CITY AND COUNTY. BRIEF ME.VTIOX. For food deatiitr go to Clark. GoMseiith keeps ths bet cijrars. JJriaf your chicken to Bettman's. Cbicksu wanted at Goldsmith's. Fruit jars, all kind and size at Ellison. Warner' Safe Kiduey and Liver Cor. Six aouod of eoffee for $1 at GoIJimith'i. Job work a pciality at the Gdard office Nine poind of good mgar tor SI at Gold, ith'i. Mr J W Briitow went to Portland last Friday. Few tyle ladie rutting card at the Qbaid . Seroncansof tomatoe for 81 at Gold smith's. Mr J L Fag wa In Fortland several day this week. Bettnaa will pay more for chickens In Cash tkaa aay one In town. Oeed delivered to any part of the city from Goldsmith'. Bring your chickens, batter and egjj to the I X L store. Dr L M Davi request all indebted tohim to settle immediately. Tke only place where you can always sel year chicken is at Bettman's. Th finest sstortmeut of tobacco, cigars aid eigarette at Goldsmith's. Mr Win Edris is sojourning at the Snowden springs recuperating his health. Oath paid for CHICKENS, HIDES, TAL LOW and BEES-WAX at A Goldsmith's. Immense ttock of crockery an J glassware at greatly reduced price at Goldsmith's. A new bell for the Christian church In this city has beei secured, and will soon be hung. Boots and shoes made to order and repaired; Tiiible patches put on ladies shoes by Battels. 1). Hymaa. will pa the highest market price iacaih for hides, fn, tallow and bee, wax. Mr K B Cochran and danghter have gone wR a visit to Eastern Oregon to be gone sev eral week. Frof Thoa F Campbell, who ha acted as Prssidant of the Monmouth college since its inception, has resigned that position. Prof Condon has purchased the Belshaw property on Eleventh street, at present occu pied by EevB S McLafferty. Mr John Stewart and Robt Hayes have purchased of Mr Geo M Cooper the livery stable known as the Townsin Stable. You can get 3 can of tomatoes for 50 seats, 1 can fresh peaches for 25 cents, and the best tea in town at F B Dunn. MrS H Friendly will pay the highest eash market price for Give him a all before selling your grain elsewhere. W R McCornack, John McCnrtiack and Jos Bsaa started Thursday for Eastern Oregon where they will spend the summer surveying. The Fenwick is the best washing machiue over invented. Every machine is warranted togivesatiafation, or moimv Mil be refunded. For sale by Robinson k Church, KtigeneCityi Ogn. The Walter A. Wood Tiviue Binder is now on exhibition at the warernoms of T. G . Hsudrick. This is tho only successful Twine liiudcr ever introduced into Lane county. At the municipal election held in Portland last Monday, Dr J A Chapman was elected Mayor over D P Thompson, by 512 majority. The Oregonian threatens dire vengeance on the Republican party for the defeat of it pet. The Guard office ha just received a new stock of Utter and bill heads. There is no of writing your letters and bills on plain paper when you can get a neat busiiinss like head printed for but little more than tk paper costs. Call and examine our sam ple. Mr 8 n Friendly has receivod a large stock of good for the spring trade and is prepared to suit his customers as to quality and price. Ho will sell for cash or credit as cheap as any other store in town, and as his goods are of the best quality he guarantees atisfaction. Men aud boy clothing pecialty. Give him a call. Tho Cheney, W T, Sentinel aays: "Mr BC Van Hon ten took a spin oit into the Cottonwood country last week and invested seme railroad land. Ho was well pleased with the country and say if the world i as large tho other way as it is toward the Co lambia, it a whopper." Stockholders Meeting. The stockholder of the Lane County Mer cantile Association will meet rt tlie Court House in Eugene on Saturday, July 8th, at 10 o'clock A M, fur the purpose of considering the propriety of closing out the business. A full attendance is desired. Roecoc Kn'oi, Secretary. Eugene, June, 1882. Calf Lost. Lost from Eugene City, June 16th, 1 large red yearling heifer with white ring around the tail just above the bush, very fat, and with no arks or brands; a short rope around the neck, horn about two incheo long. Wilt pay "fljr for any information concerning ber beteshont, D. R. Laeis. CITY TAXES. The tu lory of tie City of Eugene is now ia y kaaia, aod I am prepared to receive exs for sixty day, alter which time it will placed ia the Marshal' hands for colloct ioa. B H Jahxx, City Treasurer. Hop Growers Meeting. A meeting ( th hop grower of Lan eoaaty it hereby called to meet at tho Court Hoaso in Eageao City. SaUrday, July 8tb, ISaS, at 1 a'eteek ia the siteriooa. TJDCSTOX. To Old treo for babbit moral sals at Uis office. Board of Regent. At thi at Dual meeting of th Board of Re. gents of th Stale University tho following oiucers aud member were present. Hon Matthew P Deady, President: Joshua Walton, Secretary; Hun Heury Failing, E U Geary, Dr S Hamilton, It 8 Strahan. T G Hendricks and B F Dorris, Regents. The report of the ecretary aud treasurer were read and referrtd to special committee. The se:retary' report show that the re. eeipt of the University have sine July 1, 1531 been as follows; Interest on University fund Appropriation bvLeiaUtum Tuition Villnrd Dotiatmu Diplomas sold Tol! ll.l.OM The following degrees were conferred un the graduating clas; Joel Pcarcy, A M; Geo M Hoyt, A B Arthur L Frazer, A B; Chester F Miller, A B; Miss Eva Rogers, A B; Geo Nolaud. A B; Miss Alico Dorris, B S; Miss Reubie P, Spillor, BS: Miss Maggie E Sergeut, U S; Ma Dunn, li S; Mary K McCuruack, K S. hd ward Bailey, B Si. The following by-laws were adopted. 22 Tho Faculty are authorized to require of every student to sign an obligation to keep and abide by all rules and regulations made by thu Fuculty or the Board of Re gent fur tho government or conduct of such students during their connexion with the University. 23 -Each member of the Faculty shall uo a text book as the basis of each study taught uy linn in case there is a recognized textbook on the subject, aud the time occupied in any given study shall be subject to the order of the Faculty. 24 The Faculty of the University are hereby authorized and required to prescribe such rule and legulution for the govern ment of the students as may be deemed proper, and to execute and enforce such pen alties as will secure their proper observance. By-law No. 17 was amended to road as follow: 17- Any student who shall in any wiso injure or destroy any property of the Uni versity shall be liable therefor, and upon neglect or refusal to make such compensa tion as the Faculty shall dutermiue to be reasonable, may be suspended or expelled. Prof Thu Condon was allowed the sum of $-'.)() for the use of his cabinet. The report of of the Presideut of the Fac ulty show the University is in a prosperous condition. There were 217 students enrolled this last year, the largest attendance since the University commenced. The reports of the various officers are quite leugthy and it is impossible to give them in full, for want of space. Lane County Agricultural Society. Subscription book of the above named company htvo been sent to agonts in each precinct iu the county. It is requested t'at the agents seud a report of the number and amount of subscriptions to stock ta!uii to the secretary at Eugene, so as reach him by Saturday, July 1st, at which time there is to be a meeting of the incorporators. It it expected that one-half of the capital stock (?.)OO0) will have been subscribed at that time, when the incorporators will take step to permanently orgaui.e the company. Al persons wishing tj subscribe to stock, who have not seen an agent can send uaiiie, ad dress and amount to the secretary. J. S CHCHfillLL, Secretary. Almost a Skkioim Accident. From par ties just returned from Harney, says the Prineville Kins, we learn of an accident that happened to Henderson's surveying par ty, while on the road near the head of Crooked river. While drawing their heav ily loaded wagon along a hillside it over turned, Edgar McClure, one of the party, falling betieath the load. The work of ex-' limning iuterested the boys for the few fol lowing minute, and failing to get an an swer to their inquiries, their ularin may bo imagined. Upon moving several boxes, the young man was found to have fallen in such a manner that trunks and boxes on either side of him kept the weight from Irs body not having received the slightest injury, more than a severe fright. The escape from being crushed to death beneath the load, which weighed upward of threo thousand pounds, seems almost miraculous. Wheu last heard from thu boys were all well, and joyfully purrtuiug their journey. That FiSii Wiikku A gentleman who came down from the Cascade yesterday, states that one of the fish wheels there caught 4100 salmon in 24 hours. They ap pear to be running iu vast numbers, as be saw a man with a dip net catch 73 at tho bead of au eddy iu less than an hour. He caught three at one scoop. The fish in mak ing the passage of the cataract are obliged to keep close to the shore and so are readily cap'tur'id. A law iiiuhc ho icd by the next legislature Ut put skip t-i this whole sale ili t-iicli"!i "f sahuoH. Kuvt Fixe I'aiu Captain Ni;'iiim, rf the Hi'hUh ehip fi!rtiV Il'J ti' '"' "f $52."it) imjKWrd Um bin at Weilnwi'.tiy by Jude lA-ady, litore mImiiii the ciUji wiui convicted of hi in'in 4 104 C'hini-) pawn-liters in eice ( what the mvmcic-nt of his ship would permit unfit- the U' f the United Ststes. Thursday the libel a-aiiut th ship m-as dismissed. The captain was di-charged on paying his line. Rather aa expensive tris) aodasalutory lesion for other captains as well as this one. Telegram. . BiriiyEMS t'HAX(it-Dr L M Davis has sold his dentutry buMnns to Mr Ed Clarke, for merly of Portland. Mr Clarke cornea well recommended. Mr Davis will soon leave for St Louis where he inWuds graduating in both a dental and a medical college. MAMIFD.-ID Eugene, Thursday June 22J, by Rev I D Driver, Mr Irving Hendersoa to Miss Martin. Both of Harruburg, Linn Co., Oregon. Arroi.Trso Notary. Mr J R EUuoaof this city, ha been appointed notary puhlie by Got Thser. School Apportionment, The following i the Juu apportionment of th school fund ; DUt No 1, lit No 2, Dist No 3, Di.t No 4, lit No 6, DUt No 6, Dit No 7, Diat No 8, Dist No 9, Dist No 10, Dist No 11, Dist No 12, Dist No 13, J T Callison, Clerk, f Silas Keeny, " D W Bridges, ' R G CallUon, " A L Dunavan, " J A Stephens, " W 3 llui knell, " Z Crabtreo " T Henshfcw " J F Kirk, " J M Stafford, " Wm M Miller, " J W Matlock, " K Van Vrankin, " W N Lawrence, " (1 W Roberts, " BenJ !ox, " T O Edwards, " W R Walker, " .lease Stewart, " J C JenniiiK. " J M tiearhai t, " S E McClure, N 11 Walden, " J II Sharpe, " I R ltri. " W A Smith, " 50 46 29 00 29 58 314 Sri 23 78 61 48 29 00 13 S4 17 40 S3 64 33 M 14 50 45 24 35 1)6 13 34 12 18 40 60 30 74 59 16 14 50 23 20 23 20 22 04 40 60 4li m 20 88 31 32 20 30 DUt No 14, Dist No 15, Dist No Hi, Dist No 17, DUt No IS, Dist No l'.t, Dist No 20. DUt No 21, Dist No 22, DUt No 23. DUt No 24, DUt No 25, Iisto2i. DUt No 27, Dist No 30, DUt No 33, Dist No 35, N J Hale, A Hxmenway, H Win'ard, .1 S Douulas, K M Hiilin, DG Palm, Geo L Gilfrey, John Tuit, Elizabeth Scott H M Skinner, R Jones, Aaron Lurch, A S ltonev, I N Hembree, 8 B Withington, J P Taylor, 44 72 33 64 27 26 9 28 15 08 Dist No 3li, DUt No 37. DUt No 3S, Dist No 311, Dist No 40, DUt No 41, 9 2 35 96 20 10 )ist No 42, DUt No 43, I list No 44. 51 04 23 78 69 74 23 78 U 60 22 62 S 80 17 40 10 82 20 88 13 66 23 20 34 80 29 00 17 98 19 14 18 56 17 98 17 98 18 58 22 62 23 20 18 56 17 40 73 60 10 40 13 66 19 72 17 40 20 88 9 86 19 14 9 86 19 14 16 82 9 86 9 28 15 66 10 44 26 88 DUt No 45, DUt No 4ti, Dist No 47, Dist No 48, DUtNo4!, DUt No 50, DUt No 51, list .Xo 52, Dist No 53, S O Lindsev, " Henry Swartz, " .las Barger, " S M Hnrriil, " Eugene Finn, " Thna McCullough " J C Inman, " H B Polly, " E (iear, " Wm F Smith, ' A W Moore, " .Tames O'Brien, ' D W Wallace, " F Thompson, " ii J M Dick, A D Hyiand, " B Ellmaker, " H N Carter, " P Massey, " A Black, " Dist No 51. 1 )Ut No 55, Dist No Mi, DUt No 57, Dist No IM, DUt No 59, Dist No 60, Dist No 61, Dist No 62, Dist No 63, DUt No 65, DUt No 67. Dist No 68. Dist No 69, Dist No 70, Dist No 71. Dist No 72, Dist No 74, Dist No 75. ist No 76. Dist No 77, Dist No 7, Dist No 79, Dist No 80, Dist No 82, Dist No 83, Dist No 84, Dist No 85, Dist No 80, J II Whitmore, J W Porter, J II Teeter, J W McBee, A C Jennings, Total apportionment, 52, 181 01; appor tionment per scholar, 58 ceuta. Live Stock on Farms. We are in receipt from the census office at Washington, D C, of a bulletin onttin in; a table showinir the live stock of the United States on farms June, 1, 1830, given by states. The figures of thi state are iu tei'usting and wo give them. The number of horses in Oregou wa 124,107. Percent Vit of iucrease,over 1380, 140. Number of mules nn 1 asses 2S04, rate of increase 9 per ci'ut. Working oxen 4031, per cent, increase (i!). Milch cows 50,549, increase 24 por cent. Other cattle 3."2,56I, increase 403 por cent. Nh"v, l,OS3,l(i2, increase 210 por cent. Swine 1,'ili, 122, increase 31 per cent. Rate of increase of population of Oregon for thn isaiiin period was 92 per cent. Asa matter of interest we append the total in the United Stales. Hones 10,35(1.931, increase 45 per cent. Mules and asse, 1,812,941. increase 61 per cent, Working oxen 903,970, iu crease 25 per cent. Milch cow 12,443,593, increase 39 per cent. Other cattle 22,488, 590, increase CG per cent Sheep 35,191 (Ufa', increase, 24 per cent. Swiue 47.6S3, 951, iucrease 90 per cent. Increase of pop ulation 30 per cent. The abovo figure do not include animals kept by person who do wit own farms. Miinky Rkcovekkd. In last week issue we gave the particulars of Mr Swearingeu near Junction, being robbed of fSOO or there about by Frank Anderson, who served a term in the county jail here for petit larol ny. After committing the robbery Andor son made t tack a for Yaqnina Bay, whither he waa followed and caught by two men who had been employed by Mr Swearingen for that purpose. Anderson confessed hi guilt and restored all but about $30 which be claimed he lust and spent on the way. Hi captors' had no warrant for hi arrest and having got the money back, they concluded to release him, which they did. Anderson is a natural born thiof and will not rest easy until be gets inside some penitentary. AnKESTED. A tramp was arrested Tuesday charged with indecent exposure of his person. He was given a trial before Recorder Calli son, plead guilty and waa sentenced to pay a fine of 350 or to labor on the streets 25 day. Not having the requUitu wherewith to pay hu fine a chain and ball were attached to hi leg and he commenced working on the street Minstrels Comixo. W have received a note from F W Stechan, Manager of tho New Market Theatre at Portland, stating that be would be here on July 12th and 13th with "Calender's Celebrated Original Georgia Minstrels." Thu combination is conceded by all professional people to be the finest minstrel company in the world More fun ahead. Silver Wsddino. Friday of last week was the 25th anniversary of the wedding of Hon B F Dorris ami wife; and a number of friend pleasantly surprised them that evening. They brought several pieces of silver service in re membrance of the occasion. The evening was very socially and pleasantly spent by those present Delegates. The following are the dele gate elected from Butte Lodge, I O G T of thu city, who have been in attendance on th Grand Lodge during the past week, at th Dalles: C A Wooly, J E Houston, Misses Hattie and Helen BoshnelL Campst EEflKO. A campmeeting is ia pro gress at the lower McKenzie bridge, six anile from town. It i likely that every spar team ia town to morrow will be used to take people U that point. Foa Rest. Th bniMing adjoining Ran la's Bazar. Inquir at thi office. Probable Suicide. Jam F. Brown, Justice of th Peace of Dallas Precinct, tay th Dallas Itemitsr, was found iu bis bed nn Thursday morning in an unconscious condition and died soon after, notwithstanding vigorous effort war mad by Dr J N Smith to reucitate him. Mr Brown had for maty year been a suf ferer from asthma and had been iu the habit of using chloroform in excessive quantities. He bad suffered nior than common of late and had used such a great quantity of chlo roform that the doctor of thi place had re fused to prescrib it (or him any more. Oo Saturday last he went to Salem and on Tues day he obttined a prescription from Dr II R Holme and had it filled at a Salem drug tore, lis returned to the drng (tor soon after and told the druggist he had broken the bottle and wished to have the prescrip tion refilled. He came home on Weduesday and when h wa found on Thursday mov ing the vials obtained in Salem were found by his bed empty. Dr T J Lee, Coroner, was sent fur snd held aa iuquest, but th jury were nuable to determine whether he had taken th medicine with suicidal intent or not Brown lived in Eugene a number of year, at first keeping a barber (hop, afterward practicing law aud filling th position of Jus tice of the Peace. He wa known s a pe culiar but iuofleoaive German, and was a widower without any known relatives ou thi coast II left Eugene for Dallas about four years ago, and at the time of his demise wa about GO year of age. Coyote Herm. June 23d, 1SS2. Crops look fine since the rain. We gladly welcome Miss Lon Rush. Amos Ellmaker anticipate building a new house thi summer. Mr L James hss a new ditshing machiue. Quite an improvement in thi part Mr R B Hayes and family have gnu be low to visit relative. They will be goue one week. Mi Effie Ogdeu is teaching in th Ell. maker district aud ia doing exceedingly well for her first school. The literary society at Central arhool is a decided success, owing to the great ability of their president, Mr Cha Huffman. The school iu the Thompsou district bids fair to be the best one ever taught in that district, which speak very highly of their teacher, Mis Millie Thompson. Lono Tom. Smithfield Items. Smithfield, June 19, 18S2. Mrs Elizabeth Gibson, wife of Mr II W Gibson? of Richardson precinct, arrived home on the 14th, from a protracted visit to the Palouse and Wasco counties. Mr Darsey, of Priueville, Is visiting rela tive here. lilanchard'i troupe gave a pleasing per formance hero which waa well worth the money. Hermann, the "bilk," also gave a show this week. The Gibson bridge is undcr-ning rrpnirs. 101. Campmeetinjj, . There will be a campmeeting held at Smithfield in thi county by the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, commencing Friday, July 14th. All are invited to at tend thi meeting. Ministers from abroad are expected to be present on Saturday and Sunday. Those coming from abroad srs ex pected to come prepared to take care of themselves. No beer or huckster shops will be allowed on the grounds. Wji. Houston. A. Hardison, Furniture! Furniture! If you want anything in the line of furniture call at the new shop of J R Ream on Willam ette street, where a full assortment will be kept which will be sold at the lowest living f price. He received a large invoice yesterday. . Call and examine kis stock Snd priees. Appointed Messenokr. Mr Elmer Good man who hu been clerking in Wilkius' drug store for some time past, left Tuesday to take the position of Wells, Fargo k Co's messenger on the train between Portland and Corvallis. Mr Goodman is an active, euergetio young man and we predict will give satisfaction to his new employers, BkiTrek Cut. A party consisting of John Rhinehsrt, Jo Luckey and ladies, Robt Hayes and C A Was went above town a few mile last Saturday and cut a bee tree eenring therefrom about 60 pound of fine heuey. Fireworks Arrived. A portion of the fireworks ordered for the Fourth of July celebration arrirtd thi week from Sau Fran cisco. All who attend th celebration will be more than repaid by witnessing the pyro technical display alone. ' Located, Mr Geo 8 Washbnroe of Junc tion, has moved to thi place and commenced the practice of hi profession, that of attor ney at-law. He bas rented the office former ly occupied by Thompson A Bean. Damaged. The machinery for the woolen factory at this place ha arrived, but in a dam. aged condition from rough handling on the road. The damage are thought not to be such as will cause any long delay. Gone East. -Mrs Mark Bailey and ber sou Edward started for the Eastern state Mouday. Mr Bailey goes on a yisit to friends, while Ed will attend a .nodical col lege at Chicago. WAKTEfe-Mr CWle Baker of the St Charle Hotel, desire to employ two good girls; one to wash and iron, and th other to wait on the table. Good wages will be paid. Orators. At the celebration at Cress well en the Fourth, Geo Noland and A C I Woodcock will officiate as orator. Th Sky. Th astronomer are keeping s close wstch on th new comet It i a total itrangir aud nobody know what to expect from it Every effort to identify it with any previously seen comet ha failed. It is Uow within four day of it periholioo, although it i aot yet risible to the uaked eye. Vsuus will be, iu the Puimner, a beautiful telescopic object, exhibiting the phase of a crescent moon and ahiuing with extraordi nary splendor. She is now swinging around on thi id of the sun, preparatory to her transit across his disk iu Deosmber, which is on of the uiest important of all astronomi cal event, ami for the observation of which various government have already begun to prepare expeditions. The astronomer have been prering for it for twenty year, aa it will be the last transit of Veuus before the year 2004. DAP.-The Walla Walla Union of the 1.1th saysi "New reached the city last eveuing of th death at Elmira, New York, of Minnie Myrtl Logan. Mr L.igan wa formerly th wife of Joaquin Miller, the poet of the Sierras. She was on a lecturing tour in the Eastern State at the time ot her demise. Her death was caused by a sever cold, which settled .on her lungs, Mr Logan is at present a resident of Walla Walla, W T." In speaking of her a few days since, a New York correspon dent said: "She wrote poetry after he left her (Miller), then lectured, then married Mr IOgsn. but life has been too severe for her and she bas succumbed. Miller still lives with his new wife, (nee Leland) but he never speaks of her to his friends, never acknowledges that he is married, always goes into society without her, and has never been seen with her even on the street" Pl'siilNO Forward. The Oregon short liue of the Union Pacific railroad i building rapidly toward the Pacific. The line from Granger to the Wood river country ha al. ready been opened to traffic Ou th 8th inat rail were laid on the bridge over the Snake river at American Fall, and for 2000 feet beyond that point, and the oaily rate of progres ha been about a mile and a quarter . At thi rate the rails ill be laid to Little Wood river iu sixty days. On the Day upon which rails were laid across the Snake river, the railway freight agent at Black foot was ordered to change hi base of operation to Pocatello, and mako prepara tion to atop all Wood river freight sent to Illackfoot at that point, and forward it to American falls, where it will be loaded on wagon for it destination. During th present season, says the Prineville News, there have been up wards of 5,000 head of cattle sold iu thi sec tion. Ochoco will furnish between 2000 and 2500, and Beaver 2500 or mora. The most of th cattle told art beef ttnora; though in one or two instances the entire brand ha been sold Twenty dollar is about the average price re celved for these cattle. This will bring into our section 1100,090, the greater part of which will be retained here. Of this amount Brey nian, Soniniervllle k Luckey alone have re- ceivea nearly 4U,uuu. These cattle are now being deliverered to purchasers; who will drive them to the California market Chicago is the greatest lumber market in the world. The single item of sawed lumber receivtd there in IS3I would lay an inch flooring fourteen feet wide round the earth at the equator. The amount of lumber man ufactured in the three States of .Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota during 1SSI would lay such a floor fifty feet wide. Stock Ranch for Sale. The ttock ranch formuily known a the Piper ranch, situated nn the McKensi river 6 miles from Eugene, comprising 1275 acres, 200 of which is susceptible of cultivation, of which 40 acre are iu wheat, 30 in oats, 10 in bay, 2 in potatoes, and good garden, is for ale. The purchaser cau have growing crops, farm implements, live stock, furniture, tc, if desired. Title perfect. For further in formation apply at thi ollic or to Pope, Smith k Donaldson on the ranch. Eugeue City, June 10, 1882. 2w Belknap Springs. ( Mr J W Hixon ha thoroughly renovated these famous springs, located near the Mo Kenzie bridge, aud repaired the ba'h home It is an excellent place for campers. Term reasonable. 1m Foley SDrings. These healthful and medicinal hot ipring have been purchased by Mr Petar Runey late of Astoria. Mr Runey will thoroughly refit and renovate the buildings on the prem ises, aud will be prepared to accommodate those in quest of health or pleasure. Fish and game are plentiful in that vicinity, the scenery i magnificent, aud those wishing a summer tour oould go to uo better place. The PeroTlau Nrap has oured thous ands who were suffering from Dysiwpaia, De bility. Liver Complaint. Boils, Humors, Fe male Complaints, etc Pamphlet free to any es. netb W fowl and Hons, iioston. L. J). SMITH, AGENT FOR ALL OF OSBl'RNE CO.'S AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, CONSISTING OF TWINE BINDERS, 6,7 and 8 ft. cuts-Twine or Wire used. MOWERS, REAPER AND MOWER COMBINED, HAY RAKES, AND THE CELEBRATED Manufactured expressly for the PACIFIC COAST; also the CALIFORNIA SPRING TOOTH HARROW. Machine Oils a specialty. Give me a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. OFFICE-S. H, Friendls Store, KUOKNE CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ALEXANDER, J. B. Justice of the Peso South Eugene Precinct; office at Court House. BETTMAN, O. Dry good, clothing, groceries and general mTchandiae, touthw comer Willamette and Eighth street. BOOK STORE-On door couth of th Astor Houst. A full stock of assorted bos paper plain and fancy. CRAIN BROS.-DeaIer In Jwelry, Watch, es, Clocks and Musical Instruments WIN lamett street, between Seventh and Eighth CALLISON, R. G.-Dealer in groceries, pro visions, country produce, canned goods, books, stationery, etc., southwest corner Willamette and 9th 6ta. DORRIS, GEO. a-Attorner and Counsellor at Law. Office on Willamette street. Xu' gene City. DORRIS, B. F.-Dealer in Stove and Tla ware- Willamtt street, between Seventh1 and Eighth. FRIENDLY. S. H.-Dealer In dry goods, clothing and general merchandise Willam ette street, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-Newspaper, book and Job printing office, corner Willamette andSevsnlh streets. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Dreg- gist, Poetoflire, Willamette rest, betwssm Seventh and Eighth. HKNDKICKS, T. O.-Dealei In genera! mto chandiae northwest corner Willamette end Ninth streets. HODES, C.-Koepson hand fine wines, licj uors, cigar and a pool and billiard tablef Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M. -Gunsmith. Rifle and shot guns, breech and rnuszlo los ders, for aaie. Repairing done in the neatest style and war ranted. Shop on 9th street LYNCH, A. -Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg etables, etc., Willamette street, first door south of Postolfiue. LUCKEY, J. S. -Watchmaker and JeweUrl keeps a fine stock of goods in his line, WUlain ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. McCLAREN. JAMES - Choice, win, liquor, , and cigars Willamett itreet, betwten Kighthi and Ninth. OSKURN k CO. -Dealers in drugs, medietas. -. : 1 - ..M :.- vi'mi-. . fc tiiouiicitiB, uiib, ifniuiB, ate i? luainene npMsit S. Charles HoteL PATTLT.SOX, A. S.-A fine stock of aktia and fancy visiting cards. ntESTON, WM.-Dealer In BaddW Har ness, Carriage Trimmings, etc. Willamette street between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE-A new stock of standard chool book just received at th post effioe. RENSHAW. WM.-Wines, Liquors, sad Ci gars of the best quality kept constantly oa hand. Th best billiard table in town. REAM, J. U. Undertaker and building eon tractor, norner Willamette and Sevwta streets. ST CHARLES HOTEL -Charlu Ba ker, Proprietress. Th best Hot in the city. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets) SCHOOL SUPPLIES-A large and varied assortment of slates of all sites, and quantities of slates and slate-book. Thre door north) of th express ofllce. THOMPSON k BEAN-Attorney at Law- Willamette itreet, between Seventh and? Eli-hth WALTON, J. J.-Attorney-at-Lew. Offiee Willamett street, between 8vnt and Eighth. ii I ili ssiiiAi Children ron CJas'eona. Mothers Lie and Pfcyslciama recommend It. IT IS ROT NARCOTi:. CENTAUR LINIMENTS (ho World's greut Pala-R-licvlng remedies. They heal, sootlio aud cure Hums, Wounds, Weak Back and Rheumatism upou Man, nd Sprains, Galls and Lameness jcpon Dcnsts. Cheap, quick and reliable. EPTJRT3 of tUsgnstlna Mneas, Snnffle. Crackling Pains La tba Head, Fetid Breath, Deafnea, and an Catarrhal Complaint, can do exterminated 1 Wai Da Heyer'e Catarrh Care, Constl tatlonal Antidote, by Absorp tion . Th most Important Jla cover tlnoa Vaccination .uj.uisiiijaiii,uiisiujiii- i . FINAL SETTLEMENT, NOTICE IS HERUBY GIVEN THAT T. U. Hendrick, the executor of the estate of Aduie O. Bristow, has 6led bis final account for settlement, and that the 6rst Mon day in July, 1H82, has been set for final bearing by th county court of Lane county, Oregon. T (J HENDRICKS, Executor. .TOSTUTA J WALTl , Attorney. 3 P P) 7