n c TY 'G AM . JJ.JJ.JJ4 U J mm mm mm m ESTABUSDED FOB THE DISSEUMTIOS OP DEH0CR1T1C PRINCIPLES, AXD TO EARN AS HONEST LIVING BT TUB SWEAT OP OCR BROW WHOLE NO. 740. She 5uae Citti uarfl. ' I. L. C1MPOEU. 1. E. CAMPBELL, CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers and Proprietors. . OFFICE-On the East aide of Willamette Street between Seventh and highth Street. OUBONLT UATK3 OP ADVEKTI81NG. Advertisements inserted M follows: One square, 10 linee or less, one insertion 3; mich subsequent insertion 1. Cash required in aulvanoe. Time advertisers will be charged at the fob owini rates : One sonars three months 10 00 six moutus ow " ' oue year 12 00 Tramd.rit notioes in load oolumn, 20 cents er Ine for each Insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All job work must be paid run on delivsht. . mi i i hi. i mil i n i i . uij a EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCt Bargains ii mifi nil II FRI ES ! ! POSTOFFICE. )fflc Hoars -From T a. m. to 7 p. ra. Bundsjri I. mlM to 5:30 p.m. Mail arrives from the south ana leaves going north 10 s. m. Arrives from the north and loava. ruins; p Ith t HI p. 'OT Smislaw, Franklin and Ixng r,im. close at 9.4.11. on WedneaUr. Kor Crawford.- Hie. Camp CrSbk and Browusville at 1 T.u. i. b . run 7 UUsrt will be ready for delivery half an hour after .-rival ef trains. ltuirs should be ten at me ran a ae hoar before mails depart. A. 8. PATTERSOK P. M, SOCIETIES. Ennnl No 11. A. P. and A. M. ,Moeta arst and third Wednesdays In earh month. J Gives notice that he offers his stock of Goods at reduced prices for Srrants. Brma Tidok No. 9 I. O. I iioi1)' Meeuevery iuwuay evening. Ji-&-Sti' WlliAWHALA KN04MFURST No. 8, assets on the Hand 4th Wednesdays in each month. Ehuesk LotxiR, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Meets at Masonic Hall the second and fourth IVidays In each month. J. M. Sloan, M. W. gas M n rtD inUM NIOII IM Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, jdll (JL'YtfjL (Formerly of Yamhill County.) RESIDENCE-Up stairs, over Chas. Horn's gunsmith shop. A. W. PATTERSON, I'JIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office on Ninth Street, opposite the St. . Charles Hotel, and at Residence, KCTOrCN-K CITY OllKGON. Dlt. JOSEPH P. GILL, aO AN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res- Vidanoe when not professionally engaged. Oliice attUe POST OFFICE DRUG STOKE. Hesi.Umce on Eighth street, opposite Presby terian Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, DEALER IN Clocks, Waches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. CSTAli Work Warranted. JT"J ' J. 8. LUCKKY, Kllsvorth & Co.'s brick Willamette street. Examine his Stock. HEAD QUARTERS Eugene City Hide & lur Depot KUQKNK CITY EBUSINESS DIRECTORY. Iddrm. Hall or. the Marios County Anti-Monopoly League, Salem, Doc. 3, 1881. land to the State line, $10,950,000, al! of which, were sold, and all of the ) money save that expended in the corn nu uvuuii, no ojijinjiirinicu oy me pro moters of the scheme. There was ia b ?A' 'l' p. Justice of the reaos South Eugene Precinct; office at Court House. A TIT? A My U lr a 1T t.i ... I m ...... - I SrdonV. blind and moUnX' iQ lM 1 OrtgowU ued in addition to the bond, 20,000.- ircriWrr. SScTti ThU league pWWnU for your earnest 000 of .lock. Under the reraodelrotf ic.mii.uit wraii. I vu.m.utiuwuii hid luuuwuig suggestions, I iasiio corporation, tne fis,' Hou. A hnZrf w ?. important questions 050,000 of bonds have been converted plain and fancy. m growing out of the rapid construction into seven per cent interest bearW nn 4 TXT tinrva ta i . . I... . .. I.." 9 VnX trans- preferred stock; and for Unaccrued in lam.tu street, between Seventh and Eighth. PorwHO communication. Since terest on the bonds there has been CALLISON, II. O. -Dealer in grocones. pro- the formation of our POverumenL nrnt iaiuerl i JR7 fiftn .t..l. visions, country prtHlnce, canned g.wl,bo.,ks. k j j - .. . v. r."?.1 tft' whwe,,t '"'"isr Willametu ,,u"ur"a Jnn S0 na especially roakinc a stock debt of 136.425 00O" 1U VLD DLL I M .a t . "I - IX)KRia.GEO.R-Attom.y.dronaellnr T 77 " 0"tUy, ot that only cost $2,785,016 16.- L. 0,Hc on Wametu street. Eu- u,e wonwful progress in the coiutruo- Thus it will be seen, the foundation ene City. t. i . , , ,. .. . DOKRI3. n. F.-Dealer in Stv.. r: . . . "uu "ir8P" n nas been laid ly which, when the tu-- W-Tr ) Llara,tu ,troet' betwcn Seventh 1 un ieac,tt08' " P'ted new iuew shall have become sufficiently de--annjiigiitn. ml,UlnlJUM.ui:....i . . ' . ELLSWOKTII k CO.-Dnurgh.ts and dealers J i I""""'"" ,ur wnsjuwm- vciopea, a I4X 01 a,40J,70U may U' nNtits, oils, etaViiiamette street, be- tl0"i whicn exert " "ocedingly impor levied on the peoplo to pay a 7 per' A. LYNCH. JAS. PAGE. LYNCH k PAGE, w For the present I can be found at T. G. HENDRICKS. I am now buying all the FURS, HIDES AND TALLOW, offered at the best market price, in 1 1 -w I 11 1 Jl 1 1 in Dorris' Brick Building uasn. l nope xo see an my oiu irienas and customers before selling their Groceries "J Provisions, Peltg, Will keep on hand a general assortment nf f rroceries, Provisions, Cured Meatu, Tobacco, Cigars Candies, Candles, Soaps, Notions, Green and Dried Emits, Wood and Willow Ware. Crockery, Etc IVusiness will be conducted on a CASK BASIS, Which means that Low Prices are Established ffrods delirercd without charge to Bnyci ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTEC r which we will pay the highest market price. T.YNCH & PAGE. ELLSWORTH & CO., D. HYMAN. igiun anu xvinui. ,.Hfl.. .t ... . FRIENDLY. S. H. -Dealer In ,i, '"'"""F"" couimerciamn- cent dividena on this watered stock. c oming and general .merchandle-VW t,U8tr'a' tnancial Some three years ago there existec ette street, between Ehth and Ninth. intkrksts as. th. -vm,, . 4u. , .'. ... , tr! , . GUARD OFFICE i. i j.. . . ... . . ' i vumiuumana n uisnnw nverr Printingoffice, corner WinametU an demands tho closo atten a line of transportation, with facilitie tion. ana excite tha parnnnt n imi L..Ain:.ni t. j. jt. t...: s it.... fJTTT T ! vi... : i e . I i aumwum mi uu uio uuaiucw vi vneau GILL, J. -lhysuisn, Surgeon and Dnis- nf all S,...l :.. .t . gist, roMomce, wniamette s reot. betwiwn ....Dv tne umie- rouies. lias property was hiclily (f r,lTh Z. . rial welfare of the country. timated at a value of 12.000.000 but ; . " .. TJiere has ben ronBf ru,I i.i,.,i. A t, ,. xt s... .... ui .in quality aept constantly on I f v nHwiuwuig v. xv. m n. vOi lor uana. i ue best billiard table in town. the VCftl lfinO. 51.1 Ci 01 Tmlnfl A no) s I AAA AAA T . JJ.V a aI.? HENDRICKS. T. O.-Deal, In-Mi . ' . . ' " " vw'WUk ln u10" w V' chandise-northwMt corner XfflZS represeiuea cost or f4,a7,40I,997. chase from tho O, & N, Oa. bv the O. ISinth streets. I Tim nrincina.1 Pftiii in tha vM.ulr..t.V I r j. hi n. .s it. t:ii i. .J HOliES. ....-. ., . '. . """"" t vo- ut la" "iaraw ana uon., cigars and i pool and biiiianl ubisl 0 a n last ita J ha Columbia routes for which was paid Nintir ' 'w'u, "pcran"7 o tno Western $5,000,000, there was purchased by the. HORN, CHAS. M.-Gun.mith. Rifle, and r"a "cluo Dwwa wurin8 u8 time 0. R. & N. Co. the property of the Or- tffluZ speculators eg0n Steamship Company, for which' ranted. Shop on th street gambling tondency to tako advantage was mid 4.fi77.00n. U 1 9fl fifin nnirl LYNCH, A. -Groceries, provisions, fruits, ve. of this rapid develoDment in tha con. --l tl! , -..j etuhlm. tL. U,lln,tt. I t " irai eowwi xuii urouenr wiuuHia south of Postoffice. ' struction of railroads, to absorb all of Lf ti18 ....niRhins Columbia. Oon. TTTlI.'PV T Ct in i . - I it. J iA il I r V0-7".Htc,imkr.a.n1 J?.w.?'! "",uo"B"" ,m P1" nBl"g lllfir"- Elder, and Citv of Chester, and' th m.mimm mis swk'k oi eothib In Ills line. U' im. 1 1 i. .i .1 ette street, in Ellsworth's dru store '7 ang cost Ot roads and wharf and dock at P01.tl.nd altor-elh MoCLAREN,JAMES-Choiw,wliies,lionors, waterings of stocks, in fluRrant viola- er worth not ta eia-ed lfi00 00n. ..r.T.Trnv.nA . . . I. I 1. II . il,. . a,, . I ' chemicals opposite i PATTERSON, A. 8. -A fine stock of plain ttnt other industries. ? V,ll"'g . - methods of the nvjoiwii, iu. ueaier in Badillerv. liar- .. . aS Lbe3irKWiII"metU Bgf T ra0 aM 11,8 .IO,T'ns:. ! ".roe time, tlie real value of POST OFFICE-A new stock f ,tadai . ' .""JS possosHion oi a Iran- the propcrt The affi0unt of thfia school books Just received at the ioit office. cl,1M fr railroad route, upon which purchase, niad by tho 0. R 4 N Co. T?F.Af .T 1 TT..,1..4..1 l t . I it ; . i , , i . I 1 .. .... .,. uu.jriu.ncr anu iiiiiiiung con- iiiey ihsuo inorilince DOIHIS to flOUUle t ra'li ir ttnmum Wi 11 .,... . .. I i.' ..... I. I " o IS I , ......... mnuicbra nuu uevvntu I ., . . . .. streets. the amount of tho cost of the content- KOSLMiLATT 4 CO. -Dry goods, clothing, plated road, using a portion of the comer Willamette and Eighth streets. money received from the sale of such ST CHARLES HOTEL - Charlas Bn, bonds in tlin oonstrnntinn nf th roarl ker, Proprietress. The best Hote in the , ity. Comer Willamette and Mnth streets and the payment of exorbitant salaries SCHOOL SI PPLIES-A large and varied to themselves, reserving a hurra sur- assortllli'nt of slnti.H nf All Hiy.oH. nnrl miAnfit.lMa I ' 0 v of slates and slate-books. Three doors north plus for the purpose of controlling the! oi mo vxfiress omce. I w,tw rt1fl,.n. THOMPSON r.E A NAttn,v..t.TJ.. vt lllamette street, between Seventh and ana paying Wavy UIVIUOHUS Oil Slock uu'""' : j ii- :.. . ii.. ......I ihsuuu irrcunr 111 cxcciui ui nif actual I T.T a t. . . ... .1... . .1 . . .1 . I iV:ifV..i 1,"1n,e'"fin- ",m w W,B reas onn i ""r- Thls purchase was made by a party th .iteicharWlToteL eatt of commerce, ami of agricultu.nl wa8 mflnaor of tfo n- ulat m1(j! Among the aml 0t th8 ono that nurchased; Thii' "gamblers" for tltvir fact account fof the eimoiint tB.iii: t aggregated (9,647,500, while the true value thereof would not exceed $3,699,- 000, LEAVINU A MET PROFIT of $6,048,000, which illustrates tho' methods by which some men suddenly become millionaires. There has been an incieaue of the capital stock of the' O.K&K. Co; otl'2;000,000; and'also a bonded debt of $0,000,000, which with VAN HpTJTKN, B. C.-Agent for Wells, b -v " . 7" """"" the oricinal makes a total bonded debt i inBurauce effected in cost or tno roan, ana tor which tney ao , 10 nnnnr.rt companies ,at saiisiae-1 . . ... . .... .... , .... tory rates. I lul lmJ wm KV"' uu uiuaa u ins uuais Earifo A Go's. Express! the most responsible companies ,at satisfae- .. . .... . WALTON, J. J.-Attorney-at-Law. Office- taxing the people high rates oi v lllamette street, between Seventh and freights and fares. 2. As the business of the country develops, and the trade of tho road in creases, in order to nmko the increase appear but a fair return upon capital, they water the stock to such an extent New Departure f t TWO ZEMEfclCES Z AM) ATRONIZE THE MEN WHQ HELP T .BUILD YOUR BRIDGES, ROADS AND SCHOOL whose intcresU are siend their profits at home. Take notice that- D IUJG GIST, A V. PETERS, WIXL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in all its branches at the old stand, offering Sncreased inducements to customers, old ana Will sell goods for CASH at greatly reduced prices, as low as any other CASH STORE. Fine Cheviot Shirts. 50, 75 cts and CL Careful attention given to Prescripions. Q.ROCEBIE3-Ihall keep oa a foil of GROCEBIES & PROVISIONS And invite the Vnition. of housekeepers. T. G. HENDRICSK Beat Prints 16 and 18 yards $1 00 Best Brown and Bleached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cts. Clarke and Brooks spool ootton 75 cts per Dot. Plain and Milled Flrnnels, 25, 35; 45 and 50 eft. Water Proo , .cents Fine White Shirts, 75 cts and fL And all Other Coods at Proportionate Rates. Also the Celebrated AVHITK SK MACHINE ! Vnne better for strength, sire, and durability), At greatly redueed rates. fcjrTomy old Cn'tomers, who have stoud by me o 1 ng, I will continue t- sell on same New Assortment Dress GoodflJ(No Trash) 15, 20 and 25 cts. Mens' Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, 50 ct Mens' Overshirts, 75 eta. and L Mens' Overalls, 50, 65, 75 cts and IL Embroideries and Edwins' at Fabulous Low Prices. wgtJf of 112,000,000, and an aggregate of 124,000,000 bond and stock.- In addition' to the enormous debt put upon this enterprise, yet in its in fancy, there has been incorporated' another company, owned andf controlled by the same parties, the Oregon Im provement Company, with a capital s sua wwvvn wv wMaa wi a vstuvuv . a . t . a . - - that the additional dividends absorbs . . . - T ""' ""f uuu,uuu, wntcn in enect, is an inflation always Cares find new disap" iioints. The world's gnyb Pali" Reliever for Han and Beast. Cheap, quick ud rellaUte PITCHER'S CASTOsT?!. Is not Narcotic. Chllrwn grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTOKIA. It reflates the Itowels cures 'Wind Ctfllc, allays Foverishness, asxl do stroys Worms. WEI BE METER'S CA TARRH Core, a Constitutional Antidote) for this terrible mala V. by Absorption. Tha most Important Disoovery alnoa Vac stnsvtion. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh, this cures at any stag before Consumption sets in. UENEIC4I. MEUCIIANDISB C T.C. HENDRICKS. XTEWKTOCK OF IIATJi The best 11 and largest ever brought to EiiL-ne, st FRIE.N'DLY'8. s AN JUAN LIME fir wle bv T. d. HEXDnlCKH. t Rq k in voir o Uwa.Terms il Mouint I trms as herstolore on iim-, nuj u at any lime ii.ey wisu lo uak UASlt l'"r:i;as.. I will gne a-a. WEEK. IIJs.UMt hom.iilr ssa.k.G.ilr 0jif.. A.WHU1LtiC,furti,iIi U tni, as others, the fuU end ou.i. y redutW-s, A. V , I'LTtlUJ ' CWlre., A4dIaw C.Agu.ta,lfc all the prufit of the producer, when, in fact, the increased business should work a reduction in the cost of transporta tion. As one means of protecting them selves in these unconscionable proceed ings, they issue free passes to publio officers, and prominent citizens, and ex tend other favors which, in effect, obli gate the recipient as thoir defenders. 3. To enable these parties to cover up their schemes and create a public sentiment favorable to themselves, they subsidize the venal press, and send their emmissaries among the people, for the purpose of securing the elec tion to office of men who can be re lied upon to subserve their interests. The laws under which these corpora tion are formed, imply that all thestock issued shall bo paid up in full, and all the money received for the sumo lie I10.NE.STLY APPLIED to the construction of their works. To insure obedience to these requirements the people should pass a law couipell ing each railroad company to furnish a detailed statement, under oath, of the actual cost of its works; and that iU stock issue shall be con6ned to the amount so reported, on which stock holders shall be entitled to a dividend not to exceed the sum of ten per cent per annum making a forfeiture of franchise the penalty for violation of such law. There ii evidence on file in the Su preme Court of this State showing that the cost of the railroad from Tortland of the stock of the original company Tho people of Oregon have it within their power to cliect this reckless en croachment of corporations upon theif rights, and make an example of the bold advonturers who have thus prey sumed upon their iguorance. Plato; one of the greatest Greek philosophers said that one of the most objectiona! governments for a people was oner which was republican in form; that while such a government in its purity obtained much the largest share of lilierty, its people were neverthelessther mot abject subjects of tyranny. The' people' lioeonia careless and indifferent to their liberties, would allow them' solves to be bound hand and foot before they discover the danger that threat-' ens them. Is this prophecy of tho great philonoplrer to bo VKK1FIKP IM ORMO.vt We beheve that the people of Ore gon have sufficient intelligence to de tect the sophistry of these designing men, anu Ktrcngur v vn rt oeir schemes. Upon comparison of rates of freight and passenger tariff in this .State with those of the principal reads iff tho East, we find that the peopl of Ore gon have been grossly imposed upon We take for illustration the following roads for the last four years: Th- New York Central, Hudson River, New York, Lake Erie and Western, and the Pennsylvania railroad The averager to Eoseburg, a distance of 198 iuile, freight charges per ton per mile on was $2,785,01 C 1G. There was issued j iheie r0ft1 was for the year 1877, 9 of bowls on the line af road from Tort-, cootl.. E..hth '