The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 01, 1882, Image 1

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JJ i iJ J- l ii J
WHOLE SO. 755-
$2.50 per year IN ADVANCE.
ibt (Eugcat (Sity Quart.
Publishers and Proprietors.
OFFICE On tin Eist M of Willamette
Street between Seventh md Eighth Streets.
Advertisement insertoit as follows :
On 10 " l" insertion ?3;
ch iubieijujnt insertion tl. Caili required in
1'ini advertisers will b charged at tlie fol-
owini rates:
Onsqur three months 50 00
" six mouths 8 00
" oueye-ir 12 00
Transianfc notices in local culuinn, 20 cents per
in fur each imurtion.
Advortisin; bill will be ren Weil quarterly.
All ioU work mint bo paid rm s iikmveky.
Ifflrs flour -Prom 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Himilaj'i
i,mtS0toS:S0p. m.
Ilail arrives (rum tlie south an-1 leave sinz north
10 a. in. Arrive from tlie ourtli anl Iruvn vninv
t Itn t 1:J1 p. m. For KiiiinUw, Franklin mid lxtr
r.H, elot 8 on Welumltr. l-'or Crawfanl
fill, Camp Orook anl Hrowmville nt I P.M.
tetter will be roily for -telivurr liul fan hour after
.-rival of train. Lettern alirniM be left ut the olli!
at hour before mail depart.
. A. 8. PATTEttHOM P.M.
a Knor.sit lxinoa; No 11, A. F. and A. M.
A Meet first and third Welnesdaya in each
Hnxer Butts Tame No. O I. O.
V Mctevery Tieaday .cninir.
'-4,fcv" WmaWiML EscuMPUHiT No. 6,
bmU on the Id and 4th Wednndajre in midi month.
EouKNit LonoR, No. 15, A. O. U. W.
Meets at Masonic Hull the second and fourth
Physician, Surieon and Accoucheur.
(Formerly of Yaniliill County.)
RESIDENCE- Up-stairs, oer Chas. Horn's
gutuuiith shop.
idence wlien not professionally engaged.
Office at Via
Koaiimre on Eighth stroot, opposite rrcshy
terUu Church.
dru.ep. rs
Cbcks, Wacnas, Chains, Je-vtiiry, Etc,
Uepairin rroinplly Kxi.'entwl.
litf-Ail Work WaiTRUtrd. if 3
Klhvi.rtli ft (!o.' brink Willamette street.
la Dorris' Brisk Eaildiuj;.
Groceries i11"1 Provisions,
Will keep on hand a general assortment of
Groceries, Provisions, Cured Mcutw,
Tob:tcco, Cigars, C'amlifS,
Candles, SoaM, Notions.
Grefn snd Dried Fniits,
Woo 1 su l Willow Ware,
Crockery, Ktc
Ciifciaeas will be conductud on a
Winch means that
Low Pri:25 ara Established
Goods dcliverrd without charge U Bnyn
lrr which we will ry tli liiiliwt marltet
price. IArNC:i&PAtiK.
Haass Funishing Gdds ScnsraJIy
Wells Driven Promptly
Sithractian Gaaraateel.
iVillamette Street,
Eusene City. Oregon.
B. F. OOHiS,
Cwek inyonr own tova. T'wrasanllS'm'ni
'i-t Altrma H H.u.trr4 Co. FortUnl, M
Gives notice that he offers his stock
of Goods at reduced prices for
Call mid
New Departure
i. SCHUUli HoL'SES, whose in term b are
Hi end tiiuir piotiin at home. Take notice that-
Will sell goods for CASH at (rreatly reduced prices, as low as any ether CASH STORE.
Eejt Prints lb and IS yards $1 00
Best Brown and Bloached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, und
ID Ct!.
Claries and Brooks 8ool cotton 75 cts per Dor.
Plain and Milled Flrnncls, 25, 35: 45 and 50
Wutar Proo , .cents
Fine White Shirts, 75 cts and SI.
And all Other Coeds at Proportionate Rates.
Also the Celebrated
K(mo hsttcr for strontrth, size, and durabilitv).
liiT To my old Customers, who have stood by
t"nns as Heretofore on tmi, hut it at any time
mi sm, u.i 'imr.. too iuu credit on li.y reiiucllon A. V. I t l LltS
t (3 ''tfA DEALERS
Watrfcti nn:l
V4-'e Jewelry.
Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc
Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired nnd
warranted. Northwest corner of Willamette
ai'l Eighth Btr"f.s.
TTo continue to art as Solicitors for ratents. Caveats,
Trade Marts. Copyrights, etc., fur tbe UUleU LUtrs,
Canada, Culia,, Franc, Germany, elc Via
have bad tbirty-U ve ycanP experience.
Patents outal:ied Uirnu-?!! us are cotlccd l:i tacTn
r.Tinc AMrr.iCA.N. Tills larro a::d s?!eri:(l Illus
trated weekl 7 pancr. $ 3.2 0 a J ear,c:iov.-3 tbo I Tourer 9
cf Science, Is very intern; Ir.jj, and has an CTinrn' uj
rlna:i:l-l. Address ML'XN CO, IV.te: t rllct
In, Pub's, cf Fi'ir.NTinc AurnieaN, SfTark Cow,
Now Vrrk. Ilandhm knlmnt IWontifmn.
On the west aide of Willamette Street, between
Eulith and Ninth.
Having just opened a new and nest Meat
Mjket, we are prepared to furnish he best
Beef", Veal, .Walton, Pork, etc..
To our customers, At .tie lowest market rates
The custom of tne public is respect
fullu t-.Neited
f . ... i . r l.
1 lleaui aeuverea w am k'v
t f
vour interests ! Arc DciuiunciitJv located anil
Fine Cheviot Shirts. 59, 75 cts and ?1.
New Assortment Dress Goods (No Trash) 15,
20 and '.'5 cts.
Mens' Undcrweai, ShirtaVnd Drawers, 50 ct
Mens' Overshirt.1, 75 cts. and CI.
Mens' Overalls, 50, 05, 75 cts and 1.
Einbrddrries and Edwins at Fabulous Low
At crriat'.v rednccd rates.
nie so I mg, I will continue to sell on same
they wiali touiaka CASH purchases, I will give
w - n n
Mothers Lite and PLyilclana
reoommend ii.
i!io Vorld's great rain-Ke-licvlns
remedies. They Leal,
(ootl.o au:l euro Burns,
Wounds, Vcak Daek and
Ilbcuinivtlsm upon Ulan, nnd
Cpralns, Calls nnd Lameness
j-.poa Iioasts. CLeap, quick
and reliable.
?UHT3 cf ftsgastlas lloons,
SscIHoa. Craoldiaj Pmins ia tLa
Iload, retid Urcath, Eaofaesc,
ted nn7 CataxrliaJ Complaint,
c-n te ozterminated j Xfel D
LIc7cr'a Catarrh Care, a Coastl
tntional Antidote, hf A.'bmorp
tirra. Tho na-t Impo-rtant Dia
coverj since Vaccina tioa.
Ta-"T 'jTi'rgfW Trgf
I El E LnVj
p H if
to 11 f
' EXriTEUEXT 1.1 liUllICSlEU
Tbe Coinmoilon Taasril bjr the Siatrmml
of a riiy.lrion.
i ... .. ...
nulijeet of much conversation doth in
professional circles and on thn street.
Apparently it caused even morn com
motion in Rochestor, as the thn follow
ing from tha Rame paper sliows:
lr, J. IS. llenion, who is well known
not only in Ilochehter hut in m arlv
every part of America, Kent an extenJ
ed artii le to this paper, a few days
since wliich was duly published; detail
ing his remni'kalilo experience and res
cue from death. It woul.l lo impossi
lile toenunieratn the personal eiiuiiirs
which liavo iicen nmtle at our ollice as
to thn validity of the article, hut they
have been ko numerous that further in
vestitpition of the subject was deemed
an editorial necessity.
With this end in view a representa
tive of this paper called on Dr. lleii
ion, at his residence on St. Paul street,
when the following interview occurred:
"That article of yours, Doctor, has cre
a ted quite a whirlwind. Arc the
statements about the. terrible condition
you were in, and the way you wero res
cued such as you can RUhtuin.
Lyery one of them and many addi
tional ones. Few people over get so
near the grave us I did and then roturu
and I am not surprised that the public
think it marvelous. It was marvelous.
"How in the world did you; a physi
cian, come to uu nroiiguc so low!
"I!y neglecting the first and most
simple symptoms. I did not think I was
sick. It is true I had freijuent head
aches; felt tired most of the time; could
eat nothing one day and was ravenous
the next; tell dull indefinite pains and
my stomach was out of order, but I did
not think it meant anything serious."
"I'ut have these common ailment
anything to do with the fearful Bl ight's
disease which took so (inn a hold on
"Anything' Iiy, they are the sure
indications of the firat stages of that
dieadful malady. The fact is, few peo
ple know or realize what ails them, and
I am sorry to say that too few physi
cians do either.
"That is a strangestateinent, doctor."
'.'Hut itjs a true one. The medical
profession have been treating symptoms
instead of disease.' for years, and it is
hih time it ceased. We doctors have
have been clippini; oil the twias
when we should strike at the root.
The symptoms I have just mentioned
or any unusual action or irritation of
the water chanel indicate the appronch
of Briuht's disease even more than a
cough uniiuuuccs thn coming of con
sumption. We do not treat the cough
but try to help the lungs. n should
not waste our time tryiiiij to relieve
the headache, stomach, pains about the
body or other symptoms, but go direct
ly to the kidnevs, the source of most
of theso ailment."
"This, then, is what you meant when
you said that more than one half the
deaths which occur ariso from Bright'
disease, is it Doctor."
"Precisely, thousands of so called
diseases are torturing people to-day,
when it is in reality Bright's disease in
some of its many forms. It is a Hydra
headed monster and should strike ter
ror even at the sligliest symptoms to
every one who has them. I can look
back and recall hundreds of deaths
which physicians drclured at the time
were caused by paralysis, appoplexy,
heart disease, Pneumonia, malarial fe
ver and other common complaints
which I see now were caused by Bright's
"And did all theso casoa have simple
symptoms at first!"
"Every one of them, and might have
been cured as I was by the timely use
of the sum remedy Warners bafti
Kidney and Liver Cure. I am getting
my eyes thoroughly opened in this mat- g
ter, and think 1 am helping others to
see the facts and their possible danger
also. Why, there are no cud of truths
bearing on this subject If you want
to know more alsiut it go and see Mr.
Warner himself. He was sick, the
same as I, and is the healthiest man in
llochestor to day. He made a study of
this subject and can give you morw facts
than I can. Go, too, and see Dr. Lat
timore, the chemist, at the University.
If you want facts there are any tpuun
tity of them showing the alarming in
crease of Bright's disease, its simple
and deceptive symptoms, and that there
is but one way by which it cm ho es
caped." Fully satisfied of tlie force and truth
of the Uoctor wonls, the riiorter
liade him good day and called on Mr,
Warner at his establishment on Ex
thange street At first ilr. Warner
was inclined to lie reticent, tint learn
ing that the information desired was
about the alarming increase of Bright's
disease, his manner changed instantly
and he spoke very earnestly:
"It is true that Bright disease has
i itieieusd wondrrfully, and ae find, by
An unusuni nrtu-lo trom tlm i;whrH-1 crn. Thin is ti'mMa and aliowi a great
tor N. Y. Dt-morrat and Clironitlt', wa I " growth than that of any other
republished in this paper and was a ' known coniIiiiiit, It must lw plain to
jrnliaM sttitintiin tlmt in tlm pant ten '
yearn its growth linn lcn 2.")0imt cont
Iok at the prominent im-ii it has car
ried oil": Kverrtt. Suriiurr. CliaHO. Wil
son. Cainciiti r. nishon Haven and oth-
. - i -
very one that something must bo done
to check this increase or there ii no
knowing where it may end."
"Do you thii.k may people are af
flicted with it to day who do not real
ize it, Mr. Warner!"
1 1 uudrads of thousands. I have a
striking example of this truth which
has just come to my notice A ' promi
nent professor in a New Orleans medi
cal college was lecturing before his class
on the subject of Blight's diseuke 'He
hud various fluids under microscopic
analysis and was showing the students
! whnt the iiidirntmna nf tlnu terribla
inaludy were. In order to draw the
contrast between healthy and unhealthy
IIukIh he had provided a vial, the con
tents of were drawn from his own per
son. 'And now, gentlemen, lie snul,
'ns we have seen the unhealthy indica
tions, I will show you how it appears
in a state of perfect health,' and he
au'iuiittsd hit own' fluid to thn usual
test As he watched thn results his
countenance suddenly changed-his color
and command both left him and in a
trembling voice he said: 'Gentlemen,
I have made a painful discovery; I
have Blight's disease of the kidneys'
and in less than a year he was dead."
"lou believe then '.hen '.hat it has
no symptoms of its own and is frequent
ly unknown by tho person afflicted with
"It has no symptoms of its own and
very often none at all. Usually no
two people have the Mine symptoms,
and frequently death is the first symp
tom J lie sligliest indication of any
kidney dilliculty should be enough to
strike terror to any one. I know what
I am talking about for I have been all
through all thn stages of the kidney
"You know of Dr. Ilenions case."
"Yes, I have both heard and read
of it.
"It is very wonderful, is it not"
if very prominent case but no more
so than a great many others that have
come to my notice as having been
cured by the same intans. '
"lou believe then that Blights dis
ease can lie cured."
"I know it can. I know it from my
experience of hundreds prominent per
sons who were given up to die by both
their physicians and friends.
"You speak of your own experience,
what was it!"
"A fearful one. I had felt lau
guid and unfitted for business for years,
but I did not know what ailed me.
When, however, I found it was kidney
dilliculty 1 though there was little hope
und so did the doctors. I have since
learned thut one of the physicians of
this city pointed me out to a gentle
man on tlie street one day, siyiug:
'there goes a man who will be dead
within a year.' I believe his words
would have proven true if I had noi
fortunately secured and used the reme
dy now known us Warner's Safe Kid
ney and Liver cure."
"And this caused you to manufact
ure it!
"No, it caused me to investigate. I
went to the principal cities with Dr.
Craig the discoverer and s w the phy
sicians preseribiuir and ui-ing it and
saw that Dr. Craig was unable with his
facilities, to supply the thousands who
wanted it. I therefore determined, as
a duty I owed humanity and thesulfer
iug to bring it within their reach and
now it is known in every part of
America, is sold in every drug store
und has liecnme u household necessity."
The reporter left Mr. Warner, much
impressed with the earnestness and sin
cerity of his statements and next paid
a visit to Dr. A. S. Lattimore at his
residence on Prince Street. Dr. Latti
more, although busily engaged Uon
some matters connected with the State
Board of Health, of which he is one of
the analysts, courteously answered the
questions that were propounded him:
"Did you make t chemical analysis
of thn case of Mr. IL II. Warner some
three years ago, Doctor?"
"What did this analysis show you?"
"The presence of albumen and tube
casts in great abundance."
"And what did the symptoms indi
cate? "A serious disease of the kidneys!"
Did you think Mr. Warner could re
cover!" "No sir. I did not think it possible.
It was seldom, indeed, that sr. pro
nounced a cose had. up to that time
ever been curel"
"Do you know anything about the
remedy which cured him!"
"Yes, I have chemically anlayzed it
and upon critical examination, End it
entirely free from any poisonous or de
leterious sulistances.
We publish the following statements!
rn view of the commotion wlin-li
publicity of Dr. Ilwiinn's article
cause 1 and t im-et tlm prntestatioiihave iusd.lwrd fi-elin all 'rrflw
wliiih lmv Itpcn nmilc. Thn Htandinf
of Dr. Hcnioi', Mr. Warnor and Dr.
Lattimore in thn community is beyond
question and the statement they make,
cannot for a moment be doubted. They
conclusively show that Bright's disease
of the kidneys is one of the most de
ceptive and dangerous of all diseases,
that it is exceeding common, alarming
ly increasing and that it can k
The road from Ashland to Linkville
was last week covered wiih about six
feet of fresh snow from the late storm,
and a great quantity of snow' covers
the mountains and country all th. way
up Klamath river to the lake, which
will keep the river up until late, to the
disappointment of river miners. Warm
rains may possibly start it off early,
and thus get rid of the supply to let tlie
river down by the middle or latter part
of June.
Eleven car loads of steel rails arrived
at Koseburg last Saturday. While
coming through the little canyon north
of Drain Station, one of the can
jumped the track, and the train rajx
abeut 300 yards before it was asct-r- -tained
that one of the component pnrta
was running on its own hook across tho
ties without thn aid of the regular iron .
rails. The train hands had to stop and -;
unload the car ern they could get it on .
the track again and then reload it oncn
more, which operation delayed the train
about three hours.
One of the severest snow stOTos ever
known at this season of thn year in Or
egon visited Douglas and adjoining
counties on the 18th and 19th. The
snow in Cow creek and Wolf creek .
valleys was near a foot deep, while ou
the hills adjoining, it was utout twenty
inches. Travel was almost entirely
suspended for several days, and the
stages were only crowded through by
the persistent energy of thn gentleman
ly drivers. It is well that good weath
er so Hjieedily followed the storm, as
there was considerable stock in that
section of country needing feed and
shelter. The "oldest inhabitant" has
registered February and March 1882
as tho severest ever known in tha his
tory of the Stute.
Jacob Walter, a Russian, has been .
looking about Douglas county for tho
past week or ten days in search of lands
He desires to find a suitable tract of
from 12,000 to 18,000 acres, all in a.
body, for the colonization of four.
sian societies, composed of about 35 -families
each, who are now residents of
Dakota territory, and desire to immi
grate into our state providing they can i
(i tut a suitable location where they can
hold their land in common, ou a t simi
lar plan as the Aurora society held
theirs until recently. Mr. Walter rep-,
resents these societies, and if ha can
find such land as will suit his people, .
and can purchase it at reasonable fig
ures, he will make arrangements for its
immediate colonization by a hardy and
industrious people.
There is being considerable discus
sion anion'; the fishermen and others in
this State relative to "steel heads," a
kind of salmon, but not the regular
fish used in commerce. -. Some annoy
ance and threats of arrent for catching
them having been made as it is charged
that it is a violation of a State law
against catching salmon in the month
of March in thn waters of tho State.
An agreed upon case was niade up in
Oregon City recently before thn State
Circuit Court and Mr. Jonathan Hum
phrey was charged with catching steel
heuds which he admitted. Thn case
was submitted to the court by the pros
ecuting attorney, ho was himself of
tho opinion that the law had not been
violated. Judge Stott held that the
steel heads are not salmon under the
law. This will be a gratifying decision
to many persons.
The position of Associate Justice of
the Supreme Court, which has been
going atiogging ever since Hunt was re
tired, has at la-st been accepted by
Judge Saniunl Blatchford of New York,
who was confirmed by tho Senate-
Lord Conklinir recommended Clarence-
sfrtrar,i but patent Arthur ignored
his suggestion, which is thought to