easily enough. It may be strong or weak, according to fancy. It is tea in either case. The right plan, we aro assured, is to put plenty ot tea into the pot, then to add a little more tea, and, that done, to leavo it to chance whether tho liquor comes out strong or weak. But, whatever wo may think of weak tea, there is no good word to be suid for weak collee. Coffee must bo very strong if it is to deservo the name of collee ut all. It is a gener ous drink, and it is for generous natures, Ihe little urts which the frugal house keeper uses in making tea are not to be thought of in making colleo. There must be no economy in the amount used no tilling up of the pot; no making the sanio materials servo twice over. That tea should ever bo made like this is bad enough, but there may be tastes so do' praved as to put up with it ami see noth ing to object to about it. Tho man has yet to be found who can even mako pre tence of weak; collee, diluted into ten times its proper volume, and as delicient in fragrance as in strength. London limes. It Hasn't Ulgdl." A middie-agoii woman, small in stature, attired in calico, and whoso fea tures were partly concealed by a shawl worn over her head, approached Ollicer Duggan on Kearny street last night, mo tioning him away from a crowd along side of which he was standing, and when out of hearing of those on tho sidewalk, softly asked, "Now, Mr. Officer, is it right?' To tins singular question, imulume, said the ollicer, "I am at a loss to give you an answer, unless you tell mo what your question applies to, 1 want to know if it is right for a man and a woman to go before Judge l'ennie to got married If both are willing and the judge has no objection, I can t see but that it is all right. Its, said the woman, after a mo ment s bisit'itiou, "but that lsn t ex actlv the case." Well, what is it?" It's just this. I'd been living with a man for some time, and I thought I was his wife; but to-day ho left the house with another woman, and without say- lug a word to me about what he was co ing to do, went with her to Judge l'en nie and got murried. Aow, 1 want to know if that was right for him to treat me that way?" Well." said tho officer, I should think not." Well.thot's what I thought," said tho woman. "Aow, 1 want to know it i can t have him arrested and punished." "What for?" "Why, for bigamy, of course." "But yon say you were not married tc him." I thought that under the law of Cal ifornia I was." As I am not a lawyer," said tho offi cer, "1 would advise you to can on tue Prosecuting Attorney and lay your case beforo him." "I will," said the woman moving away; but beforo I go, I want to tell you that I'm glad you think it wasn't right for him to go off and get married without telling me." The growth and development of the "Pacific Northwest" is abundentl v proven by the large quantities of farming ma chinery which are yearly imported to this country, and the intelligence of the farming cummunity is proven bv the fact that none but tho very best articles can be sold, as the high freights make it unm-ohtuble to put so much money into any but the very best machines, and it must first be demonstrated to be worthy before it meets tho support and conn- leuce of our farmers. "A good article is cheap purchase ' aud it is far wiser to put a tew dollars more into a goon ma- hme than to purchase a eueeper ana poorer one. ihe succes oi mo macuincry sold by Staver k Walker of Portland is baed entirely upon its merits, as they handle none but tho very best that can be made, tho J. I. Case Threshing Ma- Line Co. s celebrated engines saw-muis, nlows and farming machines are un- equaled, while the Studebaker farm and the spring wagons aro Known all over world for their excellence. SOT ICE. T'i t!' l:r,ner mid Ii hiiiii-4 of Oregon, HWo'lvf'''" J "ml Ji.wh':- II, inrhto fall ilH'r tilhiilion iu vk it our annual Cutnlmjue awl prire hrt f'r S'2 I r-(u!;i Jur dmtnhuttoii. it ill l fijuvd rry valuable ami tiirtrwUte rtarfiwi, iiuil irill bejnriotht'l ijrnl'nlo'unj. Sml iji'Vr tinme ail Mrt !' naarrr lo iMm- awl .VACY.i.f.'.y an nit., 1 Hr-'t ftrnt, i'nrtbuvl, Onqtm. ,,;,:- 1.1 r. v. box 1 1 -J Before leaving Russia for Centrsl Asia General Tchernaifl made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Skobeleff, and placed above a superb silver image of Saint ilicbaei, the dead chieftain's patron saint. In life ie two generals were rivals, but witnsi, great admirers of each other. t r.nr fTt AntonTa: A flatterirr I oration over the diad ia but covering the j bier with froth. hUvca'a YmmiIH Cherry Tnlh Past Au romatic combination for the preaorvatloa of the trth and guma. It it far iuwrior to any nrqontion of lis kind in tha market. In Urge, handsome opal pota, irir fi'tr rvuti. For anle br all drugiiU. Io1k, Iuvia Jk Co., whole sale agvnu, Portland, Oregon. DON'T BUY BOSS BOOTS UNLESS YOU WANT THE BEST. SEE TIIAT OUR NAME IS ON EVERY TAIK. AKIN, SELLING & CO. , Frauk O. AMI, the Gold Modal Photographer oi rortiand, wai the only arun thai Uurcl make a tlieiilay at the Mechanic' Kair. Mu not afraid to ahow hit work anywhere, ai it al wayi Manila on naown menu Book And Mcmc Ik'rKitK Rend to Wilev It. Allen, 153 I'hinl f treot, IVrllund, for any hook or muiio pnblinhed. Onieri by mini filled promptly. The "Minimi Pastime'," a monthly journal of niusie, 50 oU. a year. Setid itamp for Dig rntuioguo oi niiuic. Send $1.00 to V.1. Palmer, Portland, lor one yoar'a ubacription to the Puoifie OrerMrr, the gruat eemi-motu.'ily A. (. U. n . paper. 4 The bert liver regulator known, ii ure euro for lHse!ia ami miligcation u Dr. Henley Call lortiiu i, a. 1.. Hitler. Ti iikish Ilt UH. Semi to Joln It. GarriMin lt7 Third street Portland, for aitidoguea ol dr The onlv firt-elii'H variety enlerininment ii Oregon is given nt the Klile' theater, Portland N'ew, Rich Am Pi rr Di.cud! Tlie use of Oregon lllovd Purilier. r.nrrinon repair sll kir.d ol winir mvhiner, J I planted at foot of tbti column. MM Mm MlW. .UIMCAI.. Til K MI NICAI. I'AMTIU H-A in, .i.il.lv lur, mil of inUNleltHith viK'iil ami liitlnmiiilHl.l Ncltt to any atiiin-wi lor wr year, Aililrvm wllev II Allen. luiiilMieranil imile dealer, IU Tlilnl mreei i-iirnnii'i. iir.'Koti. iiinl'iifiie Tn-e. Ml RVKVORN, . II. MAI' HK. Civil bndheer, Contra, tor him1 Mirv.'Vor. oniee Itnoni No. H I.Hiif'n lliill.lliiir Kant I'lirtlutiil. All klmln of mirve.vliiK and ilraftlnK miiruirnny pun oi iih ennniry. llAKKItllX KMPIRE lAKKItY...rrvii!)iin h Xw A I'uhr, l'niw. lliiiiuliii'tnriTu ol lllot hnwl, Noila. Ilenle, Holier, Iliinloii.SnKaruiiilNliiie Fly eraekern. (inlera Irum l he tnule sull.iil.il and irouiiUy at' i..imii..i hi. ASMA Y KIIK. W. . J DM! .fc IV.-lui Front mreet near WanhliiKion. Ore, metal, mineral waiem, eoal, ete.,earvfiillyunalytel. Awnyn forKolil anil ullvt-r ?.t.;oner mcuiisirom f.i. ui .t. tfolil hum imiukM and barn made, order by mall carefully utleinli-d io. J. II. MeITlll,-Cor. Front anil Mtnrk. Chem leal aiiulvslH mnili'of eoal, mineral wali-m. etc. or. iluiarv HMuiVHof trold, llvr( lad or eoiier, from ... in , nr. r. narvi'v. t iiiitiiiTiitjri-ni'MOHT. ATWRVm' 11. P. K l: l-ll V..HAllnrii,iv hii.i 1 MiiiiMMi.ir ..t Law KtM.m A llekum's lililldlitK. l'Kal busliteit.1 )ieitaliilni( lo l.i'tli-n ratett lor Inveulloim. be!or ' oi' rhifiii i luirn or in mom mini, a Kpi't-mn v. EYE & EAR INFIRMARY ND SANITARIUM, Oil HOME FOR THE SICK, Mouth ruriluud.itr Dr. lllkhivtoti. Into Pnfrrwnrof Kvp A Knr Ptwnnrti In the MrMhcul ltturtrni'iit of Wliiuinftu I ntviTMiy limt t-HTtt-fl a Hue tmtlilhiK, on a hcttutiful t'lcvntUni In tht ynuth win of the oltv uiul lit nrt'OHnit to wcciiut- nun' iminMiiK HiifiiTiiiff inun an uist-KWH 01 int r.ir., KAH or Til (AT. AIho will imv fPt'riul ullcntlnn Iti pcrhons iHtHtriiiK U'iiUt Chnmin Nitvoiih Htfii'tloiiH, uiki to uiHt'iiHt'M piHuitiir 10 women, aiio r'icve tt mui umI inimtHTof f'itH (xntH'llior rtmlliu'int'iit. I lici:it( ntloti 1h to provide n Uoi.ih far inch hm with Hit ihe oewt nytfU'inc turi'iicittt ronihimMi wnn un ut'Ht nii'mmi kkui in oe mm in tne ntfiroiKiiiH. ('ousiiiihitc iiliVHU'lfiitHiMlHiirtifoti lr. Philip Hnrvfv ('inf. of iIWhith of womon uiul chlltlreii In the ineUlcul dftirtnient UlllumeUe LnlverMiiy. A No lr. J. M. K. Itrowne, I'rof. of riiy.-uolotfy mwl (JtM't. Wllliinifttc I hiverHitv. t or uny umount or rt'it-n iwefi nrui nrrninr, injures rt?. 1( nnd 'nhlniriin Nt,, orlluitl. Or. USE ROSE PILLS mmm$m i;kstaihat run hti. tiii: t i vv All Moilcrn ImprovemeMtK. Open all day. .1. M. HRFW'Fft. PnitHf1n D. J. MALARKEY & CO., Special attention liven to tbeaale ot Wheat, Oats, Flour, Wool & Dairy IToduco. Bend tor WZXKI.T PRICES CURRENT. Ballad tree on application. liberal Adrances on Consignment. -1gnninta and Order, Solicited. i I VUUXT ST., POBTLAJIO, 9& STEKCILSMyfjl5 i iiirwni nHJA. CKSKATICK. . B FlKjaT T. rOKTLA.f OB. liTIGELL 10 000 Ptanot 1.000 Organt. -1 Mwiufacturrrft LVh, R mi tor Iiitr UrriMit Tin1 llishop Srott Grammar School. Vr.OAT1MN(l AND TAY COW, JMR ItOYH mti'I Y'rtinit Men, l!l heif'n fw fifth yHr umlf-r profit niHHt('ITIllt t. l'tf'At- fKlVH r ollf-kff or tui-'i:-. Ti' tewhlns Ik HWtk'Rl nnd ttioroocn. ud iiw-ipline drVt. Hnd for twelfth un Mtil ru'tJiej, t loif (-fTiiiii'T lNi of former ptipll. Al'ircHK, J, w. liu.i, ai. j'.. iit-Ki .irtT-r, V.'i-i t'oriHi1. Itrtn Write to Cltta'aad Dlipcnur,. CleTelaoil.O (or I'amrlilet m piiim -Mi-.i envei or. rti-'-riiii an ihbTRUMt! iMrn al Hifihti fnr enrinv VK.IIT MlSSKlS-T 6iiole. Cheap, -Sever Pula. MEN AND WOMEN, Bov and .r)t. an rim K wanta lii't. pleamnt pi'iymM In whk Ii frm fa to fm pr day ran tx mm t will fc-nt tlr i.imfaiid pt"fTW ailorewtjiM Im-melit-Jf . tid rwiv wir )wrH'Mr nmilarx A J drw. I.' H. irhrll A I .. So. Ud Knm' nttt 1 UlTIKK Tll UHD CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALT. A I'li-anaut and KXUtu loini Hi n.wly. fTi IF YOU HAVE A8USE0 YOURSELF By over hulntvi-nee In enlltiic n ilrlul-litK: liav- -tek or nervuu. In-ailttelie: ilrliiM ol Hie .kin, Willi n feverl.li u-iiili'iir) ; nlitlil .ivnii. Mini .leeli ..nr..; by ull mean, iiw S'aven's California Fruit Salt. Anil frel yinnif mire more. It I. Ihe wmnan. Mem!. Try III ! t IkiiHi-; a l,ll.. (or IV Korwlehv all drUKKl'IK. IKHUlK.U.W M.t CO. ulinlimle Ai-imiu, Ii. I!. ll KK.N. Ben. Belling, n. K. Duack. bOBCTMTpalr. EYLBY PAIR (JUAR.VMTEEI). AKIN. KU.UIU A CO. X z m co rr.'t'S.lS. an.tinTniiD HAariiV llt. VIGOR HEALTH AND LIFE Kl'HIUIIIK. 1,1 Pl'ltll-VIVC t-nur Itl.llllll Vol) Iti'Klllale lln- 1 IviT in.il Klilnr'N. rli'ituNi. Hie Ntomaell of all Morlilil Sri-ri lions, iuol i-nlni- Itn.t Kreut boon. (imKl llenltli. .'o hiiII, r,T fliouhl full to Ktve lllln ioinlar ri lneily a trial. Ki t Iln-IIKM INK anil obwrve Un 'I ra.le Mark, line liollar r laiiile r nr mu,' rviT.VH n USE ROSE PILLS. $1000 ltEWAItD 1T1I.I, HE PAID TO ANY PKHHON I'llOUUC' T T In a more e flnctual remedy limn Dr. hock's Sure Cure for Catarrh, Which liaa stood tha teat for fourteen year. 1'hv.l iiaun. viukkuiw, wiu vii win, iiava unt-u aim uuir oiiKlily tented It, pronounce It aperine lor the cure of that loatliauma daeaaa. Try lt Your Uruwilat haa Hi once ,i. Iir. Kin k thoroiuthly vndenunda, and la eminently uccemful In tha trealniaiit of allehrnnla aim diai cnlt dlnin of katli araea and all e, havlii niaue a upei-iuiy oi vnejr ireauDClll lor louruen yeara He treaui (taaecr without ualnf the knife. Ilia rayor He DrearrtnLInn la funikhed to liulv i.HiiMiia rmL No lwly alMiuld be wlthmit IL Yuuna. inlililli-atfiHl or old, male or female, Inearilty or a life of auDerluii la your ineviuuue oooin unieaa youappiym iiinetouie phyHlelan who underataJiilH, and laeouiiaiteiit to treat youreajie. wuw no more uuie nor money wiuiin competent physlclana. All coniiuuntcatloiHi attended to with illHiialch. and are atrletlv conrlilenilal. Medl- thiea aent to any part of the country. Circular, teall monlala. and a ll.t of printed Question furnlHlied on apiillcatlnn. IIWII I.TATMm lull' lnelnae a inree-cent aump for lint anil adilrw UK JAMhJi o, i nrat itrcct, rortlanrt. or K(0.().MY IS WEALTH. And by lllijlnir Tonr JJOOTS A XI) SHOES Ncmv York Hoot ami Mine House, t"lveen Yutnhlil and Taylor, roitliiud 0!T Alii) TO VfU'lt tiW'X WKAfnf A Nit liY tlmt MieHKH ituike tin whole I'nni.lrv rli hiT. W tiwvp ItiMt rt-i lvil Hi1 oioftl I'li'iciitit Mt'x k of ifiKwIii cvf r hroticht to H'tIIhikI. wtilrh r nn mllitii( hi ratffi tlmt no uthtT huM-u chii, WIh-ii nil inrot in ltn city toil i if in your witoN' fHrolty uiul wc will n-ll llu-rii ffiKMln Ht HMtoiilnMiiif'y low tOrf in. itnlirn from tUf oiititry will h irrniiitly Httfiulcd to, ttcl w will pay rrlK'H on UN gnnn H.-ill l. 'OH. SiiiiiiioiKl's Kentucky Nabob Jsoiirijoii ) lilskoy. (if aM thp fnmnniinro1iutifini of Hip Blue IJruw trV t tlitu Whuky 1 un icill fur ourlty ol tlxivur. lor Until y aikI uifdk-liiw nrpuAK la n.ff.rL,iia If U tnswfa. fmrn Viiir hkriV mltl W lllflt Mfflrtu. aitfl iw VRniHMcuinpoiii'iit rt oUimImI will The Best tad Purest Brand In the Market TODD 4k BlVrSf, 1 Kentucky or Ban FnuwUNo. r.n. Aki PO x ISwKlv.''n.'' ca fl I .-'.Vii . oo V -k ca 1 bM UutouiTnd IUA, "HI m 2 flite FA II M I ' i M Tnr. j. i. t xr. ri.uivi. ... ...?.?'.".. he atiut. fnrl'riit"ii anil W, nii.n Terrliorv of the celilnnleil J. I. i:SV, I'lHV lltl Mill hKKIil.llN ami I 'U 1 1. 1., mii l.iiakir Kunii ami Hprlna- Waamim J. I. law I r.. 111,11 Knf w I oilahle KiiKlni a, KiKlm-. on kuU anil .In r iluulil.- Mill., ( all ami ace 11. or nnl fur 1 .t.il" k, i "TiVHI -r , t rt'iii , I. Ml Ml H,lil k,i..l.illi 1 rVjLJ-lLljLt' II il II : 3tXDfjn4(j" flOrt'DEltjijrjiKn mu vc it CtSLLii:ff?C?5 4. ft '"V..---.f. ,n ..jrV'veeK.-4i4.f - '.' 1 j f n.v- Mkrii ;i,i': T ' ' ' ' 1-Ti.t 4,ia: ...' : ,., ,;Jjfr - - - -i'.r"-2T v' , 7-; '" -tiAMjl''- i .r. ; Or. WESTIIST - a - mm0 SCHENECTADY, .KV VOIIK. tern- t: u Nt 11 PORTLAND, We are now nwhliiK a full Him of our I'KI.KIlll.VTKH SKI'AHATOHM, l.cver and Tread I'nwera, I'lill I A III I-: AM) I HAi'I'KiN I NHINKs. iinrs,.,nil,.r i I Ik 1.1 HuiiiiIiik. Ntrnnirauil Inirnlile ami un niualeil i..a Ull A IN AMI II. H V I Ml Til II KMI hit anil lm Ule In - Mine liioveliielil anil lllddl lor n piiratlnit W I. II 11 VI s KIKIM WIIKtT. Uur lloin. -iNiwera urernuituicl, K.nsy ItiiuuliiK ami 'lout hreak iIohii. Ill It KMIINK lan inipinv. nii nt loin; 0.1 v K.IUHT .i 1 .n.m ,H l.l limn Ihe avenore enKli f .nine ouer, anil iin-n ON Ivl Itl lll l.hM WA'I'KH AMI K I ' 101. lo itn the aauie wort! l.iluralile anil easy In inaiuo;i llunili'nli of i!u ." enu'lne. anil llire.heM have heeu 111 Nti"ci"vrnl uper lion for veur. im I'lin.e n.11,1 fnr onr HKMIIIITIVK CA 1'AlAiiilK AM) I'lill'.-. 1. 1 HI' and InviMlKule ihnniualily hefoii'KlvliiK your oriliT. Saw Mill Mauhlnsry ond Stationery Engines Furnished on nen:cnab! Te rns. i. I'. IV.iri M limit, r' ornt" t'iiiiuimic!tt Doik, Fuot i f M rrlton Mroi t I'urllnnl, Oft'iitm. w uanmaiini in 1 iiiaiaaa 11 BlICKIKGHAM & HECHT'S BOOTS AND SHOES Are the REST and COST SO MOKE than (Miter Rrantls, nnd If tlic Merchant with whom you TruuV tloo. uot ket p onr (ifood It In bocniiso it PAYS better to soil a pair of I5im)I or Shorn efery TWO Months tliup crery FOUR or I1TE. WE WAKItANT EVERY PAIR Wo mako. All .Merchants In Cood Crrdlt ran p roe inn these (tinda at onr Ware tinnses tu roll! LANO or San Francisco. TRY OUR "HERCULES" BOOTS HECiiT imos. & CO. TJF. P OStF PI' LS. I 1. nlnc KentMlir mn4 rrvtt Ttinlff ia turn ! -,'ltlmnt rult of ovpr 'JI vrftraof fimctri'iit nrt 'nri'a nnd t'l'KKH Wi l l! lNKAIIJN(i (-'Kit TAIN I V. NTVt.u and ihvnl ui DrtillKy, H.-mlniil WcnkiifiM, HrMTiimtor rlHH'M, fnMlfttiirihfa.Kin nitmtonii, 1 111 jMitftM-y , Ki hniMtml Vltftllty, Fri'iiia nirft Ixvllim tthfl IJIKtM or MANIIOOII, from l iurlio tint okhui, pttrt iiKitii'iii tn Ntrvm, HnUri, Miiflnt, Iwfatlon. HrofliictlvM Or- fnm, Hod rhyifr mi wid M. ritAl ultlin. II toi mnf unrmturml dehlliutti K drum upon tin- oyiLirn, prviitlMi; liivuluiitiirr loww, d blltUUiiK dr. mi, nuiliial hv with the urlrift. no ann noov. 11 n ftMiirr llmtontor of H KMNKY ANIi MI.AI'DKH (OMIM-AINIH. IT UJNTAINH NO INJI KKH I.NiltKIIKNT. TttioMMffrrlH fmm tkm f. trrm ttf yniiltifal ndlarv(liii ir rxrrru, m iMfdy, ihnrnnvh mn4 prrmnnrnl I I KK I Ol A ICA VI KKIt. Pric. OO MTtHittlH,or flv Ix'ttli n In ( with foil dlrtTiiona and wUiiP, tflO. Hfiit mfiirc fniin ohwrvatlon to any adlrH ujwn ri O'lpt -f rt'f , orC. O. I). To b hud only of nr. 1 . mm. nuinria. man urnrviy nrm, Hun Kiitorlsr'ii, Cat. oimiilutlom atrlrlly rnrifldii tlul, by IfttfroraLoftlrH, KltKK. Kir the winvfntfno of )mtintH, mid In ordfr Ui m ur fH'rlwt awrwy, I hnv tnitwi a privnUf addrnai. uudf r wUWh all tu-k ai'MMru forwiirdt d. I HIil, Itiri'l I.K THW.K Humdrnt to Nh w Iw iiorlt, will &h . ol Uj ant Am I'i'iyinir ny wiitr. ikiiiik run avinuuiiua ana ac ( finiinuiitf ntloiii Rtfictiy ConrldffiUaJ. SEWING MACHINE 8T0RE 167 THIRD aae.iajtfa nrn ON SHORT NOTICE. AnLaadlru) lTTlCHME5TS,ete. HOUSEHOLD & WHITE mnoMFiFi rirrt iyg! A S I JS f OIL. HALE. THRIAD, ACIII ."' 10 Y ThcTKIl MriiaREIirRlaad llltll.l.. A WU KMI, Kronl Hi ... 1IIK AI.1IINA lllMKTKAI la Itiialid inm lo All hia. and H itti en an. I fmi tlnaun l.nli the .ten.liin ol l o'irlh .tri et. rwl iVrtl.ui.l, 1,11,1 thp Vuui-onvcr mail. All Ihe.ot.lu lilia l.. I'i'i'aiiit :l m r. '.'MAI ,.,., Wln I'venij fi.it ulli'X tiinmiili the '1I1. -kit All Un1 mlii-r Ii tMiri-.'rfu mi tii-l. The nr. i are ule. ami liavcall liit'iM lcunil, wl. He 1 In. int. aie I1UI1 1, !ul level a. d ran vi ry em ly el. t.ri-il. We iinrt olt. r for s.ile f.ira .hurt limea Iholii.l iiiuiitwr of iih-h lot. ami lili.'kt nt n-niomihie prl. e. anil oti cav trrin.. . r . - ' )..,.jiiwi '. IvKjJi'.jM1" iniiiici oiiuii v tin, I.. -1 Held h V. . it' ' I'lM'.ioiein ami wi ino. ue. . 'if . -"''CRrl'llnhle litan-for Im ulloli ninv Iu L .' ij 'j J1 iii'iii:iiki-l. li.i-l.iHi. iroxluilly 7. y yJ rjj n I In1 111 ie. of I'ottlioiiinoil .a.t, "' ,' F "I'oillitn-I. uiul In llii lu-avy tm r); ' 'i ."fj.iiH'i-in'.il. now lii'loa carrlwl '- ''II llV llli' ,11'ln I. 1 oliilu.ini'. 1111. i ' 'ii Q l. r llieillni tl ni of Mr. Vlllunl -.IJ'lii' Try roi k. Klcxuinr-, Ala- tfii tune Mini. and m tier work, of Jvjf',ic.i ii,uiioi1.-.-In m-aruex. ."-'ii. ili 10 ihe AHilua Kerry. ii.'iiiir villi Hie lin..-il Mri-el Ka:l Any fniiii I.Hiii'"t Kerry, In 1-eit V .H'.Ji.. .Ik'JI ivaS.V 2 arl ! HihI. HI make (I, l. p n.Miy JAW?,-it-3 'ryiwHi!e Hoiiikil Mrlaiil .'k-JI.WcriS II.- .. Til-- aiUaotiwc .Wt5yJfvllll nvaMilly altract a hint" -Cti2t' 1 Ih-liiiBiilluie (iikt 1 the iititNt iMipiilur him) h nuiile milxirlinii itiHrt v In hi- vti lolly, uhllt In thc'iM-Hr ittim It iiiut furiiWh hntm. fur hi' nu'io'ly InrriitHiiiK Niiiilutl4iii f A I tilt 111, tiixt tln'h t vuiio will ( Itt O'NNl li (lllll-N WtlUt WC tiw iiiti-r It fr. Wu will nhiiw tn irn)H'rtv uixl itlvi tull tutor millon 10 ull wlm may (ly lo .n pt r-Mttnilly, hihI lmiilrl ai m -wi'il to ii hy mull will hh'i'Ivi irompt liitciiiUm. K.J. M Mull l .t (tV, llr.il Kf ti AKi'iili, ,v Morrison KirHt. .i.l I.OWNSOAi.t- At itl. IU-hI Ktiii Aif-'iitH, ri W'.tslihijh'loii nt. ji'ortliiinl. iir. KCOXJSE & CO., ikh'm:. OGH. j& aaaanmmniiwai PERUVIAN BITTERS. I -iAj-.' 'II I Kir.:;; ST'i.; j S 1 f'l. '.- .--'5ii"l'.'i,r,'.l The Flne.l IIITTKHH In h HOKLtl. THKV KKKK1TUAM.V llltK MALARIAL DISEASES, VIIjiIIm thi y.ttm Hint nrt-rt fh r.viir.l I hi- lllrniiml Almhol llubll, , It I I'M) 11 .IMA. A.k your Dram).! ar Win Mnrchiml far Ihym. HILUI KVIMl A KI., Ail-Hi., Hun Fran rlM-o. aw. ,1, vv .1 iirvvm Ar rit.. PnwtnM NO MOKE DVSl'ErsiA. m Hi-:-.- ' 5,f fnri . .ft 1 : I B.-L.-'Ml-i -5 BEST TCKIO HI USE. Recommended by al! Physicians. Itixwt ! trnm nn Lark of Bo 1 1 . .nrr l'nr h.r In .11 ire. I10. I.'f of Auiu.o and lb" Kr: 1 tnr naumitir koon-a. SOLD ONLY IN GLASS. To UP it nil i'T b'lt lh tMiulna art'r'a nnl nf our h..nln I. Vloi.y. and wht n atMUd, will M i.ocuH"i 10 in in 1 1 mrni nr in uw iracatuppiiMi i7 Arpaa naraiztny to. HO w.ahiactaa . rarla'a. Cl. , rpHK "WHITE." WE HA VK THfrt HAY HOI.I A tnr emir. Inif-rf-M ai, mim) tnui.irrmi th aniMH-v of thr Whttr nu,( M til". Iu Mr. John H. Il.rrt . ut un Thinl Mr rt. Puttiari'l. or. Mr. tiarmm will hrraflff .u4lx thr gruvUtf droiaud kit U.1T i4ikr ai.i. U.uT WW Inf lluu-limM, li HILL A BARR. i'iif lM- Mr ; : -it'.-k mi " a