THE mitii CITY GUARD. dATURDATi. .CCT. 1. 1932. u It OTIC K. " Notice ia Hereby given that S. It bariipbell bu severed hi connection With the Evokki City Gi'aru. The liUsinofls will hereafter b carried on ly t. L Campbftll, who will collect all dubti due the firm of Campbell Bros. I. L Camphf.ll, J. 1!. Caui'iikll. Ei-csb City, August 31, 1882. ' i- . . .' Feet el Sheriff mil Clcrkt. 8. B. 80 Introduced !y McConnel, by conient, and read lirttt time Sept. 2C, 18c 2.. A BILL. Jor an act to amend bection 1 of title 1, chapter 20 of the miHctllaiifOUH Dawi of Oregon, relating to feci et officers and other persons , Be it tnacted, etc. Suction 1. That section I of titlo 1, of chapter 20, of - the miscellaneous of Oregon, relating to the fees of otlicers and other persona be amondod sq as to read as follows: Section 1. That the county court of each county in this State shall at least three months prior to any general , election for county officers, examino the emolument returns of county clerks and sheriff of its county, with the statement of necessary expansion of conducting such offices, and shall fix aid determine the amount of fees that the county clerk and sheriff of the ceunty shall charge and I entitled to receive and collect at a certain per cent, of the statutory fee hill as pre (cribed by sections 2 and 4 of this title. Such per cent, may bo greater or less than 100 percent of the said statutory fee bill. Said courts shall direct notice thereof to be publixhcd in some aewspapnr published in the county "for at least one month. Such fees so established by the county courts shall be the lawful fees for the county clerk .and sheriff during the two years fol lowing the succeeding general election and the tame shall neither be increased or diminished during, said period of two years following said general dec ition. Sea. 2. That all acts and parts of itcU in conflicts herewith are hereby rn pealed. Tub Senatorial question is still agita ting the public mind. During the past wesk Jlr. Dunbar, of Washington county, has deserted Mitchell, while ;poor old Judge Tuitt, of Folic county, has been "convinced" at this late day that Mitchell is the "only imnn able to irepresent Oregon jn the U. S. Senate. How any member of the "16" could ssupport Mitchell after their tirade .against him, is beyond our comprchnn .-lion. We suppose they have heard from Ohio, and are logmuiitg to think 'that the Senators hereafter to be elected by Republican Legislatures will be .scarce, and hence their determination to embrace the present auspicious op portunity. The last Ullot yesterday .stood:' Mitchell, 39; Shattuck, 30, and lhe rest scattering. Wk arv glad to see that Oregon is awakening to the necessity of keeping .an eye on tho railroad corporations with her borders. A faro and freight bill has been introduced in the Legisla ture. The fate that has Ufallxu Cali fornia will overtake Oregon, if she be not careful Tim tentacles of the deviltinh will extend all over the State,; .and the struggle to escape therefrom will be hampered by many obstacles. JS. F. Examiner. Last woek during the heavy wind that prevailed for two or three days, Mr. Kimberlain, of East Cimbalom, put fire into his straw; as the wind was favorable he thought titer would be no danger. But a sudden change took the fire the other way, and soon carried, it to his wheat pile. The piled up aacki being covered with htaw, made a bad place for the tire to get into, aad before it could be mastered it destroyed or injured alxiut 000 out of 1300 bush els of good wlirnf. It is a curioua fact to see nearly every Stalwart Republican paper Wk in at Senator Hendricks' registration bilL We understand that the original bill was been stolen from the committee to which it was referred, whose Chair man is a Republican. It proves to us that the Republicans of this State are opposed to a fair election. Wasco Democrats have notified ren egade Gates that his cours in voting for Mitchell is not approved of. He proltably received the salve to apply to (his wound in advance. Ohio Redeemed I TOO MUCH STALWARTISM DID THE WORK I Democratic Majority over 35,000- Also Elect 15 Congressmen- Carry the Xews to Anhur and Two Per Cent. Hubbell. Last Tuesday Ohio held its election, and up to that day the Republicans confidently claimed the State by at least 20,000 majority, but ' they were sadly disappointed, as the State went Democratic by over 35,000. They had not calculated the effect that the re newal of the corrupt practices that the restoration of the Grant crowd would have upon the American peopl. Ar thur and Two Per Cent Hu'nMI are the two worst disgusted individuals in America over the result of Ohio's over whelming Democratic victory. Fcnn sylvania, Now York, Indiana, Califer nia and ollwr States will fall into the Democratic column next month. The future prospects of the Democratic party are brighter than they have lieen for years, and there is not a doubt but what it will elect the President in 1884. . 1 "TllOUtfll tin- mill of God grind (lowly, yet they grind ex ceedingly tins. We copy the following dispatch from Thursday's Owjohuw. Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 11. Ad ditional election returns are coining in slowly, as tho Republicans ore gutting no morn advices and are coucedinp everything but a few Congressmen. The estimates this morning put the Dunmcratic majority in the State at 25,000, and make the Congressional delegates stand 15 Democrats and C Republicans. The cl.ftion of MuKin ley in the 18th district, und Robinson in the 9th district are in gnat doubt, and tho Republicans must carry both to get f Congressmen. A Wet Winter. Cnl Joe Teil and Vic Trevitt, hays Tom Merry in the Sunday Orefonian, stood o i en the sidewalk last Tuesday afternoon, in front uf tl.o lloltoo J louse. They were watching a flock of geese Hying overhead in a long triangular phalanx, winging their way southward from the lund of hoochruoo to ward the orango groves of Ln Angtdet. Tin Colonel remarkods "Wick, we are going ti have a wet winter." "Tut," was the trite amwer of the apostle ( The Dalles anil tiandy wagon road. "You won't believe," continued the Colonel, "but wu will have a wet winter. And the water will lie in high that the Willamette Chief I built that boat myself, Wick can load three hundred tons, of wheat at Eugene and run clear through to Astoria without breaking hulk." "Ami you call that a wet winter?" asked Trevitt, with a snifT of conteint; "why you don't know what a wot winter is, old boy. I was work ing fur Bush at Salem iu 1S."6, and the water got so higil that you could go from tho Waldo Kills ovor to the foot ot Mary's Teak in a skiir. V ell, I wanted to take a holiday between Christmas and New Year's, so I went over to eq Xesmith at his farm on tho Rickreal. When I got there tho water was 10 feet deep all over his farm.andtho old 0)a wax out in hit field planting his wintei wheat with a diviug bell. That's what I vail a wet winter." County Posecuting Attorneys. A bill has been introduced into the Oregon Legislature providing for tho electiou of a prosecuting attorney for each county in the State, whoa jurisdictiuu shall be confined to their own county. Tboy ar to received such compensation in the way of aalarie a their county courts may deem proper. They will be required to attend to all road mat ters iu the courts in which the county iain terested, and do alt othor business for the county and give their services to the comity otlicers in county matters tree of charge These county attorneys are to bo elected by the people at tlie geueral State election;-but the several county courts will appoiut these otlicers until as election takes place. Local Market rie; ort. Friday, Oct. 14, 18M. Wheat 7? eta., on board of car, Oat-40 cts. , nett Flour- $5 per bbL E$,--23 eta. per dot. Butter SOS S3 cts iwr lb. Sidee Mcta. per lb. Hams 15 rta. Hioiilders-llKriK'J cU I-ard-U eta. lions-57 rta. Wool -'J I eta. Pianos and Organs. A fine assortment to arrive anna from the ! most ceUbrated maker All instrumental warranted and the warrant mad. ftxd at home 1 wltKiuit (rvtlit.lM n. .III.IU. In t)i tnmta'ir I PatroniM bom, and savt yminwlf all tmuhl. 1 CRA4N' BROS, tloltmwu JWt-h "t I Lift lnturnnrii Aplopley, Ac-Many people insure their live U benefit teir families by death-how para doxical is tlil-A. To prolonx me by preserving the health iV a f;kT inure rutiuiul man nerofanirirftoitHApiipley ii swift and in sidious io iu alUf. striknw it victim with out a moment's wtfiiin ! Hajipily a preventi- tive hiu been diaeorereil lloiioway rilli tin nulv tfufa uul certain antidote for this disease. they wmiI the blood andeipialiwi iU circulation through the system, io oreserve Vue suuimrn iu a wwiid condition and the blood pure in the true secret of health -Holloway'i tills will do this nowt effectually, and tbouaiiiiU owe their actual exisUnre to them at the present day. IwroiiTANT Notics. None are g'-nuine un lew. the Munatura of J. Haviskk surrounds each box of fills ami Ulnlmeiit. Doxes at Zj oetitk, W iwnts aad H eiuh. aThere Ucoiiideruold saving by talcing tin 1 ir.-er sizes. Jlol.WWAV 4 Co, New York MrS II Kneiidly hai reonived a large stoth of giKds fur tho spring trade and is prvpan-d to suit his cmtinent nn to quality ii. il II. i uill m-11 lur or ci'ediL m r--w - - , , clieiip as ft.iy otlmr sluro in lon, am: us Ins goods are of the best quality lie guarantee atifactioii. Men and boy clothing s specialty. Oive him a call. A ous,h. Cold or Hare Thront should be stopped. Neglect freipiently remilt Iu an Incurable l.nnir Dlneaao or 4'on auinpllnn. HUOUIU'S IIIIOMilllAL I II or II r; era rvrlaln to aire rriieflii Aallima Hronchlll 4'ouclia, 'alarrb, 'ouunipiiv and TbroaS Dlaeaaea. For 'M ears the Troches have been recom mended by physician, and always give per fect antlkfaction. - They art uot new or un tried but having been tented by wide and con stant ue fur nearly an entire generation, they have attained well niorited rank amonirthe few staple remedies of the ae. Iublic apeak erm and nlileri una them tu cKut ami strengthen the Voice, riokl at 2o cents a Ux every were ' ' "" . ' A Varied Performance. Maoy wonder bow Parker's Ginger Tnnio can perform such varitd cures, thinking it essence nf ginger when in fact it is made from many valuable medicines which act beneficially on every diseased organ. Shiloh's Vitalnter is what youneed fc Con utipation, Iwa of Apatite, 1 izzines and symptoms of lyophiH. Price 10 and'jeta. Ixittle. Sold by (Mmm ar.d Co, Eujfeiie. nOTIIKHit! ITIOTIIEHSt Are yo'' dUmrbed at nilit and broken of your rent by a sick child nulTiring and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If to, go at once and get a bottle of MILS. WINS LOW'S SOUTH IN ii SYKUI'. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend iinin it; there is .10 mintake about. There i not a mother on earth who hm ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health t the child, op erating like magic. It i peifectly nafe to use in allcawM, and pleasant to the taste, and ts tho presuripti n of ono of the oldext and wt female hytiiciani and nurtes iu the I'nited States. Sola everywhere. "5 cents a bottle. BCCKLKN'S AUN'ICA SALVE. ' Tho Best Salvk in the world for llriilses. Cuts, Sores, Ulcen , Salt Khenin, Fever Sore, Tetter, Chapied IlaiuU, (JhiMilaina, I 'oriiK.anJ all knds of Skin Kruptin. Tliin naive is guar anteed to give erfect natinftction in every -ae or money refiunleil. Price 3. eta jwr box. For sale by Wilkin's, the Uru ;gUt, Kugene City. Millholhind. .lipir-fion City. NEW A I) YE I IT IS F. M EN TS Summons. In the Circitit Court of the Stats of Oregon, for the County of Lane. 1 Mary ti Bitchey, und M D lliteheyA her husli.iiid, and W V C.ali, Plaintiffs, .1 , vs. 7 " Jrxiiah Cra'u. doie j'! Craig, Nancy f .Martin, .v!urguiet Young, Anna1 Cuton, Defend lilts. J To said JiwiahC'rai.:, Joseph C.-aig, Nancy Martin, .Mar.'uret V oung and Anna Caton, '.he said 1 led lulinti: IN THE NAM H OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to lie and appear in said Court aud aiiKWer the coinpluint of the plaiutilfH, now on file, within ten ilayn from the date of the service of this summon Uhiii you if terved iu said Lane County, Oregon, and if served in any ot.l er county in this State, then 'withiu twenty days from the date of the cervice here of upon you, and if served by publication of HiiniuionK, then on the firet day of the April term of this Court, 1SS.1, And i you fail to appear and answer, judgment will lie taken for want thereof, and the iilaintitfs will demand the relief proved for in the complaint, namely: The sale f tho following descrihed premises, to-wit: The S i of the S K ot Sec 11, and the S E J of S E J of Sec Vi; ami lot No 8, of Sec 14; and lot No 4, of See 13, T 10, S It 5E, containing 141(40 100 acres, iu Iiiie Comity. Oregon, in partition, and the proceeds of said sale divided equally among the wiiii plaintitf, ami defend uitit, after paying the coot of thi suit and expenses of said sale, and for such other and further relief as may lie equitable and just. This summons is puhliidied by order of Hon II S Bean, J nd-e of the Second J udicial lis triet of Oregon. Dated Oct,lS8i JOSHUA J. WALTON, Atfy for riffs. NOTICE TOCRECITi!RS. VTOTICE IS HKUE11Y GIVEN THAT 1 it V Mim h Iuuti Ki.tutiiitM.1 iliiiiniHtr& tor of the estate of Andrew J Melhuiud, de- ce:isea, uy me bounty t. ourt or lane . ouiuy, Oregon. All iersoi having claims are herehy uotitied to )nvsnt the same to the sid odiniii istrator at nis iila-e nf rt-iiiilnre within six mouths from the date hrrcof. li. r. JIOSS, Adminislrtor. JOSHUA .1 VALTO , Attorney. Oct. 10, mi Flr.AL SETTLEMENT- , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the nndrrsin'il, administrator of the estate of Murtha Muihollaml, ileceiwti, baa filed Ilia -cotint for final settlement then in, and 1'V order of 1 1 the County Court Tuea day, January I'd, 18S3, has been set for hear iiu the same. H. M. Ml'LHOI.LAN'D, Adms't Ge S. WAhUBi'RNB, AtU ruoy. Summons. In the Circuit Court for the County of Lane, rotate of Ore;u. M. E. Gibson, PlainUtr, ) vs. Summons. M. W. GiSa.n, lfendnt) To M. W.; defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATU OF Oregon, von are kerehv required to annear and answer the omplaiut filed ak-inrt you in the aUiv. ent t ed suit, on or brfnre the 6th day of November, A. !., 1HS2, that bring the 6ret day of the next regular term of sail) court: and if yon fail to answer, for want thereof the 1'lmintilT will take a decree aminst Tun .iia. contract suhitmi Iwtween 1'Uintiff and I)e fendant, and for the cars and eiwtody of the . minor chil I-en of aaij manuce, and for cost . and dubursemenU. j This su 1 m ns u published by order nt the Hon. K. 8. U n. Jud. of the above entitled court, whi -h order is tated at chanibeii in. i.ueM City, Oen, N-tember 23, IfWv. . j, V, WRUiUT.Att y fur Tiff. I Sheriff's Sale. VfOTUE IS HKltEUY MVKX THAT ii by virtue of an oxecuti-n duly issued oat of tho Circuit Court, of tho Statu of Oregon, for tho County of Linn, on the II til day of Septe.ntier, 183.', by llio liera mere uf and to me directed, upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure, reudered iu aaid Court April 4MK in favor of Enoch Hoult, plaintiff, and against Hiram Smith and W V tiriggs doing business at partuera under the name and style of Smith a liriggs; Hiram Smith and J W Brasslielil.doing busi ness s partners under the linn name aud style ot Smith k Branilield; Hiram Smith. John M Wateri and W W lingua, doing business under the tirm name ot Sinitli, I Waters k Co. Hiram South, James W ISi as held, John F MoCully, Jamei M SlielVy nud I W J Braiuwvll, doing buin under the tirm name of Smith, lirassrield & Co , Mary jA E Smith, Jamea W Bialield, Lydja '.r'lielJ, Ko.iIhmIi Mai.lo, rtitvaoiler j Soiiiiiierville. Willougiihv I'huicliili, It P Caldwell, John auglin, lieorge nauey, John Sonimerville, A N Hill, Joxepli Sommerville, Solomon Cox, Samuel Nix sou, John McCartney, Henry Ksurche. Catherine Weigle, A Humphrey, John Cogs well, Jacob Weigle, John Kclnay and John Burnett, partners, doing business under the firm name uf Kelsay k Burnett; Jas E. Holt, F A Chenoworth and F M Johnson, doing buniness under the tirm name of Clu-n-oworth k Johnson; Damon Smith, John F McCully, Nancy Curson Wi!on, John Kaiser, WinSeld Sominervillc, E K Wyatt, Daniel McClain, (1 H liaher, Mack Sommer ville, Harvey Sommerville, 0 It Ward, Jerry Hay, John I', .1 D Bennett, J H U Ileiidi-rson, J B Hill, D It Hill, .M Wilkin. .Samuel Swift, Hiram Smith and Mary AE Fmith hit wife. Wesley W Briggs and Har riet Briggs his wife; A O Hovey and 11 C Humphrey, partner, tinder the firm name nf ilovey 4 Humphrey; John M Thompson, Ivan 1! UnnHuii and Ifauc Vnndynr, defend ants, for tho sum uf lfi,&7 o9, with in terest thereon at the rate uf una per cent, per month from April 'Jlith, LSS'.'. Alio in favor of the following defendants, to wit; Jerry Hays, $117 24; Mack Sominervdle, 8147 LI; O li Ward, $1,811.11; laau Van- dyne, $45b3; Catherine Wtigle, $1,120 50; Willoughliy Churchill, $223 SG; Kliznlielh Sommerville, tW 57; Sok inoii Cox, $I7'J 04; J II D Honderion, $700 50; II N Hill, $4S 1.1; lieorge Bailev. $1,200 73; .1 II Hill. $227 03: t It Hill, Sif7 33; Henrv Kansche, $l,(i04 C9; I U Dawson, $28,722 50; with in terest on each of the foregoing sums at ti e rate of one per cent, per month from April 2lith, 1882, and the further sum of ?.'I77 3", costs and disbursement in said action, to gether with the accruing costs and expenses of this sale, and 'for the foreclosure of the mortgaged premises described as follows, to-wit. Beginning at a point iu the center of the County road Itading from Harrisbnrg to Spore'a ferry on the McKenzie Biver, 20 leet south of tin) black locust Handing on tne cast side f S'tid rad on the donation land claim of Joiin Diamond, l.otilicatioii No 073, in T In', S II 3 W. iu Lane County, Oregon, supposed to stand 100 yards from the sawmill, tlience running due west nh, thence south 40 rod', thence east to John 11 Milliion's west line of a tract ot land conveyed by said Millimn to (i 11 Murch, being s section line, thence north to said Millirou's north-wcH corner of said tract. thence north-westerly by direct line to the place of lieginunig, containing li acres ot land, more, or Ics; al-o the right to dig tho present rare way to and from amd lawmill, on the premises of Isaac Vamlynr, at deep and wide at may be necessary for mills that shall actually be coutrncte4 on said premi ses, .with the right to bank the dirt and stone on either tido anc' to kti p up the present dam ami premium, being the premi ses conveyed by Isaac YamU nuand Iti.-. wife, Sarah Yandyne. to Oren Noble, on tiie 28:1) day of Sept., 187(1, ami l.y Oren Noble mid Kiiza Noble lii-t wile conveyed by deed of warranty to Horatio Stone, dale) nml acknowledged on tho llth ih.y id March, 187(i, The said piemitH hereio'ore con veyed being subject to a judg ueut ben iu favor of J M Tin 220. dated Nov flth, 178. The S W It of the S Ii i of Section 22, and the E i of the N W i, und N W 4 of the N W i of the N E 1 of Section 27, T 17, S li 7 west, containing MO acre, in Lane Coiintv, Oregon. Also the N W J of the N E t of the N W i of Section 10, '1 15 South, lt'inge 4 West, con taining 10 acres, more or leas, in Lane county, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said rxrcntiou I will sell the nlmvo deirr;bed mortgaged premises at public auction to tho highrot hidder, at the Court Housm door, iu Eugene City, liue County, Oregon, on TiieHtlay, the Hint lny of October. At tho hour of 1:30 o'clock P M of said day. 'I erms Cash in "U S gold coin. J. II. CAMPBELL. Sheriff of Lane Co, Ogn. Date I tl is .'0th day of Sept, 1S-8'. Summons. In t'le Circuit Court of t!ie State of Orem, for the county of Lane. James Humphrey, Plaintiff, va. X. L. Strange, Defendant J To N. L. Strang, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Onupin, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaiut filed i.ainst you in the almve entitled action, on or before the 6th day of November, 1MS2, which is the first dav of the ne.xt reuntar term of said court, ami if you fail so to answer, tor want thereof, the plai.itilf will take judgement Anaiint you for the sum of $100 in 17. 8. gold coin, and for the further sum of $40, attorney fees, anil for the corta and duhiirveinent of this action, and plaintilf will further apply at said time for an order of aaid Court ti sell the following real estate to katisfy sm h judgment as plaintiff may recover against defendant,-which said real eUte baa tieen attached at the instance of plaintiff u tin rtwrty of defendant., viz: I'he West A of the East J of Section 1, T. 18, S. of K. 4 V.: a!o coiumrn'ir.K at the North west corner of .Section , T. 18, S. of K. -I W., and rmiiiiinr thence E.u.t 60.00 cbs., thence South 1M662-3 c-hs., thence West llO.Ol) chs., them-e North 20. titi 2-3 ch. U place of bei,-in-nhi. containing in all 3-.'081-10U acres of Und, in lne County, Oregon. 1'his siimaioiis is puhlislinl bv the order of Hon. R. S. IWan, Jiidne of said Conrt, male Jx- jJU'"" on t,,e li,tn l'ay f Scpu-mber, A. IT. C. HUMPHREY, GEO. 8. WASHHCKNE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Oll UGXEHIL nElirilAKDISB ( T. n. HPrinDiotre fpiIEBEST SHOES EVER ItROT'GHT a. w inrs Barket, at the lowwt price T. (J. HENDIilt'K ADsMIKISTRATOsTS NOTICE- IOllCE IS HEREBY GI"EN THAT jl i ww an'ierKi-neu nas been duly apiKuntmi aihnini?.tratir i.f th . n, t l ...... chil.l, Hecrai?d, by the County Court of Lane .....t, oidhh aii permns naring claims atrainrt said tUU, are hereby notified and re auired V nrment tha um r..n.i :c.i to the und:iiTTie.I at the Law office of 8rahan , a. i.iijen. m r.-ifrie n.y, (.hrgoa, within six months from the date hwif. I UIL i EL', Att'y for Adminiitrator Kuffeaa City, Sepi 30, The Dry Goods - 1 0 1 OP 0 L I Has stopped in $20,000 Worth of Dry and Fancy Goods direct from A. T. Y., will be sold at Eugene City. Goods as cheap asin New York: 1 j wide Table Linen nt 2 cents per yarJ; worth 50 cts per yard. 18 yard of Eitncy Trials for $1.00, and everything at such bedrock price, ... We keep the very latest in Ladies Cloaks and Doimaas. Our Boots and Shoes arc BUCKINGHAM 1IKCHTS nmke i,rl 'w warrant every pair. Vo keep GROCERIES and nell them f-r rush nt Portland price Bird Cages, Wall Taper and Coal Oil cheat wr tbii nlwhvn. Coinn and nee ax as you nuruly will ave 'lb per cent, on nvrfjlhinjf yout want to buy. I. X. L. STORE. - TTGrlESBTiE CITY". BIjUE FRONT. " ATTENTION ! NEW FUHITURE 0PS1QLSTERYE J. R. REAM, Corner SEVENTH and WILLAMETI'E STHEETS, Eugene City, 0-rS ju. . fUST RECEIVED I'KOM THE FACTORV A. 3L S'j??J J ' " lart" assortment of the latent styles uf li'uriitur lJ&WPyl ""' '- P'",!,il,:t'i cousiting of fine f.A I !,. s. Pn n li ' TT'" Tables, Fancy Furniture, Chairs limPfl Ofall Descriptions, Etc, Etc, -'IPffSqWR1 WM will he sold at the LOWEST Trices. I DEFY iJ'i- CO-MPETll'ION. &&--.lT U rfl All r- Wwl -U-i ' n,y i,"c" """ "Biiweo lor ncinnii. & r JW " "" take plensure in wailini; on viitors. Oive iue ;a cull before pzirehn$ir;g elaevrluro J. 11. REAM. sPuBi Goods sold as in Oregon, for or Cash Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. Call and see. WHOLESALE and Rstail Dealsrs and Manufacturers of all Kinds of Furniture, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Coffins & Caskets. V $Sr Special attention given to all ord for by Mail or Telegraph, Night or Day. 25jr Retail Dealers willfindit to their advantage to send for price list be fore purchasing elsewkere. Dr. N. J. Taylor, m DENTIST, EUG EXE CITY, OREGON. Office up .uip.. one door a.uth of Thompson and Bean's old otlk-e. All work UUAKAXTCED. Eugene City. Stewart & Co. N. the I. X. L. Store and Pbrnnbor Snirne. 5nfae I nnno-M iti pre refpertfidly invited te call and si- low as any House Geo. B Morris, Attorney and Counsellor-fit Law. EUGENE CITY, OREGOJT. Keal Estate bought and sold. Money loan4 Collections promptly attsai tA. Credit Mil