EUGENE CITY GUARD LATEST NEWS SU3DIAIIY. BT TELEOBAFU TO DATS. A dispatch to La France eaya the Era pnror William baa dwilded to proclaim tb Crown Prince Frederick William regent on the 22.1 of March next, on the occaBion of the Einjwror William's 6oth birthday. The Urgent steel s tiling ship afloat, regixtcring 2220 toon, baa Just boon launched from lunar, Imrui k Co., man ager of the White Blur line. It is named the (larQuld.and will be employed in the Australian and California trede. A Font's Waalilngton siooial aajn FoHtmantcr-Oenoral Howe begins oflloe with a peremptory rofnaal to baton to applications for ofliico. lie says the de partment is more than full and that tho list must be cnt down. Secretary Folger takes substantially the same ground. Advinns to-day state that one of the irm of Becord 13ros., who startod De cember 7th with a train of goods worth several thousand dollars for Turtlo moun tain, Minn., has been killod by Indians, who plundered the train. United btates authorities are after the offenders. . A horrible discovery has been mado al the poor bouse furra at Decatur, Illinois. Whon the search was instituted among the ruins of that building, destroyed by fire, it was found that three of the in mates, Isaao Franklin, Martin Casey and Franklin Flotoher, bod perinhod in the flames. Dr. A. MoFarland, of Jacksonville, Ills., who was anxious to testify in the Uuitean case, but who did not get an opportunity, is very positive the assassin is insane. It was charged some years ago in conrt of a legiHiative investiga tion that Dr. McFarland was insane on the subject of insanity. Saul Koinsky, who went in search of the Joannette on board the Chasseur, met the United Btatcs stcamor llodgeri engaged in the same mission and tele graphs from IrkutHk under date of Deo. aoth as follows: "We parted the l)tho! August from the llodgurs, which atoerftd for Herald island. The Htrolok, with the Cremon expedition on board, then re turned to Chineso ports, having pre viously accompanied the 1 lodgers in search of an American vossol which bad joined them in I'rovidenco bay, The captain stated he had seen a boat con taining corpsos and also silver spoons and other articles marked Joannette. The commander of the ltodgers upon Herald island, The commandor of the ltodgors therefore resolved to procoed thither. Ho anticipated wintering thore and aided by dogs purchased at Kainschatka, or ganize parties to inuku thorough search of the island. A special from St. Petersburg says it i . very difllcult in Kuxsi.t to arrive at tho truth in regard to any question effecting the internal eondition of the country. This year's harvest was undoubtedly vory much hotter than that of tho pre ceding year, but there is reason to believe that instead of being roally a good one as both the governments and private reports made out, it full short of the avoroge even. This mnoh can only be aaid of grain, for the hay crop was simply a failure ami owiug to tho inaction of tliu authorities and indigenoe of the people tho effect upon live stock in this country is likely to prove disastrous. Heveral weeks ago, before the closing of navigation, the agricultural LJiumutsion tent in a memorial to the home milliliter, calling attention on the part of t government; but as usual this documr"' waa tosHod about from ouo depart men. to another till timo for action hud goiio by. Tho waterways are now locked up with ice and no efforts can prevent ser ious loss of live stock and the further impoverishment of a country already suffering from a series of bad harvests. A gentleman from Tamboy reports thai, the Bushkircs lost lust year two-thin' of their stock and it Is to be feared they will now be reduced to absolute beggar) . A torrihlfl at tuck upon the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty was mudo in the senate on the Uth by menus of two propositions introduced by Hill, of Georgia, and ono by Jones, of Louisiana. The Louisiana senator's movement is in form of a joint resolution identical with that heretofore introduced in the house of representa tives by Gibson, of Louisiana, which simply requests the President of the U. b. to give the notice to terminate tho treaty in the manner and at the time set forth and provided for in its fifth article stipulated that tho convention shall re main iu force for soveu years from the dato at which time it may come into operation, and further, until the expira tion of twelve mouths after the time, if one of the high contracting iarties shall give no notice to the other of the wish to terminate tho same, either beimj at libei ty to give such notice to the other at tho end of said term, of seven years, or such time thereafter. The treaty was signed in 75, ratifications being exchanged a few months subsequently; but the re quisite time for congress to put it into effect was net passed and approved until the 15th of Aug., 1870. The same ques tion has been raised as to tho date from which the seven years, or rather tho eight years, of the treaty's asunred dura tion shall be reckoned;' but it is practi cally conceded on all bauds that undc? tho teruie of tho treaty no notico of in tention to terminate thetrxatv can be given before August 15,18811, and that according to the stipulation above o noted it cannot, by diplomatic methods, be terminated until August, 1SSI. Senator Hill holds to this opinion, but he also thiuks that the circumstances under which tho treaty was procured, and the practical tiftVctt, of it separations, have been such as to warrant summary action on ine part of congress to iret rid of it. and he therefore provides by tho bill which he introduced to day that the act of Ang., 1870, carrying it into effect shall be forthwith rcjxiaiod. In order, however, to eocnre examination of the subject in all ita phases, he also to-day offered a resolution, which waa adopted without debate, directing the senate cemmittee on foreign relations to inquire Whether the lift tv nilolit Lalm tannin. ated, end if ao, what mode of action for t"t purpose will be necessary and pro per. Hill it a member of the committee, and so is General alille. The subject will therefore undoubtedly receive a thorough investigation, both from a southern and Pacitio standpoint. A dispatch to L France aaya the Em ut William )u decided to oroclaim the Crown Prince Frederick William regent on the 22d of March next, on the occasion of the Emperor William'a 85th birthday. ti.a Wmot atwl aailintr shin afloat. registering 2220 tons, has just been launched from Ismar, Imrai k Co., man r nf tha Whita Htar line. It is named the Oarflold, and will be employed in the Australian and uaiiornia iraue. Pafiflu pnaal eonirrosimon SPCak with entire confidence of the early appoint ment of Hargont as secretary of tho inter ior. Senator Jones, of Nevada, who is supposed to know as much about the ..ruui.innf uiiinna ami nlansai anv man. except the president himself, bolioves Sargent will certainly no nommaieu. A Oraphio's London special say; Ttw.hfir.l Hnnrv Dana's death Was the rcuultof a cold conght during a visit to the Dusilica of St. Paul's. At nrst uana considored his cold as slight and gave no Iui1 in it. and it waa onlv when symp toms of congestion set in and rapidly developed that he tecame aiarmou. ins wife and daughter were with him till the last. The News understands that the British cabinet, refuse to recoginize, as incon sistent with international law in general and with tho Clayton-Dulwer treaty in particular, the claims of the United States to exorcise entire control over tho Panama canal, and sa"s that Lord (Iran- ville will explain to Minister Sackville West tue ground on wnicn mis uecisiuu is bisod. World's Washington: An eminent lawyer hero is authority for the state ment the Ouiteau has at least u lease of life till next May even should he promptly be found guilty of murder in tbn nrst degree ana sentenoou to ua bunged. A logal authority says thoro is a statute in tue uuttrict more or jesa ancient and somewhat awkward, direct ing that sentence of death shall not bo executed until thirty days after begin ning of the noxt term of court succeed ing that at which sentence is pronounced AOraphio'a Washington special says: Dr. Bliss has returned from New York, whore ho met other physicians of the late Prcsidont Oarflold for consultation relative to their fees. The total of the various sums agreed upon foots up to $110,000. It is said that Bliss has taken charge of the claims of all the physicians and will present them to the congress ional oomniittee. it is understood mat he will ask for himself 850,000, for Dra. Agnew, Hamilton and lteyhurn $8000, and ior ur. uoyuion auu uirs. ur. iiuuu $10,000 each. Dr. Woodward aud surgeon Goncral Barnes got nothing bcoauso they wo-e in tho government employ, and it is said they are to be promoted by way of recompense for their sorvices. In answer for tho ques tion as to what was to go to railroads, a frieud of Bliss remarked to-diy that he understood from the doctor that the Pennsylvania railroad had rofusod to tako anything and that the state of Ohio would pay some othor expensei amount ing to about $20,000. The Now York Post prints the follow ing Washington special: One finds a surprising bitterness of foeliug about committee assignments among mornber of both parties, and tho dissatisfaction is shared by those whose influence is shap ing party action and legislation. It is vorv probablo tho spirit of rusontment amfof revolt may die away with timo, but it is nioro likely to grow. Said a republican representative last uight: "The speaker's appointments have de moralized the party, aud I fear wa ahull have serious trouble. The importaut committees, as now constituted, do not havo tho oonudenco of tho house, aud everything will have to bo fought out over again on tho floor. Thoro we are at a diaudvantugo, for tho democrats are exceptiouully strong in this congress iu debates. Our leaders, liko iuusun uud Hobeson will 11 ml themselves opposed by such parliamentarians us , lUndall, Hewitt, Cox, Carlisle and others of scarcely inferior merit. Neither Kolly or his clique who, by committee positions are ox-olllcio loaders of the party, have a record or personal qualities to command on the floor, while heifer himself has no following." In the light of these facta tho representative felt that little could lie done by congress this winter. He thought tho apportionment bill would be drawn on a b.iHis of ;):!'. nu'inliers. Owing to delay in announcing com mit tooB and furiher tlay iu their getting at work, general registrutiou tonM not bo ready for the house for Home timo. Ilobesou's predominating influence in the orgaui.'itioii of the house is daily becoming more mauifest. It is the sub ject of genei ul remark that bis tuition as relate i to legislation about the navy, is as advnutugeous as it could well be made. He is on the o muu'tteo on naval affairs, and as member of tho appropria tion committee ho is assigned to the sub committee ou naval appropriation, Ho is also cl-airuiun of the committee on expenditures in the navy department. As a member of the first committee ho proposes, as a member of tho third com mittee ho approves of expenditures for naval purposes. E wir e Light In tho Stomach, Tho Vienna Noue Froio Tresse gives an account of au instrument invented by Dr. J. Mikulicz, instructor of the uni versity, which enables a physician to every part of a patient's stomach to au ocular inspection. It consists of a tube which is t lairs t down the throat after the manner of the sword-swallowing jugglers. Tho tube contains an isolated couductor of electricity, two water canals, an air canal and a wide opening for the optical apparatus. The stomach is emptied by means of a stomach pump previous to the introduction of the apparatus, and is tloi inflated through ti e air-tube. At the bottom of the tube are two windows, one on each aide, through which the walls of the stomach can be seen, the requisite light being furnished by sn ircandescent platina roil, which is connected with the conductor. In order that the examina tion may not be disturbed bv conghing or vomiting on the part of tho patient, be is treated to a dose o' morphine, which enables him to endure the presence of the instrument for ten or fifteen minutes, while retaining suftio eut consciousness to converse with the physician by means of aigns. It is apiwrent that this instru ment will prove of inestimable value to medical science. nMAJIta AD (XmMEKCK. tut rBonoo, Jn. 7T"- swell? .fiehinM Imoon bankers, SI 4C, U 1S i do.oocumec, lay, S suit. M.lSit. l-Urlln .Mb.nO.prl bankers', lou, M WXi short. e. ."""Ji nerval, Imia 1 dooannnUry. '"sHrW bullioD. 1000 Aim, pr So ouorf 113. Loxnon. J.n.U.-H!lvT bolllou, fcaslUb rd, fit Su, im tn oner, ti .S. -Couol HM'a mou7. 100 t-10 tccouflt. V. S. Uupd-aM. 1"3X. WM aa SiMk SIMS au nunouoo uuni, s 8R Frascwo, ;n. M. RucalpttWbrat. "'.WO ft Is, all bol Mp- Suur, gueeqr ; butstuvs. ISUOika; est!", lt,IWUdos. Wtieit-Tli niirlitl U llrui WIIU prICM Mlnt 7U:10e0 tous No. 1 lilM'tJJ tl 70. So. 1 lilppluk' old wild tulsjr l buyra. Anioim mi jrirrii7 wrr iw qul llii nurkrl "in blore. now in nirr .. I ...I II. I. Mark! A.iii lirfotl IIULlliIIB'd. IWN7 RUH ..... . ... . , j Vottum H'i't " vrr uill lo-diy. biit rertliliiK Ibrlr prut'iiUum, l 75 tnked (ori'buica KkI ou wh.rf. Nu sIm n-mrtMl. Duller Frh full nl'irk are i!iiiiiiiltlnir: SiXn S5c; ciidl. e plcklrd, HTHc: picked, -nHHSW. ru, ItAo'iOe. . ... KUK-freb Cillfarnl. Ux-ke not Urge but In of (li-imuil; quoUd, XYiMe. l'rovlilou. -Tli driniDd ! llxlit. Html, rfturn choli to teucjr, Ki)t(el6i!i CelifornhLMnTMwd chnlc. HKttlSHC uiuer quounoui uiintiucu. Apple Merkct dull tiul not iiuolibly lower; 0c to il 35, sccordlug to quillljr. chicaoo MiBlir. Chicaoo, Jin. 13. Whet-H W Merch. Poik-117 JUrch. l.ird Ml i7H'il i Merch. llllM-ts .V()i U7li Uertb. W TOHK MAaHKTI. Kw Yosn, Jin. la. Wbeit -Merkei nulet. uncbiuged. Flour Viet mil weik. Wuol-sleidy. f Mum franvlera Markela. Corn elroDK-rellew, 11 7j: white 11 S3. m i. in I'.lw In,. SI QSal Sn rlvee rede, tl 25; l'eliluum end Tomilfl, )1 "Ual 75; Humboldt, ill klndi, tl 7Ual 75. ('Mltrurnla Urala Hltanutlaa. ti.. .w.b .i, nn hanrf In the atat Januinr lumper produce excbmgo fill mite, liiued to-dij Is licit 7U,0U0 ton", birley 41,0110 tins. rortlMDd Frodoce Market. FLOl'K Htimlird brindi tS; country, ft USt EO tnperfliie, (J 6K3 79. OATH-BotniMo perbuihel. I1AHLEV il tlkivl 7tperi-entil. 11AY Hiled tliuiitby, SUtalS ton. HILL FKKD QuoUtlonn : Middlings Hl SK$'15; iborte. VXWiH; chop feed IWiS: bru $M16. CI'KKU MKATS-iinii, Oregon eugir cured lfl lfc; etatern 17(31180; bacon, 1 6.4 1 lie; shoulders 11 tjl'ic. LAUD Quotation! are K lAo In krgi;liltln tlm. inill.HoiKic in palla. UllILl) AH'LES Bun dried, 47c; Pluuimer dried (KaliM. UllIKD PI.UMft With piU, Sc; pltleia ll12c for inn dried: 13cq)lVs for machine pluiiii. HOPS ISlqliOc. HIKES yuotatlona ire 13c for firat-claai dry; StyHVjO for (reen; culll, H o. Sheep pelU 60cl $1 'i. BUTTER Fancy87Ho; Jtood to choice, 3"fq:i0c fair, 'iOtmn'yt- In bulk. a'AV.-; In brtue, J-iliu. ONIONS Quotation tl OUal 'it V ctl. KO(lrt-?5o. C1IKKHE 11- family, 17,'lHo. AWLEU-rVr box. Wo, 73c. PEAKS IW((tt75fl per box. TIMOTHY BEEli-Per lb. me. CUICKE.NS-liiix, ii 03,il 0U; mull and medium, liu.:i per dox. IIKEMK-t'J to tlO per d lien. TDllKEYS-I.lve welulil, per lb, UHlto. HALUON-Ooluiiibia river, ft bbl, tllXtfU; bf bbl, t 61K41A: lielliea. bf bbl. til. POTATOES Oiruet Chile, 80c, per builinl; Peer, leu or choice white Tarlctlm, Stic per buibel. CEUENT-lloirudcte, bbl. S W, Portland, V bbl. tl 73. KIUKULES-Shaved, (2 7:l porM. Mrnta. BEHF 3 Hb'Se V lb sroan. POHK-(it7c, net 7(i,8. Mi"rroN-ac, rjw. VEAL-entilc. (it tries Bummi's Kuily Love. Tho love, by pre-eminence of Charles Sumner's life was in his comparatively early days, for a woman who bus been a happy wifo and mother, and who is still living. Keliuquishod on account of her preference for the gentleman whom slio afterwards married, it assumed in his mind tho only blameless form of a baf fled attachment, that of sentiment, which differs from lovo only in the absence of tho appropriating element which is the distinguishing mark of the graud pas sion, lie became tho best friend of both Curties, and after a lapse of time rcinem ercd the experience without regret or puin, though I have sometimes thought it mado him doubtful of his own powers of pleasiug. Three years boforo his death, after his marriage and separation from another womuu, I spoke to him iu commondation of certain literary produc tions of bin early love that had attracted but little attention from tho general public. 'Charming, charming, was his reply, with a softening of his face, a tender ca donce in his voice, aud a dreamy look iu hia hazel eyes, that I uever saw whon any other subject or auy othor person was under disoussion. 1 observed dur ing tho evening that followed this quiet conversation that ho only arousal from tho pleasantly meditativo mood into which tny reiuurk Beemed to have thrown hiui, to assout '.o everything I euid. It waH an ns'reeablo experience, but it was not intoxicating, for I was calmly aware that tho remote but suro cuine of nil this bland approval was another woman. I thought of the quaint exclammation w hich Mrs, Oliphaut put into the mouth of sweet, constant Margaret Maitland, after meeting the lovor of her youth : "Among all the changefulness of this unstable world, how steadfast some things are.'' Apphia Howard, in Provi de 1100 Star. A roueiful Treacher There are some curious stories respect iuK Fra ltocoo, tho celebrated Dominican preacher of Naples. . On one occasion ho preached a penitential scrmoo, and intro duced so many illustrations of terror that he boou brought his hearers to their kuocs. Mnle the were thus showing everv contrition he cried out: "Now, all of you who sincerely repent of tlieir sins, I10M up your hands. Ererv man in that vast audience iiume diately stretched forth b;s bands. "Iloly Archangul Michael," exelainiod Rooco, "thou who with thine adamantine sword standest at the right of the iudur ment seat, hew me off every band which baa beeu raised hypocritically. In an instance every hand dropped sua ltocco, of course, protlteu lv the oc casion to pour forth a torreutof eloquent luveciiYo agaiusi ineir sins sua aeceii. English landlords are making lare reductions in their rents, in order to stave off a land agitation in England. The average reduction in now let tings is thirty per cent, or more than the Irish landlords expect to lose by the decisions of the land court. If there is one thing shore another sunpreased in this world it is truth. The old quotation that "truth crushed to the earth will rise again," ia all bosh. Wno has not read of that unfortunate young man who told the truth for one day he waa disinherited, his girl threw off on him, ho lost all hia friends and in the end waa incarcerated in an asylum for lunatic. solid Petroleum. According to St. Pcteraburgb paper, a German, Herr P. N. Di mnr, has practically tolvcd tho prob lem of rendering petroleum -olid a problem considerably ntudicd by chemists of luto in view of the largo question of transport. A company bas been formed in Rossiu to work H.n nnront. when completed. TllO transformation of tho substanco will , not cost rroro tbun about iu cents per thirty-six pounds. Tho mode of treatment is not yet disclosod, and chemists to whom samples of tbo solid rctroloum bavo been sent havo not been able to muko out tho na ture of tho uNtign substances that are added to tho proportion of 2, or at most 3 per cent, to solidify the petroleum. Tho reporter of the St. Petersburgh paper saw tho product; bo says it is of a wine-yollow color, and has tho consisieoco or ver auu imlntine: it can bo hneadod with the fingers liko wax.and is yet somo- what breakable. A small pico 01 kne thirtknnsa of a lead nenci! and about an inch long could bo lit at ono end and held with the fingers, it rneuoa like. wax. and it was onlv after a little, when hot drops ran down, that tho flamo had to Do Diown oui. auo danger of tiro is considerably less than with liquid petroleum. The product enn bo easily liquifiod whon reouired bv tho addition of vinegar. and the process is rapid. Tho vine gar in timo separates oat doiow nnu the iictrnlcnm nbovo. It is not stated whct'ier the samo vinegar can be used repeatedly. Ttach Them Iutc'rlly. Business men say that it is hard to find boys who can be trusted with the handling of money. They cannot with stand the temptations; and, now-a-days, owing to the various causes, temptations are stronger than formerly. Nine-tenths of the office and errand boys of to-day are holding positions of trust made so by necessities of business anil they are the children, for the most part, of men whose stations in life have shown them tho principles of business integrity. The boys themselves, unused to the luxury of spending monev, charmed by its fas cinations, induced by older companions sometimes, are led to petty thieving. The desire to spend is natural enough but few boys are philosophical enough cither by nature or training, to with stand the temptation oi availing tlicm- selvVa of the onnortunities to steal small sums. Their home training has not !nade them strong and honest. Ihe ex istenco of this evil is suggestive to par ents who expect thoir children to enter the lowest place of mercantile life; it is suggestive to parents who are lavish of thoir money with thoir boys, and it is also suggestive to the business men wno are, and who are to be, dependent on help of this kind. It is not enough that a boy "takes" to a business life; as in anv othor science he should bo instructed aud his instructor Bhould be his cm plover, and Bhould be qualified to in struct. Tho elements of business, and not the least among them is intognty, Bhould to taught htm, and t might him thoroughly, at home. ffhoto Male re:ic'.i Come From. Any ono who has children and who, about forty times u term, hears complaints alio no them, thoir break ing or loss, will perhaps bo glad to know that the, supply is about mcx huustnblo. There is not the slightest diiHgcr that tht world will over want for hIiiIo pencils. Tho hard, bluck (icrmiin ones have been Bupercodcd ot luto years by tho round white ones of flu slate. At tho quarry, noar Custlcton, i., about thirty. five workmen produce 5(1,000 pencils daily, and H is proposed to increase tho "daily output to 100,000. The blocks, when quarried, aro sawed into pieces seven by twelvo inches, split to a thickness of a half inch and smoothed by it planer. Tho block ia passed under u somut-irculur knife und after having been turned over, tho process is repeated. Tho result is fifty seven inch pencils. A particle of quartz in tho block would broak all tho pencils. They aro pointed by u grindstone, turned, assorted and sent to tho mmket in boxes of a hundred. Slaking India Rubher Varnlsli. l)i. Eder gives tho following recipe: Incloso thirty grammes of finely cut caoutchouc in u capacious linen bag, and suspond tht - within a flask containing a litre of benzine, by means of a thread hold fast by tho stopper, so that tho bag remains near tho surface of tho liquid. In tho couise of bix or eight days the soluble portion of the caoutchouc, about 40 to liO per cent, will pass into Iho benzine, while the contents of tho bag will expand enormously. Tho clear solution, which is quite viscous and contains 1.2 to 1.5 per cent, of caoutchouc, is then carefully sepa rated. Tho swelled contents of the bag contains one-fourth to ono third of the benzine used, and may be used ior tho preparation of .an in. ferior kind of varnish. A solution of india rubber in benzine, kept in halt-full bottles, is decomposed on exposure to light, which may bo seen ty the change in the solution from a viscous to a thin fluid condition. Kven in tho dark this change goes on, but it requires about three times as much time. It is asserted that the contents of the 1800 tanks in the oil regions of this couatry would fill a square reservoir having a aide of 3747 feet, to a depth of ten feet. Some of the recently con structed iron tanks have a capacity of ,uuu barrels. SHORT BITS- The "Thousand Islands" number 1, 854 by actual count. The man who can be flattered can be bought, and gonorally at the very lowest price. Men soldom improve when they have no other models to fashion after than themselves. , A French inventor has patented an application of the olectrio light to bleaching oi lexuics auu .- stanccs. mi ii.-..t,t inlm .lannrnr in nsinir fruit cans with zinc tops, in consequence of the formation oi puwuuuuo the action of acids in the fruit upon the zino. fashfied that Lieutenant vruv . Flipper was a perfoct gentleman. It is .noi,nt. nnnrlv all those who have difficulties with their finances are tho perfection of piety and gentility. A machine has been invented oy a German doctor for exoouting criminals bv electricity. The criminal sits in a fialw and ia nm ntir rminlpHH.v. instantly 1 it tan wuu t I ' " and genteely ushered into another state of existence. TorrU.lw anrpHHlin father: "Now. I mnit liiil vnn cood-nicht. for I have an engagement. But stay, why don't you stop and tako breaKias. wua us some morning? You always go away an hour or two before it is ready." Gray squirrel is much mora popular in T.nmlnn tli ia sensnn than the White and black, bo much seen during the past two or three winters, it lias already gone up tii the creat demand for it. Circular cloaks, long jackets and . i? .1 i l- :l aoimans are nneu wim u. Another proof of the truth of the pop ular notion tbatanuitants are exception ally long lived is afforded by the circum stance that over 500 is still paid in otte. who died sixty three years ago, and oU to a surving aiteniinni oi ueorge III. A varnish of cement, which goes by the name of Chinese varnish, and renders card board or thick paper as hard and horny as papier mache, is easily prepared from blood, lime and alum. Three parts nf frnuli Vilnnil wnll beaten no to Drevent the formation of fibor, is mixed with four parts of slacked limo and a little aium, tha tliii'lr flnwinc mixture that results boing at once ready for application to papor or card. A Sew Weather I-;aicaior. Considering that a full of the ba. romotcr in ceueral indicates coming rain only when tho moisture increases at the sumo timo. Herr Klinkerfues. of Gottingen, bas devised a combi nation ot tbo barometer und the hygrometer. Tbo horizontal axes of a rotatinir index has two supports behind, and bctwoon these a short piece projecting in un opposilo direo tion to that of the index, which is inoro or less oblique Over this picco passes a thin, soft cord of hVL'rosconic fibres (e. e.. of human j O I or hair deprived of ''reesoY rouchinir from tho outer support to thomiddlo ot the corrugatod plate ot an aneroid case. It will bo understood that when tho air prcsauro, tho cord is Btrotclicd uud tho index rises. Uut, if tho moisturo increases, tho cord slackens and tbo index fulls. Chas. Sumner on Woman's Dress. With all Mr. Sumner's profound studies ho was as good an authority on all mat ters relating to a woman s toilet as V ortli himself. I recall the approval which ho expressed of Michelet s theory that a woman should not yield to tho dictates of fashion to the extent of making vio lent changes in her dress or the arrange ment of her hair: but a certain uniform' ity, with minor variations, that just suggested a costume, so that people would say, "that looks liko her," was more eucctivo and more attractive than thoso sudden changes, which almost de stroy a woman's identity and diminished the power of association. Mr. Sumner thought that nothing promoted a wo man's appearanco so much as, after suit able study of the subject, adhering to one stylo of arranging tho hair. "Imag ine," said he, "a Greek goddess chang ing the arrangement of her hair every few months!" f Affa Howard, in Prov idouce Press. XJcitEooiiNizED Talent. When a great man dies, be he writer or painter, states man or scientifio writer, we are apt rather to over than underrate his achieve ments, seeking, perhaps, to atone for long continued neglect by a too tardy justice. But the man who dies after a long life of work in which he has just failed to be great, whose success hps al ways been of that kind which gains ready appreciation, within the little circlo of friends to whom it is known, but which never touches the world at large whose genius, in fact, has shown itself in pleas ing greatly a few rather than touching the hearts or affecting the lives of the many this man is apt, I think, to obtain but scanty justice, directly his powers of pleasing have censed. And this is, of conrso, more certainly the case if ho be one whose talents have been somewhat archaic, and if he bas never cared to adapt them to the public measure of the useful, tho beautiful or the true. Lon don Spectator. Lost Wouus. It is correctly stated in a recent article on Henry Clay that he never was tit a loss for a word, or "bog gled" while speaking, but that his drafts on th" Kink's English were never dis honored. With Mr. Webster it was dif ferent, and he often would hesitate, and then rub his nose with the bent knuckle of his right thunr b. Mr. Calhoun, when at a loss for a word, would give a petu lant twist at his large turned-over shirt collar, and then run hia bony fingers through his long gray hair until it stood up like the hair on an electrio toy. Mr. Benton would sink his voice and mum ble something that no one could under stand, and General Cass would "awl aw?" in the English style, passing his hand beneath the lower edge of hia capacious white wasistcoatl Mr. Webster was al most invariably "stuck" when he at tempted to use a Latin quotation, and when Mr. Everett was in the Senate he used invariably to appeal to him. pJJ TaiDlk Ant, i (i v M fW. THE GREAT if FOIl RHEUMATISM J Heuraloia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell, ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation on earth equali Br. Jacob Oil an a tafe,$urt, ttmple and .cheap EiUml Kerned;. A trial entaila Lut the ounparatlTfly trlBing ouUay of 60 Cents, and e? erjr one iiilto. log with pain can hare cheap and poaiUre prwf of He claims. Direction! In Daren Lanjuip. GOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AffD DEALERS IB KEDIGIHE. A. VOGELER & CO., BalHmor, MtL, 17. 8.1, UR. SPINNEY, K. 11 Kearny atnnt, a. F., Trwta aOl Chraala aa4 apaalal Dlata YOUNG MEN WHO MAT BE JlOPPERINQ FROM THK Ef. T fecta of youthful follle or Indlat'retlon, wUl to . ll to vll thenmelvea of thla. tho e-reMeat boot rvvt the alur of Buffering humanity. DR. -OMNiSKY will jruanntee to fnrfelt smjO tot eTen ineof St-inlnal Wexknoea or privute dlaeaaeaof aoi kind or cliaracter which ho uoderukes aud fella u MIDDLE-AO ED If EST. There are many at the aire of thirty ta sixty who are troubled with too frequent evaruatlone of the IiIbHHb nflan .imnin.nlul Kn m alls... . , . Kv..u..,.n-U uj m oi if. n . .111.1 kill. r . bu rnlug aensation and a weakening of tho ayatem la 1 bilne- the urinary depoalu a ropy aedlment Will olten HianiiT me pnueni mnnoi aooount lur. on be lound, Mid eumetlmea imail punlclii of albumen will appear, O the color will be of a Uiln mllklih hue. lumea color w a dai avaln chanirln( to a dark and torpid apiSi-iumnce. ere are many men who die of thla difficulty, tono- rant of the cause, which la the aecend iiwn of Senu uol WeaJineaa. l)r. K win nikrsn i . iwry.i ,nM in all auch caaea. and a healthy iKaUiraOon of the enlt oxtnory oryana. Offlce Hours IS to 4 and I to I. Sundays from 10 to 11 A. M. Oonanltatlon In. Thorough examlnaiion and advice, la. Oallori ad dre DHL aPIWMCY At m. No. U Kearny atreet. Han Prsndaoo. Cat The Great South American REMEDY. r'sn.Y celebrated ron havino accom pllslicd nmri'ln rwmirina: niaiiliinl iitirl Hwltlvely curhifc HeniituU Weakni'iw than any othnr HtHtorutlve known. The followuiK ure Home of tlm imiiiliit-iit eyniptonin. l'liln in tiie tiark. imtvoui trmti!iiii( of IliiilH, imrtlal pamlyHiH tinil uiH-ay of lyelent, ln-wtl di red niliiil, confiiHion of tiii'iut, uverKion to eni'lety. llnildlty, KcNlliiH.Hiti'w, Slei'iilfwni'tw, (IfhllitiitlnK (Iri'itnia, melanrholy dniwsliiesM, iniimiri-d vislun eiia hi-urlnir. dyRih'iwln, ni-irons liu-aiinrlty forluily, nii-n-till di'btllty uihI tlcprptvilon of npirltH, nhIIuw ooutiliii Knee, dark HKitit unilir the eyi'. puln In t)u In-nil, rineiiifr In the cars, upon lii fori- the even, putplliiilnii of the heurl , puln In the mile, uiii-hkIik-sh about the loiim, pimples on the fare end boclv. l'rlee ot the 11 KKItK.N ! :. '. i r hottle, or 4 for ?10. Nenttoauyadtlret on riM- I, it of prli-e. tXlNSl'I.TA'lniN I'KKE. Four bottles will lam one month, and will convince he most skeptlcul nf Uh powers. AiMrens or upply to UK. HILUKDibtU, Bnnms and 9, 2& i'lint it bet. Salmon a;nl Main, PO.KOX Po,llu:i.l,Or'i;on D. J. MALAIIKEY & CO., Commission Mercliants, WHOLES ALK DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Foreign and Domestic Frodaee. We ketteaaJef Dairy rrd e mlaltw Condsnmenta and ordera aollctted. Lettcn ei te qnlry promptly answered. Weekly Price Correal mailed free on application. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES MADE 01 COJiSIfciJiJLEXTS. ! aa4 la FBOUT RUIT, rOBTUJm WILLIAM COLLI EK, MACHINIST. ' Denier In New und , SEC0XD HAND MACHINERY, SS Madlaoa HU, Portland, Or. Parties dealrtna; Holler. Engine nr S.V W cttii arenre by HddreMluK Mr. ( ulller. New and Second Hand Machinery Honght und sold or traded to adynntnaT. Dr. II. M. RUSS. Dentist. For the Interest of the nuhllc. I have rpsnlveil In do nrsi-cuue wort ai inese prices : ronttnnnem (Inm AVork-Pureelitlm fM to HlOO On Wold I'lutes. 50 In IS Netof Trrth o Kahher. St AO nnd upward Hrl of Terlh cm t elliilold. .. lO IIO und upward llnld Fllllnsr - M und npwui'd Nllver nnd Hnne Fllllna; 1 OO und upwurd Kxtruellonof Teeth, wllk Gna. 1 OO OFFICE In Photograph (laii ry, Fifth street, op posite poslofnce. Dr. II. M. nt'sfl, Dentin OfBrc hnurm, all knur. Teeth extruett-d wlthnnlm. AO rtn. SIBSON, CHURCH & CO, Portland, Oregon. EXPORTERS OF WHEAT AND FLOUR. Ia the Market at all times for the abo Commodities. Adilrraa na for Information as to values, or Terms of Conalnmrnt. CAI.CHTA AKD WAKLAXD BAGS fol sals la lots to salt. Stencil marks furnished fro appllra t- te- Cliinax "Washin? Powder. The housewife's friend, has earned testimonials from all who have owd It, aniunx whs-h are the Hwters Kuperlor n su V tncent's hospiul, Hon land, and the Ulsters of Charity of the Ilouae of Pnividence at Van couver. It aaxi all the labor of washina; and brin not the clothes In better mnditku) than by any other pnicessof wahin. X. W. Hllaaa the fcneral acent for the raclnc Coast with headquarters at Port- LEARN TO WRITE. Rend 7S cents to J. P. Peaater author of the Feattcr kn system nf penmanship and ei by return mail a full set of copt. rreih from Ihe pm with pnnted and written lntnictlona bow to practice. Yon will also fel with this set, free is New and ijwy rulvt In math ematical ralculaUona. especiaUy adapted to farmers and necbantra. Address. J. p. FEAJfTKK PrhLof lentral Mht ttchool and Wnnnc Academy. Portland, Or. THE BE ! Oue we frowning e in the d gone iirmth ar il, and v general echanic, Jways rou fe ami I iignatiou ition of i d sraroj Irs. i atoil ne many i Jpetitcs iem uau 6. M rk and owning ota un le, and t brk, an htcher ' 1 joked dii t lit of a 3 lit. Brc ; i"weii, i men CI ight to i can. liel the 'iiirdensi 4 id so, il ithe si ight to eat, and ivre pos ; IWith freed, a i nat mo: ,i jon. nint bo 1 1 figure f 'Col. : I fixin; S id 1 thi i nith o I rs. Jo f ( i c oce ocer a I t mak ud per may be : mas. depend tainty." Ail e 4'. us coi i as as 1 i to be wife c mtenti a rioh ft buret :her d wi thei i hen feJr. Bn 'l. indsoi stly f it m if 1 tr mter. I" "Tha r. Bi "We rjiimpe (often h fly wif jtia yo , aWay a i madi ! 1 tilt t yiiild i - Johi 3 is fac t lis Ui 1 1 com ; t tini I -ar bi I less ' hrit tie p t romf v LIO th