A ourioui illustration of tbt Wuties of litigation has recent come to light in New York. corporation known u the "Open Eoard of Brokers," poi eased of over $100,000 worth of prop erty, and owing & dollar to nobody, con cluded to go out of liiiNineM, Upon application of the truster to the attor-ftey-general a friondly suit wan com menced to put an end to the corpora tion and divide tlm property among its members, No opposition was made to the Kuit, litit thn lawyora got tlirir work in all llm winiK, and the hoard finds that aftT thn projfrty Iidh Iwen in the hands of 'Tccmm" for two or threo years that it is all swallowed up in at torney's foe, end that the members of the board will not got a solitary copper out of it, He Has an Office. Mallory, by the name of Rufus, bus U-en in Orrgon 22 years, of which he has held office 20 years. About two months ago he was succeeded hy Judge Watson. The gentleman wch very indignant at such - treatment and thought his party had neglected him. J In has found another office, however. This time he goes to China to find out what kind of stuff the Chinese have been trying to import hero under the name of arrowroot, for which he is to receive the sum of f 10 per day. Now the question naturally arises, what does Mallory know about the root and can he find out any more than the minister at that place could t But Mallory must le provided for and it is probably as well to give him $10 per day for this root business as any thing else. A Father's Revenue. Considerable excitement prevailsin Josephine county, ays the Jacksonville 'Jimes, over a shooting a (Tray that occurred in Alt fiouso precinct on the 2 2d, which re suited fatally to Walker Aikcrs. D. M. Cilmorc, his slayer, is also seriously wounded in the thigh. We may not be correctly informed, but this is the version of the afluir, as we have learne.1 it: Aikcrs seduced Gilmore's daughtor while she was in his wifo's employ, and lift the country when her condition Ihv came known. He returned recently, however, and tho exasperated father took tho mntter in his own hands, with thn above termination. COME AND SEE R. G. OALLISON Next door to S. It. Friendly, and gut your BOOKS, STATIONERY AND GRO CKR1KS. Re is always on hand realty and waiting to accommodate hi Customers with ALL kind I food for MIND JlND BODY, And can furnlau a HMOKK to those desiring A GOOD CIGAR, OR' TOBACCO To those who uso the narcotio plant OHEAP for CASH Goods dsUrered to any part of the city free cliarge. K U. (. ALLISON, HAYS & LUCKEY, BKAt.KUS IS Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Paints,' Class, cc. ttavinw bought out the stock I X of Kllaworth A Co,, we' will continue the biinini'M at tht old stand on Willamette street, ottering Inureawd Inducement to cus tomer. "Attention carefully cl'en t.ee rbytlrlDQi rrcsrnplions & Family Rrtlpti. BE NOT DECEIVED fly l'latc is rlulmlii; to be nn Improvcmnit on A LLCOCK'S POIIOU IM.ASTKUS. ALLCOCICSisthe oilslnnl and only genuine porous Plaster; all so-called l'orou IMiintcrs are imitations. We ware of f hrni, See that you get an ALL COCK'S 1'LAaTEIl, which we guarantee has effected more ami quicker cures than any other exter . nal llemcdu. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 Black Eattler, Jr. THIS FINE TROTTING 8TAL- lion will stand tli MUMiing season, ouiBm-ncing- April lit, 1882, at the Ubl of W. H. Townain fn Eugene City, svery day In tht week. Suudny exoepUd. Trniiaf Insurance. SIS: Reavm. 812: Sin gle Service, t8. Care will 1 Uken to pre vent accidents Dtll WIU not ne re'niiui iut ny. l'.lsMr Thttler. Jr.. Is i WutrflT Mack. 1C1 hands high, weighs 1400 pounds, and is years old. For further particulars apply to J. W. Hitch ing. Eugene City, March 4th, 182. Jm SUFFOLK PUNCH JR. THIS WKLL , KNOWN STALLION, own! by James Bates, in Lane county, Oregon, will stand the season of 1SH2, at the livory stable of W. II. Townsln, in Eugene City, every day In the week, except Sunday. Season to owiiuienoe April Jit, ending July lit. TERMS: Tnmirance. 112. due when the mare l known to he with foal, or If parted with. Will not be responsible for ncciilenU. DESCRIPTION: p... it. n L T. f. in J Art tUIU'l 1 UIIUli VI. v J. m chestnut color, 10 .hand high, and writhe l.fiOO pounds, tor further partlcuiare apply to . J. W. KI1UHINU, Agc&t. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN Moves, Uangtn, Vumpn, J'ipes, Metals, , Tinware. AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guarantee il. Willamette tftrett, Eugene Cltv. Oregon. RELIEVE WILL STAND THK SEASON OF 1882, a follow: MuNKOR, Momlny and Tuwdnvi JUNCTION. Wcdneiwlav andThuni iliiyi I'AKiKNK, Krlduy and Sntnnlay. Seon ciuuiut'iicee April Kith and emu July Pin. TERMS: Inmiranrtt, t'J5; due when mare ! known te U with foal; Seaaon, t due at the end of the aeanon, ( are will lie taken to prevent ae cideuta, but will not be reHnib!e iVmld any occur. DESCUirTION: Relieve l a dnpide erar. 17 handa lilith, and weiulm 1,700 puuuU; will tie 5 year old July , INtJ. Ho-emen cull and eo this hrme. For ped to'ruo mul further particular apply to nilHm'J I. N. KinVAUlW, Aent August Flowei The inline ni inle and great popularity of llreen AUKUHt Mower In all towni and vil ai'ct In the oivilixrd world hae canted many liuitatora to adopt limllar namei, expecting to reap a hnrvent fur themselvei at (he expeiiM of the allicU'iL This Medicine wai introduced in IiU'kS, ami for the cure of lyepi, and Liver Coinplnint, with their etTetit, inch M Sour Stoimu'h, CiMtiveneu, Sick Htomach.Sick lleailiiche, Imlyeation, l'alpltation of the Heart, vertigo, etc, it never hae failnl Ui our knowledge. Three doaei will relieve any caae of lyNiwia. Two million bottlei anldlaat yeitr. l'ru-v 75 renta, Samplee 10 cvnta, (rHKRN'a ATLAS AND DlAHY ALMANAC, the moet expeunive free Almanac ever published, em iroe on reclpt oi iwo oenl nwmp. tl. t. Ohkkn, Wumllmry, N. J., U. S. A NEW SHOP I NEW GOODS I V. McFarland m.KKS TLKASUKK IN ANNOUNC I inn to the inihlio that he haa oiiened a Tiuahnp iu the old utiilul adjoiuint.' ll.'ttinnn't corner where he will cell at the kiweat oath price Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Metals, Notions, rumps, and Pipes, ETC., And home furnkdiiac ooode la mv line im rally. fCall and price nT ireoil, aal I will watt. ntee aattaf action. V. Mi'KARLAND. 0 NOTICE THREDITORS. VTOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT MMit.ir nl tl. M.I. ., VV M..I. ..l-.rl Am- eeel, by the County Court ol Lane Couuty, Unm, and all peraona havhit clainia ayainrt aaid eUU are hereby required to prearnt the ante to the aaid executor at hU rmidence within eii monthi from the date hereof. JAMhS HENDERSON Met AKLAND, Eaerutor. JOSHUA J. WALTON, JK, Att y. April 23, ISJ4 5eb -X39C3EI Eugene A live Local Paper devoted CUIPBELL BEQS terests of Lane County and Engene City. The GUARD lias the largest circulation of any paper in Lane County. It circulates through every post office in the County and is therefore the best medium for advestisers. 30 C0L1MI Of well selected LOCAL, MISCELLANEOUS, News in every issue. The GUARD is Democratic in politics, butseek8to become popular iiucai organ. NOWB THE TIME 3 SUBSCRIBE TERMS : $2 50 Per Year, in Adyance. ADVERTISING at reasonable rates. CORRESPONDENCE from all part of the Comity so licite'l. Job Printing! We aro prepared to turn out first-class Jol) "Work npon short notice ami reasonable terms. You need not send away for job work as we will do it ng Cheap, and furnish as good material, as any Printer in tbe State. CARPS, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, LARGE AND SMALL, NOTES, TAMPHLETS, LEGALBLANKS, FUNERAL NOTICES. ' RECEIPTS. PROGRAMMES, ETC., ETC. Give us a call and exaniime our specimens of Job Printing. OFFICE: On Willamette Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets. If yon with to lav your nodi cheap, you Must goto the store of LURCH BROS., COUTAOK QltOVK. The keen one of the Unmet stocks of General Merchandise Outalde of Portland, and they sell goods cheap er than it ran be bought anywhere in the Wu lamette valley. Bonk and Stationery StorE. 1OST OFFICK BUILDIXO, LTGEXl City. I have on hand and am constantly ,-mlvini; an assortment of the Ueot School an Miacellaneous lUk, Stationery, IHank Books Portfolios, CanU, Wallet, lllanks, Portmor etu r.. A, & PATTERSON'. R BTJENA VISTA STONF WAKK r I . U. Ilf-.'S Wfelt a.3 p ROBRIB-Iskall keen ea a roller GROCERIES & PROVISIONS And Invite the V-ntl" of hixwekoepers. T. O. HEMJKICMl KorUme Back. Sid. or ( uae rhiWhs Porow riaeter, Price K ct. Uliun 4 1 e.a.te- (xuard to tb Development and In STATE, AND TELEGRAPHIC local journal, ratuer man a po- NERVOUS DEBILITY, A SURE CURE GUARANTEED DR.E.C. WESTS XEKVE AND BRAIN . ., n-v-viuw mi llllKIWil'lUf nettS. Convnlninna Vnrmi lTarT..l.. f JVpreesien, Loss of Memory, Spermatorhoea, alii aire. eausMi h nv.r-...riiAn ulf .u.... n. over indiilKence, which leails to misery, decay nu ur.io. une dox win cure recent cases. Each boi contains one month's treatment; one dollar a box, or six boxes for 6e dellars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guar- mininnire any case. v lin eacn - - J wot, w.'UIiMIICU with nve dollars, we will send the purchaser our wrmra sisraniee 10 mum tbe money if the iTMiiueni uoes sol en ret a cure. Uuarantees is sued only by WOODWAKD CLAKKE k (XX W holesale k Ketail Dniatista, Portland, Or. Orders by mail at regular priors. fllyl. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRAD' SLOAN BROTHERS WILL DO WORK CHEAPER than other hnnin town. HORSES 8HCD FOR 12 CASE With new material, all mnnJ. ' Kmttin Shoee $L Js warraatrd to iriv. u;.r.ntw "M"r " UUTI BUeeU. Boot & Shoe Store . L IIU1TT, Proprietor. will hereafter keep a complete atock ol LAD I IN', MlSSf AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Button Iiooi, Kllppcru white and black, NaadulM. French kldHhoea. MENS & BOYS BOOTS &, SHOES a.j i. u.a .u.rvi,inir In the BOOT and SHOE line, to which I Intend to devote m eapecial attention. MX uwun ARE FIRST CLASS A n,1 .rt..H..1 r,irantil. and will be old for the lowoat Dricee that Kod article can lie afforded. A . II 1 XT. NOTICE. o Whom It May Concern. TJIEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I AM .1.. ...r .n.nfili Patent Illcllt fi Sinking and Driving WolU in Lane county, state of urep'n, anq inai am lu-ut w tec ted by Iettern l'atcnt iwiued by the U. 8. Oovernmnt to Nelann W. Ureen, of Court- land County, State cl Kew X orlt AU pertoni who have Driven ven, or nau loem unrai, without my penniMlon, aince the 21rt day of February, 1878. are liable to proaecution for . . t , 1 , t L V. V. A. InlniiL-umeln oi aain Jimiiv anu ro urui tifled to come forward and adjust the tame. All infringemente in the future will be roe ecu ted. I am nrenared to drive Weill or will gran penniwion to other on application. B. F' DORRIS- Chas. M. Horn, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH, DEALER IX GUK8, RIFLES, Kiiihinir Tackles and materiala. Retiairing done In the neatest style and warranted. Sewing machine!, Safes, Locks, etc., repaired. Guns loaned and ammjniion furnished. Shop on Willamette it, opposite Astor Hou rr-'WARrJCtt'Sf' ESUHfiaftM WE CWRE W Tbe leading: Nclfntlwln f to day agree that tnostdiseanes are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the rcnult This truth bas only been known a short time and for years people suffered great sgony without being able to find relief. 1 he discovery of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new eta in the treat menmof these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rure value, it contains just the elements necessary to nourish and invi-orate both of these great organs, and safplv lvwtntv and keep them in order. It Is a POSITIVE Remedy for all the diseases that cause ixiine in the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver Headaches Jaundice Diziness Gravel- Fever. Ague Malarial Fever, and all difficul ties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Orgnns. It is an excellent nd safe remedy fur females during Preunancy. It will control Menstrua- ation and is invaluable for Leucorrhoea or Fall ing of the Womb. As a Blood PuriSer it ia unermoled. for it i nres tne organs that make the Martf, 1 Ian iviikiIv wlii, h in done em h wonders, is put up in the LAiitiKSI .Sl.Kn BUTTLE of any mrim-me ur.n the market, nnd is sold bv DniK'sin'K ui.il all dealers at 8 1 per hot tie. For IiHltes, rhiiuire for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES ( UHK. It is a POSI T1VE Remedy II. II. .VARXKIt At o, icorncnler, 2. V. Wl OF THE OLDEST AND MOST REUABU REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR . THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Irery affocUon of tb THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST. Including CONSUMPTION. A WEU-XN0WN PHYSICIAN WRITESi " It Vms aot dry p a coh, sad km the esuse btkiBd, as is ths esse wita ml snparstiaaa, but koseas it, rVsnsia th hmp sad sQsys imutioa, thus wssniiif Am iJ -fJf DO HOT BE DECEIVED by snicks besx e sistilar assses. Bs sure yoe t en. win Am MLUH or wiu emit, fck tke sicmsturt ef " I. BUTTS " ea um wrapps M Cents and Sl.OO a Bottle, rtepaesd by SETH W. FOVtXl ft SONS, Boa. saasisss. I T7 flrsrjiis sncl ihilsu AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of ail kinds at inside figures hr HK PRICKS ,' a:.i A I SAFE j WSm CJAK JUAN LlMlfiTsalehv T. G. HEX TRICKS. OSBURN & CO. NEW DRTJO STORE ON WHJiu eteetreet,Bea4rMnth, BEaUIBI M DKCOS, CHKMICALS, OILS, TAINTS, (J LASS, VARNISHES PATENT MiDICLNIS, ft0. Brandies. Wines and Ltquoir ..P AIL KINDS. In fact, we have the beet aatortmtnt ef article found is FIRST CLASS DRUb dTORE. We wti-rant all our drug, for they are lew aa4 Freh. Particular attention ia called te et Stock of Perfumerw ar.u Toilet Articles. At wt have bought OUR UOOPS FOR CASH Wt cail compete with any eitablinhtnrot la Iv - I J . 1 . ! yrne vivj in price miu ftcwumwauvi, liuy your goodf where yon can get the beet and cheapeet PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLXtt At all hour of the day or night. osnuitn & THE BEST REMEDY f FOB Diseases of Its Throat an. Iww Jlvpn'o Indiseasesof the pnj. Ill Kmtlx tnonarr organs saft and reliable remedy U Invaluable. Ami CHinir PinroBAt la ucb temedy, and m othersoeinineuttv mar ' iti the eonfidenct ol tbe public. It is a aci ntine combination of the medicinal prlncW Diet and cnrativeT viN follbe finest tlfnp, chemically united, oJ ucb power as to insure) tba greatest possible , efficiency and uniform ' itv of results. It strike PECTOR at the foundation ol all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is idapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, tbe youngest children take It readily. Ia ordiuarv Coughs, Colds, Sort Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman' Sort Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Caw Urrb, the effects of Ater's Chekkt Pec toral are magical, and multitudes are an. Dually preserved from serious illness br it timely and faithful use. It should bar kept at hand iff every household tor tb prow lection it affords in atnMen attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are inducements to try soma of the many mixtures, or syrups, made of chest and ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, as they contain no curative qualities, can afford o'uly temporary relief, and are) sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs demand activeand effective treatment; and it is dan. gerous experimenting with unknown aud cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trilled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Us Avf.ii's Chekbt Pectoral, and yott may ronltdently expect tbe best results. It is standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is as cliea)V ns its careful preparation and fine) ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing hs composition, prescrilw it in their practice. The test of half a century ha proven ttsalisolnfo' certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer It Co Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. sou at au aavasisTS sv aaTWasaal' Send for obt New Illustrs', (ed Price-List1' No. 20, fof FallandVfl' tcrofl881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kindiot (foott for personal and family use. We deaf directly wi'h tho consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at teholttali priori. You can bay better and cheajier than al home. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Aenue,Chicagt,Ill The tnoHt popular aud fragrant Perfasie 0 the tiny "II Al'Ki; 1. 1 j n i-. Sold by Osburn A i n., driiittf. Lumens t n J , Oregon ' ABKX1I T) AO.-I am tbe only J agent fur this xlebrnted wagon. T. 5. HKNDWCKS CJC fn COD rerdsvat bom. ratmpteswortMl U)U I'l tDIUliee. Aildrus titan,), k Co, Tsrt land, Maine. THE CHAMPION -OR- Pneumatic Evaporator. Is the CJieapest, most Simple and most Durable Iruit Dryer made- Every Farmer Should Hare One. For yartioAw and samples- of dried fruit, apply to I. F. YOCUM, Apent for Lane County. If CHERRY nr nil Il 1 1 111! USEHtL AERrHANSlSB ( T.G. HENDRICKS. fTHE BEST SHOES EVER BROUGHT X te this tiarket, at the lowest price. T.G. HENDRICKS.