Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1882)
CITY AND COUNTY, BRIEF MEXTIOX. Cool night. . "ShoWf BUUICMM. Cold ar ppula. Everybody wat rain. Stranger eontlnu abundant, For good deutistry gotoCUrV. ' Jrlag your chickens to Betlma'. To-morrow it the first day nt October. 'Quantities of fresh NenUon la th market Tho Stat Fair Wat success financially, Medical Lake Salt at Hiyi and Lqckey'i Six poundi of toffee (or ft at Goldsmith' Job work a speciality at tk Guano office Hop pliimg i completed for the season of mi 8ee change ia the Sheriff Sale advertise taient. Cot d furniture aad low "prices, ia Ream's Wto. All kiade of grait teed for sal at A Gold emith'. The highest cuh price paid for wheat by t B Dunn. Cherry k Day keeps the beet stock of under taker's goods. Ja:k Frost msle rA appearance lut Wed nesday morning. Bettmaa will pay Store for chickeus in Cash than any one in town. Goods delivered te any part ef the city from Goldsmith's. See summons tad administrator'! notice ia another column. Fresh citrate of magnesia made daily at At Hayi and Lackey's. The Good Templars of this city lew nieot ia Odd Fellows Hall. The carpenters are at Work on the new brick store ef Lynch 4 Page. The only place where you can always sell year chiekeus is at Bettmao's. Eugene Hook and Ladder Co No I, meet at Dunn's Hall Monday evening. 10,000 people wanted to eat at the new res taurant kept by Mrs 0 J Laird. Mattie Taylor is charming child actress. BF Alt, Una's Hall, Monday night Mr Milt McMurray has built a small real Ience iutt west of his blacksmith shop. The fire engine for this city was shipped from the manufactory one day this week. Immense stack of crockery an J glassware t greatly reduced prices at Goldsmith's. The number of bogs that are r.nw being put ia shape for tnaket is larger than ever before. Who is doing the undertaking business? Keam. Who is selling the furniture? Ream. Money plenty with everybody except the printers. Delinquents Will please take notice. If you want to get the highest price for your HOPS call at Bkttjias' before selling. Mr Clark Son of Albany secured the con tract for the brick work on the new bank build ing. White paper, just tho thing for writing to pott with pencil, fof sale at the GUAtin ltlift. We are placed under obligations to Sena tor T G Heudricks, for legislative docu ments. . Sevral Portland genllemenpassed through tiere this week en route to the noted Foley Spring. Little Mtttie Taylor Is the cleverest of child artists. S. F. Examiner. Lane's Hall, Mon day, Oct 2.1 ' Ream don't advertise anything he can't iiack when he says his stock c.f undertaking goods is the Lest. Messrs Hiekathier and Wkipp havedissolvrd srtncridiip iu tlm marblo hiisiue-s. Mr Hick thire will continue the bushiest, A reunion of the students f the State Uni versity was held in the cnsvl of that that in stitution last Saturday evcuing. When you come to town be sure and patron ize the new restaurant, kept by Mrs 0 L Laird. The beat of meals will be served. Yon can get 3 cans of tomatoes for 50 cents, 1 can fresh peaches for 2 cents, and the best tea in town at F B Dunns. 133 acres of good farmland well improved, bear Eugeue City, for sale. Geo. M. Miller. MrS H Friendly will pay the highest Cash market price for wheat Give him a call before selling your grain elsewhere. The Mattie Taylor Company gave the most delightful performance ever given In Napa. Napa Register. Lane's Hall, Monday evening. . Mr W T Campbell is building a small resi dence, to rent, on Olive street. Anyono want ing to rent a desirable residence should call on him immediately. The sidewalks of this city are in a very bad condition. If repairs are not made soon, ome one will break au arm or leg, when the eity will be called upon for heavy damages. The Mattie Taylor Combination are a host k talent, worthy of ovations for theirexcellence In song, music, comedy and general entertain-ttirat.- San Jose Herald. Laas's Hall Monday tight Mrs O J Laird has re -opened the restaurant on Willamette Street, and is now prspared to furnish the beit of meals and at prices that will suit the times. Give her a trial and be convinced. The largest assortment of folding chairs and rockers, marble-top center tables, pier mirrors, hat and eoat racks, window cornice and picture moulding at Cherry and Day's, that bae ever been brought to Eugene, all at prices that can't be nnder-eold. Ream, the undertaker and furniture deal er, will receive in few day a splendid as ortment of rawhide furniture, which He will all rT trader any prices ever offered in EagMtev LWt bay until you see his itoek. ' Tew eaa get 10 Itw of sugar for I L - " SI ft of coffee for St " " llbsof teafocfl, " " can ef eyelets for f L M " 7 ease of tomatoes for (L " " goods cheaper than elsewhere at GokUaith's the eaeh gr xer. "Di Ton Hear Johi liigT At a meeting of the Democrat of this city tho following resolution were unanimously adopted: Whir tut, John Long was nominated bv the Democratio convention of Lane County ia April, as a Democrat, and Wiikrias, Said Long was elected as a Democrat to the legislative assembly by Democrat at the June electiou, and Whereas, The said Julia Long, contrary to the asagns of the party and contrary to tie will of the Democrats of Ian county, Toted for John II Mitchell, a Republican, for Senator, and WmcRfAX, At the time eaid John Lone voted for said Mitchell, there waa nominated by the Democratio member of said legisla tive assembly, a Democratio candidate for Senator Therefore, be it Kcholvkd, That we, the Democrat of Lane county, in mas meeting assembled. hereby denounce the act of said John Lung, in voting for said Mitchell, as contrary to the will of bis constituents, and Reiolvrd, That we hereby arraign hi in foi having betrayed the confidence reposed ia him by the Democrats of this county, and It nut Ved. That We hereby renuest the said John Long to resign his seat as a mem ber of said legislative assembly. R. C. COCHIUN, Chairman. F, W. OSBURN, Sec'y. The New Paper. We have examined a copy of the Los An geles Evening Telegram, the paper that is said to be enfont for this city, whero the publication will Coutin under its press tt management. The paper is Republican in politics, of the Stalwart stamp, aud claims to be only issae on the Pacific Const outside of Sao Fr.tucisco, that furnishes the daily dispatches, fresh from the wires. It is an eight paper, five columns to the page, nice clean type, and filled with Choice reading matter and a large amount of advertising. There is considerable (peculation here as to it coming. Soma claim that it is the Mitchell, or straight Republicans, who want an organ for their party. Other say that Mitchell' friend caused the dispatch to be tent in order to intimidate the Oregoniait, aud force them to Mitchell' support As fur ourselves, we know nothing, nor do We care. A dispatch dated Lo Angeles, Sept ISth, says; The paper paid off it editorial staff, compositors aud carriers to-day immediately after the issuance of the last Lo Aogele number. --Portland Standard. Lane County Fair. W take the following from the Harris burg Disseminator, which we com mend to the people of Lane county) "The article in the Kugeue Guard, written by Geo llelshaw, the well known successful wheat raiser of Lane county, meets ur Views so thoaroughly that we cannot refrain from giving it entire. While farming in the State of Illinois, we joined with others in getting np the kind of fair that i proposed to be held in our ueighbor-ccuuty. and it is the only kind of a fair we ever took part in. Where there are no entrance fees and no premiums, the chance for swindling opera tions are lessened, and a more purely agri cultural exhibit is obtained, and better fuel ing prevails. We believe that if fuir were carried on iu this manner generally bettor re sults would come from them and would sug gest to our Lane county neighbors to keep them up in just that shape. We bespeak a general Attendance at their fair from this vicinity. It is in easy retell and will pa;- in pleasure received (ruin the trip if nothing else." Horticultural Society. All who- are interested in growing and marketing fruits are rtcpiestcd to meet on the first evening ot the fair, at 6 o'clock, at the olKce of the Secretary, to take steps towards the organisation of a Comity Horti cultural Society. Legislation is being de manded by the State Horticultural Society iu the interests of Horticulture. Recognix ing the fact that fruit growing will soon be of paramount importance in this valley, and that no other county in the State possesses greater advantages for that health-giving, wealth-giving business than our own, we ask all interested to meet with us there aud help us make a beginning of what Lane county ought to have, a helpful, instructive and in teresting Horticultural Society. J. 8. Chcrchiiu Ell I "Send me, dearest mother," wrote a young Oregon State Uoiversity girl to her parent recently, "a fresh upply of the do. licious product of the Theobrome Cacao, un adulterated with farioaceoa substance or animal fata." "The darling girl," oliloquix ed the fond mother, absently "how the is improving. I have no idea what Ethelinda can require, but I am sure that it is some thing costly and connected with her varie gated studies, so I will remit unto her a ten dollar bill." And when Ethelinda opened the letter she latched merrily, and with her face beaming with smiles he turn to her friend, Blanche Sibylline SmyfTe, and said, Great akes, ain't tlfis gay t I thought the old woman would't tumble. I wanted a four-bit box of chocolate candy, ao I shot the encyclopedia at her and she sent me au X. Bully for she! Let's go and hoist in the fruit cake." DltD, At her lata residence in this city, Sunday morning, Sept 23th, Mr Joanah Goodchild, aged 60 year and 9 month. The funeral sermon waa preached at the M E Church, Mmidsy, and the remain interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, The deceased had lived fi several years in tbi city, and leave many wan friends, who will cherish ber memory. To Sxtt. Messrs Gee Nolaad" and! Geo A Dorns, of thi eity, went to Salem Thor day, for the porpnew of appearing before" the Supreme Court, to attend the examination required by law, o practice before the courts oftbieSutav VT are assured too boya will pas. Personal Mr Mulligan, ot McUinnville, ha moved to thi city. tr E G Clark paid Salem and Portland a visit this week. Mr James Humphrey and family have re timed to Sesttle, W T. Capt Flael, ot Astoria, came down from Foley' springs Thursday. Julius Goldsmith has accented a position in Mtllis Bros store, Portland. Mr A Lurch, of Cottage Grove, paid Eugene a short visit this week. Sam Rosenblatt, who ha been tu Colora do for the past year, is in town. Mr E J Haight aud wife, of Portland, paid this city a pleasant visit this week. Mr Win Renshaw and wife attended the Mechanics Fair at Portland this week. Deputy Sheriff Wallis went to Portland Wednesday, to attend the Mechanic Fair, Mr K P McConnvll of Wasco county, i visiting relative and friend iu thi county. Dr W V Henderson was registered t the St Charles Hotel, Portland, one day this week. Mr George Archberger, who is at Ituney'a springs, we learn, is muck improved in health. Railroad Agent Adair has returned from Salem and assumed his duties at the aQice In thi city. Mr Giyen Day is at present clerking iu the store of Mr J P Cochran, Paisely, Lake county. Mr E J Megler, one of Astoria's wealthy cannery men, return id from Runey'a springs last Tuesday. Messrs U F Dorris aud A W Stowell Were registered at the Chenieketa, in Salem, one day this week, Judge R S Roan returned from Coo coun ty test Saturday, where he had been holding a term of court. Mr J W Wright, the Junction lawyer, was in town one day this week, attending to legal business. Dr II F McCornack, formerly of this county, has been nominated for coroner iu Columbia county, W T. Rev J S McCain, formerly of this city, was in town this week visiting friends. He is at present stationed at Hitlsboro, M Vic Reherens, of Portland, was in town this week, to attend the'funeral of his mother, the late Mi's Goodchild. Mr Walter McCornack, who has been in Eastern Oregon several month on a survey ing expedition, returned home last week. Dr J P Gill, Commander ot the Grand Army Post here, went to Portland Wednes day, to attend a meeting ot that organisa tion Mr Peter Runey, the genial proprietor of Foley springi. came down from these noted springs last Thursday evening. He went to Portland yesterday. Mr Joel N Pearcy. a State University student, will be one of the class applying to " the, Supreme Court for a certificate to prac tice before Oregon courts. Progress South. Mr Koshler. the Vice President and mana ger of the 0 t C It II, authorises us ti state that the arrangement are now complete for the extension of business on that road to Riddle's station, six miles further south. The Mad was opened for friegbt and passen gers to that point last Monday, the 25tb inst. Riddle's station ia situated in the Cuw creek valley, and the southern terminus of the road will he moved from Myrtle crek to that point This will be a great advantage to the people of Jackson and Josephine coun ties Who are obliged to haul their good through the mud in wlutor. Aim six miles of savinit on a road with mud up the hobs, is no small item. We rejoice iu every step tint marks the proi-rcss of thi road over- land to California, althoUiih we are nrry for our Myrtle creek neighbor who were antici pating a harvest of good things by being a railroad terminus all winter. Cas CoMriioMisr.D. The Secretary of tho U S treasury, say the Standard, ordered that the case against the Captain of the Ger- mau ship Frit be dismissed upon the pay ment of 31,000 and costs of the prosecution. The captaiu was convicted some time ago in the Uuited States court, in this eity, for violation of tho law regulating the con struction of berths in vessels, and wa ad- jadged to pay a fine of 83,500. The ease was referred to the Secretary of the treasury, who consented to let the csptain off a little easier. The flue and costs were paid recently- S. B. No. 23. The following bill wa In trodMced by Senator Hendrick, Sept 23d, 1882i Seo. 1. That the esions ol tn Leg islative Assembly shall be held biennially at the Capital of the State, and that the time of meeting be changed from the second Mon day of September, as provided in Article 4, Section 10, of the Constitution of Oregon, to the second Monday in January, in the year 1885, and on the ame day ot every eecoad year thereafter. To Portlaho. Mr A S Patterson went to Portland last Mondsy to consult with doctor of that city in regard to b' arm, We understand that bi physician here was of the opinion that it would havs to be am poUted. Mr Patterson ha the sympathy of many friends in his presetaffliction A Mistake. Wa were mistaken about the provision in the City Charter not ex empting indebtedness within the city. The Legislature struck that portion out Married. On the 24th inst, at the resi dence of A A King, by Rev K P Henderson, Mr B H Lyons and Mia Cynthia A Watson, all of Lane county. A Failcre. Morrill' minstrels ahwwed at tli Court House last Wednesday evening to a I very aiua awinuw. a wiwvi - - ' always poorly attended in this cKy. Junction City Items. Junctio, Sept t!, 1882. The weather (till continue fin. The Odd Fellow hospital is no more. The addition to the hotel buildiog is un dergoing plasteritg. Mr Berry' saloon is being painted pre paratory to occupancy. Wheat hauling is pretty near a thing of the put Fanners talk rain and plowing, Prof Campbell commences a select school next Monday. Come ye children unto chunk Mr Henry Judson i moving into town to enjoy school privileges. School number sixty pupils. The grand harvest ball, to take place ntxt Friday evening, at Baber'i Hall, is the next sensation in order. Rev I D Driver ministered to the spiritual Wants ot this people, preaching Saturday afternoon aud evening, also Sundsy morning and evening. Preaching next Sunday.' Mr Heath, the harness maker, ha pur chased an Estey orgau; hi neighbors say that they can hear, every now aud then during the day and night, the molodious tone of it base. The monotony ot our little tuwn was slightly broken by the Mnrrell minstrel troupe entertainment, Tuesday evening. Their performance and' eutertainmeut are reported as middling: An. Cottage Qrove Items. ritOM OCR WECIAL CORRRKrONPItNT. Cottauk Grovr, Sept. 23, 1882. Weather fine, and roads In good condition. Some wheat waa sown here last week on summer fallow laud. The public school commenced here on the 18th, with 70 scholars in attendance. Mr H Chance sold his store here to M C E Dyers. His buildings were puixhved by an immigrant Immigrants from all quarters are arriving here. Every available cabin is occupied, and still they come. The young folks met at the reridence of Mr Chas Stafford and tipped the light fantastic toe for a few hours Saturday evening, The timbers for the new bridge are on the ground, and all who have seen thorn pronounce the job of hewing a splendid oue. Mr James Medley did the work. APEX. LANE'S HLL To be Extended 30 Feet and the Stage Enlarged. Mr Joseph Lane, the proprietor of the aliove named hall has a force of crpeutors at work, extending the building, enlarging the stage and thoroughly renovating the building. We learn that ao addition of 30 feet will be built to the hall; the stage will lis moved back, and will be enlarged to a frontage of 24 test and a depth nf 20 feat This will enlarge the hall and stag to such proportions that it will uy firt-c(s troupes to vliit our city. Our amusement loving citizens hail the improvement with de light A Happy Surprise. On last Tuesday evening, during the nlweffce of Mr Frederick Dudley, at the regular meeting of the Odd Fellows Lodge, ahout twenty of his his friends met at his rooms in the University building, and on his return had a table well spread with the delicacies of the aeason. The event was one of interest, as it was to culubrof Mr Dudley's seventy-sixth birthday. Praise is due Miss McMurray who for kindness and consideration for the wants of other, Mi Mary's equal is seldom met A FuiEXD. Pianos and Organs. A fine assortment to arrive soon from the most celebrated makers. All instruments warranted and the warrant made good at home without trouble or exnae to the purchaser. Patronize home, ami save yoursolf all trouble. CRAIN BROS. pRosrEHlTT. We clip the following from a correspondence in the Oregonian, showing the prosperity of Eugene. It is not over-rated: "If any doubt that hugenel pnsipenm a trip to this place will oonvinoe them of '.heir mistake. A large number of new buildings havs been erected and trades ami labor of all kinds have been taxed to their utmost Money is plenty and the old cry of "bard times Is no longer heard. Every dwelling limine in Eugene la occupied and a great demand fT more. Real estate is rapidly advancing and but little of it is offered fur sale. The cause of this Improve ment in business Is owing to the great impetus the building of the northern and southern rail Mads has given to trade and finance generally, besides this wheat and hope have turned off an average crop, and price for wheat moderately good and for hope very high. Dh. A. M. L Pom. Tbi noted lecturer ha entertained our people with her admira ble lecture during the entire week to crowdtd houses. She i a pleasant and agreeable speaker, aud show by her lectures that (he ha made the human system a life long stndy. The lady leave for ttoseborg Monday. A Bilk. The how given by Miller tJree, who claim to be spiritualistic medium, at the Court House, wa tb most con summate humbug that wa over inflicted en a people. The Oregoniait and Standard ouitht to have more principle tlisn to give such bilk complimentary notices. Woole! Mill Machinery. The remain der of the machinery for the woolen mill will arrive to-day. It ha only been us the road between here aud Boston about eight months. Baal Bali. A match gam of base ball will be played between two University nine's, to-day at 2 o'clock, P M, near the depot Everybody invited to attend. Married. At the residence of tho bride nesr SinithftVId, Sept 24th, by Rev A Hard inn, Mr J oh a A Cole I Mws Mary R Dci!)c4 Lancouo:y. i l' H I IBRIBERY FOR MltCHELL An Offer of $8,000 Made td Nichols of Wasco io Vote for the Discarded Boss. tsriCUL blafATCH TO THI OriuuXIax. Salem, Or, Sept 27-9 P 1-Vsterday afUrnoon Bob Ford, of Polk couhtyi a man whri ha been about th city several days Work ing ill the interest Of Mitchell, called at the opposition headquarters and approaching B F Nichols, a member from Wasro, formerly a resilient of Polk count)', remarked that they had long been friends, and that he (ford) was diaKieed to do Niehols a favor when the oppor tunity presented. Ha said further that th present situation offered a chance for Nichols to put himself in independent circumstances for the rest of his life, and that h could easily arrange the matter. Nichols, greatly Insulted, put Ford off, but in consideration of old friend ship between them, said nothing about the matter. On th floor of th House to day, be fore the session oiened, Ford agdn approached Nichols and after some preliminary talk, flatly offered him $3,000 to vote for Mitchell. Nichols indignantly left Ford and informed several of his fellow members ot th offer, snd the whole story is current on the streets to night I hare the story from Nichols' own lis and he ia ready to maks oath tn th facts as here stated. The above has been read by him and is sent for publication with his attest and a proval. ALFKED HOLM AN. Brevities. Several parties her sold their hop tor 02 ceuts per pound thi week. An adjourned term of the Commissioners Court will convene Monday. Kllza Foley, formerly of this city, is teach ing the Priueville public school. Two of our citisens got iu a street quarrel this wjek, and contributed $8 each to the city treasurer therefor. The convict McGregor, who reeertly escaped from the ieuitentiary, was captured in Coo county and i once more domiciled in prison. Mr G V Boggs, lately from Napa, Califor nia, was a successful applicant for a school cer tificate at the lute examination, and will open the school at Irving station, Monday Oct 2d. Local Market Report. Friday, Sept 29, 1882, Wheat 75fii77 eta., on board of cars, Oats 40cts., nett Flour- M per bbL Eggs-23 eta. per do. Rutter-SOctsperlb. Shies IK cte. par IU Hams 15 cte. Hboulders-I012 cte, Lard-15 cte. Hops-5052J cte, Wool -2223 cte. County Fair. Active preparations ars being made on the Erounds selected for ths coming County Fair. T4i race track is in splendid condition, and soveral race have been arranged to take place between fast horses. The farmer have promised a good display of produce, horses, cattle, sheep, etc; and we have no doubt but that all who attend will have a good time. Remember that iioxtThmsday and Friday are tli days selected for ths First Animal Fair. In Memory of Mrs. Qoodchild. Kb has gone home to glory To receive her reward, For the cross ot her savior Which she faithfully endure.1 Farewell, dear friend, Our loss is your gain; With Uod'a help well strive to meet yofl again. Mrh. M A. Hoax. Wanted. A copy of the Eugene duxan of July 1IJ, 1882. Any of our subscriber having a copy of that issue will confer a faVcr on us by sending it to this office, as our file are in complete' without it. Fine Houndh. Mr H C Owen, during the week, ha bought and sent to his home here, two very fine hounds. It is said the Saint paid the sum of 1 100 for one ot them. nntlOII B IUII1JET I will. j.xiihtwm stiisttion, I.nea of Apetite, I Mzziness and ..i im.. in .il7.,.t. CM n l.t. ir.-.-l! L . t..m Pn ljuttle. Sold by labiirn and Co, Eugene. 1EW GOODS I FOR THE FALL & WINTER TRADE, Jant ifetrited Itom SAtf FRANCISCO UY . r , CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Clothing, . Boots, Shoes, Hat3, Fancy Gdods, Ladio3 Dres3 Goods inLATEST Styles Everything necessary to a well regulated Store.- Butter, Eggs and ChickdHs bought for Cash, or taken in exchange for goods at HIGHEST CASH RATES. A Comet. A comet i now visible In the eastern skice, be' tween th iwmr of 4 and 5 o'clock, A M. A'.i who with to view it should take advantage ol the present time. We copy th following frool th San Francisco Bulletin in refereao to itt On the morning of the 21st, before sunrise, the tail bad a length of five degree and a width at th extremity of about one-third of a degree. Th outer limit were much t lighter than the luterior. The nucleus' wa well developed and so was th envelope. On the morning of thi 22d ths tail was between six and seved degree long, well and sharply defined, but markedly narrower than on the previous morning; being' about on third ot degree wide St it extremi ty. On the morning of the 19th when first seen at Table Mountain the tail wa not ovsf three-quarter of a degree long and expanded to half a degree, with a much more rounded and extended envelope. This feature of the) contraction ot the width of the Comtt is verjf marked. Td thus of our readers who wish to see t brilliant sdectacle, an early rising just before fire o'clock will fully reay them, and especial ly ths younger and. nWrs enthusiastic oue. Beside the cotuot, Jupitrt will bt seek id great brightness, witli tilC retnarkabljr dark belting arouhd his tqritiril region. Saturn 11 also visible twd hours ahead of Jupiter; but l. ipilres a fair tulecoi to see hi ring now. nearly at their greatest opening. Foley Borings. These healthful and medicinal hot spring haveboen purchased by Mr Peter Runey late of Astoria. Mr Runey will thoroughly refit and renovate the building on th prem' ises, and will be prepared to accommodate) those iu quest nl health or pleasure. Fish and game are plentiful io that vicinity, the ' scenery i magnificent, and those wishing S summer tour could go to no butter place. A nl!rlnm Annatl n i.i.nv. nrf ....... That ensure digestion and enjoyment of food; a touio that bring (trongin w tn weak and rest to th the nervous j a harmless aiim tliitfc iloit't nfinstinats iutt what every family need Parker's Giogef Touio. The pnritv and elegant perfume of Parj leer's Hair liultain explain the popularity f thi reliable restorative, WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and" Liver Complaint! Hhiluh Vitaliser 1 guaran teed to cure you. For sal by Ostium1 k Co. For Rent, The building adjoining Ran kin's Bazar. Inquire at thi office; Sleepless nights, mad miserable by that ter rible cough. Shiloh's Cur is th remedy; To Mildlkm. Old type tot babbit meta fur sal at this ofDce. noTiiuns i noTiKtti i Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sutlsrlng and crying with th excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, no at once and get a bottle nf MRS. WINDOW'S SOOTHINU SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little tufferer immediately, depend u0 It; there I no nitstak about. There is not a mother on earth who ha evit used it, who will tnt tell you at olio that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health t) the child, op erating like magic It 1 peifectly af to use In all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and tf the prescript! n of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In th United States. Sole everywhere. 25 oente a bcttlsv BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The 11 est Halvi in the world for BrulseW Cute, Sore, Ulcen , Salt Rheum, Fever SoreeJ Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns,and all kinds of Skin Eruptius. This salve U guar" anteed to give perfect satisfaction In every case or money refundod. Price 35 cte per box. For sale by WILKIN1, the Druggist, Eugene City; Mulhulland, Juuetion City. MrS II Frieudly ha reoeived a large stock of goods for the spring trade and I prepared to suit hi customer as to quality" and price. He will (oil for cash or credit ae cheap a any other (tore in town, and a hi goods are of th best quality he guarantee satisfaction. Men and boy clothing a specialty. Give him a call. A ue,li, fold or !4or Throat should be stopped. Neglect frequently result Is an Iwcurablel.niie- Dles r ampllon. HHOUIS'fl BIIONCHIAL 1 HM II I-: are eerlalri to srlvo reileflai AMlima llronehllla, owalis, t'alarrk onsuirluciv and Tbroat Ween: For 30 pears the Troches have been recom mended by physicians, arid alway give per-; feet satisfaction. They are not flew or un tried but having beon tested by wide and con stant use for nearly an entire generation, thef have attained well merited rank amongths few staple remedies of the age. I'ublte aprtskj prs) and ntnicr use them to clear and strengthen the Voice. Sold at 25 cent a boa verywer