The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 29, 1882, Image 2

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Ilol.t. C. rale and Jolm 0. LorJaa
have boon Benteuoeil to jail nix months
in Kt. Louia, on a charge of eHtaMinhing
a lottery, both iilomlekl guilty.
A diaputoh of the 18th from Atlanta
turn: Honator Hill Is worae. ile had to
taLe hia food through a tube yeHterduy.
Ilia douth may ooour any minuto.
During a fight about a blanket inSunta
re on the IHtu, llenry Janin waa kilina
and Chun. Uonoateer ruortully injured,
and Wm. Warton waa cut to pieces.
Lawleaa, the man who killed tho aon
of (Jon. English at Western, Mo., and
fled, waa puranod by the ahoriiT and
loaae and killed while reaiatiug arreHt.
A negro named David Cook, who had
attempted rape in Korahaw county, 8. C,
Wednesday, waa forcibly taken from cus
tody of the aheriffSaturdayand lynched.
A London correspondent myn "I
drove yesterday nine miloa along the lino
of Arubi Tasha'a retreat, and passed aev
oral villages, the pcoplo iu which are
atarving. Holdieia robtxtd them of every
thing. The entire route ia lined with
carriages and dead horses. It is reported
that ISudouios harrassed tho aoldiera dur
ing thiir retreat, killing 200."
Action was begun in tho gtip.ome court
of Missouri on the lHt!i to compel tlio
Now York Central and Erie by peremp
tory mandamus to transmit freight
promptlv. Merfhanta' counsel claimed
that the were losing 81,000,000 a day
through parbimonyof the companies who
refuse to eogsgo hands. The companies'
counsel held that tho proper uction was
for dumagcs, but not for mandamus.
Tho Hcoond edition of (he petition for
the pardon of Hurgeant Mason waa so nt
to the president by the Oarfluld Club.
It included petitions of cities and towns
of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connec
ticut, Illiu'iis, Iowa, Kentucky, Kaiisus,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North
Carolina, Now Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Oregon, Texas, Voraont, Winconsiu,
Iduho, Washington territory and of
American residents of Honolulu, HuUtl
wich Islands.
Arrangements for Mrs. Lincoln's fun
eral, subject to the approval of Hocretuiy
Liucoln, upon his arrival, are that it will
take idace at 10 A. M., on tho l'Jtli, from
the First Presbyterian church. The re
mains will be deposited iu the vault uu
dor Liucoln a monument, with other
mombors of tho family. Mrs. Lincoln's
wedding ring waa found, and will be
plucod on her finger. It is of Etruscan
gold, and inscribed "A. L. To Mary,
Nov. 4, 1M12. Lovo is eternal,"
As a sequel to the poker gume tit New
burg, N. V., in which Mr. Weed lost
$150,000, Judgo FulWton of New York
and Mr. 'JVudu of Chicago yesterday,
acting tor Weed, attuohed tho stable of
M. M. Hodges, who won the money from
Weed. The stable consists of the horses
J. 15. Thomas, St. Uom, Hay Hilly uud
Novelty, und are vulnod at $!U()0. A
bond was furnished by friends at the
driving park. Scott Hedges, partner in
the gume, was taken into ou -ttody though
ttiok at the Driggs house.
Homo days ugo t7o Swedes wnro ar
rested in Chicago for petit larceny, and
proceeded to create a sensation in jail by
confessing a horrible mnrdcrporpctrutcd
by them iu Sweden. The story was im
probable for many reusons, but. was
brought, to the attoution of the Swedish
minister at Washington, mid the men,
Uilding and KohorUoii, were held for
ui tinier. The Swedish minister tele
graphs that investigation shows no
ground for holding t lie in, und they uro
ouly held ou a grand larceny charge.
Th J power of imagination has been
well tested at Erie, Pa. Miss E. (Iryson,
bed-ridden from spinal disease for many
years, decided to try the prayer euro
Sunduy night. Assembling her relatives
and friends she bade them stand still und
behold the salvation of (tod. Six minutes
past 8 o'clock slid urnso from a bed from
which nlio had not risen fur throw yeais
and wulkod iu their midst, a well woman.
Two skeptical sinters were immediately
converted and fell upmi their knees ask
ing forgiveiiess fur their unbelief. It
happened, however, the doctor's arrange
ments for prayer miscarried and no
prayer was made.
Articles are signed and money put up
for u glove tight to take place Saturday,
August 5th, betwet u John liruoks, claim
ing to bo champion of the I'acith) coast,
and John Ward of Milwaukee. The ll jlit
will be for a purse of if.'ilKI and gtte
'money. lirooK bus been some time
seeking un encounter with some repre
aontutivo of Wisconsin muscle and
science lie fought Martin ScuvcsU a
few weeks ago, and although the result
was declared a draw, the universal opin
ion was he was the hotter man. Ho bus
a reputation of being a hard hitter.
Ward haa never participated in a public
encounter, but is a tt ruble hitterand ban
some science. He will go into training
at once. The Ik'lit will tuko pluco at
Cohl Spring driving park, under Mar
quis of Qiloonsbury rules; contest to last
till the better nuui wim. Jtettiug is
lively and heavy. Ward's backers leading
and offering at even money.
Officers of tho executive and judicial
departments of state have adopted the fol
lowing: vVbareus, Mrs. Mary Lincoln is dead,
a woman who owned tiie name and
love of one of the most distinguished
citizens of our state, and tdiurod with
him the highest honor that can bo con
ferrvl by tlio people of this country, and
had a wifo's part m one of the noblest
names iu history.
Whereas, In lif.i alio participated in
tho distinguished honors ootitYrrtsl upon
her noble husband, bo iu death she will
be with him iu iieuee, marked with a
Datiou's admiration and coplo's grati
tude: uud,
Whereas, During the many years
Bince I or cruel bereavement her life hat
Ixx-n one of coutinned suffering and
trials, and tho smvpath.v of the Ainericnn
pooplrt has gone out t her from their
inmost hesrts: therefore,
Heaolved, That we, as a mark of our
regard for hr memory ami iu esteem for
her virtue-, offer this tribute of ivseet.
and extend to her distinguished sou,
Kobert T. Lincoln, and other surviving
relatives, the full measure of our sym
pathy in their tad beieaveue nt.
Kcsolvrd, Tuat, wecloceour respective
Sloes and atteud tho funeral in a body.
' Wool lit rhlludolphia lias improved
and the demand ia unchanged.
Several cases of smallpox were discov
ered in Council Bluffs on the 17th.
Tho Illinois greenback convention will
bo held at Bloomiugton on tho ltb of
Cincinnati boiler makers who struck
for 15 per cent, advance went to work to
day at 10 per ceut. advauoo.
Heavy floods at St. Joseph, Missouri,
carried away many small buildings along
the banks of streums and caused a loss of
The Cincinnati boiler makers' atrike
haa ended, employes receiving an ad
vance of 10 per ceut. und returning to
Since July 4th six doa'.hs have oc
curred in Cincinnati from toy piatol
wounds, which were generally trilling,
but produced lock-jaw.
Word is reneived by tho Arkansas state
board of uealth that smallpox is ragiug
in Jackson, in that state; hospital touts
were at once forwarded.
A New York dispatch of the 10th buys:
Within the last 21 hours 15'.) deaths were
roxnr.tml filllt V-MIX hoilltf children wllO
died from cholera infantum.
A I'liinimifin was mnrriou to an Ameri
can girl in Augusta, Maino, by a Chris-
tian minister on tho lHth, tho second
marriage of tho kind in that city.
Bishop Oilmour of tlio uevciiinu
IIe the
ocese. left for Home on tlio lan.
will be joined at New York by
Bishops of Detroit and Cincinnati.
Voir York Oroeubock State Convention
met in Albany on the 18th, 150 delegates
present. Chairman Jones ana parry
would not alliliute with any other party.
Tho federation of trades und labor
unions completed an organization in
Boston on the Kith. Tho federation in
cludes women mule spinners of Law
rence. Mnoh it in 1 1 ii to to trees and fences and
roof wiih ilono bv a wind storm at Pitts-
burn on tho 17ih, lasting a few minutes.
One man was blown ugainst a wall and
killed and several others injured.
At tlm furm of Henrv Hoffman. 12
miles north of Sandusky, Ohio, a little
girl fell into a cistern. The men all
being iu the fluid Mrs. Hoffman jumped
in to save the child, and when tlio men
reached the house both were drowned.
Tl.a nntiniml nrnentivH committee of
the North American Turners union has
issued a manifesto aguinst the enactment
and enforcement of sumptuary laws, and
pledging themselves to aetivo opposition
thereto in tho interest of personal liber
Two years ago Dr. Roberts, of Mill-
ville, Mo., was murdered by Dr. Keyes,
tho latter being sent o the insane asylum,
wheneo HO was roleasou ou me i iu,
u-lii,n Im iiiiulii liix iknnnarnnao at the see no
of tho murder and was shot dead by a
son ol lc. liooeris.
Wm. divert, of Chioairo.hus patented
a reflector, consisting of 100 or more mir
rors, by which he concentrates uio neui
of the inn iu siitlbient forco to generate
steam iu large (luautities. He claims it
will revo utionize tho manufacturing
bnsinoBS where fuel is acarco and sun
shine plenty.
It has been discovered that Oscar
(loodwin, lato cashier of tho Logansport,
Iud. national hank, is a defaulter to the
amount of 815.000. the whole sum being
on account of Merchants' b.tnk of Chi
cago. Goodwin disappeared some tune
nmi fnkiinr uitli liim his bond HH CUskier
and' tearing from the records all reference
to it.
(I.ent Ih'm Chautatiiiua Biiocial: During
a sudden squiilf recoutly a row bout con
tinuing Dr. A. P. King uud w ife, of Lou
don, Ohio, Prof. Leland of St. Louis,
and a young lady from London, capsized.
Alter uu hours struggle iu hiu wuut
Prof Lolund and the young lady reached
the shore, but Dr. King und wife were
James EriUhenry and John Dogle were
arrested ut riniudoipiii i on me ion
vliilo engaged in a prize light, and in.
Clements, who drove the men to tho
battle ground, and two reporters were
Mt.wl for nliettiiu' ni'ii'.o tl jrlitiliir. The
principals were sent to jail and the others
released on bonds. I ntzneury was se
verely punished.
A Knvorn liiil storm oassed over the
eastern portion of Hieo county, through
Nickorsou and south across uouooouni.y, on the ltith. Window tluss was
badly damaged iu Nickorsou. Hail is
said to have been several inches iieep.
Wheat stacks were destroyed east of
KtoiOimr liv a whirlwind. The storm
cloud was full of soiull cyclones, which
frequently struck the gioiinu.
1 1 14 iirohiiblo tlmt (leu. Sheridiin will
leave Chicago on his annual northwestern
tour July -.nil. He will nrst go to
U'uslii.kii'i mi t!m r.iir Horn, thou to tho
southern part of the national park, and
from there to Yellowstone, lie will bo
aeconipatiiod by some eight gentlemen.
It is not yet Known who they win no
The party will be gone about six weeks.
An Indian territory dispatch fays the
Cheyenne sun dance is progressing with
groii't trials of physical endurance. Young
bucks cut slits down their backs and run
sticks through. A rope is tied to the
ck and fastened to a pony, lite pony
.Irivim .ill' iin.1 lem-s Ntrins from the
buck, and the strips uro thrown ut the
foot of a pole in the center oi ine camp.
reiemouifs to the sun continue inrce
Preston Powers id Italy has just com-
nl.-t.-.l A model for 11 bust of (i.ll'tlold
from a photograph by Tihbuls, being the
same oue tise-l ou the the cent postage
slump. Mrs. Garfield and the late presi
dent's m'-thoi- wore in Puinosvillc recently
to view the work, and pronounced M bo
yolid criticism. Mr. Powers bus xhtrteil
for iheiMst, (mm whence it will be taken
to ltuli to he cut in marble. It is to bo
life M.e and oue of thetiue.t ever brought
to tin eotiuli v.
A duel between J iseph Addison, of
Baltimore, and liiohurd ll triuud, ol L tue
burg. was f junLt in lYterbnrg Yu. ou
too lli h ut a distance of tiO feet. Addi
son's pisltd hanging tire four tunes aud
ii ! v firing once, tin bullet striking Gar in the wrist Garland's pistol was
tired live times, one t-hot taking effect at
tile la-t lire, sU I tne bullet entering Ad
iitson s botly the naval, llgiug un
dcr t ie skin of the bu k. Addis u died
at six this uioruiug. The duel re-. u hot 1
from Gai laud's lebing a youug lady who
reMoes l Liuehiii g, to who.u Aiblison ,
a engaged bi bu married, that Addon I
was H r log wiih her.
St' raajicuap. July ill. trlln siebuiB
a.Ddim )n. u " t M; o Six-nni'l '
try, 14 S3. Twufm-Jlollt. iluik of Kmfhuid
rtta f lutril. P'r cent. .
Msw Voas. Ml ).-ll balUoa, 1U00 tat. ft
la uaaat USX.
Hum n ivhiWi "ib nuu, toot,
hort, M W. iioai rouiuitrcUl, Iron 1H !':
v. a. ii0ui-!im. luv,-. iv-
Lohdom, JulT VO t'ouioli, W U-lt luoucy; !
srouut. .i
LOKIX.S, Julr W.-WIW bullion, Enllb .
rU, Vit Bum, v Bo ouncm. Sl'j.
OiiM lUMl tok JXcitort.
an raascinoo Haaitm.
' Haa rvmoi, July 51.
Kio-rlpU Wbnt, J.'WO rtlf. fl.iur. 'I' ,k,i
poutoM. 1,160 k; M, m.rmo dus.
dMBTKBKD-l'ur UmI i Cork, V. K., or
Alilwerp, Br uhlp Bock TirriM. 1,707 loua, IW.
llrKUlf rd wantnc In rt ihwugignl, 'tiM wit ;
tt Huulbrra porta, lU.OoU tuu:
Wbvtt Hujrn bid lower. BllllM vtrwn r '
buviirs. For ibolc JiHull 7ui Mktd,
II 70 blil. Hl of rbulro uilllluK t II 7A.
IUrl r-J Tbii uirk-t U aulcr. Vnrrwgt
lirsi-r. qu ' 11 i.lH , ,
OiH-Knl, old J'jbuiuK, II StWHl S. OooJ to
cblr Irrd, nrw, IiioUIiii it II 7l4f I 73.
I'uutoM llnvr rclpl Uv afln-ttd Uif mirkt t.
Wk tt lUOltlol.i Ut Kllrt-ll.
Haliuuu C'oluiulii rivtr BuyM re lioldln on
waltiuK tbr p-tull or lb July pxk. guutitiou
Snilurud uurbauurd.
WikjI -Vry lltlla tleuundj DO ruinie iu vilurt.
Hup TU undiTUiue ror nrw l aood; '"'I '
chui HiiMiku ri r forwrd delivery ; iS.?)te lor
cS"lin Un-aiu tud WihluUU,
Hum r-1 ri-ib rill, M.M .
hint Choice- frU tilitoruli, jor,: Je j common,
Uraiu lil-Mtft itrona tud bli(Urr: niik-k r
tlioruuilbly roncioitrili-d iud cvrut-ri'd; t'Kiitt,
lue; mm tnklnK I'I'ao.
I'orllHnd lrodui! fHi-.
riMVU HUndinl bnoJi .t W: ctmu'ry, tl W).
4 7V iiH-rnu, a 60:.1 U.
OATH- r,4ftf,'10n per busbi-t.
IIM'.LI'V l KWJ pf f-ntil.
IIA V-lxlt-.l tlnititUy, 114 nil t
Cl ltKll MKArs-Usnu, OM-su'iiKkr cured !4.(,
IV; Mititu l"lsu; buuu, lullic; abouliinrt iU
LAUD (i jotntldn r )Cc III H 13 In
tlni. iiill.Vbl'H- iu pIU.
AI-I'I.KH-PitIk.i.II Wlotl 7.1.
Dllil.O AM'l.J Siui urim, Hwlf, IMtoinierdriKl
HOFH 'jec.
IXtlKU I'LL'MH-Wlth pll, 'i ptilisui loV
fur mill itrlwl: 1 1 I V- for luai'lune luini.
ill '1 I'LH I'aucy 'J."k27 He. sl lo cliolce, !KVl
lt-. ir, ls,(ic. iu bulk, lei'": Iu oriuo,
OMIiNrt QuoUtlous Utl Jo t ill.
K'iOM .'J.h;.
Will KfcNa-rrriloz,llfitrl .'; muitll autl iii-,tluui,
flla:i .Ml.
11( lis-H.nloj, l to.(,l
PiirAloK-0.u, l cu., (1 3D; U-iv, -'. ' J"
vl 71
MUl.NOI.KM-f.r M, i 71,3 (XI.
iii:kf :k:iho t1 k'".
Pulik -s 7.-, net 7!vs.
MI'TI'dN-'HiHc hium.
$l'2,OUO on a rulr of iieucts
It was a pleasant full night in Savan
nah, Georgia, when a party of tlve gen
tlemen mot by arrangement iu oue of
the private parlors of Screvau lioue to
liavo tt littlo "draw," which, by the
uforesuitl agreement, was to bo no child's
pluy, but a giimo for all that was iu it.
ihreo of the gentlemen were largo cot
ton merchants; ono was un extensive
manufacturer of fertilizers, and the third
was a genial hotel proprietory, who was
blessed with a superabundance of
wealth. Tho whole tlvo were ''solid
men," whose bank checks were good for
any amouut, and often during the gume
these checks wore piled up when all the
ready money ami ivories were stuked on
a hand.
Ono of tho players, gonerully a hard
man to beat on account of his
perfect coolness und unbounded
pluck, seemed to bo unsually
unlucky upon this occasion, and before
the gamo hud become fairly "hot" ho was
loser soijiothiiig over $10,01)1). P.idin
his time, tho "major," waited until sev
eral stiff "antes" had beou made, and
when it camo his turn to put up, he
laughingly remarked, "Gentlemen, this
giiniH is going a little slow. 1 will make
it $1000 to play." Three of the others
saw it, and when his turn came the
major raised the blind $1000. This was
ulo "seen" by the others, aud on the
draw for cards, ho drew ono card for a
flush and made a pair of deuces; the
second man drew three curds, the third
tine curd, and tho fourth, two cards.
Each of the others bet a "chip," and the
major bet $MM. The second and third
men dropped, but the fourth, remarking,
"Major, you can't blulf me," raised him
SoOOO. Without moving a muscle of his
luce, the major drew out his book, and
writing u chock for $Jj,0l)i). threw it on
the pile, saying, "if you think I m
binding coiiiu uud see tlmt." This was
too much for the fertilizer gentleman,
und he laid down three kings, while the
iiiujor scooped in the 1:2,01)0. Cincin
nati Commercial.
lu ;,nse or V.J.S'.
The produotiuu of eggs is a thing de
sired by every ponltryniuii, and is one of
the inos't protltablo brunches of the poul
try business. Ordiuarily every hen will
lay a ccriuiu amount of eggs in tho year,
but with proper food and can they will
lay more than if neglected and forced to
search for their own living. The pro
duction of eggs is a great drain ou the
lien. During laying time from one and
u half to two ounces of highly eoncen
tratediuud is secreted through the tis
sues every day or every other day. Pour
iiiiiiees of solid food is tho average
amount consumed daily, which shows al
most an ei'iiiil amount needed for egg
production und to s.ipply nourisdun-.-ut
uud wastes of the body. To the thinking
mind this is well known, uud few par
sons keeping poultry, who have a love
for their feathered Hocks, and desirous
uf gaiuiug some things by their keeping,
hut do feed mid euro for them well, ob
tain the best rt suits.
A desirable food for laying hen must
consist ofi'rainiti variety, wheat, trass
scuds, oats, barley, corn un I buckwheat,
wheat and buck bout" being the best.
Hut to keep up llesh, muscles and heat,
outs, hurley and corn are uect ssury to
kiop them" thrifty ut all times. Corn
should be used bpariiiglv, particularly in
Miuimer, as it is ton he;.lthy und dr.ting
to blood and tissue, but with other
grain in cold weather :t is desirable and
cheap, and fowls like it much, lietter
than oilier jjtitin. Vegetables and
calcoureons matter are abs dutely essen
tial to reg production and fresh tneatoo
cisionafiy helps to keep up the "shelling
out." j Toultry Monitor.
A letter mailed in 1S5:1 was recently
found Udiitul a sheif iu a country pot
ollloo and forwarded to its destinatiou.
It was addressed to a youug lady und
remained a marriage proposal. When
the lady read it she looked pleased, and
fxoluiaed: "Law me! 1 didn't expect to
hear from Johu so soon. Hut what a
wonderful thing is the fast mil service!"
The Judge.
Tuo jewelry belougiug to the empress
of Uruzd baa been stolou, which Uads to
th suspiciu that her highue.s may con
template going on tha stags.
(losing (utl ttirdoD.
"Matters with ns have reached a cri
sis," said Superintendent Jackson, of
Castle Garden, yestordsy. "We have
no monoy and no immediate prospects
of getting any, and I ee nothing for It
but to shut up shop. The Commission
ers of Emigration have had no funds
since the 1st of May. Since then Com
missioner Forest has paid the snlanee of
tho employes, trusting to the future to
be reimbursed. Thfre are over one hun
dred persona on the pay rolls of Castle
Garden and. the Ward's Island institu
tion. We are also in debt abont 820,000
for auppliei, and on the 1st of July there
will be 5,0O0 interest due on the loan
on the Ward's Island hospitals. We had
every reason to suppose that the steam
ship companies, which are very great y
benefitted by these institutions, would
be willing to contribute the very mode
rate Lead tax of fifty cents to maintain
our work. They gave us to understano
that they would do so at our meeting
with their "representatives on Monday,
and the sudden announcement of their
refusal was a complete surprise."
"Do you not expect to receive the
8200,OOOappropriatedforthe use of the
Comtnissiou by tho Legislature?" was
8"No,'"said Mr. Jackson. "The appropri
ation bill will not become a law until the
Governor signs it. aud that I am afruid
he will not do. The Governor informed
tho Commiwsioners, in conversation, that
it was the sentiment of the Legislature
and his own that tho ship . companies
should contribute to the support of the
Emigration board, and that he intend
ed to withhold his signature to the bill
until the steamship companies promise
to pay the very moderate fifty cents head
money for the maintenance of institu
tions' which are of inestimable value to
tho companies in caring for their passen
gers. But eveu if tho Governor does
sigu the bill I think the Board will de
cide to close the lauding depot at Castlo
Garden. We will neod $200,000 in mak
ing mauy necessary repairs, paying our
debts and maitituiug tho present inmates
of the hospitals."
"What is the remedy for the present
stuto of affairs."
"I cun see ouly ono. Let Congress
pass at once tho two bills before it. This
is the only way to forco the steamship
lines todo'their duty. The business of
currying immigrants is enormously
profitable far more so than anybody
outside the stoamship offices know and
these companies should bo compelled
to contribute this mere pittance for the
expeuses of protecting their passengers
from thioves, and caring for them when
sick or destitute.
"Will tho closingof the Castle-Gardon
result iu a repetition of the old scenes of
outrage und robbery upon the poor im
migrants?" "Thorn is every reason to believe that
such will be the case. You can easily
see that even if the steamship com punios
are so disposed -and they cun do just us
they choose iu the matter they cannot
protect thoir passengors from the sharp
ers aud worse who will infest the piers
of tho eompauiosand lay in wuitf jr their
prey. With all the machinery of oar
police force even, we are not always suc
cessful in protecting the enormous
crowds that aro coming here now." N.
Y. Herald.
Didn't Want to be Good.
A brisk fight botweon two boys ut the
foot of Griawold street ono day recently
was interrupted by a citizen who,
after releasing ono of them, made the
other sit dow u on a salt barrel and bo
talked to.
"Now, thou," ho began, "it is a terri
ble thing for a boy like you to be con
ducting iu this manner."
"I'd a licked him if yon hadn't come
tip!" wailed the. boy us ho carefully
wiped his scratched nose.
"Suppose you had. Do you want to
bo considered a dog? Why don't you
try and bo a good boy, and get along
peacefully with everybody? Suppose
you had rolled oil" the wharf and boon
"Sposo'n I hadn't, too! It's tho good
boys who get drowned!"
"It's so, aud I kill prove it ! I'll bet a
dollar again a ceut that more Sunday
School boys have beou drowned this
year than bud 'tins!"
The man reflected aud did no dispute
the assertion.
"And more run over by tho cars,"
continued the boy.
No answer again.
"And more of 'em got sick and died,
and I'll bet I've got more money and
havo more fun and peanuts than any
good boy in Detroit!"
"But the good are reworded," quietly
observed the man.
"So are the bad," replied tho boy.
"I'll bet I make fifty ceuts before dark!"
"But tho pood aro respected."
"So urn I. I kin go up to the potd
ofilce and borrow three dollars 'thout
any security, and I'll bet ten to five you
caii't. Cou'ie, now, put up the lucre."
"My boy," sadly observed tho man.
"you muat thiuk of the future. Don t
you want to bo looked up to aud re
spected when yon uro a man?"
"That's too fur ahead," was tho lone
some reply. "If anybody thinks I'm
going to be called a cloihcs-pia and a
whoel-barrojr and a hair brush by all the
lvs, aud not go for 'em jist for the sake
of loofeiu' hko uu angel when I git to be
a man, they is m.stukoii in tho house,
uud von dasti't bet thev ain't."
And he "dusu't." Detroit Free Press.
url mis Courtship.
The two thousand Choetaws still liv
ing in their ancestral homes iu Mis
sissippi return iu their pristine vigor
many of tho usages of their ancestors.
Auio'ng these are the methods
employed iu conducting a courtship aud
the marriage cereaony. Whe a young
Choctaw of Kemper or Neshoba county
sees a maiden who pleases his fauey, he
watches his opportunity until he tiuds
her alone, lie then approaches within
a few yards of her and gently casts a
pebble' toward her, so that it may fall at
her fe t. lie may have to do this throe
or four times before he attracts the
maiden's atteuti-n If this pebble
throwing is agreeable, she soon makes it
uiDifwt; if not, a scornful look and
decided "ekwah" indicates that hia suit
is iu vain.
When a marriage is agreed upon the
loverw appoint a time and place for the
ceremony. On the marriage day the
friends and relative of the prospective
couple meet at tueir respwmo uuuwaur
villages and thence march toward each
other. When they arrive near the mar
riage ground-generally intermediate
space between tho two villages-they
halt within about a hundred yards of
each other. The brothers of the woman
then go across to the opposite party and
bring forward the man and set him down
on a blanket, spread npon tho marriage
ground. The man's sisters then do liae
wise by going over and bringing forward
the woman, and seating hor by the side
of the man. Bometimes, to furnish a
little merriment for the occasion, the wo
man is expected to break loose and run.
Of course she is pursued, captured and
brought back. ,
All parties assemble around tue ex
pectaut couple. A bag of bread is
brought forward by the woman's rela
tives and deposited near her. Iu like
manner the man's relatives bring for
ward a bug of meat aud deposit it near
him. The man's friends and relatives
now begin to throw presents upon the
head and shoulders of the woman,
these presents are of any kind that the
donors may cIioobo to give, as articles of
clothing, money, trinkets, ribbons, etc.
As soou as thrown they are quickly
snatched off by the woman's relatives
and distributed among themselves.
During all this time the couple sit very
quietly aud demurely.uot a word spoken
by either. When tho presents hate been
thrown and distributed the couple, now
man and wife, arise, the provisions
from the bags are spread, and, just as
in civilized life, the ceremony is
rounded off with a festival. Tho festival
over, tho company disperse, and the
gallant groom conducts his bride to his
home, where they enter upon the toils
and icsponsibilities of tho future.
Nutchcz Democrat.
Hats orr.
Dio Lewis accouuts for the baldness of
men in a simple way their habit of keep
ing tho bead constantly covered, rle
says you never Bee a man lose a hnir be
low where the hat touches his skull. It
will take it off as clean as you can shave
it down to exactly that liije, but never a
hair below, if he has been bald fifty
vears. The common black stiff hat, as
impervious as sheet iron, retains the heat
and perspiratioa. The littlo hair glunds,
which bear the sumo relation to the hair
that the seed wheat does to the plant
above the ground, become weak from
the moisture ami heat, und finally bo
come too weuk to sustain the hair. It
fulls out, aud baldness exists. A mau
with a good head of hair needs very lit
tle prottKJtiou where the huir grows. "And
yet," he says, "wo men wear immensely
thick fur caps, and what amounts to
sheet Iron huts and do not dare
step out in a chilly etinosphero a mo
ment lest we talje cold. It is silly, weak,
and really a serious error. The Creator
knew whut he was about when ho cov
ered 0 man's head with hair. It has a
very important function iu protecting
tho'bruiii. Baldness is a serious mis
fortune. It will nover occur in any man
who wears such a hat as I do. a common
high silk hat with five hundred holes in
the top, so that there will be more holes
than hut. This costs nothing; tho butter
will do it when you purchase your hut.
If the nap lo combed back the wrong
way, aud after tho holes are made it be
combed the right way, no ono will ob
serve tho peculiarity. The hat will wear
quite as long the hatter says considera
bly longer because it is dry instead of
moist; in brief, there is not a single ob
jection to it, while it will certainly pre
vent baldness, keep tho top of the head
cool, and prevent much headache."
A scientist says that every adult person
carries euoegh phosphorus in his body
to make at least 4000 of the ordinary two
cent packages of friction matches. That
is a scientitio fact that is of very littlo
value to a man who comes homo in tho
night, smashes everything on the bureau
in searching for a mutch, realizes that all
tho 1000 mutch power phosphorus con
cealed inside of him will not light the
. To Keep Pineapples. raro and cut
o t tho eyes of a ripe pineapple; strip all
the pulp from the core with a silver fork;
to a pint of this add a pound of granu
lated sugar; stir occasionally until the
sugar is dissolved, put in gluss fruit cans
nnd turn down the covers close us possi
ble. This will keep a long time.
Prt-r, Niinpo.
Tho great horse trainer, Professor
Samplo, has beou doing wonders in Port
land iu teaching how to subdue wild und
vicious horses. He has been teaching
largo classes and every person that has
taken lessons hai been perfectly satisfied,
lie will make a tour of Oregon und Wash
ington. TriiKisH P.nis. Send to John B. Garrison
I(i7 I hird street Portland, for dialogues ot de
lis" 9-
A good looking lass loves a good look-ing-glass.J
Ativ book in tho S.-a.nilo or l-'rimUyn Square
T.ii,rary M-iit on receipt if pree r-v tli N. V.
Venrs i'ii, U7j First, Portland. l'cu'.tis
in all kinds of lhks mid iatimrY.
(ie.irne Ivain? and Letter Unwind uro kill
driiwiiii' crowded house- nt the Ki t- theater in
Portland Kitty uud Carrie Anitntr.i- in their
siHvmllios are iinment uud the bule cuuuuuy
a ronj and t ilenU-d.
FncrrMl M - i; m mn-ii en hc n'nrthwe-it
00 u-t, orders till" ntitly. Ssnd i4aimi for cal
aloiiie nd journal, H iloy IJ. Alleu 153 Third
itns'i, lVt'und
Frank ti. AMI, the toMuiil pliott gmpher
and winner 01 ihe "id medal, r turned Ii the
last steamer from ibe Ka-i, where he hxs been to
procure new improvements and novelties in his
art. He brines a larjo number of aoees.-ories
and will more than cvrr lead the profession in
Ton. and. OtU aud see him when jou go to the
Pen t $1.00 to W.I). Palmer, f.irCand, lor one
years sutwnpiinn 10 trie J'emr ovrter, tbe
great Mnii-tuoiithlv A il. I . -V. imivr.
Garrixn nMir ml an. i -- n r me)im
I. E. Cohn. M. D.
Physician and Surgson.
Nl'RiiF.OS TO a R. X. CO
rartlmlu attrtUoo pail to dlsmm ol tb Miaa act
Deformities of all Description.
A I'lruant and Kfflim lout fa-med.
By over ImliilKence In eating o ilrinleuut; liaveife
or nervmiH heailache; ilryneM ot the nkln, lib
feverbili tendency; iilifht nwvau and slvepltMmeM' h
all means ue '
Staven'i California Fruit Salt.
And feel youii onre mori. It Is the woman's lrta
Try It ; H per buttle: bottle fur 5. yt ml hr ui
rinweist. R. K.Ul Kf's
r. 8. Akt)
Bee. Selling,
n F. Cwi.
bee Uutt our Trade Mack, "TH BOVt
Is on every pair.
A. .vt-a Ll
And ly llujiiitf Tnnr
HU)M Til K
New York Uoot uud Shoo House,
,o. Vint Ntirt,
Uctwet'it Yamhill and Taylor, Portland
"yor aiu to vorn own wkaltic and by
1 lliut nionriM make the wlii'lecuuniry nrlur,
have Just rii't'twd i lit nmst fiewnl st Mk uf Ktfl
evtT broutf tit to INtrtlanil. whlrh wean setliiufKl riitrt
that iioutlit-r hmisc can. When ymi roive tti tli" dty
hrinn In your wIk-N- family uml we w:il Mli t tiwi
KitiMlrt at ahintshliiely luw prices. Orihrs fn'iniht
country will l iirninpily uttt'inlrtl to.untl wt williy
rilit on ail g'mils s'-nt lo ymi.
A New Invoice of
Dr. Warner's Health Corsets.
ToBoitu r wiih Hit' re'i lmitcl
These CometH are vitsitv Mipnr!ir to sny r''cle rf-fi-rwl.
Its axlMintiuresaie: I. Tlt-y t'uiiii'U lie lir-meB.
A reward n( live ituihtrs will he ).ilu i evi rt i 'nrvi
In which the Cunilhie hrelH ultnhi iiimulei onli
miry wear. 2. It It inure iiliahlf than h tlehune.
It Is not Hili-eU' hv eul I heat nr niuwiiire. I. H
tliertieat'! and ninsi s,-r'li'ea!il- (' is t tier
IIUSIKKV. XKl'KWKAll, Kliiil.iiVK, wejMvr
r,'oeived anew lot of Aprons. .vt,,,s' Ai'nms.
411, .VI, (, 75, S.V, SI to i m. 1 ! Ii 'III Klli-h ll H!"l
hir wear. Iiifimts ami I'luhlreu's I.I ulmm linw
Inlants ami rii.l.lren'a flilu-o lin'es. Ii.rtnt ami
t'h l lien'K White lllise-i. Infaulsa!"! rhlhlren't t;J
uel Skirts. Infants and Children's Wime .-"lilns.
II. IIABTM AN A- '., 103 Thled Ht.
IHlltrt.ANI), OH1.IU1N.
$1000 JiEWAltl)
Will he iun to an v I'Kusnx riioi'U-
T mi; a more I'lTceiuul remedy than
Dr. Kifk's Sine (uro lur tatiinli,
Vhieh has Nt M'il the tea, for fourteen ywirs. '''JJ
elans, Dnu-Kisis, anil all who hive n-i'd nnd 11""'
oothly tested It. prononi It ie-liie for tin-'lire
I hat loatlisuuiv dui'iis,-. Try ll. Vunr dtaKUt "
It, prieejl. .
Ir. Keek thommrhty uid,Tst.i"i!,nd is eminent"
snec sHful In the irnlnient of ail el,rnle an ''
rull dlwsise of l,iri mr, and nil "lie. n l
m.le ii sHiilivt,f tnnr in amieiii fur loinl- en
He treats l-iinerr without Ush K the knife. l,NtvT
Ite jin h -rip ion ' furnished lo I ,dv ulenl" ,rr
No ladv sliolllil he whle'llt It. Yuunc. ml ahe ut1
old. male or fenmle. h.snniiv or a In - ot "n
your ioev tnhle ,1'Him iihIi- yon 'iiy In l.m '"
physlc-ia'i w ho innlersiunils, a(l,j 1, ni,ii;i tent I" tr
yonrrase. Wuste no more time nor rnoiiey wltn
romle'ient physn-liU'H. All .-.un f ,i n ,il--:i. l.i ' "ttl''.'
in nuu i ii.anii Krv Mrii I r""i ir ,,
iHi'.ilunappili-at'ion. I lll I.T.Tll K n
Illi-lnse a three-cent sla p for .1-1 sol al lre l'n
J .m r.S. KI N Vi L.l-iisit . r 'leri-
l)r. 11. 31. 1U SS, DontNj.
ror i tie tmen-it of the p.P lh . 1 have n-euived w
first -elass work ut thi-- prict-s :
( onllnnon. Onm tVark-Pmrt-lain 7t,.J
On tlnlri I'lill.-s
u u..:..i,l' IO O.I and niae
MS unit
H..U rilllna SMS H ;J3
Hllter anrt K,,ie t llll( 1 Oil and
tvlnirllon nf Telh, wild -'
OKFICE-lOi First stree:, over rreutlce'i m
Dr. II. M. BIT., Deetl
OOlr hour, nil hour.
CMrvLi.rD r ia
raring ftkln Hlsea.e. .1 f"' I'r""
A H,B IU si
. ... ii
sreeear.-o' luiiistii.ii-.i " "
r, inc . gD
Theisnn ne msoe en's y 'h "'Ni".K
Isrre t-sortu nl
of Lit V KY -M ''"-..
,UIMn ho'' t. tiE-, .t't -.ra-a
caa f ran ci soi. cel.
Sr5 J. tjiu
M J, iMlillu.fci't;,.;.-;,'
5 R tr"OTCTA. y-'j v v. :
UJ Y-. . J ,! Vf.tT
CO Lh .-'Jtv-. i", ..:
to g v J-i
CD -' -
,el a. a., a co.