CITY AND COUNTY, UltlKF HEXTIO. Tr fcoed dentistry go to CUrk. Brief your chicktn U Btttmaa'a, The raiay season hu commenced. Msdical Lak Slt at Hay an Lucky's Six peuads of coffee (or l at Goldsmith Jk work a peciality at the Guaitn office Getd furniture and low prices, 1 Ream'i aotte. All kind at grail ifttdi for mU at A Gold 'smith'. T highest cash trie paid for wheat by 7 1 Dana. Cherry k Day keep the beet tock of under- taWif-bd. The City Councit meek at Dunn's Hall Mood ay evening. Ooeds delivered ta any part at tha city from Goldimtb a. Freeh citrate of magoeiia made 'daily at 'at Haya and Lackey'. The only place where yoa caa always aell year chiakenl la at Bettmaa'a, Oar merchant have bea Tery busy during the paat two weeks. A gentleman from Texae Ii talking of etaA- lnf a boot add sno itnre here. A full a-eortment of ladies, mine and'chil drea underwstt at Bettman.s. The G range ttre ia navlna; a new eklewalk bid in front of ita building. w unaeniana mac a ttosenul. will aoon atari a variety itore here. Mr 8 E Goodman, of Independence, It In "the city visiting relative and frisnd. Inmeaea ateck of crockery and glaitwara t greatly reduced price at Goldsmith'. Who il'iloing tha undertaking business? Beam. Who ia aelliag the furniture? Beam. Mr E P McConnell ia authorized to cive subscription for tha Guard at t'leek, Wasco county. Mr J P Dickinson, Vho live near Juab tioa, will (all alt hit farming implement! and cattle, Oct 16 th, Seam don't advertise anything ha can't tick when bo aayi hia atock of undertaking geade ia tha beet. Lou of tiair and gVayneu, which often knar tha prettieit face, are prevented by Parker a Hair Baliain. ' Von caa get 3 cana of tomatoes for 50 Icist, 1 can fresh peaches fAr 25 cents, and (the beet tea in town at P 6 Dunne. 133 acret of good farmland well improved, tear Engeae City, for al. Go. M. Matin. The huntera are playing aad havoo with the geese on the prairie east of town. They re very tame at thii time of the year. Mr T G Hendriuki wifl fiy the higheit market price for all kinds 'of hide, fur aud tallow. Giva him a call e'efore idling. Mr! H Friendly w'lt fay the highest 'cub market price for wheat. live tiiVa a tall before idling your grain elsewhere. There will be a social dance given at Cebnrj, Friday evening, Oct 13tK Ticket including tippr, 2. C S Vandyne and James Smith managers. Ve revived a letter from one of our mem nit in the Legislature, Tiursdar, dated Sep IWth. Ben Simpson had better be taking rare nf the mail service, than lobying for A H Mitchsll at Salem. j An auction of "inidV goods ia being held ?n this city. We would advise our rollers to purchase of our local imrchaats who sell ttrst-dlaii fcood, and at prices lower than ny traveling concern. Beeeived on consignment, by Bettman, tiVUei and Missel cloaks, dolmani and ulsters, which Will be sold at factory prices for the Viext 30 day. I have cSder to return what f i left. Call and see f(r ynurseCvea. The largest auorfaent of folding chain and rockers, taarbli-top center tables, pier Mirrors, rjat and coat racks, window cornice And picture Moulding at Cherry and Day's, that ha ever been brought to Eufew, all at price that can't be undersold. Ream, the undertaker and furniture deal er, will receive in a few Aiyi a iplendid a aortment of rawhide furniture, which he will ell way under any prices ever offered in Eugene. Don't bay until you aee hi atock. Yau can get 10 the of sugar for L " " fit !ba of coffee for II. " 3Ilisof tea for $1. " " 6 can cf oysters for $1. " " 7 cant of tomatoes for 11. goods cheaper than elsewhere t Goldsmith's the cub grocer. Horse Stolm. Last Tiierlay night Ira Allen had a horse stolen from Mr Robt Hayes' Wn In thi city. Wednesday morning he started in pursuit of tha thief, one Foster, and ver took him near Cartwright'i and recovered the animal, but did not arrest him. Deputy Sheriff Watli made a trip to the Siuslaw Country after Foster, Thursday, but wai "Unable to Sad any trace vf him. Br RKQruT. At the earnest request both of Home who have and some who have not heard the sermon of RevBL McLafferty, on "The Bible of the Future," being the last of a series a "Christian Eveidence", he has consent! to repeat it oa nest Sunday, Oct 8th, at 7 o'clock P M, In the Baptist Church. All, and espec ially young people, are cordially invited to be present AlAltsTlo. -Sheriff Campbell arrested Bobt ttaber, Wednesday, by request of Sheriff Pur don, of Douglas county, for the crime of larceny. Eeeriff Pardon came down Thursday and took his prisoner south In the evening. Mairho.-Io Eugene Cityj Oct 1st, 18S2, by Bev E P Hendenon, Mr Chas W tybni fcod Misa LLuie Simmons, all of Lane coun: Marrisd. In Eugena City, Sept 30th, US2, by Rev E P Henderson, Mr Jaa BntU and Mrs Elixabetb Bine; all of Lano county. Dka. Mr F M Whitemore, formerly i resident of this y died at hia home ia Pendleton last Monday evening. Nonet. Ail indebted to Dr Joka iNickka mast aetUe oa or before Oct lJa K B. No. 117. in (ollowtog bill waa mtroduced Sn tha Houa by BepresenUtiva Hsyea, Sept th, and read tha first time Sept CTth. Tha bill ia a mentonoos one aud ahonld pau by all means. To State now hi a chano to pro cure fea 'tndowinent to the Uutversity at very thght cost to itself t , ww wis a "naasAs, air nenry vuiard baa ero- posed to tha Board of ItegeuU ot tha Uoi- vsrsity of Oregon to endow the aaid Uuiver ity with the auni of fifty thousand dollars. on condition that tfie State of Oregon pro vide an annual allowance of five thousand dollar; and Wbirkas, The interest accruing from the University Fuud, together with the tuition received, are not sutficient to meet the an nual expenses of the aaid University! and W HERRA, The rapid growth of thi Stat and the demand of education require imme diate action, and that thi young and grow. ing State ihould furnish an institution of leartiog therein to become the poor of any in cur inter States; therefore fie it enacted by the Legislative Auembly ui m ouiie oi uregon? Section 1. That the proposition of Mr Henry illard be and the same ia hereby ao cited. Sec. fi. That there (ball be collected an annual tax of one-fiftli of ono mill upon the taxable property of thia State for University purposes. Sec. 1 That there (hall be and there is hereby appropriated out of aaid Uuiversity Fund the sum of five thonsaud dollars 'an nually fct the support of the University ot Oregou. Sea . The tarn hereby appropriated shall be drawn "quarterly, and iu each amount aaahall be required to pay any deficiency that may exist for the current ex penses thereof, and (hall be drawn in favor of the Board of Regent ot (aid University, which deficiency (Tiall be certified to the Secretary of State by the Executive Com mittee of the Board of Regent upnu the re port of the Presideut of the Faculty. Sec. 5. The remainder of tuch tax aball be and remain a ipecial University Fund, subject to tb order of the Board of Itegeut for library, apparatus, building pmpoiei, or 'other improvement, the warrant to be drawn by the Secretary of State, a herein before directed; provided, that no larger aum than ooe thousand dollar ahall be drawn within the next two year for apparatu aud librarr. Commissioners Court. Court met pursuant to adjournment. Present Hon C W Fitch, Coanty Judge, H C Veatch and S S Stephens, County Com- miasioners; J B Campbell, Sheriff and Joel Ware Clerk. In the mattor of levy of taxes for the year 1SS2, at thi time the Court examined the assessment roll of Lane county, Tor o year 1882, as returned by the Assessor, aad after consideration it ia ordered by the Ccurt that the following levy of taxes be laid upon the assessable property in Lane county, Oregon, for the year 1882, to-wit: HILLS. State tax .....-..5i school tax 3 County tax (!) Total levy 15 Also a poll tax of . In the matter of paintiug the Court House, it was at this time ordered that J B Rhine- hart bo appoiuted Superintendent to paint the Court House, and is authorized to employ men and to purchase material to faint the building two coat, and (aid Super intendent ii to receive $5 per day for hia thfie aerially employed. In the matter of the application of B F Plaster, fcr liquor license; it wai ordered by the court that license be issued to said Plas ter, to retail spirituous liquors at Cobcrg, Lano Oouuty, Oregon, for the period of ix months. Cottrt adjourned. Salaries of County Judges. MV Simon has introduced a bill to regelate the salaries of all county judges in the State, which make lome changea in compensation and make the amount lor the different etountie; the law to take effect toon a ap proved by the Governor. Baker county, $600; Benton county, JGOO; Clackama county, ?G00; Columbia wohty, $000; Cooa couuty, $(100; Curry county, $300; Douglaa county, fCOO; Grant county, $S00; Jackson county, $800; Jnsphine counly, $300; Lake county, $300; Lane county, $700; Linn county,-$900; Marion county, $1000; Mult nomah county, $2000; Polk county, $500; Tillaaiook county; $100i Umatilla county, $600; Union county, $300k, Waico county, 700; Washington county, $500; Yamhill county, $700. Ix Tuwii. -Senator Slater and wife were Eugene Wednesday. The Senator was cordially received by hi many friend her. He i one of the best men that ever repre sented Oregon iii the Senate. His dection four years ago was consummated on the first ballot. At tub Cascades. l)r J W Bean, former ly of this place, aud a graduate of the Stale University, is at present in oharge of theJ government hospital at the Cascade Locks. We congratulate the Or on his appointment. Married. At the reaidchce bf James Lnper, oo Thursday: Sept 26th) i882; by A C Jennings. J P, Mr Charles M Kissinger and Mollia V Majors, all of Lane county, Oregon. BoR! i Ormos. By the last eenius bul- letin we see that according" to the cersu of 1880. there were then residing in all part of ihe UniUd States 81,608 persons who were bora in Oregon. Died. In Little ButU precinct, Jackson coanty, Sept 20tb, Jaa Biley; aged 23 year, S months and 4 days. . 1 EtnTACRAirr.-Mr C M Nichols, recently ol Dilroy, California, will shortly start reetsrd- rat in thi city. Cottage Grove Items. rROM OCR SrKCUL CORRRSroRDtST. J Cottaoi Grovr, Oct 4, 18S2. Mr Jack Nolton ia happy. It's a girl: Frost and ice hare on the 27th and 28th: Squire Vaugliu will have hia mill runniug within a week. Dr II Wriuht baa a fin bound: We learn MVXMt bim $80. Mr Darwin Briatow, of Eugene waa in town thi week. Mr Hugh Whipple, of San Francisco, is here visiting his brother. Tb tidewalki here are in a very bad con dition and need repairing badly. Married, Sept 24th, 18S2, by Ber II C fralker, Mr Charles Sears to Mis Amanda Cape. Two ahowa thi week: Morrill' Thur day and the Mattie Taylor Co Saturday evening. ' Mr 0 P Adam had a valuable hone killed here thi week, by having it leg brutal while harrowing. The public hall here need more aeata badly. A it is, many are compelled to stand duriug thow, oto. Some fears are entertained that the ware house floor will give away. About 16,000 bushel of sraiu i stored therein. Messrs John Morse, B W Veatch nd W H Medley went out hunting last Friday. They returned tbe following day, the two fornnr having killed one doer, and the latter four. ' The river has risen considerably siuce the rain, which will facilitate the running of the railroad tie, that are on the way down from the mill. Artx Junction City ltems Junction, Oct 5, 1882. Last Friday night's dance is proaounced quite sajoyable and successful. There were forty-two regular tickets sold. As usual soma one had to pay dear for ths dance. Thia time ft fell upon Mr John Lawrence. Upon bil arrival home in the morning, he found hi barn and content in ashes; the principal loss being the hay and grain, as the header and thresher housed in the barn were iussred with the barn in the Lion Insurance Co for about $800. Origin ol ths fire unknowm Last Monday a certain lawyer ia company with other citizens of this place, started in a hack for Eugene. On their way the lawyer reached into his pocket, saying: "This is too heavy," pulled out a sack of coin and threw it under the seat in which he was sitting. When the party reached their destination, each ons went about bis business, forgetting the money iu the hack bottom. Time to go home cam and some of the party drove the hack boms, arriving about dark. About that time Mr lawyer, who remained at Eutrene, bethought himself and telegraphed an ageut to go to ths livery s'UHe and look for th money. Mr ageut accordingly went to the stable, ordered - ths hack searched aud found a sack containing forty-two twenties. What ability a lawyer's gold has of looking out for self, regardless of ex;osur and bad back-beds? Some of this party never thought of the sack till the next morning wben told of the same. Mr Harry Cornise was recently made the happy father of a little daughter. Look out fore, dancer. Ab. Arm Amputated. A S Patterson, who went to consult physi cians in Portland last week, was advised by ths medical fraternity to haye his arm ampu tated, and he arrived home last Saturday with that intention. Tuesday morning Dr Sharp ies, assisted by Drs Whitcaker and Patterson, proceeded to amputate the limb at the shoul der ioint They also found the disease lscated in the gland below the arm, which necessitated its removal for a length of about five inches. We understand that the operation was a suc cess in every particular, and the patient is doing a well a could be expected. We ho the physicians have been able to remove all the diseased parts, and that a permanent cure may be effected. Mr Patterson has the sym pathy of the entire community, in thii, hi very sad affliction. Tha County Fair. The first annual fair met at the grounds near Goshen Thursday and Friday-. The at tendance was not so large as was expected on account of prevalent rains. If the weather had remained fair a large assemblage tfmild have been present, and a splendid time had. We are informed that the exhibit of horses, cattle, sheep and swine Is large, while ths grain exhibit cannot be beat in the world, Mr George Belshaw having hi exhibit on the grounds; the fruits, vegetable, etc, are far above the average. We will try and publish the entire premium list in the next issue of the Guard. . Toes Shot Ori'. Mr John Belshaw while fooling with a loaded ihotgun, which, be of course thonght waa unloaded, bad the bad luck to discharge the content into hi left foot, while ttanding near Goldsmith' (tore. Dr Osburn wai called and had to amputate the fragment of two toe. Johd is likely to be more careful with unloaded shotguns in the future. Christian Cm-Ren. The State meeting of the Christian Churcn, in Oregon, will be held in Eagene thi veer. The meeting will commence on the 18th of October. If the weather ia pleasant it ia expected they will have a large attendance. Large CoyTRACT. Mr Max Friendly, of Corvallis, ba contracted for 2,000,000 feet of saw logs from Hiram Smith, of Harrisborg. The logs will be cut on the upper MeKenzie river.' and delivered at Corvallis. W did not learn the price agreed upon. The Tatlor Trowi This excellent little company gave two entertainment at Lane's Hall thia week to moderate sized au dienoea. W besptak for them a cordial re ception wherever tbey rlay show. To Lease. Chas Baker wishes to leas the dining room of ths Et Charles Hotel for six month from date. This Is a good chance for som on wanting employment for ths winter- Give him a call hnmedUtely; STATIC UNIVERSITY. A ooluum devota! to h fntortnU of tU f AIIMan aart.l V...w:. I sa..l the stat I'niveraitv. .. .. . . jvmu.vwh s..i swu bamxisaji liilflsUI aJl'vev asvs uu I' - I Elba Lock wood, - fv. Up iron Editorial. With thi isiu of the column we aimm our editorial duties, We aball endeavor to follow in the well-beaten path of onr prtde eeori guarding the welfare and interests of the Uuiversity and Society. With what success we meet the future will show. Odds and Ends. Keep to the "right" girls. S W Condon of the class ot '82 is a candi date for the oilio of State Librarian. Three new regent are to be appointed by Gov Moody during the aeision of thi Legis lature. Ha our new marshal forgotten the fate tbat befalls all woman kind who can't build a good fire? If the State accept the proposition of Vil- lard, the University will have about eight thousand dollar mora per year for it use. Two member of the astronomy class are so deeply interested in the "starry firm' ment," tbat they are seen taking observations nightly. The solstitial psiot wai very graphically leaoribfid by a m imber of the autrouoiny class, aa the place whore the sun stops long enough to turn around. The word Psychology was misprinted Physiology, in the last column. We would not have anyone labor under the impression the seniors were studying Physiology; they fiuiihed that years ago. The truth of the following was realized by a company of student a few night since. 'Mid apple aud melon, Though you may roam; At the sight of a dog There' no place like homo. 'John McCornack and W II McGee, who bave been on a surveying trip since last spring, reached home just iu time for the Sociable. Notwithstanding their "elderly' appearance, tbey were recognized and heartily welcomed by their many friend. Ed Bailey, of the clas of '82, i low at the medical school in Chicago. Ha haa been pending the summer in the employ of the Burlington, Uuincy s Hock Island II I(. He will return to Oregon in '85, when he expects to bear the title of M D. The regulation made lately, thattheyoung hdiea going up aad down stairs should limit themsdyes to the south side cf the Uuiversity building, and the goutlemen to the north, is perplexing some of the Kutax ians of philosophio mind. The trouble is, they don't know how to get up and down the front steps. They don't know whethor to petition the Legislature for an appropria tion to build an txtra Might aome place on the (outh tide or put up a partition on the front steps, or whether they might not take the leas expensive way of sliding down the south banister and let the gentlemen take the north. 1 Elections. The Eutaxiaui elected the following offi cers, Sept 22: D E Cogswell, President; J Spencer, Vice President; I Patterson, Secre tary; J McClure, Treasurer; E Lockwood, Editor: M Dorris. Marshal. On the evening of the same day the Laureaui alio elected their ollicers. Their names are as follows; Bnnjamine Breakheart Beekman, President; William Canary Taylor, Vice Prcsidont; Genrgie Washington Hill, Secretary; Dar- wiu Wellington Mristow, Assistant secre tary; Kwing Robert Walker, Treasurer; ltoyal f reeman tteaionnr, leusor; josepn Randolph Wr.itney, Editor; Juines Kirk Whitoaker, Sergeant-at-anns. Students Reunion. Saturday evening) Sipl 23d, tha studonts of the University assembled in the vhnpel for the first time this school year. There were about bne hundred and fifty present. The old students looked much improved by thelt lummer'i vacation and the new ones proved quite an acquisition to our school societf. They vary greatly in "magnitude" and "brilliancy." " 1 here was dumpy Fresh and seedy Fresh, And Freshies short anil tall 'i he Fresh who gets his lesson, And the Fresh who don't at alb The most conspicuous in the assembly were the Seniors. Judging from appearsncs the professors will have difficulty in keeping pace with them this year. The string band furnished excellent inusio for promenading, which waa always in order, rrolessors Johnson, Collier and Bailey were present, and ahowed by their friendly greeting to the old itudenta aud warm welcome no the new ones) that they take great intsrest in the welfare of all under their care, and many a new comer who felt that be was "far, far fraa home, found kind friends in his proless- ore and schoolmates. At eleven o'clock the sociable broke np and all went home by the "light of the moon. Inaugural Address of President Cogs- wen. Lima Members of tb Eutaxlan Society: I acknowledge, and since it is proper, I wai. titr iim linntpflliln Twattlnn in which ,u. j - - - - "-- you have elected me. in accepting inis cnair I am iully aware ol the great resoonsi unity at tached thereto. It is needful I suppose, to now assure ytu, that I shall endeaver to dis- .t . 1 .11! I I.-... cuarvre me amies ana uungumi inuum ucm on me President of this, our Entaxian Sister i wl ts. tha Im liafc of nv aHlitv. "And what can man no more, or woman either. There is ohe thing especially l wisn to men tion and tbat is our lack of knowledge concern ing Farlimsntary Laws, wherein the Eutax ian ' Sr deficient; wherein we are unworthy of our Founders, our Charter Members. Shall we rest content to stand where they left us! ITiis Is mere existence we owe more than existence; we owe life and prosnty to wis Society, an obligation which w discharge just in proportion to ths Interest and determina- . : k . k fthiirft MuH nmnr una n.r mrL W all fed tb need of a clearer knowledge and , .inaar iVmnr nf the rules and remilation to wnicn ws are sunaervwnu . x U T l . ia nv, vu. m uv - i let us remain where we stood last year; we MA well enourh then: what i tb us of thi TV - 1- ... M. .. W.if.ri.n hn will SAT. exertion? Neither is there on who will ao I L V.. La MA k. ahiliiv to Sll' Kivwjnig. .un mw , ... y ma Lun mm with thi .a nf imnrove- ment T hereore, ainc there i no cxcnie for ft. 1 be you cae wis naiung ana noiuum back, as It were. And to you who are just entering our raaas, i ,M a. ala, ra ini-liiiian1 IB theM r marks, for upon you in a (freat measure depends l.a .... nmiTMi anil ailyetf uf thfl ElltAlian Society. I could say nrtich mors; but let this times. Again I thask you: Real Estate Transactions for 8ptm- bar. L D Scarbrough to O E Close, lot in Crs well; consideration 1023. NA W How to L D Scarbrough, lots, warehouse, etc, in Creswsll; eon 11300. 7as McFarland to H II Chance, lots In Cot tQrovs; con S12L D Atberton to Jas Offit, loU In Eugsns; eon HOOd. i UeoTowntendloWGUfry, one-sixth inter est In 820 OTM con i33. . Warren E Bouy to W R Gflfry, asm a above; con f 433. T N Bouy to W B Gilfry, tarn a above. A T Boonett to Geo Smith and Isaac Smith, UO acres; con 12300. B U Haxleton to J Burtb, loU In Cottage Grove; con f& Elizabeth Corner to A Fearcs, lots in Eugene; con 1 150. A F Pearee to A S Powers, lots in Eugsns; oon GO0. Louisa Hanchett to W T Campbell, lot iu Eugene; oon f 150. Tho Bell to Wm Wooten, 100 acne; cun 200. J II McClung to Geo Midgsly, lots in Eugeus; con 1272. John Smith to II C Humphrey, 64 acres; oon 1150. David Morse, Sr, to David Morse, Jr, 38 acres; oon 1870. 0 A and U M Bonnstt to P N Bennett, 123 acres; con f 1000. A J Moore to J Modie. m acres; con 11000, J C Biubardaon to J Modie, 100 acres; con $1000. W I. Tucker and W A Tucker to W B Tuck er, 320 acres; oon 9070. Lucy Bysrs to A J Chance, land in Cottage Grove; con 8100. St John Skinner to Phuib B Klnsey, lot in Eugene; oon $273. Jas McFarland to O P Knox, lot In Cottag Grove; cou 170. A B Steven to F A Getchell, land, oon $5000. ' Jas SpeerloWm Stewart, 160 acres; con $800. Samson McConnell to F A Evans, t acres; con $550. E II L Skinner to Geo Midgley, tot in Eugene; con $40, Hannah E Gardner to Geo S Washburne, lot in Eugene; con $140. M J Burtb to N P Cbrisman, lot in Cot tags Grove; eon $500, J L Martin to Mrs M J Thornton, lots In Cottage Grove; con $750. John O' Anderson to J W Johnson, 187 acres; con $5014. II Wright to J P Currln, lot in Eugsns; con $300. M II Harlow to AS Powers, lota in Eugsn con $150. G W Khinehart to B B Scott; land; oon $100. St John Skinner t al to Edward Young) lots in Eugene; eon $100. A J Chance to N P Chriiman, lot in Cottagl Grove; con $700. J A Ebbert to J E Ebbert, 79 acres; oon $5250. M J Thornton to S 0 Martin, lot in Cres wsll; con $250. II H Chance to O P Robinson, loU In Cot- tag Grove; oon $1100. John Fletcball to J D Pvtree, 239 acre; eon $0000. Sarah Whltmor to Rufui Clark, land; oon $275. J R Parker to J W Tarker, 320 acres; oon $400. Thos B Lucksy to AD Hyland, 131 acre; ecu $1000. McFarland addition to Cottag Gror filed. Carolina Goodchild to Johnatban Good- child, interest in real estate; con $180, Pleasant Hill Goshen Warehouse Co to J D Matlock, land; warehouse, etc; con $3500. Caroline Goodchild to Rufua Clark; lot in Eugent; oon $300. U S to Louis Morgan; patent, U 8 to Elia BrigL's; patent. liurnett Seals to U W Carter, 80 acres) oon $800. J L Hoosler ano M C Uoosier to John Whit- eaker, land; con $1. L O Beekwit to Wm Wadhanit, 110 acres; oon $1145. . A L Kenlrew to O it Renfrew, land) oon$l. ?x Nolle. Notice i hereby given that the tax toll of Lane county i now in my bands with a warrant for the collection therein; and I am ready to receive and receipt for the lam. Dated Oct 7th, 1882. J; R. CAMPBELL, Sheriff and tax Collector of Lansj Cot; Or. II ill! Ill Oil FOR THE FALL & WHITER TRADE, just received from SAN FliASCISCd BY CONSISTING. OF Dry Gobds, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Fancy (Sdoik Ladies Dress Goods in LATEST Styled Everything necessary to a well rggiilaierl Store: Butter, Eggs and Chicken bought for Cash, or taken in exchange for ,goods at HIGHEST CASH RATES Persons!. Chss Laner and family visited tb metrop olis this week. J B Ream niad a basin trip to Pert land this weeii. , .a i. i... I I , 3Charly Haye lias returned from Camas Prairie, Idaho, Mr Grant Osburn, of Cottag GroVei wai ia town thia week. Mr Lee Wheeler, of Pendleton; wu ia town the first of the week. County Clerk Ware returned from a ihort visit to Portland last Saturday. Mr J L Page wu wittered at the at Charts in Portland oo day this week. Mis Bally Landreth, of the Felarle, of Port land, mad u a pleasant tall yesterday, Mr Geo S Washburn went la Roliburl oue day thi week on legal bujinesi. Mr II R Kincaid, editor of the Journal. ha been to Seattle visiting Wi lister in tbht city. Mr Richard Sparki, formerly a resident of thi county, made Eugene a pleasant call thi week. Mr L Bilyeu went to Oregon City Wed nesday, on professional business. H will return to-day. ' Mr Chas Horn has moved into bis new and commodious residence, in the north western part ot town. Mr A Lurch, of Cottage Grove, has jon'i to San Franoiaoo to buy a new and largs Itock of goods for his store at Cottage Grove. Mr C C Hazjeton, formerly ot thia county. has aoe'epted a position a Wells, .Fsrgo k Co's messenger between Umatilla City and Pendlotob. The Supreme Court Cass of I8til Among thk members ot this cla w notice tb familiar name oi Messrs Geo Noland Go A Dorris, Joel Pearoy, Geo Thurston aad J K Fenton. W understand that th entire class passed ths sxamiuatlou creditably. Th Salem Statesman says! "Thar w& a large number of th most able lawyers In th Stat, together with man others, present to witness th ex amination. Th general Verdict of all who heard th same, was that th Present class is far above th average. A hsUtofor an nounced by th Supreme Court, th exaliina tion was more rigid than usual" After the xamiuation, a banquet wm given to a large number of invitod guest. Th following wra som of ths toasts: "To Our Instructors," wu proposed by J N Pearcy, and responded to by Geo S Noland", who In fitting language tnariksd them for their assistance, aad aaid that their labor in behalf of thi dais would liv in th nieujory of their students fdrsvsh . , ''111 Stat ol Oregon," Was proposed by Geo A Dorris, and ably responded U by J Nat Hudson. . V . f ''To Our Clients ," wai proposed by Geo R Thufttdn, and responded td by Capt N t Humphrey, whose first expression" traa ''Gd pity thnV' .... Locil Market Report. Friday", Oct , lfei Wheat-71 cts.; ok board f car! OaU-40 eta., ntttl Flour$5 per bbt , ', Egg -25 ct. per dot. Butter-30 ct per lb. Sldee-lScts, par lb. Hams 15 cts. Rhoulders-t012l ot Lard 15 cts. Hoi 65 eta, Wool-Zlct. . " Pianos and Organs. A fin assortment to arriv soon from the most celebrated maker. All instrumat warranted and the warrant made good at home without trouble or expense to the purchaser; Patronize home; and aav yourself all trouble, CRAIN BROS MMaa aaa a. Satisfaction for Isn; lb bur family of ten for ovor two years Parker's Gibger Tonio ha cured headache, malaria and other complaint so satisfactori ly that we are in excellent health and no expense for doctors or other tnedioi. Chronicle. Fort Bint; The blinding adjoining Rati kin's Bazar. Inquire at this ofiice, . . . racrn n n n n