The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 28, 1882, Image 5

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i 1 -
For f4 deutistry go to CUrk.
Brtaj fiat chicksns to Bettman 'a,
f.ior prisoner in tb enmity JiL
Mr 0 J Laird hu (old tho rcstujant.
Medical Life 8lt at Hay and Lock.y't
' III peuad of oof fur f I at UoUtmitb'i
41 work a pility t the Gvakd offic
i For firtt-olu andrtakio ga to Cherry k
G(d furaitur aad low prices, U Ileam'i
111 kinds of r ed for sal at A Gold
lith'. .
fcay the print fur bo cannot live oa bare
; The highest cash price paid fur wheat by
F B Dunn;
i Cherry k Day nlli farniture cheaper than
.Circuit Ccnrt couvene one wrtk from
bait Monday.
18Lr Walter ia tha fastest trotter ttttr owned
a Laoa county.
Uoaila deliverad U any part of the city
from Goldsmith's.
' ' Finest assortment of furniture in Eugene
at Cherry k Day's.
D T Fritchard ha moved his jewelry shop
' Into Calltsou' iture.
Freih citrate of magnesia ma'U daily at
It Hays and Lackey '.
The frative fly now c1!ok to the ceiling aad
Lids his annual farewell '
Don't fail to call at the f?tar Chop House.
Open Monday Oct 30th. '
The only place where you can always sell
'.year ehiokeas is at Bettmau's.
The paiuters are still busily engaged at
work oa the Court Hoaset
A dance will be given iu Lynch It Pages'
hew tor Tuesday evening.
A full assortment of ladle, tniise and cliil
diva undcrwAr at Bettman,.
Faraitn If you want a good Pir of X 1
fwote ir the aew shoe store a trial.
ImtnsBs stock of crockery ani glassware
at greatly reduced price at Goldsmith 'a.
Wbdh doing the undertaking butines?
Bean. Who is wiling the furniture! Ream.
A eompnsitor ou the Gl'Agn killed fouf
geese on the prairie below town one day this
Patrentze tke aew boat and s'ine store. It
will sell very cheap, and will b a permanent
Beam don't advertise anything he cau't
back when he say hi stock of undertaking
goods is the bunt.
If the lacie want to see the lat'st styles in
hh, fo to the new boot aad h! ttorei It
will open MomUiy.
Grand opening of the boat and tkoe tnre
Monday eveniuj. G aad look at the f)ae
eteck of foot wr. '
Mr W ll Abrains is busily at work manu
facturing chainpait cider. ' lie will ship a
large quantity this season.
Something new in r.ugene llvy a nrit--las-
chop house, ; Opposite;" the (Xjaku
' tillje. Meals at all hours.
V..M asm n f 1 ii'n nl t .tnttftaa fnr Jfl
teats, can (rath poaciiM fur 2 cants, and
the Vent tea in town at F B Dunns.
133 acre of good farm land well improved,
hear Eugeue t'ity, for aalo.
Geo. M. Miller.
..For a gund aqunro inral, neat and clean,
(o to the-New Star Chop House. Term
iessnnable. Meals at all hour.
,' Mr T G Ileiidriijk will pay' the highest
Market price fnr all kinds of hi. lei, fur and
tatlow. ;ive him a call beforo selling.
MrS H Friendly will pay the highest
Cash market price for wheat. Give him a
tiall before idling your grain elsewhere.
The State meeting ef the Christiau Church
hdjmirric'A last Sunday evening. A revival
I being held by the Christian Church of
thil totty.
tl is observed that the travel over the rati
Had of the State have very materially increaV
d during the past year, having almost doubled
(luring tli past mdntk.
We understand that the firm of Frank
Harrington and B l Dorris, hardware and
tic War merchants, are doing a splendid
business at Farmingtonj W T;
Reaiu s'.ill sells more furniture, better fufhi
tuVv aad at lower price Ihsri any denNr in
Eugen& New poods by every train; Callahd
, 1st him prove the trulll of tills.
Reeeived on consignment, by Belt lanf
Ladiee and Misses cloaks, dolmans and uisters,
which will be sold at factory prices fdf the
next 30 day I have orders to returu what
ialcft Call and see fir yourselves.
Mr G C Havener, formerly reshtent of
Eugene, has betrO reconimsnded by the titl
Hens of Prineville for the position r)f Sheriff
of the new coonty of Crook, recently formed
out of the southwestern portion nf Waico
A tramp was arrested last Sunday Mr g
ing into Prof Bailey's residence while the
members of the family were at church, and
helped himself to a lot of eatables. Recorder
Calliaon eotenced him to five day work oh
the streets.
Yea can get 10 lb of sugar for ft
" " 6Itof coffee for JL
" " 3IUof tea for It
' " ( cans tf oysters for SL
" " y cans of tomatoes for $L
gnods cheaper than elsewhere
st Goldsmith's the euh (rrocer.
StariCES, 'It Baptist Convention of th
North Pacifio Oast is now in session at Mc
MinaviUa. TV ananal aerraon is by Bev B S
' McLafferty ef thin city. Mr McLatferty beinu
athsent bis aulpit will be wpplitd W morrow
nsoroiijasi creaui byymiBi- men of tbe
Stbateu. A milch eow about II year
14, light red color, star ia forehead, rope
nark around horn. Any persoa ioding
aid will be paid for driviag home.
A. J. Burnlson Shoots J. II.
Brown In the llead !
Brown t)ies about Seven Houfl after
the Affray.
Monday morning about 10 o'clock word
was brought to town that Mr A J Burnisun
had sh( t Mr J H BroWn, in a row over a
patch of potatoes at the latter' hop yard.
and that the wound would likely prove
latal. Dr T W Sheiton was immedialely
sent for, and administered to the wounded
man' utTeringi until ho died, which occur
red at C o'clock iu the evening. Burnison,
after '.he hoottngt cams to town and gave
himself np to Sheriff Campbell, aud sceinod
very cool over the affair. On acoount f the
soim coining ocioru me ((rami jury we
will make no comments .
Corouer Oiburn empaneled 4 Jury Tneadny
morning, and the following i the evideuc
and verdict given at the examination'
Dr Sheiton being l Wort, said: Called yes
terday to are Mr Brown between 11 and 12
ilock; fouud him aitting on a lounge bleed
ing considerably, aud uffertlig from th
llecU of a gun shot wound. Thtt ball
entered ou the right side of the neck and
ranged through coming nut on the left side)
think the ball parsed under the right carotic
aftery and jugular wbCiij tho first edeot of
the injury Was hemorrhage! succeeded iu stou-
ping that principally! he suffered prii.cipally
from the swelling and I think suffocation
was the immediate cause of his death.
Dr Potterson worn, lays: Death was
caused from the result of the ball; death
may have occurred from blood passiug iuto
the lun (;si
To perfectly underttaud th cause of thn
hoetlug we will state for the benefit of eur
readers that Burnison had Brown's bop yard
leased and paid the rent in part of th yiuldi"
B Bookdoll (worn, (aid: When I and Mr
McAllister came to the potatoe patch Messrs
Bdrnison and Snorf were there; Mr Snnrf
wa digging potatoe and Burnison was pick
ing them np; McAllister had been there be
fore during the morning; when I came to the
patch did uot see a gun) Mr Brown came to
t ie patch about 10 minutes after I arrived,
a id had sollie sacks and a can dud commenc
ed picking up potatoes without wying a
word to anyone, when Burnison told him
to (top as they belonged to him, but Brown
did not say a word in answer but continued
at worltt I was off about 29 steps) Mr (turn
ison saidt "gentlemen J "call upon you to
witness that I foibid Browu from taking
these potato!." Brown still continued to
pick up potatoes! Bdrnison stepped off aud
gut hi gilrt which wit) lying on the ground
and told him a second time to stopi Brown
then stopped and got Up and started away
and Mr Burnison drew the gn and kept it
drawn oil him tnd told him to leave; Brown
circled clear around Bomison and picked up
nmu sacks and hiid them awny a feW ttepsj
when ho picked up the sacks Buruisoti said,
"it is the sacks you want is it?" ami then
stepped back a few feet; Brtlwn then laid
the sacks down and kept Walking around
Burnison; Burnison also tald, "yon are
walking around to get the drop ou me, but
I will not let you do lt" ho also said, "you
drew a weapon on me onrja when I wa un
armed j" Mf BroWd walked around him a
tecum! time aud got back where he started
every taw steps he would stop, and Burnison
wanted him to leave. When Brown got the
cedood time to where he first started the
first hot wa fired; Brown tnopcd and
stepped forward in a circle and I saw a re
volver in his hand; hi right side wa to
Burnison when the gun was fired; when
first shot was fired I did not see Brown
making any demonstrations towards Burni
son. They were auout steps apan wncn
the second shot was fired, and the same at
the first shot. After the second shot was
tired Burnison reloaded hi giln and drew it
on him while he was lying on the ground.
Burnison then said to the boys, "I wish you
would see how had he is hurt and I will go
to town and give myself up." Before tho
shooting when I was there Burnison (aid
that Browu should not have the potatoes to
day; be aid Brown had come early in the
oiorning and atopped behind a bush a shoit
time, but soon went back to Ida house.
I have not purchased the lease of the
premise; when Brown wa circling around
Burnison he drew Heater I believe the
first time 1 noticed Crown's pistol was after
the first shot and before the econd shot was
fired; think he
had hi pistol in his riijlit
1 I
hand; the next time I saw the put'4 it was
lying on the ground; it was a self-cocking
revolver, aud held ix shots, and was loaded.
J V McAllister being sworn, tcstihV: I
was at tha hop yafd of J II Browne yester
day, in the presence of Messr Snorf and
Burnison; Mr Barkdoll was there when the
row commenced but started toward the
house) I aaw bim (landing on tbe hill above
after the (hooting; Snorf and myself were
digging potatoe ia the jJatch oa the (hares
for Burnison; Bdrnison was picking np and
sacking the potatoes, when Brown came with
a tin can aad some sxCk4 to the patch and
began picking p th potatoes; he wa
ordered by Burnison to stopj but be paid ao
attention and kept poking them bp, when
Burn Lion ordered him a second time, saying
that he had no right to the piUtci: Bro
did not atop howtver. The third tWe Bnrn
iwa ordered him to atop, eaying; cmrf
mand yoo in th presence of these witnesses
to stop picking np these potatoes;" Browt
continued ot said nothing. Burnison then
went to sewing np some sack, hat I ooa
noticed Bnraiaow having a jna aud approach
ing. He again ordered Brown to (Up, which
he did- In rising he held his hands towards
bia (ide coat pocket and started towards
Burnison, when Burnison raised hl( gua and
told Mm to (top. Brown lowered hit arm
nu. i)iirnion inwsrea nie gun auq oroersu
bim to leave the patch, whin hi starUd aud
asked hint if ha would not let him erttai his
field, Bdmisoa answered he Would; thin
Brown beu to circle around Buruison
drawing nearer as he went, when Burnison
told him to coin no closer. Brown circled
around twice in this manner, and on the
third round made a motion to pick up loin
sacks which be had thrown down before,
when Burnison made the1 remark, "that if it
was tho sacks ha wsuted he could have
them." Burnison thcu stpped back a fow
steps and let bun pick np the sacks. He
carried to where he had been working
aud laid them dowii) then advanulng towards
Burniion (at down aayiug, "yon d m fool
lay down your anna and miud your busi
ueo." Hooither said "in fine will hdrt
you," "or I will not hurt you." Mr Burni
sou replied, "you hard drew a pistol on me
once before and I intend yon (hall not got
the drop ou me." Then Brown rose and be-'
gan circling as botoro, Burnison repeatedly
warning him to keep his distauco. After
passing the placo where he ttartcd he said
something but I could not understand, and
made a grab for his pistol and started after
Burnison, when Burnison fired. At the re
port of the gun Brown stooped dewn aad
(till contiuued to try to get his pistol in
rangu with Burnison, then Burnison fired
second time and Brown fell. Burnison then
reloaded his gun and asked Mr Snorf and
in.-self to go and see how badly he was
wounded; Suorf told him to go and give him
aelf up Mr Burnison asked agaiu that we
should go and see the wounded man. At
this time Mrs Brown came out to her hus
band and requested that some one go for a
doctor) which I did. When Burnison first
came to the patch he claimed he owued all
the potatoes, and that Brown had no right
to the potatoes by law, aud that he could
not have any of thont if he could prohibit
him; he also said he feared he would have
trouble with Brown. Browu' face was
sideway to Bu'nison at the time of the
shooting, but he could see Burnison, After
the first shot Brown took two or three step
toward Burnison.
When the first shot was fired I was teu
steps from Blown; I saw llrown'i pistol be
fore the first shot.
The following is the report of the jtlry in
the above cass:
We the jury empaneled to inquire into
the cause of the death of tha body now
lying before us, find that hi name is John
II Brown, and that he came to hi death
from the effect of a gun shot wound fired by
A J 1 urn ison.
3 Kxinovf)
JoMN Sl'KWAKf, '
O J Laird,
Mko FlsHun, ,
J Warn us:, '
Tuesday afterHrtoit a preliminary emantiii-
itlloit of Burnisoii was held before Justice
Kinney i it Dunn' Hall, a large crowd being
in attendance. Messrs (J D Dorris and ( W
Miller 1 appearing for the State, and Meisr
Lark Bilyeu and J J Walton, Jr. for the
dofcuxe. After hearing the testimony and
argument of the oouusel, Juiliee Kinsey held
the defendant without bail.
Both Mr Burnison and the deceased, Mr
J II Browu, have heretofore borne good rep
ututious, aud the public geuerally is sorry
that such a tragody should have happoned .
Mr Brown was a member of Kugene City
Lodge,, A O U NY, and was buried by that
organization list Tuesday, the funeral ser
vices being held at the M E Church.
Wa clip th following extract from the Dal
las Iteiuizer concerning a lecture delivered at
that place by Win Rubell, formerly of this
"On Wednesday evening, as announced, Mr
Win Rubell, Jr, delivered his lecture, "By
Land and Sea," at the Band Hall. The shak
er gave a description of his voyage from Han
Francisco to Liverpool in December 1870. On
the trip he was washed overboard by a heavy
sea, with another senman, ami hy the tuerext
chance was rescued, his companion being lost
It was his Intention to return home from
Liverpool, but no vessels sailing, and lieing out
of money and unable to obtain employment,!)
enlisted in the British army,nd was oon
after with hi regiment, ordered to India. Hi
trip to India through th Sues canal, wa
graphically described. A port of th journey
was over the line of march of Alexander the
Great) and near the site oi the city built by
that conqueror in honor of his horse. Th
lecturer gave an account of the campaign in
the Afagan war. in which he partijipated, be
ing wounded with a sword knife in an engage
ment with an ambushed party. He gave an
interesting sketch of the various people inhab
iting that region. The Uindooe are purely
i ... - . t i :i ... l !.srm:.
"'T- , rl '
urlitlii tksk Mnasiilinan ll 11 tiff in th fnum Millfl.
if UllSr kilt? itvilMlll U as ' lug ae wv -
try, art intelligent and muscular. He drew
from this the conclusion that the vegetarian
doctrine is fallacious. The return trip was
described, emliracing a description of Gibral
tar, London, Liverpool, Glaiglnw and Edin
burg. Few persons so young as be have had
such experiences. Tbe sakr's language is
remarkably dear, chaste and simple, and hit
narrative butb interesting and instructive.
The speaker, in his conclusion, modestly refer
red to hi experience, and hoped be bad inter
ested his auiheacr. Mr Rubell' lecture showed
an observation and an intelligent study of
what he (aw abroad, worthy of a mucn older
Attention Farmer -Call atth new Star
Chop Hons for something g'od to eat.
Term reasonable. Opposite the Guard
office yon wdl lindauew, neat and clean
chop house, where yoa can get all th mar
ket affords at reasonable price. Re bill of
fare. Meal at all hour.
PLOWINff. Farmer aro Tery bnsy at
p resent plowing and lowing fall grata. Out
farmer feel mii:h encouraged, and if
iboald hat good crop and good price
ttutot tbnf will more than boon.
Circuit Court Docket.
r Mowing is th docks.t of th Circuit
ourtarhiohconvsns in this oily J(ov Cths
brt o Oregon vs J Wl Mhon; assault
with, dangerous weapen. . ,
Stat of Oregon vs Jas Kirks; murder.
Bute of Oregon v John T Barnard; murder.
; Sut ,if Oregon v Wlllard McUee; dhfbur-
Slate of Oregon a L W Mautey; assalt with
daawous waon.
M h Gibson v .M W Gibson; suit for di
Florjnce Arehburgsr vs Geo Archburk-er:
suit for divorce.
M K Gardner v W P Gsnliur; suit for dl
Laura Otburn ys Win Osburn; suit for di
Susan Malone v Danitl Malons; suit for di
J J Eaton vs F P Close; to recover money.
W H Baber v John Smllb and Fanhv
Smith, to recover money.
bwrnlwrg & Senders v John Shulta; to re-
cover money.
R V Howard v KraU & Wathburte: action
for damages: -
Milviua J Hay v Joel A Pitney et al; auit
iu partition.
S H Friennly v Morgan Parks; foreclosure,
rha'he B Kinsey admx, v D U Uager; to
recover money.
School Land Coimnisaiodsr vs Win Hoi
lanusworth; foreclosure!
Amos Richardson vs Susan aud R 11 Martin;
to recover money.
KraU A Washburn Vs J J Coiustock; to re-
over money.
Lur.b Bros vs Bridlsr aad Conner; to racov-
sr money;
R R Hsi'ss vs II C Owsn; to recorsr nloney.
R V MoH vs F M Hamilton; to recover
R F Moss nfM Hamilton; appealt
Geo S Washhurh vs J 11 Campbell; tn re
cover personal prripcrtyi
Oreunn Railway Co v( Hugh L Thompson;
for right of way.
Alex Matthews vs D 11 Gager; to ret-over
John Maxwell vs A E Polndexter and T S
Poindexter; to set aside deed.
Fanni Loekwood vs Iair and LockwooJ; to
recover money.
Mary A Love vs Gideon Cantomirie; to set
aside deed.
S D i. J E Holt vs Henri Baxter; to recover
Gee Rl!ur vs R V Howard; to recover
J C Lille; vs R D Lewis et al; foreclosure.
Amanda F Friedly admx vs R D Lewis et
al; to recover money.
Mary E Gordon vs Amos D Hyland; to re
cover real eatate.
11 C Humphrey vt Aldcn Lawrence et ex;
Mary G Ritchey st al v Joslah Craig st al;
In partition.
John Whiteaker vs M I Underwood; fore-
John Whiteaksr vsMary I Underwood: for-
Jos Bucknell vs Mary C Lllsworth et at lor
jclKa .)rformance.
vtiii j.iuton v Lane county; review.
Jas lluinhprey vN L Strange; to recover
ttuu M liaer et at vs 1 hoi Mullioilaml; lu
partition. .
H V Howard vs V Kratz; to settle part
nership "
Euplmihta Ainion vs Washington Anson;
suit or divorce,
. M. ry A Hall vs Kobt Hull; suit for di
vorce. Mary L Bates vs Suel Bates; suit for di
vorce. .
V.J McCrakin ACo v V H Lindos and
LMeliMtt J Powell; snit to recover money.
J M A'rakio 4 Co v J A Clearwater; to
Oecover money.
L i J Mc 'rakiu k Co ts W R and J A Walk-
er; to recover money. . '
J MctVakin k Co v P Ayors; to recover
money. -
Jorry Yarnall v J B Underwood et al;
Wheeler k Wilson Mg Co ys Jas HCalla
way; to reeuver money.:
State nf Oregou vs A J Burnesnn; murder.
A V Patterson v Orville Greou; suit for
Why th "Royal" Is the Best.
The Improved method by which it has been
made possible to produce pure creain of tartar,
ha had an Important bearing upon the manu
facture of of baking powder. By the process
heretofore generally employed, it ho !ern
found linpoimiUe to remove all impuritiew,
more particularly the tartrate of lime, which
remains to suoh an extent as M greatly impair
the quality of tin cream of tartar, and to in
terfere seriously with the strength and whole
tnmeneis nf the baking powdors into which it
In the new process which is owned hy the
Itoyal Baking Powder Company of New York,
ami exclusively employed iri It extensive tar
tar works, the imported crude grape acid ia so
treated as ts remove all vista-ge of tartrate of
lime-or other Impurities, giving a product lie
lore unknown a chemically pure cream of
By the employment of these superior f:iclli
tlrSf tb Royal Baking Powder Company ha
Made the Royal Baking: I'trwder, as th chem
ist al) rertrfy of th highest possible degree of
strength, "absolutely pure" and wholesome,
and with an always uniform leavening power.
It Is fot these reasons that th "Royal" never
Wis to produce bread bifcftrit, cake, etc., that
aie light, sweet, digestible and wholesome; th
eating of which is never followed by indiges
tion, or any of those physical discomfort at
fcmUnt upon the partaking of improperly pre
pared food. In rendering poesible th pro
duction of a baking powder possessed of these
qualifications, th Unproved method of refining
cream of tartar beoomes st once a matter of
material Importance to the culinary world.
Th Mew Librarian le Salem Talk has
the following: Mr Seymour W Condon, on of
Professor Condon of th State University, ha
been elected Stat Libralaa for the next two
year Mr Condon is young man of fine parts
ami trill not only prove an excellent and etfi
efcnt Liliraiian.but is a valmble acquisition to
the "Young Folk Society" of the Capital
City. We wish him succtws In his election.
La rob PuacHARE.-Mr S H Friendly has
urchaaed during the week 50,000 p'mixl of
bow. aivin-g therefor 2l cents per J wind.
He also loaded a fuU traia with wheat from
1 this and Irvir stathei, the first special f-eijrht
i, t(MOiUbrs an twrag crowded' mt o.
; tbe xa-u by Iea4 brytr.
Cottage Qrove Items.
Comoi Grove, Oct 25, 18S2.
W hav bn having soms fin weathtr. -Tli
irreprssibl Sam Vsatch wa in town
Th saw mill at Latham hu oommsnced
sawing again. It ha lien idl for Row time,
M!m Llnle Georg ha returned frdrrt east
of th mountains, whsr ah bu been for th
put two yean,
Mr Hamilton Vsatch lost a vatuabl home
a fuw days ago, by it being kicked by another
horse thereby breaking It leg.
Married, atth resident of Jot Donahoe, In
this plaoe, (Kt 17th, by Rov C II Wallace, Mr
Ira Couuer to Mi Suo Kirk, all of Lane
Mr Heiikiah Collins has sold his farm to
llobt I'a-ey, on of our blacksmiths; V also
hear it rumored that Mr John Maattrson baa
bought an iuteiest hi Mr Carry'! blacksmith
The death of Dr A L Wynn cast a gloom
over our entire community. There was not
another man here that would b nlltwed a he
will. He was generous aud sympathetic, and
a good physician.
Lodges Instituted.
Hi following lodge were nrganhsd this
week at the following place by W C King:
WCT, C S Vandyne; W R H, Mary
Ward; L H S, Belle Vaughn; W V T, Mr J
Coleman; W S, Lucien Ward; W F S, EtU
Wllklns; W T.Maddi Ward; W M C,M Val-i
lis; W I G, E Vauhan; W 0 G, Henry Pear
on; P W C T, Cora Vandyn: L D, Cora Van-
dyn. Charter membership, 21.
W C T, T 0 Maxwell, W VT, L V Arm
strong, W S, Jos Armstrong; W T 8, A M
Bri.tow; W T H. K Maxwell; W M, C 0
ltamb;VOG, O I lndor; WC; L Lioder;
V W C T, R W Sprague; L D, 11 W Sprague.
Charter uiemlwrs, 10.
Regents of the State University.
Governor Moody has appointed the following
persons Regents of the Stat University:
Judge R S Beau aud Rodney Scott of this
city, Henry Failing of Portland, and Hon
Aidiael Bush of Jalnm, who wer all duly eon
firmed by the State Senate. Those who
term nf office had expired were Hons 11 F Dor
ris, J J Walton, Jr, R S Strahan and Henry
Failing, who have all worked with untiring
energy for th best interests of th school, and
ecially Mossrs Dorri and Walton, who
hav been connected with th institution since
its inauguration and deserve the thanks of
this entire community for their faithful per
formance of duty, besides, each have lost much
valuable time in working for its success, and
ws ..y with th rest of Lane county, "well
lone thou good aud faithful servants,
Bucos Returned. Lewis Boggs, who
ecd from th penitentiary about two
month ago, wa captured in Yakima county a
short time since, and returned to th peniten
tiary this wjek by L II Atkins, Dputy Shrilf
ol that cjunty.
Lane county 1 again th locality of
another tragedy over a trivial matter.
von cam Dave luuiiuY i rr avont he loku
I will open my Store with a first-class stock of
Boots & Shoes
For Ladies, Misses, Children aid
Also a full Line for Gents.
Every Pair Guaranteed:
Jtfst wcoivotl frorn SAN FRANCISCO Bf'
Dry Goods,
Clothing, '
s Hats,
Fancy Gootta
Ladie3 Dres3 Goods in LATEST Style
Everything necessary to a Well regulatefd Store.-
Butter, EggSandChiCkenS-bought
for Gash, or taken in exchange for
A Man Named McCoy Killed by i Tree
Falling on Him. ,
A fatal accident occurred about svd
mile aooth of CotUn Orov. In thl( county:
st Saturday, by which a human life wa
brought to a sudden termination. Fiord
what we can learn the particular are 'about1
a follows; Two man, Msr McCoy and
Chackerr. were cdttins a ire down when if
fell and lodged against some other, trees,
when the forjner undei took to out it loo
thai It mmlit fall to tha oroiind. when bv
some' meant it fell suddeuly bringing the
wootltllan under it crushing htm to death in-
Until) trt th hlirrnr nf hiseomnanion. The'
deceased leave 4 wif and three (mail chil
dren to ulotirU his rintimely death.
Hugh Reiiihaw has returned from Modod
county, California.
Ml- It V Howard, of Jildctlon City, was Id
town one day tills week;
Mr i f Cornier; hrf has Usen book keep?
iu Dunn' (tore for th past two years; left
for Hahwytd visit relatives; from whende he
gne to Missouri, to reside;
Prof D M C Gault, of Portland, paid Ed-
gen a Very pleasant visit this week. II
was the only Republican who Toted for
Mitchell on thtt last ballot
W clip th following from the Roseburg
Plalndoaler: "Hi honor, Judge R S Bean;
has mad many frlendi among th legal fra
ternity, and In fact all with whom1 he haa mt
during tin terra of court Th Judge la a fin
gentleman, and w are glad to at Dim ureses-
Chop House.
Mr (' M Nichols, of Gilrov. Cel. aad a vete
ran hots! keeper, has' opeiud a chop house id
the building opposite the Gvaru office, where
it. I..JUI ..f (muI, nv.tMrft diav be
obUintiL Eugene ha for a long tim needed
an establishment of this kind. You will Had
by visiting hischop house thathe I apleaVaot
..I iulili nantloman. His ronm ar tltUd
up ill an elegant style, aad h intend to keep
a neat and orderly nous, averr
lns count should iriv him a oall, and k
FrosI S! Francisco. Mr. Aaron Lurch'
of Cottage Ordv hu jut returned bnt
from a trlii to f?ari Francisco. We are In
fonrfed that be p'uTchod on of th largest'
stovk of Joiods vr Kronght to i-afi county;
l.iu - tl, 1mi.fln Piiut metro uolls. W
would aJvbi all iri tlief neighbiirhood of Cot
tage Grov to' call at LWn ilros. store ana
tak a look at this lintnsns Stock, which thsy
propdse td (ell at the vry lfWest pVicefc- Mr;
L.lireu lurenivHiM win; F ' ' - - - ,17 '
ty.and therefore very ujf csnfestassurtd thsy
will get tb lull value lor any auoniy u.7
n. ,., TTon Suoil Owens. President 6t
th third House of the Oregon Legislature','
tmr the arduous duties of hi offio
at th C1to1, wnt to TnrtUnd and watered
at one of ttte promlrfeti hoUl of that off.
After h haxr retired (Vuf Oa ntred hWroonj
- i n-.f ki. ..U.i. i,1 fuw rlollsirW. and
ami rmiNM;!"! in - -, ,
t mk his wats-K and cigar bolder. Luckny tha
robber did not think of looking Into hi oat
pocket, or Mr Own might b l,O0O poorer
tl,tn he 1 now. a he had that amount ia fits
pocket book. ,
My work Is a Specialty.