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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1882)
TV TKE mini CITY GUARD. fcXTCBDAY SEPT. 30, 1832. NOTICE. Notic is hereby given thai J. It 'Campbell list aevennl hii connection with tho Eiacxc City Gyxno. The busino. will hrroafu r be carried on by I. L Campbell, who will collect kit IclU duo the firm of Campliell Hro. I. L Campbell, J. 11 Campuelu , Hi'iicxR Citt, August 31, 1882. Ml Long Totes for Mitchell. Moat of our rattler, are aware no ttouht, of the course taken by John Long in the Oregon Legislature, now in session. Why Mr Long foil n J it necessary to cant liia vote for J. 11. Mitchell for U. ii Senator, e will not attempt to answer or explain. That Mr. Long in thus voting for Mitchell Jas betrayed hia constituent, forfeited hi pledge and forsaken hia avowed party principle, no ono will undertake to dear. The Democrat of Lane county were, and are especially opposed to Mitchell, not only because he is a Republican in politic, bat for other equally sufficient reasons. The Domoc- , racy as well as tho tatter element of i of the Republican party in Lane ceaoity, are, and have been opposed to Joha J I. Mitchell, because he is known t to awe been a professional lobyist ever aineeithe expiration of his last term in the IL & Senate, in the interests of the greAorporations of the country; ta cause Ibe is and has been the hired at torney -f these corporations; because he is the deader of the Stalwart element in thistst; because he is a boss, the voswl loader and dictator of the spoils rytteu in Oregon politics; be cause be ia rccognixed by the better eleuteait of hia own party and the lead ing Bef ablican journals of the State as a oorraptor of tho ballot box; be cause lie is a dixgrace to the morals of oar people. It was wull known to Mr, Long (as well as to Mr. Eakin), that the better element of lwth parties in lane eosnty were strongly opposed to this uiaa Mitchell. Then let Mr. Long explain, if he can, why it became neces sary for him to forsake his party, to go back upon the men who elected him, . to forfeit his pledge made not only to - the convention that gave him the honor f of a place on the ticket, but also the pledge made by hint to the people of Lane county, throughout the eutire campaign immediately preceding his election. No man can vote for John II. Mitchell and ever expect the sup port or confidence of the better ele ment of either party in Lane county, c in this State. The men who are working for his election and the means employed by them to secure this result are a disgrace to any party. Comuj SUwIr Bat litTlublt. IVfeat at the polls is the only thing that etui bring the Republican party manager t) honorable methods. They thrive under newspaper criticisms, and and return uuabaihed when investi gating coumittee't condemn them, make capital out of legal prosecutions; but dcfi-ac at tie polls means a loss of political pst.-ousg"; and improves Stal - wart Mn-t!irtli as to other discipline . can. The standard of ability and . character iu puUie I if is lower now i than ever U'for ia eh history of our country, auJ the ea,u at it in that con- victious and ' principle hare gone to the rear, and trickery aud political ruu aing hare taleu th lead. The main effort on part of RepaMuaa politicians and party nisusgors is to hold the gov ernment patronage, and they are . always ready to drive any kind of . corrupt bargain with mercenary and de signing politician of any other orjani . tatioa to secure that euj. Fortunate . ly, however, the opioion ia gaining ground that political organizations are valuable, only in proportion to the t amount of service they reuder the peo ple, and that the people's interest can bt ta served by the defeat of the party which will retire the stalwart leaders with their corrupt methods to private life. A swift and inevitable reaction ia near at band, and cannot on too soon. The people hare served these corrupt, trailing, schxeuiing poli ticians and the corrupt exacting corpor ations that have aided them too long Already, and the indications are that they are about to administer a rebuke that will last these patriotic pluuderer at least a quarter of a century, It would not be a bod idea for the nti-Mitchell Republicans of Lane fti jutr to hoi j an itxdignstion meeting Itglitrillo. if Titn. Senate Bill No. 9, introduced by lion. T. 0. Hendricks of thi county, to "Regulate the registration of voters and to prevent frauds at elections, ought to pass the Legislative Assembly and become the law of this State. The provisions of the bill are plain, clear and directly to the point. The ma chinery would not he complicated, and yet accomplish that uiot desirable object of every honest man, a fair and honest election. The expense in carry ing into effect the law would be com paratively small Thn bill provides that the County Court of each county, at the regular January term preceding the general election, shall appoint three -judges in each precinct of the county, who shall not all bo of the sunie political party, ....1 ..l.rls lull lio nf diirr. " " : cut political parlies, lor the purpose ot registering voters in thrir precinct. The said judges and clerks shall meet at the usual place of voting in their precincts on the firt Mondny of March preceding the election, for the purpose of registering voters in said precinct Tbey shall hold their sessions for five days for all general elections, and three days at all special elections. Tho Mid judges shall receive all applicants for registration of male residents who are qualified electors of the county and State. Either one of the judges or clerks, or any citizen has the riht to 'i challenge any applicant for registration. The law prescriW the oath to be ad ministered and the questions to be pro pounded to the applicant by the judges. If the applicant is found qualified his name in full shall be written in the precinct register, the No., his age, resi dence and occupation. If the appli cant is not qualified he shall he regis tered, and hi name in full written in a separate list in said register kept for that purpose. The law makrs it the duty of every elector who wUhes to vote, to apply at the time and place mentioned and have his nam regis tered. After the expiration of the five days the judges are required to seal up one of he precinct registers, and deliver the same to the County Clerk immediately, and the County Clerk shall copy all the name of elec tors entiled to vote, in the County reg isler, arranged alphatatically. The judge shall keep one of the precinct registers, and as soon oh the Clerk ftlmll have copied the names of nil of the electors in the precinct register, be shall return the same to the chairman of said judges. The said judges and clerks shall act as judges and clerks of election. No one is allowed to vote in any precinct whose name is not fouud in the regis ter. Any person may be challenged when he otFers to vote at any election by the judges, clerks or bystanders. Iu towns or cities of over two thou sand inhabitants, no one is allowed to approach the polls nearer than one hundred feet, except the person w bill ing to vote, and only one shall apprmch at a time. The judges may allow a person from either political, selected by the party, to stand at the polls to chal lenge voters. There is merit in this bill, and if it becomes a law, illegal voting in Oregon will be at an end. There ran ta no more repeating. None but qualified elector then can vote. We trust the Legislature will pess the bilL T.'it telegraph is still busy spreading reports concerning Hon. & J. Tilden's health. It now announces upon the alleged authority of physicians that his brain is roftening and that he cannot survive long. If such is the case it is to 1 regret led, for we hoped to yet see the grand old statesoinn occupy the seat out of which he was defrauded in 1S7G. It seems that the (74,000 which it is said corruption asnesment Hu Vital 1, of the Republican committee, sent into Maine to assist the Republican cam paign in that State, had the desired effort to prevent Republican defeat, which seemed probable at one time. The State ha gone Republican by about the usual majority. The following names will always be odiou to true Democrats, for deserting their party and voting for Hipple-Hiu-hell: John Long, of Lane, Sig- ling, of Coo Sifera, of Josephine, Cur tis, of Baker, and Gate of asco. it t:..L.ii candidate belor - . . . . . it .uncneii wu ouiuiuisia us-iu Wtrn fct Iest 4500 VOt. StlJ it would not surprise s if it woulJ murk 1,000. i . Mitchell iwivrxl 42 rot, oa Uie last Ltvllot Tn.rsJsy for sbort OI the .,.,,,1. .Ui nesTtvs&ry number to .lect. . . , ," MitAdl or fortv dars" is th staJ- rtcrjtt Sleas, ' - Democrat'. " Up to noon Thuisday 410,00(1 buiihels of wheat had been de- livered at the different warehouses and mil's tit Albany, flour retail in Canyon City at $10 per barrel. . ... Sparkling Eyes, ltoiv cheeks snd clear cninirirxiott only c' company good nuun. rarser finite hotter tlian anythiug, wake purs, fich blixxl and lrl(Jl health, joyous ij'iriU, treogth snJ beauty. Lailiei try if Bssarr. fair.,, 1W. -Hint hlir.J'r:i Apliiplexy',fte.M.niv people iueiire their live i.. !...,.' fumilw'i Iit d.ntli-how para- ! doi.d U thin. To prolong life by prwrvioj t!n- hi- H!i would be a lar more i-mImim j rr of nurinz it. , Apoplexy la ewift ! l.lMutillUiittt.-Ka.liii(ii. 1.1 . stil!l nut moment wHHti I 11iin! s P'T , ttve ha been aUcoVvrsil-Hiulnwsy rilU-tu only saf and certain antidote fof this u'sese, they eoiil tin bluotl and eqnalii It circulation through the system. To iireserve tin itomaoh in a sound condition and the Mooil pure h th trut secret ot health-HolloWay's Pill will lo this most effectually, and thousands owe their actual elistem-e to them at the present day. IsruKTANT Noticr Nime are genuine un. tea Uie ligature ef J. Havdotk iurnunili I each bos of lills and Ointment. Uoxee al ZJ cenu, a:' cents and ft each. "There ia considerable saving liy takjnj the larger aim. JIoLlowaT M Co, New York. NEW ADVEKTISKMENTS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JA the undersigned La been duly appointed adminittrator of the estate ot .loanah tfixxl chil.l. ilnrw l, by t"ie County Court of I jiio County, tlrevm.' Ml per-oiu having claiuia against aitid estate, are hereby nr.tiiicd and re quired to prewut the mm, pmperly Tcrifiiil, to the undwined at the Lw ofneo of Smhn 4 Itilren. u Eugene City, tirjj.m, witliin six mouths from the dute hereof. J. SilVEUNS. Adinini'tratur. I CILYKC, Att'r A.liiiiiiislrator. Eugene Citr, Svpt 30, 1SS. THE HIGHEST PRICE Paid For tsa sJ-aray Caros and never dUan points. TaovrorlX ceat Paias Iteliever for Maj and . Baat. Coeap, qnioli avnd reliable. riTCIIER'3 CASTORLV Is not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTOIUA. Itrcffulatcstho Bowels cures Wind Colic, allays Fevcrlslincss, and de stroys Worms. WEI SE METER'S CA TARRH Cor, m CowstiUtleaal Awtidote for tais terribl mala V. by A sorption. The saos laipertaat Siaeovwry aino Voea sUatiom. Other reasedle may rwlicT Catorrb, tis ewrea at any a too; before Ceasainptloa eta In. If you are suffering with s Cough, Cold, Asthma, bronchitis. Hay Kever. Consumptioa, 1 - : .li.... . !. - .1. . ,U KY. IHSIIUlf .U WIS Uinl, IT H 1 Hecti.of the throat or tun vs. use lr. Kim: aflectiosof the throalor luncs, use lr. Kiru - ment by iu wonderful currs, cnria thousand I ' i a. iv. Kins X.w IHmwt bar bees seJ 1 v m- . v tv V a I j within the last rear, and Kaes rrre perfect !,uT: heeitaUnglv ay that Uiw is res Uy the nl sure , cure f throat and lung affections, asnl ran cheerfully recommend it to ail. Call am. rel , lrua sitl. free rf ct, r a reclar su. I ; S1.WX For sal by K. M. Wilkin, the drug i Euvne City: Mulhollaad Juactio t ity; ,sJid.Orv. . MAU. I stria ft To., wkolwal. aosats. l'cet- -HOPS! w Sheriff's Sale. VTOTICE 13 HEKKBY OIVEX THAT 1$ by virtu ot so toutin duly issued out of the Circoit Court, nf the State of Orefon, fur th County of Linn, nu th lltli U lit Ktiitn.iihar. 1532. OT me viert (Here of snd to urn directed, upon a judgment sod decree of furecloenre, rendered in said court April '.'6th, 18S'- io favor of Knoch Hoult, plaintiff, snd sgitinet Hiram Smith and W W Bribes doiiiK batincee ss partuers under th name and style of Smith k Briaa; Hiram Smith and J W Urantiold.doiiig bu.i neaa as partuers under the linn name and tvle bl Smith k Braurfuld; Hiram Smith, i M Water and W W l!rig. doinjj ,Hiues under the lirm Uaine ot fSmitli, Waturi k. t.Vi. i HiiMin Smith. Jamea Itras , nej,jt j..tll f Ma nily, i)iiuie M Shelley aud i'J Itntmwell, doinar liuainrae nucler tn 6m ,,, ,l( x,n u,,ne, & Co , Mary IA I! Mu. J e. W i;.MiBM. l.l.lia A L fitntii. J:iiiie W llrMMlicld. EliKabvlh iiaitni, AivXamlur Sommervillo, Willouijhby Churchill, U l Caldwell. Joha Q Vsuahn, lieurc tiniley, John Sommervillo, A N Hill, Joseph SominerTille. tioloinon Cox, sainuel Ais son. John McCartney, Henry Ksmch. Catherine Yei;l, A Humphrey, John Coy well. Jacob W eiule, John keliay ami John Burnett, partner, doing butinese nuder th turn nam ot Keluy lluruett; la r. Holt. K A Chenoworth snd K M Johnaou, doiuK busineia under th linn nam of Chen owoith k Johiuonj Daiunu SJiuilh, John F McCullv. Nsncv Cnraon Wiiaon, John Kaiaer, VYinHeld Sommerville, E V Wyatt, Daniel MuClain, ( H Uber, .Mack Summer- i villa, Harvey Somtnerville, ii It Ward, Jerry ' Hay, John Foster, J I) llennett, JH1 Ileiidereon, J U Hill, V It Hill, Al VViIkme, Samuel swift, Hiram .Smith sml Mary A I. Sisith his wif. t ealcy UaiMi snd Har riet Uris hit wife ; A U Hovey and H C Humphrey, partners, under th nrm uanie i if Horry k Humiihreyi John M Thnmptou, lleun It lanaou aud linao Yandyne, deleud Lute, for the sum of $1G,SS7 39, with in crett thereon at the rat of one per cent er month from April "lith, 1SSJ. Alao in avnr of tlie following ileteiiiuiita, to-wit Uerrv liav. (h'7 U: Mack Soinmerville tl47 1.1; Li It Ward. fl,SM3l: Isaac Van Ivne. r.MS 85; Catherine Welkin, I,1J0 50 rVilliiiiKhby Chun-hill, P.K3 tCj Elizabeth pomiurrvilla, fbs o.; Niloiuou (.ox, SliUlU H D Heuderaon, 9709 5(1; H N Hill, tSU II; tieorv Uailey, fl.SM) 75; J It Hill, .-j; 0- 1) II Hill, Ui7 Xt; Henry Knasvhe, I.U94 09; I K Dau, i2S,lT2 59; with in creat on each of the foregoing sums st th at of one per cent, per inontu from April blh, I&cj, ami the further sum of $377 3o, ixU and diiburseinenta m said action, to vether with the accruing cost and eXpeotee of this sale, soil for the foreclosure of the mort;agttd premises described ss follows, to-wit. lieginning at s point iu tSe renter of the County road Itading from llnrritburg tn pire ferry on the .le.euzie tiiver, "0 feet aouth of tht blaok locust ftamliii ou the east side of siid road on the donation hind rlaim of Joha l)i.iinond, l.o'ii -ation No 3,- 973. in 1 l(i, SU 3 U. ii Un County, Orf'on, supiioaihl to stand !H) yard from the sawmill, thence rnnniiiL' due west '2') rcxls, thence south 41) Pl, tlit-nce east to Johu II Millirou'e west line of a tnct of land conveyed by .iid M illinoi to ( Ji March, being s section line, throve north to said Milliroii'a north-west corner of raid trart, thence north westerly by ilirevt line to the place of iH-yinuiiig, emit lining ( acres ol land, more nr loss; aNo the rignt to dig the preteut race way to and from sii.l saw null, on the premises of Isaac 'anlyne, as deep and wide aa tuny lie nccfss.w for mills th;it shall actually be con-tnid.:.! on (aid premi ses, with the right to lank the ilirt sin) stone on sillier sidn aur to kit-pup t he present dun and premise, Ik-iog the pis-mj. ae oonv-cyi'il by Isar Yamlyne an I his wilV, Sarah Yandyne. tn O.-en Xnlde, on the'JSth day of Sept., 1S70. and by Oren Nidile and Eliza Ki'hln wife conveyed v deed of warrnnty to Horatio St.,n. lifted aid acknowlelyi'd on the llth day of March, IS7U. The s.iiil premiws hen-tufore con veyel Winif auhjwt t s jml't'iieiit lien in f.ivorof J VI Thompson f..r tho nam of jf I, a:0. ilitcd Nov .".th, 1S7S. Th S.W i of the S E i of Sortion C2, snd the K J of the X V h and X V of thi X V, 1 of the X K i of Section 27, T li. S It 7 west, containing li'sl acre, in l.nne Cnimtv, Orem. lo the X YV i of the X E of the'X W i of Section 111. 1 l.'i South, lium 4 West, nm- Utiuing 10 acres, more or less, in Iaue county, l.'rt-nou. Xow, therefore, by virtue of said execution f U'ill all tliM albiv-rt .l....-riU.l iii..i-rnn.f a.1 premises at public auction to the highest I bidder, at the Court Hons door, ia Euceue , City, Imio County, Oregon, on Tuesdny, the 31st day of Oetobrr, At the honr nf 30 o'chnk 1 M of said day. Tcnni Cash in U S gold coin. J. 15. CAMl'BEI.L, Sheriil of Lane Co, Oga. Dated this 30th day of Sept, lSSi Summons. In tlie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Lane, James Humphrey, Plaintiff, X. L. Strange, Defendant J . To X. I Strange, Defen.lant: IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Orogoa, -ou are hereby reiinireii to appear and answer the conipUint filed (gainst vou in th shore entitled action, on nr before the Cth day vt Xoeember, liWS, which ia the first day of the next regular terra of said court, and if you fail so to answer, tor want thereof, the plaintiff will take jmVenient against you for I the .nm oi fw in L . 5 pl.l coin, ami tor the further sum of attmie-s fen, and for the costs and disbursement of this action, anil plaintitf will further plT at said time for an order of said Court 1 1 sell the following real estate tn satisfy such judgment as plaintitf may recover sgaiust di-femlant, which aid real estate has been attache. at the instance of plaintiff aa the property of defendant, rix: The Wt of the Ut '( Seotios 1, T. IS, 8. of 1C 4 V,: a'so cnroineBcing at the X'orth west corner of Section 12. T. IK. 8. of R. 4 W.t and runniujr thenre East 60.110 rht., thence South 2ti.6o J 3 chs., thence West 60.00 chs., thence North !Mti62-3 chs. to pLsce of beia ninc. ennuinini; in all S.V M 1U acre nf land, in Lane County, Orejrnn. l His summons is publish! of the orvler of I Hon. K. S. Bean, Ju.Lre of taid Court, made at l harotiera on the l.Hh (lay of September, A. 1., IKSi H. C, HUMPHREY. UEO. S, WASHHURXE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. FINAL SETTLEMENT- V-OTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1.1 th. un.lerti;iMtL administrator ot the '" " , . """ i flat ot ea lruiT, ha 6lwl his accnant for orem far tk. f"n 1 Joos to swea tnal account and . llkt SSOt t lklMsl t 1 1 jTm if IWss.1 SsKaa O 1 C- W. K. DKl'RV, Admiatttrmtflfv Co S Wa5HW im. Attorney. CEEBAL AEKrnA.IDISM c T.C. HENDRICKS, i I lx. liLb r sttOhl.tK HKOCUHT i L to U1S awtsi. at tfc. lowsist nrirv I T. G. HEXDR1CK The Dry Goods I 010 Has stopped in Eugene City. $20,000 Worth of Dry and Fancy Goods direct from A. T. Stewart & Co. N. Y., will be sold at the I. X. L. Store Eugene City. Goods as cheap as in New York: 1 J wiile Talile Linen at, 25 cents per yard; worth 50 cts per yord, 18 vrd of Eancy Prints for $1.00, and everything at such bedrock pricei We keep the very latest in Ladies Cloaks and Dolmans. Our Hoots and Shoes are BUCKINGHAM & HKUHTi mL sini warrant every pair. Ve keep GROCERIES and sell them fm- .-.isti t IWtlmnl prires. Bird Cnges, Wall Paper and Coal Oil rln ;i r !. In re. Come and see us as you surely will nave iTi er wut. on every tiling g want to luy. I. X. L. . BLUE ATTENTION ! NEW FURHSTURE El UPHOLSTERY J. R. REAM, Corner SEVENTH aud WILLAMETTE STREETS, Eune City, O-is-s. Sivc me a call before hmm ! Goods sold as low as any House in Oregon, for Cash or Credit Highest Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. CaE and see. S. H. Friendly. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Wanafasttms of all KM of Furniture, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Cofl5ns & Caskets. tSSr Special attention given to all ord (of by Mail or Telegraph, Night or Day. 233f Retail Dealers will find it to their advantage to send for price list be fore purchasing elsewiere. Dr. N. J. Taylor, DENTIST, ErCEXECTTY, OREGON". 05c DB-staira. cete door aoutk Tsuaimi I ssd Beaa'a mid nffica. I A3 work GUARANTEED. POLY ST' FRONT. ORE JUST RECEIVED F1JOM THE FACTORT A lars( assortment of the latest styles of Vuraitarr and Upholstery, cousUtin.' of fiue Pa lo; and Chamber Suites Sofas, Loungei, Tables, fancy Furniture, Chairs Of all Descriptions, Etc-,Etc- Whirl, will he sold at fie J.OWr.ST Price. I VITX CU.MrETIiltiX. I All persooe are nffwetfiiT!y fsvlted to rail as amine my Storf: and he siitiSrfI for thenils. ( ' take pleasure tt waiting on Tisitors. p!2rc2s:sist c!ouh re J. R. REAM. Mm UCU- D- aV LI I I I i Attorney and CcunstlUr-at lav. EUGEXE CITY, - - ' Iloy. J1 Ea-aic fcoucbt aatd s4i M-rf CoifcetMsM pcnarsUy atw4iej mm V