The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 14, 1882, Image 7

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t,-tolerant skepticism and intolorant
Llief are only the two extreme, or the
r tw is fantaolsm in un-
''ie' V , i. .ofliliuliml llifl innnisition or
5.mi . :tirea o( Smithliold. La
iitxl the nre5
oe the celebrated materialist, is said
have fought a lo with a friend, who
n " t. AviutnnftA nf liifl Awn
Kiu-h a skeptical fanatic
I at the date ' --ie evenUIam
"t to rolata. I was president or a
"i for the suppression of supersti
f't Ji believed in nothing beyond the
n of my five senses. I was a furious
f:m. nf dreams, omons and presenti-
L.ente, anu js""" .".. -
11 . i.i.i.. rlmrnfnrA. In have lionn
. ,.i k .imprHtitions credulity or per-
VulSieu -V --r- . . - .
nulfvine in bachelor lodgings in i
niet street in the upper part of the
t I went little into society and had
i--inil8. I spent most or my even
..A..I1. in ilia unilnuinn f
ub ... M.itK tirt nnmniinv litifr. mv
'ujv room, '" ""t J J
f One autumn evening I reached homo
,t late hour, but feeling no desire to
leop I lighted my lamp ami sat aown
i,t the table for the purpose of finishing
L .nliime which I had been reading. It
as a dissertation on a favorite subject
,fmiue, namely; The physical causes
,( dream and apparitions, the author
tricing nil spectral uppearances to illu
sions brought about by disordered
nprrous functions. I was deeply inter
ested and read on steadily until after
Suddenly, and without warning, my
light flickered and went out. For a mo
ment the room was in intense darkness.
I had drawn the curtains before the
windows, and the fire ia the grate had
tod down long before; Just as I was
on the point of impatiently rising to
liebt mv lamp, 1 was uauea to my cnair
bra strange phenomenon. Against the
opposite wall of my room a faiut glow of
liirlit betran to appoar. In shape it was
like the circular patch whioh is thrown
br a camera ujroa a screen. It oontin
owl to increase in brilliancy till the
thole room was a glare of light equal to
oonday. It was as if a circular win
dow had been cut in the wall, admitting
the full power of the sun.
For an instant surprise held me dumb
und motionlsss; then I aroso, and going
to the wall placed my hand upon the
patch of light. I observed that my hand
oast no shadow, and that, therefore, tho
light did not come from behind. Puz
zled, but by no means alarmed, I went
back to the ohair, calmly resolved to
watch the matter to its conolnsion.
For a moment the light remained
clear and steady; then a slight mist
seemed to overspread it. Out of the
mist, by slow degrees, a picture was
evolved. There was a wide, deep river,
crossed by a railroad bridge, in tho fore
ground. I could see here and there a
vessel drifting idly with the tide, for it
ipieared to be a still, warm day. In the
distance the hills looked blue and hazy.
There were white clouds in the sky, and
it a distance tho smoke from a town on
the river bank rose lazily into the air.
I could n ne and memorize every de
tail the color of the wooden trestle of
the railroad bridge, tho shape and num
ber ot the signal boards; the peculiar
irrangement of the telegraph wires. In
(act, I could have sworn that I Bat be
fore an open window, looking upon a
material landscape of real sky, earth and
water. I noted, too, particularly, a
weak spot near the center of the bridge.
The bed of the road seemed to have
warped and several of the sleepers were
decayed aud loosened. I even said, on-
There will be a terrible accident at
that point some day."
huo I was gaping at tbe apparition
with sensations impossible to describe, I
observed the smoke of an approaching
traiu. It rushed swiftly around a curve
ind upon the bridge with unabated
speed. I was conscions of a feeling of
intense interest in it. I felt very much
like a person witnessing a drama with
bight-wrought emotions, breathlessly
atctiing the action which is drawing to
ward the tragio denouomeut.
On cnine the train.. I counted the
cars; there were sixteen four of a yel
lowish color and the remainder of a deep
rod. I saw on their sides the words,
Northern New York and Canada R. R.'
I saw that the engine's number was 12,
and that tho engineer, leaning out of the
window toward me, was a large man with
a red luce and heavy black beam.
as tue train came upon the bridge
thoro seemed to be a sudden jar and
stoppage The engine leaped into the
air liko a frightened horse and rolled off
the bridge,- followed by six of tho cars.
There wus an intense movement of alarm
and horror, a shower of fire and a cloud
of steam which for a momeat hid every
thing from sight.-'
A moment ufterward my attention was
irresistbly drawn to two figures strug
gling in the water. One was a girl, very
young and beautiful, attired in a gray
traveling suit. She had lost her bonnet,
and her long fair hair was floating upon
the water.
The other figuro was that of a man,
whose appearance gave me a shock of
strange surprise. I seemed to recognize
him, thongb his face was tnrned away.
At first he seemed to be making prepara
tions to strike out vigorously toward the
shore. Then he seemed to catch sight of
he young girl, for he turned, and, swim
ming toward her, supported her on one
arm, while with the other he kept both
of them afloat.
At this momajit I caught sight of his
'ace. I started up and uttered a shout
of absolute terror. It was my own faco,
white and stern with excitement and
resolution that I saw before me.
As if my voice had broken the spell,
the light, landscape, wrecked train and
straggling swimmers disappeared like a
nan ol lightning. I rubbed my eves
and looked around. The light was burn
ing as brightly as before. The book I
had been reading had slipped from my
band to the floor. I perceived then I
bad been merely dreaming a vivid
To aay that I was not startled would be
untrue. I was very much moved, but it
was neither with superstitious fear nor
the slightest faith. Here, I thought, was
good opportunity to put my favorite
theories into practice. ' I bad dreamed a
dream of such distinctness and detail
laat it might be readily be supposed to
bo a fore-warning. That it would prove
" uuiuiug oi tue sort X was perfectly
convinced. I would write down the cir
cumstances, and when the evont had
proven thorn wholly false, use the whole
f .knockdwn argument against all
aim 111 nDjr turewarning whatsoever.
On further investigation I Confessed
that I was somewhat perplexed. I found
that them MiiM. . M;in.l i.A
' " m iiiiivwi a lun
Northern New York and Canada, that the
cars were 01 tue color seen in my dream.
I found furthermore, on conversing with
a person who had traveled over the route,
that the road orasmil HlA ItUflk rivnr nn
a trestle bridge, and. that, viewed up the
river, the landscape would appear about
as I had seen it.
I was by no means convinced.howevor.
I might have hcur.l nf tlm railrna.1 in
question, and forgotten thn Itwt. Thn
' O A MV
color of the cars was such as is oommon
to railroads. The landscape may have
borne only a general resemblance to the
Ulack river ; moreover, my description of
the one seen in my dream could at most
have given a fow salient points, such as
hills, water, a distant town and a trestle
bridge, common to a hundred other re
gions in the country.
Moreover, I could imagine no reason
why I should travel over the route. My
parents live in Northern New York, but
in visiting them my course would be at
least a huudred miles east of the Black
river. ,
The winter passed by with no renewal
of my strange dream, aud tho occurrence
of no circumstance bearing upon it, and
the whole matter passed out of my mem
ory. One morning I reocived a tolegram
from home to the effect thaf' my father
had been taken dangerously ill, aud that
his physician despaired of his life.
Skeptio as I was, I was no infidel in
the matter of my family affection. I
made my preparations in haste, and took
the night train for ray father's home. On
arriving at Utica, I learned that a freshet
had washed out tho track of the regular
line, and that I should be compelled to
take a branch road a score of miles far
ther west.
My dream now occurred to me. I was
traveling near the region I had dreamed
of. One accident hid forced me nearer
to it than I had any reason to anticipate.
But I was not foolish enough to sup
pose that any set of circumstances would
bring about the fulfillment of my vision.
During the night the train halted at a
largo town on the line and the passen
gers were informed that another transfer
would be necessary. The rains whioh
had destroyed the track of the regular
line had also thrown down a bridge on
the branch.
As I alighted in the dark and made my
way to the train in waiting I admit that
I was very muoh startled to read upon
the side of the cars the words I had seen
in my dream, "Northern New York aud
Cauada R. It." I counted? the cars; they
were sixteen in number four yellow and
twelve red.
My philosophy was considerably
shaken. It seemed as if an irresistible
hand were forcing me to the fulfillment
of my dream. But 1 was still stubborn
in my unbelief.
I resolvod to investigate the matter
still further, and satisfy myself that I
simply met with a series of coincidences.
Freshets might oconr on railroads with
out the special intervention of destiny.
Cars might bo of a pertain color aud
number without proving dreams to be
At the earliest peep of dawn I went
through every car on the tfniu, earnestly
scanning the passengers' faces. I was
looking (or the girl in the gray traveling
suit. I was highly elated to disoover
that no such persou was on board. Here
was one point in my favor.
But very shortly this one point was
opposed by two others of a very start
ling kind.
During a halt in the forenoon I alight
ed and went forward to the engine. There
upon the brats plate on its side was the
numbor 12. And as the engineer leaned
from his window I was stunned to recog
nize the man in the dream, the red face
and black whiskers. -
I went back to my seat in a maze of
wonder and dread. My incredulity was
oozing out at my finger en:ls.
Just as the train was abont to start a
carriage drove f uriouBly up to the station
and a late passonger was assisted aboard
one of tho forward cars as tho wheels be
gan to move. It was a woman, whose
face I could not see, for she wore a veil,
but her dress was of a light gray color
and her figure that of a young girl.
By this time I was thoroughly un
nerved. I dared not go forward and en
deavor to catch a glimpse of the girl's
face. I feared to see the face of cy
dream. I threw raysolf back into the
corner of my seat and fell into a moody
reverie. lint, meantime, I gathered from
the conversation of two of the passengers
iu the seat before mo that we were to
cross the Black river before noon on a
trestle bridge.
Presently the landscape on either side
began to "look strangely familiar. I
caught glimpses of hills ia the distance
that seemed not new to mo. A moment
later, as the train passed through a cut
ting and came in sight of the river I
started up in terror. I beheld the land
scape of my dream. The wide, deep
current, the hazy hills, the trestle bridge,
the pale, blue sky with its motionless
clouds, the dropping sails of the vessels
and the dictant town with its dun vapor
rising into the air I had ssen them all
I was now prepared for the full reali
zation of my dream. The last thread of
unbelief had broken. I sprang out upon
the platform as the train ran upon the
trestles and waited breathlessly for the
crash I knew was coning.
The train ran on smoothly until it
reached the center of the bridge, then
tWa was a hideons jar. an explosion, a
chaos of shouN, shrieks and crashes, and
I found mysolf in the water, swimming
for life. . .
In an instant I remembered tbe con
clusion of my dream. I turned about,
and there, withia a dozen feet of me,
floated the figure in gray, with her long
hair spread out upon the water and her
beautiful eyes tnrned toward me in terri
fied appeal. My dream had not told me
whether I was to escape or die in the
attempt to rescue the girl. But I never
thought of that, I swam toward her, aad
passing my arm about her, struck out
toward tbe shore.
It was a long and desperate struggle.
Tbe river was wide and tbe current swift.
I could nuke little progress with aay
m irt burden. I struggled on, growing
weaker and weaker with every stroke.
Preseiitly I aaw a boat pulling toward
ns. I uttered a shout ana was answered.
In anothor moment my coinpauion was
drawn into the vessel, and utterly over
come by my tertible efforts, I aank back
into the water insensible.
When I awoke to conscionsuess I was
lying in bid aud souio oue was bonding
over me. It was a woman, and she was
woeping; I could feel her tears falling
npou my forehead as she brushed uaok
my damp hair. Fresently the mist
cleared away from my sight, and I recog
nized the young girl hom I hsd res
cued the girl I had atten in ray ilreutu.
She uttered a ory of joy when she aaw
that my eves were open. She seized my
hand and pre wed it convulsively.
"Thank heaven!" she said, "you will
"Yes," said I, with a feeble smile,
"since it ia of importance to you."
"I should never be hippy agxio," she
sobbed, "if you were o die after what
you, have done for me."
Doing still very ill, yet anxious to
reach my father, I resolved to get on at
once. I inding me determmod to proceed,
my youug friend insisted upor accom
panying me tho short distance I had to
go. It is needless to relato the details of
the remainder of my journey; how, when
I arrived, I found my father in a fair
way to recovery, or how, in the nuturul
course of events, I fell in low with my
beautiful nurse.
Whou I ri'tnrnn.l to the eitv with mv
young wife, my friends discovered that I
bad ltut my old skepticism in tuo depths
of the Black river. I dis olvo I my con
nection with tbe "AntiSuperstition
Society," imt without considerable jeor
ing, which I could afford .to Torgive. I
am now convinced that there are things
in tlm world that our raw logi t will not
account. My clearest proof ia the dear
wife whose life I was led to save for my
self by tho irresistible hand of fate.
drain ntiiuuiation.
Dr. Breunton iu tho Contemporary
Review snys:
The nn.tomist is familiar with the
fact that thera are two large nerves of
seusation kuown as the "fifth pair,"
which aro distributed to the top ot the
bead and face, and to the mnoous mem
brane of. the mouth, note aud eyes.
These nerves are connected with the
nerves which control the action of tbe
heart and of the blood vessels. By their
stimulation, the heart's action may be
increased. This explain the fact that
application of cold wtcr or cold air to
the face is one of the best means of re
viving a person who has fallen in syn
cope. It is a curious fact that people
of all nations are accustomed, when iu
any difficulty to stimulate one or an
other branch of the fifth nerve and
juioken the mental processes. Thus some
persons, when puzzed, saratch their
heads, others rub their foreheads, and
others stroke or pull their beards, thus
stimulating the occipital, frontal or
mental branohes of these nerves. Many
Gormans, when thinking, have a habit
ot sticking their fingers against their
noses, and thus stimulating the nasal
cutaneous branches, while in other
countries some pooplo stimulate tho
branches distributed to the mucons
membrane of the nose by taking snuff.
The late Lord Derby, when translating
Homer, was accustomed to eat brandied
cherries. One man will oat figs while
composing a loading artiole; another
will suck chocolate creams others will
smoke cigarettes, and others sip brandy
and water. By these means they stimu
late tho lingual and buccal branches of
the nerve, aud thus reflexly excite their
brains. Alcohol appears to excite circu
lations through the brain reflexly from
the mouth, and to stimulate the heart
reflexly from the stomach, evon before
it is absorbed into the blood. Slioitly
after it was been swallowed, however, it
is absorbed from the stomaoh, and
passes with the blood to the heart, to the
brain, and to the other parts of the
nervous system, npon which it begins to
act directiy. t
The Droiita or '49
"Stranger, I tako it?" observed an el
derly resident the other day, as I stopped
hiai aud asked if there were any black
berry trees around his way. "I jrdged
so. I was a stranger mysolf when I f Hst
kim here. That was in the summer of
M9. Hottest summer ever known in
these parts."
"Any warmer than thii?" I asked him.
"Kuuimut, summui! That summer of
'id tho cedar trees melted and run right
along the ground. You notice how ro 1
that ere dust is?"
"Pretty warm," I ventured.
"Why, sir, during the summer of '49
we had to keep meat right ou the ico to
keep it from cookin' too fast, and we had
to put tho chickens in refrigerators to
get raw egg.
" hero did you get the ice;
"We had it left over aud kept it in
b'ilin' water! Yes, sir. Tho tempera
ture of b'ilin' water was so much lower
than the temporature of the atmosphure
that it kept the ice so cold you couldn't
touch it with your finger.
' Anything clso startling that season?"
"That summer of '49? Well, yes! The
Hackensack river began to bile early in
June and we didn't ate the sky until
October for the steam in tho airl And
fish! fish! They were dropping all over
town cooked just as you wanted 'em!
There wasn't anything but fish until tbe
.- i"
rivrr uneu ui
"What did you have then?
''The finest oysters and clams that you
ever heard of. They walked right atdio're
for water and they'd drink apple-jack
right ont of the demijohn! Yes, air!
lou call tun hot: I feel like an over
"What is your business? I aikod of
"I'm a preacher," he replied. "By
the way. you wanted blackberry trees.
Just keep up the thumb-side of tbe road
until you come to the big pastnro, and
there you will find tbe trees. Climb np
on my goose roost sod you can knock
down all the berries you want if you can
find a pole long enough." Brooklyn
A Brooklyn boy wrote a composition
on the subject of the Quakers, whom be
described as a sect who never quarreled,
never got into a fight, nover clawed each
other and never jawed back. The pro
duction contained a postscript in these
words: "Pa s a Quaker, but ma un t.
Trees that have a good top-dressing of
straw, chip manure, taduxt or shavings
will be found growing well during the
hot months, while they will ripen np all
the new wood well ia the fall.
Lvory farmer should grow plenty of
small and orchard fruit. When per
fectly ripe they are healthful, aud will
keep the Bysteui iu good order; but half
ripe fruit is to be shunned. A nice row
of blackberries, rapherrifs, currants and
the like ronnd the garden fence affords
substantial enjoyment.
Don't relax any efforts in manure mak
ing at any season of tho year. If the
cows are kept stabled at bight, dry earth
or sandyaloam may be used for bedding
to absorb the abuudant liquid droppings
made when at grass. Such manure should
be abundantly snppliod with absorbanta,
or the hogs wiil not work it from tho
bup. They msy bo encouraged some
what by punching holes deep into the
piles and putting some shelled corn iuto
the holes. '
Feeling young pigs is most proGtable.
A bushel of corn will produce more
pounds of increase iu weight when ted
to a pig three months old. The oost of
producing a given weight of pork in
creases with tho ago of tho swiue. It it
is desirous to produce an increase of ono
ton of pork by feeding one hundred
swine, that increase will be more cheaply
obtained by feoding pigs under six
months of ago than by feeding those
which are a year old anil cider ones. The who allows his youn pigs to have
a scanty allowauoo of food permits the
opportunity for most profitable feeding
to slip by and is obliged to produce his
pork at au increased coBt by feeding
when his swine are older.
Tub Fali, Calk. For many years I
had an idea that a fall calf was hardly
worth raising, and I find thro aro many
farmers still of this opinion. After rais
ing both spring and fall calves, I decid
edly prefer tho latter. My reasons are
that I have more leisure to attend to a
calf in winter thnn iu summer; there aro
no flics to torment it, and th milk is
richer and keeps sweet. But my prin
cipal reason is that spring is a more fa
vorable time to wean a oalf than fall. It
requires as muoh care to keep a spring
calf thriving the flrst.wiuter as a fall calf;
and thus you have a whole year of spo
oial care for the former, while the latter
goes on pasture at six months old, ind
will be past the nursing period by the
next winter.
Cabbage for Stock.-Nearly five thou
sand head of cabbage can be grown on au
acre of ground, if the plants are set a
yard each way. The size of the heads
aud weight iu tons depends on the ma
nure and method of cultivation, but as
high a yiold as thirty ton to the acre is
not nncomiuon in New England. They
are easily kept during the winter, either
by burying the heads in the ground, or
by storing them in trenches with roots
down and heads up, covering them with
straw aud boards. The latter method is
bettor where they are to be fed every
day. The cutting away of the heads
leaves the stalks standing, which sprout
in the spring, tto furnish excellent
greens for the table whon such are very
scarce. The disposition to market cab
bages is generally too strong to permit
of feeding them to stock; but if a caro
fnl comparison is made botwecn their
market valuo and tho benefit derived
them in feeding, no objoction will bo
made for using thorn for such purpose.
Cabbages contain a fair proportiou .of
nitiogeu, and the outer leaves are moro
nutritious than the heait. f Exchange.
Handmno Houses. Men differ greatly
in the amount of work they can get out
of a team of horsos, and the animals
know this as well as tbe drivers. Some
will fret and sweat a team when only
drawing an empty wagon, while others
will drive tho same horses before a large
load and not wet a hair. This difference
ia more easily seen than described.
Kiudness in manner and tone of voice go
a great way towards making the load
draw easily, the owner's handling of the
reins ia frequently far different than that
of the hired man. We have seen teams
kept poor in flesh by the almostincessant
worry from an ill-biting barness, an uu
human jerking upon the bits, or a fra-
Suent and injudicious use of the whip,
oys are not rxempt from those stric
tures. Many teams have had their use
fulness impaired by a disregard of the
feelings of tho horses. It is not the v 1
fed horse only that does the most work
and keeps in the beat condition; he muet
also have a kind master, and be treated
with a just regard for equine sonsibility.
f Agrioultualint.
About Barbed Wire Fonce. In build
ing wire fence the chief requirement is
an immovable end post. Several years'
experience has taught that an end post
needs to be sot very firmly, to ba of
extra size and leugth, and so well broco.l
that there oan be no -possible chance for
it to be pulled over. Tho post had best
be set three and a half feet from it, so
that it may servo for a "foot" for tho
brace. In carrying win over the "nps
and downs" of the land, it is disposed
to "run," and tho fence can be made
much gtrongcr.nnd also guarded against
this by setting every tenth post 11 foot and
tamping it with small Btonensoto hold
it secure. Then in crossing hollows, the
tendency of the wire is to "lift," so that
in the lowest places extra care should be
taken and sot one or mere posts very
deep and secure, so that it cannot be af
fected by the contraction of the wire.
Always use the galvanized wire. Its
cost is only one cent per pound
more than the painted, hich last is in
reality no protection to the metal, for it
soon peels off, and then to save the wire
from rust, it has to be oainted.and those
only who have painted a barbed wire
fence ran enter into the spirit ot a recital.
Boston's Bi Owu.n Sold. Boston is
once more exceeding sorrowful. The
grest orian of Music Hall, one of its
roost cherished of modern celebrities,
has been sold to go West and grown?
with Cincinnati. But the groat monu
ment which overlooks the city will con
tinue to commemorate tho defeat which
was a victory, and proclaim in tones
louder than any organ note how bravely
the Bostonians and "embattled farmers '
kept the town in the bravo days of old.
Chicago may take a notion to buy that
for one of its parks some time, but not
at present. -Chicago Inter-Ocean.
A fool may have bis coat embroidered
with gold, but it's a fool's coat still.
Tucmbs in'1 Lamar Bury Old Ailmtii
id's In lien mil's UMVf.
The talk fell upon the funeral of Sena
tor Hill.and Mr. Beck said it whs plainly
to be seen that while great many of the
peoplo in Georgia did not like Hill, they
were all proud of his intellect.
"I didn't look at him," said Mr. Book;
"I never look at dead ieoplo when I can
help it. I just passed by the colli u: so I
don't know how he looked horribly un
natural, Senator Moraran told me."
"It was a time to bury animosities,"
he contiuued. "A great many wore put
out of sight in Ben Hill's grave. Bob
Toombs and Senator Lamar had not
spoken sinew Lamar, in tho house, had
duliverod his eulogy of Charles Sumner.
I knew all about it, and it seemed to mo
absurd that two men each holding an
idea he had a perfect right to maintain,
should be so near together and not
apeak; so I said to Lamar: 'Come into
my room, Toombs wants to see yon."
" 'No he doesn't,' said Lamar. He
has no use for me. You are mistaken.'"
" 'I tell you he does. Ho askqjl it yon
were here;' and I gave Lamar a talking
to for holding out with his differences. I
told him that Toombs was an old man,
would probably be dead in a year, and it
was folly to keep up tho estrangement.
So Lamar went in with me, und shortly
after we were all three riding abont the
city of Atlauta with Sonntor Brown, and
Toombs was as hapyy as a clam."
npeaking further of loom Us, Mr. Hook
told how he took pride in holding out
the bill of fare, and Haying: Sue! you all
put on your glasses to read it, while I
oan read it without. Yet they say I am
blind, or will be very soon," and he
talked oc about his eyes, which are
really of very littlo uso to him, saying
that be had lived so long and had go
many things come into his life that he
could shut his eyes aud see moro than
the young fellows could with theirs open.
lie told how the oculists in Paris aud
Now York had advised him to permit no
operation with the knife so long aa ho
could see at all, and ho said, not without
a glimmer of fun, "D n 'em do you
know I believe I will die before I go
blind, and so fool 'em 'all yet.' Wash
iugtou Corr. Cincinnati Commercial.
Tna Cost or Llring.
A discussion has been carried on re
cently by several papers on the oost of
keeping houso by young married cou
ples. A young moohanio at Springfiold,
Ohio, writes the following ou the sub
ject to the Louisvillo Commercial:
I married two years ago, at the age of
twenty four, and on a salary of $'22 per
week. Of this amount I allowed my
wife $12 per week for household expen
ses including rent. At the ond of the
first year she had clothed herself aud
showed a balance of $'29575 a saving ot
$(1 per week. My clothing and neces
sary expenses in the meantime reaching
$55, making the total amount of neces
sary expense the first year only $383 25.
For the second year I allowed my wifo
$100 additional for clothing;my expenses
reached $75. Of her $190 she saved $50
and said she had plenty. The second
year olosod on July 21, and our settle
ment showed an additional balance in
our favor of $100 from her allowance. I
in the meantimo had Baved and accumu
lated nearly $'.H)(I. So we put our sav
ings together and last week moved into
a little house of our own, which is all
paiil for except about $300.
Never at any time have our total ex
penditures exceeded $9.30 all told. We
think a young couple who cannot live
on $9 a week would mike as great a fail
ure on $22. I will add that I am a good
liver and our table has always been am
ply supplied. Ono thing I should men
tion, however, is that I had bought
nearly $500 worth of furniture just bo
before our marriage.
Marriage Insurance Uanrillnj;.
A piotuiosqno view of tbe "marriage
insurance" system is givsn by a writer in
a Southorn paper. He was asked
whether he thought the wedding of a
certain young lady would take place at
the time said to have been set. He gave
his opinion and asked the reason for the
"Oh," was the response, "I have
bought four matrimonial policies of
$3000 each on her, and I'm anxious to
know if I'll gut my money."
"Does she know of this?"
"Oh, no. That isn't necessary. Any
body can take out a policy on anybody
els -. If you know of a lady that is eu
gagod and will not marry within five
months from the time you take a policy
on her, you can gut any amount n her
wedding that you want. I suppose there
is $25,000 or perhaps doublo that on the
young lady I asked you about."
"How does tho Company make its
"I suppose it bets on the fickleness of
the young folks. No policy will be paid
except five months after it is tuken out.
Thore are very few couples thoy think
that love each other well enough to
marry that will wait fivo mouths to marry.
If thev do, five months of engaged life is
full of dangers."
The Deacon and the Hoiinkt.
Whether or not the hornet which worked
its way np the leg and under tho tronsers
ot a deacon iu Richmond, Ya, and stung
him five times while he was praying In
pryer meeting was or waa not an emis
sary of Satan, is one of those things
which may never be definitely ascer
tained. The story of such an event hav
ing happened might not bo lwlioved but
for the fact that the leading Baptist pa
per of Richmond vouches for its trnth.
The excitement in tho meeting was in
tense, not only in tho mind of the suffer
ing deacon who promtply changed his
petition to a howl of agony, but in the
minds of his brethren, who wro
sturtled to hear the aconstomed
monotony of tho deacon's devotional ex
ercise suddenly transformed into such
demonstrative elocutionary vigor. It is
stilted that tho deacon immediately on
being stung brought bis prayer to a con
clusion, probably without evon saying
amen. While there are many church
praver meetings which are in most re
spects all that they ought to be, there are
others so dry, monotonous and weari
some that the entrance of hornets ready
for active operations on the brethren who
take part would be hailed as a benedic
tion, especially by the younger members
of the congregation.
An idlo man is like stagnant water; ho
corrupts himself. Latena.
The great consulting room of a wire
man is a library Dawson.
In general, pride is at the bottom of
all groat mistakes. Buskin.
Life always takes on the character of
its motive. J. G. Holland.
Grief oounts the seconds; happiness
forgets the hours. DcFinod.
Our happiness is but an anhappiness
more or less consoled. Duoid.
All passions die with the years; self
love alone uevor dies. Voltaire.
Keep good company and you shall be
of tho number. George Herbert.
Adversity borrows its sharpest sling
from impationce. Bishop Heme.
Duties and rights are inseparable;
one cannot be delegated without the
Whoever has loved knows all that lift
contains of sorrow and jov. Goorge
Where tho mind inclines, the feet
lead. Love climbs mountains. I Arab
Nothing is more dangerous to mon
tnan a sudden change of fortnno.
I Qmutillian
Modesty in a woman is a virtue most
deserving, since we do all we can to cure
her of it. Lmgree.
With God, how Bhort Is the step from
tho greatest evil to the greatest good
Rev. h. F. Herron.
Can oue bettor expiate his sins than by
enlisting his experience in tho service
of morals! Do Bernard. t
Whore life ia more terrible than death,
it is then the truest valor to dare to live.
Sir Thomas Browno.
' Mrs. Blanck of New York is offered
$10,000 to separate from her husband
aud wants $30,000. How she must love
Thoro are threo things that I have
always loved and have never under
stood: Painting, music and woman,
Nowport ladies are dressing very
plainly this season. They must do
something to distinguish themselves from
their maids.
The power of werda is immense. A
well-chosen word has often sufficed to
stop a flying army, to change dofeat into
victory, and to save an empire. E. de
Yon can never entirely discourage a
New Jersey man. Whon he comes down
to his last dollar, he picks up a spado
and goes out to dig up somo ot Kidd's
buried treasure.
All for Lore.'
"Is this Mr. Mulkittlo?" said a kind
of oht-of-roason man, entering the li
brary of a well known Littlo Rook min
ister. "Yes, sir; have a seat."
"I have callod to transact a piece of
business whioh to tbe world may seem
ridiculous, but which viewed from a
spiritual eminence is of muoh import
ance." "What is it?"
"I want you to love me."
"Love you?" gaspod the good man, re
garding the petitioner, and inwardly
vowing that ho had never before met a
more repulsive human being.
lin, Dll , A w uilb juu tvia tun, bum
bo aat down and closed his eyes a) though
he intended to await the announcement
of the decision. "Tbe command is to
love one another. I oonfess that I love
you,"and,opening his red eyes, ha leered
at the preacher.
"Well, sir," said the minister, "your
demand, after all, is simple. I suppose
that you have Won lost for many years
and have just tasted grace, and that yon
especially want the Jovo of ministers.
Yea, I love you."
"Thank you. Now when we love any
ono we are willing to help him. Gimme
dollar, sir; gimme a dollar. Out of the
love you bear me, gimme a dollar."
The minister arose, took down a box
and handod the visitor a dollar.
"Good by; I hope you will always love
me," and the lover was gone.
"How did you make it?" asked a rough
looking man, when the lover reached a
street corner not far away.
"Fine. Never met but one preacher
that got away with mo, and he was an
old Baptist that insisted on ducking me
in tho river before he could love me.
Preachors like something odd. The old
stylo of striking 'em is repealed."
"Let me seo tho money?"
"Here she is; a now dollar. Let's go
and take something."
"I guess not. The thing is counter
feit." It was a vile imitation of the dol
lar of the dads, and the two thieves
looked, at each othur in silence. The
minister poked his head over the fonce
and laughed like a horse. Tna dollar
had come to him in a contribution box.
Arkansas Traveler.
Fashionable Babies.
Next to dogs in importance come tho
babies aud tht ir maids. These sre a do
cided feature on the porches of the great
tinlaU Hnma nf th nnroemaids have.
on their white caps, two long streamers
of gay striped sash ribbon, roacumg
nearly to the ground behind; others will
have a sqnare of diaphanous veiling
pinned over their nurse-caps from the
front. In one way or another the maid's
attire mnst minister to the whim or the
pomp of tbe mistress.
One particular girl baby, at the
"States, rejoicing in the name of Cata
lina, is carried about on a pillow resting
in her nurse's arm i, the pillow and tbe
baby's dress being stiff with costly em
broideiy on a sheer white gronndwork,
displayed one day over a pink founda
tion, another day over a blue or laven
dr, and the maid's dress will be of
chiutz or Ringham of exactly the same
shade. Thns baby, pillow and nurse
form a symphony in blue, or pink, or
purple, aa the case may b). Tbia ia
called the "prize baby" of the "States,"
aud tbe Union has one nearly as fine. I
don't know just why I am sorry for such
pampered babies, tut I ajl. Said Emer
son, "When 1 think how I am sparing
my boy all that mode me tbe bare
footed chambers and the stern denials of
poverty I know I am making a mistake.
But," he added, after a pause, "I cannot
help it." Saratoga Con. of the Provi
dence Presa.