71 4 ESTISLIMIEII FOB THE UtSSKVlXATlOS OP 9Eint'R.TlC HUvlftU. AXD TO EH U flCMSTUTIM BT TDBSWEAt OF OCR BROW. WHOLE XO. 7(J1. EUGENE CITY, OR. SATURDAY, JULY 22, $2.50 per year IN AbVAKCt nrm GENE CITY G A 'ID. vUd (Guard. n. fAM"BKi.i. CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers A ti l Proprietors. lFKC'tC-O th Etrfl o" '.Villaiuftu . i . aeveniu n cuuvu omen, w w ' - .'' . OCR OXtl lii'm XDVWltTlrINt4 1 1 wiUea-fnU huerted as tH : j, ... l ) Un or lej, iffie tuk-rtlni Kij V rj .1' ?- 1 mt imertion L Ch1 required iu 1V. lr.-.tir will be chanted at the M SiitWtwjtk. WOO " six month . " nut mt " w . 4TrtJ- auticesln looal column, 20oenU lwi a. for each iasertiim. A.irrtUioi biH will b rendered quarterly. All lob wurk Mart be f MP roa o ihlivkiiv. .Ykul-JSw . For MiMw. Franklin an Iibii, JfJl Wly. F..r Crawford . ' ,j7,rVM. ttU.holl he left ttli ts OCIF.riE. VmW r. and third W.'nejidiiy. tn wl irath. . - w n T n Wivuftu BmuTWiT . ia Loiwa. N. 15. A. O. U. W. Xhu ai Manulc Hall tka iecn4 a4 IoiKn r.Hday..cbnntb:j SLoAiiJi Kti.taint Pom. Vo. 40. 0. A. T, t Mi'5 Hall, tba fir-t and third Fndayit o( in, loath, ByarJar. Co.iitwnr.it. . S. fTMHaH, AI.BANT. t. BJLTIC, El'OEIIF. MIMII1N & IIILVKU, Attorneyt md Counsellors at Law, KUUKX K CITV, OUEOOX. PRACTICE IS ALT. TltE COURTS OF thU att. Tb.f (t'.va -Pil attontwa, t nlletinn and probate matters. Offiea op atair-, one dnor .uth u( Thnmpsoa nd Bu aid nnice. Ceo. S. Wa3hburne, AUoriicy-al-Law, KWiKXE CITV. - - - OIIE.-SOY fAftlce formerly nee ivied 1 y 'J LompHMi A .aL " jysta CEO. if!. KILLER, Attoasy and Ccunsallot-Law, and Meal Mate Agent. EUGENE CITY, ' - - - -R :OV. Orrici-Of Wv F. & Co.'. Exprew o!Se J. St. KLLI.SO, l.Sce if iVt ai i N itiry Public. OVU'.u Al .SJOi.E. CO-'VEIl WIL. .it te ui I rtiwnt:i Sti-.eU tilin.k J .t v ru-M-ae. fcj't n band. K'W'MM'i.y ln,y i&t. A.IilOXLi:i, M. D., ; ". ;ici: in a nd S. irgeon . . K IY, - - OREGON. ' i v .'W"0'.'. brick, over tlia i V. JHN NIC KLIN, fhy.c:', S-'-'jui and Accoucheur (Kona'riy of Yamhill County.) S3IDESl'-Tro d.ra south of JL K. ch.uch. Dfo JOSEPH. P. GILL, CAK 3E F6UND AT UI3 OFFICE or re Mci vit.a not proUniotiallr eu'ed. Mm r t the rosrori'icE drugstore. tM.ae oa Eighth ttiet, opp-wite Preaby arlaaJbarra. DR. E. G.CLARK, (Oraanate the Fblladelphu. DeaUl College.) DENTIST J IJOEXECrn, - OREGON. XTAvixg rccii.Vr-i:D iiieuentai .CP. nice. M 'r L. V. D ivii, 1 on upared V al! k.a4s ' vor". in my mJmn. D. Ts Pritchard, WATCHMAKER AXO JEWELER. REPAIRING Of WATCHES AXD t CLOCK aiecuted WiUi nc.ou) Ba.1 a a tMlaMe WUtafnetti St., Fugsne City, Oregon. J1W7.LR7 ESTABLISHMENT. L t. ICCXITs SBALIB I .Wtkt, Wacnas, Chains, mvi, Etc. ' rtepairiit rnrmptly Etecuted. . r-v.l wr W.rr.BUJ. 99 I h l.lKrV. . .. , J V rUlamstt-rt-- Am ' m GwsattM. A4w fit i a oo. few tW A GENERAL Jl A large assortment cf La dies and Child mis Hose at 12 12 its. Good Dress Goods at Kc- hist Corset in toivnforGQc An. immtnse stack of Xew a nd Seasonable Goods, -Fine Cashnme in every shade. New and jYobby styles in CL011ILYG. '. I A beral Di scount for CASH. ii r ISew Departure ! ! . PATKOXIZE' HE MEN WHO HELP T SCHOOL ' OUSES, who e intercut!- ate (peud their luuiit. at homi 'i'a -e notice thai. k V. Will sell good f(ir CAPH ut jtatly reduced prices, ai low ar ar.y ether CASH STORE. UeMt Prints lb and 13 yards fl 00 Heat Drown uu.l Rloached MiUins, 7, 8, 'J, and 10 Ct. '.'lurks an I Brxk s;xd cotton 75 cU per Doz. I'll i -n I Milled FlmueU, 23, 35: 45 and 50 cts. -Vatar Proo , ewr.ta Fine Wh:: -Slilrtw, 75 cts and fl. And ai! Other Coeds at Proportionate Rates. the ("eh l'rn-G " W'fl ITK Sit yiNG MACHINE! ' vie Utter for strength, sle. and dnrahilitvi. At ercatly reduced rates. i'o my ol I CUittnne's, who have stood y ' -nnr s her 'tnlore oh tmi. Iut if at anv time iui am, as othen. the full credit on u.y reduction A. v. I u I blva Robinson & Church, SJIELF&HEAYY HARDWARE IIAVt THK Best S'feited Stock In 0regi- K3TiCE TO SHEEP OWNERS. VOTICB IS HEREBY G-VfN TO ALL l Sb ownws that ther BiuM dip their taw mike prorieions that wnf a tl i.wasn faU .. do v, tl-at the I.-jjctr h.d! Au it to b W.ttlr.x. aX)COAT! S'loi Tr-xc' I--r Lane Cn, Or. CRAI1M- BROS. DlAltRS Jef w iflarki. . . gs. Vitfhn i ' MjlcaHnttrumeni, Toyt, Motions, etc WtirbL d-icki. anJ Jetlry rr r'em( 'of W: mntet. irtbwe corner Liaiti.tt and Kigbtb trU. j iilia a. -a: J .oouc" K turn I O. Netl BUM'S ) Trimming Silks and Sat ins in all shades. Moircantique Silks Velvets in Colors. 1 lit fined stock of French KID SHOES tver brought to this place BOOTS andSUOES in, all trades """ GROCERIES of all descriptions. i ITILD YOUR BKIUGES. ROADS AXJ your iuUreata ! Are poniiaiieutly lnuatd iui PETERS, Fine Cheviot Shirts. M, 75 cts and $1. New Aexort incut DrehS Goo-ls (Xo Trash) 1!, 2Q and 25 ets. Mens' Underwear, Shirts snd Drawers, 50 cl Mens' Overahirts, 75 eta. and $1. Mens' Oven.Hn, 50, 6T, 75 cts and ;1. Embroideries and Edgins at Fabulous Lot Prices. me no 1 ntr, I will continue ti sell on samr they wmli to make UAMl tinrclias", l win irivt HAVE FOR sak at the LOWES') Raten. IROV, STEEL, AXES, ANVIL? is A 11 f , ROPE Cable Chain, .nt !VMct 'UTLERY; .Vf. I IflXn S. , AMMUNITION ittlCULTITHAL IMPLEMENTS Blsatirc Powder, Flshinif flle. Etc., Etc We invite anytxtm' ina ion cf pur good" i6'if lt,; btock will suit tb times. A, LYN'CiL JAe PAGE. tvnntr t pmx ' la Oarrli Brick ftiUls'f 1 DUttU tf Groceries ) Frovlsltnt, Will keep on taad a gsasral aaMrtmeat W (frtosrias, Proviaisaai Cvni Meais, TebaoMi, Clfart, CaadiM, Caadlcs, Sos, Notina, .' unm saa imea rmm, Weed and WUW Crwkery, Bt. B Is will be ewndactseTsa a CAHH UARIS. SSMBB that lew Pricet an established Cstlt tfrlirerrd viiheat hrrc (a Bojn UL KlNSOF PRODUCE WANTfT L- . . .... .4. Il l L pri... LYNCH - PAGi. 111 OLD 9 B Mulril rariin sud Wuliky DribkiKf. The Misviuii Republican has been looking into the returns of the votiimis- siotierof internal revenue and finds: There i many a superstition which vanishes and is lost when the touch - stone, of truth is applied to it There is olso many a "navi'iiif" cenerallv ac sr r B7 Otpted as tru which hw, no liettor fourtili'iion than Lug currency. Therv are miwiy dyiMl ju l he-wool Rxpnhlicana who n 'Ver douUt that sulstantially all the morality and aoliriety in the conn try aro Mnliraced in thn Repulilican party. It would Im mde overturning of their lonj nrttl.-d fait h to tell them that then ia much lew Itijuor drunk in Uemocratio slates and communities, in proportion to population, than iu Re pulilicnn Mate and conunuiiitii-a. Out snhtnitud to Jie tent cf fact anJ the .ttutertion that tlie prepnnderaucti of lii uor drinking in in RepuMican states is at uiVvi and conclusively estulilished. The ommiHsioner of internal revenue, from ttivial sources, puMishes statistics show ng the numliorand location of the re ail deuh-rs in liijuor in this country, iuiuU'I of wholesale denlen, tha num her of distileriaa and the total produc tion in gallon! fof tha year andiig Jaly 1, 1831, to which ia ppanded the pop. alation of each alatt and the nornW of pansM U each niail dtaUr, fraia J which it appears (bat there ia) taking tba country over, a aalaon to a vary 294 people; and that in ' tha atatei vhich voted for Garfield there is oae aaloon to every 260 people, while in the atatet that voted for llanoock there it eoly- oua aIoou to every 480 people. The enrrent helief ha lieen wholly at variaaee from tbia. It ia to be remkrked to that tha southern show a much amuller ratio of -wloona than the northern and western states, and this would I true even if die negroes were left entirely out of the question, mid all the naloonh credited to the. whites alone, It is rciiinrkuhle too lint Missouri lias fewer saloons in pro portion to jjonulntiun than Ma.mdiu rf'lts or to cAtini nearer home, than Illi .loia. f!:e iuil:il Striicf. Over 1,00 J, OOD.OIO three ciM.t itamps and I) jO.DUJ, IJJ postal card -were sold duriug the past year. A the result of t!ie.vi figures tho depart nent, oilicals f-el warranted in assert inuthut when tho linal statement of n jeipts aiid expenditures for the piwl year has hern completed it will U found that the postal service has heei. ielf sustaining Of tlm deficiency np propriatiim of $2,152,258 made liy con gress last yesr to mei:t the expected JeHciency n th postal revenue, not one cut Iips Leeu drawn from the trrasury. This is tho first year since 151 in which tlm rccipts of the post otnee department halunced ita expendi tures with the exception of one yeni during the war of the rnU-llion. Swift Winged Justice. William Raker was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary by Judge Stott yester- . ' .r "! ..I Iff ...I I ... day. lie was arresieu on iTimiiesuiiy niglit for scaling 20u from hia uncle, ferry u. liM-r, naif a pnniioinary ex aminalion in a justices Court, was liound over to appear U-fore thv grand jury,. indicted by tho hitter body witl in an hour after, , arraigned before Judge Stott on Thursday, and was al lowed ono day to plead! Fridny he pleads guilty, ( sentenced, and Satur day niorniiig is t&k. ii to tho pniu tiary by Sheriff Seara. Tine, 3 days. Oregonian. ' mm.. . . . t im n Paid CooiTioiUT.-Tba raward of 11,000 for the arrast d eoviction t4 Dordami of i ana If. DfoB, u paid " to Constable Simraona by tha county clerk, ha. givtng korwis U tha sup of 11,000 to ho!d the county free froQ from all lose!, xpaoaea. or daas ages it may inttainby reason of any other pema claifciag or atteapitAg t recover aaid reward. Portlaud 8tncr- Dan. C Butlrrr who has in polities, bean "ah things to all men," it is saiJ. will shortly come mfc u full blown Stalwart K?publican7 Uking strong ground with the Pennsylvania and Nr ! York.''OMM Bn1 Sai,",t tM recalcit- rani ami i&aepvnueut uieni'njr oi um (P"y- Put fchjlni Owbnjrd. The Wall. Walla Events of July ( 8lh, has the Mowing: Thiu morning 'thit train while ln-aring the new Silsby engine destined for this city, was ' lounding the curve at a point half a 'mile Mow Bowena station, a large boblder from the high hill or "sliding mountain" came rolling down and knocked the t0 flat cart carrying the engine, hose carriuge and appurtenances over the high bluff irto tl.a river at one of the deepest points, From a tel egram received .we learn that tho O. R. A N Co., am endoavoriiig to tinh the machine out. The contract between j the city and tho SiUy Manufacturing Com any is to ti e effect the enineand cart were to be delivered iu this pity fit fi.OOOi Ono thousand dollars down on receipt and acceptance, of the engine, end tile balance in three anmml pnymeuts. It will be seen by this that the city Cun suffer no loss from the ao ciJent. i . i . Who Should ('nine In Union. We have oftentimes answered this question before but we feel constrained to esy yt few words. To tha Kan sas farmer wont oat with ever recur ring droughts we would say "coma to Oregon;" to the farmer in districts frt qoaatly desolated with tha pitiless grasshopper, "wrae to Oregon;" to the immigrant with small capital who wanta to 6nd the State where ha can eas iest make a living "com to Oregon;" to the the young man of the Eastern State who is stable to find elbow room "come to Oregon;" to the British farmer with his capital ever melting "come to Oregon;" to tha Briuh gen tleman with no profession and with moderate capital "come to Oregon." Duton the other hand we would say to lhase who have reason to bo onntmited where tliey are, to thosJ wlio luve, a taste for thu easy nod luxurious) to these, who have no capital, trade or pro fession, "don't come to Oregon." Col onist. - . i Looks Spotted. A prominent wheat shipper, who has just returned f out a trip through a portion of East rn Oegon, states that tho wheat crop in the section is very spotted. On ona side, of the road would seen a splen did field of grain just " turning yellow, he long heavy heads swaying in the irecze, while just across the way a Held would ls seen, which would not iroducn thtr amount sown upon it. Fanners in tlpit section say they will not 'lave over half a crop, but our inform mt says he thinks they will average Jiree quarten of a crop. Spring sown wheat throughout the State is poor. Standard. R'tCnntly, whilo a colore I man by the name of Lewis Lnwry was plowing in his field, about six miles of Opelou- sis, Louisaju, his plow struck on some obstruction; and, upon eqimiuation, it proved to be a tin gallon jar filled with Spanish silver coins of the date of 1779,. and bearing the imprint of Cliarfcwi III of Spain. The amount fo md is ejtiinitnd at Sf8,0D0 to 10, 000. One of tho coins, a dollar piece, hud not circulated long; as it seemed almost like a new. piece. Ib is said by those who saw the money tl at all of it was of this description, and noiH of it less than one hundred rears old. The Tariff ComiiiisHioners met on July 6th at Washington, and proceed ed to draw rah his 110 a day tot tba work of delaying aay reduction of the wat tariff. Porter on ol the Commisa ionefs gets a salary of $5,0(10 a yeaf ftBB Bradstraet'a Commercial Agwnsy,' W be will feather his neat vary ruoely. Tha Cwtsjmisaien i a hombug and a fraud throughout, ' A wesUra editor offered prite of fiflf dollars and a year' snbacrtptioa forth beet written proposal el rear rlsge frem a lady. -H picked "euf a nice proposal frep a Watlfal and wealthy widow, answering it, accepting ths proposal and with th threat of a breach of promise suit actually cap tured her. Editors rsay not .acnuir wealth by writing twenty;thre4 hours a day, but when thinr gnius Ukes th nara shoos n I a y procuri toe persim mons STATU Nt!W& Miss Louise Shipley died of cor. sumption near. Monro; On tha Hlk inst, aged 20 yesH Jos. Hamilton cut H acres of Otleut wheat near Oak villa last week, the first cut in Linn county. The expenditures of Benton county during the past year were $13,607; rs ceipu for the same period were til.' 5G9 09. The total amount disbursed was 837,741 87. The first dispatch over the Oregon Pacific telegraph line was received at headquarters in Corvallls tm Sunday last, from Elk. The lino was then np1 to a point about one mile beyond Ellt and on Tuesday was finished to Logan brnd. It is expected that tho line will lie completed to Ford's point, the teY minus, by the lust of next week. Farm produce now finds ready sale iu Canyon City at prices that will pay the producer. Oats and barley art scarce at 2 J cents a pound. Of the former the nuirket is about bare. Three cents a pound has been offered for po totoea, but even that price doesn't kring any to town. Hay ia $20 par ton and , scarce at that Eggs are a rarity and sail at S3 eenta per dona. ' A eonespondsnt writes: AW Baf is blessed with good errpa this tsasokt plenty of honey and grata. EveiVsty . is looking for bettor tint Wt want 1,000 families to settle Hp aid d velop th vacaat lane's that lie tribo . t tary to our bay. Tha bay alalia wuh4 , ,' give employment to aHveral handred men if w had auMdisat capital inveatk. ed here to utilize Odr fish and timber resources; The large area of land that . tl,.l t - -L 1 II is . avaiiBuie) lor ntviuinvnt is wan adapted to the production Of grasses, aflbrditig gfeen fe:el the year through t wlucli places it in the trout rank as a , duiry country. It is aIso a good clU mate for bee culture. Diisiarcful Apoloir. The outrageous and extravagant bill f jr the sickness and funeral expense of President Garfield, are still excit ing much attention. Judge Taylor, who. is Gurlitdd's congressional successor woh chairiuun of the committee which al'owed such enormous pay to doctor who had intruded their service' Upon tho President, and the heavy bills fof whisky, brandy, wine, champagne, and other like articles used by congressmen, whilo attending tho funeral He now undertakes to apologise, and to justify his action upon the ground, that while he did not personally approve the bills, he had to vote fof them to avoid votin with Blackburn and Springer, ths Democratic: members of the committee win were" opposed to thein. Judge Taylor may tret some commendation , from men whose judgment is wholly perverted by political prejudice, for such reasons, but the honest fair mind ed portions of all parties will condemn hinu . . . . Those? living en the Itoundless prat' ries, where government gives land for a f jrm to every man of woman who will uke it, live on it and work it, a nl whore any amount of land can be bmfj'bt for a few dollar's per acre, will open their eyes pretty wide On seeing th p'riye paid the other day for a plot' of ground in New York city, on th eoTiiff of 5th avenue and 54th utreet It is four city lots, 25x100 fort, or just 100 feet square, making 10,000 square feet which is lea than I quarter of art acre.) Mr. W. IL Vanderbilt bought th pttf to Koild i eoopl f honses oa h tof eaapl el tfatsarried daoghter; and th eash paid for it was 1398,000, or at fh rato of" oyer a miltta tti i half dollars per acr. (11,814,009 . per acrft A frith figaring will Vi thai th prle paid for Tanderhilt' plot, would jeStlboot ootef H all rr witS ' on dollar btlls, laidsil imfi-mm ovf it with fie dollar bill, aad jpraadoa dollar bills all over the five.deilat - A; The Springfield Republican is r spouAbl for this: "Good Codl" add a noted Englishmen who waa in the) Hod when the Pension bill appropri ating f 103,000,000 was passed aim est without delte, 'hat a GovernmentY SuUri! f.T the Gcxaa