The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 06, 1882, Image 7

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    Tbe UentUU
The modern dentiHt la not like tbe
dentist of long ago. The old-time dent
ist did not repair toeth, he simply up.
rooted thoso that were decayed. It is
only of late years that the dentist has oo
oapied recognised position in the de
partment of minor surgery. borne
dexterity and considerable muscular
strength were the chief qualifications of
the dentist of our childliood. When a
patient called on ono of tbem, the dent
ist would put his finger in tbo patient's
mouth, and after feeling around among
the stumps and shaking them one after
mother until a howl from the patient
demonstrated that he had hold ot tbe
right one, he would say, laconically,
"It's got to come out." Then he would
go for his instrument). These mechani
cal appliauoes were of a very primitive
cbaracter. They consisted of several pair
of things like bullot molds; those of the
larpput sizo ho used on adults, and the
smallest ones on children. While he
was engaged filing the rust off his instru
ments, the sufferer had time to note the
contents of the room. On a shelf was a
ioi)e, with which nervous putienta were
tied in the operating chair; on an
other chair a basin, and a pitcher
with a brokon handle containing water
presumably (or the purpose of washing
away Buch gory evidences of butchery as
the operation might leave; on a broken
leggod desk, propped up with a brick,
was a skull with a cracked jaw-bone,
which was too suggestive to bo pleasant
or soothing; in the window-sill the den
tist's library, consisting of a copy of
Wedl's "Pathology of the Teeth," and a
portion of a volume of Moore's melodies;
in front of the operating chair, hnugiug
on the will, was a steel engraving repre
senting Napoleon on the Inland of St.
Holena. Tbe picture was evidently put
tin-re with the view of distracting the
patient's attention from thoughts of
agony in store for him. Vhilo he Mas
wouiliriug if Napoleon ever had tooth
ache, and if he ever burned the inside of
his mouth with creosote and oil of cloves
in his efforts to d .'adcn the puin; und
while he wis wshing that he could
chango places with Napoleon for a day
or two, the dentist grasped him by the
hair, ttirew his head back, inserted the
can-opener in his mouth, and began
groping around for the bad tooth. Wbon
he found it his usual plan was to crush
it into pieces and dig out the fragments,
oue at a tima. Daring the operution the
sufferer groaned, and moaned, and
yearned for death. When tho den
tist got bis grappling irons around
the root of a double tooth, and braced
himself up with his foot against the wall
for a long pull a strong pull, a pull alto
gether, the patient thought thit the end
of all things was at hand, that an ex
plosion had occurred in the cellar, and
tnat the heavens were rolling thomselves
up as a scroll, whilo tbe top of his head
was being broken off, aud his vertebro
was being jammed down into the hollow
of his legs. Wbon ho was calmed with
a glass of water, be found that thealarm
ing solutions be had experienced were
caused, as tbo dentist put it, "by the ex
traction of the molar from tho ulveoltir
The modern dentist is a different kind
of un aggravated outrage. Ue has a col
lege diploma that he keeps hanging on
the wall in a tin case. He usually has a
nicely furnished operating room, where
he has an elaborate chair working on
pivots and hinges, that ho places the pa
tient in when lie is pulling his tooth,
and another to bo used when a tooth is
being tilled. He has hundreds of instru
mentsdiminutive angers and gangers
aud scrapers, and one vile thiug that
seems to make about 700 revolutions a
minute, and with which he bores into
the nerve of your tooth until you
feel as if your immortal soul was being
tampered with. Uut tho modern den
tist seldom pulls u tooth. He prefers to
till it with some guttapercha sort of com
position, or with gold. Yon see the fill
ing will, in the course of time, come out.
and then he gets another job putting it
in again, whereas, when he pulls out a
tooth, that ends it; the owner of tho
tooth seldom cares to have in decorated,
or to squander bullion on it after it is
out. lie usually carrios it in his vest
pocket for two or three days, and then
throws it into some vauaut lot. When a
man has an aching tooth that tries to
push itself into prominence, that seems
to swell up and get in tho way of every
thing he trios to eat, and to take more
of his thought and attention than ho can
spare, he can go to the modern dentist,
who will fill him up with gas uutil be
imagines he is up in a baloon, soaring
up utmost as high as the dentist's charge
for tho operation, and when ho comes to
earth again the tooth will be gone, and
there will be a vacant plaoe in his jaw
that will seem to him to be about tho
size if a town lot. The paiuless den
tistry of to day is loss exciting than the
painful dentistry of tho past; but is
otherwise an improvement on the old
sty'e.- Texas Sittings.
The Floods ix Texas. Information
from Fort Concho, Texas, says that the
region along the valley of tho Concho
river visited by the great llood of two
weeks ago, has been thoroughly searched
over, and fifty-three white bodies recov
ered and recognized, and that a larger
number than that, mostly Mexican
herders whoe names aro uuknown, were
also recovered. Tho losses at the towns
of San Angeles, Benficklin and Concho
foot up 12,000. The loss of stock and
property in thj surrounding country
will aggregate much more. Cash relief
subscriptions for the suffering, mostly
from stock men, already amount to more
than 310,000. All that section is devoid
f railroad facilities, the nearest point
being over 100 miles distant, and it was
some days before the extent of the
calamity was known.
"That verse of Gray about tbe un
known Village Hampden, and the 'Crom
well guiltless of his country's blood' is
elegantly turned and specious, but un
true. When Heaven goes to the trouble
of creating a genius means are provided
'or its most fitting evolution. Flowers
do often 'blush uncen and waste their
weetness on the desert air.' But they
are not geniuses. The man or woman of
genius is in the nature of sunshine and
cannot help brightening this world of
ours." London Saturday Iteview.
The doctors should not be abused for
being too professional to advertise. The
undertaker advertises for both, and it is
generally understood that way. Detroit
i'ree Press.
ail sonrs. .
Singular that a girl who wears hand
some hose can never get out of a ham
mock without a tumble.
When Eli Perkins was in London, he
refnsed an invatiou to visit tho office of
Truth, as he folt a desultory delicay
about being called to account.
"Wny do you refuse to fresco the in
terior of that dome?" asked an artist of
his assistant. V because I can't appreci
ate high art," he replied.
"Serious parties" are now the rago in
Loudon society. Invitations have been
extended to all tho English humorists
aud editors of religious papers.
The Providence defaulter did 'not
speculate in stocks, and was a member
of a club and not of a church. It is
harder than ever to tell whom to trust.
Perhaps riches don't bring happiness,
but they bring in food and fuel without
resorting to the doubtful expedients in
dulged in by the impecunious.
The King of Siaui rides a bicycle.
He also owns a white elephant. Jf
he had the Brooklyn Bridge in addition
to his other luxuries he would die happy.
People who complain ad out the signs
on publio parks warning them to "keep
off the grass" forget that any other pol
icy would result in their keeping the
gruts off.
The London Christian World adver
tises a mediciuo which it say 8 the Inde
pendent advertises and recommends.
The Independent says that tho Christiun
World lies.
"Do you own this fence?" Bavagely in
quired a farmer of a tramp who was
hanging over the structure. "No, I
don't own it," grinned the nomad, "but
I've got a lean on it."
An Ohio farmer who has barbed wire
fences all through his farm, says that ho
gets one-fourth more work out of his
hired man than he used to when he fur
nished a top rail to sit on.
The ancient advice as to how to cook a
"lepus timidus" is applicable, with a
slight deviation to the chap who is about
spreading bis bread with restaurant but
terfirst catch the hair.
A fashion journal says: "June brides
are t e sweetest." Maybe bo; but it is
the general impression that those who
have the most "sugar" in their own
right are not sour, by any means.
The rotunda of the National Capitol is
to be temporarily need for a fair, for the
purpose of aiding in the erection of a
statua to Garfield. Better bunch the
congressman and sell them tbreo for 25
Florida is said to have a preacher who
can make a better prayer when drunk
than when sober, and tho Boston Post
has the information that "the deacons
fill him up ou Sunday us their religious
' Alliteration in headlines ii attractive,
but when tho sense is spoiled for the
sake of rymthin it becomes absurd.
However, an Arkansas journal koptures
thokake with this konnection: "The
Khedke Kerflummixed."
"O, pa, look!" exclaimed a little boy,
pointing to a glittering bauble on the
shirt front of a country editor; "is that a
diamond?" Tho father glanced at the
shining jewel and replied: "No, my son;
that's only paste."
fcwallo by Millions.
For several years past, at about this
time in the summer season or early au
tumn, there have commonly appeared
brief items in tho Westerly correspon
dence of the Khode Island newspapors
concerning the annual gathering of swal
lows in that town. These items seldom
have done more than to state tho fact of
the birds' appearance, or possibly, to
givo a short Bketch of their doings. Per
sons who have noticed the items at all,
or given any thought to them, have,
from the meagre statements given, con
sidered the occurreno of no 'special ini
portunco or interest, but simply in ac
cordance with a well known custom of
sr lluws to flock in groups before their
annual doparturo for the South; aud
when, occasionally, a statement has been
mado that the swallows annually flock
ing at Westerly could bo numbered by
millions it was thought to be merely tho
exaggeration of some enthusiastic cor
respondent. Ouly those who have visited
the place in proper season have any idea
of how much these stories meant. Upon
an inspection their number seemed Le
gion. One could think of nothiiig but a
snow storm with black flakes. From the
plainest outlines of the lowest flying
birds, to the merest black speck
of the most aspiring wanderers, the
picture was ihat of constantly moving,
intermingling millions of littlo wiuged
creatures. It was a sight never to be
forgotten. At times, no two seemed to
be flying in the same direction, though,
as a whole, the vast company would
Bway from side to side above the grove.
Again, a group of hundreds would take
a common direction, circling around the
inner circumference of tbe general com
pany, uow ilesceuding towards the tree
tops with a symmetrical swoop, or rising
in the air until almost lost to view. Then
they would return to the common crowd
and resumed their separate courses as
By the mildest- and most conservative
estimate which tho reporter could make,
after talking with several who observed
the birds daily and could best judge of
their numbers, be was forced to admit
that there were at least 3,000,000 of
thum. To say that the cubic spaco oc
cupied by the birds in this nightly flying
to und f io, after all have gathered, does
not cueed 5'JO feet dimensions each way;
and to believe that, compressed into this
space in their closer flight tbe birds
would not exceed twenty-live in caeh
1,000 cubic feet of space (ten feet each
way), is to mako estimates which all who
have seen tbe birds will say are alto
gether too far within bounds. And yet
this estimate would give at least 3,123,
000 birds. Providence Press.
Beeciiek ox Henry Wsrd
Beecber has answered the qnestiou, "Is
it wrong for a Christian to dance?" in a
sensible and characteristic way. "It is
wicked," be says, "when it is wieked.and
it is not wicked hen it is not wicked.
In itself it has no more moral character
than walking, wrestling or rowing. Bad
company, untimely hours, evil dances,
pany, wholesome hours and home in- ,
fluence may make it a vtry great bene- j
Quinoe and Apple Preserve. Have
one-third weight of tweet apples pared,
cored and quartered; equal wei-tof
sugar aud fruit. When the quiuoo is
boiled tender take it out, boil the apple
in the quince wator, put them into the
syrup and let them boil uutil they look
red aud clear; an bonr and a half is not
too long. Do not boil the quinces in the
syrup, but put layers of the apple, when
done, into jars, w'ith tu, quinoe, provi-;
ously cooked tender . in water, and pour
the syrup over them.
Tit tht Farmrrt and Mtrhnnivt. of Oregon,
'ahintjton Territory and Idaho:
We with (o call your uttent'um to tht fad
that our annual Catalogue ami price list (or
1S82-83 it now ready for distribution. It
will bt found rery ralnabl aid intlrurtire
raiding, and will befurnuhtd gratuitously.
Send vonr namt and pnttofiet addrett lo
1S4 Pint Mreet, Portland, Oregon.
KpT-lm P. O. Pox 17 )
Frank Abcll, the Portland photoKruphcr, Iim
lately addeil the inoet nugnifioont ihow or pic
ture! ever own in the city. Jlii Imperial panils
as x-en on-the Front strvot entrance to thegiillery
are geuuine works of sit and will bent (he I'losrst
Haven's) loariult t herry Tuoili Paalt)
An aromatic combination for the ".reservation
of the teeth and gums. It in fir rupcrior lo any
preparation of it kind in (lie murkeu In law,
litiidaonicopxl iU, price fiitr cent. For snlu
by all druggists, liotlge, liuvis & Co., whole
sale sgcuti, Portland, Orvtcou.
Billy Mnttliewi, the grent hour and dunce
artist;'Molllo Archer, Ida Clieter, Irene llakrr,
and Flora Franks are delighting the audiomvi
at the Elite theater in Portland uigtitJv. Co
and lee the Hipulur flow of atmiscruoa'
Xkw, Rich And l't iis Blgoh! Tho use of
Oregon Blood Piirilier.
A Boston man has sued the Captain of
au excursion vtcamer that failed to start
on time.
Book Aki Music Bursas: Send to Wiley B.
Allen, 153 lhird street, Portlnnd, for any book
or music published. Order by mail tilled
promptly. The "Muaicul Pastime'," a moulhly
journal of music, 50 cts. a year. Scud stump for
big catalogue of music.
The best liver regulator known, a sure cure for
Dvupegwia and indigestion is Dr. Henley's Cali
fornia 1. X. L. bitters.
Ti'RKisu Reus. Send to John B. Cnrritton
107 Third street Portland, for catalogues ol de-
Send $1.00 to W. D. Palmer, Tortiaud, lor one.
year's subscription to the Pacific Overseer, the
great semi-monthly A. 0. U. ft. neper.
Garrison repairs all kinds ol sewing machines.
TttfA ( 6V '' .-ft'-
KxpUmed at font of this column
Mail BiBlrtry
oiXO.V,' HKKNNTKIX '. -Cor, from und
Mark, T'lriittiHi, manufacturer of all klmls f hw
rim'. HtMul fur rittHltmiuv
Ml M Al
Til K MIMIC AL I ANTIttK.A monlltly Jour
miltif inimii' (Doth viH-ttl aim! ItmiruiitfiitiU.t wilt to
hiiv HtMrt-KN for AovtH Hir ytr, Aiiilrt' Wtli-y H.
Allrii, iiilllHlicruii(l music UtMiUT.Jii Ttiinl si reft,
Port html, (tnron. ('HtHloifHM fret.
II. MA X II K. Civil Knifliiwr. I'ontiiwtor find
Hiirvt'vnrH. Oltii-e Itoom No. H''H UuiMlnK.
KaM I'orllanil. All khit of mirveyhiK Hiid drafting
)l'nndrnny pitrt of Mm country.
EM PI K R'llA K KR V.lS"VaHliliitonrV,ow A
Fuhr, I'roitH. Muniifm'turem of Hint oreitit, Stxlu,
Hcnle. Kiittcr, BoMoii, HtiKur him I Shot Fly criw'kt'r.
Onlcru fmi a the trade MH4tiil Miitl promptly m-
ti'Wli'il tn.
W. U. IK.Wi: A CO.-HM Front ntnet nctir
WathlntcKHi. (irt'N. nn'taln, in I tie ml waier. cohU,
He, ntr-'fully mmlyewl. Awuiyn fur ((old Hmlntlvor
;i,;otlmr iiu'UlHfmm I. to ft.V Oold dtmt boiiKht
hiid bunt'. Onlcm by nmil cunfiilly alU'iidiM
J. II, MolXTOHH.-Onr. Front and Stnrk. Chem
ical iiintlyxlM made of coal, mineral water, etc. Or
dlnury ttwuiVH of it-dd, nttver, lead or copper, from
.Uov lir. r. iiarvcy. ntumuniM netiiHi
!. I. K US I'll Y. Attorney und roiiiitteior ul
1 jiw ICooin A le liiira'a bulldlnir. I .c un! buMlncM.1
iMTtHlnline o Letter 1'alent for inventlonn, befuri
M'p 1'nteiit OtMre or In the ('mm, a nec1iilt v.
Mucittlum Koud hrt, Irtrr unit Wood Nta
Nuatb l'orlltiul(Or
Dr. IMIkitiHton, tute IWeworof V.yv A Kur iMHeaHett
In the Medical Department of Willamette I'nlverViy
Iihh erecttd a line htitidhiK- on a IWuiitlfiil elevution in
the Hjtith part of the city and 1h prepared to accotno
date pat lent n HiiflerinK from ull dlHeaKenof the KYK,
F.A It or I'll H AT. AIno will pay meeta attention to
perwinn laborinfc under Chronic N.-rvoiin affect Ion,
ami to diHcafteft iriiliur to women.ariit n-cleve a hun
ted nnmherof caws expecting conthienieot.
I he Intention Itt to provid a Hoi ie for ttuch vnnon
n it It h II the tifst hvlenlc arenclea cttnliluefl with thr
tw-t medical Mk lit to he hail in the tnetinjM.lK
Consult lute phyctan and NiirKeon Dr. I'hUIn Iiarvcy,
Prof, of dlweanen of Wotliel) anl chlt'lP-li in the medical
department WIllHtnetTc Cnlversttv.
Also lr. J. M. F. Ilntwne, irof, uf I'hy aoloy tihh!
dep't. Willamette I'Tilvermlty.
ror any amount of refcn iH-cn anil .(r nhr, Bddrci
nil. .i. ii. Fii.Kifv.,
'nr. 1 nn( W'jihtntrlon Ml., I'wOhimI.
Ladies' Underwear,
I.N FA NTH A NIX '1 1 1 1. I'll KN'H
165 Third Street, Portland. Or.
v. n. H.ii
ujl nsiiTii. . a nur or.
rOMTLAMt ok.
Liver tud Krfin diaeoMf Telued bj Ihu
if V"
SImmondH Kentucky Nabob
Kourbon Whiskey.
Of all ihilni(iii priKlii, Hie lllui-tlniia IMv
lik'l int 'hili t r.,r ixiiliy ami Huiur.
fur Imull)' kiiil uirilkllml urH
l mUiirUn It h miul,. (nitii 1'iirv Iwrli-v ami limt
Irim. nml lu vnrliniiiMiKiiii'in iwrtu Ii. imIi-.I hiiIi
M-ltMitlllr w-unu-y.
The Best ind Purest Brand In the Market.
Tonn hi via.
ol AiMlafar I'ortlund. (trrani, 4 Ik IVr
Hlorlr. ln r- llir an W miimiIIiiI Iiv ) Iwr
nl hnll iMirri-l tir cww. hi i Iim miiiii- imrf mill t,anu on
In KfiiliirkyiirKitii KmiH-lv-fi.
Vint HeKUlule Hie I iver and KMiicvit, reanu the
Htoniuch of all Morldd Hcrctlonn, and enjoy Hint
ureal hunt,, -WimmI Hfalili. No miHrrer nhonld fall in
KlvtMhlh pipnlur rctiHily a trial, tiet the UKM IX K
mid ohHcrve tlie Tntdc Mark. I hit Ihillur p-r tH.ttle
For wile evervw here.
Recommended by all Physicians,
ltp-1 r.imo-ilrH on buck of llnltl-.
A Sure ('iin- ii.r lilli!tnlon. l.n of Apreit'f,
uj Ihu lkul Utvt Kin"''1" i:otrn.
To til' or it'll any but ttio cimiiiIiio article nut of
our b'ltilc Ik lelimy. and whin ikltctcd, will be
prm-cutt-il io the fu.l I'JIoul nt lb law
Trado u.pii.-i by Arpad Haraszthy &. Co.
031) WmhIiIiivioii ot., Han Kroiirlnco. Cnl.
And by lluylua- Vonr
Now York hoot and Shoo House,
No. Flnl Mlrrct,
Ilftwivn Yauililll and Tuylor, rortlitiul
A tlmt Mii-aim nmke Ihu hcilt-(iiiiuiry rlt-ht-r. ,
have jimt ri'i ilvnl ilir inmU-li-Kiint mick of nnmln
pvnr linniKlit In rurllainl.w hli li uri' m-IIIuk nl run-.
Ihnl no oilier Iiiiiiw ran. Wlx-n yiinn oim- to tlm rll y
lirinK l '"" wlioli- fitnilly Hint wp will wll llirni
iiikiii nt nmiiiilnliliiKl.v low luli-cn. Onli-rs linin ihc
riMintry will hi- minl ly Hlti-nili-d to, and we will my
ri'licht on all kihhN -mi to yo".
eimsui, aokiit
roa tsii
$1000 JtEWAJtD
lolt mora rffeLtual rrnwlr tli.ii
Dr. Kwk' Sure Cure fur Catarrh,
Whloli has itood the tMrt for tourtrrn ymrs. 1'byi
t-ln,, DrOKKliiUi, and all wbo bv o4il and thor
ouidily tMtl It, pronounc It arlc for tin- cure of
tliUloutiiiuBMKlacaM. Talk Your drug kUI biu
"'lK"': thnrounhly ondirtndi, and lafmlnfntlT
wiivnwliil In Ui Ui-mnitnt ol aUrkroal auo din
rait ,1'MHol beta km and nil Iivlnj
iimli- m MxiJtyof Uo-lr trntnirnt for fourlrn inn
llr in-.! without UlUl'f tli. kulf'. II U l Tor
lie unm rlptlon It rurnlnhrd lo ludy imtlrau rrcc
No Iwly tbould be wltbout It- Youiif . oikl.llr .-l ol
old, nmli- or frmalp, b.wnltjr or a life of Mini-rills' Is
yuur liKTltabl doom tinlraa yoa iply In Unm to lb.
iibynvbui boundniunil, wid laraiupHvni t-i tn-M
your raw. Wmi no more tini. nor nioin-y with In-conilx-U-lit
phynlclanm. All romniilnlmtlnn. attrndi-d
hi with illfiu b, Mid ar .trirlly rorilioVnWU. Mrdl M-nt t" y part o tho roonuy. t'lrrulara, tntl
luniita. and a Hat of prni'fi quinta n fiiriilahMl on
awMkatlon. llltKl XTATKIH I BI li Incltw
a ilirM-cwil nan.p (or IVl and addrn- UH JA.MkA
K M K,'o. I Hnnftrgj.fonUiid. Or.
Uralrrla Knraad
MadlaaaMtPavtlaMUO. .
Parti. anlilM IMkn, raslam ar A W
MIl.I' Mil HISLKI taaxin
ky lalnatis Mr. lalMMr.
New mid Socond Hand Mahincr
aaaat and aal ar IraaVd ta afra,b
i mm ,
.(. (tainEuso mucoDS. Hit.
1 BlOODjgOlEIll
r w?kTHE
.. .
X 1 f
r S V V T1 T V H
r"""! Ruirrrrr
M''n trrt nimrifi ri)m
THK A 1 .111 N novlKX'llvVh. of h the h'mivi n eoinnlett pUl, In Hltnutitl pext to Alhlmt. mid
Im'I .-n Hint fiontliiK mi tioili Ihf t lei nl t-'niirth Mn'i'l. Kii-t Win Iwiul. nl tiie V anoouver roti'l. Alt lti
loin tu hlock ;M ?7,2, aS'iuiil .1) nre "tlJi'teet, w(ih tent ? (hhi nllvvn tnnmnti ti e hltN-kt, All the u'lter 1oi
n( ,Vli-tleit. Hie Ktrii-iniirt nlile.uii I Imve nil been fleiireO, lillc ttit lot nre I tilth miU level ih1 run Im
vcrv rtvill)' tienrrd,
Ue now utTer (or wit- for it nhort time u Mm lie, I ituutber of these lotMhl lihKki at nuwumhle prtre hihI ou
Chi) term.
I'll K AMU X A IIOMKSTK MI l uin leMlnimhly the Ih nt Helil for tin et ntei.t mul the moht U slmti1
ttiu (or liHtitl'h iiou In the nmrkel. Hurl '-r piulinity lo tin eltledof I'uMIhiiiI rtml I Ht I'orlluiitl, nml to tlm
iienv v hnproveiiienti nm tn hK I'lHtltil out hy the VHiiuim ,tunpnnleti iiotler I ho ltritloii of Mr, VlliMnl lht
I'ry iSM kn, hJevninr. M.u liiiiy Mioi mimI oiln-r worki o( ilnne eoinp:iiilrt-Itn iieftrneh mImi to the Ainina
Kerry, toKrilierHlth the nmhss-. Mti'ft H ilUity from I. mni'l Kerry. In Kimt Porilnnd. will iunke tint
priiperiy very vtttlhle tnoii ll puilol lIu'M i-uktu. Tliew KilVHiitnuett will nere-Hrlly Atlrmi m Una (hip
nltii Ion, unit in the mi milUne m.ike thin the inoul (xtpnur Htitl VHlimitle mihurlmit pntiHTty lu thkvVlnliy,
while In the iier future Ii muM furnish h.nni nr the ruphtlv InereiikinK itopiilnilou of AlhliiM, nl then it m
vnhiewlll bent len-iUlve thniH ulmt e now oiler II for. Wewlll nhow (he oroiwrty iimt ylve full Int. .mm
lion tu nil who mu Mpply lo u iN iwumllv, hoiI luquliteHHililre-metl lo unhv nmil will receive prompt Htteiilloii.
K J. II lulIT A ( O., Itenl Kninit .eiiu, MnrriMiii mnvi.
untl U)V.NDALh Jt U Ueul KUl Aetiti,U ViulilnKtou nl. PurtUu.l. dr.
co 2 1
i s I
QQ fl I
UJ j I
s i
i I
I 1 )
aaa iln ''I " ' "I1
BMUutlewTtad. Mask, "TaUl !
Is on rrnry paa-.
Ka.ll AVaaray atreat, . F.,
frcata aU Ckraala and paolal 111
f V le-'U ot youthful follls or IndlMTetlou, will do
well tn avail thttiniielvt of tht. the reent boop
r vt liitd M the Klur of uiTerlnc hunmnlty. IK,
HIMNNKY will ftuiiranttr to forfeit IV0 for ever?
tne of Ht tnlnul UvMlcneu or prlvatu dlwwiof uny ur ulnvrwjter wtilcli li uuUerukM aud (all to
'Irr ntfi manr t tbo of thirty toatitvwhr
nre trouhled with too fnmifnl eiu nailniiB of th
hUiller, often aecompAfiliH) by nlltfht ponnrtlinc 01
hu mtiiff -tenutmn nml ft wmkeiiltiir ol the nviteiu Ii
miinner tht put lent run nut svount for. On ein.u
loli ihu urtnttry depoHltn a py ntUni-iit will ofti
h (iitiitil.und omi'tlmei tinull ptirtleh i of Hlhmuei
v tl Mpper. or tli color will heuf m llilh mtJ k InIi hup
K iln i'h;iiiiiiif to tlurk und torpwl uiinenrHii' e
There nre tunny men who die of thin dHH nil , Uno
tftiit f( i he euunt, which ) Hit Heroin 1 Hin.'f iif Konl
ue! WeukiH'NH Dr. H. will Knurmutee n -f ( ure Ii
H mifh mid ft healthy rvttorutlon of Uiegt
iirimiry orKanB.
oitl. e Hiiura-IO lo4 and Hundava from 10 U
II A. M. 1'oiiiiulu.tlou Una. 'ihoruiijiti i rumluiaio
nd advice, i
C'aU or ftddnivi DR. HPI.NXKY it I'll..
No. II K"itMv irei't. k- !
h '(Mi:: I-
I; v
Thm Klnr.l HITTKBH la tba WOULD.
VHollac I ha y.tHm and arrrat lha ravuaia
Ibn llrrmirul Alrohitl llulill,
A.k your Ilrossiat ar Win Marrkanl tow
WII.MKini.HOdi f Atntm, aa Prma'
V". .1. VAW At - Prlaad
All Modern Improvrmrnta. Oprn all day.
J. II. HltHltll, PraarlatOT
JIQI'ltl on liRY, Klr Elofl;-ATM()MI'IIKHI.
J liiMifllatiirn," prii-a Vic. Dry t'urr and Innuflla
bin niMld on rnrlit if prkr, with fiill dlrM-tlon for
D-.Lc. K. It. hKIIM(lKK Co., lir i'.-u ll Ptnl
i rerl. fo-tiaud, Ol. IW! iK.'lU for IhrS. I'ai'ltll
Q ai. airwl
A oor rntlrr Imrrr In. and traimfrrriil tli. aiM-y
of tbr Vt'lmr Hrwina: Marluna toUr. John K. Ilarrt'
aoi, of IT Third tr at. Furtland. Or. Mr. (tarrVam
III hrreafti-r aiiily lha arowlii( drtnaud lor Uil.
auiwrior and a. bMd macbiua.
i'C m: " ill
tr- ' -'ill
UlalAuaalJ btJaalMiMaiBl fcAlAAlaiavai,
Moodyt of New York ( ity,
A Urudnutv of tit ftw Ynrk Mr km. I mt Mrdl
rtui. hIm mt h Dublin frurtlc-c.
A wonl to the public--I'onimlUtlosi free.
I Invite the alrk, no niHtter whut thelrdlwaeti may
Im. o fall and ni ittiMitte fur UieiiiPHdven lie fore atiati
lUinlnK all heN. for It will ntMt you nothing. 1 glvr
liu inrouraKi men I en leu therein a fair pnxpevt of
making a eure. I III eudeuvor to he mudid In my
opinion and reiiMinaide m my runno a. 1 claim not t.
ritre everytMMly, hut lo cum all that ran In cured, 1
have had twenty yearn' uucce-vsnl practice lu the
tmttmi-ut of IhiiIi uctile and chronic dlM-aven. I hava
lei'Hiil tu I'ortlund, and all t a"k In thut you give me ft
fitlr, unUlnmHl lital,hy which I hope to merit your cou
rhlence, and Klve entire aitlHfaciloii to all nurtirlna
humanity. My reputuiloii haalreen acitilrel by tie ma
riuuttl wllh my pullenl-, thnmnh jeamuf amveMifiil
practice, bolh In Knrope aud In thin country, and
HtiulloUNly keeping tip w lih the ae. 1 know the caua
and n-im dy neuhil, not by jiicuMvurk, but by years
of exiertetice.
In my Irciitmenl of ntHnMllMHWMi T makeuHof ft
new method of ci re. 'I he irealineiit Imtlniple and the
moil fi 'iil hie of all. There In no uuph uMint 'iiatloii
w hulever atlendhiK the ireninieiii. 1 invite nil pcrnon
aithcled to vhdl ami freely convince ihenntelveM. leav
Imr me to verify Ihe arncrtlou hut there hti never
e tinted a n-iiunly m atitrl IImk and linmeltae Ui (tn
vfleclM. lheM noted ciiiiilive a'di. a luttidlcl 111 my
pniclice, are emhired and appro vih! hy the fai-ulilea
oftMith Knrope and America. T he ettiM'ti
are pen-eptllue aiuumt from the Murt. Vn re(unll
hicurahle. and4f yi urn utandlnic, yield to it mild hut
woiiilerful Inline! , And In no cane cm the treaU
incut he attended mlh the leant (lunger, thereby ten
UMng It to he ihemnnt harmlew agent lit thi-mreii
Itfa-tt. l liohe who wUh io apply toradvkeoi trt-utmeiit
may coiilldrntly do no without lienimtloii ordnlitknce,
an (he inoht timid may relv on thai Inviolable ftecrcv y
whit h Iiun alirady provetl the barl of ait -.tenilve
profeMMtoual reputuiloii abroad.
t am-Ncan he treated by rorimpcndenco when a ,er
ponal Interview In IntiKikMlhle, providing Ihe vutleutH
will mluulely detail all of their bodily u hinutii. and
meulul (llMtiirhnuceN written tn a Hlinple and imtural
nl vie, and In acconla-lce wllh the nee. unary ileintlNof
I heir own ftHngi Oi.e N'rmiiuil Interview, hftwever.
even wllh (tHth nif ri'NidliiK at n !lMance U tdglily ile
ulrtthle when pmcttmMc, mid will more thuti repay
the patient the expeiiM and trotihle of ft trip ro Kurt
land. 'I he ailVHiilnge of even a vinlt are aniuuei t und
manifold. A -.Ingle vUll tu moit cuneN will t riable the
docior to form an m curate opinion and note purilt ulurn
whl b might heloitlghl of In lin iecorn spomh iii e,
imitk'Uliirly when a mlcrnHoopIr aud cln ndi ul anuly.
hi la attnolutelv iit-ceNNiry, Cat kiln nut r-Nid
login the city who wlh to trama't their li'i-lne-
Ihrotigb ihemud-iorlry i-xprchN tan tme the necen
sury remedleN Dent lu any inldn'HH orhftnl ai.y rail
wa Htiitlou or iMtiu-h idltce In Oregon r NVniidi gloti
'lerrliorv iitilll culled (or, carefully pin ked and ue
curelv aealed. Olllce and ltenldeiice. LXt Urnl ptn-et,
ItitoniN Jfi an . 77, Idd'a New lUiiltllng, i'uriiir first
t.'4 I'nioniltW. lNtrtlaud. Oregon.
Are the BEST and COST NO irlORE than
IMhrr Brattds and if the Mcnhant with
hIioiii yon Trade doca not keep onr Cnwid
It In twcaiiso It PATS better to sell
pair of BimU or Shoea eiery TWO
M-iiilha than erery FOUR or Ft YE.
We make. All Morchantfl In Good Credit
rah prorure those (Joodn at onr Ware
hotiwa tu TOKTLAM) or Sau Frandxco.
VrPbl. r" Atrragtb.
M 1. aalna Kaawdyaad
-rra Tonic Is thr la-k-lllinata
rivnlt of or.-r W
vraraof prw-llral riifrl-.iii-p,miif(';KK
I'Y, rvoo. aod VhvHl
nl iwtililiy, Hrmlual
VVakliitiH, Hpirniatur-rlliii-a,
lniMitiiM-y, Kl
HaiMtMl Vitality, l'ri-iii.-niro
IhtHio anil J.IMA
or MAMMOitl), froai
whfttvr oaiiM- priKlurrii.
It enrli In . anil J'orlllK. Iim blonl, HtrrnKllirns toa
Ni rvea, limln. Miiw-li-a, Diai .tlon. KinHiu.-tlva Or
tut, and J'hysli'al ami Mwital h'viUlkn. II
loi aar unnatural drlilllutii ( dram upon
tin- syurm, prevrntlnc liivoltnitarv low.,
bllltatloa' dri am., wulnal Iomh wlih lha uiuio.
tu?., an dralrui'tlTa to niln.l and limlr. It la
amirrHlniliiulor of all KIDNKV ANH Hr.AHKRK
INIIKKIilKNT. Ta Iknav miSm-Ui f mm laa f
frala ut yitatafal ladlaeratlaa. ar rarrMra. a
lirrdy. Ihorfiaalt and prmitaral S'l HK la
UI AH.IITCKII. I'rli-a. A4 prrhoitlr.or va
IkiIIIh. lo ran with full dim-tuiua ami adtli-a,
to-iit ai'iin' from uliM-rvatlon Ui any aililn uhii rr
cipt "f prlre. or I'. (I I. To 0- had only of
llr. f. II. MnlnVId, ! Kriirar .treat.
Han KraiiilK-o, Cal. (uiwultailunii ainrtly roiirtilru
Hal, by li-tter or at olllrc. fKKK. Korlheniiivt-nlriio
of itliul. ami In onli-r lo an-ora iwrtwi tb i, I
havr aili'i'ti-d a private aitilrraa, uinli-t whk I) all pa. k
aai-i ara furw.r'lwt.
Hufflrlrnt w In nn-rlt, will Im vol to anr on.
applylna ny lltrr. stallnir nl. .yinptoma and acv
l inninuiili-allolis utrlclly colllldi-iitlal.
31.000 Ili:WAIlL
I.iok anyokf: who wii.i. i.k.Vkv
1 Krllinia Hz dlllaan'a Myrm nt Uma
and C lonk 4 uula. and. with a iiort iiii-hm-irraod
prrffi't rnttliil, pnnliMV a luwl lltni'S
arihnt. brv.nU Jliipriivuni-nla liava jw
'm-i.u madr. Ag-i-utlto im-II and l-MJ-h aunlfl
n rvrrv town, iioiid tuti-nt. run J.iiUi
IU to fiavroay
l'lii.i.. M,.lr,i. IV . W
10000 Plants
1.000 Organs.
H.-.HUI ..,
l ManulMtimr.
t-. lala
Iimu-ii wia
CaUliM. ttm,
m a.ikilMal
hi w J