The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 26, 1881, Image 3

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CbrUtmM next
CoM foggy weather.
For g'xxt dentistry 0 t) Davis,
Oo to Goldsmith' for groceries
Goldsmith keep the best cigar.
Hoe. 8 F Cbadwick vru ia town Tuesday.
twenty yard of CUoj (or tlat Bettraan't.
Job work a speciality at the Guard office.
Ad addition ii beiug built to Crouch'
New ityle Udi visiting cant at the
Goard office.
If yo wiih to buy good cheap call at
S H Friendly1.
Yon can got a No. 1 Mens' suit at liett
ffian't, for 17 M
Call and tee that Urge itock of good for
ale at Friendly'.
Goldsmith kesps the best line of groceries,
and tolla them chep.
F. B. Dunn will pay the highest market
cash price for wheat.
Everything told at Bettman'i at way down
priees, ft cosh or produce.
Half cloth double sole Ladies Shoes, plain,
fur II 25 per pair, at Bettman'.
Something new laije kid gloves at S. II.
Friendly'. Call and examine them.
Cash paid for CHICKENS, HIDES, TAL
LOW and BEES-WAX at A Goldsmith's.
8 H Friendly sells cheap for cash boot,
ahoea clothing, hats, caps fancy goods, eta.
Harace Dillard, of this county, will resur
rect the defunct Ochoco Pioneer, at Priue
Yille. Wheat wanted by T, G. Hendricks for
which he will piy the highest market cash
The Guard is the best advertising me
dinm in Lane.couuty. It ha the largest
A large lot of mile-end Clark's spool cot
ton on tale at T G Hendrick' in lots to suit
Half cloth double sole, high cut, full scal
loped, Ladies Shoes, for $1 50 per pair, at
The parties that came up to Junction in
the President' car last Saturday did not kill
many geeae.
Mr. Geo. W. Kinsey has several new hacks
and buggies, which he will sell very cheap. See
The celebrated South Bond chilled iron
plow also the Black Hawk plows for tale by
T. 0. Hendricks.
Dr A I. Wynn, one of the staunch Demo
crat of Cottage Grove, mde ns a pleasant
call thi week.
A full line of Orocerib, CitoCKBRV, Um
MiSM4VlfAT3 and Rubbish. Uuoim for sale
cheap at T. G. Hendrick'.
Mr 8 H Friendly will iay the highest
cub market price fur wheat. Give liiin a
call before idling your raiii elsewhere.
1 1 am at - home n'iiu, and will) my new
fiaclixrounds and acetsMona am prepared to
do bctU r work than ever. F. A. Rankin.
A laro stock of doiiio-ttio and imported
cigars, also cigarettes and tobaccos just re
ceived at Gol Wmith's. Call aud exainino
bis stock.
As a niild, but effectual laxative, as a safe
bat sure tonic, blood purifier and general
strengthened use King of tbo Blood. See
The Salom correspondent of the Ore-jouiau
is authojjty for the statement that Mr EL
Bristow will be appointed turnkey of the
Oregon state' penitentiary.
Ayer'e Pills promote digestion, improve
the appetite, rtstore healthy action and reg
late the secretive functions of the body,
thus producing a condition of perfect health.
Business men should not. forget that
Wank notes, bill heads, atatements, letter
heads, and every description of commercial
printing are neatly and promptly executed
at the Guard office.
Mis Lizzie Geary, daughter of Rev. E. It
Geary, was at Dayton teaching school when
the mallpox broke ont She tarted for
thi valley but got n farther than Colfax,
we are informed, where she was quarantined.
" Elder S. Mouroe Hubbard will preach
morning and evening, in the Christian
Church, next Suuday. Subject for morn
ing, "How Man is Saved;" evening, "The
Way of Life." Sunday School at 12:30
noon. All invited to attend.
Railroad Asskssvest. A will be no
ticed from the proceedings of the Commis
sioners Court published Jiewhcre, the 0 k
C R H Co, through their attorney, 8 F
t'hadwick, ask for a reduction of their as
sessment in Lane county. The track and
improvements are assessed at $,"i,"i(X) per
mile: the railroad ask that it be reduced to
about $3,000. They claim that no other
connty in the State aseea their track above
$3,500 pr mile, while some of them assess it
as low as 12,500. We do not believe that
such reduction would be jnst and equitable.
At $3,000 per mile the value of tbe entire
mad owned by the O ft C R K Co would be
but $600,000, while $10,000,000 of bonds
were issued to build and equip tbe road,
representing an actual expenditure of $5,000,
000; or $30,000 per mile. The railroad
should be obliged to pay iU just proportion
of the taxes.
Teuh.'KapH LlKK. A telegraph lice bas
been built between this city and Springfield
by Mr. G. Cooper, who operates at the
Springfield end. Mr. L. O. Adair is agent
bene. Telegraphic facilities will prove quite
an acaownodstkMi to the people of that
Died wr Skalltox. Many of oar citizens
remember Wiley Sparks, a pioneer of this
county, from which he moved to Washing
ton Territory several year) ago. New now
em that he died recently of the smallpox
at Dayton k that Territory,
Council Proceeding.
CoiijciL Rooms, (
Eviie! City, Nov. 19, 1831.
Council met pursuant to call of President
Present Mayor Hendricks, Councilinen
Campbell, Johnson, E Iris, Sloan, Peter and
Recorder and Marshal.
Absent Councilman Ltuer.
Ou motion, reading ot minutes were dis
pensed with.
President Hendrick then itated the no
cation of the meeting that the dread dis
ease, smallpox, is becoming quite prevalent
throughout adjoining districts, and in a fair
way to reach our city, and be thought it ex
pedient that wi should take some action iu
the premises.
On motion the committee on health was
instructed to make arrangement for a bnild
ing suitable for a pest house, also procure a
nurse in caso the same should be needed, and
empowered to spend any money necessay to
effect the same.
Councilman Johnson submitted the follow
ing resolution which was adopted:
Resolved, That it ii the sense of she
Common Council of the city of Eugene, that
it is highly expedient that citizen of Eu
gene should take prompt action in regtrd to
vaccination as a precautionary measure
against the smallpox now prevalent in Wash
ington Territory and in a greater or less de
gree the cities of this state, and that school
board (hall ase due precaution to protect
the children or student now in attendance
upon our school.
. Ou notion, adjourned.
II. C. Humphrey, Recorder.
Van Duyn.
A correspondent of the Albany Herald
write a follows concerning Van Duyn, bet
ter known a Coburg, in thi county: It i at
present the terminus of the narrow gauge,
which waa completed to thi place last
month. Owing to the fact that the large
amou t of grain in this section was princi
pally stored at Eugeua and Harrishurg last
Fall, the car will 'not run here regularly
until next season. A fine depot building
has, however, just been completed, and also
a telegraph line. Next year two or three
warehouses will be built aud then we look
for consequent improvements. The laud
about here i excellent and the people are
teady, industrious and intelligent. The
village now bas a well stocked store of gen
eral merchandise, drug and variety store,
post office, blacksmith shop, saw mill and
lumber yard, publio school house, two
boarding houses, and about a dozen and a
half privato families. It is ono of tboso nice
quiet iniiid-your-own-busiiics kind of places
iu which the hoodlum has not yet matured,
and the vendor of strong driok would come
to griuf. It is uoted, and justly so, for its
healthy climate, excellont water, red apples
aud rosy-checked aud sensible girls. The
public school is well attended, as is also a
writing ami a book-keeping class, by old and
young. The Willamette and McKeuzio, in
the proer season abouud in trout aud the
surrounding hills are full of game. Four
young men, of the somewhat extensive
.Smith f unily, wont out for a couple of hours
aud killed a deer apiece. Wild geese, dncks,
quails, pheasants nudgionseare abundant
Everybody seems to have a little money
and wears a look of calm content, firmly be
lieving that a brilliant future awaits him.
Coltaje Grove Items.
kiiom ofr special corkksposdust.
Co-mug Gkovk, Nov. 21, 18S1.
Give the yearlings a rest.
Church this week by the Methodist.
The weather has been very cold and foggy
during the past week.
Jerome Knox rnd Minor Wallace, of
Lukeview, aru once more in our town. V e
are giail to see meir uiunog ivcn
Pacific Lodge, I O U T, of Cottage Grove,
is in a prosperous condition. At the last meet
ing seven were initiated, with the following o.'
fleers: Thos Gongh, W C T; Myra Cathoart,
W V T; W W Cathcart, W .Sj O Veatch,
W A S: L 11 Wharton, W T; Chas Vamli-
wert, W M; Rosetta Vented, W D M; Mrs
M J Wharton, W C: Alice Elliott, W I U;
J W Gowdy, W O Gj Belle Wooley, W 11
II 8. DuI-
Social Notes.
There will be a dance at John Lengcr's
thi evening.
A Tbanksgiviug dance was given at the
residence of Charle Davi Thursday even
ing. There was a good attendance.
A sociablo under tbe auspices of ths
Methodist Church was held at Mr A S Pat-
tenon's residence Thanksgiving evening.
The students of tho University had a so.
cial gathering at the University Thursday
evening. Friday evening a party was given
for their benefit at the residence of Dr. A.
W. Patterson.
School Mektisu. The directors of this
school district have called a meeting of tax
payers at the Court Honse, Saturday, Dec.
3d, for the purpose of levying a small tax
for the support of the publio school. The
publio school should be sustained and we'be
lieve that there will be no opposition to a
Thahimgivino, Tbanksgiviug was duly
observed by the citizcus of Eugcue. Services
were held at the Methodist Church, Rev. 8.
Monroe Hubbard officiating, and at the Epis
copal Church by the pastor, Rev. A. P. An
derson. Nearly all the business house in
the city were closed during the afternoon.
Wasted. At this office a boy fifteen or
sixteen years of age for one or two years to
learn the printer trade;, must bar a fair
Incorporated. Article of incorporation
have been filed with the SecreUry of Stat
incorporating the Cottage Grove Lodge, No.
68, I O 0 F; incorporator, C H Wallace,
J W Masterson ana i W Goudy. Capital
Commissioner Court
The Commissioners Court met Monday,
November 21st pursuant to adjournment
with the full board present
la the nutter of the applk-atum olHF
Johnson ami others for a comity mad, at
thi time thi matter came oo to be heard
upon th report of surveyor and viewer
filed herein, aud was read a seexud time.
Whereupon it appearing to the Court that
Lewis Denni had filed herein hi claim for
damage sustained by him by reason of the
location of (aid road id th sum of $1,000,
and that II Bundy had filed herein hi claim
for damage sustained by him by reasou of
the location of said road in the sum of $750.
Il is therefore ordered by the court that 0 R
Bean, Gee llelshaw and Rodney Scott be
and are hereby appointed as viewers, and
are hereby required to meet on the 2d day ot
December, 1881, to proceed to view said
road as surveyed the whole distance through
the premise of said Lewi Denni and 11
Bundy and ascertain and determine how
much less valuable each of said premise
would be reudered by reason of said location
of said road a urveyed and viewed, and re
port their finding it the next term of court.
At thi timo it was ordered by the court
that the order for the levy of taxes made en
the 8th day of September, 1 SSI, be amended
o that the county tax lie 8 mill on the
dollar instead of 11) mills, C. W. Fitch,
County Judge, dissenting. (Thi i a reduc
tion of 3 mill, the presout levy being 17
mills, and the levy of September 20 mills.
At thi time S F Chadwick. attorney of
the 0 4 C It R Co, filed a petition and appli
cation for a reduction of the assessment on
the track of said company in Lane county.
The County School Superintendent re
ported the name of applicant for the va
cant free scholarship in the Stale University
who bad passed the examination. Where
upon the court decided by lot by drawing
the names from a box, where pon Jennie
McClure was declared entitled to the free
scholarship in the University , from Lane
Total atlowsnces for term, $3,642.
Whereupon the court adjourned without
Dexter Items.
November 23, 1S81.
E. B. Haudsakcr, ha gone to Comstock
to learn telegraphy.
Tbe squeal of the porker i heard in the
land, and "spare rib" are being harvested.
The ferry ou the river above here i run
ning again.
Messrs Carlilc, Smith and Parks of Picas-
ant Hill, returned last Saturday from the
Pine Opcuing and report killing 39 deer and
1 bear. MrSRigdon and others start this
week in the same direction and expect to
slay hiyu mowitch. So mote it bo.
Local Market.
November 2C, 1881.
Wool -24 cts iierlb.
Wheat, on cars 7!J cts pr bush.
Fhn $o icr bid.
Oi.ts-.10cU prbush.
Hops-UK? 20 cts. per lb.
Ilacon Sides 15 cts pr IU
Hums 12J cts pr ft).
Shoulders-10(?.12 cts pr lb.
Sutter 25. cts pr lb.
E 30 cts pr dot,
Ten Per Cent. Saved.
Notice is horoby given that the city tax is
now due, and the assessment roll is in the
hands of J. S. Luckcy, City Treasurer.
After Doccmjicr 1, 1881, all uncollected, will
become delinquent, when 10 per cent extra
will be charged. A word to the wise ia suf
Take Notice.
Great bargains and reduction in price of
goods for cash at 1'". B. Dunn's. Call and
examine his largo And assorted stock.
Conk to Wasco. Ou last Monday Hon
J. M. Thompson started for Wasco county,
hoping by a change of climate to improve
his health, which lately has been failing. He
is afflicted with the asthma, and it is thought
that the dry cold county of that climate will
afford him relief. Ilia many friends would
be gratified to hear of his restoration to
How to C.vrcn Imjuoranm. The Oregon
Improvement Company break and seed
twelve thousand acres of land near Colfax,
in Whitman county, next year, say the Se
attle Post-Intelligencer. The company wdl
divide these cultivated land iuto tracts of
various sizes, build bouse upon them and
sell them on reasonable terms to immigrant
That' the kiud of a way to populate th
A Payish Chop, The hop crop of Lane
' county thi year has beon a profitable one.
Mr. John Blakely, of Middle Fork precinct,
gathered from three acre over 4,500 pound,
which he (old for $1,073 clear of commission
and freight The picking cost about $200,
Icaviiis him SS75 for hi profit a return of
$292 per acre.
"Bf.sevoi.ext Monopoly." Tbe Oregon
A California aud the West Sid railroads
hav kindly agreed to carry free of charge to
Portland during the month of NoouiUir,lium
anv station on their respective lines, all
Thanksgiving donation for th Good Sania
ritan Hospital
Horae Rack. Tbe Harpool boy, of Junc
tion, took one of their race horses to Salem
and woo a $000 purse last week.
Wasted. 10,000 bushel of oats deliv
ered at our warehouse at the depot for
which the highest market price will be paid.
G. 15RTTMA.1..
PoRK. Pork is at a premium. Buyers
are paying seven cents a pound for it
To Millies. Old tvue for babbit metal
to sale at this ullwe..
A column devoted to the iU,re.U of the
Laurran ami Kutaxian Literary Societies, and
the 8ut l uivemity.
K. Mll'ORXAUK...
Rhotorioals were postponed one week ou
account of the vacatieu.
The Kutaxian sometimes continue their
ebate until the "eveuiug lamp are
Th ucxt question to be debated in the
Kutaxian society is, "Resolved, That Guit-
eau ha proved himself insane."
The class in History of Civilization lias
been studying Ethuology and History dnr.
iug the but two week, and now they are
prepared to commotio reviewing in tbo text
book with a better knowledge of th sub
The corporation of the literary societies of
tbe State University mot on Friday of last
week and adjourned until Deo. 2d, when a
full attendance of the members is desired, a
business of importance to them all is to be
Thursday was Thauksgiving day and all
the student enjoyed a vacation. Tin is
one of tho most welcome holidays iu tho
year. W are always counting up the trial
that come to us, and the pleasures of which
we arc deprived but ou Thanksgiving we re
call all tho joy and happiness we have had
during the year, and the memory make our
live brighter aud better.
There was a ve'y pleasant surprise party
n.a ... t ... . '1 t
on r riday ol last wee ai me resilience oi
Mr. Furring tou to culvbrate tbe birthday of
J N Gnltra. The candy pulling was "vory
funny I nut too funny! just funny enough-
The greatest suqirise of the evening wa the
phenomenon of a "Taylor" ihowiug great
tkill as a confectioner, aud also managing a
large menagerie.
Tuesday afternoon the student were all
assembled in the chapel, where they listcued
to a short address by the Presiduut. There
has beeu a great calm in the halls ever
tince. Tbe students come bore from all
part of the State, aome from town aud
ome from farms; tome accustomed to one
manner of school train, some to another, and
some to none, but before many mouth all
are influenced by the (chool train hero. If a
student is once found iu the basement; if he
is discovered talking or running in the hall
ouce, lie will probably nottry it agniubut loam
that thi school ia managed according to the
motto, "persuasion is not government.'
There is many a lesson turns to team,
and none is more important than the lesson
of patience. It is one that every student
must learn, but it importance doe not
make it easy. It i hard to itudy well and
yet uot be first iu ouea class; it is hard To
grind out common-place essays, while other
write brilliant ones; it is bard to stammer
while others are eloquent; it i bard to worn
well at anything and not be rewarded imme
diately. Though it is true that I'utience
L'ives us a bard lesson to learn, yet, she i
just in rewarding us. She will turn hard
atudy into a pleasure: cominon-placi essaya
essay into uncommonly fine ones; stammer
ing words to eloquence; she will turn tho
hard path of tho student iuto a broad high
way strewu with Uowor. And whon we
have fiuished school let ua not forget her, for
she still holds the key to our success. All
the great things in life are tho rewards of
patience, the finest written works, the most
uoted paintings, the noblest character.
Then let thi tweet patience, that has done,
it doing, und will do, m much for the world,
adorn our labor. Let our thoughts, acts
and lives bo crowned with patience.
Open Session.
On the evening of the 18th the Eutaxians,
Faculty, and other visitors, were entertained
by the Laurean Society. We havo always
thoroughly enjoynd our meeting with the
Lnurcans but we think this last the best.
Tbe hall was quite full, and should the Laur
eans continue to prosper as they have, tbn
next open session will require the chapel.
Bifore recess George Hill recited "Pharasie'
. ... , . I L. . I.
in a leeling and earnest manner, ami rranx
Huffer presented a word picture of the Km.
erald Isle. During recess few Laurean
were bold enough to cross tho line. "Faint
heart never won fair lady." The ques
tion debated was, "Retolved, That U-
literate Men should not be allowed to Vote."
W T Sinter wss leader on the affirmative,
with Messr- Bcekman, Fenton and Taylor
a colleagues. Leader on the negative, A L
Frazer, with Messrs. McGhce, Coudou and
Courtney as colleagues. The question was
an interesting one, and the debaters eu
to red into it with earnestness. They may
feel assured that their efforts were appre
ciated by the Eutaxians. Prof. Johnson,
Bailey and Condon awarded to the debaters
ths uraise thev deserved, and spoke encour
sgingly to the society. Throughout the
evening the President preserved bis quiet
dimiitv notwithstanding tender glances, elo-
quence, and "double triggered repartee."
If ym are Buffering with a severe Coughs
Cold Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, Ions
of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection
of the throat or luni, we know that LK.
Kinu'hNkw DiHCOVEiir will gir you Imme
diate relief. We know of hundreds of case it
has completely cured, and th where aiiuumr
medicines has failed. o otlier remedy can
hnw nnfl.hiilf as manv PERMANENT ci:keh. Now
to give you satisfactory proof tliat Dlt Kiso s
New Dihcoveky will cure you ot Asthma, Hay
Fever, Bronchitis, Consumption, severe Coughs
and Colils. Hoarseness, or any Throat or Lung
DUcaM, if you will call at WUkius', The Eu
gene City Druggist, you can get a trial botne
free or cost, o' a regular sine bottle for $1.
Mulholland, Junction City. Hck10'b, Davis A
Co, Wholesale Agents, Portland,
The Best Halve in the world fir Bruise.
CuU, Sores, Uloen , Salt Kheum, Fevrr Sores,
tter, Chapped Hawls, Chilblain, Corus.and
11 of Kkiu Eruntin. This salve is guar
anteed to (five ierfect satisfaction in every case
or money refitudeiL Price &' eU per ho. rr
ale hv WilkhTh. tlie Dnidst, Eugene lity.
L 1 ulhuUand, J uuctioD City,
A Tluckt Hoy. Frank Nelry, a
boy agej fourteen pears, rrxlt! on horso'
. i ii .i i it ...
u k ,, t, f Missouri Valley
. . m i at a
Iowa, to Olyinpia, during tho past wa
; oh; except that he croasR-d over th Cas-
icade of th Colombia in a lout A
company of 27 started with liiin, he
being: the only one coming through over
land, the remainder remaining eat of
the mountains or coming by rail or
A Nit to Crack. Wheat at Sagi
naw, Michigan, six hundred miles iron)
tlio shipping point of New York and
Iloaton, lias U'on JielJ tho puHt week at
11.38 per hiihliel of sixty pouiulit. It
was selling in this city at C7 cents per
IhihIioI at the Mine time, only one hun
dred miles from the port of Portland.
Who would not Im a farmer in Eastern
Oregon t Palles Mountaineer.
. - i
Itolhtwiiy ISIlt - n Uiit It lift iHturaHrtf
Aploplexy, Ac, Many eoph iimnre their live
to benefit their f imiliin by death how para
doxical Is this. To prolong life by piwrvlng
the health would be a far mora ratirual man
ner of aiwiiring it AMplexy is swift and in
siilious in its attacks, striking its victim with
out a moment's warning I Happily a prvventi
tive has been discovereil-llolioway 1 ills the
only safe and certain antidote for this ilUeiwe,
they cool the blood ami equable its circulation
through the system. To preserve the stomach
in a sound condition and the blood pure is th
true secret of health - llolloway's I ills will do
this miMt enVrtually, and thousands owe their
actual exinteiiee to them at th present day.
Important Notice. None are genuine un
it the sigimtur of i. H.tYlxx'K surroimds
each box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 'Jo
cent, Ii'.' oent and 1 each.
" There Isconsidenibb) saving by taking the
larger siies. toWAT ft t'o. New York.
IsOOd Ihing.
"ivii. Syrup is the siecial prescription of
Ol A. II tehee, a cvlehrated (lerman Physi
cian, and I acknowledged to be one of the most
fortma e discoverie in Mediciu . It quickly
cures "oiighs, Cold "and all Lung troubles ol
the severed nature, removing, as ll does, the
cause of the nireetiou and leaving the part in
a strong and healthy condition. It is not an
exeriiuenUl medicine, but bas stood the test
of years, giving satinfaction in every rase
which its rapidly im reasing sale every season
routirms. two million bottle sold aifhuallv.
Beware ol medicines of similar names. Intel v
introduced lloochee s German Svruii was intro
dueed in the United State in 1AM, and is now
sold in every town and village iu the civilized
world. 1 uree doses will relieve any or unary
cough. Price 75 cents. Sample bottle, 10
To all who are suffering from the errors and
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early
decay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will semi a reciiie
that will cure you, FREE OK CHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Send a self ail
dressed envehqie to the Rev. Joseph T. I.nxan,
Station 1), New York City.
We will give special BARGAINS
to everybody.
KM1 if! E jOU CTil D Jy
Has been made in every Depart
ment. We advise you all to buy
Goods at San Francisco prices at
BARGAINS IN PRE8H GOODS. Plaids In all sluvle reduced to 12J cU per yard,
meres, all shades reduced to 37 oenta per yard. . ;
GREAT INDUCEMENTS In Rlanket and Comforters,
worth on auction, $0. Comforters, large siie, 91 37 J.
M ENS AN D BOYS HATS at any prices.
CLOTHINO really at WHOLESALE Prices.
OUR STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Is as onmpleta as any In Oregon. Mens' Hear
Boots, 2 50. lioy Heavy Boot, 91 00, 1, fi 60; warranted A 1 good article.
WE SELL the BEST RUBBER BOOTS from 93 75 to 94 60 per pair
We guaranty our Goods from well known Houses.
Place is the
la i. mmm i
Vlio!ssal3 and Detail Dealers
f V J it E:. J r & ;lrj?x" -
t TrXsw
J. sM . . r '-x
rj-iif w.a- .11?
WE kep th larwest and best aorted stock in th M'ilUmetU Valley Awth of PortUnd
which w will sell at greatly nxluced price. Dealers will find it to their advantar o
call and examine our stoolc Iwfore piirrhasirMr elsewhere. All nrrn tilled pnmptly. Satiafa
tiou ifiiarant!l. Wsjrerssoni On Eighth street Wet f WUIouwttn. M"in,trf -
Ftof the Kiucue Citv iiriu MilU, J. W 'H hllKY,-
Stop a Moment and React This-
Look at thi lid of goods just 'ived M
the Farmerw an'' Mechanic Clothing Store.
Nacq-na Suit om f 10 to 117.
.Scotch aacq frock suit from f 12 60
to 117.
Saeque or to :E diagonal suits from 913 SW
Broadcloth joats and vest, diagonal,
Prince Albert coat aud vest. Just the
thing for Holiday present.
Several new line of overcoat, reversibl
and ulsters, all grades and prices, from $7 9
to f JO.
Ierby shirt, tecktie and the finest line V
neckwear in the city.
New hat and caps, wool scarfa nd
10 different styles of underwear, all grades
and prices.
TU Uit stock of ilk and linen haadker
chiefs, hosier', Ac, (or the holidays, in th
Utest ityle of hat ? to f.l 50. Cap
from f I to f I 'Jo. Boy hat and cape.
1 ha beat line ol pant pattern and sit
in the city. Casmners, Diagonal, rcotcn
and Ainerictn cloth, r'uit made to order
front .10 np.
Panta made to order from $3 AO up! Dark
gray Oregon cashmere panta, X All wool
pants 4 50 (4 1 V, $3 60, (!. PantsSl 75,
$'' .V), 3 SO. Overalls 60 otnts, 75 cents,
$1, $1 'J.". Diagonal aiit from !' to 18.
1 ho only Gent r urimhing good (tore lit
Eugene City, Clothing cnt for anybody,
All goods marked iu plain figures, and
strictly one cash price for all.
,Call ami exannue our goods beiore Duyin
Farmkhs & Mechanics Stobe,
It J. GRAHAM, Manager.
Lumber! Luniberl
J. B. Rhiuehart boa been appointed agent
of the Springfield Mill Co. He can offer
butter figure for Lumber uow than ever be'
fore. All kiud of building lumber delivered
on short notice and at very low tiguroev
Don't fail to o Rhinehart More ordering
elsewhoie. We propeio to sell lumber, and
don't forget it
Boots and Shoes.
We have just received direct from first
hands in New York, Boston and San Fran
cisco a vory large aud complete stock of
Boots and Shoes and are prepared to offer
inducements to purchasers as to quality,
quantity and price.'
T. O. Hendricks
The Perovlnn Nyrup t cured thow
mls who were sutferini; iron I ippepsla, la
bility, Liver Coinpikiut, ll-, Humors, Fe
uiule Complaints, etc Paul'.1 : 4 free to any
duress. Seth V i'ewle and cm. Boston.
8 lbs large white Blanket at 15,
Cashmere Suit at 18 60, worth 110 60.
and Manufacturers of all Kinds of
Furniture. .
' f ife
f''j Frames &
r r
Etc., Etc.