The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 04, 1882, Image 5

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Democratic County Convention.
At meeting of the Democratic County Cell
trel Committal, held at Eugene City, March
2d, 1882, It ordered that the Demooratii
County Convention be held at Eugene City on
Friday, the Slit day of March, 1882, for the
purpose of electing 12 delegate to the State
Convention to be held at Portland April 5th
leo to nominate a candidate far State Senator,
4 candidate fur Representatives, 2 candidate
for County Commissioner, 1 candidate each
far Sheriff, Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, School
Superintendent, Surveyor and Coroner, and for
the traduction of auch other business a may
come before the convention. It ia recommend
d that the precinct convention! be held Satur
day, March 25th, 1882.
The County Convention will consist of 61
delegate! apportioned one for each precinct.
aad one for every 25 votes or fraction therecf
of 15 or over cut for T 0 Mendrick for State
Senator in 1880, a follow:
North Eugene 4'ltichardsoo
.South Eugene.
.V Long lorn
.6' Sneer
.8; Fall Creek
.5: Lout Valley
.4 McKcnzie
Cottage Grove....
Coast Fork
l'leaiant Hill
.31 Middle Fork 1
.3. Mohawk 2
Willamette 2!(.'amp ("reck
Siuslaw ..2,Hazle Dell .
R. B. CociiRAJf, Chairman.
For good dentistry go to Davii.
Go to Goldsmith'! for groceries.
Goldsmith ltv.p the best cigars.
Bring your chickens to Bettinan's.
Job work a speciality at the Guard office.
Ducks are making liavoe with the grain on
tss prairies. ,
Mew styles ladies visiting cards at the
Cbasd office.
Bettman will pay more for chicken In Cash
than any one in town.
The weather during the pant week has
bets rather spotted.
Goldsmith keep the beat line of groceries,
aid sells thera'cheip.
F. B. Dunn will pay the highest market
eaih price for wheat.
The only place where you can alway sell
your chickens is at Bettman.
Regular meeting of the Eugene Ilook &
ladder Co next Monday evening.
The Guard would prove an acceptable
present to some friend in the East.
Cask paid for CHICKEN'S, HIDES, TAL
LOW and BEES-WAX at A Goldsmith's.
B 8 Bean hts bien appointed adiniuittra
tor ef the estate of J M Thompson deceased.
D. Hymau will pay the highest market
price in cash for hides, fu'8, tallow and bees
wax. County and Probate Court meets next
Monday. The Commissioners court meet
on Wednesday.
Baniah humors anil invigorate the stom
ach, liver and Imwi-ls with King of the
Blood, See advertisement.
The work of assessing Lane county fur
1S82, will be commenced Monday by our
fficient assessor, Mr P J McPhenon.
MrS H Friendly will pay the highest
oaih market price for wheat. Give him a
call before selling your grain elsewhere.
Half fare rates' will be given on the 0 4 C
H R to toachers who may attend the Insti
tute, at this place next week, by that con
veyance. Several washouts occurred on the line of
the 0 & C K R this week, delaying the regu.
lar passenger trains, and stopping the freight
We should not suffer from a cold, when a
few doies of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral will
cure. Time, money, comfort, health, all
re saved by it.
The total number of children in the Port
land school district between the ages of 4
and 20 year is leported by Mr Beaumont,
appointed to canvass the census, to be 5,6.18,
hich is an increase over last year of 9G0.
The March apportionment fa the School
Fund will be made on the 20th inst; there
fore the friend of education, those who
hsvean interest ii the common schools of
Loe connty, will do well to pay their tuxes
Wore that time.
The Guard office has just receive I a new
toek of letter and bill heads. There is no
of writing your letters and bills on
plain paper when you can get a neat buaines
head printed for but little more thao
the paper coU. Call aud examine our earn
pie. Sihtixch Commuted. The governor has
recently commuted the following seutences of
eoavicts in the State peuitcntiary: Yo Mon
Tock and Walla Po, Indiana sent from Uma
H'l county for the term of two years, from
My 5. 1880 for the crime of larceny, reasou
jwigned, extra seryice and term ef sentence
mg nearly expired. Fred Usher and John
Hogsn, sent from Multnomah cosnty for the
" of three year, from November 19 ISSO,
the crime of larcesy in a dwelling; rea
" igoed, extra time allowed for work
Performed on the insane stylist building.
Charley, sent from Multnomah eo.n-
,or the term of three years, from Novem
er 9 1881, for the crime of assault with in
Un to commit mpe; commuttal granted on
Potion and grave doubt of the guilt of
wd China Charley having been shown to
Mother Gilfrey. Mr H H Gilfrey, the
Pnnapal legiaUtWe clerk of the Senate, is
hM. u thX rrival ' M",ly n' nothrt-
rly. Her mother is "as well
Zf pected. "-National Repnbli-
JTA5T,D 10,000 bushel of oats delir
" warehouse at the depot, for
highest market price will be paid.
iumen. Old type for babbit metal
at this office.
A Teachers Institute will convene at the
publio school building in Eugene City, Tnee
-i.ivu ,ui. me louowing programme
na been arranged fur the occasion
Tuesday March 7th.
Lecture Prof. Lambert.
Wednesday March 8. session 9;30.
Phyiology-T J Gill.
liscuxiun Institute. '
Hitory-Prof S T Durkee.
Discussion Institute.
Heading-Prof L J Powell
Natural History in School.-Prof Condon.
Discussion Institute.
ivimnu eiERcisu 7:30:
Address of Welcome-Prof O P Lee.
Lecture Dr. Jos. Browne.
Thursday March 0. session 9.30:
Arithmetic-Prof L J FowelL
Discussion Institute.
Miscellancom -Question Box.
Grammar Prof O P Lte.
Discu wion Institute.
Natural History Prof Condon.
Discussion Institute.
Short ieeches by Prof Coudon, Rev McLaf-
ferty and other.
Friday March 10.
Penmanship Prof O P Lee.
Discuwion Institute,
School Government T J Gill
Discussion Institute.
Music .
Miscellaneous Question Box. '
Natural History Prof Condon.
Discussion Institute.
Frof O P Lee' chut will give an entertain
ment ou this evening.
A full attendance at the Institute is desired
and expected. We had a profitable session
last year; there is no good reason why we
hould not have equally as profitable a one tSia
year. Kemeuiber that when there's a will
there is a way, so do fail to attend.
T. J. Gill,
County Superintendent.
Confirmku. Hon J F Watson was cou-
rined by the U S Senate ou Feb 6th. It
as not reported in the dispatches, and Home
thought that there was something wrong
which caused he delay, but such wa not
the case. His nomination bv the President
a promptly confirmed by the Senate. A
toon as his commission arrives, which is ex
pected every day, Judge Watson will resign
his position as judge of this judicial district.
Hi successor, who w ill be appointed by Gov
Thayer, will hold only one term of court in
ach of the counties comprising the district.
Considerable speculation has been indulged
in a to who will be appointed, but as yet all
are iu the dark.
Many Murderers The Multnomah
county jail at this time ha-i in it ten prison
er under charge of murder or being acces
sory to murder. Their names are Ka-tatah,
the Sitka Indian; J K Stoughtou, the Co
lumbia county in in; Jack Powers and the
parties in connection with the Brown mur
der, including Carrie Bradley, Dolly Adams,
Molly Flippeu, Jack Mahone, Pete Sullivan
and Tom Williams; last of all is IYauK Por
ter, the Colorado man, arrested in Ciegnu
by a Colorado official.
No Examination. The .Spring term of
the Supremo Court will convene on Monday,
.Marcu bin. ne Have received inquiry
from several parties, says the Statesman,
asking if there would be au examination of
applicants for admissiou to the bar. We
will state, for the benefit of interested par
ties, that there is a rule of the Supreme
Court to the effect that the examination
shall be annual aud at the October term; so
there will be no examination at this term ef
TnnoL'on in one Day. The steamer A A
MoCully, Capt Sauburn, left Harrisburg at
6:30 Tuesday morning with 240 tons of
wheat and oats, arriving in Portland at 7 P
M. She came down with the rapid rise of
the Willamette, and arrived in the locks
barely iu time, as navigation through them
was suspended immediately afterwards. This
run has been accomplished but once before
in the history of navigation on the upper
Band Tournament. A band tournament
will be held iu McMinnvilln ou ti.e 20th and
26th of May, 1S-S2. Two prises re offered,
one of $100 for first grade, ami one of $00
for second grade bauds. Tiie fallowing
bands are classed as No. 1 grade, ami are
not allowed to enter for the second prize:
Corvallis, Dallas, Eugene City, Albany, Au
rora and East PortlaiuL All bands in the
State are allowed ti enter except the North
westers baad of Portland.
ReruBLiCA. Committik Meeting. The
State Central Committee of the Republicans
met at Portland, Thursday, Feb 231, aud
issued a call for a Republican State Conven
tion, for April 20tb. Hou John Kelley was
proxy for T W Harris member of the com
mittee for Lane couuty. By the apportion
ment Lane couuty is entitled to eight dele
gates in the convention.
Contract Let. The contract
for the
building ol the Presbyterian Church edifice
was let Monday to Abrams Bros at a con
tract uric of 3.6oO. The chnrch will be
completed by September 1st, and will be a ,
j rabttautiai addition to mt ury.
I L Campbell returned from Portland
Mr Gen S W'asbburne of Junction was io
the city Wednesday.
MrJW Hamilton Prosecutiug Attorney
of this district was here Wednesday,
Grant Osburo after a visit of several
weeks to Sau Francisco, returned Monday.
Ed Kspey Is iu San Francisco pursuing hit
trt studies- He will start for Italy is a
short time.
HC Owens and WR Dillard of Lans
county are on the U 3 District graud jury
in Portland.
Mr Gen M Cooper and wife were passen
gers on the State of California which sailed
from Portland Wednesday.
Mr R B Hayes went to Portland Monday,
to attend the U S District Court to which
he was summoned a a juror.
Horace Knox is locsted at Cheney, V T.,
engaged in the practice of law. It is said
that he is doing a rushing buiiness.
Henry McGinn, a former student of the
State University, has been selected to de
liver the oration at the celebration of St.
Patrick's day in Portland March 17th.
The annual school mooting of the differ
eut schrol district of the State will be held
next Monday. In Eugene the meeting will
be held at the Ceurt House in the afternoon.
Mr and Mrs S B Eakin returned, Monday,
from a visit of several months duration io
Illinois and Michigan. They look as if trav
eling agreed with tbctn, but say they are
glad to be at home again.
Mr Frank Harrington and family paid a
visit to their friends iu Eugene this week.
He is located at Cheney, W T., is engaged
in the mercautile business, and says that he
is doing well. He left fur home Wednes
day. t Anti-Polygamy Meeting.
At a meeting of citizens held In Eugene City
Feb. 22d, 18t2, the following resolutions were
unanimously adopted :
Whereas, Our National Government ap
pears at last to be earnestly devising means for
the removal of that scandalous plague in our
beloved country, "Mormon Polygamy," we the
citizens of Eugene in public meeting, after ex
amination of the Edmunds Senate bill, unani
mously adopt the following resolutions, viz.:
Resolved, That the delinquency of our
National authorities in so long permitting the
institution of polygamy to outrage the moral
seisibilities of thie nation, and set at defiance
public sentiment is deeply deplored.
Resolved, That it is the essence of treason
and revolt to establish and maintain in our
midst such laws and custom as the Mormons
have so long done in Utah and other terri
tories within the jurisdiction of the United
Resolved, That we the citizens ot Eugene
City, Lane couuty, Oregt n, do heartily concur
in the action of the United States Senate in
passing the act for the suppression of polygamy
within all states and territories over which
the United States holds jurisdiction.
Resolved, That the institution of polygamy
is a darker blot upon the national honor than
was the institution of human slavery.
Resolved, That we as citizens of the Unit
ed States of America do send greeting to our
sister states across the continent, mid pledge
earnest, indefatigable efforts in bringing about
the final abolition of the umniti0'aulo curse.
L. IIl'UN, )
S. B. Eakin, v Com.
I, G. Adair. J .
Mail Contracts. We are informed that
the contract for carrying the mail from
Springfield to Cauuon has been let to Mr A
D Burton at $200 per year; two trips per
week, must be made. The time of service
commences duly 1st and continue for four
year. The contract for the route from Eu
gene to the Mckenzie Bridge, once a week,
for the same period, wo let to Peter Boler
for $500 per year.
Lower Siuslaw. Say the Coos Bay
News: From A J Moody of the Siuslaw,
we learn that an effort is being made with a
view of starting up the cannery at that
place next season. Salmon run in largo
numbers iu the river during the spring and
tall, and the river being accessible for the
coasting vessels of average draft it is almost
a certainty that some one will invent in the
Exports eor February. The total ex
ports from the Columbia river up to Tuesday
morning amounted to (1,102,856, consistiug
of wheat, flour and salmon. The increase
over the amount exported in Jauuary, was
88G,8u'8. Several other vessels have cleared
from Portland, but are still in the river.
Exports in Feb 1881, were $371,299.
Sold. The Foley Springs were sold this
week to Mr. Peter Runey, of Astoria, for
$1,200. Mr. Ruuey is an energetic gentle
man, appreciates the medicinal aud curative
power of the water of these springs, aud will
doubtless make them more popular to the
seeker of pleasure and health than ever be
Breakwater Damaged. We are inform
ed that the high water this week washed the
filling nnt of one of the cribs of the break
water above the Eugene bridge, and other
wise weakened it
Public School. The Eugene public
school is in a flourishing condition. The
total number of scholar eurolled is 359. A
literary society is well sustained by the ad-
vauced Mcholar.
Band OrnriRs. The Eugeue Brass Band
has elected officers for the ensuing year as
follows; P H Fsrrell, Leader; J R Whit
ney, Secretary: E P Dorris, Treasurer.
Heavy Rains, The rain Monday and
Taesday were the hardest of the sea sou. The
river attained a height of fifteen feet above
married. In hugene City March 2d,
I5SJ, by J K Campbell, J P, Alex Gritfin to
Nancy Holloway; both of Willamette Forks '
preancx, luc county. .
Real Estate Transaction! for February.
Eliialwth Keener et al to J B Cruzan, 320
acre of land; consideration 12800.
OA Mitchell
ler Sheriff to John Whiteaktr,
309 acres: con 374.
E W Whipple & Bro and Lurch Bros, to
Cottage Grove Lodges I O 0 F aud A F A A
M, one-half interest in lot in Cottage Grove
G B Smith to Wm and G W Southworth
932 acres; 5000.
U S to D H Cromer; patent.
J M Thoinison to Sarah J Osburn, 320
acres; con 1 1120.
M M Crow to James R Crow 100 acres; con
CW Washburn to C A Wadsworth, 50
acres; con WOO,
S J Saxon to J R and I L Campbell, lot in
Kugene; congUOO.
John Thoniiwon jier Sheriff to Wni Stewart,
71 acres; con 1170.
J B William to Geo S Washburue, lot in
Junction; con $375.
John W Moffett to A M Maun, 112 acres;
con tltiSO.
W W Buoy to S E Howe, 41 acre; con 183.
W Brumster to H G Uadley, 100 acre; con
John Punter to J M and Jas Parka, inter
est in 100 acres: con tl200.
T G Hen trick to L D Smith and L H
Wheeler, 2 acres; 400.
Steniburg & Sender to Warren Nichols, 300
acre; con 11500.
J a Roblnett to Samuel Reed, 4 lot in CW
well; con $80.
Wm Tripp to Samuel Reed, lot in Junction;
con 935.
C W Washburue U S 0 Foster and J B Tin-
doll, 491 acres; con V631.
E BUchlcy to Frederick Miller, 10 acres;
con (00.
U S to D M Kerby; patent
U S to Hamilton Richey; patent.
U 8 to John Gordon; patent.
N A V How to Chauucy Cummings, 32
acres; con 105.
Morgan 4 Parks to S II Friendly, 160 acrss;
cou 11500.
AJ and Sarah Hill to Ann! MoClaren, in
terest iu donation claim P F Blair; eon 9500.
F A Watte to Emma O Watts, 89 acres; eon
J F Robiuson to Green B Hays 'and wife,
lot indigene; con 93000.
PJBaughman toTW Shelton, 1 acres,
con 905i
Raleigh E Rochester to Martha Chauber
laiu, 240 acres; con 9800.
Haxelius Ellsworth to Mary C Ellsworth,
iu teres t iu lots iu Eugene; con 91100.
Ben Rush to Thomas Swift, lot in Eugene;
con 91200.
E A Watt to Isaac Cook, 80 acre; con
A W Patterson to II C Owina, 29 acres; con
Elier Taylor to J W Moffett, 125 acres; con '
Geo M Cooper to J T Witter, lot in Eugene;
con 9550.
J B Underwood and J G Gray to C W
Young, 1C2 acres; eon 9500.
J B Underwood to John Cogswell, lot In
Eugene; con 9982.
J B Underwood to G B Dorris, 2 lots in
Eugene; con 9100.
Trouble Ahead.
The Northern Pscitio Railroad, in all prob
ability, will experience some trouble in the
Crow Indian country, Montana, the coining
Summer. The Crow country is rich iu gold
aud silver, aud the white man having dis
covered this, is eucroaching on the right of
the Indiana and staking ef tliuir lands into
claims, Col Brisbin gives the warning that
the Crows will make a bold stand for their
homes, even to the taking up of arms against
the government. They number 1,500 fight
ing men, but the regulars are being moved
up in that direction from east and west in
force sufficient to prevent any serious re
sults. The railroad will be pushed, as stroni;
forces of white men, besides Chinamen, will
be employed, armed with revolvers, who in
conjunction with the army will be amply
able to cope with tho Indians. The Crows
have heretofore lieen friendly with the gov
ernment and rendered valuable services iu
the Custer war. They scut nut scouts and
warriors to relieve besieged troops, and also
to take prominent part io tho battle of the
Littlo Big Horse. They were given to un
derstand that they would Dot be molested
on their limited reservation, and now that
they are to be removed aud their lands will
be oM!B to settlement, they are uneasy and
talk tight. Col Brisbin says that he advised
them to load their rifle and stand pat, but
this will avail them nothing, as they will
have to give way to the march of civilization.
Workmen on the road do not seem to feel
any alarm and are going up constantly. The
end of the road is now within a hundred
miles of the reservation, and before they
reach that place fhe Indians will be disposed
Sayt the Salem Statesman of March 2d:
Yesterday evening we heard the startling
news of the death from poisoning of Nora
McCrsry, aged about 12 years. The partic
ulars are as follows: The little girl, who
lives with her uncle Mr A P McCrary, just
across the road, east, from Ref J L Parrish's
residence, had beea over to Mr Parrish's
playing, and had accident! picked ap a bot
tle of strrchoiae, and poured tWefrem isto
ber hand alxmt titten grains of the poison,
which the put into her Month. Is the
meantime she had gone hone, and soea want
into spasms. Her aant, who was at the
bouse, did not know what she had taken,
and it was fully as hour and a half before
medical aid arrived. Every possible anti
dote was administered, and tbs littlt girl
after she knew what she had taken, took
everything the physiciaoisdaoinUtcred with
out a ninrmor, but it wm ot ao avail, and at
seven o'clock last evening the spirit ef the
poor little victim passed into the great tin
koown. i.eauue sieetmo. there will be amass.
meeting of all the Anti Monopoly Leagues
of Lane couuty at tho Court House in Eu-
gene City, on Saturday March 11. 1882, at
n 0 clock A. H.
Chief Engineer Wren, of tho Corvallis
Fire Department.lnstantly Killed
by the Falling Roof of a
Burning Warehouse.
A little after midnight, on Sunday, s fire
broke out in the mammoth grain warehouse
of W A Wells, at Corvallis. The fire de
psrtmeut was promptly on hand, but, owing
(o mere being no cisterns in the vicinity, no
use could be made of the engines, and the
firemen turned thsir attention to laving tho
property in the building. The warehouse
was elevated about six feet from the gruuud,
ami was surrounded by a sidewalk, over
which tho roof projected. Tho fire was iu
the uper story, aud the flames spread along
the roof. A number of firemen were engaged
carrying socks out of the lower story to the
sidewalk and throwing thoiu to the ground,
where others cauttht them ami carried them
to s distance. While Chief Engineer Wren,
Johu Osburn and E A Miluer were standing
en the sidewalk, the tire burned the rafter
iu two, aud the roof slid down. Osburu and
Miluer jumped from the platform aud es
caped, but Wreu was caught under it, and
bis head and ches were fearfully crushed,
killing him instantly. Wren has rssided in
Benton couuty for the prist 30 years and was
the organizer of the Corvallis Firo Depart
meut, of which, at the time of his death, he
wa Chief. Hi funeral took place Tuesday
under the auspice of the Masonic fraterni
ty. The dcKit of the Oregon Central Rail
road ia situated about 80 feet from the ware
house, and was saved by the strenuous ef
forts of the firemen and the employes of the
company. The loss to thn railroad company
on ties, etc., is about 9500. The warehouse
was worth about $10,000, and was insured
in the Connecticut for 94,000, ami in the
Union aud National for $.1,500. Mr Well
also lost about 30,000 sacks. The building
contained about 15,000 bushels ef wheat be
longing to farmers, oa which there was in
suraucs te the amouut of $8,500.
Bradley Arraigned.
Carrie Bradley, Peter Sullivan and John
Mahouo, says the StaudarJ of Wednesday,
wore arraigned iu the State Circuit Court
yesterday forenoon. The court room was
crowded with spectators anxious to obtain s
view of these persons who havo claimed so
large a share of attention since the exposure
of the circumstances connected with the
murder of James N Brown. The prisoners
were all cahli and collected in their ilo.nean
or, and neither of them gave evidence of pos
sessiug that guilty conscience which is its
own accuser. They were arraigned jointly
en a charge of murder. Messrs 0 P Mason
aud C A Ball appeared for Bradley and W S
Beebe for Sullivau. Mahouo expects a law
yer to arrive on the ueit steamer from Sau
Francisco. Counsel for defense wished for
time to examine into the case and was not
prepared to plead and asked that the trial bs
postponed ss long as possible. Judge Caples
for the urosccutiou. stated that he wanted it
distinctly understood that there were nnt to
lie any needless delay in tin trial, llieae
prisoners ure all well kuowu hero, the wit
nesses are at hand, the crime with which
they are chargnd wai committed here and
counsel was familiar with all the oireuiii
stances, lie wanted the trial to take place
at this term of the court anil there was no
necessity whotevor for tlulay. The court
isvu the prisoners until next Friday morn
lug to plead, after which they were takeu
back to jail and the crowd dispersed.
Stop a Moment and Read This-
Look at this list of Koods just ived at
the Farmers and Mechanics Clothing Store,
Sactjue Suit om $10 to $17.
Scotch sacqo frock suits from $12 SO
to $17.
Succpie or ro :k diagonal suits from $1350
to izj.
Broadcloth .-oats and vests, diagonal,
Prince Albert coats and vests. Just the
thing for Holiday presonts.
.Several new lines of overcoats, reversibl
and ulsters, all grades and prices, from $7 5
to 92(1.
Derby shirt, i.ecktics and the finest line o
neckwear in the city.
New hats and caps, wool scarfs end
10 different styles of underwear, all grades
aud prices.
The be it stock of silk and linen handker
chiefs, hosiery, 4c, for the holidays, in the
Latest style of hats $1 to $3 50. Caps
from SI to f 1 2.. Hoy list and caps.
Ths best litis of pant patterns sud suits
in the city. Cashmere, Diagonal, bcotoh
and Americtiil cloth, fuit mads to order
from 30 up.
Pants made to order from $S 50 upl Dark
gray Oregon cashmere pants, $5. All wool
pant 4 M) 94 75, , 5 50, $u'. Pants J I 75,
$2 50, $.1 50. Overall 50 ctnts, 73 cent.
91, $1 23. Diagonal pant from 95 to $8.
Thu only Gents Furnishing goods store in
Eugene City. Clothing cut for anybody.
All good marked in. plain figures, aud
strictly one cash pries for all.
Call and examine our goods before buying
Farmer k Mr.ciusirs Store,
it, J. GRAHAM, Manager.
Are you disturbed ct night and broken of
your rent by a lick child sufTiriiig and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If
so, go at ones ami get a bottle of MILS.
will relieve the ooor little sutlsrsr immediately
depssd npos it; there is so mistake about
Thre is not a mother on earth wbn ha ever
used it, who will not tell ys at aace that it
will retfuUl the bowsls, and give rest to the
mother, and relisf ami health ti the child, op
erating like Biay-ie. It is perfectly safe to use
ia all cia, and pleasant to the taste, aad is
ths prescript! of oa of the oldest aad beet
female physicians aud aune ia the UaiWd
but, bole everywhere. M eeot a W'ttU.
Mntttwn? TSIU - WAW it Lift IturmtP
Aploplexy, Ac Many people insure their live
to beur6t their families by death -how para
doxical U this. To prolong life by preserving
the health wouM be a far mere rath nal :aa
eer of aMurimr ii Apoplexy is swift and in
sidious io its attack, striking it victim with
ut a moment' warning I Happily a preventi
ove ha been discovered Holloway Pills the
tinly safe and certain antidoU fur thi diseww,
obey cool the blood and eqtiali it circulation
through the sisteio. To preserve the (tumacB
to a sound condition and the blood pure in the
itrti secret of hi alth Holloway 's Fill will do
this mt effectually, and thousands owe their
actual existence to them at the pment ilay.
Imfoktaut Notice. None are genuine un
less the signature of J. JIatlxm k surrounds
each box of Pill and Ointment Box at 25
cent, 6.' cents and t each.
srThere iconideralii saving by taking the
largor (in. Hol.ieWAT Co, New York.
ALEXANDER. J. B.-JusUceof the P.aoe
South Biik'ene Precinct: office at Court Home.
ABRAMS, W. H. & BKO.-Planing mill,
nub, door, blind and moulding manufactory,
Eighth street, east of mid race. Everything
in our line furuwhed on short notice and
returnable terms.
BKTTMAN, ,0. Dry goods, clothing,
itrocenes ami general ninn-baudiHe, southwest
corner Willamette and Kighth streets.
BOOK STORK One door south of th Asto
House. A full stock of assorted box papers
plum and fancy.
CHAIN RROS.-Dealrr in Jewelry, Watch
es, Clocks ami Musical Instruments Wil
lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth,
CALLISON, R. O.-Dealor in grocene, pro
visions, country produce, canned goods, book,
stationery, etc., southwest corner Willamette
and I'th St.
DORRIS, GEO. B.-Attornev and Counsellor
nt Law. Oltice on Willamette street, Eu
gene City.
DORRIS, B. F. -Dealer in Stoves and Tin
waro- Willamette street, between Seventh
and Eighth.
FRIENDLY. 9. H.-Dealer la dry good.,
clothing and general merchandise Willam
ette street, between Eighth and Jiii'.h.
GUARD OFFICE -Newspaper, book and Job
printlugoOice, corner Willamette andSeveutb
GILL, J. P. -Physician, Surgeon and Drug
gist, Postotlice, Willamette s rest,' between
Seventh snd Eighth.
HAYS, ROBT.-Wlne, Liquors, and CH-
f'.irs of the best quality kept constantly OB
laud. The best billiard table In town.
HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei in general msr
chandise northwest corner Willamette and
Ninth atreete.
HODES, C Keeps on hand fine wines, llq
unrs, cigars and a pool aud billiard table!
Willamette street, betweta a,i;(Uth and
HORN, CHAS. M.-Gunsm!th. Rifles and
shot-guns, breech and muzzlo loaders, for sale,
Erfiairing done in the neatest style and war
runted. Shop on 1Kb street
HAYES A LUC K EY Druggists snd dealers
in paints, oils, etc. Willamette street, be
tween Kighth and Ninth.
LYNCH, A -Groceries, provisions, frnlta, veg
etublrs, tie., Willamette tiroes, irst doof
south of Poatoflie.
LUCRE Y, J. 8. -Watchmaker and Jeweler)
keeps a bne stock or goods In hit 1ms, TV mass
ette street, in Ellsworth's drug stors.
McCLAREN, JAMES - Choice, wines, ltnuers,
and cigars - W illauiette street, between Eijhta
and Ninth.
OSBURN A CO-Dealers In drugs, medicines.
CUUIlUCUin, UllS, IIMIIIUI, V. 11 lUMUtW1 .,
opposite S. Charles Hotel.
PATTERSON, A. S.-A fiue stock ef -plala
ami lancy visiting ctnts.
PRESTON, WM.-Dealer La Saddlery, Har
lies, Carriage Iriuinnugs, etc. Willamette
street between Stveiitb and Eighth.
POST OFFICE-A new .tock of ttandard
school books just received at th post office.
REAM, J. It -Undertaker aud building con
tractor, comsr Willamette aad bevenu
ker, Proprietress. The best Hot ia the
jity. Corner Willamette and Ninth ttreets
SCHOOL SUPPLIES A large and varied
assortment of slate of all size, and quantities
of slates and slate books. Three doors north
of the express office.
THOMPSON & BEAN-Attorney at-Law
Willamette street, between Seventh ana
WALTON, J. J.-Attorney-et-Law. Office-
Willamette street, between Bevenui ana
. . .i . . I JSI
Malaria in every form as a preventive and
cure of all kinds of Fever, Dr. llolman's PAD
is a perfect success; aud for Dysiieiisla. Sick
Headache and nervous prostration, a the PAD
is applied over the pit of the stomach th
great nerve center it annihilates the disease at
ome. It removes Torpidity of the Liver and
restores a natunil action of the Stomach. IS
neutralizes and destroys Blood Poisons caused
by the Virus of Scrofula, Cancer, Malarial or
Contagious Diseases, and vitalizes the whole
system with Nature's true tonic. It regulates
the Liver wnd Stomach so successfully
that dig stion becomes perfect
Professor D. A. 1ioiuis says; "It I nearer
universal Panacea than anything in medicine."
'I'll is is done on the principle of Absorption, of
which DR. DOLMAN'S PAD is the genuine
and only true eHncnt
for all itKiiiry I rouble) use DR.
the liest remedy in the world and recommended
by the Medical Faculy.
I'rivttle Keveitue KtttuiDofthe HOL-
MAN PAD CO. witbth above trad, mark
printed in green. Buy none without it
DR- HOLMAN'S sdviu is free. Full te
titt tent on applicition. Iddrea
P. 0. Box 2111 74-i Broadway. New York.
Next door to 8. IX friendly, aad get reea
He is alway oa band ready and Watties' to
accommodate hi Custoioer with ALL katj
of food for
Aad can furaUh a 3 MO It B to tho oMrtags.
To those) who ase th narcotio plant
Goods dtllrered to any partnf theeity rs)
charge. R G. CAJXI30N.
Sleeplese nL'hts. male miserable bv that ter
rible cough, Shiloh's Cur is th remedy.
Khiloh' Yiuliter what you need for Con.
tiation, Loa of Appetite, Dizziness and ail
symptom of Dyspepsia, Price 10 nd75cta. p bold by sjburn sad Oo, Euga.
m Liver
tub AND
Stomach", hM Kidneys.