The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 14, 1882, Image 6

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Fire at Smyrna caused a logs of 2500.
The Suez cbduI in to bo improved and
enlarged, ;
The chamber of deputies at Rome Las
The American consulate at Tunis Las
been aboliiibed.
Secretary Folger Las returned to Lis
Lome ia Geneva.
The American consulate at Tunis Las
been abolished.
Stanloy JonioH that DeBrazza Las pur
chased any portion of African territory.
Tbe Hillsdale rowing crew Lave taken
passage Lome on tlie steamship Indiana.
Estimated roduction of tbe public debt
during September is about W,W0,VW),
Tbe Manhattan bay and produce ex
change at New York was opened on the
NelHon Walling, wool manufacturer at
Millburv, Muss., baa failed, wttu liabili
ties of $!X),000.
Henry M. Stanloy, tbe African ex
plorer, Las arrived at Brussels and Lad
an interview with the king.
Tbe coinage at tho PbiladelpLia mint
dnring September amounted to 87,870.
800, including 1,000,000 in silver dollars.
An explosion in the torpedo magazine
on tbe ltussian ironclad Admiral 1'opoiT,
t Odessa, killod two officers and thirty
Tbe Sacramento river salmon canneries
Lave about Quiobed their full run pack
ing operations, and are closing down for
the season.
Mior Marcuso, formerly a well known
dealer of furs in Chicugo, committed
suicide on the 8J. Financial embarrass
ment was the cause.
Mrs. M. C. Butterfield, a prominent
stock raiser's wife, of Pomeroy, W. T.,
died suddcnlv on the Oth at the residence
of D. II. Mcliride. I
Tbe Chicago base ball club Lave signed
contracts for tbe next year with every
member of the present team, excepting
Nicol, tbe substitute.
Milton Iud and Samuel Hodges, col
orod, were sentenced to be banged at
Knoxville, Tenn., for tbe murdor of
James McFarland, a year ago.
Tax colloctor Frederioo Uubbo, of
Mexico, was killed at his borne on tho
6th, Lis wifo mortally wounded and tbe
Louse robbed of 1000 by bandits.
The Merchants' of Canada Lave
decided to close their brunch oflice in
Chicago, as rates of interest there are
lower tbun in Canada and tbe east.
Near Cornwull station, N. Y., on the
Miildlotown branch of the West Shore
ltuilroud, throe men were killed and
three badly hurt by a preuiuturo blast.
A collision occurred at Lindcr station
on tho Baltimore & Ohio road botween
two freight trains on the 5th. Conductor
BufTner lost a leg and brakeinau Sandors
whs killed.
Abraham Loiselli, a miner, at Ells
worth, Nov., wus killed a fow days ago
by a large rock falling npon him. lie
was well knowu m Nye county and on
the Comstock.
The bodies of Larcombo and bis son,
who were drownod some tbroo weeks ago
iu tho Truokoe river, lmvo not yet been
recoverod, though persistent efforts buvo
boon made to Hud them.
From Toronto comes tho tduteiuont
that as soon as tho MamtiU of Lome's
time expiros, Sir John Muodonald will
be raised to tho poorago and creutod governor-general
of tho Domiuiou. o
Tho board of equal izutiou at Virginia
City, Nov., raiHod tho assessment of J.
M. Douglas, on personal property, p:tr,
000, and of J. C. Hampton $13,000, on
inortgugos they bad forgotten to givo in.
Tho single soull race at Flushing, N.
Y., between Win, Elliott, ex-champion
of England, and (loo. Guizl, of Uariom,
for $500, ovor a three mile course, was
won easily by Elliott; time 23 minutes.
A Nevada City dispatch of Sept. SiOth
iys: An old luau named Travel was
found dead in tho woods near You Bet
yesterday, by a teamster. Ho was last
seen on Wednesday, Deceased was a
native of Virginia, aged about 72 yours,
and bad resided at You Bot for a long
tiuio. His death was supposed to bavo
been caused by heart disoaoo or apoplexy.
St. Louis folks are deeply interested in
tho suit brought by Mrs. Walbuma
Waekerle, widow of Win. Waekerlo,
againHt the Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany of Now York, to recovor $4000 on
ttu insurance policy, A limn was killed
by a railroad uccidcut in Texas, and she
bad tho remains exhumed and identified
as those of Waekerle, but the company
has produced a man claiming to be
Waekerlo, who, although identified by
others, could not tell on tho witness stand
tho un in be r ot his children and their
ages, Tho woman swears that ho is uu
A San Francim-o dispatch of Oct. 4th
ssys: Tbe :10 traiu from Alameda via
East Oakland Saturday evening, run
over and killed instantly au unkuown
war. on the horseshoe bend ttetween Ala
meda and East Oaklund. The man was
probably walking on the track and struck
by tho engine, and thou run over by tho
wheols. The back part of tho skull is
cut open, aud tho whole face is mushod
and gashed. The right arm was almost
severed, the pieces being connected by
shreds of skin. The left arm is also
broken. The man is five foot six inches
in height, and of sandy complexion, with
sandy moustache and spare goateo. His
clothing indicates that he was a working
man. His coat and hut ure dark, tho
vest is pepper and salt, and the trousers
a rough tweed. The clothes bud been
worn a long time. lie wore a checked
shirt and blue llanuel underclothing. In
his pockets were found 820 05 in silver,
a two-foot rule and a couple of carpen
ter's pencils. Ho had with him a cotton
bag containing a bundle of beef, one of
Mus.ige and a third of bacon, and soveral
plugs of tobacco. Ia his inside coat
pocket was a whisky flask, mpty. At
the coroner's inquest the body was Iden
tified as the remuina of Abraham Ham
mond, a ship carpenter, who was em-
pioyeu oy uwiej uros., Han i ranmsoo.
its leaves a wile and in children.
livod on Clinton
street, Alameda.
avenue, near
Frank Honsen, a San Francisco news
bor. committed suicide on tne otn ny
- . . ,1.1 1 I .1
shooting uimseu mrougu iue ueuu.
O. Peterson, an employee in tbe mil
of the Seattle Lumber and Commercial
company, bad Lis Land cut off by a buzz
saw on tlie otn.
Tbe ownors of tbe steamship Eden
sunk in a collision with the Lepanto
have filed a libol in the United States
district court against the Lepanto for the
recovery of $443,780.
A boarding bouse occupied by quarry
men was burned at Leeniont, Va., Sopt
30th. Two young men named Coover
and Green foiled to escape anu were
burned to a crisp.
Mrs. Charlotte M. Fisher, a widow lady
residing with ber daughter, at No. 10, on
Market street, San Francisco committed
suicido on the 4th by drowning herself
in a bath tub at tbe sunitarium. iue lady
bad been much depressed for some days
Emanuel Hansen, under arrest on
charge of grand larceny, charged to have
been committed in taking a su.uuu pro
missorv note from tbe Facifio bank, San
Francisco, is still in custody, having
beon unable to secure bail in the sum of
John F. Burrell, late grand secretary
of the grand lodge of Masons in Illinois,
is in jail in Springfield, charged with the
embezzlement of nearly $8000 of tbe
funds of the order. He waived examina
tion, and in default of $10,000 in jonds,
was committed to jail.
The National Woman Suffrage essocia;
tion oonoluded its session at Liucoln
Neb., on Oct. 1st. Largo audiences have
been in attendance at all the sessions.
and great enthusiasm was developed
Five Lundrcd ladies and gentlemen Lave
pledged themselves to untiring efforts in
bobalf of tbe proposed amendment.
Israel Landers, aired 74 years, who
lives about six miles from Stockton, Cal.
fell from the too of a ladder while repair
ing a windmill, on Sept. 30th. and broke
bis neck. Mr. Landers was one of the
'4!)ers of California and waa highly es
teemed by all who knew bim. He leaves
a large family of grown sons and daugh
A Boston disnatch of Oct. 1st Bars
The Eastern railroad's White Mountain
taain, which left Falsvans yesterday af
ternoon, ran off the track at Hocbester,
N. 11., and Oliver Uoidsmitu, ttio en
giueer, and M. Ilandall, the express
uieasonger, were badly hurt. An obstruc
tion bad been placed upon the track,
manifestly tbe work of train-wreckers.
The six days' pedestrian contest for
Mr John Astley s long distance ciiani
piousbin belt was concluded at Birmiug
ham, Eng., Sept. 30th. Littlowood made
451 miles, doing 414 in seventy hours
twenty minutes, beating Debtor s record
in America of 414 miles in seventy-two
hours. Littlowood takes the bolt and
'50; Day, of Birmingham, second, scor
ing 377 miles, and Corbett, ot Aberdeen,
third, with 347 miles. Pearce, or Anier
ica, finished sixth 305 miles. The com
petitors walked twelve hours daily.
A Nashville dispatch of Oct. 5th says:
Ttiis morning at naif-past seven o clock,
Mr. h. E. Bernard, of this city, diacov
ered tliut the nucleus in the great comet
bud separated into three unequal frag
ments, tho longest of which is estimated
at 15,000 miles in length. The space be
tween tho fragments of the nuclei, 8 is
estimated at not less than 2000 miles,
Yesterday morning Mr. Barnard observed
that the nucleus bad assumed tho form
of a long stripo, not loss than 24,000
miles in length and .sooo in breadth.
A dispatch from Taylorsvillo, 111., of
Cot. 5th, says a cold blooded murder was
committed a ruilo north oi Palmer. John
Leigh and James liegby, two farmers,
quarreled about tho possession of some
land and became involved in a lawsuit
from which Kogby camo out victorious.
Yostorday Loigu approached Kegby aud
pretending that he desired to effect a
peaoeable settlement suddenly opened
tire with a rovolvor, one bullet produced
a fatal wound. Leigh escaped but a
posse are in pursuit, aud as the excite
ment rnns high, lynching is probable.
Murdorers have usually escaped tho taw
iu this region.
Last May, General Ward, lessee of tbe
Dunkin mine, on Fryer Hill, says the
Denver Tribune of September 30th, was
"held up" and robbod of $1700 while re
turning from town. The police next day
captured two men, who were plaoed in
jail. Shortly after this General Ward
disappeared. A fow days ago, while a
party of miners were at work getting out
one of their comrades, who bad fallen
down the shaft ot tho Climax mine, they
found a oout and hat belonging to Ward.
A kickouing odor arose from the water
in the bottom of the mine, where it is
thought Wurd's body is lying. A search
ing party leaves to-morrow, which will
probably result iu the solution of the
mysterious disappearance of General
Prof. Taldeu submitted to District At
torney Corkhill a report of the chemical
examination just concluded, of the pois
oned bouquet given Guituau by bis sis
ter, Mrs. heovule, the day boforo the ex
ecution. 1 he report says the large bud
of a half opened flower contained over
five grains of white arsenic, not only suf
ficient to cause death bad it been swal
lowed, but so largely in excess of a fatal
dose, that the intent of tho person who
prepared the flowers would have been
defeated by an emetic. The original
amount of arsenio was greater than that
found, as the petals failed to retain, iu a
dry state, aotno which adhered when
moist. Corkhill says he is tryiug to dis
cover who poisoned the flowers, and if
found the person will bo held to answer.
Bocontly James T. Hair of Chioago
sold to Julius Festner, of F. C. Festner
A Son, of Omaha, tho right of Nebraska
for Hair's patent hotel register for $2500,
taking promissory notes for the same,
which were signed with the firm's name
by young Festner. Soon after tho trans
action Festuer senior, upon learning of
tho oiVuir, issued an injunction to prevent
Hair from disposing of the notes, it being
claimed teat young Festner was insane.
The young man hss certainly done some
very insane things lately, aud bis father,
to ptotoct himself in business, dissolve!
partnership. Hair, who retained posses
sion of the notes was arrested on a charge
of violating the Nebraska law iu regard
to patent right notes, as the law require
such notes to state on tbe face that they
were given for a patent right. The pen
alty is fine or six months imprison
ment, or both. Hair gave bonds for bis
future appearance.
Cmtly Chinese Dead Felti.
Great indeed are the expenses entailed
on tbe living by the dead. Ia no land
can the loss of a kinsman be more seri
ously fult. To begin with, there are
heavy funeral expenses. The body must
be dressed in fino new clothes, and
another good suit must bo burnt, as also
his boots and shoes, most of his ward
robe, Lis bed and beddicg. and tli
things most essential to his comfort when
living, for ho is supposed o require all
these in the unseen world; and though
paper representations are nscfni later,
tbe real articles are needed for the orig
nal outfit. Then a handsome coffin
essential, and tbe priests mnst be largely
paid for funeral services at the bouse of
tho-deceascd, and again for their services
in ascertaining the lucky day for bnriul
while a professor of fung shni must
also be paid to choose the exact spot
where they may safely preparo the grave
so that tho ileml may be shielded Irom
the evil influences which proceed from
the north, and encompassed by all the
good which breathes from the south.
From the tenth to the seventeenth day
after death tho priests, whether Taolis
or Buddhist, hold services in the house
to protect the living from tbe inroad
of hosts of spirits who are supposed
crowd in, in the wake of their
now friend, and as all relatives
and friends of the family must be outer
tamed as well as the priests, this is an
other heavy item of-expense Iu short,
many families are often permanently im
poverished by the drain,, to which they
are thus subjected, and which, in the
form of masses for the departed and
offerings at his grave or before his
tablet, are certain to recnr again and
again, lo omit them would be to incur
the anger of the spiteful dead, who are
now in a position to avenge themselves
on tne living by inflicting all manner o
sickness and suffering. Besides, if tho
priests know that there is any possibility'
of extracting money from tbe family by
playing on their feelings, they pretend
to have bad revelations from the spirit
world showing the unfortunate dead to
be tortured ul purgatory, and that the
only moans by which he can be extri
cated is by a fresh course of costly ser
vices in the bouBe. The price to be paid
for those is fixed at the bfgaest sum
whioh they judge it possible te extraot
Buy $101U, and, though the family may
remonstrate and ondeavor to mako a bet
ier bargain, it generally ends iu their
raising every possible coin, and even sell
ing their jewels to procure tbe necessary
sum which shall free their dead from
suffering and alsosocnre bis protection
and good will. Tlie sums thus expended
in connection with the worship of the
lead are almost incredible. I heard a
oilculation once made by one well en
tilled to know what bo spoke of, to the
efijet that fully S30,000,OUO is annually
expended in China at tho three great
festivals in honor of the deed; whilo, in
addition to the abovo, by calculating the
average expenditure of each family at
$1.50 a year, be computed that fully
$150,000,000 is annually spent in quiet-
ng the spirits.
party on a railroad m North Carolina is
mude up of mountaineers and Georgians
One of tho latter performed a foolhardy
feat tbe other day that made tbe blood of
tho unaccustomed spectators run cold
They were at work clearing a ay ihe
thick underbrush in advance, of tlie en
ginecrs, when some one shouted " 'Ware
of rattlesnakes 1" Ho saw ouo of these
reptiles about four feet long aud five or
six inches in diameter, lying just ahead.
J no ueorgiau cut a short stick with a
forkod end, and creeping ur to the snake.
ho deftly pinned it to the earth by push
ing the forked end on either side of its
neck. Then, seizing its tail in bis right
hand, be ran his left down the snake's
body aud grasped it firmly just back of
the head: he held it up at arm s length
and called on the others to "look at tho
vurmint's mouth." It was anything but
a pleasant sight, and most of tho spec
tators were horrified. After holding it a
few minutes for general inspection, be
suddonly swung the snako ovor his bend
with the right bund, letting go the bold
of tho left, aud dashed it with great force
against a rock, killing it instantly. It
was a cool and dexterous feut, but very
trying to tbe lookers-on, who oensureu
the man for bis "folly," at whioh bo
soemed to bo mightily amused.
Bvnyan Not a Gipsy. "Was Bunyau
gipsy?" is a controversy that seems
about to riso in the Daily News, and bis
called forth a letter from Mr. Thomas
Banyan, chief warder of tho Tower of
London, full of tho most appalling
erudition on the subject. Tho Bunyans
ore not gipsies; they are ono of the "first
families of lioxburghsuiro, and, though
they did not come over with tho con
queror, they came ovor very soon after
him. The original isunyan, whose name
was perhaps Bnuyano, was an Italian
mason who came over and helped to
build Melroso abbey iu 1130; bo "settled
near Melrose, and Melrose is full of
Buuyan8. Tbe chief warder goes on to
say that tho younger sons no doubt wont
to Eugluud, and probably were Uio an
cestors of the great Bunyau of Bedford;
and, moreover, the sturdy independence
of Bunyau shows at once bo could not
aye been "a submissive,,. Bedford
peasant. Pall Mall Gazette.
Tub Ejwlisk SncuiE Law. Among
tho acts passed at the recent session of
tho English parliament was one repeal-
,ng tho old law with reg.ird to suicides,
nder which all the goods and effects of
thfc'deceusod were forfeited to tho crown.
With such severity did the common law
regard the suicide that bis property was
not only lost to bim, but formerly an ig
nominous burial followed tho crime, and
u was interred in tho highway at the in
tersection of the crossroads, with a stake
riven trough bis bod v. All the legal
penalties once attaching to the act are
new formerly repealed. In point of fact
the penalties had been eluded for many
years by the verdict of "temporary in
sanity," which it had become customary
for the coroner's jury to return in such
ases, tbe law not applying wucro the
suicido was mentally responsible.
This is tot solitude money." said
Hard up to Simpson. "Why do von so
designate it?" asked the Pawnee. "Be
cause it's a loan," replied the graceless
a itaiumnre oene nas marrie-i a r
u I
liceman. His beat was in front of b
er I
house over a year, and she noticed
be never snored.
Mrs. Flnlayaon fult aggriovod on returning
to the domestic heir til in liravauatoue Hquare
one evening, from a snort vmii to tenia iriuuut
in the country, at finding that ber husband
wis not st bonis to reef-its bur. If ha would
not take the trouble to meet ber at tbe station
ha thonaht be might st leant bave mad
Dolnt of wulconiiug ber on the threshold of hi.
bound. Bbe aubtciiuently ascertained that bor
lord snd master had started on a Journey to
Liverpool early in tbe morning, and waa not
expected back until lata. Tula information
however, did not soothe tbe good lady's ruffle
spirit. Miough tbe bad btxm married long
ciionidi to realize tbe exigonclo oi buaiuosi,
Tho troth was that old Mat Finlayaon, a bis
fru-mU called bim, altor a long an I Jovial
bocbolor existence, bad developed into such
docile and attentive bun aud that be reaped
the reward of Ins exi-ellence iu tbe shape of o tvranuv and onproaalon.
Whrn th trmul at hiiiL'th made liii an war
ancu be waa erected br tbe wife of hi bonoin
iu tlie chilliuat manner. The lady was tired
and sleepy or tbe niiht bare bad a good d-al
to ht on tlie subject of hit alleged uegloct.
Hlio contented beraelf, however, with hauKlnlly
reKilliug bit friendly advanuet and anaweriug
bit questions in monotyllalilet. 11 r. 1-inlay
too teemed much lest tenUirly affected by tbll
behavior than utmal, a circumatance which did
not eacape bit wifo't notice. Ha wat evlduutly
in a nervout aud prooccupied frame of mind
which be explained ly tayiug that be bad
long and dncgrooable day's bntioeat. Mm,
Fiulayton wat to ttrook by hit demeanor that
the began to wonder what he bad been doing,
an uncomfortable tutpicion which frequently
occurred to ber, tliongb it originated entirely
in ber naturally exacting and jealous disposi
Next morning Mr. Fiolayton had to start
very early for the city to keep an appointment,
and took hit departure with remarkable
alacrity, at though glad to escape from tut
wife'a presence. , That ludy bad arrived at the
firm conviction, at tho result of cloae observa
tion and watcbfulnott tince hit return the n re-
ceiling evening, that her lord wat oppressed by
tome guilty secret. Hue knew the outward and
visible aliens of butinoti worries, and felt sure
that the cause of bit present nuoaainesa was
troubled conscience arising from some teriout
misdemeanor. o doubt the demon of J eat
ousy holped her to arrivo at this conclusion
but it ia certain that for tome reason or other
Mr. Finlaysun did not appear to regard tlie
home coming nf hit wifo on thlt occasion with
unmixed aatiaf action.
The morning t pott did not arrivo until after
lie had lull, anu consequently .Mrs. rinlayton
assumed the wifely function of opening her
husband's letters. It teemed as though thero
was nothing in the correspondence to satisfy
the uneasy curiosity which prompted her to
examine every letter with increased attention
Uut when the came to tho lait ot the batch a
blue, oflicial-lookiug envelope, which she bad
put aside at eminently uninteresting she nas
seized with mild mystification. It wat a fir
mat communication from the director of tho
Lost ProiKirty otllco, at Scotland yard, stating
tust a pair or neld-irlastet bearing the name
and address of Mr. liuiaTson, bad beon found
in a public, conveyance tho day before, and
wmud be restored on payment oi a small per
centago upon tho declared value.
What struck Mrs, 1- inlavaon as stranco upon
reading this intimation was that bor husband's
field glasses stood at the present moment on
tho mantelshelf in bis dressiug-room. Hhe bad
by chaneo noticed them just before, but to
make tare she immediately went up stairs to
satisfy herself upon tho point. Tho classes
were beyond a doubt in their accustomed place.
vvitu vague curiosity .Mrs. riulavson took them
out of the caso, insido which wat glued one of
ber busbaud'a visiting cards, inscribed with his
name and address. She knew thev were tlie
only glassea he possessed, and consequently
tliey must bo tlio lileuticat ones referred to in
the communication from tho police.
A lew moments' roiiectinn suggested the
probablo explanation of had happened
with regard to them. Kvideutly they had been
claimed at the Lost Property oflice after tho
police bad dispatched to her husband a formal
utlmation of their recovery. Tho serious
question was, what bad bor husband wanted to
take the ulasset to Liverpool for, and whv hail
lie mode no mention or ii is singular good luck
in recovering a valuable article left iu the cub?
The obvious ausnur seemed to bo that bo had
not gone to Liverpool at all, but had attended
somo race meeting, under the pretence of being
away on business. idea camo to Mrs. Iinlayson liko a revo
ution, aud she resolved to tut tho matter to
tho bottom. For her morning drivo sho went
to Scotland yard, whore sho oht-tinoil a con
tiruiutiou of her theory us to what had taken
ilaco concerning tho classes. Thev were
brought in early in tho morning by tho driver
nf a hansom cab, who bad just taken a faro to
King s Cross station to catch the special train
for Uoueaster races. The owner's name and
address being found inside tlie caso, au oilli-ial
notice was sent off according to custom; but
later in the ilay a but, apparently a clerk, came
who said that Mr. Finluvson bad telegraphed
to him to inquire for the glosses at HcotlHinl
yard, and, if necessary, to pay tho tinder's fee.
As the application wot evidently buna lido, tho
glasses wero given up.
.Mrs. l-iuluyson did not know whether to be
elated or dismayed by tho result of these in
luiries, for while there was a sort of crim
satisfaction in finding her surmises wero cor
rect, the information thus acquired suggested
alur i ing iiiiposturo and dwelt on the part of
nor iiusoaiid.
It looked as though bo wero accustomed to
spend the time which she innocently thought
io devoted exclusively to business in a more
agreeablo but less profitable manner. lint
even supposing this to be tho case, what was
his reason for his concealing the fact? She
did not object to bis going to a raco meeting
occasionally, anil slio bad even accompanied
nun now ami again on tneso excursions. If.
during ner aiwetico, tno spirit had moved him
to pav a visit to Uoncastcr, whv need lie bavo
made a mystery about the matter ? Sho forced.
erhnps, that she might have been tempted to
iuuui,e hi unpleasant remarks about his taking
advantage of her temporary absence to plunge
into a vortex of dissipation and nrel icacv :
and had this reflection occurred to herit might
navo inrmslied a clue to tier husband s mys
terious behavior, lint Mrs. Finlavson wus
not in a mood to find excuses for him, being
P4isespd ly gloomy forebodings and jealous
suspicions. She instinctively felt that she bad
made a discovery which might lead to disclo
sures affecting ber domestic happiness, aud
was irresistibly impelled to follow tho matter
p and ascertain tho worst. Shu therefore
btained from the police the uamo and addroi
of the cabman who had restored tie? glasses.
order to satisfy her mind upon the vital
point of whether her husband had gone to the
races alone or in egnivocal socie-y.
airs, finlavson was a strong-minded woman.
nd not to bo daunted by trilles. Thus, thnucli
tho cabman she waa iu search of lived in a
mewa in a distant suburb, she did not hesitate
to proceed thither immediately. Her enter
prising spirit was rewarded by the coincidence
that tho cabman drove up to change bis horse
nst as sue reu-lied Ins address. He was a
ivil-spoken yonug fellow, and readily answered
er inquiries. lie recollected drivinir an
cldtrly gentleman to King't Cross Statiou the
prcviont morning to catch an early train for
The gentleman bad hailed bim as be was
passing tbe top of llryaustonc square, and
came out of one of the houses on the left-hand
side. There wat a slv look on tho man't face
bile bespoke which plainly sboed that be
could tell more if he chose.
He wat loyal enough, however. Dot to volun
teer information rashly, and it was onlvmrHin
being pressed that he revealed tho damning
fart that his faro bad ordered bim to drive by
egenl't circus, where be bad met evidently
by appointment a fashionably dressed young
ay, wno accompanied mm oil hit expedition.
Mr. Finlayton rewarded tbe man for hit
Civility and returned borne quivering with
...... ....i i. r. .
I... f.l , .. ... I ,1... : l .i
th' w iv.u mat hit uunuauu. tUUH
.7 j conjugal nueiny ana aevotion tne bad never
ttat j really doubted, wat carrying on an unhal
loaid flirtation with another woman. When
tbe reflected that tbe now occupied the painful
aud invidlout position of a wronged wifo, the
felt overwhelmed with tbe magnitude of the
misfortune which bad befallen her, and iter
anger gave place to bitter humiliation and
auguUb. But though she would now fain
have persuaded hertelf that her tuspicinnt
wore groundlett, her fatal curiosity impelled
her, ou ber arrival home, tocross question Him
ninnda, tbe butler.
Mr. Hiinmoudt was a sedate and pompom In
dividual, whose only merit wat attachment to
hit matter, whom he bad served in the capac
ity of valet in bit bachelor dayt. A kind of
armed neutrality exittea uetwoon himmoudt
and bit mistress, each bolng secretly Jealous of
tbe other s influence over the head of the
household. Mrs. Fiulayaon made her in
quriet guardedly, but was met by a titnilar
spirit of caution.
It toon became evident that, whatever the
man know or auspoctod of bit niastur'a pro
ceedings, lie wat not going to reveal anything
He did not deny, bowovor, that Mr. Fiulayaon
had beon away from borne a good deal during
bit wifo't absenco, and hit marked reserve
served to coutlrm bit mistress's suspicions.
'Your master loft early yesterday morning,
did be not. Himmonds?" said Mrs. Finlavson
What time did be leaver"
"He left the house shortly after half-pasl
six, ma am. repuea tno man sulkily.
-Hid be leave iu a cab?"
''Ho hailed one at the end of tbe square,
wat tounding my whistle on the doorstep wben
master hurried past me and said he could not
Poor Mrs. Finlayton't heart tank ou hearing
tlilt. These apparently trilling details fitted
in exactly with tlie cabin an s evidenco.
"Hi did your master take bit field glasses
with bim?" inquired Mrs. Finlavson, iu des
"I don't know, ma'am," replied the man
with strange deliberation, which belied bit
words, ,
Mrs. Fiulsyson asked nothing further, being
entirely convinced, not only of her husband'a
deceit but also that the man Simmonda waa bit
abbntor and accomplice'. Hhe began to reflect
seriously bow the should act in the picsent
(iisgreeaoie emergency, ntrangely enough,
me ttariiinx reveiamii which nau come upon
ber so nuexiieetedly seemed to have subdued
both her temper and ber ttrongmindecluess.
Sho thought mora of ber wretchedness than of
venting ber righteous anger or indignation
npon ber ohVuding spouse. To add to ber
tribulation she wat troubled by self-upbraid'
ing thoughts, which accused her of having
linbitiisily presumed upon ber husband a easy
good nature, and of having probably by that
means alienated his anectiont from ber. This
bitter reflection materially increased ber nn
happiness, though it inclined her to forbear
ance and forgivenoss.
When ber husband returned in the evening
he found bor in teara. the picture of misery
and despair. Ho looked startled and uneasy
at the tight nf her distress, and nervously in
quired wimt ailed licr.
"Oh! Matthew, how ran you ask?" the ex
claimed, shrinking from bit embrace. "1
know the truth about yesterday. You have
boen deceiving me for a long timo."
'My love, 1 havo acted with tho best inten
tions," be answered eagerly. "I only wished
to spare von your brother's disgrace. Heaven
knows I have boen worried out of my lifo over
that wretched business, and was afraid 1
should not be able to avert a criminal prosecu
tion. However, I shipped him oft" to America
yesterday, and hoped you would never know
anything of tho matter.
"What! my brother, Hubert?" exclaimed
Mrs. Finlavson with a start.
'Yes. Evor since I put bim into our Liver
pool house I bavo been uneasy about him, snd
thero is no doubt, 1 m afraid, that be forged
that acceptance. However, ho has escaped tho
serious consequences of his indiscretion, and
let us hope that In s new country he will amend
his ways, said Mr. r inlavaon, seating him
self nn the sola aud kissing bis wifo ympa
Mrs. Finluvson was silent for a moment, ren-
derod speechless by tho intensity of ber emo
tion. A humiliating souso of her own mean
ness and ingratitude caused a flush nf shame to
mount to lu-r cheek. She could not, however,
restrain herself from saving:
I had an idea Matthew, until now. that you
might liavu gone to Uoueaster yesterday."
Not I," replied her husband in evident sur
prise, "llut by Jove! ho added, rising and
nging tho bell violently, "that reminds me.
a man I met to-duy swenrs positively that he
saw Siinmonds there. Tho rascal nniBt have
ltd nlt'directlv my back was turned without
asking permission.
A writer in tho New York Hold Itrnoiier,
who is evidently a close observer of "nion and
things." presents this life-like picturo of the
man wno resigns ininself to ttio custody of the
young gentleman at the desk who parts his
hair in the middle ami sports a plover egg
sized diamond in ins siil-t front, aud who,
dismissing nil "cares that infost tho day,"
resolve to follow the example of Falstalr, when
iu declared his intention tn "tuko niiuo ease
In uiino inn." Most men, and women, too, for
thai matter, deport themselves far differently
in a hotel from their style at home.
'He who delights in resiguiug himself to
observation should spend a few dart at a met
ropolitan hotel. Wben a man delivers bi.uself
and bis efl'ects into the bunds of a landlord, all
Ins hobbies and eccentricities begin to crop
out. Thero is tho hypochondriac, rheumatic,
wheezy, and afraid of sudden death. Ho
always looks sour and disgusted. He insists on
iiaviug two counseling rooms, and every place
i entranco mnst no supplied with double r-
versibl-j 1 )clis. Ho wants a boy to sit by his
ed all night and nwako him instantly if anv
rregularity in his broathing is observed. Per
haps he imagines that if ho should happen to
stop nrealliiug the boy miiiht possibly breath
or Him. no nas learned to grunt and putt
wime ne is a-iecp, so mat tne uoy win not get
a napping, so careful is bo to mako provisbm
r an possmie emergencies. I lien then' is the
ostentations guest, who s.-.unters up to the
flico when be srrives and deposits a thousand
dollars for safe keeping with a flourish that
would ihizo nu English milord. There is also
the pious guest, who delights in giving advice
and relating personal experiences. You will
see him of an evening in gold-bowed spectacles,
sitting by himself and leaning forward on his
cane, humming "Orccnville." or some old
Methodist hymn. It is said that he plays cards
occasionally, and don't often get left. We like
tn meet the Jovial guf st. He allows no oppor-
iiinty for displaying his wit to past by uuim
iroved, and be lias an appreciation of it, too,
that it is rarely met with in others. He grins
and grimaces, bo laughs loudnd shakes his
1... l... i:v... .1. , -
iocs, i.o iim-s uicjsu wno laugu too, and
nuns those who do not. He cannot under
lain! that tbo salt of a joke lies in its fresh-
To preserve eggs with salieviic acid the fol
lowing method it recommended: Dissolve a
tabh spoonfu! ot the acid in a gallon of boiling
water. Of course, if a greater quantity of
ater is required the acid must be increased in
proportion. When the solution is cold tt is
p"urul over the eggs, which are packed in a
an keg or barnl. A few small boards placed
on the top of the eggs will prevent tl.em fro n
ri-i 'g. The top of tho vessel must be covered
witn a cloth to keep out dust. Eggs so treated
bavo been found to keep for month. They
mnst ba used, however, immediately after bo
ng taken out of the solution.
Mr. Jardinc, M. F., has reccutly bad encted.
iu the ground at Caxtleiuilk. a sun dial of ex
traordinary dimensions. It consists of a Urge
twenty triangular-tided stone, snppcrted on
pedestal thirteen feet high, and it
after .the stylo of Queen Mary's, dial in
Holvrood grounds. There are altogether fif
teen dials. Two indicate Greenwich time, two
tell the time of night bv the moon: the otbert
indicate the ri-iug and setting of the uu, the
length of tbe day; tell when it it noon at the
principal placet over tbe globe, the tun't de
clination, etc. Altogether the structure it a
novelty, and hat been exciting do little wonder
mong the simple folks alout Lockerbie.
London H'oWu1.
" t.Lo
. , . . v
l Pleasant and Effico. ,
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And feel young once more. It t it - ,
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Recommended by all PhvJH
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A Hon. fMro for iNdiMUlnc !." w '
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