A Fatal Muuap. Tbo following particular! in regard to the drowning of Frank Henneaa we clip from the Corvellis Gazette: "Lmt Monday ro lling Mr. Frank Ilennoaa, steward In Grant's boarding bouse at camp 6, on theO, P. II R, ttopH out of the caaiptogtt ioid water from Mary'e river that waeonly a few feet from camp. It wm about 9 o'clock at nigh and rerj dark and raining bard, and it in supposed be went step too far, at the men in the ramp, most of whom bad r-tirixl, hoard a plah in the water and a rail for lilp from Henneaa, who hod without doubt fallen into the river and waa drowned. Search wai instant- 1 made but the darknete rendered it fruitless) at that time, and before morn ing the body had doubtlcm waehed to ome lodging place under the water which ha made all ararch for it op to thia writing without avail Wonhippen in the Evangelical church, Salem, have been eoriouitly an nored for aeveral Sundays bv the ill conduct of boys from 16 to 19 year of age. fPTTTCI tlDTQ Vr trrenA on ftl at rVe, p. Kornll 0's Nnwitaprr A4vrtllaBiuM(IOIfinMMIILl.wMrftdrftHunf MUM way be suds tut It IN dkW VOUK. OKB of the REASONABLE PLEASURES Of life, properly cooked meal, afford little er bo present enjoyment, and muou itibsequent torture to ooiUirmeu dyspeptic Hut when hronio indigestion U oombatted with Hostet We Stomach Wtters, the food le eaten with reUeh, and moat important of all. is aaaimilated by and nouriehee the eyatem. Uae thia grand tonic and corrective also to remedy oousttpa lion, bilUouaneee, rheumatism, fever and ague, Tor tala byla.ll ilrufnrfst and Dealt generally. 53 NEW MEAT MARKET On the weet aide of Willamette Street, between EWitn and Ninth. Having J tut 0ened a new and neat Meat llxkst, we are prepared to lurolsn no Mat Beer, Veal, Slattoa, Pork, et.f To our ouitomere, at the loweat market rate The cuttom of the public It respect fully solicited Heata delivered to anv part 'of the city free ef oharge, MuO IRNAUK ft RENBIU W, OPPOSITION IS TUB LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS 11TILL no WORK CHEAPER than any other hi in town. HORSES SHOD FOR n CASH. With new material, all round. Resulting old Shoos ft. A warranted to give aatlsfarjtion. Shop an the Corner of 8tb , . Olive 8treeti. and LOinEII! LUMBER I HAVE ESTABLISHED "A LUMBER YARD Oa the enrner of Eleventh and Willamette UeeCMSid keeps ennstantly en hand lumber of all kinds. Seasoned flooring and rustic, fenc- tax and (enoapeatt r. it. vun. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT nndor and by virtu of an order of the County Court, of Lane oouuty, Oregon, in the matter of the estate of liso. 0. Fisher, de- aeaaed. mails at ths Seiitember term. 1881. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in Kugone City, Lane county. Oregon, on TUKSDAY. the 15th day ef November, 1X81, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M and 4 o'clock P. M-,of aaid day. the following described real property belonging to aaid estate, to-witi Beirtimiug at tne J see tioa post between Sections S4 nd 38 in T 17 S, ef R 4 West, nnning thence West MX 83 enaine. thence North 0U00 chaiua, thenoe IlastM83 chains, thenoe South 40,00 chains, trustee Kaat W100 ohalni to Section line, thcoe South 90.00 chains to place of beginning containing XM.W acres, more or lesa. Also Lota 1 and 4 in Section 91, containing 38 acres; also Lot 1 in S-vtlon ,t rontaiuiiut VH4 aorssi also the N W J of the S W 4 of tlie H W Jl also the W tot the N W 4 ,4 the 8 W ; aim the West 4 oi tlie S W of tlie N W , assi the West t of Lot I, Section S8. oontain h 5L07 acres, all is said T 17 8, of H 4 Vjost and la the aggtegate containing JHOariM miirs or Useful Laae County. Oregna. Tbrmsb or SiiSi One hall down and the re minder will be allowed to remain at 10 per eenl per aaauss Uitesvst, eecursd by Buartgage M the litem, to suit purchsaer. Tenns to be sasse detmilely Hie.1 on the lv of sale. R ('. 1'KliKIN.H, Administrator. 4M. 13,1881. Ire! irsi jfrj'v Li1tfi PERRY MW PAIR! KILLER IB A rtTBBLr VEGETABLE REatKDT ror XHXZRHAL tea EXTEU5AL Ui. BAIM VII I CD hue tfU4 when nmt Nonjlitri'Mljitf.acJi ixittlo.sti'i ityrmlgmtftmm PAIN KILLER KiZS&Wi vmrreirpiu frjM'mvryt vs euai fax v nrf Off Bvt WmpmiMW. PAIN KILLER ! Hlrk WrriHn. ti, Pnln In Ilia HudtvrblUtH Vft.nMall.H. serial kla.uruLlet. I. AIM VII I TD to N(("Mr Mm nRo rMIIV IMklekH 1.1 il. II T HI hrititM ammf.tu ..( MmniMl Ttii'f 111 I AIH. ltrtilNr. ('tit HpralPft, frvrrt liiirnitt Cfum c PAIN In tu) wdl trlt j nmt trtirtod frlrrd if Uut Afrrlinnlc Farmer, fmuirr, Biillor.ma in fiul oil il Biiltni k ......lli'l..' r IwnVri rl l! :lll. Bful lwn) m rt It . tnl. trtfl myft l latruullv wltU eertaiatl m Inirrnully or exloruullr wIlU eertalaiy tir N.i finf'r rtn efAnl to wlthont thlt hv VfJimltln miiMwlv it tlm ho li an. ItH tiflce bnuir II within tlif ncth of itll.iii'l II will uiutuUjr 1-IRRV DAVIJ t. COrj.Crovldono,R.b LUMBER ! TTE HAVE PURCHASED THE JOB t V Saw Mill, 12 mile, weit of Eiwene. and will aell Lumber at the Loweet market rate. -I,uinlwr delivered to order in EiiKene or I vicinity. Btifore buying eUewhere lfarn our I pricee. AUBOTTUUOS. Oct 8, 1881. ot6 NOTICE T0CREDIT0RS. VTOTICE IS HEKEBY (JIVEN THAT Xl uei.ruo 1'. vomt iiaa iwii ai)in.'U ah nilnlntrnUir of the eatate of A. N. Fulvy. de- oeaud; all pvriHina having cluiina aaiuHt anld eatate, are rwiuiwu'U to iiroaeiu uie eitiue to me adiiiliiiaUator at hii oilice in Kune City, within alx liumtln from the pulilication of thia notice. U. B. 1N)K1(IH. Administrator. Dated October 8,1881. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVE THAT XI the undcraUmed has beeu anixiintwl ad- miuiatrator of the estate nf .lames Whitvaker, deceased, bv the County Court of Lane county. Oregon, and all persons having claims againal aaid estate are hereby requested to present the same, with the proiier vouelieni annexed, to tne undersigned at the omoo ot j nomiMon n Bean. iu Eugene Citv.Oreuou. williiusix uiontha Irom tlie date ot the notice. WILLIAM I . SMITH, Oct. 24, 1881. Adiuiuintrator. August Flowei The Immense sale and great popularity of Ureen s August rlower In all towns and vll ages in the civilised world has caused many imitators to admit similar names, expecting to reap a harvest for themselves at the expense of the antiuted. 'J his Medicine was iiitroiliiceil in 18(18, and fur the cure of DysKpaia, and Liver Complaint, with their ciFvota, such as Hrnir Stomach, ('iMtivoncsa, Hiek 8toiuach,8iuk Heailatihe, ludigeation, l'alpltntion of the Heart, vertigo, etc.. it never bss fuiled to our l...ui...i 'in .i m ..... - lliree diwes will relievo any ease DyaiKiwia. Two million buttles siild last vear. l'rice 75 cents. Hamules 10 cents. OiikKn's Ati.ah and Diakt Almanac, the most exiwnaive free Almanac ever published. sent tree on recipt oi two ocnt atiiui. U. U. U litis, Woodlmry, IS. J., V, S. A. OH, WHAT A COUGH I Will you heed the warning. The aiciisl per haps of ths si. re approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if yon can afford for the snke of saving N) cts., to run tlie risk and do nothing for it. We know fMm experience thot Shiloh a Cure will One your lougii, it never mis. tins explains why more than a Million Buttles wci r sold tlie past year. It relieves Croup and Whooping Cough at once. Mothers du not bo without it For Lams Back, Side, or ('lt use Shiloh'a l'o nHis l'lastei. Suld by Unburn & Co. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS Clocks, Pp W.tche. an J . as.- " r ai-- Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches. Clocks, and Jewelry rerutlred and warranted. Northwest cornsr of Willamette and Eighth atxeets. 1-5 t.ffl fc A Stwiftptri Book nd c Job Oftltj, 5 7s WClunetto St., fCsT EuBena City. Or. "X" Eugene EXJGJ-Eirai CAMPBELL ISSUED SA.TXJItIja TS. A live Local Paper devoted terests of Lane Comity and Eugene City. The GUARD has the largest circulation of any paper in Lane County. It circulates County and is therefore the best 30 CQLUMNj Of well selected LOCAL, MISCELLANEOUS, News in every issue. The GUARD is Democratic in politics, but seeks to become a popular local journal, rather than a po litical organ. ' . NOAV5 THE TIME K SUBSCRIBE TERMS: 62 50 Per Year, in Advance. ADVKRTISING at reasonable rates. CORREbPONDENCE from all parti of tin County so. licited. Job Printing! We are prepared to turn short notice anil reasouable terms. You need not send away for Cheap, and furnish as good material, a3any Printer iu the iStute' CARDS, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, LARGE AND SMALL, NOTES, rAMPIILETS, LEGAL BLANKS, FUrERAL Give us ft call and exatuime OFFICE: On Willamette Street between Summons. In the Circuit Court of tlie State of Oregon, - ror uuie loumy. Catharine B. Ilrsen, ri ff., ) vs. Summons. William J. Breen, Deft. ) To William J. Ureen. tlie above named T)a- fendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR egon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tlie complaint of tlie above named Hamuli in tne amvt entitled lourt, now on le with the clerk of said court, on or before the first day of tlie next mmlar terra of aaid I ircuit lotirt, for Lane County, Oregon, to srit: Monday, November 7, In!. And you are hereby notified that if you tail to appear . 1 i . . v . m.i iiwrr wi.i iuiiMini m nervoy m inre.1 the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded therein, to wit: a dissolution of ths homis of matrimony now existing between plaintiff aad defendant, that plaintiff have and recover tlie oars and custody nf said miiss; chihlren. Walter, Margaret, Matihla, Mmnie, Klisabeth and Emma Breen, aad her costs and disbursements of Uiis suit. Published by order ot Hon. J. T. Watson, Judge, niade at chambers, September l. 13KL HUMl'HRKY eVwoLVKKTON. Attumeya for I'laintiS. M and StationerY StorE. pOST OFFICE BCILDIXG, KUUEXK JL City. I have oa band and am constantly receiving an assortment of the Best School aa Miscellaneous Books, SUtiooery, Blank Books portfolios, Canh, Wallets. Blanks, Furtnx rwrtnsnr site o. c.. A. 3. l'ATlEiaO.N. IX 33 (hard CITY, OXt., BBOS. FIB'S. to tie Development and In through every post office in the medium for advestisers. STATE, AND TELEGRAPHIC out first-class Job Work upon job work as we ,will do it as NOTICES, RECEIPTS, PROGRAMMES, ETC., ETC. our specimens of Job Printing. Sixth and Seventh Streets. HAVNIG Just Received a URGE Assortment OF bill iieads: letteii heads statements, All kinds of CARD and BOOK Papers; Etc.. we are prepared to do Job Work at verj LOW Kates. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern. T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I AM L tlieaole owner of the I'ateuS RlKht for Sinking and Driving Welu In I Jine oouuty, State of Oregun, and that aaid Right ia pro tected by Letter 1'atent laaued by the U. 8. Government to Nelaon W. Uten, of Court land County, State of New York. All peraoua who have Driven Wella, or had them driven, without my nermUiaion, aince the 21t day of February, 1873, are liable to praaecution for infringement of aaid Bight and are hereby no tified to come forward and adjust the tame. All InfrlngemeuU in the future will b roe Muted. I am prepared to drive Well oi will gran permiaalon to otheni on application. B- F DOERI8. Chas. M. Horn. PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. DEALER IN GUNS, RIFLES, Flailing Tackles and materials, Itepairlng done In the neateat style and warranted. Sewing machines, Safes, Locks, etc., repaired. Guns loaned and ammuniion furnished, Shop on Willamette it, opposito Astor House ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Whv do so many neonle we soe around us. seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation. Dizziness, ham of Appetite, Coining up of tlie Foixl, Yellow Skin, when for 75 cts., we will sell them Shi- Ion s vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Uslnirn Ala, DrutKpats. GLENN'S GULPIIUR SOAP. eradicates All Local Skin Diseases; Permanently Beautifies thc CoMi'U.xioN, Prevents and Reme dies Kiikuuatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Injuries of THr Cuticle, and is a Rkuablc Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive remedy accomplishes the same resi'Lts as costly Sulphur Baths, since it per manently removes Eruptions and Irritations ot thc Skin. Complexional Blemishes ire al ways obviated by its use, and it renders tlie cuticle wonarouslv fair and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts arc speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Cout nd Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens the roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, mid ns a I'rotection against Co.ntacious Diseases it is unequaled. Physicians emphatically endorse it. Pricet-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; PerBox(3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N.H. Satrtby Mail, Prepaid, on receipt of price, and 5 cents extra for each Coke. HLU'S HiHt AUD WinSKEB DTE," Black ar Dromi. 00 Cents. ) Cl.Crittcnton. Pror'r, T Sixth iv.fl. I. ONE OF DIE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES l.t THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Soro Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and ' Every affection of the THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including CONSUMPTION, A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES I " It does sat dry up s cough, sad leave the causa behind, as ia the case with most preparations, but looMiia it, cleanses the lungs ami allaya irritation, thus removing ths cause of complaint.' DO NOT RE DECEIVED by ankles bear. Jag limiiar naroea,' Be sure yon get IM.WISTAR-S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, eras, the signaturs of " I. BUTTS " on the wrapper. 80 Cents and SI. 00 a Bottle, Prepared by SETK W. FOWLE ft SONS, Bos. tsswalaas. Sold by dragpats sot desists roeraljji A URICTJI.TURAI, IMPLEMENTS of all kinds at inside figures hy ... UEU1JIUI.IUI Ladles' AltesUloa. Berlin Fashion Pattern at Dunn & Stmt ton. FARM FOR SALE. A FARM of JSC acres, 300 of which Is prairie and 330 in cultivation, is offered for sale. It is situated one niiie west oi Springfield, aad t miles east of Eugene. Good D'liMinga and outhooees, and all nnder fence. 'cr term ap ply to ROUERT 1'A.MPBEI.U At theprenuecs. OSBURN & CO., OHI.KRI IK DHUtiS, ClIKMICAIA, 01 LH, PA IMS, ULASd, VAHMSHE8 PATiaVT MtBICIKES, ftc. Brandies. Wines and Liquoir F AIL KINDS. In fact, we have the best assortment of article found in FIRST CLA8S DRUG 3T0RE. Wm. a, .11 I vlZ v I- ""P;10' t"ey " new and Stokof " cU,d to w Perfumerw ai.u Toilet Articles, is we have bought OUR G00D8 FOR CASH Ws can oompete with any estaMiahmcnt n Eu Kfiie City in price and accommodation. Buy your goods where you can get the best and cheaueat rRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED At all hours of the day or night. NOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS. -VT0TTCK IS ITEREBY GIVEN TO ALL Sheep owners that they must dip their sheep as soon as sheared. The law makes pro vuiiuns that when the owners fail to do so. that the Inspector shall cause it to be done at their exjiensej , . 8 D. COATS, bboep Inspector for Lane Co, Or. J. 'B.. ALEXANDER, Justice of the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Bills collected, Itecords searched and ah racts of title mado. All Imsincss promptly attended to. Off-e at the Court House. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agreeable dressing, which ii at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its uu thin hair thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brushy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it Imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Viqob cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. ' As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The Vioon Is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil' white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. - Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist.; Lowell, Mass. eu by m DicaaiiTi iruiTwnu. Send for out New Illustra ted Trice-List No. 30, for FallnndWin- tcroflSSl. Free lo any address. Con tains full description of off timlt of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly wi'U die consumer, and sell all goods in any trunnlily at vKolault prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Ayenue,ChicagoJlL The most popular and fragrant Perfume e theday"H.Cft..lKTACK "try it. Sold by Qshurn t l'o., druraists, .Eugene City, Oregon IX 8EI.ll 7JAUOX-I am the only J agrnt for this xlebrated wagon. T. 0. HENDRICKS til to tOfl perdayat home. Samples worth at VP J IU UJaVUlie. Address tttlsaoa Co, Pert Uu-1, Jiiuc. THE BEST SHOES EVER BROUGHT to this market, at the lowest nrices' T.ii. HENDRICKS NEW BAKERY. Attention Students and Families- THE rXDKr.SIG.VEI) HAS CPF.XED a New Bakery one d.wr smith of Pstter sB 4 Witters bntcher shop, wbere yon can buy he best of Bread cheap aud two Pies fo 25 cents. Wedding cakta, etc., furnished en short notice at reasiuble prices. V. S. REED, lusene City, Sej-t 10, ISfL