The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 14, 1882, Image 5

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For good dentistry g to Clark. .
Bring your chicken to Cettiuan's,
Carpenter and painter are very buiy.
Medical Lak Salt t Hay and Lackey'
Six pouoJ ef coITee far $1 at Goldsmith's.
job work k speciality tt the Guard office.
Qeid furniture an J low price, ii Ream's
All kinds of gran seeds for sal at A Gold,
mith. .
Tht highest cash price paid fur wheat by
F B Dunn.
Cherry it Day keep the beet etoi-k of under
taker's good.
Sir Walter 1 the fastest trotter ever owned
In Lane county.
Ouod delivered to any part of the city
from Goldsmith'.
See administrator notice and summons in
another column.
Fresh citrate of magnesia mad daily at
at Hays and Luckey'.
The only place where you can always sell
year chickens is at Bettraaa's.
X full assortment of ladles, inisaes and chil
dren underwari at Bettman.s.
A sJJeValk i beiua: built on the south side
of th Underwood property. '
The auction fiend era not rery successful
in Selling hi worthless good.
We Cherry will pay a liberal um for the
return of hi celebrated bird dog.
Th plaster and painter are busily at
work in Lynch t Pago' new atore.
New steps have been built in front of the
Court House. They were much needed, 1
Immense stack of crockery and glassware
at greatly reduced prices at Goldsmith's.
Who is doing the undertaking business?
Seam. Who is selling the furniture? Ream.
The Postmaster General ha decided that
postmaster mast receive ail ainall legal
It is ra meted that on of the bells of
Eugene will soon be married to a gentleman
of Polk county.
Ream don't advertise anything he can't
back when he says hi stock of undertaking
good is the best.
Loss of hair and graynesr, which often
mar the prettiest face, are prevented by
Farker's Hair Balsam.
You cad get 3 cent of tomatoes for. 50
cents, 1 cai fresh peaches for 25 cunts, and
th best tea in town at F B Dunne,
Messrs Clark k Haines, tanner of this
eity, received the premium at the Mechanics
Fair, for the liest display of leather. ,
13.1 acre of good faruvland well improved,
ear Kugeue City, for sale. '
Geo. M. MaLBn.
MrT (i Rendr'uki will pny the highest
market price for all kind of hides, furs and
tallow'. (Jive him a call before selling.
Mr S H Friendly will pay the highest
cash market price for whcit. '. ive him a
call before lulling your grain elsewhere.
Mre W L Arohainheaa, nee Miss Kinina
McMurray, received a diploma from the Me
clmiics Fair for the fallowing exhibit: A
transfigured tidy, handkerchief and hairpin
Several street brokers have been busy this
week selling their wares on the street corners.
The City Council should eiact a license from
then worthies that would simply prohibit
them from bilking the people.
Vt least nine teams started this week for
Eastern "Oregon via the McKcnzie wagon
Tid. Many prophecy that they will not be
aliU to cross, as at last reports there was about
three feet of snow on the summit.
Itereived on consignment, by Tlettman,
ivlie and MUhos eloak, dolinin n,l ulitters,
which, will be sold at factory prices for the
next 30 days I have orders to return what
is left ' Call and see fcr yourselves.
The largest assortment of folding chairs and
rockers, marble-top center tables, pier mirrors,
hat and coat racks, window cornice and picture
moulding at ('berry and Day's, that has ever
been bmuzht t . Eueene, all at prices that
can't be Under-sold.' : , ,
Ream, th undertaker and furniture deal
er, will receive tn a few days a splendid as
(nrtment of rawhide furniture, which he will
sell way under any prices ever offered in
Eugene. Don't buy until you see his
Yen can get 10 lb of sugar for th
" " 6J lbs of coffee for L
" ' " 3hW teaforJL
" " 6 cans cf oysters for ?L
" ". 7 cans of tomatoes for SI.
ii awtd cheaper than elsewhere
at Goldsmiths the cash grocer.
Th Multnomah County Clerk office paid
$10,429 27 for the first half of the present
year, of which $4,204 05 went to the depu
tie for current expense. The Sheriffs
office yielded $11,858 26. $3,7W being needed
for expense. Th Clerk's (alary, therefore,
was 96,133 22 for the sis months, while the
Sheriff received $6,097 39. Good pay, truly.
Even when the eourae of true love does
ru smooth, to weak and contrary is human
nature that th jealoa swain is apt to plague
hi mi ad with imaginary perils, as th fob
lewinc eorresDondence will (how; Hi belief
"If yon (hnd d'esurt me deerest mary I be
lieve i wood do like joner throw miself over
board and be swallered ly awhaile." Her
suggestion "That would be very foolish.
Remember that Jonah only stayed down a
short time. Alligatorshav stmngerstoraachs
than whale. Try an alligator."
Wasted t Sta Route Tiiisf Doanur.
One of the witnesses, (who resides less
' than a thposaod mile from Eogeoe City.)
ailed to -Washington as a witness, iu
rg4 by Doraey to re tarn to Oregon and do
all he eoald for Mitchells election. Mitchell
it will be recollected wsa one of Dorsey's
witnesses. -Salem Statesman. Who is he?
Licit at, Will C. King, Grand Lectwrer
of th I O G T, will lector at the M E
Cberch, Sunday eveniog. at 7 30 P M. Son.
afemooa at I P M, he Will address th chU-drs.
Our Heavy Taxpayers.
Below is given a list of on hundred and
sevonteeu names, including all who pay
taxee to the amount of on hundred dollars
and upwarde: '
Awhrsy, M .1
.$ 1.1.' 70
Armitage, It II .
Hushueli, J A..
Bond, I W ..... .
Bailey, Geo
'-';!) 27
...11)4 73
...I4ii 14
...151 10
Bailey, John, .
.! -' 3:
Ifbod, Allei 171
Uulshaw, lieo
Baber, W H
Bushnell. J 0
Che ry, D
Caldwell, R P
Cummins, vY
Clark, N
Crab tree, Z
Cogswell, Join ,
Chrisman, C K
Conser, Mrs K.
Cochran, It B
Uuun, F B
Knkn, S 11, Jr
Edwards, T D
Kdwa'd, 8 H
Kbbert, J A
Kdmunson, J H, Est....
Fergusuu, J B
Folsoin, F W
Friendly, 811
Gil fry, J T
(jillesuie, Jacob
Horn, J M
Holt, S D
Huddleston, Jas
HeiulricKS, T U
Holt. J K
Hoiruiau, James.... ....
Hoffman, W 11
llarpole, J H , . ,
Htmbree, L C, Est,
Hadley, H G
Hawley, Ira
Howe, N A W
Hvlaud, AD
Howard, R. V
Humphrey, A L, Est....
Humphrey, X, Est
Hayes, G B
Hovey k Humphrey. . . .
Hovey, AG
Humphrey, H C
...11)2 76
...211 2.1
...131 16
...229 73
. .t
. . 1 14 OS
loo :ti
130 00
... 302 00
146 12
...201 76
11.2 88
...1 133 73
228 23
.. W'.m oo
160 87
165 08
'.....106 12
156 43
242 50
123 57
523 15
2S1 02
100 03
147 23
370 40
120 00
173 43
348 00
....109 52
,5 22
. ......... .106 50
113 23
305 53
105 00
..372 40
154 50
Johnson, J W
.207 15
Jenkins, 8 ..: 163 53
Jennings, Bell.
147 03
Jenkins, Thns, Estate
Bushnell, Mrs MA
Kirk, J T
Kratz, Washburne k Howard
Krata, V
Kelly, John
Kennedy, J D
LC M A....
Lurch Bros
..141 00
..105 67
..136 12
.162 27
..132 00
..154 65
..127 50
...135 00
..138 82
Lauer, Chas 318 07
Milliorn, John 303 67
Maxwell, Henry ...124 69
Maxwell, John, Jr 101 33
Milliorn, T A 119 27
Moseby, David 153 32
Matthews, A 163 75
Matlock, J 1) 184 17
Monres, J H & I K ..ISO 00
Mureh, G H 133 82
McClung, J H 188 25
McCornnck, A, Est 122 13
McClaren, Jas 122 12
Osbnrn k Co 165 00
O k C lilt 2220 93
Owens, HO 101 55
Ot C K It. (Laud Dept) 252 18
04 C Land Co 179 91
Peters, A V 143 47
Pattiaon, ll"ht ....141 60
Patterson, Edris 4 Gray 113 61
Powers, E W, Est. 117 00
Powers, P F.
1 11667
.- 122 63
163 83
146 47
118 72
142 50
165 00
112 03
210 07
tiobiiison, L It
Sharpies, A
Sovenis, Geo ,
Swift, Sam'l...
Shannon, Wesley. . . . ,
Shelton, T W
Stcriinnre & Jvfiulers.
Spencer. S H
Scott, V .1
117 43
Shield,.. W M
104 03
, 254 25
Sauford, Jas
Selleiv, J U
Scott, Itodney
144 30
166 05
130 00
106 65
. 166 08
140 63
195 40
140 25
326 25
270 98
387 83
113 38
519 20
153 30
137 65
250 59
200 03
125 50
256 50
112 27
174 23
Spencer, C
Sutter, Frank ,
South, .Mrs M A h...
Springtied Mf'g Co...
Stewart, E
Smith, Win
Thompson, J M Est..
anilyne, J
Wortmaii 4 Sons. . . .
Wilson, Mrs M C...
Washburne, C W. . . .
Whipple Bros ,
Whiteakcr, John....
Wnlb', Matthew
Wilkius. M J 4 A ... ,
Ward, (111
Young. V W
Zumwalt, Isaac
Zumwalt, A J
Cottage Grove Items. j
. i
FROM OUR SrECIAL correspondknt. J
Comos Grovr, Oct 9 1882.
Mr James Coinstock arrived here from the
south this morning.
Several of our citizens went to the county
fair, notwithstanding the rain and mud.
An infant son ot Dr II S and Anna Wright,
died here Oct 5, aged 23 days.
Dr John Harris returned home from Chicago
last Thursday, where ho has ben for about
two months attending a medical schooL
Several thousand railroad ties arrived at
their destination Sunday. The river is blocked
with them foi quite a distance above Latham.
Mre Anna Ward, wife of Charle Ward, of
Latham, was buried near this place Oct 8th
She died very suddenly rear Springfield.
Arrested and Acquitted. The man Foe
ter, who was charged with stealing a horse be
longing to Ir;i Allen v.ui arrested by Deputy
Sheriff Wallis, northwest of Junction CMty,
last Wednesday. The prisoner was imme
diately given a preliminary hearing befnre J
R Ellison, .1 P, who discharged him. Mr
Geo A Dorris defended the young man Foster
in a very able manner, and received the com
gratulations of his many friends upon gaining
his first ease. George is bound to come to the
front some of these days.
Sold Oct. Messrs Pope, Donaldson 4
Smith have sold the Piper ranch to Mr H A
Davis, of Missouri We are sorry to see
these enterpriser, gentlemen leave 0(, and
we wish them much success wherever they
mar locate. Mr Davie is an enterprising-
farmer aod we welcome him to Lane county.
Exlar;ino THE Fbacws, Amont the
bills befere the Legislature is oo giving tb
right to any citizen, whether a taxpayer or
not, to vote at any school election, except
poo a vote to levy a tax. The present law
confine th school election to taxpayers.
Fob East. The buiWing adjoining Ban
kiu Bazar. Inquire at this eSoe.
Junction City Items.
JbkcthW, Oct 12, 1882,
Mr Howard, a railroad man from Portland,
WM w(,eii to yiM Xettie Gore of this place
tliia week, Rev Houston ofBciatin.'. -Only on
more left, boys.
Will C King, I O O T, Grand Lecturer for
this State, lectured on Tuesday and Wednes
day of this week at the church, on tetnjwrance.
He is a man of noble physique and a good
Ulker, and seemingly an earnest worker in the
temperance cause. The audience was large
and enthusiastic.
Wednesday a railroad carpenter, working on
,.110 ib : the railroad bridge cctween Sere and Harris
,.2.)2 67 bun.', came tn town to cet a check of siitv.
four dollars and fifty cents cashed. His fore
man requested him to bring his overcoat, that
he expected on the south hound train, back
with him. After arriving in town he got crazy
drunk, and going over to the depot, he saw a
drummer's overcoat and nothing would do but
that It was his boss', and he must have it. After
bothering the boys a long time, they slipped
the coat a'vay from him and told him that one
of the boys had taken it down to thepostoffice,
so lie went down there and seising the first
coat he saw, marched off for the bridge with it
Before he got far, he was arretted and put in
the calaboose, lu the meantime he gave his
cheek to some one nn the train; he don't know
who. Had he been a temperance man, bo
mii'ht be twenty-two or tweuty three dollars
better off.
Certain parties residing near here, are
seriously thinking of git ing the legal profess
ion something big or costly to da It seems
that one of the said party hired a pasture for
sheep of the other some monthe ago, and that
the other had asked said owner several times
for the money due on the pasturage, so when
the party owning the sheep went to the State
Fair, the other party, fearing that he would
never get pay for the posture, embraced the
opportunity, with the advice of a lawyer,
during said absence of owner, to drive away
some sixty of the sheep to another pasture.
After a lapse of three or four weeks time,
party number one got wind of wh.t had been
done and went and drove these sixty sheep
back. Prosecutions have been made even to a
third party. Things are somewhat mixed up
and parties concerned very angry.
The school directors of this place have pur
chased a complete set of Camp's Outline Maps
for the school Thy deserve credit for this
is a step in the right direction. Patrons of the
school will doubtless feel proud of these maps
as they ought, and will if they but take the
pains to visit the school Ab.
Irving Items.
Irviso, Oct. 10, 18S2.
The Irving public school opened Oct 2d,
with 23 pupils. Mr G V Hoggs, late of Cal
ifornia, is teacher.
Elder Shelly, of Eugene City, preached an
excellent sermon at the Clear Lake scho-jl
house last Sabbath.
Mr Nash Pitzer has not yet calculated the
interest on the principal that John Long got
for hie vote for MiHiell; but intends to plant
several acres of hemu this wiuter.
The late rains have started the farmer to
work; they no louger hava time to parley
over the probabilities of United States Sena
tor, or speculate upon how nuich Johu Long
got for his vote for Mitchell.
Mr Kitchen, our enterprising merchant,
has just returned from Portland where he
has been laying in a new stock of g mils; call
and see him. Jim will treat you well, even
if h don't say anything about cigars.
Lively times are soon expected in Irving.
A debating club w soon to be organized, a
temperance lectnre, re-nrgaiiization of the
Good Templars, several parties, and from
certaiu movements that point to several
Miss Alice Montgomery is at presant tot
enlaced iu teaching- She is au excolleut
teacher und should be in the field. For
tunate will be the school district that securos
her valuable services. Invi.Nd.
Principal. Rev E P Henderson, of this
city, has been selected as Principal of the
Drain Academy, ami goes thither to day to
take charge of that institution. We con
gratulate the trustees on the engagement of
that gentleman, as he is not only finely
educated, but is a first-class instructor, and
we have no doubt but that he will give
perfect satisfaction to all the patrons ot the
Writino School. Mr T
organize a writing school
J Wilson will
at the Arnold
school house in this city, Monday evening,
at 7 o'clock, P M. Term of tuition for 12
lessons, $2. Mr Wilson comes well recom
mended, and we haye no doubt but what he
is a first-class penman.
For the East. Messrs Jeff Dunton and
W D Mcflain, of Camp Creek precinct, left
for the. Eastern States last Tuesday. Mr
Dunton goes to his old home at La Grange
Centre, Indiana, having been in Oregon since
1855. We wish both the gentlemeu a
pleasant trip aud a safe return to the land of
Fell. Mr B F Finn fell from the acaffold
in Lynch 4 Page'( new (tore, while at work
plastering but Saturday. Hi left arm was
dislocated at the wi ist, and he received
several bruise about the face. It will be
several months before he will be able to
resume work.
At Home. Senators T G Hendricks and
O B Dorris, and Representative Haye,
came op from Salem Saturday and returned
the following Monday. They report that
much work is being accomplished, besides
the balloting for U S Senator.
Pcfil Ehkolled. We understand that
287 pupils are in attendance oo th publie
school of this city. Th teachers give entire
satisfaction, and th preient school year
gives promise of better result than for year
BoCHD Orin. W tak th following
from th Pendleton TribuneJ A booting
scrape occurred io Heppoera few days ago
between Geo Swaggart and a man named
Haas. The latter was bound over: No on
First Annual Fair.
Edito Grata 11i Lane County Agri
cultural Fair is over, and although with the
frequent rainy days end nlhta for six days,
and the muddy roads to contend with, It was
by no moans s failure. Had the weather been
fine previous and during the fair, my opinion 1
It would have been deel Jedly a success. On the
first day the attendance was small and very
little business done on account of the rain, but
on the next morning the clouds broke away
and the rush about the pavillwn was much
larger than I had expected in so short a time,
the crowd probably nuuiWing between th.-ee
and four hundred, mostly farmer ind their
wives. The eutcringof stock nnd produce then
began In earntt for nearly three hours; after
that the parade of all the stock entered for
premiums coinmen-ed, and during the parade
and Judging of tli stock, better order could
not have prevailed; every one semed to enjoy
it, audeiuder all the conflicting circumstances,
the showing of horses was what I consider
tfood, considering that only a few persons in
Lane county have taken much interest In the
production of improved stock.
The award of premiums were made as fol
lows; ' horse.
Isaac P Smith, Superintendent:
Four year olds and over, draft stallions, Mr
James Votes Suffolk Punch, 1st premium; E
Borbree, 2nd.
Three year olds; M Wilklns, lit premium, a
three quarter Clyde by imported Gleneld well
deserving the blue ribbon: Mr VauKhn, 2nd
Two year olds, Geo Belshaw, Wide Awake,
1st premium.
One year olds, Ceo Belshaw, 1st premium;
Vaughn, 2nd.
Horses for all works, stallions 4 years old
and over, It Knox 1st premium; Kitchen's
Black Battler, 2nd,
Three year olds, Walker Young 1st prem
ium; R Knox, 2nd.
Four year old roadster stallions, Geo Gill 1st
Mares of all works 4 years old and over, J
Hatuet, 1st premium.
Two year o'ds, Barkley, 1st premium.
Draft mares, 4 years old and over, 'Geo Bel-
shaw ' Clyde, 1st premium; V' Stewart, 2nd.
Two year old draft, J It Sellers, 1st prem
Four year old roadster mores, J Wootcn, 1st
Matched carriage teams, J Simpson, 1st
premium; Aeney, .ml.
Farm teams, J R Sellers, Is premium; Ham
ilton, 2nd.
Best roadster, W W Scott, 1st premium.
Best saddle horse, J Martin, 1st premium;
Cathc&rt, 2nd
liest sucking colt, W Stewart, 1st premium;
Vaughn, 2nd.
Two best pig under ten weeks old, full
blooded black Essex, Geo Belshaw, 1st prem
John Simpson had four sheep that would
make a fine showing at any fair and I am
sorry that 1 have not me oook wiiu me
premiums they were awarded, but will say that
two of them were extra fin CotswoM lambs,
the other two full Leicester nd Cotswold
bucks that had previously taken premiums at
the State Fair the whole taking 1st premiums
in their class and sweepstakes.
M Cl Sellers, Brmus Turkey, which was
very fine, 1st premium; also Spotted Ducks,
W W S,oott, Gulling Squash, 1st p; Jessie
Cox, liakiug squash, 2nd.
John Simpson, gold vine pea, 1st p.
J Drury, yellow corn, 1st p.
J L Heudricks, ltaddish, 1st p.
James Bates, potatoef, Peerless variety, very
fine, 1st p.
Jesse Cox, Mountain Sprout water melon
1st p. ;
John Simpson, Sample Whit Norway Oats,
1st D.
Geo Belshaw showed 22 different white
variutiee of wheat In sacks, all lalwlled, and
80 different kinds in the straw, showing the
largest and the smallest that has ever been nn
exhibition in Oregon, also the best and largest
variety of wheat raised by ane exhibitor; best
display of grain grown ry one person; best (lis
play of sheaves, winter and spring wheats
best display of sheaf oat and grasses, the
whole receiving 1st p; and eweepstakes on th
best sample of wheat of any variety; Jesse
Cox, ten headed wheat, 2nd.
Jesse Cox as follows, Alsea oats,' 1st p; earn
pie eix rowed barley, 1st p; sample flax for oil
purposes, 1st p.
S E Bristow, white clawson Siberian wheat,
1st p.
G R Krumly, Hungarian grass seed, 1st p.
Four horse shoes mails by Mr Nelson, whlc!
showjd fine workmanship, 1st premium.
W J J Scott, best sample apple, 1st p.
Mrs LGilfry, egg plum, which was remark
able fine, 1st p.
Mrs A Barbara, Jar reach plums, fine speci
men, 1st p.
Mr Geo Belshaw, 4 lbs butter, lstj also
petrified sage brush and mushroon, 1st p; petri
fied fir wood, 1st p; silver ore, 1st p; cluuabar,
and best cabinet shells, 1st p.
Mre Minnie Vogl, rose tidy, 1st p.
Mrs A Hansaker, xephyr tidy, 1st p.
Mrs Geo Gilfry, rug, 1st p; also tidy, 1st p.
Miss Dor Scott, lump mat, 1st p.
Mrs Bauhman, two pair baby shoes, 1st p.
Mrs Geo Belshaw, two pin cushions, 1st p;
two lace tidies, 1st p; crochet tidy, 2nd p;
lamp mats, 1st p.
Miss Dora Scott, lamp mat, 2nd p.
Miss Kate Cruzan, coverlid, 1st p.
Mrs Sellers, mat, 1st p.
Mrs i B Pengra, two pair window curtains,
1st p.
In conclusion let me say that much credit is
due to Mre and Mr J R Sellers tor the untir
ing energy and interest they both took to make
the fair a success. If the weather had been
favorable there would have been torn good
running and trotting, lher appeared on the
grounds two very fine trotting borsee Juta
the crowd wu going away. J be race troca
was in such condition that It was dangerous for
both horse and rider. GEp Belshaw.
Card of Thanks.
W desire to retnn thank to all who te
kindly assisted ns during th recent ll!n-ss ef
our late infant dabter
Chsistiax Masx,
CAROL15X 1ax.
S S Tralu, of the Disseminator, was in town
last Monday. '
Gov Whiteakci mado this office a very
pleasant call one day this week.
Ijife Wheeler aud his surveying party Iff.
for the Siuslaw country last Monday.
Mr II II Kincaid, editor of the Journal,
as returned front a visit to Seattle.
Mr W Edwards, of the Commercial
Agency, was in this city one (lay thie week.
The building one door south of Itankiu'a
millinery store is being fitted up fur a chop
Judge Humphrey has lost a gold headed
cane, lie desire the huilor to return tlio
same to his otlice.
Mr T Jeff Smith, of Portland wsa id town
several days this week. Hie form looks as
rotund as of old.
Messrs 11 C Humphrey nndDr Robert
Hayes paid the metropolis a (hurt visit
nriug the week.
Mr James Comstock, who is nno of tlio
umber contractors for the O 4 C R R ex
tension, was in town last Wednesday.
Mr W L Archambeau, formerly a student
in the State University, is employed by Win
Beck 4 Son of Portland, as book keeper.
Edgar McClure has returned from north-
eastern Nevada, where he has been employed
with the Ilendereon surveying party. The
rest of the party will uot return for at least
mouth yet
Messrs Geo Noland, Gen A D irris and J
E Fenton returned from Salem last Friday.
hey are now ready and willing to win their
first case, even if they have tn scud some
poor fellow to the peuitvnti.iry by defending
One-Tenth of a Mill Slate Tax Assured
To the University.
From a telegram received from Senator Hen-
dricke we learn that the State University bill
unanimously passed the Senate Thursday, and
only needs the signature of the Governor to
become a law. The ono-tenth of a mill tax
will amount to about 95,500 per annum, which
assures for the University a sum that will In
sure its prosperity hereafter. We congratu
late the Legislature on its passage, and espeo-
ally the delegation from this county, who
worked so faithfully and with untiring energy
for the passage of the bill That part of the
bill concerning the Villnrd endowment was
stricken out, but we have no doubt but what
that worthy gentleman will endow the Uni
versity with the amount he promised as the
terms of his proposition has beeu substantially
carried out
Tax Notice.
Notice is horchy given that the tax roll of
Lane oountv is now in my bands with
warrant for the collection of the taxes .there
in, and I (in ready to rccuivo and receipt for
the same.
Dated Oct "th, 1S82.
Sheriff and Tax Collector of Luuo Co., Or,
Pol.TUAllT. Sheriff Campbell rrested n man
named U L Bates, Thursday, about 10 miles
west of this city, on the charge of poIyKamy.
We understand that the prisoner will be tried
to-day before Judge Kiusey.
To Leahe. Chas Baker wishes to lease the
dining room of the St Charles Hotel for six
month from date. Tills Is a good chance for
some one wanting employment for theinter
Give him a call immediately.
Impkovino. We learn that Postmaster Pat
terson Is imnmvlnu as rapidly as could be ex
pected under the circutnstuuees. It is believed
now that bo will recover from the surgical
Bohton Opera CoMPANT.-This troupe
played at Lane's Hall Thursday evening to a
moderate sized audience. 1 he singing ami act
ing was firet class in ivery particular.
Died. An infant daughter of Christian
and Carolin) Marx, diud iu this city last
Tuesday, of brain fever aged 1 year, 8
mouth and 10 days.
Dikd. A child of Mr Milt McMurray '(
died in this city Wednesday, Oct 11th, of
measles. It was buried Thursday.
Just received from
in a
uyiu u u uuHmi
Dry Goods,
Fancy Goofe, -Ladies
DreS3 Good3 in LATEST Styles,
Everything necessary to a well regulated Store.
Butter, Eggs and Chickens bought
for Cash, or taken in exchange for
Council Proceedings.
Couhcil Rooms,
Ei'UBNsCiTY.OutO, 1882.1
Council met pursuant to adjournment
Present Councilmen Edris, Lner,Camp
bell, Johnson McClung and Recorder and
Marshal. Absent Mayor Hendricks aud
Councilman Luckey.
Minutes of the last regular meeting read
and approved.
Finance committee reported the following
bills correct, and on motion, warrant were or
dered drawn on the treasury for th (ever!
8 A Ogden, $6 80:
S. M. Titus, 82 90i
8 II Friendly, S3;
J E Atterbcry, $13 23.
Judiciary committee granted further tim!
in which to make a report lu regard to Fire!
The Street Commissioner was Instructed
to examino the culvert at the crossing of
railroad, and if necessary have it cleanedj
also to see that tlio bridge and approach
thereto on Eighth street ar in proper re-
Report ot Marshal read aud placed on file.
Petition of R S Boan, 0 M Horn aud
others for sidewalk on south of Sixth street;
commonciiiK at the northeast corner of Lin-
coin and Sixth streets and extending to th
northeast corner of Lawrence and Sixth
streets; granted.
The following bill were read sua referred:
to fiiiAiioo committee:
J C Clayford, f.33.
Osbnrn 4 Co, 4.
J T Witter. l.
S A Ogden, $13 30.
V McFarland, 10 88.
J E Atterbcry, 138.
Councilman Edrii asked permission to ex
tend the sidewalk in front of th TrosbyU
riau Church two foot into the tret further'
than the regular line, aud that th crossing
. i i . : u ik
on Lincoln oe maae to eomunn wim u
Ou motion the' pecial committee were In
structed to procure a house to tor the"
engine on its arrival. -
On motion councumen fcdn and Johnson
wer instructed to procure th necessary
amount of oil for the winter.
On motion the rhglftwatohman was in
structed to light the lamp at Trof Bailey's'
On motion adjourned.
R. (1. CalusoH, Recorder.
A Challenge.
I will match my horn Major against Ken-
ney's horse Dandy, and Harpole's horse Far
mer, to run ose quarter of a mile, and carry
any weight they may decide upon; for th turn'
oft$l00 a side; Race to oome off on th J unction
Cit race track within fOur weeks from dat of
this notice. W KT
Junction City, Oct 9, 1H82.
Siuslaw Fair;
Th neighborhood fair of Sinslaw prcinct
will take place at the tsual place, 0otobr
14th and 13th. Everybody is cordially io
vited to attend.
Isaac SihrsoA, Seo'y;
Special Council MEtriNO. At a special
meeting of the common council of Portland;
the new city chnrtor was taken" ttuder eon;
sideration aud amended so as to allow the
Mayor $3,000 per year and the Conaoilm
11,4)00 each. An amendment was alio In.'
trodnced allowing the city Indebtedness to
bo increased to f 1,000,000 in order that
f (iOO.OOO may be expended in water work"
and $1100,000 in constructing" a city hall
Hop Buyer. Mr Wm Weaver, of Sussex
Minnesota, has been here during th past
week visiting his bwther, Mr John Weaver,
of Waltervillo. He i the largeet hop buyer
in Minnesota, aud ha beeu very successful
in the hop busiuoss. Ho bought several lot
in this county, paying 57 cents per pound
Bei.vuy. Astoeple is boing built te the)
Christian Church of thi city. A soon as
completed th bcjl will b placed in
position, and horeaftor the members will be1
summoned to service by Its ringing.