1 1 r J r i i 1 in 1. I i 1 I I ft, H til ESTABLISDED FOR THE DISSEMINATION OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EAR1 AS HONEST LIVING BT THE SWEAT OF OCR BROW WHOLE NO. 742. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, DECEMBER, 31, 1681. $2.50 per year IN ADVAKCE GENE C Y 6 AM Zbt &u$tnt Cltt) Guard. L L. CAMPSBLL. J. R. CAMPBELL CAMPBELL BROS., PublisJiers and Proprietors. OFFICE-On the Kant side of WllUmettc 8trMtb.twt.il Seventh and Eighth Street. OUR ONLY BATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertisement Inserted a follows : ..iim 1ft linM nr 1mm in InMrttnn It3 each ubsequent insertion L Cash required In advance Tim advertiser will be charged at the fol i One nr three month $6 00 " mix month i 8 00 " eue year U 00 Traiul.nt notice In local column, zu cent per . . t Ine lor eaca uuwrwuu. Advertising bill will be rendered quarterly. All ob work Blunt be Mil) FOR OM DELIVER!. ii ii II posTorriCE. jBr Hour. -Prom I a. m. to I p. m. Sundays Km :0 v :w p. . . :l - i -u mm thaMUth IMMni ffOlDaT north I a. m. Arrive from the north and leave, roinf tvith at l:SS . . r Biumlaw. rranKiin ana iong Tam eloM at In., on WednMilay. For Crmwfufdf (illa.'Camp CrMk and Brawn.vlll. at I P.M. icrival of trmtaa, Letter, should be l.ft t th. otHo. ....., before 'ArtpAER90K P.M. SOCIETIES. . A V J a EnaKKS uoona no , a. . ! . . Voata Ant and third VYeinesdays In each Death, Jmmv. HrMntn Bdtt Loon" No. 8 I. O. f tO. Tt. Meets every Tuesday evening. tiSrW WtMAWniLA KmaMPimtT No. 6, eet en the Id and 4th Wdnes4ay. in each month. Ebuem Lodob, No. 15, A. O. U. W.- Meeu at Maaonlc Hall the econd and fourth rHd.y.in.achmonth.j w D R. JOHN NI C KLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill CouDty.) .RESIDENCE-Upstairs, over Chan. Horn' gunsmith ibop. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN HE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Otfic at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Reaid.no on Eighth street, opposite Presby terian Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. . J. S. LUCKEY, DEALER IS Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. C3TAII Work Warrs.nted.jP3 J.S. LUOKF.Y, Ellsworth Co.' brick Willamette street A. LYNCH. J AS. PAGE. LYNCH PAGE, la Dorris' Brick Building. PP.Ar.EHN IK Groceries IJ Provisions, Will keep on hand general aasortment of Groceries, Provisiou, Cured Meat, Tobacco, Clitar, Candies, Candle, Soaps, Notion. Green and Dried I rnits, Wood and Willow Ware. , Crockery, Etc l . mil - i iiueine wm De conuucieu CASH' BASIS. Which mean that low Prices are Established. Cadt delimed vlthont charge to Bnyei AIL KINOS OF PRODUCE WANTED yt which w win pyTt''Si5hu.,?l?tet pric LYNCH & FAdh.. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN Stoves, Knifes. Pumps, Pipes, Metals, Tinware. AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette Ntrett, Eugene City. Oregon. TCe ymirown towa.Tnn. aaJ outfit J QOOira. XAinmZ Hw.Tr4Co,PurtUivl,Me Mil II I. B. Gives notice that of Goods at reduced prices for en Call and Examine his Stock. HEAD QUARTERS Eugene City Hide & Pur Depot For the present T. G. HENDRICKS. I am now buying all the FURS. HIDES offered at the best Cash. I hone to see and customers before selling their Pelts. New Departure ! ! TWO PRICES I AXD TJATROMZE THK Mtr WliU HJ'.r l I SCHOOL HULnfcS. whose inierem are .(end their profit at home. Take notice that- A V. Will sell good for CASH at greatly reduced prices, as low a. any other CASH STORE. Bit Print lb and 18 yard II 00 Best Brown and Bleached Muslin, 7, 8, 9, and 10 ct. Cbrk and Brook spool eotton 75 ct per Dot plain and Milled Flrnnel. 25, 35: 4S and 50 ct. Water Proo , .cetU ffi TITIU. Chirt 7!S rta and II, eioe iibji.w"-i And all Other Coods AUo the Celebrated WHITE SK ,Virs Vnne hetter lor sirenifiu, mum, aim uu. ....... j , ta- To my old Custumen, who have stoMl by . i u... ;l ti.n iTm " ? : " "" :" '"r .: all sui, a 9liers. m. iuji niuu v u.j Bargains BMI he offers his stock I can be found at AND TALLOW, market price, in allmy old friends D.HYMAK uihi,uiui,ii uniiAjr..-), uiua aim your unereni. i uvihimicuut inoveu muv PETERS, Fine Cheviot Shirt. 50, 75 ct and L New Auortment Dreh Good((No Trash) 15, 20 and 25 ct. Men' Underwear, Shirt and Drawer, 50 ct Men' Oversbirta, 75 ct. and fL Men' OveralU, 50, C5, 75 cU and IL Embrniderio and Edgin at Fabniou Low rnoee at Proportionate Rates. . (jr 31-A.vJxaXiN Jli I ... me so I mg, I will enntin:i ti sell on name .. ih tn o,il ( AMI mrrhuM. I will mva . i vv. petek' AXTI-MOXOrOLY. The) true Hlitory of the O. A V. Railroad, Ilea Ilolladaj the Ilenefartor," Kte. Hall op Marion County ) Anti-Monopoly Lkaoi k, Salem, Dec. 10, 1881. ) To the officers- and member of the Murion County Anti-Monopoly League : We, your committee appointed to prepare an answer to the criticism of the Daily Oregonian of the 8th, upon the ndilrewes isauni by this Lpague at its meeting of Doc. 3d, beg leave to submit the following: We are pleased to see that the Ore gonian admits that managers of rail roads often make the roads earn divi dends on inflated or "watered" stock, to the injury and oppresHion of the peo pie; but think it can be shown that the editor of that paper has not gone far enough in his admission, as the evil is one of great magnitude. Principally within the last ten years there has been a debt created, in excess of the actual cost of railroads in the United States, amounting to upwards of $400,000,000 in excess of the national debt, and which the people will lie expected to pay, in the shape of freights and fares. The national debt in the year 1880 was $2,120,419,370 63. The fictitious debt on railroads is $2,555,646,997. This debt is in excess of the actual cost of the roads. The represented cost is $4,897,401,976, or upwards of $52,000 per mile, while the actual cost would be less than $25,000 per mile. We make here an approximate estimate, in detail, of what would be an excessive average cost per mile; iron costs loss than $G,000; right of way, say 1,000,' cross ties, $1,000; track laying, $500; ballasting, l,000;rolling stock, $3,000; shops and stations, $1,000; grading, high estimate, 24,000 cubic yards, $6,000; rock work, $3,000; bridging aud trestle work, $2,000; engineering; and oflice expenses, $500; making a total of $25,000 per mile, and for the 93,671 miles of railroad in tlio U. S. $2,341,775. Thus the represented cost gives an excess oyer actual cost of 2,555,646,997, as above stated, or more than $50 on every man, woman and child in the United States. This is the work of these managers for about ten years, and if permitted to continue for a few years longer, the debt will be piled up to its tens of billions. As another indication of the cost of our railroads, we extract from a letter of General Hewson the proportion to build 800 miles of the Canada Pacific, for a bonus of $5,000 each and 3840 acres of land per mile. Again we find that a company presided over by Sena tor Fred Smith "has offered to build the Sault branch a road 220 miles long, and through a much rougher country than the plains section for a subsidy of $4,000 and 4,000 acres of land per mile," Valuing the land at two dollars an acre, the road would cost under either of these propositions about $12,000 per mile." Under all tests that can be applied to the cost of railroads. $25,000 per mile is exceed ingly high. As to the Oregonian's next criticism, that "the authors of this address do not act with perfect fairness, when they make the gross mismanagement under which the road from Portland to Roseburg was built a basis of attack upon its present status." In answer to this we submit a brief statement of the unvarnished facts connecting the old management of the road with the new. Early in the year 1870 there was formed a syndicate consisting of Ben Holladay, M. S. Latham and Wm. Rulofson, Americans, with Julius May and It, and S. Sulzbach, of Frankfort, Germany. Under the agreement Ben Holladay was to organize what has be come the 0. k C. Railroad Company, and issue bonds as president of said company, at the rate of $30,000 per mile for 365 miles, making $10,950, 000. The Sulzbacbs were to take these bonds and pay to Holladay account 60 cents on the dollar. The were also to pay Latham and Rulofson 4 per cent in addition, Holladay agree, ing in a private contract with Latham to give him 7 J per cent of his 60, leav ing only 52 J per cent that Holladay was to receive. The SuUWhs advanced money to enablo Holladay to carry out ths arrangements of organizing tin new company. Holladay completed a hun dred miles of railroad, extending from Portland to Harrisburg, the SulzWhs having only sold up to this time, about $3,500,000 of the bonds, leaving $7,450,000 unsold. At this point Hoi laday being a mere figure-head for deeper and more astute schemes, be came alarmed at the danger that sur rounded the swindle, and threatened to stop the woik, to prevent which one DeLackio was sent to Oregon to urge Holladay to proceed with the construo- cion of the road, which 'he finally coin pluted to Rosoburg, expending less than three million dollars. At this time, the bonds having all been sold by the Sulzbachs, the work was stopped leav ing upwards of $6,000,000 of money in the hands of these parties, which should have been applied to extending the road to the State line. Upon the de fault of interest on these bonds, the holders thereof called meetings in Ger many and sent an agent to Oregon to investigate. The Sulzbachs, apprehon dinn trouble, secured the services of Henry Villard, who being an educated German residing at Washington and oth er places as a newspaer correspondent, they sent him to Oregon, where he re mained as the guest of Mr. Holladay for two or three days only. Returning to Germany he made speeches at meet ings of the bondholders, denouncing Ben Holladay as a very bad man, and said other things which caused the bonds to depreciate to 13 cents on the dollar. They were then bought by the Sulzbachs at figures varying from 13 to 18 cents. At this tim there waa in the hands of the syndicate upward of 60 per cent of the money belonging to bttweon 4,000 and 5,00 "poor Ger mans," who had purchased these bonds at or near par at the solicitation of the Sulzbachs. Besides this 40 per cent M. S. Latham and some other members of the syndicate were financially situa ted so that 25 per cent more could have recovered of them had Mr. Villard made a correct statement at the bond holders meeting of the financial condi tion, of which he was well informed at that time. Villard, as the agent of the Sulzbachs, next appeared in Ore gon and took Holladay 's place as Pres ident of the O. !c C. 11 11, paying him $550,000 for property that was ac quired with money belonging to the original bondholders, and which should have been taken under the law and without paying anything therefor. Throe hundred thousand-dollari of the amount paid Holladay in bonds of the Oregon Central railroad Company bearing 7 per cent interest, making $21,000 per year, which is being paid from the earnings of the O. it C. Rail road. We Hubtnit as a proposi tion of law, to be answered by the lawyers of the State, that Holladay was an embezzler of all the- money that came into his hands over and above the amount expended in the construction of the road, and amounting to between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000; and quote in this connection section 557 of the Criminal Code of Oregon: "If any of ficer, agent, clerk, employee or servant of a private person or incorporation, shall embezzle or fraudulently convert to his own use, or shall take or secrete with intent to embezzle or fraudulently convert to his own use any money, property or thing of another, which may be the subject of larceny, and which shall have come into his possess ion or be under the control by virtue of such employment, such officer, agent, clerk, employee or servant shall be deemed guilty of larceny, and upon con. viction thereof shall be punished accor dingly." If Mr. Holladay became an embezzler under the above section, it will be seen by section 749, as follows, that Villard it equally liable a an ac cessory: "AH persona who, after the commission of any felony conceal or aid the oflendor, with knowledge that he ha committed a felony, and with intent that he may avoid or escape from arrest, trial, conviction or punishment are accessoriea" We think we have shown by the foregoing that the "prea- ent status" of the road has no ad van tag over the "gross missmanagement'' under which it was built At all events it is possible that, if tho Oregonian will exert its powerful influence, mak ing use of tho knowledge which its editor should have acquired as former editor of Holladay 'a organ, the Bullr tin, the people will have the satisfac tion of seeing the question settled by the agency of the law. Another fact to be noted is that the original em ployees of the old "gross mismanage ment" are still at their posts. We quoto from the Oregonian: "The road bos been in operation about teiv years, and, during that time they have not realized four per cent per annum oit tho actual cost of the road, and are not realizing it now.' Ten per cent of the actual cost of the road would be a splendid income, an income which the section from Portland to Roseburg is notlikely to earn within the present generation." In relation to the aWe statement of the Oregonian we will refer the editor to a deposition of Mr. Henry Villard, on file in tho U. S. Circuit Court at Portland, in whioh he states that the net earnings of the O. 4 G. railroad for the first year he was connected with it, waa $193, 000. This was the year in which the bridge over the Clackamas river t which cost upwards of $30,000, waa built. Now if we take tho $21,000 paid Ben Holladay each year with the cost of the bridge, we have upwards of $244,000; which, on the actual cost of the road, would be nine per cent. Aud as regards the present year, tho road is earning nearer twenty-five per cont on its actual cost than ten per cent The road must be netting, at the present tinw, nearly $3,000 a day. We wish here to inquire of the Oregon ian how it happens that the road 'in Western Oregon, which accommodates about 100,000 inhabitants, is not earn ing one-eight as much as the Columbia river line, which accommodates about one-half that number. These state ments concerning the meagre earnings of this road remind us of tho course pursued by the Bulletin, when it was defending Holladay againBt the dam aging exposures of the more honest portion of the press, by holding him up as a benefactor who had brought millions of dollars into the State, and" insisting that such exposures were against public policy, and an injury to tho people of the State. It will be re-' membered that one causo of decrease' of traffio for the year 1879-80 when Uier nt earnings of the road were reported) at $83,000, was the failure of tho' wheat crop by rust This, in connec tion with Mr. Villard's putting down rates of transportation by boats from all points along the Willamette River to one dollar per ton, when h was at tempting to get control of the O. k Cv R. R, by circumventing his original employers, tended to largely diminish) the earnings of tho road for the year; Still, the gross earnings of the- compa ny since 1876, as shown by Poors Railroad Manual, have averaged from $5u3,000 to $750,000 per year, 50 per cent of which should be net earning Again, if it be true that this road will not earn 10 per cent on it actual cost within the present generation, perhaps the Oregonian 'will tell us how Villard is going to pay sevon per cent interest on his $10,950,000 of preferred stock, and $140,000 a year rental of the muv row gauge, which certainly cannot earn one-quarter as much as the 0. Si C. R. 1L In regard to the comparison of rates, the conclusion is not that the O. & C. road should carry at rates in force on the Eastern roads named, but that the difforenco in favor of this road, being from six to twelve greater is out of all reasonable jroportioia We notice, also, a revised edition of comments in the same paper of the 9th inst under the head of "Oregon Railrt;ada" As to the "extraordinary" nature of the statement found in the address issued by this-League, that the facilities of the Columbia River route were sufficient to do the business of that route. We would ast:, if they were not sufficient, by whom, and in what manner was tlte business of that route donet And, again, we auk Che quest ion, if the O. S. X, Co.'s line of transportation on the Columbia River "could no longer do the busi- Continued on luhth Fa;e. aM "I : t i : ; A I