The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 22, 1882, Image 5

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" w t eejl1
.. ..
county jail Is empty.
Cherry k Dav, ndertakere.
Tobacco mid cUM at Rrittows.
Fr good deutittry to Clark.
tietfsuiith keeps tli best eitfara.
Brief year chickens U Bettmaa'a.
Chickens wanted at Goldsmith's.
ftraweerriet ere a thinf of tlie past
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure,
gix ponuds it eo (foe for 1 t Goldsmith's
Job work a tpeciality t the Coard office.
We hev it rumored that a marriace ia on the
Kabxra'a restaurant will be told at auction
Viae poundt of good sugar tor f I at Guld-
Mr A Hunt hu had the front of hta ehnp re
X,w styles ladiea visitint; cards at the
Seveacansot tonatoet for $1 at Gold
etith'. You caa (jet an imported or domestic cl0'r
at Bris tow's.
A large lot ef grain aackc Just receired at S
The health efthia city for the pant year hu
been splendid. ,
Go see thnee noHiy bedroom mites' at
Cherry Day's.
Bettman will pay mure for chicken in Cash
Idea aay ene la towa.
Goods delivered te aay part of the city
(rum Goldsmith's.
All kindt of cigarettes, cigars and tobso"
sea at Brittow'e.
A freih itock of groceries, cigari Had to
tjaccoat Elliaon'r - J
Eugene waa unrepresented at the firetneni'
dedication at Albsy. " .
Prof .Collier fcaa carpenters .at work re
anodeHinirhii dwelling. ' U
(The Kissey plitmig ails. msdbinery hee all
Vssa.shipiyd to Portland.'' ZZi
Ton can buy a pound of very'fntH tea for
47i cent at A.' Goldsmith's. " . '
., ! .
6uJ&ickahieriiduildiMg a sss.iUsbvp one
4or eVAith-erthe Guard oftce.
ill'.'" TV '' "
The only pjace yjere- you wayt eel
Tear chickeu ii at BetttnaoV; '
The' rlrKrt'stdrtmc Tot wiacco,' cigars '
d ci'jjteUoett Gohlsnaiib'a. t
8heriff Caiiipljeil ha$i& tU mnivtt Jvii
JohiJTillianvof jipctioor .hu U.'iiM
aloonno a eat h.tDe liitme tf XirA '
Ct.hfjiid for ctttcjciaW,' MlPfii TAL.
LOM'aal R1CE-VAX lit' A,'Ol.Uiiii'.
Imincnse eUok.of 'crick an 1 gfaaware
t greatly reduced prices rtt (idldairith 'e.
The mill emujinny !hve had 'merit at murk at
Rht head of their kinking crib tbit croek.
I). Hyinan will p.iy the highest inarket
price iacaih fa-Jrides, (ant, tallow ta,( ttenn-
Cherry it Bj will aoll yu a full aue fcd
teal fur $i."U. Kvery thing else in pt1"
Xlm. :..
Gonfl dinnrtlvy li.yr is ee!Knp at ? vr tarie
itTtred. TbV3ia crop in a liUbs ritwt tW
Better fumitiwa, and uve of ft, mlii Uv
r prices (ban oy'here awth -t PwtLiard, ut
Ren". .
Pmf J4m Rtraub was the recnitnrt i a
pAu at the moatkly dimming f jkCjlQs ros,
We are nnder VFigaUeoi U er U friond
J Walten ir, for a Hue lot of yal Ami
Muter Charles Underwood fell on M ax,
ae day this wek, cUi,j his leg near the
nee badly.
SeBaty Iijiraaeer was caused by eurntine,
which gt into a blister on his tongue while he
wu imnkiog.
A st reet crosiing hu been buib aorau U'il
t taiaette street fions lieam 'a shop so Jjm Wc
Clarea's reaidence.
"We hare jot fceived ceveral founts of new
3 type. For neat aad Uy werk, the Grain
Job otfiee ennet be beat
The tarm tablet nm tke uarroar gaage baa
been sovel from iVownnilW te Cbrg
nd is nowin running Wer.
Mr. A. GIdsaiith baa j4 received one f
the finest assortments 4f tea w hrmnrht to
lugene City. Gie him a eaTL
Itegular trains arrive at Cotaf every
t Monday, Wednesday and Friday aat fcve
aid place on the intermediate days.
To caa get .1 cads of tomatoes for 50
eats, I can fresh peach for 2? cents, aad
ne best tea in town at F B Dorm.
Mr 8 H Friendly will pay the highest
"ash market price for wheat. Give him a
"all before. telling your grain elsewVere.
All should remember who are ra want of
furniture to go to Cherry 4 Days, a they i
ell cheaper than any other bouse wtrtwJe of
'nUnd. ... '
And SOU tbey g U Ream's firrsHin. Ke
actoally telHag aoUd bend-back chairs at 1
eah, so don't bny the old, rawhide bira, but !
U and look at bis stock.
The Fenwick is the best washing machine
er invented
Every machine is VTtnfed '
give satiefation. or moult will be refanded
Tor tale by Robinson k Chnrch, Eafene City
Sherman's areas paase'A' through this eity.
the cars last Wednesday ori their Vaf to
Portland, where they art playing to crowed
ousea. It will pay this eity a
vmt w ,
Rtaa whe committed suicide m Portlaad
'"ntly b reported u bariag been "unmarried
eowatrie." The eeeentrios are chiefly
Baebelora. Hothiug like narriage for knock
M the eeeentricrtyent f man.
A freight traia win be raa from Jonctioa
Ineebsrrg. leaving the former place Tnev
ay. Tharsday and Satarday, and retareUig
toterntediate days. We will still kave te
vperieexse the delay ia freight, it having to
aia at Janetioa over aigkt
Tn Buildings Destroyed-Lots About
$15,000; Insurance $2,350.
This beautiful little village WU buriird to
the groand lust Wednesday m.irniiiK. The
'my nusmeu hoase left atsnoing in the
town is the store of Mr N A W Howe,
wincii was saved by hard work. The fire
it is said caught from a defective Hue,
in the ceiling of the hotel building. Th
nre alarm was given by lady in the hotel
at about I0;30 o'clock Wednesday enoming,
When everyone rushed to the fire, but see
mg it wu impossible to save the hotel.
tlie block, they commenced removing snods
s ... "
irum the iloomed buildings; but only a smal
portion of the goods were saved on account
of the scarcity of help, and the fire spreading
ana consuming the buildings to quickly
The amount of insurance is very small com
pared with the amount lost. Mr J T Gilfry
nau nad an insurance for $3,000 on hisstore.
but it run out the previous day at noon
only 22 hours prior to the fire. We hear-
tily sympathize with the losers, and wish
thorn better fortune in the future. The fol
lowing are the nams nf losers and the
J T Giliry, sture. residence and stock, also
abont 1200 worth of goods burned jn the
depot building, fS.000 He saved $1,500
worth nf goods and his household effects.
Kelshaw k Martin, drugs, etcj lost, about
300, No insurance.
Mr Hunt, shoemaker; loss in stock and
t ols, 50.
James Kuoy, lots on building occupied M
orug storo and shoe shop, f 100.
Spray k Thornton, hotel and grocery
store; loss on building, f(!00, furniture,
etc, H00, groceries, $1200. Total, $2,200.
Insured in Firemens Fund Insurance Co, for
Farmer's warehouse, one-half owned by
larmers and the other halt by J T Gilfry,
loss $1,200. Mr Ju R Sellars loses 600
bushels of oats just stored in the warehouse
and Messrs P C Nolund and J T Gilfry, 150
bushslf wheat each. No insurance.
I." Mr fiobinelt, 'stove shop; loss $J00.
If H qjUry, library stored 'nJT Gilfry's
side'oce,- loss 'about $900! '
PC Noland, two small builitings: loss,
Mr Dan Stanton's baru, about 400 yards
distant from the town oaught frrfin the falling
cthders and was burned to the ground. It
contained 40 tons ofhsjr, a seed drill,, hack,
plowsetc ' Loa 8J,!IO0t. InsuredMiTn'lfe
mens Fund Ins ("o for $775, . D H. Jrimble
hjsy and horse tirned it above lyn; loss, $350.
" ..Mr Howe's, stock of Merchandise was dam-
J aged several hundred dollars by removal,
and a small lot of clothing being burned iby
embers. i '
O kjj R It, depot building; lass, $500.
C M Reed had a fine buAtnne burned in
tthe dext; loss; 1 .
Henry Brintow, mlcclIanaU4 artieleaf loss,
$60. . . '... "
Mr James Thoruton cut his fjyKflgMnst
a window gtus during the fire, which was
the only accident.
We understand that Mr J L Gilfry will
rebuild at nnce. He lias the hearty sym
pathy nf every one who knows him, and
will, in a short time, by his business sagac
ity and honesty, win his way back to his
former position.
Narrow (Iai ik -- Last week the exten
sion of th eat side narrow L'aiua road from
Krownaville ' south' to Coburjf on the Mc
Kenzio, was opened to tm Itio. It rnna
through the finest agricultural se tion of
this county. The grade was nearly finished
by the old Scotch company, and the rood put
in running order by the O R k N Co. A
convenient and handsome depot has been
built at Coliurg and side tracks have been
put in where necessary between Brownsville
and Cnburg. The train will leave the lat
ter point at 7 A M and arrive ,4;50 P M.
Cinnabar Mink. We take the following
from an exchange, which will be of Interest to
many nf the old stockholders of the mine:
"The Oregon Cinnabar and Silver Mining Com
pany have had their works, north of Oakland,
Douglas county, in operation for the lut three
tr four weeks, and on Friday of lut week clean
ed upa portion of the condensors and obtained
ayield of 500 pounds of quicksilver. This ii
considered a good yield, considering the fur
nace and retort were new and would have to
be coated before any of the metal would go into
the condensors. "
Root Fohnix One week ago Monday, a
blacksmith by the name of L B Jones wu
last sen in the evening, drunk. He went to
sleep on the wharf and the supposition is that
he rolled into the river. On Monday lut his
body wu found about half a mile below the
place he is supposed to have fallen in. The
coroner of Linn county summoned a jury,
who investigated the case, and, after hearing
the tstimonv returned a verdict of accidental
drowning. He leaves a wife and family living
in Illinois.
Coi.t Snow. The colt ahow given at
Stewart's livery stable on July 8th, escaped
onr memory hwtVerk. There wm tine lot
coft eiiteted, and the following' fxrions
.'carried' off the prires: Milt Wogbn, 1st
priiw. Vl": Ileatherly. 21 priw, $10; Mr
Caletr, 3d prize, 5. Messrs Kitchen Wan.
ton and Swift acted as jud.
Pumntvrr Tex here m A. Seattle naper
n,ri theSinirrity of WAhihg-
ton Teritory haYe,tendered tlie presidency, l
that institution to Hon L J PoweJI, supexisj
tendent o( public instruction in Oregon. Mr
1 Powell hasjaccepted the positteti
Awimn, The man. arrested here by
3hrifT Hima. some time since, after a strut"
, , , . . . i. -p..
gsoe Ust Wednesday.
tl wu tried at .Jue-
burg aad acquitted.
Kicked. Mr James Bates lut week
wu severely kicked by nie horse just abovo
one ef his eyes, laying the-flesh open for sev
eral inches, and braising his fae bitty.
MarriedT Al the nt Charles Hotel, Eu
gene City, Oregon, Jnly 16, 1882, by J R
Edison, J P, Mr J H Bancom and Miu Jea
tiie Davuoflj all of Lane county. '
Colfax Burned.
At 1 A. m Friday morning, July 7th, a Are
broke' out in Osborne k (Vs agricultural
WftrvhoiiM, ad by 4 A M, the entire business
portion of Colfas and a huve part of the res
Idencv wre In ashes. Fifty-eiht business
atuinlt were consumed, including every store,
two hotels, three banks, the Democrat office,
owned by Geo J lluys, formerly prorietor of
the Guard, and two livery stables with seven
horses. The Gatette office wu saved, Twen
ty three dwellings were destroyed and Cnlfai
i virtually in ruins. The Am is the work nf
an incendiary. Few, if any goods were saved
from the buildings or dwelling The fire
swept the city like a tornado, taking brick and
frames alike. The U A land off co wu burned
with all the records. 1 biae in the safe are
thon;ht to be saved. The money and papers
ol the bankf were saved. The latest reports
give the the loss at alwut $250,000 and the tu
surance at $150,000. Many of the losers are
disheartened and say they they will not build,
while others already have commenced to put
the city on its feet again. The remrts receiv.
ed.from the unfortunate place are hard to get,
and the only authentic one will not be received
for several days yet
The Lower Siualaw. , .
Mr A 8 Patterson and K J McClanahan
turned from lower Sitialaw Monday, Mr Pat
terson informs us that the Hayes party have
constructed a good mountain wagon road for 18
miles, and that they are still working on the
remaining 17 miles, which would bring the
road to tide water. He says that the accounts
of the country have not been overdrawn, and
he really surprised to see such a beautiful
stream of water and harbor. If the $'.2000 al,
ready appropriated by the county will not oo
struct the road to tidewater, we believe the
county court should increase its appropriation
to such an amount m will complete the road to
that point, providing the amount shall not be
over $2,000. The county hu over $9,000 in
the treuury and could well afford to appropri
ate $2000 more to open up and develop that
section of the county.
Mail Contractor. Mr J as P Sloan, the
new mail contractor from this place to Wil
lamette, Vauduyu, Goburg, (all one and the
same place), waeaplait week aud put. Wm
"Roach 6n the route; Mr Sloan is at present
engaged lu the II R hotel in Albany. He
informed us that he will make an effort to
have the route extended to Eugene City and
increased to tri-weely. Disseminator. We
hope Mr Sloan will b&. Successful in his1 ef
fort to increase the service and to have the
route extended to this place.
Reri'HNEU Messrs Edward and evj,
Geary retumedfrgenEaet thiamv(lB) Bd
has been at Philadelphia for the put year at-
teudisgMTere MedifiaiCoalfVtiSFliif-
adclptia, fpwjh WWltattllT
honors. W e understand that be will locate at
some point in the northwest to practice his
lirofesbion. Woodson hu been attending the
West Point Military AoiA-Jy, whert'lie- erad-
uatcd about a inoihh' h&o. -After 'graduation
he obtained a furlough for four months, and
at its ex'iiration, he will reiort for duty.
A Failirk. Well's comet hu been a popu
lar disappointment, first benrase it hu dot in
creased in brightness so rapidly as wu pre
dieted, and next became its most brilliaut
days will be spent so near the sun that tlie
comet will lie practically invisible. Some In
teresting observations have, however been
made of its nucleus at the Dudley Oliservatory
where the comet wu bright enough'tn be de
luded in broad dayliight. But u an exhibi
tioti comet the new vUitor is a failure. ,',
Fiiik F.NtUNK Oriikkeo. The special
coiiiniiUee appointed by the council to pur
chase sn engine ordered one froai Water
ford, New York, yesterday. It it of the
well known Button make, site No 2, and
costs at the factory $1,200, not including
hose cart or hose. The committee expect
its arrival in about six wek4. At last we
have the prospect of being, iu a measure,
protected from the fiery element.
FisiiKiiv. Arrangements are being made
by Messrs J K Woodmansee, O Webster
and W A Cox to engage ia the fishing busi
ness thecoming season on theSiuslaw inLane
couuty. If time will permit arrangements
will be made to can the fish, otherwise they
will be salted. The fishery wil 1 be locat
ed at Mr Cox's pla;e, about three miles
above Florence. Coos Bay News.
Disappkarkd." Quite a flutter of excite
ment hu been occasioned in Harrisburg, by
the disappearance of Mr B R Holt' of that
place alwut three mouths ago. It b rumor
ed that a woman it at the bottom of the
mischief. The Harrisburg paper need not
be alarmed about hie having been murdered,
for he is alive and kicking in another clime.
Admittkd to Partnership. Mr Geo S.
Kiucaid, who hu had the Journal leased from
Mr H R Kincaid for the past two years, hu
been admitted u a full partner, aud the firm
will hereaftei be known u Kincaid Bros. We
wish the new firm success, u both the propria'
tors are affable and courteous gentlemen.
T r . . o i L j : aLI
naHEir.p:3ei.uiauers arv running tuig
week in different parts of Lane eouoty. Head
ers will not be able to git to work much before
the lstof AuguK A good yield It bow as
sured, and if pripej are giad for sjraieV tet
will be beUst than for years' before. ' ; t '
Sale. -Mr S M Titus told bis livery stable
to' Mr David Lakin, one day lut week, for the
sum of $2,050. Mr Titus hu been ia the liv
ery business here for years, but at tut hat con
cluded to retire. We wist the ni ffopries
Timber Fires. The timber nesr M r Hit
oiTs place on the McKjoaie river," caught
fire one day .this week, wMch caused teveril
Fires lliWtfflh 4&age.
Dira-At lMf.m-ii(r 'J ljji;
near Cremwell. July 21t..of
mptioB, Mr
John tlrroll, aged abuat
roll wsiTiywerlwla well
Moved. Prof Coodon this week, moved
to the residence recently purchased by bim
from Mr Thomu elahaw. Mr McLafferty
moved ioto the hoesa vacated by rrof Con-
MrO W Craw paid Portland a short vUit
this week. .
Mr Mi'Ksrlnn.l ..f 111.... I... k.n vl.lli.,,.
la eur city this week.
- -, .. mm" ....... ..B
.... .
Mrs h I. Brintow of Portland, is visiting
friends and relatives in tills city.
Mr T J Cheshire and family have gone to
Yequlna Bay on a plsuure trip.
Ws learn that Mr J K Fenton will soon lo
cats here for the practice of law.
Miss Kauffmait, nf Portland, ia visiting al
the reaidence of Mr A Goldsmith.
r II Alexander, who hu been in Wasco
county during the put winter, la In town.
Miss Mary Test has gone to Euroe for the
purpose of continuing her studies in music.
Jason Owens leaves for eut of the moun
tains next week, where he will spend the com
ing Summer.
Mr Charles Letter and family left Wednes
day for Clatsop Beach, Clatsop county, where
they will spend several weeks.
Messrs A Van Dusen and Geo M Rows, of
Astoria, were in town this week, but have
now gone to the McKenxie Springs.
Hon P, I B Ping, U S swamp land agent, and
Dr Chu Wbiteaker, State ageut, left thla eity
Thursday for Coos Bay, where they have sev
eral months work.
Ex-Sheriff Shelley left for the Dalles
one day this wsek to visit his father, who
met with a seribot accident by being run
over by a sprinkler wagon, tome time ago.
Geo B Dorrit and family, Samuel Swift
and family, Mitt Linn, Mist Ella Kenyon,
Mr Isaac Yoknrn and Gee Ssott, left lut
Monday for a short trip op the beautiful
McKenxie. -
MrGeoHoyt, of Portland, who graduated
at the last eommtneement, ia in town. Since
he went home last month he hu been constant
ly sick and he cornel here to tee if it will ben
fit his healtlu He says that he already feels
some better.
Messrs Robert Hayet, Dave Klce and Dr
Johnson, of Junction, left lut Wednesday
for eut of the mountains on a general hunt
ing tout. When they return we may ex
pectsome hnge stories from that aged, man,
Dave Rieer.V .'
We regret to hear that Mr J1 D UndeVood"
s still confined to lilt room and bed, by a se
vere Illness; with no marked change for, the
better. ' He has been confined to hit bid some '
ix weeW. Ben hu a hnit of friends who
sympathies with him in his misfortune.
.Dexter Items. '
1 1 he following Items wer rwnt . pf, tome
of the 'careftila'ilwaV'IAT.ploxees to
H Tiltou it bar mail carrier.
B.vlpyies are ple.niful fj-e 'rl(e.
A'arge porcupiue Wis killed near, here
reoen'ly. ' ' '",'
Mr J A Pringer' and family are here from
Chewaucan. , ;
A great many 'persons iutonl going' to
Kitson's springs., i ..y .
Mr John Drury came very near lieiug
drowned in trying to ford the river. He
reached the shore bnt lost his horses. '.
Mr U B Hunsake'r and Mr Robt l.inder
hare ret u rued from Hpokan Falls. Mr II
has sold out his interests at Spokan and .Will
... a
return here sooji .. ' . 1 1
A 0 U W KLkVtion. The following of-
vers were elected for the ensuing year by
the grand lodge' of this order at UlyhiSia
lut weak; J A Child, of Portland, Grand
Master; C M Bradshaw of Port Townsend,
Grand Foreman; W S Wright of Victoria,
iraud Overseer Robert Newoomb of Port
land, Grand Itecorder; I R Mooree of Po-t-land
Graud Keceiver; T C Taylor .f Walla
Walla, Grand Guide; Chas MuDermott or
Port Madison, Grand Watchman; T C Van
Epps of Olympia, VV D Hare of Hillsboro,
and I W Cue, of Astoria, Supreme Repre
Convicted. Uwit Boggt, who is well
known in this county, and who wu in jail
here several months for safe keeping, wu
couvicted ef stealing a horse by the circnit
court held at Roeeborg lut week, and sen
tenced to a term of one year in the peniten
tiary by Judge Beaa. Sheriff Purdon, of
)ouglas county, passed through Eugene
Saturday with Boggs en route to the peni
tentiary. Hoi'sxn Scarce. We have heard of at
least twenty persons wanting to rent d well
houses during the past week. All during
the summer there have not beeo more than
two or three unrooted houses ia the town,
which ia certainly a good allowing for this
place. A number of small cottages would
be a profitable invutment and would bi of
much besefit to the town.
The trout liar is ths gem of all fishers: He
it the saddle rock liar; a moose among ante
lope; Hyperian to a tatyr, he it ths long
tailed eomet among the quiet twioklers. All
men cannot be trout, liars. .The trout liar
must be born, with a pejjujiar fitness.. r Jhej
task, and the'4
fie most U Vdncated Vlfi
snd devote himself to troot
i a life
For thi East. Prof T V Campbell, Prince
Campbell, and MJaf Mary Stump, of Mon
mouth, and Miu Reubie Spillet ts 'this efty,
leave oatfij 23d toy the Eastern Sta.a,.e trit
Campbell fye (n the interest of tbeT'bristiajt
College, snd his m Prinoe to attend Har
vard, while 'Misses Stump sad Hpiller go to
'1 tM&itr $57 JO a James Lnper.
The note wu dated the 10th of July, 1882.
The finder will please return it to the nnder-
-Jsi. Wimw, 4pemi:ifi.' .
' Prrsorai. Ii Uie pereo(n,,Vno,' tooV" the
gold chain out of the bareaa drawer at Dr.
John Nicklin's honse, will return it shs will
not be exposed.
Hop buyers are offering at preaent, Si
ceuts per Bv A good price.
Km owe JJitv Poos oounty,.bVC the aimi
voidabU Mi io trn,.
An Old Man and Pioneer Gone.
Died, July 0, 1882, in Spencer precinct,
near Long Tom uoetofficr. Edward Neeley '
! in ttia s?i. - t'i. I
i u, ,u jcf oi ins akjv. iu, uujcv, i.i
tint notice deserves more than ao ordinary
obituary line, u he had lived under the ad
miuistration of every president vf the Uni
ted SUtes and wu a westem man by birth.
There are very few western born men, who
hare lived, as MrXeoley did, contemporane
ously with Presideuts Washington and Ar
thur. He wu born in WuhingUtn county,
Kentucky, October 25, 1705, wheu thtitaU
of Kentucky wu but three years old. In
1823 ha married Until Miller in Simpson
county, Kentucky, with whom he lived fif.
ty-nine years, or uutil his death. In 1S2G
he removed to Missouri, .thence to Illinois
where he lived some four years, returning to
Missouri, he lived thereuntil 1854 whon he
crossed the plains to Oregon and aettled io
this county, where be remained until bis
death. Mr Neelry wu s modest, quiet aad
intelligent man, conversant with the history
of our country and times, a fair scholar, con
sidering that he wat born and had lived
from his birth on the frontier. He leavet a
widow, aud eight of eleven children seven
sont and sue daughter living, with thirty
three grand childien, all in Oregon, to
mourn hit lots; to cherish his memory and
perpetuate hie iitmel
A Venerable Matron.
Died, in Kiclntrds n precinct, Lane county,
in July 5, m, Mrs Sarah H in ton in the
eighty-ninth year of her age. Mrs 1 1 in ton
wu the duughter of Daniel IEichardton, and
wu born near lilchiuoud, Virginia September
15, 170:1 Hor father with his family removed
to Kentucky when she was ipiite young and
shortly afterward to Missouri, returned to
Kentucky, ami finally to .Missouri In 1806,
where he continued the remainder of hit life.
Mrs. Miu ton wu ntarriid to Clayton B Hla-
ton, March 22, 1811, ia Franklin county, Mis
souri, where they lived until 1852 when they
came to Oregon overland. She haa beta a
widow since August 15, 1850. She wu one of
a family of nineteen brothers and tUUn.elbt,
maturity and reared fam
ilies. She was. the) niolhlf of eleven children
kfive tont ailU' six dangUer. Nine ot these
lived to hive families, arid at her death the
had 84 grandchildren. 143 ierrVot grandchiMien
and uven great Kreil Wii'Hl.1llIr-n--mot of
them are living fu'Ujvoh. ,
The dentin of two psaas wlslno a week In
ouegounty, and 'ake.osttj'fclit of each other
of such' great age, is a c iqinitance worthy el
note,' When these old people were bora the
Mississippi river Vras tlicp'iitern'btainJsrr of
the Uni
,and tire
clliettaln, aft
.. , i
Unborn, yetTue lived a long itseful life,
tilled the meunstof time aloWil toflftjeil wllrtolnV .T'ShlVi'jal
.!... )..... .'I . TTH'T
years ajfi. flr Jr,r - .T'TT ri-
We copy the following from the Dsllas
Itemizer: '"Mr Kratx, of the firm of Krata,
Wuhbnrne k Co., of Dixie mills, wu in
town this week and mode us a call: From
him we learn that their new warehouse,
which has a capacity of about 100,000 bush
els, is nearly coincided ami will be ready for
the reception of this toaton't crop, The sur
vey hu been mode for a" track to connect
their warehouse with the railroad, which
will greatly facilitate their means for doing
business. They expect to purchase wheat
end do a general storage business."
' By the new criminal code for the State of
New York, swearing is puuished by a flue
of $1 for each ofTunae and the ntterer of a
profane oath in hearing nf a magistrate may
be sent to jail for ten days. If tuch a law
at this were rigedly enforced Oregon our
State debt would be paid in a week. ,
To Mii.i.mkx, Old type for babbit met
for sale at this office.
Comer SEVENTH and WILLAMETTE STREETS, Eugene City, Oregon. '
Givcme tivCiall before
- lf SMITH,
y m t
Wire used. ' a' : . ' '
Mainfacturetl tprfCllp ftr the PACIFIC COAQTi also the
Machine Oils a specialty. Give me a call be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
OFFICE-S.H Friendly's Store.
Railroad Work.
Werk on the extension nf the rtilreadi
south is being poshed forward with all pos
sible dispatch. There are now employed an
the line between Boseborg and Redfields,
sixty-five miles sooth, something above
4000 Chinanun and not a mioote is being
lost from work on the grade. The grade ia
finished or very nearly so to the head of
Cow Creek Valley, there being nothing left
undone between here and there except a
mall amount of light grading, and ths work
ef completing the bridge across the South
Umpqua at Myrtle Creek. When this ia
dons the roadbed will be ready for the tie
tnd rails to a point nearly 40 miles tonth.
All bsnds except a few that are needed U
finish Bp this tide, have been moved np to
Cow Creek canyon and are hard at work eft
ths grade, rock outs, tunnels, etc., and seme
too, are making a temporary road through
the canyon, that will be ased by the eons,
pany for light work daring the process t
construction. It is not expected that the
bridge at Myrtle Creek will be done before
the 15th ot September, ami by that time
work in the Canyon beyond which the
is very heavy, will have advanced so that
the graders will be able tokeep out of the way
of tracklayers, nutil Redtield It reached, as WO
ssid before, 63 miles south where they will
hang up for the wiuter, in cvniociuince of
the tunnel work ttopping them. The track
is now laid to within a few miles of Myrtle
Creek, and will be there iu a fow dayt which
it 22 miles south ot Roseburg. The werk
of balluting hu begun and by the time the
track it balluted to the bridge on the South
Umpqua, that structure will be tluitbsd aad
the work ot tracklaying will go on without
interruption until Redfields it retched which
we are informed will be, as per the compa
ny's intention, tometime iu October. Plain
How to Build Up a Place.
An exchange hu these words ot advlcet '
Speak well ot the place where yen live)
if yon duu't nobody site will.
"Rnooursge all public enterprises, aad if
necessary go down in your pecketbook to
to help foster them. , ..,'
Use your utmost endeavors to have goed
schools,' but do not expect' them to oorae to
you without an efforts . ' : .
Patrouise every man who is trying to bnild
upt business in your midst for it is like
bread east upon, .the waters, ." . ; ,
insider the otW Wreviog oo tw4; v
inefWere;w private Wftlne!'.
o( thrift,' you cuinsrct,rpWI yf JiJ's
t-Wl.T'i" t Ml S-ttP aSMt
.;.jM''ji'i v. : -
1 aTktcenVearSiM tJ'litra'
Mir I -ink Will
ri 1 --H-r
ce)ins)taalto0on, and yon thus) 'Miird;,sip
a( etiterprise llmt has (he general gocVI at
heart ' Nothing speaks so welFoT the pree
perity of a place u the healthy appearance
of your local paper.
Notice to CHIieni of Cottage Qrove.
The proprietors of ' the different busi
ness houses ot Cottage Grove, hereby giro
notice that hereafter their places of business
will be closed ou 8undays after Asgntt 6th,
Persons wanting will please call daring the
week. ' Dot.
Foley Soring.
These healthful and medicinal hot springs
have been purchased by Mr Peter Koney
late of Astoria. Mr lluney will thoroughly
refit and reuovate the buildings on the prem
ises, and will be prered to accommodate '
those iu quest of health or pleuure. Fish
and game are plentiful in thai vicinity the ;"
scenery is msguifioent, and those wishing a
summer tour could go to no better place.
For Rkht. The building adjoining Raa
k n'e Raxar. Inquirs at this office.
large assortment of the latest ttyUs ot Furniture
and Upholstery, consisting of fine
Pailor and Chamber Suites. Sofas, Lounges,
Tables, Fancy Furniture, Chairs
. Of all Descriptions, Etc-, Etc.,
Which will be sold at the LOWEST Prioea. I DEFT
i All ieiwns are respectfully invited to eall and
I amine ruy Htock and be satisfied for themselves, I
1 take pleasure in waiting on visitors.
purchasing elsewhere
J. Ik UK AM. .