The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 29, 1882, Image 7

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nf 0f th moat beautiful legends of
. -irtof IadUn orCbineso origin,
J'P'liUB the bills. Among tbe
Popa'r nd ch-rmin& f h,e
if n won 'the wootlontter, which bear
k . itri'king reaeroblanoo to Irvino's
S?o Vrt Winkle- that the latter ap-
tobealmoHt a vlaR'arisn of tlie
Ceutal tale. The following in a rongb
..lion of the Japanese TorBion.aa
Th. prieaU say, 'Tray contmtullj;
. l" eTJ prayor uttered in this state yoa
Si eP moment of pain in the
, . While this is well for
Irtons who have notnmg w no imi 10
. .Wicate the pels, it is s M doctrine
,u! .1. i, who have famine to sui-
nrt- in proof of whioh I will relate the
W of Lu-wen.who many centimes ago
H.elt in the shadow of the sacred motin
uin of Tendai, the highest peak of the
Vsnlin range (China )
The mont poor people,
u blessed with many children, whose
necessities compollod him to labor from
livliiiht until dawn; notwithstanding
.h'ich he was always cheerful, ami
ntriveJ to keep the rice-pot well Blind.
One jay, when he was engaged in full
inff s tree, a begging priest interrupted
him n;l inquired whether he hud ever
thought of a future state. The woodcut
Jeyed the "bozu" askance and curtly
Ihave no time to attend to such
tilings. If vou had to work for your
living, a I do. anil had a largo family to
.nppo'rt, vou would not trouble yourself
.bout the future I find it hard enough
to attend to tho present, riease stand
oat of the way or this tree may full upon
The "bozu," who had a golden tongtio
.ml was used to hearing such plain talk,
bowed and said:
"My son, you must not forgot that you
own something to yourself. Every hour
too devote to prnyr will save you a
t..i,.i nf torture in a future
state. Pray and work; then will your
lifole happi.and when your end ap
proaches you will close your eyes, satis
fied that you have attained one step
toward eternal perfection. Think how
terrible it woulc be to pass countless
ges in various forms, each lower than
the last, or to have your restless spirit
wandering for millions of years amid tho
horriblo labyrinths of hell. Would you
suffer tormouts that no tongue can do
scribe; thirst that even au ocean of water
could not quench; hunger that no food
could satisfy? Think of this, my son,
and that for a prenent miserable outlay
and a few hours daily spent in holy con
templation, you may overt all these
calamities, aud by tuo aid of prayer
purge your soul until it is as whito as
the sacred flower on which rests the om
nipotent lluddah."
At first Lu-wen turned a deaf ear to
his pleadings. However, being only a
poor, ignorant fellow, he could not re
sist the sophistries of tho learned man,
who, after tilling the woodcutter's soul
with apprehension, and emptying bis
pouch of tho saving of a lifetime, re
tired, leaving tho unhappy man a prey
to the most dismal forebodings.
From thut hour Lu-wen become a
changed beiug. and instead of working
with his axe, wasted his time in religious
disputatiou with all who would listen to
him, and in meditation and prayer.
When winter camo he would sit by the
fcoauty five and count his beads, and dur
ing tho rainv season ha occupied the
sheltered tide of the lint and compelled
his children to stand in tho puddles.
Like all ascetic he was mild of speech,
inoffensive of manner, aud willing to re
ceive anything from anybody. As time
rolled oii his family increased and their
meausof subsistence dwindled to noth
ing. At first his wife, who was on industri
ous, frugal woman, subuiittod in silence
unci turned a deaf ear to the advice of
her neighbors, who failed not to plainly
express tueir opinions of her husband's
eceeutrie conduct; but at last, unable to
withstand tlie pitiful orios of her chil
dren, she determined to remonstrate with
him. One morning, after be had dream
ily swallowed the only food there was in
the house, and was preparing to ascend
the mountain in order to enjoy his devo
tions undisturbed, sho approached him,
prostrated herself, bowed respectfully,
and murmured:
"I desire to s.iy something important
to you."
"Ha quick," he returned, "do not
worry me with your foolish gossip. I
have my prayers to say,"
This nnkiud reply stung her to the
quick, and, risiug, she excitedly ex
claimed: "Listen to me! I can no longer con
tain my indignation or bear the sight of
our little ones' misery. Arc you blind
and deaf? Cannot you see that their
stomachs are adhering to their backbones
and hear them mourning- for food ? I
have worked until my nngeri are worn
to the bono and my stiength is ex
hausted. I think it is time yon again
took your axe and did something more
important tlinn minub e prayers!"
For a while he could hardly credit the
evidt'nees of his cars; however, ho pres
ently recovered fiom his amazement and
indignantly replied:
"Worn m. the pods are be'oro every
thing. Your words s'.iock me! See, our
children ure listening, and will be led
sMray by your thoughtless expression-.'.
You forget that I aiu known as the niOBt
pif'Us man in this province."
'"Pious! pi uM' -j iculated tho heart
broken creature, us idie glanced around
their miserable home and taw nothing
but hunpry faces and empty vessels.
"Yourptmersdonot till our rice pot!"
"Yon ure mi impious creature 1" he
wrathfnllv utisuere d, "slid I will not
waste my bro.i h w"0 yon. Consider
yourself divonvd. Afr this I will hive
none of you "
He snatched up Ids axe from the cor
ner where it liud so long rested, and
without deiuninif to look behind him
strode up the mountain side, entered a
mist clond and disappeared from her
"iglit. A he vaci-bed she exclaimed:
"You may vour way . I am satisfied !
I would rather har "the stim of
divorce tliau utml support such
'zy, dres-uy, g.jiKl-for nothing vaps
bond ! M.y the foxes punish you for
your unmuural behavior to your off
priDg." AUtiouh the woman bad. in her o
gr, exp.-e-reJ tba feelings that agitated
her soul, she preieatly, like a true wife,
began to reproach herself for having
been no disrespectful to ber husband,
and when a neighbor looked iu to in
quire how abe was getting along, (he
sighed and replied:
"I fear I have driven Lu-wen away for
good. Oh, what shall I do!"
ller visitor chuckled and glancing at
her, siguincantly returned:
"Even ascetics must eat. Don't worry
yourself, your husband will hurry back
when be smells the burnt rice (equiva
lent to when bo finds the burning in the
Lu-wen slowly ascended the mountain
and, as he walked, beheld the sun god
drive back the dragon of the mist. Upon
reaching his usual retreat bo seated him
self on a shelf of rock and murmured a
nrayer to Bnddah. Overhead as the
blue sky, behind him the glorious peak
of Tendai, with its snowy crest glisten
ing liko a cone of silver, and at his feet
tho lonely valley, green with the early
rice and teeming with men and women,
busily engaged in cultivating the soil.
The eatherod pines gave out sweet odors
that, mingling with tho erfume of ten
thousand flowers, floated around him and
ohaimed his senses, and, as he listened
to the song of the "pen long" (lark,
cill-d hundred-spirit bird) he smiled
and exclaimed:
"What fools men are to toil aud sweat
in order to amass the dross of this earth.
When will they learn that to acquire
happiness it is only necessary to aban
don mateial things and to pray to tho
gods? Here all is peaco aud one is not
tormented with the chatter of a woman's
Having tbns expressed himself he
yielded to the soothing influences
around him, ami closing his eyes, en
joyed tho ecstasy of holy contemplation.
While thus employed he heard a noise
in the undergrowth, and, arousing him
self, saw a fox dart before him and van
ish into a thicket of bamboos. Al
though not fond of bard work, he had a
keen lovo of the chase, so he seized his
axe, and rising, started nimbly in pur-
. .1 1 L.. I ft .1 ..A II. .
SUIl, UllUUlUg no I1H uuiniue uun n.
"When the winter storms bowl around
tho base of Tendai it will be good to
have a fox skin to protect ono's head.'"
lie several times saw tho creaturo's
tail, but failed to run it down, and
finally, after a prolonged chase, was
about to give up tho hnnt and return to
his devotions, when, entering a cleared
space, be, to bis amazement, boheld two
court ladies seated upon a rinoly woven
mat playing chess.
Tho woodcutter squatted respectfully,
rested the bead of his axo upon the
ground, and, placing his chin on tho
handle, watched the progress of tho
game, bis soul being fillod with a new
"Ah!" he murmured to himself, "if
ono of those - glorious creatures would
but notice me!"
The pious Lu wcn, utterly forgetful
f 1,;., ,..,,1 n-ifi nn.l uturvitlL' ehildrcn.
VI UIO ftVx,ft . .w mu.v ' - - O 1
continued to gaze upon the lovely ladies
. . .. i.-i .i., .v...
until tlie liours meiion mm uujn, iuu
days into weeks, the weeks into months,
the mouths into years, aud the years
inhi nnnlirtiH. devoured llV his DUSSioU
aud oblivious to all save its objects.
. . i I . i. i 1 1. .
The spriug rains wnicii saturated ins
decaying garments, glanced harmlessly
off the robes of his charmers, who
neither heeded them, the sun of summer
nor tho snows of winter, but played, "us
calmly ns gods," a game that appeared
to be ns endless as time.
Fortunately, Lu-wen wus unconscious
of tho changes that bad taken place in
his appearance, and when, after three
hundred years, ono of the mysterious
beings miide a false move, he deemod he
had only been watching them a few mo
ments, and cried:
"Wrong, most beautiful woman! '
In an instant tho dames changed into
foxes and vanished uniong the brush
wood, tteeing which be thought:
"When the winter storms howl round
the base of Tendai it will bo good to
possess two fox skins instead of one. I
will secure them! '
As ho moved his chin from its restmir
place and rose to resume tho chase ho
discovered that his limbs were stiff.while
the handle of his nxe, which had been
made of tho hardest kind of wood.crnm
bled into puukv fragments and scattered
about his feet.' With a tremondous ef
fort ho contrived to stand erect, when to
his horror be found in lieu of a shaven
face he possessed a flowisg white beard,
and that his bead was covered with long,
silvery hair.
"Five hundred gods!" ho exclaimed,
raising his hands and clutching his
snowy locks, "what has come over me?
Ah! I understand! I have been bewitched
bv these foxes!"
He slowly passed his trembling lingers
over his wrinkled features and glanced
with a dazed expression et his withered
limbs aud timo-worn garments, then,
bent like a bow, he hobbled down the
mountain path.
ai.i,-ii.tI, I.o pasilv found the main
street of his native village, everything in
it was changed. Sapplings had grown
into trees, the monsters that formerly
..,.! l,o mail u-ora leafless and de-
caved, and be beheld a new house and
strange faces, while tne awea cimo.-t-..
who peeped at him around the corners,
w hi-pered to one another.
him.,, l,u mountain HDirit? Is lie
,1 UU 1 -
of the demon or of the ancient gods.'
Presently be paused to rest, una Du el
ing his eves with his palsied hands, he
quavered: , . . .
"How different everything is from
what it was this morning!" .
After awhile he reached the spot which
i.i Usn rwnnnied bv bis hut. when
he beheld un aijed woman, who seemed
to ri-e out of the ground ana was us ran
...i i n liimself. Ho altern
'V.i.. -v,1 ln-r and tho wonder-
'.1 ..u-,i i,..t had fathered around
unrw-aiiu- .....-- -
them. then, querulously demanded what
...i..ft'l .1 I nf liis llOUlC. addlll!!:
"Surelv, I ata not dreaming; this is
the village of Yn-peen?"
The crrme regarded him with S pene
trating glance and replied:
Yes, this is Yn-peen. What is yonr
name?'' , , .. ,. .
"I am Lu-wen, the wood-cntter, he
mumbled. -This morning I quitted my
heme au I asceuued yonder woontain iu
order to prav undisturbed, and while
thm emp.oy'ed, I was bewitched by
This morning! this morning! she
cried "H J oa are Lu-wen who left your
ife and little ones to starve, yon have
beeo absent from here three hundred
'Te"Three-tJundred-yearsr he gapped,
placing his bands plm to palm in ago
ny, "Woman, you surely must bo jest
iug." "Xo, I speak the truth, she bitterly re
plied. "The gods to punish you for
your little ones have prolonged your life
until there is not a Lu wen to burn in
cense at yonr tomb."
Then she led the way through the vil
lage past the old temple, the only build
iogthatbe recognized, and entered the
cemetery where rested the bones of
his ancestors.
The shades of evening were falling,
and the people followed the aged pair
with awed faces and bated breath.
Slowlv, for the patriarch walked with
great difficulty, the weird ot;es advanced
until they arrived at the m ws covered
tablets erected in memory of the wood
cutter's ancestors, when the crone
pointed sijfmuVautly to a hillock and
said :
"There rest tho bodies of your unfor
tunate children, who perished miserably
through your piety. !
As he gazed on the neglected graves j
big teaih ooursed down his withered
cheeks and moistened bis snowy beard,
aud he covered his eves with his hands
. . . .i. . .i . i
aslliotigli lie could noi near me sigui,
then, turning toward tho tombs of his
ancestors, prostrated himself, and
for awhile ho remained like one who is
The bystanders, pitying Lis Hge nud
infirmities, brought incense, aud assisted
him to make his offerings, at the conclu
sion of which he rose, und, addressing
the people, said:
"My children, do not follow tho advice
of the priests when they tell you to pray
continually. Prayer is good and the
gods are merciful, but we must consider
others as well as ourselves. For think
ing solely of my own future, I have been
condemned to Ioho tho happiest portion
of my life my mauhood. The foxes
justly punished mo for my inhuman bo
havior to my offspring. Homomber my
last words work aud pray. Fare
well!" Thus speaking, he turned sorrowfully
away and moved slowly iu tho directum
of tho mountaiu followod ut a respectful
distance by the strango old woman, who,
as ho vanished into the gloaming,
uttered a triumphant laugh aud molted
into air.
Although sonio unbelieving persons
assert thut tho foregoing is merely au
idle legion, invented by story-tellers
to frighten lazy persons who pretend to
bo pious in order to avoid labor, it is
most cortain if vou visit tho mountain' of
Tendai, when the moon is at its full, you
will encounter the spuit of Lu-wen, tbo
Miivpii'i YoNfiiilte t'herrjr Tooth l'lr
An aromatic combination for tho preservation
of the teeth and gums. It is fur mierir Ut any
preparation or Us kind in tho markuU in laie,
haiiilsoiuo opid puts, price fifty eont--. For mlc
by all Uruj;a;iU. I lodge, Duvis A ('o , hole
sale agents, Yorlliunl, Oregon.
Fi plumed tt foot of tbti column.
l)IX(. BKBSHTKISI A 0.-IJ-., . .. . .. .1
M.i-k, P tiUiiii', iiiiiulHi iurfru( nil kimls of uliow
riWH. KiiiHur riiliiloitMi'.
I'lIK Ml'MICAI. lAXTIK.-A iimmlily Juur
mil of imiMiMiioUi vik uI mul liiMlrnm. iniil,! Kent Jo
hiiv uililn-n for .Win per yer. AiMrem lu-y II.
Allen, imlilMier mul music iliiiler, 1W llurO Blrci't,
1'iirtliiiiil. liriKon. rmiiloKiie fr"".
W. . 'MA - 'IVll HliKll.eer, Liimrncnir mul
Hiirveyunt. Olllee-at Murk n net. I nlun Itlo. k,
l'lirllHiiil. Or.. Willi Kerry A White, Itenl hinie
AneiHH. SiirvyiinfUoiii'liimiy part ol OreKuii or
Wiixtitiiiftor .
eh ri it k k i:uT---ii wnKhtimniiiry oh a
Kulir, I'miw. .Miiiii.fmlnrimiif IHol lireml, nIh.
rielile. Hiitler, llonlon,Sill!HrHiutKluie Fly emekers.
Onlem Iriiin Hie trmle wll.lleil mul promptly ut
tell'le'l to.
W r 1 K.XK A ""!. loi Kroni mreei in iir
Witslilnuion. Orel, inemln, nilneml winem, eiml-,
i.U'.,oiirefullvBiiiiiviHl. Always fi.rnol'l unit iilver
3,:olher llletum Iroill iX to V "oil (lusl liiill;:lil
mul bum uimle. Onlein by mull carefully Klten.le.l
j . MelTOSII,-('or. Yronl ami anirk. Cliem
ii'Hl hiiuIvsw iimileof coal, nilneml wulen, l ie. llr
illimrv wwii vii ol iioM, mlver, leml or cupper, from
... I- i.i it if I .j.i.,ili me I 'limnHt
ri.l III nr. r. ii,m,-
II. P. Ki:XSi:iV, Aiiorncy mm i m.... . f. ..i
l,uw Hnum A UekMin' Ualldlnii. lKiil liunneM
iiermliiliiK to lllcni I'Hteiit lor Inve.itionH, lielorl
tin. l-nlent Oltle" or III llie 'o'irl, "P.-I'ili v
1 tin .rcl au.ii1 neniilj for
lootlmelir, rn li. IXnrU Aciie. Clout,
rclue, l.niub.(c, prmMiil
w.lln, Bii u. mul
fntlt.m t IlllUlnll.a,
llru ae-, i.rml rni. V ' '! feet, ami
t.mrt. h'. e I nrii t I mu In l lie
hot K r .!. 1
bllnl n nu I i Un
lly -iin.
Tbl r-i miied uiir.l n enu'ijr ' ! i X
c'aiteiyiil Mil tler'd ri i In the lie.
mt: "f :be o rl -u'i merle'. iiie-i,.i-.,l
A ui-l' al who k licrtt c illUf -pt"'!:i!'r. '
nr uot r ui u p .inn ia Inisr! e l li -eer,
nii.l l 'n-
In 'l.e w t" I e Hi ' !il '
4 Prtfrct I ure Uu Tmwl In r y
V e.t. liO' S cell r f bill -. i ' I' l -ll p I
foo.l-h:ie I t ho-e h r -lilT I e n L lt.i
U" I .
Full di ect'oii" "-e ininf e' h b';r
fiuid bv il Orng f''n, ifuli-i'-. f e. l-r-
i'ho- .1 a m rr . ,
IVola .oilr ri a l lurf-r-.
BALLAkAT. Al'I'HA'. A l -Ar ' L,
r i I- KM
T. W. Oirnel a fn ir P r t.n I ! A-it
t . A - ii
Lirer u l Ki'luej ilwrtv ene. hy ti m PiiU.
UarMdnn Bau4 hrt. Portrr m4 Hh4 (.,
"urns Portluaa.Or.
Ir. Illklniclon.Ulf l'mti irnKyf A Kr )ieaw
III lHf Mwlieal i lerinieiit .it UlmnHIH I'llUi-mll)-h,Tv-i-l
fl"" lm,ji,iK uuti inwiilliil rlevailim In
I lie Mlth Vri el I lie II v Ir )rrnsl III MYiilllii
dale Wllelll" nunVlliuc (run, ul .ll-.--. (.( the KVK,
t.Mtor ItlUlUI'. Aim will pay alxvlal Klle'lllnn Id
Ihtkoiik lalxinn iiiul. r Chrome sVrvHin aiTranoiu,
tint la .Iiwwmi ivniiir in i. in, mi anil rele e a lluu
letl lulllilief o! rmm eti.vtltih; tiiitnii.-lilelit.
Tlir liio nlloo I" tu int nii n Km iv .,r iieh mwn
Willi all llif "! li n-iilr wiwh, (unihlniil villli Un
bent innltt-a! fcktll In u- IumI In Hie iiii.rnHill.
Oiii-iiIiIioi pliyliiniiHiiiitiirKi!!) lir. rtnit Harvey,
lruf. of illi -" "f women mi, I i liiMu n In I lie nuilu-ul
dt-lnftrliiieiil Wllkuieiie I hlvenllv,
A In, It. J. M. Ilrowiie, I'nil. o( I'liMolim)'
ileii t. lllHini'lte l iilvinllv.
for ' hiiiouiiI ol n fen ii.-en mul clrcnlur, l ln-w
UK J. II. l-ll.klSOTOV,
l'r. t wml W Slicluil !. INtrltmMl, lr. .
Dr. Jlooily, of New York City,
A timdurtl nf Ihr w Vork Hrlmol mf Mrdl
rlurt Hl uf ihr IIuUIIm rruciW-e.
A won) to'niHiiluil..n trn
1 lii thf nli li. tin uinitr ha( ill IrilU'tiw n iiih'
Hm. tiU'Hll Hlhl Hl tMilIHir ri' Uiciilfiv r tn-lor.' Hlutlt
iluiiliiK nil lit'l", (ir it will nM vnii imi liiiiti. I i
imi iMMtHirut'luvnl uiili-w th'Tflo h lnlr mwHit n(
ititikfnfT m nirv. I ftnlruvor hi Uf t-nintiU Hi my
opinion uiul rt'iiwum li in my i-huik't. I fifnn iul lu
run I'Vi'rylHMly, tint tu miv All tlmt run lit riintt, I
1ihv UimI twfiiiy miciNt-nful iiruclk't In ttt
in'iiintwit of Ik li hcui mill rhmuk 1iH'HMi'a 1 tmvt
Im'iitfii iu IVrtiMiMt, mm I all t ak b Hint yon itiw me a
fuir. iinliltutiHl tt iul, hy wlilt-h I hop tuuitTit ynur tun'titT, tid Klvi etilir NtlUfih-iUtii U all MilTi'rtiiK
liiitimmty. My n ptitMituti Iimn Ihim aiiilrii1 hy ut lini
'him11I wllli my (niticuiH, tlmiUKh )tnio( mi-ivw.fiil
i m'tU. uoth In Kun (in hiuI hi ttibt rountry, and
Hinilloiitly kiilii(( up with tin mt 1 know tlironiiH'
Hinl reinttly ntM'Ul, not Uy Kiu-MOAurk, but hy yvur
of H NTlvlHl.
ln iiiy trtittmtttof many Hw'N I makuof a
uit'OHMl of rirr, 'I hr trt'utUM'iit In tntilt ami tlit
most fca-Jhlf of hII. M ln rt In no itiiplrnwinl wiouitloii
w hiitt-vrr atlt'iiilintr tlit trt ttimriit. t invtif all ihtmiiin
al11icU-l to vUlt and fnily cotivliirt tlii'iuHflVfn, Uav
Ititi m to rify tin aoinioii thttt Uiith Imn m-vt-r
flx1ilii remedy mi hturiilti an4 ImmtHtUtt In lid
wit-ei. I hviw nohnl cnr(i c a'dn, a littndlil In my
ln tU'p, art ciiilur cd and tt'mtvtil hy thf fundi I
of btitli Knn tm and Ami-rii a. Tlit- Ikih IIi'IhI ctTivtA
arf iH-ri rjmlili' aimiMt from I lu atiirt. 1'um-ft r tKiinlvd
Ini'tirahliandof yt-ant nUtudinic, hid to it mild Inn
woiKH-rfnl Intltii-nrt. And In no vnsv ran thf irraU
int'iit be Htteiidtil w : t h tlifh'ttftt duimn, tlu-r.-hy tva
it In it It to In I lit inoM harmlrwi uicnt In thrntpfu
tttn. Tim w hti w M to hi ply fur ml vice or in-mnit'iu
may roiittdrnlly lo no without hrHilntlon or dilttdeitre,
hh the inoft timid may irlv on tlmt ln tnlulile hit nvy
which Iuik already imtved the uaU of an i&tetile
lirofi'rwionttl reputal Urn Hhrond.
I'hhi'mi'hii be trcttled by ronrrtpfml -tire when a , er
miiiul Inlervtew tM huiHtviible, the pallcnlf
w til minutely demil all of th. lr Imdlly iidtrmaticN ami
nienttil dlHiiiVbanreM w ritten In a simple and nainnil
Ntyle.and lu arrurdane with the urn wtiry de aJ.n of
thYlrowti f.'i-liiiH. Oi.e ih'iMinal Interview, however,
even with tuttieiiiH reMldiuir hi a ill lanceUhUhly de
Hlrublewhen prwilrable, and will nore than remv
the imtlfiil the eXiH'iise mimI tniuhlc nf a tun 'e I'crt
land The inl nuliof' f eveti a Ylttt ure niiottieni ant
immifolil. A itm;le i-il In inuM canes will ein tt e the
tlm'ior to form an ruiaie.ipl- loo and nde puril nlurtt
w hk h mluht Ih lull -'tht i hi iiiereeorriHniileiice,
iartieiiltii ly w Ion a mi( r.m' upie and ctiemh al nnaly-
tH w nliHultitely iiii'i-fwiir . I m lent h n d resiii
lint In tie illy w ho wixh io tniti u-t their leitiins
thiiiiitth (he mu'N oi by i pit oi can ha e theiieeee
miry tem'dlfrR M-tit to tiny Hddre or ! ft nl an rail
way Mtiitton or roach idlli-e In (ri oi nr nhlnittoii
'lerritory until nil led for, can-fully packed and e
rurely Healed. Ollut Mini Hfsldein. n Kirnt Mni-l,
KooniH Jt an I l4idd'H .New- lluUdlng, (irner Kind
and roluniblii, I'ortlaud, (inon.
W1LL1A.11 (OLLIKll,
Ilenlrr la w und
OS MuiltHin Nl., rorllmid, Oc.
PHrde trlelnff Holler, lslne ur MA IV
Alll.l. U lllltM KI runareure
by UiltleeMlnc Mr. -illier.
New and Second Hand .Muchhwr.v
nun hi tnd anld rtttHd Ii Hffvtiitdiirr.
Caked Ilre&xtN,
Corns, hm
no equal
Sold by Drag
gluts and coun
try btorrs at 10
cents per box.
No. II Iwni treat, . W.,
fre.U ail I'kroaU mm SpMlal Dl
f V feetH of Tout hf nl fulhVanr I inline ret Ion, will
welltnavail liifiiiHelves of thin, thd ireatent boon
tver luld at tint attar uf luirerlntr bmnanttr. J)li.
HiMNNKY rill Rua.ante. to forfeit for evrrf
aM of Kerilnal WeakioMM ur private dlxeaiw-iof an?
ind or cltrrH"t'r wlikii be Undertaket aud falli to
Thftf !ninv at tba ag f thlrtr loalitywho
rt irnuletl w It It too frequent vva'iia(lonii of ih
ilad'lnr, often at ointiaulml by alivlit aiuarllnir or
'oj rnlntf Heioiaii'iii a'u! a weakening of the H.vnteiu Ir
h nmuiier the puiletit eaniiot avount for. On mini
UAik inn urlriiiry d'imlts a ruiy Hedtment will nfiec
1m found, nul HometlineH Mimill pnrtlelea of itlonmerj
w IU ui t-Hur. or the t'olor h lit tie of a tlilu ml Ik IhIi lin
yi'-i rhunv-nir to a dark and torp'd apiMHrniHi
ritf-re ure ninny men who die of thU dllili'iiliy, lirno
rind of (he mute', w hlrh Ii tin- Reeond htuu of t'lld
'twl UVnkiieNft. Ir. H. will cimruioee a pi-ifift eiire ll
ili x.irli and a b:ultii rektorutluii uf the KeiJio
nrli-iirv oriHiin.
"'ll'-' lioiirn-lf'tolnnd to, Hundaya froni HI tt
MA. M. r'oMH.iltatlon trei. ilioronli eaainlf'uil'n
and advice t
CaUoraddr-M D. PI.XKY .V TO.,
K., t frM mm . cl
Eclectic PliysiciiiiuViSuiTCon
113 Morrlwn t.t nppnaltt i'uatuia llou-w.
AJ HtltLitc. Hit Morrlnoii ntrewt. hy the latent nyntein
of Medical llyitletie, m praetco'l at the mont cele-
bmted Hydrofhallc and MyKlenle JiiKlltnten In r u
ripc, where be Htndted thin nytfeni, which Include
the use of Klectric Hnth, (iaJvanlK illon, Vapor and
MedlcjiUHl Hut In, Ktc, I tc. Itotti a-nte and chronic
d Incline are cured hy thin nyitem with antonhhliiK
fluccewi, otien without the necessity or iiieiiicini--,
whr.h are only giveu hi ennfa whero ipecliUly lndl
HaaafewKrKirtm'nUfiirnlBhed for the coiiTenleiice
OTPatlpntarnim animanctt
Tenna for dully treatment or for a rmimt can b
le:vriMi no aopnc.u hm al. im jiorrtwju nireuu
(naiiitloni fcr.
"El I
10000 Piano,
I OJC Orgsr .
k... r.n. ii f
f ll.nuliirtur,
r.-ii. K.i, i. t
1 nitr '-nlire lttii.ri..l tn, mul Iriinnferreil llie tuteiir-v
ill itie W'lii'e Sewing MH(-tili,e Ui Mr. Joint it. llHlrl
M,n, nf is: I li'nl mr el. 1'nrtlniiil, Or. Mr. llHrrlwiii
Will h reilfl-T H'lpply Die KroUihir iI'MIIUIIll lut UllH
miri'Tlor n'"l poiu,r new 1 ac iiiui'lMfe.
alil", Mil l, HAIIH
l.fivt h' f. i.tfl" aiivoee who WHtitu ltif 1 t. pleaM 'ni
pu.vnirfrt to wlik-h from '1 f h r diiycun d t lo'i"- name and fHHi fl allr to ih hn
nii-.if.i'!v'. nt id n-'-fiv- our 1 1 tl v- ctmilitr. Ad
iln-tt. ll.' If. fl hrll Al I n,. .Vo. In; (-root street
'orii'i"d. tfr'io
Ladies' Underwear,
INFANTS A M II 1 1 1. 1 1 K K. N H
!. O. Bo I W.
135 ThtrJ S rt, Portland, Or.
P1I0S !
W lOllli.
Wrmi mvlvini a lint tin iifiiir4Vlrbntlr4 aiaral'. Ivrr anil rrrmt l'.iftr, ri"l
m4 Trarllaa I'.uilara, our N. iiaiamt w I .Win KiiiiiiIii. Klnin aii'l ImralMa a ll iiiie'iH"l u rula
m4 riui Havlita I arrahpr ami ll Ihv hml HIiimi luiivelliriil anil lllililli-fur U'lmrallhll IHUH(ra
Varat. IMir llniw vi .m r 1 .ui. . I Vmi Kniihlin n,l ilon'l tirek ,I,i n. liar jihm- w an liuiiniva
nienl loin liee.lell Hlhl lAOOUt IMMM lb lra lliali lh avrrani. eliliiei,( Hinr uiwrr, .anil atm a.
IblrAIra watrraail furl Inito the iiaiiir wnrll. 1 iluralilr anil May lu mauagr. lliliiilrrll im llleaa rligmra
aii.rTreliem havr ieii 111 -reiliil iiperailiiii lor reara. ,kt
-I'leam-iwuil lurour lracHilT t ttuliMja m4 rrtra l.M and vrlll thorou.r -fort
flrlwc your order.
Saw Mill Machinery and Stationery Enolnei Furnished en Reasonable Termi.
G. JP. lA.Krr, M mincer.
OrnCEComnieri'Ial Dotk, Foot of Morrison atrect, Portland, Orctrotb
Where fount; lady or eiillenian ran otilalu a Tbumuxh HuhIom KtliH-allon
At a Coal lu proportion to lima Kimanvd.
A copy of IhaCOU-MBIA COMMKIU'IAI, COLLIAlK JOIKNAU ronlalnlnf luU Information, wttl fea
mtlrwwjlwa.w.wlk-.llou. AJclrw. W. H. . AMK4 l'rlaolpal.
vpwmIU r. w yrLir. ii. i
Vor'onHiiiip:on, H.m. WronrliU',
I lKHrrli, llrrml '. llriMlu.-ln", l,,l'1:
ll, Ai-lrtiin. HIk'UIIIIIIIniii. nt'il nil
lliroiiir nuil JuTV.Mi lilMirilrrm I'ark.
tuny lo fiMivriili'iillj' tral !' "
ir,'. rn'nW lr lnnii-llHt hm- i hoi.
Ih-ikI for rrr lrt nilr h xet'i
ir nlnii'iit. Aililrt'xalliri irotrl'lora,
linti, lUMJIi wilmri-i'l, riilln.. Vn
or II. K, MAI IIIHfa, I'm-lllc IHiiimllorr,
Mllj JlOHIHOIIII-rj' rM win ipin.iv.-.
BpesUI kttantton tivtn to thrtala ol
Wheat, Oats, Flonr, Wool & Dairy
(re ou auplkaUou,
Liberal Advances ou Consl.nincnts.
Oorulunn it and Ontera SolUltod.
1850. 32 Years Praotical Experience. 1082
John A. Child
I ralrr In
Fine Chemicals,
Toilet Articles,
Sponges, Sonps.
&. Rubber LoodJ.
Cor Mnrrlnn i. M H
I'.irtleiul, .'r.
Kperial allfiltlim
p rl in nnli'in M
mull when mrnm
palilerl vl'h th o.h.
M Flrat ti-Mt. Partlaad, OrM.
1hla Tarkl af ttwr Pwrirtlw.
MntifiM liiri'r .f
Portable Endues k Hrs Towers
And Hiilu Aki'iiW for llie fullowhi r-eleliratwl
Farm and Koad Jlachliicry:
Thr Kundiilph lleinler.
'Hieliiiilui.l fcrir.Kiiki. Kraprr.
Thn NliiiKlurd l.lhl Mower,
'I hr Iron KIhv M -r ..l- ut Mower,
Thn V..irlrif-lllliniall.jf Itiikr,
'I'hrNlHiiililiri l,.lMl-MllmMnlkv Knit,
Thr I'll. ker tirin llrlll. "nil Mrrdrra,
'I lie eleliri.led Mnrrlann Plow.
1'hr Uhlfrwiilrrtl' Keli lm.ej H'tmnaa,
W'f tfinllullv Invite Mil wkiiIIiik nnytlili K In nir line
In i nn i. mi'l .i-e iin, iiii'I If you t alinol cnliie, aenil for
our rrli-u urn mm i anuiwiir.
. W. AI.I.F.V Miiniiaer.
ni?Tir " and U'll rirt "t.. I'lii-llHnrt, Or.
Importer nnd rli'nltni hi
Gnns, Rifles, and Kevolvei s
Kod, .SlnkiTK,
ItaskctM, 3' ,,1,"'M'
I-imlcrs ' VrJZ.''' allMndM.
lliunli-.l ami l':i;i. n il Oil Hilk IJiien.
Siz Spliced Split Bamboo Hods,
Ii.1hiI in , I i-n-i
It IMT VH T TH r. It r.T I Til V. 4 IT
AH Motlfrn IroproVf imnu. 0n lt rr
J. tf. IIK'WVr, rmfiH-Oif
H1.NM lti;WAUD
I Krll.ri A .r1llMa'ifjlrMiftf Urr
lfMtt i otilwfj, inI. with ii nrrvi
un siii't rf--t ruitioK. rNlur m lad (1ltli
irnrHM nt. NvrjfJ liiipriiVfniriiU hvi Jo-
iH-fi n'lf, Ai-niti ftfll avu'l Irwli wii(m
firutfi i-iwh Uft'1 oti mi. At rtf1)
t'OK-if iH-r.ln.jf. HH.lAHUi Jll.l.-S.
i ccc
( fid AND 4
avy. i.iii.i.piayi;y, .-!..
.4 - v'-V.-t
Arf tho BEST and COST X0 X0RE than
Other Drands nl tf th Merchant with
whom toii Tindo Aw not keen our Gooda
It U boraiiso It TATS bettor to sell a
pair of Boots or Shoea eierjr TWO
nontliH than erery FOUR or FIVE.
We make. All Merchants In Wood Credit
ean proenifj theno Ooods at onr TVare
hoiiM S In rOKTLAM) or Kan Francisco.
litCUT liitos. & co.
, .-i". J.-iVsf'
The Klnr.t Ml'l--i V.H la la Hum
Vltullac thr Myatrm und nrrr.t lh rau
tha Kirmlliil Alr.Mml Habit. .
A.k liuur Urugvl.l nr Will Mr reliant fur
WII.UFKIII.VU fc VO., Airnla, Who Frau
alaro V, J. VAN M'HVVVKia A ?.."
AH Iiwullnc
Wbolmlr Dralrra In
1'wiv, Canned Cood, Syrups Honey, Dried
Fruits, 1 'rot Huns etc., etc.
Htilpivn of
Orata, Flnar, Waul, anil aaulry lrdaa
O'lit'iinDiriiu aulU-ltd ami t ttirrai Advanc-n madr
wlirn dialn d. -.
rlrnn' C
J luminUuim," rrt IT t'urrand Lmudta
Urn niuliMi on ivori! of prli-r, wlih fell dirwMiun f.f h.ii. MvlliNloHK IVi., DriiKl.tii IAI f"ul
ir-rt. P..rliid. ill. Xiilr liff'iN lr Hit. N. Prlil
ThP P,il.nii Scott (Jraniniar School.
AnotltlllVII ASK TIAY KCMIWir, priH BI.YX Yiin Mu. will brtii It" llfth Trar awli-r
Imiimvnl niniimeiit wri t. a, 10. rrruarra bo
f'ircilkrnrliiilnr. Tha trai-lilnl l nr IK-I ami
tlMironau. ami il'W-olMir rlrt irnd for tavlflh air
n al mial'aruf , rtvliin rtitipirtr tut f InrrniH' poauV
4,lma, J. W. HILL, M. I'.. H-d Mmw,
IJiiiiu fiiriUu'l, urmiu
- M '
X I f
l m w
0 on,