I JU I Tin Effect if CompetllleB. Chicaj? 1 in a bad way. It find ita ' upremtf g'11 market endan gered f the cheap freight from St. TjouJj J Liverpool, which enable the Si L4'1 dealers to pay higher price (or ff'n an those of Chicaga Last WM)corn wm selling in St Louis at 54 it and in Chicago at 48 cent i orenoe of 6 cent per bunhol. The tst of this is that corn freights from 3 Louis to Liverpool by river were as jf as 1 1 cents a bushel, or about half , e rates from Chicago. Nor is this ill of Chicago's woe. The railroads entering at St. Louis have boon com pelled by the stress of river competition I to run thoir cars empty or cut down freight to something- approximating the rates by way of the river and New Orleans, If St Louis can pay five or six cents a bushel for corn more than Chicago, it is easy to see that the corn, M well as the other grains of the Northwest, will go there. Chicago is decidedly opposed to improvement in the navigation of the MiwMttippL- So are the railroads. The river will be improved, for all that, and the country will benefit by the competition it pro ides. & I. Examiner. A correspondent, who has been look ing it up, reports that Thomas JefTer ion was the only one of our President who never had any receptions at the White House. His daughters were with him but twice during his eight years residence there. But thoso were the days in which the Fathers under stood what was due to the simplicity and honesty of republican institutions. Subscribe for tlio Guard, the far mer's friend. tit . i. Children FOR Pitcher's Castoria. Metiers Ilk ui Physloiauaa racematMd lU IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUIt LINIMENTS the World's great Puln-Kc-llevlnf remedies. They heal, sootho and cure Burns, Wounds, Weak Back and .Rheumatism upon Man, and .Sprains, Galls and Lameness spon Beasts. Cheap, quick nd reliable. IPURTS ef dUgitln,Mnen., laofllM. Crackling Pains la the Head, rUd Breath, Deafness, tad mf Catarrhal Complaint, ea avrUrmlaated j Wat Da Meyer's Catarrh Car, a Constl tatloaal Antidote, fcy Absorp tion. The Moat Important Dia MW17 aUo Vaccination. IlOSTETTEjjv IN HOSTS OF FAMILIES HotaatUr's Rtomaaik Hill L. ..M. ( r , . w hiuvu ir-Anr MMI hOUBtmnlll AattMfcltv .. The reason of this is tliot yw f experience hare proved it to b parfeotly naMe in Uiom eases of amarysnry where prompt and conve nient remedy is deniaunad. Conatipstion, ladiyasuaa and other troubles are overcome by Tor sale bv'all drtireists and Dealer to whom apOlV Iw Hialtatttar a A NEW Xi HEAT MARKET Oft the west rid of WUlemstU Street, Uim Eighth and Ninth.. : Having Juit opened a n.w and neat Mart Mrkat, w an prepaid to furaUk he beat sWet; Veal,. Jlattoa, Park, !., T omr autoinsn, at Um markstraU The custom of the public is respect fully solicited MeeU titUrered to any part 'of tturitr fra t charge. McC 'KNACK ft REXSHAW. BOOT uo si STORE. A. SUNT, Proprietor. Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north of bardware store, &ugeM my, ur. will htrcaft tt keep a oompUU rtook of LA DIEM', MISStr AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Gaiters, Cloth and Kid, Button Boots, Slippers, white and blaok, dnla, Fenh kid Shoe's. MENS & BOYS FINS AMD UIATT BOOTS & SHOES And in fact atrenrthinK in the BOOT acd SHOE line, to which 1 intend to derot m eepecial attention. MY GOODS , Were manufactured to order, ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed ai repreeented, and will be old fur the loweet prioee that a good article aan be afforded. aprW-78tf A.llt'WT. August Flowei The immenae tale and great popularltjr of Ureen 1 Autfu.t Klower in all towne and U uee in the civilized world hai cauwd many imitaton to ailnpt similar name, eipeuting to reap a harrett for themaelve at the eipenee of the atiicted. inn medicine was mirouuoeu in 1MC8, and for the cure of Dyipepsia, and Liver Complaint, with their effoU, euch ai Hndr Stomach, Coativneae, Kick Stomach, Sick Healache, Indignation, l'alpitation of the Heart, vertiyn, eta, it norer hai failed to our knowledge. Three dote will relieve any aaee of lyMiNila. Two million bottle told hut yean l'nce 75 cent. Sample 10 cent. Gkim's Atlas and Diart Almamac, the meet eipenaive free Almanac ever published, tent free on recipt of two oent atamp. U. Gi Unas, Woodbury, N. J., U.S. A. OH, WHAT A COUGH I Will you heed the warning.- The signal per hap of tha ir approach of that more terrible dlaeaae Conaumptlod. Ak younwlve if you can afford for the take of saving M) eta., to run the rik and do nothing for It. We know from enperienoe thot Shiloh s Cure will Cm your Cough. It never fail. Thit explain why more than a Million Bottle were mid the past year, it relieve Croup and Whooping Cough at once. Mother do not be without it. 'or Lame Back, Side, or Cheat ute Wiiluh Po rous Plan tei. Sold by Unburn i. Co. CRAIN BROS. $3Sr DEALERS Watehi and Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clucka, and Jewrlry repaired and warranted. NorthweaA corner of Willamette and Eighth (treeta OPPOSITION 13 THE LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS 1TILL DO WOKK CHEAPER than any other him in town. HORSED SHOD FOR With new material, all round. 2 CASH, Resetting old Blioet l. tA warranted to give satisfaction. Shop en the Corner of 8th Olive 8treets. and NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Sterling Hill, adminiatrutor of the eUte of H. U. l)avenMirt, dewaned, has filsd his nnal account !o aettlxmrnt ot said eetatej and Monday, the 2nd Any of January, IKS'.', has been set by order of the County Court for hear ing the same. KTKUMNU HILL, Ailm'r. . 11. wiiiwiia, Ally. Nov. 12, 1H8L VtillkiMiWraiitotll plbula. kwum wilknl K. II mWh 1m nkM pUlM, too anTUn, tail MO mm tmi M I tampUoal, Klnaut 4nUo Im rluUu IM .aiai. .1 VtpteMa ftjU rim , flu la. ''n 1W, .U. U.ilukLa w !. mw ua III to kntt am MuMa rlaalat DrnMa Ikaa Jkaaa r.. hrtto Bwk. Wa uta aaiall WaaarlikM 9. M. YIUT CO, Sitrolt, Xislv Qnor KUIES-Iahall keep on a rutlof GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Ana invite the WnUn of hnuarlceepen. T. (i. HF.NDKU SK Citation. In h County Court of th 8bU of tiia vimuij Ol LtsUifJ, Itl ills. tnfttlMV nt tKaa saii.U A V T 1 IIMMsmI t M-a tints, tf ' To Hurriet Crow, KllaaWth ft HilL Srh J Hill, Robt. Foley, M. N. Foley. MAilda .r.m.u, iwiw rowy, r.uisn Jon. Mii all othari lnb.i.l.v,l IW THK NAMK OK TllK STATE ttF (reKin;Tou are hereby cited and rwiulred toamturin the Tnuntv P..,.rt .. al.. c ... .1 lregn, for the t ounty of Une, at the Court n.m uirrani; at l Ky In the County of ; . "y January, insa. at lUnVliy-k In tha i.K...w. ..I .- I 1 .1 i .1. : 7 " J, men aiiU there to .h.iw i-avws if any thereto, -u, . ,MM. r .iiiiimu no oe mane authoriiinc tile Sale Ol lllam fi,ll,m ,l..ii .i erty bel,ink-iiiL- to said eataU. tu wit. It 5j Block It) in Mulligan donaUon to Kugvn :l i.'.V. . '"""J. "rrgnn. aim the W, I of Ika V 11' 1 J aVI a w. . I.. k of Sec. 2U. Tn. 16 8, R. Kj, JotUiuinj 100 , . V irifN i Hon. U W. JiKh, MiAL. .mlv of Lane, with th. S...I . ) said Court altixe.1, this the ifij v usj oi .Mivemoer, A. IK ltl, Attwt: JOKL WARE, Clerk. lLAj?R.RW, Administrator. LUMBER I TB HAVE PURCHASED TUB JOB T,.' ,. . UM ull, EuKtat, and will aU Lumber at th Lowest market rata. r Lumber delivered U onler in Kmrent or Ttrtnity. Befun buying elerwher Warn oar P"1, AB1M)TT BROS. IM , 1SK1. lJtl am .r x i- ("""v a. 1 v KMlkFOR 1882 dJl Eugene CJIMPeiULBEQ T&t&XXJ&E SATUBDiJ YS. A live Lwcal PaDcr devoted te08t f Lane County and Eugene City. The GUARD has- the larres J circulation of any paper in Thrift fiountv. It circulates tirouirh everv nost office in the County and is therefore the best 30 Of well selected LOCAL, MISCELLANEOUS, News in every issue. The GUARD is Democratic in politics, but seeks to become tt popular local journal, rather than a po litical orfran. NOW " THE TIME 8 SUBSCRIBE TERMS: 82 50 Per Year, in Advance. ADVERTISING at reasonable rates. CORRESPONDENCE from all part! of the County so licite'3. Job Printing We are prepared to turn out first-class Jol Work upou short notice and reasonable terms. You need not send away for job work as wo will do it as Cheap, and furnish as good material, as any Printer in the State. CARDS, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS. LARGE AND SMALL. NOTES, PAMPHLETS, LEGAL BLANKS, FUNERAL NOTICES, RECEIPTS, PROGRAMMES, ETC., ETC. Give us a call and examimeour specimens of Job Printing. OFFICE: On Willamette Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets. LIIIIUFJI! LUiUIIElt! I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD n th eoanes ok Elrtl WtmtU yrtyMl keencmJtntHr. dn haKi'ltytfber of all Wnda Seasoned ntton rfl tjiafic, fVnp ing and feno;oti R B X '.N-ii. Bonk and Shtlonnf 1 OST OFFICB BCILDIXO. Krrr.v X City. I have oa hand and am constantly ,,ng M -JrttB"t of tt Beat School an ?tUo,ry. "lank Books . vanin, tiauen, Jtlanka, fortiunr ft, A. a. fAlTfiRSON. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. "PiTOTICE IS HEKKBY GIVEI THAT . u. Ilendnck bat been oppnit.ted ad mimrtraKwof thtaaUte ,TAddie C. Briatow. 'JJ. bf tb County Court ol Laa county, aaid tttaU art hereby notified to prcaent tnt to th said admmistmtor within ail auuauia iron mia iat. T. a H rUNUKICKS, Adminlatrator. Joasi J. WaLTun, Att y for ertaU. N.118SL (juard S. PUB'S, to the Development and In- medium for advestisers. STATE AND TELEGRAPHIC S3 Ishsss4sstfls)s0 HAVING Just Received a LE Assortment OF BILL HEADS. LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS. All kinds of CARD' BOOK Papers: Eta. Wft are prepared to do Job Work at wy LOW Rates, NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern. T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that 1 am M me aviv v ii.i - . fur Siuking and Driving Well in Una couuty, 8Ut of Oregon, ana tnat sam ivigm Tl'f"- a ..J W.- T I'atnt iuimil llV the U. O. Goernmnt to Nelson W. Green, of Court- .... t ... r 1 . ' A II .. .. land County. Btaie oi iew ior. ah i who have Driven Wells, or had them driven, without my permission, since the 21st day of February, 1873, are liable to prosecution for Infringement of said Riyht and ur hereby no tified to come forward and adjuat the tame. All Infringement In the future will b ?'o ecu ted. T am iir.nnra.il to drive Well or will STan permission to other on application. B- F DOKEIS- SPORTSMANS EMP0R1 Chas. M. Horn, PRACTICAL GJJNSM1TR. DEALER IN GUNS, RIFLES, Fishing Tacklet and materials. Repairing done in the neatest ttyle and warranted. Sewing machine!, Safe, Locks, etc., repaired. Guns loaned and ammuniion furnished. Shop -on Willamette at, opposite Aator Hous ANSWER THIS QTJESTIO N. Tiv do so manv people we see around us. seeia to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness. Lou of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow skin, when lor 75 cm., we will tell tnem bin loh't V Utilizer, guaranteed to cure tiiein. Sold by Ostium ft Co., Dniwista. GLENN'S SULPIIUR SOAP. ERADICATES Aix Local Skin Diseases; Tekmanently Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and Reus dies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Injuries . of THr Cuticle, and is a Reliable Disinfectant.' This popular and inexpensive remedy accomplishes the same results as costly Sulphur Baths, since it per manently removes Eruptions and Irritations of the Skin. Complexional Blemishes are al ways obviated by its use, and it renders the cuticle wonurou&lv fair and smctoth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds,. Burns, and Cuts are speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout and Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens the roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, nnd ns a Protection against Contagious Diseases it is unequalcd. Physicians emphatically endorse it. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. D. Sant by Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of price, and s cents extra for each Cake. HTT,T,'3 HUE AST) WHISKER DYE Black or Brown. SO Cents. C-S.Crittenton. ProVr.7 Sixth Y. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES 1.1 THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of the THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITESi " It does not dry up a cough, and leavt the causa behind, ai n tha case with mct preparations, but loojcm it, clcanau tha lunja and albyi irriuiicn, thu rciixmiig tha cauc of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by article bear. fci similar names. B sure you get DH. WlSTAm BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with th si jnaiura of "I. BUTTS " on the wrapper. 00 Cents and SI. OO a Bottle. Trerwred b- SETIl V. FOWLE & SON'S, Boa. ODaMaaa. Soil by druuu and dealer, g-aeralajl, ,4 URICTLTURAIi IMPLEMENTS of 1. all kinda at inside figure hr T. li. HKN'DIUCKS Ladles' Attention. Berlin Fashion Patterns at Dunn k Strst ton. FARM FOR SALE. A TAPXf f annj, , ........ ,v k wnicnts prairie . and mculUraUon, is offered for sale aj mileaevtof Eur CkkmI UldinW and outhouse., and all nndw fenr. K.t terms an P'jw IvUKtKT CAMPBELL, At UirprcmiKs. 5K OSBUEN & CO., NEW DRUG STORE ON WILLAM ete Streot, near Wnth, niiXinj is DUUG8, ClIEMIOAIJs, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, VARNISHES PATENT MEDICINES, tftc. Brandies. Wines and Liquoif .F ALL klNDS. In fact, w have the best Msortment of artids found in FIRST CLASS DRUG 3T0RE. W aTnt all onr drug, for they are new and Frth. l'articulur attention is called to our Stock of Perfumerv ar.u Toilet Articles, as we hare bought OUR 000DS FOR CASH V can compete with any establishment in Es gene City in price and accommodation. Buy your coods where you can get the best and cheauest PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLZ1 At all hour of the day or night. OSUUKIN & Co NOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS. VT0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL 1 Shesp owners that they must dip their sheep as soon ai sheared. The law makes pro visions that when the owners fail to do so, that the Inspector shall cause it to be done at their expense. S D. COATS, Sheep Inspector for Lane Co, Or. J. B. ALEXANDER, Justice of the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Bills collected, Rscords searched and ab racts of title nnde. All business promptly attended to. Off-e at the Court House. Ague Cure is a purely vegetable bitter snd power fill tonic, and is warranted a apeear snd certain cure for Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Intermittent or Chill Fe ver, ICcmlttoiit Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, and all nialuriiil disorders. In miasmatio dis tricts, tlio rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, loss of appetite, rain iu the back ami loins, and coldness of the spine and extremities, are only premonitions of severersyniptoins, which tenninate in the ague paroxysm, succeeded by high fever nnd profuse perspiration. It is a startling fart, that quinine, arse nic and other poisonous minerals, form tlio basis of most of the " Fever and Ague Preparations," " Specifics," Syrups," and "Tonics," in tlio market. The prepara tions mndo from these mineral poison, although they nre palatable, and may break the chill, do not cure, but leave tha malarial and their own drug poison in the system, producing nuinism, dizziness. Tinging in tlio ears, headache, vertigo, and other disorders more formidable than tha disease they were intended to cure. Aver's Acivk Curb thoroughly eradicates these noxious poisons from the system, and always cures the severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure the most delicate pa tient; and its crowning excellence, above its certainty to cure, is that it leaves tha system as free from disease as before tha attack. For Liver Complaints, Ater's Aouk Ci'uk, by direct action on the liver and biliary apparatus, drives out the poisons which produce these complaints, and stim ulates the system to a vigorous, healthy condition. We warrant it when taken according to directions. , Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BT ALL BlltGUlSTS ETIRTWirEKC Send ht turn New Illustra ted Prlce-List No. 30, for FallandWin- tcroflSSl. Free to any address. Con tains full description of ail kind of goods for personal and family use. W deal directly wi'lt the consumer, and tell all goods in any quantity at vhoktaU prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Aveniie,Cbcago,Il, The most popular and fragrant Perfume o theday'-HACKMETACK-try it Sold by Oshurn & Co., dnuncuta, Eugene City, Oreron r A BELI ie "WAtOX-I am the only L J agent for this xlebrated wacxm. T. (i. HENDRICKS $5 tn QOfl Prilr l"e. Samples worth ! vDO ID iDlUlrse. Address Snsao Co. fort hand, Mftine. THE BEST SHOE8 EVER BROUGHT to this market, at the lowest prices T. li. HENDRICKS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "IVJ-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT the un.lfriMcned has betn appointed ad ministrator of the ertate of Jarom Wbiteaker deeeaaed, by the County Court of Lane countvl IrrKon, and all ixraons having claims against said eUte are hrrehy requeattd to present the aatue, with the proper vouchers annexed, to the undrrsifeTied at the office of ThompaoB fc bean.in EnKeae City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the notic. WILLIAM I. SMITH. l--t Si, IKS1. AdmiuMn.t. n