The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 20, 1882, Image 6

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    TIIK WIMTKmtt.
T I w, ui-n.ri.i.uo.
!V-4 w--a Ik rnir' brifM
Tlii wr-Mlh l mid, in lli l(hl
(if h miUuijtil - Oh. i
ll M rwlh ol mi4 ,
II k li 0r, Ui Whit 0ar,
lUlyuli44 t I
Mil tiki knl. HHUI III tlna.1,
Th 1illrv IMJI oViIkmJ ;
Tl 3ih, tu4 Ifc IMM .f fVl
Ol tiiiKvMrtX In Ik ttfmwl t
II I I lh VV ku Oar,
Htrutkat (Hi)lrt
II k k4 i Ik r erwa
nt k wr s "! nr
II Km nful Ik swkl bv-J
II hwl k hf-u.l kfc4.
II ka - ! Hi W kiM l-,
Nlrvitkk ! iHKlr !
r-vta IK V.vl sad lK iVa.
II k ltd to iw ,
-' J
lint invl a4 avMUiUia r i
Tk . ik 0k d - v'.
rUitwki ! hWhUr !
It WvA fM IS tu.unia t'iuiik
Tvr4 IK mi tl-l iA i !'
Tk viivi ;
IVil V Ik Ui
Of K.vwW t 0 Cr.
tUltvAiUt lV.uUll
A t4 Ik li V-wk fv-. k I -x
"ln Ik kvM k i.
( M k -l k!t M I IJ-
tv ik Till ii -vw ;
I i ; Ik k Cr.
'tUttwikka ! l..U '
-Tk H.-jvx iV.I W tw .
It W.I tk .. t t t
A ik ' i tiw
wJ - r
I i , V M k.w 04-.
ti.iAU I lUr !
V4 Ik
IW rrt4, 4 k--.x-j-.
fcWMlk Ik : If
rt SuwVU I
!vt? I,lk04'.
t'vAkl -..A4l ;
It watb Utter )8 4 aA Anjl,
k4 I tikilrv, vrlt hi TN-ttBt U
Jt tkl tur jvuiC vt'tutt r
s(vwJ l ln(nl u.v
Mr. 8a5i, m & 4 it
UtVt. Tt fWrnal ttj iwii
ii ik av.&w4 (( ki wKa
is tv Krok. a SftJ
rm C t4 lu-kit-i (vatr UKU. A
Kxs W b Vm ih
U1 kt v i ifc Ui.
T cU U kjuiiK'a U t
m4 Ui'AM)iWva, iikrvaI
UUm. IT v kfcir vm 1MV :.
1 WJWbi lATWik li xSU ft ti
rvvtr tkU U- pA'vin-Jj
( K'.MfcX -.Ui iwSi mmm v4 tv
v, uv.Wtl V v-ay:,
.-., U Ct ! JU.WfclK.-oj
VV fcaj U vIii
tj4 virov i I fcx Uj4
k v. Al W 4 Jbi avr V
KT lUl t-JJ9M
vt.iwi bJrr fcWVI Jx Fi J.'l wis
koui ! lufci y Wii La ic. TV
KTMt Vfll KlAir 01 fcJbl fcil
4.fc! fc wcx fc.'lujb ua c
VJb k U i nnwaik
tw .i W V-tiiiil'M Vat
m w tt
iV4 Vr SstWi Ikl i-V
t Vfvi r-"v.'. 34 HfcrIj -tin
U vrwk' mJI ta(UJi(
yw'f 1. INmi $ iMtMvl wa U
4..J fvat "'Aii vJ,'M W,
fcjvi Si Ws W"Jr, fvot jv
It iaoQfcUa)fciiti jravv u. itwa
k)u rv rfV r rv''? '41yc
l tibiit voy a -t&Mu ?
Jt O45 fci Sfc--i iX- .Tfc.'i rf J.VUt 3
m vivt Uj tiurfc atwaA. It W
Jffih.:iJWrt J.qtJ irf X VjT
ftrgliwavt 4)4 i:J.i .ri c tx-qxvi
k.ijvSi to af a .ivvtif 4-nc
r4 tra lt Sa m4 ikm4i ic
VtfwK 5 V Vi
H U yrtt Ui ttui vt ofc(
rt m nuvv srxmmtA v''4
vitrwis fctO. ya Vitt ( sa cui
-')4H t U gvoutftti tvtii uiMi Ui
Jfcjf k ?wMt f i-iv V
Wit 4Mk $. fiMcw ..k-a w'V
vami f;H. to Witt VvAiii
ynrtna, MkCt iwauiajj fcJ .-.. fiw.rt
w4.--jvi u w- ite.n ivi is
5nnJj;itf 'ti'waic a a
OuaI twiM XIH fc
Wc STlx sua k utv 3rwi tr iwxvi
V 3 4wtn.TftNL ."ixt U
m riifi at 1 1:41a cnj't SI
ii Wufif
Urm Mrjf lUrliiirf luil (H'iuksI to iiw,
itti.l Ml rnvl wild vivUI kUriu iIoiiIi'UhI
iuvvrrv (lur, Tb liit morUiloi
ur of fi?r itfi-! hmllr,iU roiiiulist
1 kIi'siuihk jr Lile, klmuo out
full in lli liclit if lt oiilt two oun.llo
iofli'iiruuitf. Ot Mir tu bug uin.lo
utnliuotivljr fr llii UoUv ioint,
mill i'xl ri;tii into lb cl.uio fold of
Ur lrtliiii s'inurw.
Ul lifliiniuK Mrnok bcr riLt uuitor
Iho lurr of lit tr It wM not bv
iivluosl mor louiUiua rvmlu. SU
uuok il.lljr, ntfclykl tl rwiig
tillg. Will, 01 POUPH, IUlS It; I'Ul, ID-
L'fcl. kmvkasl br ihiuU ncbt ul left
nl HiUnsl tlrnm loth fur iiukrtri
of th rxvru. II hir Ml IhvoIt qtt
hor UiouMur. ul, iumlUiiouljr ith
1I1 Mow Utivk t Ui l'US. loroAiu kfirr
iviu rvut Uiirwii thrilling jotU
(or luh. Sh lisl frxuu Hi ctooJ,
iTHunl it nd lovl lik an cntkul
Prthou dllirJUl frvro h-r UtiihxI,
lvni fvrwJl nl ew.t ftsklury r
plolo with liuil.lfrmg horror. At th
mm tuoiuful th iff.'olaii bug Ml on
hr lowljr s'k nJ rvUsl into her U
auu li txilintf forvr, th jhv
4Uou ffvrlie th tuoltit iU'jvrtunitt
f.lhlng to fll lwititn Kr Ihiu
nl li- A th 1K fntrvl Ui "ho
lr of Mio,-1 olatohisl l it til-llr
u,l tUtussI umuikI lik on uliorlr
nutKl, iui.I ,yrrll o.l (iroumsl lik
iua.1 ttiHiuM, orXkiU4t in nn.oa
lfc,vto tuorfwill m i Ml Hi
ritnu lutruUrr wrixliuc nd dulirna
in it cUvm stftnv. A'niU'hin th Wu
lir.lo'.KVt tWh with iu atiuii
u.l rtusi rl-, Ci kiokvl to th
nht ik1 Wfl in mn!wr ttut woul.l
hr -voiisl th rutj wf I4U in hr
nivl Aih'tw t,n !,
"Oh, huu out, Uk kira oat: Ii i
hno w K I'i-, U will kill a;
Ut k Uv titu out 01 tur
o," h orirsl in fcvu oJ ir lul
Oo. J.A. lwf! w; h U Wrini: b
l!li. Whjf Joul tu U!f Be,
mkI lh fc.rvum tt K-rru folba!
ih v-rwW a inkmowo, whil h
UU hM th ouc in th foi.U of th
jAinir hiM MuIm. Jfc.k :nJini:
all la whil jvrfwtlT kvht, 1 k
;nx. 1 dane,: to UrvW Ih villain
o intruder.
'l-k' y f4. Uk lh ba; out of bij
Kxa'ah vrwvl l Utt, iu utter hcio
W djcwtion.
Jfcvk nvfc.'. a Wk rfvut to itaJ hi
kaa.1 a.i dialvvtp th boj, but dry
Nk-k at lit ttvvra.itT ol th ;iualk-.
Wuk tvbnl'.t turti-t fTvxn their
fcA.-kU KrA3t.l arua:
i. I i.U dw if tv dv.'a'i gr ti
tiis out 0 uyr Kwcca. v klx."
Vtih tha Ul af val Jax'k dit kv
kaai btatitlk tiiv !:. ki Ml Kc
th wkvt bui At Us4 k fliwid it
aad drw it t!k- It lirw it .iiitiT
tt &vr aad .r-iti-i u lata a jf
fyv wmk-ik itvl it aVttXJ ai
vtap a utfcM vl rvi.fU Jfc- k
UAd aod Mt t.k ( tuw wrft:!k.ili:
Xlar-j ial .- aa4 tXrw kc
v, a vfK fc tiKp tv'ta Kf.-tvait'ai
a a wrt ra. r.vr Javk Kvki ir
la a ixfl tju & ?Xt lfci- tu-lM-i
aal mm k kic ruJ. w: tmer-u-
aid .'rt M rvar&k al
ilwk titT kifci n fww--S3 a
0ttx tv.'m u lb k-ttflt t i'.tkr
smi li a lsti l Cbf.xf iiaijf
kl all iiryvi k tliti rwatv Fvj
jm.wc . d vot ll-iit cjfcaVvc-
r 6iMt BJ13N wilJ
tl V Ifci !wu vMtt -viLif 4 Ivfa
rA.4. A 14 kfax wj cevMii w Jk ItAir
t!U a jrlj tnub a
rK-'.'.x er ativ w-wn; vu.
J. Sii uiiMiAl aa-i kxi t.-d-(i
k-s vUavL'l hi(w a li ..-
i1 lltNi, lltl tl fcS tfOLJWtJ
ivi3( jvMH).-! ii mi; iff vi
w4ift xi "vtyc. TV Vmu actrrai
k tit ('J4 CC ti Ol':3 VlM3
ait lii jpvtli. 1 iivv-Tii( ai 4 U
ci.Xl(f Jfc-'i. ,fii Jyimt VV L
Lji Wtkfui$ aai rsWl-t k
U ivtfC ri M3 Jiltij u.xtr
r04JlSr Jt--i ll owi rftl alt
Urt4 UdL? Vofciti ilU tl tb iiAr vi i
'.iA. i i)t li Iuat( awrr ; i4
a.'i ao4 k t v,mvTai.'M rtr4n-i mu
a ilL Tl w hal'J a,
WVvt rt t jruK iai a iwa Via
fcii U , pcwkL i"cll
a iwl fria. i Uit ricuve vi.i jtc
Jvlwi k iU-jfjfc.'i U if wJU. U i
ictn 4i U fiacjutaiux fuL
ktfciwi viaaK Aiii Uia Uf all twt
''tivL wJ-r--i r-uC.ii .'wl aoii
U-n-vt wa- brtMJLfc mnji s
rjI U.c-iaiv cii.Mb lcvfci.c
tkk-itv vifik A'-iiue4! iuIX ai iaac
fcvi ti4 rvwiv ;'i.vr tjfcs Iiii
p 4.1' i iw-v -c 3rva.(H w Uj
tai "fc."i (ii.nmwi jk.ri wit wvti. 1
8vcj va.Jic J' a rui
U vn-.i n-ti-7-.i. Sua lLa rwcj.
woiwwii it a lMutti.'iitiv aoii wcui-oi
V ruiu, i"uuv':tKi i wauiI la
w -AX k.vv kiki k.k 5c tiit 3ifc i-
rvta ;U1VV Vfj
.ii . fc-'i yc .wwvxi kr una: UtfouMLum.
t a r-Mcc i.'itiif. ; t xniuc iu
vrif J a; t Lni .ui
aM.-.twvL; Vk. no Xtc'uw ajii rv-.i
wtii. A: Jfc U wOiMtc-nri i3 -tt.kU
( fc.4-t.f i -"rji io. tW kiax
S. pA a C ii k'nv ijaif aa
W ftn. Si iJfcC auW fu-Uwc vlif
anl. iiixuJ. -t- 3 ,- V
U k tun Vi ajpwa. Jt muu
k 11 t'itr C f ."' vi a-kii
"V'K X- Cviu I W ivcyjcwa e
Wwc ' uv.iL V uu ji. -mr ;uj
taNuf liVUii Kt lke L(-1A J -iu.rif
u i'ai cjKd l'cr-ii htt(. 1 i a
iwfcl ktf ajvi I irU. ! ofa k r-l
5t a wi. m aa uluk. I i:i iau
lu I vfic. 5t?. W wa vL
m r;r nxr aI d Jfvi u
".mtfie;'in aitsiijv.
a. n-,Uv "lit- jr-m-iva a
a utiHikia & 4v ?iwi aidd u
I. J. ill $Htl aai- as l Sjc S. vui
Sni4,c Aui wi4.ji.;iwi.i. jpjumcn
tvua sit tjuvmb. 4.IU. aewudOM. a
iuwCuiA k 1jc .-wo. ai aa
avrw. i Vr aik al hV Jl ruJ'.aof
i.-t Sa-f ?"CA-i Sl " inC 1i
K.' k BiVTini vi .-; iii.
"j.tmnKt lui io aui. .fc.'L
"C -Vvbl X t f' 4 WKfll
iur-ni. I ism lusm xi ui TcaoA
S;c ii-uu aoii wsmcttruMf kt Jik
A hi X Vtuir aa: i 'VAnt.Aa rr
Xmi D jvotv k Vvl ji )4& Vr
3US VnU) ' tif 1& Sl'numi k aaa
. nuw aoU Snowie vrc G. K
(Viir crown and nrohet, but I i"
.rtfiit Marr with Urazillian btotl
wiUi diauiona fy on my wedding ilar."
And Uiy flnallj uarriod, Thy
divort-d "tliir liouw with dril ar""'"
mua of tli A'arubiuldoa. Egyptian, Hra
(illian and Afrioan; with ihn aplvnilid
lu.-anu ciru; wilh the rylonhilli, with
thoir niounlroui projeotiont from th
lii-ad; th niflitojihih, or Goliath bottle,
down to th row boetlo and the rat ar
fiiiooli, and cnibraoiiig eriry Tarifly of
ol(Hitoron ramellicornea known to
Ui aoionoo of citomolopy. Many of
thou wi-re done in bronte, terra cotta
and a-; liloll, bnt the prefort-ni-e
alATgivtn by Mary aud Jack to real
drioJ 'Hvini-n. and are regarded with
atTootiou and rnnlioD to thi day.
Thior rbouy brio a brao atandt in an
enlouiolagu-al rouvntu. and who can
bUm tht-uiT Thy attribute all their
happiuoa to th iutraion of a Wetl
iuto thoir proaeno Utat night of th ad-T-intur;
and although they do not
ooinoid with Onosli-a and aomeofthe
fath-ra who inolintvl to the Eptian
boliof a wgarda Cbriat and theSoaralxe
llv. thi-T aluioat worahip the pim-bing
bu a th author of all the bl--iug
! that bare fallen U'-on the hon of Jack
and Mary. Thr ar not alraid anT lon
of thVs brignl-viaeoj, bright batvl
bu-, and are firm tx-lMrrra in their
perfevt innovem-e.
A ratal -okf.
It a ill be resierubens that there a
eonndi-rable neitomett lal January
aUiul the aingnlar disaptvu-anoe of an
old miner and piopctor who lived aloa
in a cabin near the month of Prospect
Mi-unUin Tunn. It aeeiut that dur
iiK ti time when the 60 furore raged
I here aooi induv-reet vra. not appro-
(iUBg th e nounes of sucit a jose.
feci th old man a bogu notice to quit
th mp. H wa givatlr anno-ml by
it, and cam to Ruby Hill and Enrol
and drank heavily. He returned to hi
cabin inloiUi' and was not heard of
any more. About Ui lt of February
bis ebaen from Kubr Hill and from
hi evmpanion attracted attention, and a
party 11 bT SheriJ Kyla and Conuble
rVokv went out to look for him. They
Mur-d Ui ooualry in every direction,
and ient a day in tying ewrvwber
that they thought it poMible that be
aivgbt bav wanderel oS to and got loat.
Tti anow was very deep, and their search
was ia vaia. The Sheriff would bav
mad another trip in aearcii oi th lost
maa. but Ui mow got deeper and deep
er, and it wa uselesa. Teaerdy mora
i&j M rw.terU. a wol-ptkr, waa
croJH.Bg IA coactry aad divrreJ
Uvrtraa body abeett for mile
aa.l a bait from ti All-a mine,
aad about oae n- aad a talf
Mid ti Sp Valley roL It
lay at a pua.v ka feet frvca tie
mow waa kCiIt iiw'"-l. aal whre,
ixnag li -.U wvik&er. li mow was
x:at dev tviiy xiJtt a Ur$t
krnt H 11 a kU oa aad wa
barri.vC Hj Invt wvr fvrel by a
tur e rd iauI drawer 43i a fur t!
4s ervl. Ti itl trvn oj be!
aui vi iraHv all p.-iD. li be-
11 tx-fv-MFd. ka iirt toj: kitwa
i-.Mil 431 &wil cl. frwiiiiiy b
eoyMe. Lai e lx, aad
U Jav w ttlixk)a x-l yrily cva
nal k-v liu pcx-inik. E Itav aX-at
; 5.V y-ui fr-.-nt a fW raitx. Sir wLna
; 1 wk pcvv:iivT txi:r'"-i k sLaL L
k wiiT. v im i 4-.-v-x-sSoi k Aai aaJ x
i iiax-tAMt aoii i-iAi. T-we-ir aixx
; fcX'itt T oivv 6irJ Svif Curmw
: Sn-ii, luiwrtvlr Vlvmi axi I
.ivct wvo.1 int aad krax( ta til
i r-wiitj tfcl lu-ar vbsi 4.
: iwrvTRJini a S-'i viaii ajii wvll b
I b't rjtsi kLiT as i "ci: M.'rrfci
4 YiViVa.k3. cou LiA fc iU -nw
'iiL SiUlwnuxMU (ii ni-
! V, tM k ir H.m W 4i.4
?ika (,Nv J Swaiak.
i laerVraa Vtmen Qw Sa lrr-t.
I Aars.iax vmrD-a a xwtS'tOiLiir
t kM i5wf ii."riyv js
1 ainaJvi Wat w pr-.-f .-aoii v
; auaer kn. X dm aoi a?cj aaial-y-a
waat i k. W x?ii.t3fi a ill:
rOiifau 1M V7ufchia wxxil w-xnw
i tw ar!." aiT r ifcas vi
' iiMiijtC 'Jl fc-l Uirx u trtsCutt it
, ifcja aal fxv vm jwus k ;ja;w
wirtui. xji iraic v a i-Tsamw a jo
; X4.X JC--JuLij: Jt JWOL-tfyCjia VliI 3LlCuil-
' w Svsiai ?c 3 un xx-a 3r j;t u
wiX JiiwLjjf :i 3; a"y nxra-2.if i
' iBmCL in-! -iva-'Cy ttafc?i' f titf w-jh.-"-?,
: inm-ca wviaca as i."c a'tii
S.L-nw paxrulj tit jit1
' iic 2Lora. wvinfc a xiifttiij nifc.atfrK
uL 4.i it'jrv tin ms Jii.7
AiA l 3bi4a ftrtfOit. 4 U". IV' 11
1 :at a a iLn.nrnjia -if tl iti:iif. a
iiH-'im- JC ;aun,v wo.iil 5W Jr.:
mc tii vi ioJ sx feti citM jf xpx
' a.-; a. i --k E ;a an 55 ti w-.
t wjwf w wuaoitl iwo w-i jrf b'fim.hB ai Btauairw mrn it
' xi i untiit r-urw ti--4.f(wii w-ju.
! t'jf ;t-u4vtUiiV 4 vc til r-- tnfl at w-t,
xuw -icwi.t j.i--?04iL aoii ooiatf-t.
r'l 4.tA 3 11 r-wKn-iu n rjtna-
tail il4.-ulji- il 3Uk.Xn.4tC 7ll 4 il-3
joy axnC aue S u.-iri;r ua a
srifcf- S.jfJ. m u.- wliMalttr-
aaii javUiw w Iuh ffc-u. fcutiunf lam
' wwc rttot ti ai-o-r-ksaa tC J vnSu
; mm JiM-ct kA.'oa wij.'mouim si Ur
4tm Vr jrre-f J.ii.;a a ts-fc4-ic
lm iia u kr u x-y xi arav
, L-mu'ia Vjw.
J fitu aWr4.
r'l iwicieviuui Tju auu -nua f
3ku rl jum - -fcu wrr tuui ar
ajirojit ae L A luai ji Mua wc
it "Si. fo-0. ?nc; rri V-
Cwa aeeviiiJLinif as 1'Aio. Jit k- St xmit
u aoi.cuar atrva La V yim -xx-nrraajit
rvrr Lai rvlrii aouac
U iax,-. T'a fwi iui w-r tt lia
, x i- v-.'i4. jtrpt kuo. t mm
W-tO -4-4J-U. "hlfcJX iviCXJUI.
illiki:- t4lui 5 1 Wi. 44l 3 OfM M
wWil ii ja-- tataiLiur " ia in -a
St; i-u; 4ia S.t $vL aa
.t -jafthi-fv ir-?nit TfiZ. aa iui yru-tc
W:tfMt fcM. f Aa 4ul xa
m.i T r.v lx futot -aiw a
. a.-tt: vlx -aouvrv 3i Ja aa -i-a.
1 .i. i..'. i-k J-'c 4 7.r 4iT aacuiuc vuftK
i X4i-- ai J irtx iJ Man ava A-
trXJnm J Jv 40U. SUfcJ
z.-iu-r r.i--u T-tatxA 3t atrxa
"Ti uxr- '-.A -a-m-ii H--R tau Sir ii
MO,. wut-:i jak u vwav- fiV wa
-n-d; X.4 CtttBta aoti itr inxul jkH
- ' - M! t4BACa itaiB-a,
a Hoy sronr.
How tbo wind did blow! Tcler eurUl
np hi too, and cnJJlHl down under th
blankets until only hi .Te
brown, tontled hair, were Wt ontaid.
It had liet-n mowing brl all day, and
now the last few flake of the atorm were
fluttering abont. on tiny whit wings,
and peeping in through one small, clear
space on th froty window. The clear
pac bad boon made by Teter'a warm
little no, when he bad tried to look out
jnt before saying hi prayer and jump
ing into bed.
Perhaps I ought to lve sAid in the
first place that in the country where be
lived the wiuters were alway very long
and dark-for the nn only ahone four or
five hours each dav and the know very
deep. If vou will" look on the map of
Euro-, and find a big piece on lie right
hand side, (it i paiuted yellow on my
map,) reaching awav np to the polar
bear couutry, you will see these letter
mixed in with the mountains and
rivers: Kl'SSlA. That i where Ti ter
lived. Hi father" houaa was on the
border of a broad, desolate plain,
where trees had once grown,
but bail long since been cut
down and bnrued. So the wind had
great fun when it came to this plain, and
f jr one bad plenty of room to dance
and roar in, without diturbin any one
except the ban cry wolves, who objected
very mnch to having their hair stroked
Ibevrocgway. and their tail blown
over tneir backs alaioot t i the tip cf
their nose. Hat when the wind reached
the edge of the plain wkere Peter lived,
it would otly give the houe a few lit
tle pat., and laUjib down the ehimoer,
and puff the asiic out int- the room,
until they came down on Peter' ahonl
der like ciaH snow-storm with warm
To-nigt-t the wind vu tumb'icg about
over the plain, piling up the drifts into
forts and giant and all sorta of c-ueer
ahp, like a boy at play. Peter could
Lear him Uaghing, and, in spite of bis
warm bed began to wih be were outside
"I conld put 011 my furs," bethought,
"and jump right into that snow drift
nnder the window, and then perhapatLe
wiod would show me straags thing."
Bat jat then he forgot all about the
win I. f,r something wa cerUinly look
ing in at th roaud hole in the window
pane. WUt a bright, bright eye it bad !
Peter coulJnt help ranning np to the
window and looking out, and then, it
wa like a fairy tory. Oa the edge of
th kT lay the" fore:, dark and gloomy:
ia front, and a far a Peter could ,
lb wait glitterisg snow stretched
awav, axiie after mile. Th sly was fall
at urs aad the anow seemed fall of
stars, too. srarkliBgaai twiakiiag anul
thev BLkd "Pr wick Li eye bard,
for'tieir rgad. Bat far oat on
:i plaa, just at tb to of a little bil-1-xk.
waa tie meat wcaderfxl. beaariTal
iLixg a. A grr, gleamiag bU of
gvid rsd poa tie aow so Laily lLt
it av;r law it by a Lair' breadtb,
tii r aad cownag tie plain
w-.ta a ct hftl o lair iLa Tetcr
LkI iart beat Uuc aad faler.
If L coai eaiy re. tie top cf ti
Li kf.-r iut C1I r.:d oct ot stgat!
If k jxs rxi L Lat.T oa iu
wicvca, rsLat tide aad ly k ebk
axkx.e lirf-r aiiXiig pill' I! b ccxM
rjl U t-wri "i ;. tiit Li
iaiitr w-ail ix-1 u ti norxixg. asd
jy w.'oji ail b rxi fvee-r!
rc r-ataikcmi perfurtiy w?il tlas
La sxarr LaJ eex ul! i-2i twa
Lee kxw. axl uil La i Lsw a-.-;2r
W da wux ?:IL ll a ta-i :b:ic tit
ihMi -fici,'r a "id caiy uom
wi a. f ry :oi aai w jwr eiax tcaca Ji
m.ViT." Tia tii"- Lwi .ui Lai Low li
ww tnx Lai ip.azit U li Ei
at Stfcaiafo-i-x. bat Ua waa Sk4T i
I waa k tvey fji; Ai m Ux. Ai
I '1 -i.a k kauw wlu i f-fr li
w-ii E wa powc riuttrL. Foe. it
W'-ci. w-.sL x'i aa kiui xiiU V w-a a
-j-)mj sua. auii Ui!a i Lfci ! wn
a iu Li ir-ifcL"
Fv'obc Lfci . 5;ri..-oa ad iLa. Vy
Aay -B-aa-iv 53 li ci r:ui ttixti
Hi-'r-fciii aaii itrr-t aal a-ntr txu L w-
ovtW ji wac i XiMOxy n icarir.
sail try & kcJif i'lmrj. "IU i re
! L i "iwc Ju a iii lay jiKOfJ" 1
I rij;i4"ii.
' S if w un or-rI Tta li -
j ix ftrv -curaftij ao1 iii ix aii.-ciur
t xua.x Juki ti: ji Ui KUitwl ;iajr !
saaw sOi.-m Li ikCj-jc Lai xuii 3-c lri.
f aaii wt ji iitrax aji-tf a-vuxa. a
I toi X.- wi u-r XuL Ti w-iii Lai
i r:a f tcm-twi-H-e air a wxlt aoiL u
Urf ai? iai lire vta -wry fuul. "i
itail mi k ii-- nm inot "a nrv a
ltaj.AOi a Lat TiLad aiunj ta lan kia
H ii r.iap"v jaucai-a Ivor wia
iijwx 3xo u m.'- iv c i wauic.
kne ixaS wv Xi.t tinu Sir i Liti
imr3Hi x wxii brtr-fCy Tiua Ls nu
iitw. Tx tai jt WiiiW T iiLi.
ijiic aaii ka&irt Itrair zi irr- Stiiuw
bwirm x 3r-aciit iavy. F?-!iiiy i
TA.pom XT FffL IXti flui 3ifcl Xifci R1A
si mat aw au-r au: ioiy 3a ir-irxs
r'-n - xt a mi aiti a LiL. Itmev
gmtm-iti Swotr rrnwi rfr- Stu aii-
I kl tauw Ml.;- biCU k Aiu'X SifkariC
! 4u. iuc aI aax x. Cin-'w J
t i-- itt 5-ii laC aaii sinx w Lr-
, -rrt x -K ? Airwa. ise x mnJ. iue5r
, -p tx-tcr-
I oiiiiuo-'y wail frrw ttn-
f aitiac' fimui . "Si end
3-4.1 W ul rtat xs Ji iiric Tin
sxy OA.A.i iiu-t:t. aoiZ ria. wu-I ail as
Sr-f iiait f-s to-ajtais: as xus. TTiu
w-niL xnrv smm-i-A k xtitacw Lax 5ir u
lr-c aai. aui ivwt xr 3ia.-a x4 tsc
' ai xinw iia cairnr xw aaix auw
aiar L -?. Cn. i'i at-ni i wmjoit
. fcwn- aOki auuL TTxtf wurw aus
Vint -in ti Lp! it at i tit ii"is
5ima a il r-!C l. a rani
w iiOif- a t iur- i w-k -nair.
T':it vw X'vt icvof. Awauiirx a wt
itti"k'tt. rf Si xj try. 3
st wiijB-ax, 3C.cir- xnrtaiitr"
M-y .-- Xt iuciX W ranaia 3 air aic
l .-. c- 3 Larw it suiniui irry i 3
Xir-ii i.a iyn. tTitfa "a tnt aiiaita
" Xnanv" niici-nr xaiwr u i-wx if rx
W. aoii. ax Va.aa aw iiiw T-k. aatxl
t 3npa a ic ant xa- ria j"-ia. i
i fiiLiia in auas ay xut-
Sj 3 JT- XM VJ- XT WluL f
jAiikS-i iau ou-x La. a-i ww a i
if winny xa 4aQ aota ax) !rtt m
"U wtim 3wf 404 5e-4. aa- wiarni?
' aiica ixr--w-att-A at 3U4. Sir -t aj. a-a
Xl twrw JTWiry 3314-3. L) 4 SOU
l --r j sx wan, ii a xT 9ut
lamb, he lr n b,,,,e lt' c11JJ,tI "P
nro itaWvniH'k. and wearily drop-
ping hi bea:i upon hi arm, .bnt hi
eve, and went to .leep.
thi. time the wind began to repent
ofbisroucnness.and about doing
something to help little Peter, whom he
knew very well. .
"If thatpai kof wolve wdl tay in
the woo,! where I drove them half an
hour ago," b mnttered. -I can rwk
leaving him. Well, there', no . time to
Ulk. Hewgoe." So be hurried off to
the little but on the edge of the
t,lAin. and knocked hard at the window
of the room where Petor motner wa
aonnd asleep. In a minute he wa
.wake. . , -
How the wind ror to-niK'ht, n
thought. "I mut ee if my little Peter
baaplentrof warm clothe upon bi
hei." Just then a biting cold draft
tonohed her cheek, and made her .hiver.
"Why, the wind must hve blown the
window open, and -there wa the emp
ty bed'
"Henri, Henri, wake ap quick! The
boy hA been carried off, or walk in bia
sleep!" . ,
How they peered down into Uie drift
beneatb hi window, and followed the
i . . i. . n.n. on ft br
lime prima ui i
one, lie lantern swinging to and fro, and
the tr looking down a if each one
wanted to lead them to where the young
child wa.
At Ut, thev come to a little tract cf
land where the trees had been cnt away
hsstilv, many year before, and a mU
portion of the itumpi bud been left in
the ground. The were now covered
with snow and rose in little white mound
on every side.
'Be crfal not to trip tbyelf upon
the tree stump. Gretoben." cried Teter'
father. "I no longer see the tracks of
Ah! what is here?" And the fAthera
trembling lund unclasped Peter's little
fur mittens from a projecting root, and
raised him from the ground where be
bad been lying, closely nestled np to the
ronch bark.
Got well? Why. of coarse he did! I
shouldn't have told you the story if he
hadn't. I don't believe in having torit
that don't end nicely, do you? There ar
cough real thing in the world lo f--el
badly about, without any make-believe
ones at au.
It t,vk a 1 mir while though for Peter
to get well, and (or a good many days
. . . t . i , i .
the doctor couian t nave ioia you im
tKAttn.l nf thi atorr wonld l. Bnt I
happen to kaow that when the fever wa
gone, and the ongbl .amnier uays came
.-",in Vtr was ma stron? and well as
ever. ' And be doesn't want anv gold at
. t-i r. - i . .i
anv rat, noi uuiu to w a goi um
older. Beside, be says he waa half
asleep anyway, or be would have known
it was tne moon.
B.w OcA Cables Are laU.
The second Anxncan ocean cable waa
completed a few days ago. The history
of tie steaawr Faraday's coanevtion i"ii
tte layitg of these two ocean cable is
an evential one. Toward the dose of
IjcX), Jay Goald called for .abecription
for the popoe cf laying hi cable
aero the Atlantic, to be njed in coa
petitioa wiia the EagliaL cable, acd by
Slav. lSjl, lie cable s4eair FAraday
WftEagUaJ witb tb tirt Lalf of cab:
No. I, wakb eonaUs. of sevea di?erat
sue, ti Urges teiag laid near th
aam. Tie center wire, ad for tel
jraptir txrrc-sca. s a I-jr cefpr oa.
aad cf tie Ls Lsaicc LLroxgtoat
la wijl kag cf th caii. Tbe Far
aviay scca sxcveeii! ia Uyia li first
LaJ, wbca wa baoyed ia Eaid-cceax.
w.ia a dag aiiioied iSii, aa-i aa electr:
Luil cafb cf bora.:; tairty dAy.
Gxir tiK-k to Ea-aaJ, :i sevk-ar look
ca board iLe s-nxcd i.i'f cf tie isst
cii u. wix-x w as ccascted w.tii tie per
1 &-a Alra!y aal li- ca w-aa
! "aor.-w ta Atliztic to ova
1 Scuca.
Fy tVi&btr. ii lr5 LaL f tie
Ki'ai faLuf wa Lkvi, bat wiiL lie z-jl-
C4-ma esil was bix barrv i, scai pcr-
txa cf ii sufiujirr aboard ta Fxrtr
f 1st ir;i. aai ii eal cf la caie was
kc rtciwri. al wLL rra; piiat x
1 j.wecx2y ix lir k aK. tiey LvJ
TVe Farainy tax rtcxrai V L:cdoa,
j Anax a21 ii caiC oc. ia li bec
' kzm. f li twaa, ix xenrly f:ar 3l cf
: wvar. Leirjij Ixc-.L.-a a-klx ii)zz
li i- c j taxirr cf ii pwwi yvr.
' w-s.i u lewa.i L.i :t U sewraii v-a-
a je. iist t&rKwrur ;c:c-ii! k suii cou..
f aaii aA-r MemnL w ix .r.-iiiii ix
rv;ci ,i,f aa.t r-exna a txr-s ea.i
ia At-iitt ir.m liriLr ivi aa ti ::-
l:a cf u -x-wka. Vxi it a t:airi
tint SX2 wicx wit A: a ix w-ic? urc:
5iar 33Iif rx ieu, a Siii ii cf ti
xw-k ri-(i ia jjtaj Aaii no.x-fr.: r
raJiuf-t u raa ii xi
' jjiiim-u A?nr kt-r-na ii caii
aiia titt Ficvaiy u ire-Mi iLroax
ia r:i4aam ia wt-. k waj
iwTf jr-Sir jl wit M-jxti. eanxi
xi tLa-ai3c xi n.-aatnrs m i flaii IojL
rV w iia. L;'-f
aaii tzjt int
Ku-uier um i;r xi N-x Smcia ceai-Hrfaii-I
jaynie ti itac iui! tii et--JUii
raittt. aa-i a It :aiiT iuc uj vk
aifiW ily jiiaa-fca-it w-L la r-anwa-inc
it tin aaiuf a -n i -.-- s riji
ac ai -rn-reax - nrfv i-mii xi .i .-' m
x-luttK wuraLit Miau xwfxl. w
Xia Tw-j rxiia fcarj Aiiaaair ix
irwatpiup t t T..--H.-I j-wsaal F
A ;. TVa. Tii;m.u Ca-!y Li
4 "try i im iu jra F Jiic wi a
ajatf-aii-Mia. Aaii w-iccf-i a x iay is
3ur-r. 3;xx i ww iuats sad xargxa.
sail anarvw-d La scanty ir'X4.-vri-c i-ina.
L luUiirw. rLwurx i Ltd xus Lai
ai raa.atr Jt aa, 1 iu
iu:ii tiac rai.nxj fcujuJd ACaai cai.-uL
i i ymu i:m arrr x caiiy. vrxcisc
iia fci-n. jf xji 3?uri I-.-!-, waa jr?:!
k aiias witux i 3-amj !k4rud i
WiiW iesoiit jii t;r-ett L iltt"ju
-mr-aafc. ITirfw uw j-I:Liiaa wr
iw i-tin ixiax rta-iiavL xttxd
9iir ia jus Ljprd L aiiwc: E
wrrnrt. "."nicis I airs Xl n-iur luas
'jtid 1M crift 31 T:l 4 iLa-r Zm
n -wi rf i.m, Lit am a .mi xi-r 30:44
it 3 iiulfc L Xincrts. aad wvi aucm-.
j-y xir-mirx iu Ma-ir-w wirii ti!
su wil xi -ni.iua. xjb. ac amc'
-a -i.jiia a n;iatas L r-sai ix xx
.." if 3-JfcIf. X Irfrx xm --vi -
' Ira ad xuc at "infaua? a nii xrr ott m-i
ut lk-jr- -a 4--tii;nai-a tf tj. t
ni.-x xaausrr rf 5-Bifcjs.
Jt KU. -aK2aa- ai Se-3A4i tut as la
wit rf a xuxtai -McriMt a-ca-usx.
Coaxing Sarah.
Jui-tice alley ba.1 hardly Wa
to businesi yesterday mornini? u.
sleigh conUiuing seven oreixhttipl! 1
from beyond the city limiu Sro,?"
the door of a popular justice Bj "f.
ontwithaa air of busineu If;, i'
wa poking np the fire when an old?
beckoned him into a corner and wr"
pered: . "u"
"Got a job of splicicg here for ve' V.
darter fearah here is going to hitch
that chap there with theln t '
and yien we re going to have ome
"All right-all right, wa. the tPt)ir
and in two minute Unofficial , ' i
realy. "
The man with the blue comforter
peeled hi overcoat, ai1 aside bis Ui
and extended bis hand to Sarah
"I won't do it-111 die firttr'she sail
as .he shrank away.
"She's a leetle timid a leetl miA n
explained the old unn, while the moih
"SaraU.don't you make a fool of voor
self here. William will mak you a good
"And don't yon for'pt itm au
William. "Come, Sarah." '
"I won't unless we can aa in v
York on a bridal tower!" she nnapi,el
"You'd look nice bridle t..';.
around Xew York with no b.'.ter .l i.i.
on than yoa've got!" said the mother
"ow. Sarah, you stand np and git rav'.
K ICJ . .
, m ai . . , m Br
mw: waiiwj uie ou man. "Xo
Sarah, if you luck out every Ik,!t wili
laff at u."
"I don't keer! I Wiat to travel!"
"Yoa shall," acswerel William
"We'll all go np to the House of Cor.
"'t far 'nuff."
The old man lieckoned William tsj
r-arin aaiae ana began:
"Now, Sarah, Vil!im jist dob-s on
"But I watt a bridle tower "
"le, bat ye Aunt have one. Th.
railroad are all snowed nnder, mi
towers nave au gone nut of fa&hion anv.
how." 1
"Then I want a diamond ring."
"Now, don't say tht SArah.far I went
to ever? store la-t Satardar and the
- ' 1 - . . : i m J
waa au uui ui uiaiauoa nogs.
"Then I want a set of mink fan."
"Mink furs! William, I know yon'd
buy 'em for ber in a second, but tbey'rs
rone oat of style and can't be had.
Sarah. I m yer father, bain 1 1?
"Yea. dad."
"And I've alias bin tender of yer
"Then be tender to me. I want to
v married to William. Yon cant hm
a tower, nor a diamond ring, nor a set of
far, bat III bay ye a set cf cew gaiters.
William will pay for the oyster, and Til
see tait mother divides 'up tbeduhss
aad beddia? with ve. Sarah, da to.
. j
wart to see my jrrey Lura bowed down T
"Tbea doat Sink oat."
-Will they b ri gaiter T Le akl.
"Aad all the oyUers we caa eat V
"Ye, all yoa caa ssnff."
"And a tower text faH, if tie vheii
doe well?"
"Tbea I gae I wd. Co-ae, BiH, I
don't car two ceet f r yoa, bat I wast
to oblige fitter." Detroit Tree PreaA.
w U XaK a rire.
Go ia (or taxi era cocstrsetaoa" .ui
a cLeap arcbict.
A "ollo-a frase." siia brick wall,
very - .'! aad very axxaroa apart
aveiu, very narrow aad erocki balla
aad yellow pit iMnag.
Let li- t-Mt boca aa:arad witk
rre aaJ oti. Let all n-r. paferacil
ix rubt-cL aoramaLa fxa year to
year ia a3xcap-vl cwrser.
Fit aa ttfM. beir and farxaceia
li bujawat, aad liea Lire a cbap a "
IVjat be rr;i.-x!r as to txaii.y of
cuaibasti.b! cr i piers kc-t byli.
p-! wwk ia year bx J-iag.
Pxt ia Keaaa p. Ui io-i tlot I
ri wol warL
Tie aaA jxp ia wiaier wiu aaiit
kXAruiiy ia -iry---? li-f lxiIiaAaJ
ecavwexj rvtfryiitg ccai8ab t
tie iiCSLieaity aad cLxrurter of Cadtr.
Now a xi eie-raior siikft tiroaih
sa aia it wriaw ocJAad
waa. TL- ul iasxrwa draiiSiaJ
rv a a crater fee your
Ar.L.cK-:arxl wloaa-x
";w -artarw wwiL WaiL Fry.
x-xa2, tLu GxAjiax any e Lur-fi. Al
J yvx caa. a ccay f ttcrae) tJ tie ti
bxais. dr.i aaa -rntvaofa ix ti taal
ia-a.3. iAre ti. t.rut pua
W.iT pt4S.s.i. Ery iy iira
r:t ci.4jv it ccaa.grtCi-y-
rxi; r--: acaxixs: , ,
E ialrnd wit itAyaai tl-w-At
tLu iar ar -k.-(iiai ty-.i ti
r?vnfi cf kxaux aiitAa f ppfTaasa-
Ix'aixaiarT e---niiAS:it xa-nen
xxaiirf j. c Dca kaow kc
aiAxy. NTr wI x-t.y- 1
r.ikic!, cuoAXxieii aad tear? ia-Kxerat-
la c. "etLa. 3-:iaif. rxu.
aua-A Inf. waa fj-xad k Ft a a
or fcuwL Exfi-Aa.
' Esoiia Sne.'X. TV LcaJna ?
t4i.c nayx liiAt -ti i 1 nor li
a-. if cineCy xAaxLw--l J
k ir!c-ad ix a sstS nrfUtKirf oa 'A
saoriiikairy w Lei ta ar-jiinsi. f -f
La fvami - tii m.raiw-ria a
riar aixraik-it pc-:u- '' Tin kw
if EajAad. j.y "xaiiad w-I be
Scoad -Tac aj-.-a: wiy w ir.?
:u:Lk fcoir out ti ams. ks 1TT
it aufcAixf e-tL2rcca&. Ii '
xi Zaiciait jJM-ary i..r-a w ixd si
x tar-jjs 4 s-, t-f paiii
4 tOAr-j iA.'X ii.rKf ly a v-i l V
rw-. E a rxss'viil wf sai u -mux ixi ux tiiki viwccrtt- -
wy Lit a aiifcx wvci-iiC a L P1--"'
iu -pfw-ar- Ta ansa wil v:ri a -
JiJtv sTat BtArrif lirwx ti -
AOiiawir i-eicrax yi iaa kJFt
ai.y bea was a. by si L'W-1
Siir. Ny 5v.-vflwrLr.
Ui.-Vr ti- iriiiajC a
O-y. xi vpuai rwxZirww k"'f'V
; iswrap 5j-w k itaa-rafi ta "
j-artar."' ta K-r-i n-"-? rtraAr-
tuc-ht 13 tL-aiag yc-3-xw&t f "