The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 29, 1882, Image 2

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At Chicago, on the 10th. Barab ElIstoDO
built a tire and deliberately (toot! orer it
until horribly and fuUliy burned.
Wm. H. Osylord, Blable keeper on
Mission street. Ban Franciaoo, commit
ted suicide on the 21st by taking laud
anum; cause, whisky.
On the evening of the 17th at Santa
Barbara, Tatrick Roach wan stabbed in
the side by William Samaell, a gambler,
ltoach died on the lUtli.
John McOinncy, formerly a resident of
Dallas, Texas, 1ms been sentenced by
Mexican authorities to bo shot dead for
killing a Mexican recently.
In a drunken row on the 21st betweon
Dr. Stewart and W. Finnell of Arbucklo,
CU the latter was shot by Stewart
through the lungs with small hopes of
rocovery. Stewart was immediately ar
Tbo difficulties between manufacturers
and iron workors at Pittsburg, Pa., have
been settled a large number of mills
Htarted up with a full complement, on
tbo 21st, and the other will be in opera
tion soon.
The eatimatod talue of farm products
of Kansas for 1882 abrogate 8176,000,000,
or an average of $K80 foe each of the
200,000 families in the state. The num
ber of farms in Kansas is 100,000, which
gives 81700 as the average per farm.
During a performance by Orton'a circus
at Mt. Airy, N. 0., on the l'Jth a stage
fell with 1500 people, ond 00 were sor
iously injured. Four ladies, who were
among the victims of the disaster, are in
a critical condition, and many men, wo
man and. children had arms and legs
A collision between freight trains on
the New Haven and Northampton road
on the 19th, killed Conductor H.Phillips,
lirakcman Curtis and Fireman Eggleston,
and badly smashed the locomotive and
wreckod several cars, lue conductor
who was not killed disobeyed order,
hence the collision.
A meeting ponvened by the democratic
facioo waslield in London, England, on
the 20th. to discuss the proposed intro
duction of Deinise labor into Great
Britain. A motion calling upon the gov
ernment to frame measures to prevent
importation of Chinese was adopted.
Mr. Parr of San Francisco said if Chin
ese come to Great Britian tbo Eog'ish
workmen might go and die.
While Assintant Chief Engineer Brady,
of San Francisco was answering au alarm
of fire on the 21st, a team attached to an
express wagon became alarmed and ran
away. The team rau iuto Brady's buggy
causing bis horse to .become unman
ageable and ho was thrown out and in
stantly killed. Th9 driver of tho across
wagon is said to be very badly injured.
The London Times nays: There can be
no possible question that whatever may
bo tbo ultimate solution of the political
question, the khedive must for a consider
able timo lean upou tho force
which has destroyed the robles.
Large numbers of our troops
will no doubt return homo, but there
must remain sutllcieut ta overawe dis
affection. To go further we say organ
ized action in a permanent form for the
maintenance of order must procoud un
der English direction.
A San Francitco dispatoh of Sept. 10th
says: Abont 0:10 this eening Thus.
Moon, a driver on a Hayes Valley car,
ran over an unknown young woman on
Market street, opposite Eighth. The
wheels paused over the woman's body,
crushing it horribly. She was removed
to the receiving hospital, but died before
reachiug there. She appears about 25
years of age and nooue thus far has been
able to identify the deceased. When first
discovered tho unfortunate woman was
lying on the tracks under tho wheels.
Undor the direction of Sultan Pasha
wholesale arrests of supporters of the
national party are making by the the
khodivo'a government. All who signed
the proclamation authorizing A rain Pa
sha to continue the war are being im
prisoned. Arabi'Pasha asserts all his acts
were at the instigation of the khedive
and the sultan, and he was unable to re
strain the Egyptiau army from fighting.
His war oflico lias been searched and im
portant documents fouud. Thirty fau
atical shieks are placed iu tho citadel.
Tho California conference of tho Meth
odist Episcopal church opened on the
21st at the First Methodist church in
Oakland, Cal. Bishop Hurnt presided,
aud opened the conference by reading a
selection from scripture aud adminis
tered the sacrament. At the conclusion
of the services the rouferenoo was called
to order for tue transaction of busiuesa.
Roll call s'jowed IK) members present,
and IW absont. After the election of sec
retary, Bishop Hurst addressed tho con
ference briefly, aud general order was
theu adopted aud standing committees
appointed by tho bishop. After a little
tho conference adjourned.
Captain I'ayne of Oklahama notoriety,
w ho was arrested August '- 'th as trespass
ingon Indian territory, aud who ha been
in custody at Fort Bcno, passing through
Dallas, TVxaf , on tho 20th for Fort Smith,
Arkausas, where be will bo tiiod in the
federal court. Payuo was accompanied
by bis wife; child aud eleven followers
iu charge ct l.ientenaut Taylor and a
miuad cf soldiers of the ttth cavalry.
Wuen they reached Henrietta, Texas,
Payne swere out a writ of habeas corpus
for himself and follower! in tho district
court, but Lieutenant Taylor refused to
recotruie i whereupon a warrant was
issued to arrest Taylor himself. This
was also resisted, the civil otliccrs not
being permitted tJ enter the ear.
ft.. T .... .!,.. A il... Ch.i. ........I
declares, in au age when the control of
nations over the arms of the sea coming
through or commanded bv other terri
tory is being everywhere abolished, it is
impossible to allow directors of the
canal company to arrogate powers
as exteusire as ever claimed by Den
mark over the sound. Neutralisation ot
Hues canal in its reasonable sense is tin
derstood to mean it shall be regarded a
an arm of the sea. Now the question of
enlargement of the canal or construction
is a practical question just now. Uow to
secure ourselves in caie of complications
which may possibly arue against us.
The subject of the raiial will we believe
engage the attention of the government.
Karl Blind, Justine MoCarthy and
Childers Foster have joineu tue ijongroi
low Memorial committee.
Director of the Denver exposition
have declined the proposition for removal
of the Denver mining exposition w wu
Counsel for Sergeant Mason filed a
petition for writ of habeas corpus, and
argument will ue ueara on mo wuuuu
for the writ at Utica early in October.
The iron manufacturers of Wheeling
district met at Wheeling, Virginia, on
the 21st, and unanimously resolved to
work their mills until laoor prices are
eqnalized with Pittsburg.
A sharp frost occurred throughout
Minnesota on tue nigui oi me zuiu.
Corn in shock and most of the balance is
beyond reach of harm, but vines were
cut down. The loss from this scurce is
not serious.
Leaders of the Albanian league at
Scutari baring resolved to massacre and
rob the richest Christians, including the
English consul, two hill tribes marched
to Kiiutarl and prevented the massacre.
Consuls have asked that the garrison of
Sou taii be reinforced.
The boiler of the ferry steamer Riche
lien exploded at Lacbino, Ont., on the
21st, and killed Uugneita, a puot, ana
James Biohardaon and Peraellns Amiot
of Chateau Quay, furmers. Dugnetti,
son of the pilot, is missing; supposed to
be blown overboard. Several pusscngors
were severely scalded by steam.
An Oxford, Eng., dispatch of Sept.
20th says: Gladstone was a pall-bearer
at the funoral of Dr. Pusey, and Cardinal
Newman walked beside the coflin.
Bishop Maekarkness, Dean Liddell and
Canon Liddon officiated at the service.
Flags of the city wero at half mast and
all dignitaries of the university were
Emporer William has written a letter
frttlm In'rifT nf Karon v in regard to the
recent maneuvers of the Saxon arm
corns, in which be says it affords Una
sincere satisfaction to again assure him
self how entiroly tho king's views coin
cide with his own, respecting the im
mense importance of keeping troops of
the state in renliness lor war.
The Pittsburg Commercial Gazette of
Sept. 22d says: There is good authority
for the statement, an attempt is to be
made to corner oil on a big cale. Oper
ations have already been commenced
here and elsewhere, and about 12,000,000
barrels already bought and taken out of
the market. Heavy buyers outside the
pool hold million barrels, and it
is saidihe present break is for the pur
pose of shaking out woak holders.
Lieutenant-Colonel Harvey A. Allen
died at Schrealouebury, N. J., on the
20th. no was at the siege of Vera Cruz
and the battles of Cerro Gordo and Mo
lino del Bey, and for meritorious conduct
in the latter ho was breveted captain. At
the close of the war he returned to the
states to rcbiiniq servico in Florida
against tho Seminoles. He served
through the war of the rebellion and thon
was assigned to command in California
with the rank of major.
A Chicago dispatch of Sept. 20th says:
A war on rates, both passenger aud
freight, to the northwest, is thought to
bo imminent. This morning a mooting of
passengers agents of the C. M. & St. P.,
C. B. & Q., Chicago Bock Island and
Pacitlo was held, and an agreement for
pooling passenger traffic between Chi
cago, St. Paul and Minneapolis pro
scetod. The Northwestern aud St. Punl
roads demanded insertion of a clause for
bidding paymentof commissions to other
roads having louger routes; refusing to
accode to the demand, (ho meeting ad
journed without reachiug any arrange
ment. In the ofteruo. n general manager
aud freight agents of the same lines met
to consider the freight pool. Mr. Mer
rill, of tho Milwaukee aud St. Paul,
would not outer any arrangement in re
gard to freight traffic till the passengor
traffic was settled, aud meeting adjourned
without doing anything unless an agree
ment was at once reached. It is believed
a war will break out throughout Minne
sota and Iowa, and as far west as Omaha.
Tho mining firm of James G. Sands &
Co., of New York, has failed. Tho firm
did a large business with down-town bus
iness men, and with society people up
town, who dabbled in mining stocks.
Sands is reported to have gone to Sau
r rancisoo to attend development of hoy-
eral Mexican mines. Ho was secretary
of several mining companies. It is not
known whero his partner, C. U. Callahan,
has gone. Among the luquiring custo
mers were two society ladies who con
tributed $210,000 each to a pool out of
which thev realized SGO.OOO: all the rest
is said to be left on tho hands of the firm
for future contemplated speculations ou
a larger scale. An up-town crockery
merchant aud several prominent lawyers
are said to have left each abont $10,000
iu tho vaults of tho firm before the mem
bers disappeared. A large number of
people deposited from SllKJO to 5000
with tuo missing brokers as margius.
Neither of the firm have been seou since
the 11th, and it is stated the sheriff has
seized what effects could Ihj found.
A Victoria dispatch of Sent. 21st says:
The day duwnod brightly and the people
of ictoria and vicinity were early ou
foot to witness the rooi ption of the gov
ernor general and Priucesa Louise. The
royal party lauded from tho Comus at
11 o'clock, tho sailors manning the yards,
bands playing, batteries saluting, and the
populace cheering. They wero received
by the lieutenant governor, who read au
a.tdress. They were then escorted to
Victoria by several hundred citizens,
and the firemen, military and bencvolcut
societies. At the city gates tho mayor
presented tho freedom of the city aud au
address, and on reaching the grand staud
500 children sang tho uatioual anthem
and another address was presented and
replies were givcu by tho marquis. As
the carriage, passed along the btreeU to
the Government house the occupants
were repeatedly cheered. All the houses
and stores along the line of march were
gaily decorated, Americans vicing with
British residents in ahoniug resject for
tho visitors. The Chinese arch was forty
feet in height aud shaped like a iwgo la.
The ornamentation cotU several thousand
dollara. Across its frout were the words,
"The Occident greeU the Orient." The
mail steamship Dakota and the U. S.
steamer Oliver Woloott, lying in port,
were decked in American colon. Among
thegontlemen presented to his excellency
and the prinocsa was the American con
sul. To-night the city is brilliantly illuminated.
A Well-Ordered Chamber.
"A place for everything, and every
thing in ita place." Applying this old
and trite proverb as a sort of text, let us
discuss the lost proposition first and find
out what is really needod in a well
ordered chamber.
.. n effete civilization demands that
every one shall provide bis or ker own
tooth-brush (you all know the tory
about Daniel Webster and the Western
congressman, don't you)? Many also
prefer to carry their own brushes and
combs, and from the way many good
people furnish, or rather neglect to fur
nish, their chambers, one might thiuk
S nests were expected to provide a ju
iaious assortment of towels, soap,
matches, etc. Such neglect, however, is
really inhospitable and unkind, as many
guests will inconvenience themselves
greatly rather than ask for necessary
toilet articles, feeling that suoh requests
imply a tacit reproach of tho hostess.
And now, assuming onr guests will
bring nothing but their tooth-brushes
with them, let us see what we shall need.
A plentiful supply of towels and wash
cloths (these lost can be bought, ready
made, of Turkish towelling for 55 cents
tier doz3n, and are much superior to
nomo-mado ones), matches, soap, and
please.good sisters.dos't buy the highly
colored, highly-scented (to conceal the
vile odor) cheap toilet soap. I believe
half the oases of pimples, tetter and skin
diseases may be traced directly to the
nso of impure soap buy only that manu
factured by reputable dealers brushes,
combs, a small hand-mirror, button
hook, pins and hair-pins.
Needles, thread and scissors suould
also find a place on the dressing table,
for one often finds a rip or rent wuiio
dressing, and "a stitch in time," etc.
Add to these a combing jacket and a
pair ot light bod-room suppers, and
your guests will rise up and call you
For all these articles proper recepta
cles are required, and hero are some odd
and protty designs: For a night-dress
take a piece of glace or silesia, eighteen
inches wide, thirty-two long, cover one
side with dotted muslin or net, turn over
a length of twelve inches, and stitch up
the sides; this leaves a flap of eight
inches to fold over envelope fashion; the
end may be slicod off at each corner or
cut to a point; fasten with loop and but
ton bidden under a tiny bow or blue
ribbon, a bow also being plaoed on each
corner, lulgo all around nap and lour
sides with insertion and lace the last
put on slightly full. Braided pique,
canvass (the kind woven iu alternate
closo and open stripes is the prettiest),
embroidered with silks or crewels, even
unbleached muslin worked with red or
blue ingrain cotton, may be used in
stead of glace and net.
Pretty night-dress cases are also made
wall pocket shape, to bo hung on the
wall with cord and tassels. J. hey can be
made of any of the above materials, but
should be lined with stiff cardboard.
"Sleep well," "Good night," or some
other approprnito legend should be
worked or braided on tho front to dis
tinguish them from the ordinary wall
A piece of glace taentv-ono by twenty-
two inches will be required for brush
cases. Cover one side with uet, double
in half, and stitch up tho sides; trim the
uppermost Ride with lauo; place a tiny
bow of ribbou at each corner, and two
down the center, about four inches re
spectively from top and bottom. The
stitches fastening these couter ont-s must
bo taken clear through to the under side,
thus making two divisious into which
you slip your brushes.
Comb cases usually match night dress
cases in shape and material only smaller.
pretty way is to mako thorn like an
old-fa.shioned button bag, with drawing
strings and bow of ribbou. The bottom
should be a circular piece of cardboard,
neatly covered with silk or glace; the
upper part of silk or glace covered with
net. A case tor a siugle comb is made
by joining two pieces of cardboard, a
little wider, but not quite as long as the
comb, together, cover with silk, aud em
broider a pretty vino iu cross stitch. A
curved piece should bo cut out of tho
upiHr end of the case to allow the comb
to lie slipped out easily.
Gold or silver cardboard does very
nicely for hairpin case and hair receiver;
be sparing of this, however, or it will
give your room a cheap, tawdry look.
For hair receiver, cut a piece eight
inches by six and ono-half; work
all arouud the edgo with zephyr in cross-
stitch; work monogram, initial, or what
ever you choose iu the center; sow tlto
two sides together cornucopia fashion;
the top must be edged arouud with
chenille or box-pleating of narrow rib
bon, long loops of tho same attached to
the point at the bottom, and a bow to the
projecting point at the top.
A piece of very stiff paper may be cov
ered with glace aud net, aud made up iu
exactly the same way ; an iuside case of
note paper may bo slipped in to receive
the hair.
A case for hair-pins may be mado by
covering a tin can (a fonr-ouuee spico
cau will do nicely) with gold or silver
cardboard, worked to match hair re
ceiver; around the lower edgo a piece of
silk three or four inches wide m sewed
rather full; tho lower edge of tho silk is
gathered to a pniut, s 'i-.,i-hig fashion,
aud ornamented m! U im-. h. cheuille
or ribbon, i'lie ii i ;inr.i of case
is trimmed nnu.i l in the muh way. All cases are to be bung up by chenille
or ribbon whichever is used "in trim
ming. Tho prett'est hairpin holder I have
ever seen is known as the '"Fairy-Hod-mother's
llat;" a circular piece of card
board four and one-fourth inches in di
ameter, is covered with cloth pinked on
the edgo, and euibroiJered with a pretty
vino dona in various stitches and con
trastiug colors; iu the center set a cylin-intier-shaped
piece of cardboard two and
oiio-half iuches high, aud eue and seven
eighths inches across; this holds the
hairpius, and must be fastened down se
curely Aith loug stitches; it is covered
ou both sides with cambric, and tho
lower part is trimmed with two box
pleated ruffles of satin ribbon an inch
wide; the upper ruffle is hcadod with
half an inch strip of cloth pinked on the
edoe aud embroidered to match the
lower piece; the ribbon and cloth may
be of the same or contrasting colors.
Cute little baskets three or four inches
in diameter can be bought at the notion
stores and are iut the thine for holding
j needle, thread, buttonhook, etc.; they
must be fined w ith silk or cambric, anil
furnished with leavei of pitfted flannel
fn. nalo. .n.1 IT little DOckeU Of
bright colored acrapi of cloth or silk for
the other implements; a hut ooru w
chenille and ribbon bowa ornament the
upper edge of the basket; another little
basket stuffed with' wool and closely
crocboted oover would make a lovely
hairpin cushion.
Justeed of the old-fashioned, clumsy
pinoushion, suppose we have a pintray
made as follows: Five piece of card
board pentagon shape, each measuring
V't inches at the bottom, and 2?i inches
at the widest part, the two upper sides
to quite a sharp poiut; the bottom is
also a pentagon, measuring V, inches at
the sile. Cover each of the aide pieces
and the bottom on both sides with Bilk or
satin in contrasting colors, the outside
pieces being worked with a tiny spray
of flowers, and the inside with a row of
coral or cross-stitching along the npper
two edges; the bottom is left plain. Sew
the side pieces carefully together, and
join to the bottom; work each point over
with coral or cross-stitching. Tiny gold
beads are sewn along the npper edge, and
larger ones at the points and at the top
and bottom of each joint.
A Marriage Prevented.
Tho question bow near a couplo can
come to being married without actually
becoming man and wife, was answered in
a very extraordinary case reported not
long ago, from Lyons, in France. All
tbo preliminaries, including the mar
riage contract the bride being an
heiress had been arranged with the
utmost harmony, and tho day bad ar
rived for the civil marriage
which, under the law of the
republic, is the binding one on the
morning, and for tbe blessing of the
priests at the cathedral altar in the after
noon. Tho parties were before the
mayor, and what a Chicago lawyer, ad
dressing a divorce jury, called "the fatal
question" had been asked of each and
duly answered, wherenpon the mayor
bad tendered bis personal as well as
official congratulations, and placed bo
jfore them the attesting document which,
when signed, made them lawfully man
and wife. At this critical moment the
proceedings were interrupted by the en
trance of a telegraphic messenger. The
couple paused, pens in hand; the wit
nesses stared in surprise, and the mayor
dropped his spectacles in a nervous
fit as be handed the message to
the bride's father. The tele
gram ran as follows: "Monsieur
(the bridegroom) has already been
married in Germany, and bis wife lives.
Voucher! are on the way to you by
post." The Mayor, as he is bound to do
under the Civil Code when a warning
comes, postponed the authentication for
a veek. The , week passed, but no
vouchers came. Everybody agreed the
telegram was a malicious trick perpe
trated by some revengeful rival every
body excepting tho bride, who had been
brooding over the telegram, and to tho
surprise of every one, believed it. She
sent back the diamond ring, the silver
candle-stick, thn gold-mounted prie-dieu,
tho breviary of the lady who was almost
her mother-in-law, and annulled the set
tlement. The Judge de Paix of Lyons
and the Mayor had a consultation with
the lawyers" and the notary, and it was
unanimously agreed that the couple, as
tho English peasantry put it, wero still
a couple and not a pur. All inquiries
instituted by tho bridegroom with re
gard to the Bender of the telegram
proved fruitless; the only information
ever obtained being that it was paid for
By a "veiled woman in black. Cham-bei-i'
A Parly Nanel Johnson.
One of tho natrolmen on Jefferson
nfflmiit u-na lialtn.l vuf ttl. I u V YiV a
. " I. 111. I IV I. 1 J 1 ' I Vti wwj
stranger who peomed to have bad a
wrestlo with tho tumbling-rod of a
thrashing machine, and who lowered his
voice to a whisper as he began:
"Can 1 speuk to you iu strict con
"It's according to what you desire to
"Well, for instanoo, if a party named
Johnson, who came here to see tho
Knights and soldiers and have a good
time should inform you that he had lost,
his watch could you do anything for
him on the quiet?"
"And if the same party named John
son should inform you that he bad lost a
clean hundred dollars, that would-be
confidential also?"
"And if this man Johnson should
farther add that be had beeu drunk
twice, had three rights, been licked three
times and was all broke up and a hun
dred miles from home without a nickel,
you wouldu't giva it away so that his
family could hear of it?"
"Oh, no."
"Can't be anything done for me, can
"I hardly think so." ,
"I'd better take the dirt road home,
"And gradually brace up as I gradu
allv draw near home?"
"That's the idea."
"And not have anv brass band out to
serenade me, nor send me any advance
word for the boys to assemble to give me
a public welcome?"
"I wouldn't."
"Then I won't. I'll do just as you say
about it. I didn't exjK'ct to meet uny
snch kindness aed sympathy here, and it
affects me. Let's shake! If yoa ever
strike Livinqston county, inquire for a
party named Johnson, and be powerful
careful to add that when you met him in
Detroit he was leading the whole proces
sion. Where do I strike the llowell
plank road?" Detroit Free Press.
It is told bv Opie Bnd how not a cen
tury back au Arkansas man secured a
free pasa over a railroad. He was much
pleased at first, but after discovering
that if injured in an accident he could
not recover damages, he approached the
superintendent and said: "Look here!
how about this thing?" "What is the
matter with it?" "Why, if I get lulled
on tue road my wife wouldn't recover
damages." "No, sir." "1 hen I don't
want tho pass. I ain't got no wife nor
no relations, but I want to feel that if I
hod a wife she'd get pay for my death.
I'm much obliged ter yer", but reckon 111
have to walk."
Common aensS Pennies.
Not a healthy looking girl Sal Low.
Gloomy it old West Point Tug is
Bather an important matter Vaooino
Wilhelmj hasj justj completedj bisj
tonrj roundj thej worldj.
Foe simple tipping tho waiter after
yoa have got all you want.
Society reporters aro booming Vinuie
Ream as a lover of pet doves.
The way to treat a man of doubtful
credit is to take no note of him.
A miser is a man who may be truth
fully described as criminally poor.
Climbing to tbe fifth story rather dis
couraged the countryman from "putting
up" at a hotel.
A yacht is more like a Christian than
the average man. She can stand on a
tack without swearing.
We have forty-six rear admirals under
pay. The rear of the navy seems to be
well protected.
Out in Nebraska thoy have hoop snakes.
In the Bowery, t'other day, they caught
a woman snaking hoops.
It is better to be thought a fool than a
knave, says the saw; but it is bettor still
to bo known to be neither.
"This is the lock of ages," said a tired
father who had kept the cradle going two
hours, and the baby still awake.
Some difference, kind reader, isn't
there, between living in a land of plenty
and having plenty of land to live on?
A $75,000 monument for a Pennsylva
nia doctor is being made at the works
of the Hallowell, Me., Granite company.
The board of managers of the Milwau
kee exposition have rejected a proposi
tion to keep the exhibition open on Sun
days. The London Saturday Review classes
Michigan University as a woman's col
lege, because Ann Arbor is a feminine
What portion of a silver dollar would
the oflioer who arrested Waters be likely
to remind you of ? Two quarters (took
The divided skirt introduced into Lon
don by Lady Habertn is worn in the
mountain regions by fearless lady
Under the head of ''Crimes and Casual
ties," a Western exchange says that a
new Sunday paper will shortly make its
Every day in the busy week Chicago
sends fifteen hundred dressed beeves to
the market. Tia hunger alone that
makes us drop these steers.
Contrite Chrystal's Confession: "He
who laughs the loudest at a joke which
wounds another will howl the loudest
when the shaft stricks home."
Fun is to a newspaper what a "stick"
is to lemonade. Comuierci il Advertiser.
Now we always had an idea that it was
more like that simile reversed.
Six hundred and fifty limes from a sin
gle bud, buddiug two years ago on a
lemon stock, is the result of an Orange
county, Fla., man's experiment.
Seymour 'Stebbens, mado insane by
over study, has been cared for by the
town cf Granville, Mass., for forty-five
years, and is now eighty years old.
It is time to let up on the star routo
thieves. In Bostou a bar-keeper has
been detected putting vinegar iuto a
squeezed lemon and using it a second
Ho hastily married the rich foundry
man's daughter, thinking the old man
would soon melt. ' Tho old man, as
might have been expected, immediately
gavo him a blast.
A lUin nMe 'tory.
The Faoder-Bressler story, which
created so much iuterest iu Philadelphia
and New York about half a year ago, has
cropped out iguin. It will be remem
bered that "Benny" Faeder, as he was
generally known, was a young musician
who resided with his parents iu Phila
delphia, and as a boy was the idol of all
the Hebrew young ladies of his acquaint
ance. Mr. Bresslor, an extensive fur
dealer in New York, was attracted by
the boy's musical cloverness and ho sent
him to Europe for the purpose of com
pleting his musical education. Mr.
Bressler's wife and daughter resided in
the German fatherland somewhere, and
it was agreed that the young musician
should live with them. Kcsa Bressler
was very haudsome, aud Benny was very
fascinating. They fell in love. But
Mrs. Bressler also loved the young mu
sician, although unaware of her daugh
ter's affeolion. When Benny's musical
education was finished hu started home.
Mrs. Bressler and Rosa came on the
Fame steamer, and before the voyage
was ended mother and daughter discov
ered the state of affairs, and there wero
bitter recriminations. Young Faeder
obtained a position as second violinist
in tho orchestra of the Chestnut
Street Theater. Miss Bressler came
to tho Faeders ou a visit. Mrs.
Bi easier, being suspicious, accompanied
hci daughter. tODo day Rosa and Benny
disappeared, aud nobody knew whero
they had gone. Mrs. Bressler became
very angry, smashed several windows in
the house of the Faeders, and went back
to New York. After a short time Rosa
ret u vn od ami said she had been on a
visit to some other friends, and her
mother believed the story. Young
Faeder in the meantime went South.
This was the way tho matter stood when
the sensation died ont, six months ago.
Now coraes chapter, secoud. Y'oung
Faeder bus lately leon acting as leader
of fie orchestra at the Richmond House,
Ath.utic City, where Mrs. Bressler and
her daughter have boen occupying
apartments on Virginia avenue, opposite
the Virginia House. The mother's ad
miration for tho musician Las not ceased.
Neither has the daughter's. Knowledge
of the fact led to a severe quarrel be
tween the two the other day. Mrs.
Bressler fr.rbado Faeder coming to the
house. He came, notwithstanding, and
on Sunday night demanded to see Rosa,
as she was his wife. The whole story
was then confessed. Rosa and the mu
sician had been married some time. Mrs.
Breesler is completely broken down by
tbe news, and gone to tbe mountains,
The young couple are united by the sea.
Mrs. Bressler has threatened punish
ment, it is said, when she recovers from
the shock. .
A Fleuant and Efflr.(iU, n,mKli
fs writ m
W fMw !
By orer Indulgence In rallnc ot drinking, k..
or n.rvou. h-o-liu-he: drynnM i .m"
evertah tendency; ulunwlum.J,r,
all meant un 1 ' "". j
Slaven'a California Fruit Salt
. . . .. . i
Try It: ! w IkhiIh; bmt!. f,,,,.,, y,.
drugxU. li01XiE,DAVlS VO.-M?&
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Ladies' Underwear,
165 Third Street, Portland, Or.
P. O. Bn SH
Kn. 11 Kwn Mltt, a. I.,
ft-rata ell ChreaJ am Special DImm
T ( t of youthful (olllr or InrtlacrrtloD.
.ri-ll to avail themvlvwi ol this, tb trrXMi tu
pvt-rlulil at tug altar of audVrir.K butuanity. Ml
HI'INNKY will ruarantM to forfeit I"
i-awof Henlnal Wvaitneu or prlvai. (IN-ik-i l wj
(li'.dorcliMVcter wnicb he unarrtaltrt aud uuii
Theraaiamany at th air of tblny in!re
jn tmuh'.wl with too fivquMit vu.'imiloii l iu
'jlafMpr, often ai-companl) by a alltttit iunr:i
"u ruing ennauon and a wi-akenliig oi ihr ivi.nn
milliner tlifl untltiit mnuot amiunt for. Oii'iia
inlnir the urinary deposits a rpy ailini"in w!:!uf"t
'e found, and BoniPtlmt-s smiill punirtes of a.i'ttu
'trill upprar. or the color will he of a tliln miM.I. ew.
ur:tiu chunulng to a dark and torp'ri Mnw-un",
I nere tire many men who die of Mil. rtlinVntrr. vc
rant nf theeautto, which Is tlieneroitd UX" -t -ml
iral Weakm-RS. lr. 8. will guarantee a pt'iM-t ur.-
,11 mu ll rases, aud a healthy ri'Stomluu o.' ur
urlnnry nrk'tins.
OllW Hiirs-10to4ttndJ to. K'tnlsy. Iron
II A. M. 1'nnsu.uulou free. Toorouirli eiiinii'uttJi
and advice. t
Call on
No. II Kearny '.rew. fun y.'.ei.. iv
ress Hit. WPIXXr.T
1850. 32 Years Practical Expenencs. 1882.
John A, Child
T'eief In ,
Fine Chemicals,
Toilel Articles,
Sponges, Soap.
& Rubber Lsodi
Cor M,'rrwa!
-per.'. H'entin
rt ! e:df 1
u.ti r..'i! .fit
iwuMvpr he
Manufacturer- ..f
Portable Eniruies A: Horse Pown
And Sole Acent fur the follow i .
Farm and Koad 3Iacl.ii.eV
The Randolph llender. Reiiurr.
Tho NtHnitiird l.lirhl U.iuer,
The Iron Klna Mv-I-'im.i-I ul "''
The VletorSM-lf-lnnillllt.V I"1"
TheNttimliira Snlkj
The IliM-keye irln li-IH "
The 4VI.-lM-i.ted Mrrlm I'liiw-.
.. Uiuun.
Weoordiatlv Invite all wamina .w.' '-'"LJto
tn mine and we Hi. mid 'f '"" ivoi-' ' - ' ,
our Trice LUt and ouaioirie.
F. W. ALLTX. 11" fc
niSwtf SO nnd allFlri M.. rrtlU-
rpilE "WHITE." 1VK HAVK Till
X our entire Imere-t In. and I'1. '''.'V, a to.-
of the White M. wing Maclni '-Mr j"u; .'.m
son. id 1T Ttvrd sir el. Portland, nr. . .
wl'.l hereafter supply the growing Uen-
superior aud uopular sewing ma "Vj'j". A RAS'l,
Important ant d a!' r-
Guns, Rifles, and Revolver
Rods r-,--
Reels .; FIoa,S
Lines, ($k-XU
ma."' . -
UlftlUni IUU frini w.-
Six Spliced Split Bamboo Eo
IfMaad 187 '- r"' -
100O0 Piano
l.UOC Organ.
Hilt, any
9t MMi.fMtrr.
CM. lalw
mr DirtKiSmL
L f.?. jf" AMi ft
r:wt SEE ME. 1
;v SB