THE EUOEHE CITY GUAM. SATUUDAV DECEMBER 31. 1831 i . .1 low loity ii lade ij lanopoluti. Daily Standard. Laxt month tie grout earnings of the 0. R. fe N. Co. were f 158,300, and the net earnings 234,309. Nearly a quar ter of a million dollars earned above all expenses in a month, hy a traiispor- .Ution company that, .got1 through Wini-lv wttUx country ! What letter nrcunient for h-gixlative interference c ui lite people want T To make profit so fabulous for tha Eastern magnates we are all taxed, from the Imad we cat to ihe dollies on oar Ucks. Horn in the name of common semte could profit in immense be niade, considering our meagre population, without exorbitant and oppressive charges I We should like one of the monopoly mouthpieces in this city to explain, if possible, ho ao vast a suni was secured in profits last month by the O.R4N. Co., without cl&rging high rates t Will any paper dare to risk iU reputation for conynon decency by saying that $9 00 a ton for wheat from TheDaJl to rortlaud- what it costs from the Upper Mississ ippi to Liverpool is a low and "benev olent" charge! , WilJ they have the as surance to tell as thai because it costs eleven cents to ship wheat from St Louis to Liverpool and 6fteen cents from the Dalles to Portland dis tance of a hundred miles still Mr. Vil lard is not grinding the people. We may be told that the diffemce of rates is partly because more wheat is shipped from St, Louis. That argument will not answer here, for more wheat was raised East of the mountains than the aKk X. Co. could handle, and it is but the other day that we printed an , item about thousands of bushels lying in that region exposed to the weather, waiting shipniraL much of which had begun to sprout through the sack. ltftulJ n lie Tiritf. Ex Senator Joseph E McDonald, of ladiania, diffirs in his views very mate rally I nun the laucr day opinion which Senator Vorhees has been ad- Taocang. Mr. McDonald hohls that the power to Wry a tariff is coder the J CooMitulion clearly vested in Con- jress as a revenue measure and that iU proper exercise is in strict accordance with that idea, and whatever proteo turn arises under a tariff ouht to be incidental to it, and not its purpose or object lie believes in raising revenue to rapport the federal government, as tar as practicable, by import duties, and would be very glad to do away with the internal revenue almost en tirely. He thinks the true theory of all commercial countries is free trade and that the sooner we can approach to that, consistently with supplying gov ernmental wants, the better. When the purpoee of the tariff is simply protection, and not revenue, it assumes the form of bounty on which the consumer is taxed for the benefit of the producer or manufacturer. And as there are mire consumers than manu facturers or prod uoers, it is a tax on the many for the benefit of the few. lie thinks the benefits of free trade are fully illustrated by our own internal policy, under which all trade bet s een the Slates is unrestricted, and believes there is no wiser provision La the fed eral constitution than the on that se cures this condition of things. As no EtaU can levy any impost duties or place any restriction upon inter -state commerce, we hare among the several States of the Union unrestricted free trade Thi "lo'jby" is assembled in great force at Washington. Of course it is the Republicans expect to control both Houses. Many a sdierae with njillious in it is being resurrected from the limbo into which it was cast by a Democratic Con cress. The contrast between the two parties is in no raped mora sharp ly drawn than the respective surround t ngs of a Democratic and a Republican Congress. With the former the lobby is dispersed by sheer starvation; with the lattter the legislative vultures hover round like curbstone brokers cluster near a stock list Till political cauldron in Oregon will aoon begin to simmer as the ambitious aspirants are already making their claims known. The Democratic party stands this year in a favorable positioa There is no- contention between the leaders and we may expect the nomina tion of a strong and acceptable ticket I Lead the address of tbe Anti-Mo-uopoly League on first page. It ex poses the schemes by which the railroad Hianagtx-t hope to make the country pay interest on a capital that was never ia vested. Uutipokti for Free Trade. The Port's Washington correspond ent says: Hparka, (Democrat) of Illi nois, says there will be sharp agitation of the tariff question this session. Ex actly what shado tdio fight will take has not yet appeared; but it is coming, and when it breaks there hisy I time at least for aeripusdiviiiieus in what has been the Democratic party. It is pre sumed that new school protectionist Democrats would make trouble, but free tradors are going to make a square open fight and trust to the future to show the wisdom of their IkiIiIim-ss. He bellrved that Illinois would approve a revenue tariff , reform movement by 5,000. majority, and in errater or less degree by all 8tatee of the grain belt Sparks' emphatic language, taken in connection with ether leading west ern Democrats, bears out the belief held by many that that wing of the party is about ready to swing away from Pennsylvania's leadership. Tke CiiU-ai Trial The patience of the court in. the Guitesu trial finally became exhausted, and the prisoner was ordered into the prisoners dock. He still continues to interrupt the proceedings which cannot be prevented, as it would not do to gag nim. 1 lie conduct ot J utlge Vox has been unjustly commented upon both by the English and American press. He could only have restrained the ptisoner by force, and that would have created sympathy for him, while ly allowing him full vent be has con vinced all that lie is acting a well studied part The testimony of ex perts which is now being taken, bears' heavily against Gaiteau, Tits wheat product of the region of country lying east of the Cascade mounUius wbow commerce is tribu tary to Portland, was last harvest altout 4,000,000 buhht-ls an amount surpris ing to thot familiar with the resources of that great empire of productiveness. With the development of that regiou certain to be mad within the next ten years it will yield tea times as much. Just think of the country which our pioneer fathers couKtdered a barren wAk region, pouring out a golden trraKare of forty million buishels of wheat TiiECuiteau trial will cost the gov ernment $200,000. To Millar. Old true tor babbit metal tor aale at Uik ofBoa, THAT HA('kIXGCOn;Hnbr . rci Iv mvi br Kliikifc' irr We gtumuiitee SL Mi iy Unbara uid( '. , dragon. Kntte. KbDi&'a Craj.'h mm! uuutitai Clarets sold bf vs s (turantra. It pare 'atMUAi(4iuaa KLiWi'i VrUliner at what jro awed lr W stiiiatioa, lifiM 4 Ajftt-titn, IHuHK-Mutdall atbi(ii lTKp(Uuik Frio 10 aad7Sdts, lrr bottie. Bold by Okottra mad Co, Eugm. Croup, JTwit Conjcb sail Brosohttjaiia AiUly rrlievud by KlikAs Cure, O. On, i a nrriiKas i moth ebb t An fan diawtrted at uvU aad lavAea f pmir iw by a wok chili suiTtrinr sad eryiasr wilt tie trnKatiiijr paia of cutting teeth If eo ud rK lxtle f MILS. uinslowk irrmx; syiiit. it mill relieve tbe nuur little sufferer iaitnvdiaitel -rnd v)(i it: Own it tut Kuwta)c almuC TW u at a nrnttKr a r.uXh lo tiM rrrr ot iU Jm win m Wl at k Out it a-iUnulii.ttiMtwwvl.a(ilsirrwt t ihe mother, aad relief and b-.ltti t tir rliilJ, awtinc lik usric It k jwiwtly mfe t w ia aQ cmtM. jd flwiuat to tke Utc, ad w frtimlb itiynouM aatd im ia Um I'uitnl butt. .Hnl iwjrwlnw. XSoraU a UAlc A. CAltD. To all who are aiuTfrUis fraea tbe nron aad mduxrrtiim of rnata. aM-rune wetkiMM, arfy decay, m i mnotiuud. 4t, 1 will urad a rorine tliat will ore wi, FIIKK 09 CUXlUlk. Tliie rreut rrwvdr waa diaooverail bv a mm- Anuiiy ia Noath Aiuiivx. Kd a arlfil. drawed eavrl to the Itrr. Jmera T. Isuas, Kti. I), New York tlty. Pl'CKLEVS AEN'ICA KAI.VK. Tbe BsT Malvk ia the world Lw Wta. W-irra, l'kn . Kalt lUtrvKt, Frver Sana, Trtter, tM'(wd Hmmik. CkiHAaim, CflnM.aad au kiKle nkia r.njUo. Ttia nlrc it guar autcd to ri' wrfrt tWrti ia rrrr wm r mwr m umiea moe cte ner hoa. r Tf,rn 'I'. Kor City. v ueaeni uinr luutUee by da-hnw tmn d"J 'f Uiia, To 4nx We by ftrtrrrmf Derofairiah. Apteiy k swift aatd in caiioai is it attack. thktui( rU rktita witb out a mmueut's warnuu ! lUiaaly a preveati Uve bae twra dMnrerrl - Hullowar I'llb-tbe (iy aai and owlain aatklntr for thb dime, they eonl tbe bhwd aud fajualiae iU cirrubUioa tliruurh tire rtrtn. To iwwm tb ifaauJi ia a aiMtHd m.liti and tbe biotd jmre a tbe true aeorrt of bealtb - linllowav'e filU will .U thie toa rftVtually, and tbuaaaade ow tbeir acuta! eittteore to them it Lha m( .1. laroariVT Xotk'K. None are gnuine an Iraa the aiimatqre of J. lUnm a nurwaJ h box ol I'llU aad OintaoeaL IVixm mt 1 ernU. A? eeaU aad tl each. "There j ruinitWable taring by taiuur. the bur aiana, liulxowir a Cu, New York. FACTS THAT WK KNOW. II yoa ara tuffennf with a seven OiUjhi Cold Aathma, IWoaehitw, CMuumpUB. Ium -I .1 . L . ' ' ui wraw or Ittiun. wa noiik.i Kisu'sNsw lramvaaT will . i diat relief. We know of hualrede of ewe id bae enmiilrtrly enred. aad that when aUetherl Bieiluaure ha faiUL .n .W I -j w mmnj ri.lll.rxT tTSm. Ke- kit tub eautiai-tiu-v tMnur (h.i ii. L" rw l)llHWrT Wlllenrs vnxnf 4.k. IJ. J r,r,Z- fnitK Cuaaitiim. unrtlWhi and lUidm. Humim. ... TV iT.. IUeae. if voa wUI call at W ilkia'. Tha K- City DruRvut. ran oaa ret a triU lutil. raacnr nn. & mnlu.i.iLii.i r'lTllll.'''"?? e;yv. Hgdjt,.l)ri. tlt hiJeaal AjpuU, 1'wtlaa.l. LJvar Uumplaint; Mulolii vitalizer ia guuan toed to cure you. Kor salt hy Qnliiim Co. 61jleii nivhbi, tniule mierbl by tliat ter ri!le cough. KliiUih'i Cure in tin remedy. Catarrh Cured, healt ' and sweet breath rtired lir Uhiluh's Catarrh Kemedy. I'rice McU Maul lujectorfree. Sold Jy Oiburn and Co. For lame liack, Hide or Cheat lue Hliilnh'l Ponn l'lHtr, I'rice 20 rit. i Mmrn A C'o,airtii. NEW ADVKuTISKMKNTS KOTICE TO JAXPAYERS. YOU WILL PLEASK TAKE NOTICK tliat all taies remaiuiuK uiiiaid January, 10, IHH'2, . Will be subject to the penalty prOrided by SUtute-Soc 64, 1(tl IteoeipU will be furninlied u followe: For Cottajra Grove Precinct at Whipple k Bros Kor Coast Fork " " J. T. Gilry'i For Iancvter, In Tom, -Kichardmn Preciuut at. . . Wortmaa ft Sons For above andall otlierprecincta at thin office, sthe County nredi tiie money. Vk ur WHILITOO HlVKITf?) ADD AVK COeTH. J. M. bHKLLKV, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Sale of Road Stock. PURSUANT TO THE STATUTE AND the Relatione of the McKenxie S. H. and Deschutes Wano Koad Co., aad an erVr ef the Lhrrctoraof said Co., made on the 17th day of Nov.. IriHl, the following, described aharea of etock beiug delinquent for aa aeaeai- ment of 1l per iliare, levied on Iov. 16, 1881, will be offered at public auction at the Court House door, ia Kuveue City. Urrn. oa Wed nesday, Feb. L 182, at 1 o'clock P. L, to pay aid aMrnnent. towit: P. C Renfrew. Urtificate No. 13. lORharaa. 12Stiana. UShana. 1 Khare. lJShartau O. 1L Keofrew. . " " 23. J. ILRelkaap, " " 19, LK. Peters, " " 21, J. 11. Underwood. " " 24. Toother with intrt at 10 int cenL from Nov. 17, 1881, and the exfieiuea of this pubUca tioa and aaie. l)y order of rVnud of I i rector. A. u. llUVliX, frcaideat. W. R. WALKKlt, Seaetary. Dated at Kutpoe City, December 31, 18L New Years Cards 1882. "Tbe 1 itlie Maa." The Finest ever brought to Eugene, At the (iUAKD OFFICE. Coll and Make your SnlectioiLa. HAYS & LUCKEY, PEXLF.KS II Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Class, tc. HAVIXii yn ;HTOUTTIIK STtK'K f EUimrtli k Co., we will continue tiwi buMnem at tlje dd utaad a Wilbuuette treet, 4fcriux itrcd iaduoemenU to out totuera. "Atti'itirao carefully ivea t.(Mf nyuriau Prctrnjilium i Fsmilr IijKn. KOTICE T0CREO1T0RS. "IkTOTlCK IS HEUKKV GIVEN THAT 1.1 M He T. AuTMilli A nlmrr iStair, Mere af prutm) eieeiitani f tiie tact will and tt atteat of Niuii A. Stair, dncroawl, aad they bare qualified aa sniji executcau AU erwiru briTig Huum aciduot said tate, ara berebv auuAnd to irtwent the auiM, ait k tbe aeaeiwary voutiei'a, to tbe rxerntut at Hwrne, Benton (Vnuitr. (hvptu, or to tint. K Mi, KujjMwCHy.Orem.mi'Jdn aic mualbf from tiii (lata MILES T. CTARR, 14. ASBURY KTARB, . R DOIIRIS, Atty. Kiecatxtu Dee. 17, 1HML fit NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. "IkTOTtCE LS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i.V the undenivned vdtuiuutratar f the entate of Jaeub Laof. deceased, ha filed hu aemuat ( final aHtlriurKt, and the Ixt ! day ia Jaauaiy, 18. it set for final hearisg. IL C, Hl'STOX, Adntiaiitnta-. Jaar i. W ai.n, AU y. f- eatate. Nov. 12. 1KKL Eiig of the Blood !lr"T.!.":T " U P"riW and tnale. thrctrrulaikw.awl uhm lndumiaia7'dtonlnL koowa wi diflvrrat annua Ki lMni(uAk If train-be or I run, sura ur llftpnmUt, III Um A!" '"t 'd ri-iMM acre la raiii( it iaein4 antnian and eAVVai prepa- rei, ", mi iiinH, ol laa BL wniipM riil eah ot lea lilooa," AM)M.XHrat U.. rraaa Sarala, . T. CJ AX JUAN LIMI f.a- sale hr ' T. i. HUSTDRICK.. NEW HTOCK OF II.ITSJ-The beat sad lartreat ever bmoxht to FRIENDLYX. WKFIC l?adayal aaaMeaaflir BMde.Co1y VawaUtfaas. Addms Tana Co, Aaawala, Ma. KOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1( OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT rWah Washburs has bees spixdntixl Ad ' miaiatratril uf the eatato of A. IL K Wash- psraiN against said estata, are hereby notified to present the same to the administratrix at tha office of (i. a Durria. at Kugtaa City. la County, Oregon, within ail nvattln fmca this data. SARAH WASHBURN, Administratrix. V.. K IDKRIH, AtUwney. 1WI lecrlalT 17, 1ML KUQKNK 33USIHXSS 33IBECT0E7. ALEXANDER. J. B.-Ju0ce of tha Peace South Eugene i'reciiict; ollioe at Court 1 louse. AIUIAMS, W. IL k BRO.-rianlnjf anill, aah, door, bliud and moulding manufactory, Eighth atrcet, eaat of mill raoa. . Everything in onr line furnlnhed on short notice and reasonable terms. BOOK STORE One door south of tha Alitor House. A full stock of assorted box papers plain ana lancy. CHAIN BROa-Dealer In Jewelry, Watch es, (nocks and Musical Instruments -Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. CALLISON, R. G. Dealer In erocenes, pro visions, country produce, canned goods, books, stationery , etc., southwest corner Willamette and 9th fits. DORRI3, GEO. B. -Attorney and Counsellor at Ijiw. uthce on Willamette street. Eu gene City. DORRI3, B. F. -Dealer in Stoves and Tin ware Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. FRIENDLY, 8. IL Dealer In dry ?oods, clothing and general merchandise Willam ette street, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE Newspaper, book and job printingoffice, corner Willamette andSeventh streets. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drng- . n t .c tirjn . . gut, roawince, uiameiie s reel, oetween Seventh and Eighth. , HAYS, ROBT.-Wines, Liquors, and Cl ean of the best quality kept constantly on Band. The best billiard table in town. HEND KICKS, T. G. Dealei in general mer I in irene ra Wifiainetl chandise northwest corner teand Ninth streets. HODES, C Keeps on hand 6ne wines, lui -J I . 1 I 1 Ml?. I . . wim, cigw snu m pwi iuu muiani uuie: Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. XL Guimnfth. Rifles acJ shot-guns, lireech and muzzle loaders, for sale. Repairing done in tbe neatest style and war ranted, bnop on tftu street. ITAYES k LUCKEY-Drugiste and dealers in paints, oils, etc. Willamette street, be tween Eighth and Ninth. LYNC1L A. Gmceriea, prorinuina. fruits, ves- etaldes, etc, Wilbuuette stmrt, first door souia ot rostomce. LUCKEY, J. 8. -Watchmaker and Jeweler; Keeps a use stora ot goois in his line, VI lilam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. HcCIAREN, JAMES -Choice, wines. liquors. and cigars' Willamette street, between Eighth am i inia. OSHURX k CO. -Dealers in drm, mediciiiea. chemicals, oils, painta, etc. W illametU at., opposite S. (Tixrles Hotel PATTERSON, A. S. A fine stock of plain and faacy visiting cards. PRESTON, WM.-Deakrin 3addlery, Har- swsa, Carriage Trimmings, etc. Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE A new stick of standard school bonks jost received at the post office. REAM, J. K. -Undertaker and building con tractor, mroer Willamette sad bevtnth atreeta. ROSENBLATT 4 CO.-Drv gwala, clothing. groceries and general nvrt iiandiKr, southwest corner Willamette and Eighth strerta. 8T CHARLES HOTEL - Cliarlas Ba ker, Proprietress. Tbe best Hote in the city. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets SCHOOL SrPPLIES-A large and varied aasortment of slates of allsinei,and quantities of sbitcs aad slate-bnoka. Three doors north of tbe express office. THOMPSON k BEAX-Attorneya-atLaw Willamette street, between Seventh aad Eirtith VAN HOUTEN. R C Aprnt for Wefts rargoa Ca Exprens: Inwirsoce effected rn tbe moKt iwjiousiule companies Jat satisfac tory rates. WALTON, J. J. Attoi-ney-at-Jw. Office Wilbuuette atrert, between Seventh aad F.iidih. COiF. AND SEE R. G. CALLISON Neat duor to K. H. Friendly, and get your IiOOKS, STAT10XE1IY ASDGUO- CEBIE& . H is always a Sand ready and waiting to aroouimodate his Curtonirrs with ALL kinds of food for . MIXD AND BODY. And can furnih a SMOKE to tbone desiringa A COOafCICAR, CR tobacco To tliosve alio tue thfe narcotic ilant CHEAP for CASH Goods dtairered to any part of the city free charge. K G. CALLISON. F.iVl. WILKINS, bucesasor to Sheltos k WlLKIWS. Practical Druggist & Chemist, UNDERWOOD'S BUILDING. Next door to tbe Graiure ftbrre, Wilbunette street, Kugene City Oregon. Have ust opened s full line of fresh Drugs. Medicines & Chemicals. Alao s fine assortment of Fancy and Totlci Articles. ALL KIXIM or Mixed Faints Lead, Oil, Varnish, Bruslies, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY Tiich they will always sell on reaaoaabU STB WIS Ctrtfal ilttnlioi girri U Phjiidii'i fre icriptioii. PB tiCMEBtL HERCII ANDISB a. T.C. HENDRICKS. DISSOLUTION KOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the nartawrsfaip heretofore existing be tween J. M. hloaa and H. M. SUn, nndrr the firm name of Slnaa Broa, ia this day diasnlved. All parties indebted will call and arUla at oace with either of tbe nxmbrrs of tha Lata Brm. Eugrna Tily. Decembfr 12. 1HL J. M. SIX1AN, H. L SLOAN. I0LIBATS. The HOLIDAYS are coming and th best place to get PRESENTS of Fancy Articles, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For your friends is at Hats, Etc., His stock is all NEW and he is determined to sell CHEAPER than ever before for LADIES CLOAKS k DRESS GOODS and other Furnishing Goods. Remember the old stand, Corner of Willamette and Eighth Streets. G. BETTMAN. G-ENEItAJL EEDUCTIOI Of the kinds the purpose of re duciiig my stock. S. H. Friendly. Robinson & Churchf DEALERS IX SHELFtt HEAVY HARDWARE HAV'K TUB RestSele e!ed Slock In UregOL mm ! Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Window And Door Frames Fnr RalA at rrrAatlt ra . ror oaie ai greaiiy re- duced ates. ' -ALSO- Hacks, Wagons, Bu es, Buckooard, And Waon Material, To Close Estate of John Kinsey, deceased. GEO. W. ETNeEY, AGENT. Etupne City, April 23, 1881. Estray Notice. TAKEN UP BY THE UNDERSIGNED I livin? two miles west of Eocene t'ity. ( and ported as eatravs. November l.'Kb, 1M1. , three head of cattle dearribed as follows, to-wit: 1 rtd enw about 7 Tears old: brand X on hft I hip, and fiinirs 7 on riiit hip: rs-allow fork aad ! underbttiotbeieftear. 1 rd soil two Tears old past, no marks or twasda 1 rad air two year4J, no marks or branls. Dated at Kiwm Ohy. Ine I'oiinty, r., lec 9. Wl JOHN t ONliEK. Prices of all of Goods for H4VE FUR sale at the LOWEST Bates. 1KOV, STEE AXKS, ANVIIJI NAIIX, KdPK Cable Chains ml rnrket rUTLKRY, AS MSTOlJ, AMMI'NITION JRI'U LTl'ltAL IMPI.KM2NTS BUstim; Powder, FUbiii-' Tackle. Ktft, Etc We invite an exam iuation of our good conGdtnt tliat n ktiks will suit th times. Holman's Pad. For Liver TN ALL CASES OF BILIOUSNESS ANn j JL iliibvriain evervforta an anre ventire and rurs f all kinds of Fever, Dr. Holinan's PAD I w a jw-rfect max; and for Dyspepsia, Sick Htvuvhe and nen oiu pruetratum, as the PAD ; i apidiwl over the pit of the stoniach-tha prat utnecfiilt r-ft aunibilitei the disease at 1 onre. It removes Torpidity of the Liver anil . restores a nstunl action if the Stomach. It iieinnui7 au.l iertrr.ys Jllnod roiwns ratued i !? t,,e .VirllJ ,,f t"oer, MaUrial or tWfciri"iH.a,,Mr viiiiua the wboia system with luhiie, trtta t"iiie. It regulator wic uiirrsni 310IIIA a ,n sticmwfully tht.liiliru Uoire. j.viisct. J Profeasnr 1). A. inomia aavs: "It is Bearer I jmiversal Panacea than anvthing ia medicine." rjiis is dime on the principle of Ahaorption, of I Lt. h VIL llOLMA.VH PAD is the genuina I and only tmr exisiiirut. i t.Kr'lK 1.'1" TronwJeaj nseDB. HOLVIANHKKNALOH KIDNEY PAD, ' the lt reinwly in the world and recommended : hy the Medical Family. BEWtKE OP BOCI1 PADS. EACH GENUINE HOLM A N PAD bears th. wJ?,R,''," lPof the HOI i M AN PAD CO. with tbe ahove trade mark printed in tteen. Buy none without it ! FOB n,MK BV ILL DBlftGISTS. I DK- HOLMAN-S sdvic U free. Full trea- use sent on application, tdilms HOL3I.IN PAD CO., P. O. B 211 7U Broadway, New York. If yos wib to 1 jy ymir goods cheap, you must K0 to the sUre of LURCH BROS., COTTAOIC OHOVK. The keen one of the Unrest stocks of General Merchandise Ontwle of FmtUml, and they sell goods cheap er than it ran be bought anywhere in the WU lamett itsIUt. Notice of Rnal Settlement. "IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT. J.1 the nndeivined a-lministrator of the es tate of Rebeora - 1 cij I.:- account f.H- final settle'ment and thatMoTdaT the 31 day of January, 1K82, being the first day of tha J salary Unn of the Ceuaty Court of Laae emrntr. dmraa. haa he for the heariuir of nhiir4Jma H it and tbe ttirnrnt t)r (JEO. M. COnrER. A.lmlnUtin. THUMFVON k BEAN, Attya 10T, JTJ. irvi. TOR BUENA VISTA STONE WAKE co L1 W T. U. HEXDRH KS STJ r .a thE AND Sfoniach, lhM Mm SBAiMsauac I