The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 19, 1881, Image 3

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    ill Itraat Dolli.
None of the million! of Chin nl w
dulls which are told annually in the
United States are manufactured here.
Oermanr, England and France (apply
the world with dolls, and the manufac
ture or control of the same is in such a
small number of hands that they can
manipulate the market to a great degree,
and can create great famines or run
corners to suit their convenience or
Go into one of the great toy estubliiili
ments, and while rows of patterns will
be found of the most exquisite ciibt and
feature that one can conceive; faces that
seem unparalloled for beauty; yet, these
models are the exact counterparts of little
children, which the maker has found in
some country or clime. It is his duty
to examine the successive generations of
the human raoo.and seloct the most beau
tiful for reproduction in wax and plaster.
The model originates all new fashions in
dolls. Fashions in dolls! one exclaims.
Yes, dolls are changeable in style as the
modern woman. The modelers are sci
entifically, exact in reproducing and
molding the facial expression.
The artizan Bometimos gets into
trouble. It is related that one of the
profession saw a child of surpassing
beauty in the street. It had a mre ex
quisite cast of countenance than he had
ever before seen. When no one was
looking be coaxed the child a short dis
tance, and rapidly repaired with it to
his quarters. It was not long before the
country was aroused oter the mysterious
disappearance. Howards were freely of
fered for the recovery of the child, and
threats against the abductor. Mean
time he fashionod a model of more than
rare bcautv, and fearing tho conse
quences of abduction, he dispatched the
child. The dolls were manufactured and
sent to many countries, mooting with a
remarkablo sale. One day a detective
discovered the face of the lost child
stampod on a doll in a toy store. The
whole matter at once dawned upon him,
and the guilty person was traced out and
The wax dolls are, of course, the finest.
It requires great skill to mako them. The
material is sold to workmen who have
models at home. A figure is first mado
nnt nf lima and nlastor of paris. The
eyes, nose and mouth are cut out with a
knife. The figure is then dipped in red
hot wax and dried. Tho doll is next
painted, after which it is sent to the
hairdresser to finish, and finally given to
girls to dress. A good quality of doll
will have a thick coating of wax. Cheaply
maIn WAT dollslinvariablv crack in cold
weather. The wax which is used comes
from bees ard"peifin." There are whole
villages in Germany which do nothing
else but make dolls, of which Stoueburg
is the most famous.
riitm dolls are mado in factories.
They are first modeled, and burned in
ovens. Alter mis prouu moj uio i
moved, painted and glazed. This opera
tion involves a great risk. Suppose
5000 to be in tho oven at one time. No
matter how much time there is given at
the baking, they are liable to come out
in all Borts of shapes, from which, per
haps, but 1000 first-class specimens will
be secured. If the tender sleep a wink
or be inattentive the whole lot moy come
out bungled. What becomes of the
spoiled ones? They are sold to cheap
stores, which retail them as first-class at
an enormous profit to a victimized pub
lic. They may be found flooding fairs
and similar resorts. People who want
good dolls can only find them at
first-class establishments. The poor
goods generally have black (spots, or a
flaw in the shape. Dolls are found in
eighteen different sizes. Nunibor
cir-hteen is very large and requires a
strong child to carry it. One factory in
Germany owns six ovens, into which
150,000 can be baked at onco.
It requires one week to bako them
properly and the tires must be kept go
ing nigiit and day. Tliey require con
stant caie. If a draft of air be admitted,
or if a certain temperature is not kept
up, the result will bo disastrous. Tho
doll manufactories in Germany alone
employ 200,000 people. The best dolls
emenate from Taris. One firm in
Germany has been in operation 125 years
and is the oldest in tho world. There
are now said to be one thousand different
models for dolls. There was such enor
mous demand in 1879 that an actual doll
famine occurred and the American for
eign supply was cut off.
Hygiene or the Teeth.
A hard crust is the best possible denti
frice. I never could get myself to be
lieve in the natural necessity of a tooth
brush. Tho African nations, the Hin
doos, the natives of Southern Europe,
the South Sea Islanders, the Arabs, the
South American vegetarians in short,
three-fourths of our fellow men, besides
our next relatives, the frugivorons ani
mals, have splendid teeth without sozo
dont. I really believe that ours decay
from sheer disuse; the boarding house
homo lives chiefly on pap wants all his
meats soft-boiled, and growls at cold
biscuit or an underdone potato; in other
words, he delegates to the cook the
proper functions of his teeth. We hear
occasionally of men getting a second, or
rather third, set of teeth. I met one of
them in Northern Guatemala, and ascer
tained that he had become toothless dur
ing a twelve years' sojourn in a seaport
town, and that he got his new set upon
r; return to his native village, whero
circumstances obliged him to resume the
bard corn-cake diet of his Doynoou
ron Mi tofith had reappeared, as
soon as their services were called for,
and would probably never have absented
themselves if a pap-diet had not made
them superfluous. An artificial denti
frice will certainly keep the teeth white,
lint that does not prevent their prema
ture decay; disuse gradually softens
thpir substance, till one fine day tho
hash-eater snaps bis best incisor upon
an unexpected piece of bone. Every old
dentist knows hundreds of city cus
tomers whom the daily use of a tooth
brush did not save from the necessity
of applying before the end of the fortieth
year, fc. a complete "celluloid set." I
do not say that a soft tooth-brush and
neh dentrifices aa oatmeal or burned
ai row-root can do any harm, but, for
sanitary purposes, such precautions must
l supplementea oy aenuu ei.eri.iBt-.
Let a child invigorate its teeth by chew
ing a hard crust, or, better yet, a hand
ful of "St. John's bread" or carob-beans,
ihm pAMu tod of the Mimosa siliqua.
f hiidren and whole tribes of the north-
races seem to feel an instinctive de- J
ire to exercise their teeth upon tome
olid substance, - as pet squirrels will
gnaw the furniture if you give them nut
kernoli instead of nut. Thus Kohl tells
us that the natives of southern Russia
are addicted to the practice of chewing
avegeUblelproduct which be at first sup
posed to be pumpkin or molon seeds, but
found to be the much harder seed of the
Turkish sunflower. Their national diet
consists of milk, kukurns (hominy with
butter, etc.), and boiled mutton, and
they seem to feel that their Turkoman
jaws need something more substantial.
The Mimosa siliqua would yield abun
dantly in our southern biaios, ana us
sweet pods would make an excellent sub
stitute for chewing-gum. Our practice
of sipping ice-cold and steaming-hot
drinks, turn about, has also a very inju
rious effect upon the enamel of our
teeth; no porcelain glaze would stand
such abuse for any length of time, and
experience has taught hunters that it
destroys even the bone-crushing fangs of
the animal from which our canine teeth
derive their name. Popular Science.
rrogress or Biology In England.
Thq Biological Section is that with
which I have been most intimately as
sociated, and with which, perhaps, it is
natural that I should begin. Fifty years
ago it was tho general opinion that ani
mals and plants camo into existence just
as we see them. We took pleasure in
thoir beauty : their adaptation to their
habits and mode of life in many cases
could not be overlooked ormisunder
Nevertheless, the book of Jilt
ture was like some richly illuminated
missal, written in an unknown tongue;
the graceful forms of tho letters, the
beauty of the coloring, excited our won
der and admiration: but of the true
meaninc little was known to ns; indeed,
we scarcely realized that there was any
niBftninff for ub to docipher. Now
climiiBOB of the truth are gradually re
vealing thomselves; we perceive that
there is a reason and in many cases we
know what that reason is for every dif
ference in form, size and in color; for
every bone and every feathor, almost
for everv hair. Moreovor, each problem
which is solved opens out vistas, as it
were, of others perhaps even more inter
esting. With this great change the
name of our illustrious countryman,
Darwin, is intimately associated.and tho
year 1850 will always be memorable in
scienco as having produced his great
work on "The Origin of Species." In
tho previous year ho and Wallace
lrn.1 tmlilishad short papers, in
which they clearly state the thoory
of natural selection, at which they
had simultaneously and independently
arrived. We can not wonder that .Dar
win's views should have at first excited
creat opposition. Nevertheless, from
the tirst thev met with powerful support
Asneeiallv in this couutrv. from Hooker,
Hnxlev and Herbert spencer, uio
tlmnrv is based on four axioms:
"1. That no two animals or plants in
nature are identical in all respects. 2.
That the offspring tend to inherit tho
peculiarities of their parents. 3. That
nf those which come into existence, only
n small number reach maturity, i. That
thoHA which are. on the whole, best
adapted to the circumstances in which
they are placed are most likely to leave
Darwin commenced his work by dis
thn (muses and extent of varia'
l.ilitv in animals, and the origin of
lnmi!Htio varieties: ho showed the irn
ilitv of distinKiiishing between
varieties and species, and pointed out tho
wide differences which man has pro
duced in some cases as, for instance, in
mir domestic piireons. all unquestionably
descended from a common stock. Ho
lu-olt. nn the strncclo for existence
(which has since become a household
word), and which, inevitably resulting
in the survival of the fittest, tends grad
ually to adapt any race of animals to the
itions in which it occurs. While
thus, however, showing the great im
unrtniipn nf natural selection, he at
tributed to it no exclusive influence, but
fniw nilmitted that other causes the
use and disuse of organs, sexual Belec
Hnn ntn. had to be taken into con
sideration. Sir John Lubbock.
Comet lUclng for the Mm
Two comets aro now approaching the
on F.n.Ws. which is no stranger, as it
revisits us onco in every three and a half
years, and tho new one discovered in tne
northeast Oil the nidit that President
Garfield died. Neithor is yet visible to
tho naked eye. Encko's rarely becomes
bright enough to be seen without tele
q,.oios Imt the new comet has possibili
ties. It would not bo unprecedented if
wo should have two brilliant comets tins
year. Two of the grandest comets on
rnnnnl nnnearod in the year 1102. At
the very time that tho enormous comet
of 1018 was scaring Europe, anoiuer
imrn iomot was visible, in tho Bouthern
linmivnhpra. It was also a mistake to
t.W, 1881 Las furnished an un
lented number of comets. Only
four new comets have been discovered
thia vpar.
TniM.iK thn vear of the creat comet
no lesB than eight comets were seen, of
which six were new ones. In 1846 there
were nine comots visible, of which eight
l,.l nnvnr Wn seen before. There hav
I. manv vears in which four and fivi
comets had" been seen. So, whatever
may be claimed for 1881 on account of
it ntlinr marvels, it certainly does not
t,.!i tho front rank as a comet year
A prominent clergyman, being asked
why he accepted the call (one of many)
.Mtli thn Inrcrest salary, replied that "he
desired to go where there was the most
en cnnRPiinentlv located where the
money was most plenty."
Vothintr ia more unsatisfactory than to
it down dv after day to the same bill of
fare. There are houses where the mis
tress seems to have no inventive faculty
ainirp.1 or inate. Breakfast consists
from Morula till Saturday, of the same
fried pork and potatoes, or sausage an
.oVoa Komnant of things come o
again and again, growing small by de
grees till one grows tired of seeing the dish
r.f .nnlfl aance or the san?er of prunes,
and is tempted to give them to the dog or
pigs. All this can be remedied by a lit
tle plan. Manage for your own family
as if you had guests, and vary the ar
rangements of your table and the articles
of your diet. Health will be preserved
thus and dyspepsia averted.
Small peterines accompany every fash-
enable traveling dress,
1 Matrimonial Compllcatloi.
This was the document that cansed
the trouble In the Herbert household:
Mr Dear Gsoboi: As I told you.l'aul
lost the bet. In accordance with, the
greament, we are all to moot at the
Maison Doree to morrow evening, and
have a supper. Tea your wife you're
going to the offloe, club anywhere.
There 11 be Borne gins mere, ami
have a high old time such a time as we
haven t had since we were married.
Your companion in iniquity,
Charles Montellh.
This is the letter that the wife of
George Herbert s bosom lound in his
overcoat pocket. She read it. I have
not the dramatic skill necessary to de
scribe her grief and indignation. What
could she do? She thought first of all,
and quite naturally, to destroy this im-
- 1 11. II L. t A -
pudent invitation. iaai ducuuu, j
present it suddenly to Georgo, and to
concoutrate all her wrath in asking him
what it meant. Bad! Bad! After hav
ing hositated between several courses,
she decided to replace it, and to watch
her husband.
, "
At dinner she began :
"Are you going out this evening, my
"As usual, my love.
nin.1 vnn nra rminrr "
"To the club, as' usual," repliod
George, buttoning his gloves.
"To tho club?"
"Yts. Good-bye, my dear."
"You will come home early, I hope?"
"The usual hour about elovon."
"Not before?"
"Perhaps before."
"Listen, Georgo."
"Well, my doar."
"Sacrifice this evening to mo.'
"What a caprice!"
"Yet. a caprice, as you say. But
ploase stay at home."
J.1 1 Stay at nome, wiim nuuu o uui
"Why, we will sit by the fire and cliat.
We will talk of the rast -or tuo past
when you loved me so niuoh."
'Why. it would be quite like a novel,
said George, dryly.
"But will you?
"No, my love; I must go to tho club,
have an engagement there, on busi
"You are in a great hurry, l tninK.
"I am anxious to got a littlo air."
"George!" said his wife, fortissimo.
"Well, what now?"
"Wait a minute."
"You aro dressed with particular
"Not more than usual.
"Yes, yes! You look moro stylish."
"True, this coat sets very well," re
marked George, complacently.
"Georgo Herbert! said his wile, you
are a base, deceitful wretch. There will
be girls there!" And she burst into
George stared at her in apparent
amazement. . "But what do you mean,
my doar?" ,
"Hypocrite! Coward! Wretchl Traitor!
Monster! Villain! Libertine! Deceiver!"
remarked Mrs. H. "Ah, unhappy wo
man that I am!" And she fell sobbing on
tho sofa.
"Madamo," said Georgo, soveroly,
"will you be good enough to tell mo the
motive of a seeno of such dubious taste?"
"You deceitful wretch!" said madame,
risinir. "You did not hear me, then?
There will be some eirls there!"
"Heavens!" said George, "sho has seen
Charles' letter!"
"Yes," said madame, bitterly, "from
your companion in iniquity, who awaits
you at supper to hight. '
"Dear me!" said Goorgo, with admira
ble Bang-froid, "was it for to-day? I had
absolutely forgotten."
"Forgotten, indeed! A likely story.
I am glad you do not deny tho letter."
"Deny it! Why should I ? I cannot
prevent'peoplo writing to mo, but I can
deny that I answered it."
"But he expects you to night."
"Lot him expect," said George, hero
ically. "Aro you going to try to make me be
lieve that you are not going to this ren
dezvous?" "I had not the smallest intention of
going to it," repliod tho mendacious
"If I could believe you, Goorge, said
madame, relenting.
"I swear it. my dear," said Goorge,
"and the proof is" Here ho took off his
"Oh, Georgo!" said niodamo, tenderly,
"if I have wronged you "
"You have deeply."
"Then forgive me, my own dear, dar
ling George!" .
(They embrace tenderly. Curtain. J
This was the document that reached
Charles Montello next day:
My Dear Boy: I had a pretty close
call yesterday. On Thursday my wife
found your note bidding mo como to
Wednesday's supper. She did not no
tice the date, and on Thursday bIio ac
cused me of wanting to go on a tear. I
became virtuously indignant at onco, and
it was only by staying home Thursday
evening that I convinced her that I was
not going to join you in your iniquity.
But don't do it again. Next time send
such notes to my ofllee. Yours virtu
ously Geoikie Herbert.
A Thirteen-foot Cornhtalk. The
La Crosse (Wis.) Chronicle says: ''Re
cently we published a statement about
cornstalks eleven feet high or bo. This
was not done without misgivings, be
cause we knew the honest grangers of La
Crosse county would hop on to that
story with a cornstalk vastly larger.
Yesterday our fears were realized when a
prominent legal gentleman of La Crosse
stalked into our counting room with one
trailing along behind him over thirteen
feet in length. This stalk was accom
panied by an ear of corn over a foot long,
containing VM grains, with a few little
gnarlv grains to Bpare. This gigantic
corn was planted May 15th, and on the
1st of June was only four inches high
and not very promising."
Herr Stebler's researches do not con
firm the theory that light binders germi
nation of seeds generally. He admits
the probability, however, that light may
not be advantageous in the case of seeds
that germinate quickly and easily, such
as clover, beans or eas. He says that
ilia oprmination of certain seeds,
psneciallv those of the grasses, will not
Uke place at all, or with great difficulty j
in darkness.
ai'HAaiCS' VA1B.
R.UeeabU UUfS.
This is a very important invention in a
eountry so heavily timbered as Oregon.
It is on display at the west end oi tne
building in the main hall, and is a great
attraction. It is a very simple arrange
ment, but durable and inexpensive. In
sawing down trees one man oan do the
work of three choppers. It is well
adapted to aawing trees close to the
ground, can bo adjusted to the tree in
ouo minute, is light, and can lw easily
carried by one man. It was invented by
W. Hampton Smith, Portland, who is
now ready to fill orders from all parts of
Oregon and Washington. Tho prico is
$10 for tho saw, and it will save that
amount in three days' a man can
easily cut down thirty large trees in one
day with it. Mr. Smith's address is 208
Front street, Portland, Oregon.
This well known Portland houso mado
a much smaller display of goods at tho
Fair than thev did last year. Their im
mense increase of business during the
season aud Uio rush of orders to supply
tho fall trado is their only excuse for not
making as full an exhibit. They, how
ever, display samples of standard goods,
and one can see bv them the solid trade
they supply. Four years ago tho houso
came into existenoo and to-day it stands
at tho hood of dealers in its lino of goods
on this Northwest coast. One of the
partners, Mr. E. J. Dellart, the past sea
son made a business trip to tho East, and,
aside from muking an lmmenso incroaso
in the supply of their goods, arranged
for direct importation and shipments.
Th "Xnrth Bend" a fow weeks aco came
direct to Portland consiguod to this
house loaded with fino Cumborland coal
for blacksmiths use. Tuib coal is flno,
and is unmixed with inferior and worth
less'is much of the coal sold in
this market from San Francisco. This
house Guarantees its coal and it will
stand the most searching tost. They al
so carry a largo stock of hardwood lum
her and waa-on material and can nil or-
dnrH for anv kind of Roods in that line.
By being direct importers thoy are aide
to give country customors such low
prices that the scout of a largo Califor
nia houso was forced lately to admit that
ho could not sell goods to tho Oregon
trado in competition with Thompson?
DeHart & Co.
F.xhibits in the now gallery above nia
chinery hall tho finost specimens of tho
carriago maker's art ever shown in Ore
gon. Of the ono dozen samples shown,
not ono but is perfect in every detail aud
elegant in finish. Entering this gallery
by tho stairway to tho loft of tho western
cntranco we view tins uispioy couuc
tivolv and pronounco it without hesita
tion ono of the very finest representatives
of Oregon industry shown. Viewing it
in detail wo note a "Cabriolot" of ele
gant dosign and finish, in which a Presi
dent's wifo might bo p-fud to tuke an
airinc: next in order is an "Extension
top phaeton," equal in workmanship to
tho tirst, and looking suggestive of pleas
ant drives in tho future; following this
are two top buggies, singlo seated, sub'
Btantial and olegant; tiion comes ine uov
city of the group, a four passongor
"English dog cart," tho passongors to
form a "thoroughbrace" for each other
tin thev rido in pairs, two taking advanco
and two receding views of tho landscape
an thev travel. Tho foot-rests, das
boards, snrinirs. otc. in this novel vohi
clo ore complete, and show that they aro
dosicrned with tuo simple view in com
fort to tho traveler. Then wo have
"Wohfoot cart." complimentary to Oro.
gon and destined to bo a favorito in its
class. A sulo spring, piano top nuguy
Bimnlo in construction aud ologont in tiu'
ish. An Orecon hack, mado with refer
ence to durability aud capablo of bearing
six passengers witli easo and
comfort over tho worst of winter roads
without danger of a breakdown, every
piece well and carefully fitted; a hue
hoard so handsome that tho idea i
becoming tired whilo perched upou it,
even in the most abrupt mountain passes
can hardly bo entertained, and light
riinnintr cears. showing the strength am
nicety of construction upon which all aro
K . . . .... : il.A
founded. Uania announcing inui wiuy
ar entered "for competition, aro at
tachod to most of these vehicles, but we
look in vain for articles in their line that
can hone to compete with Mr. hspoy i
display. Thoroughness in work, com
tilotAHPsa in dotail. elecauce in finish
ilii rl lilitv in construction, combine am:
am rnnili red 'apparent in each vehicle
nhown. shimi) the industry that con
structs and places them on exhibition us
ono of importance, that has only to be
noon to hn recognized by tho public
description of Uio specimens cannot do
them justice, and those who are prepared
to recognize and appreciate Bkill and in
dustry as combined in mechanics, will
not fail to visit Mr. Espey'B carriapies
now on exhibition at tho Mechanics Pa
vilinn and sent out from hiB establish
mont on Salmon Btroet between Front and
-Tvarvlimlv iliut has tried Aminpn'i O0112I1
Syrup continues iU ue; btnules they toll their
neiKiihon uf it. We woro in a drug store the
other dnj whun cuitoiner askwl for s bottle of
Ainmfln's Counh Hyrup, saying, "1 do not know
anything about it myself, but my neighbor 1
vised me to bur it for my odd, aud tells me that
the use nf three bottles lias entirely cured his
c ugh of two vears' standing; in fact, he says,
'It is the best medicine in the world fw coughs,
Ids and lung complaints, ana inai a ono-u-i-
lr bottlo did bim more good than ail presonj.
lions be had from the doctors "
When you ro to Portland be certain nd
visit Ic Barman, The Clothier, as it is the
only store in which yon can soeasilycontract for
an ou IB t and be sure of receiving satisf artmn. Or
send your order; state yonr size aud quality of
goods desired, and if you do not receive them
as ordered don't accept them. Addr IHAAO
HAliMAN, The Clothier, corner First and
Washington streets, 1'ortiand Orexuii
Abell, the Gold Medal puoloeratihr.will stii
taiu his reputation of leading the an when it is
called into question. His gallery, W7 First St.,
Portlaod, is where bis fine work is always to he
In penetrating the earth Professor Ev
eritt finds that the rise in temperature is
more rapid in the older and harder rocka
Mrs. F. A. Logan, Magnetic Healer, is meet
ing with wonderful success at her pleasant
rooms corner ol Clay and FroDt street", PorUud
Oregon. Can other physician ssy as ouch.
Pfuuder 8. 8. 8. Fever and Ague mix-
j ture. A ure bot.
Ask for Ammtn'i Cough Brrup.
KA1. K&M SLAV !!
. B. tkTT MOk lirwi, M Efifrmur, inuu
hu'Wrtr of Nlecl snl Hrua Hlaaipt. In. cUtors,
notary kiul loiui wis. Onlm Blltl promptly.
m'r a TirTa rorrrm-r.
WnOI.TA4l.CliCrOT-3i2M7 nj troul.
A. M. Nuillb I'rup., Duuiulwlurr oraili llir. aton
war, Sowr pots, tax-a, ttra biks, u Country
onl-m rlUrd promptly.
sril.ITro, "oVri.tiHlivel. Wli.iWle
dealer In California aim Mriu aa mm ana pruuura,
t'lmm Klee ami Nut tills! low ruten.
houite (or picture frame aiul tiimiltlliiff, mioieNaie
anil retail. Kney ml anil artlnta' nialrrtalaa l'C
lallv liU Klrat ulreet I'.irilanit f f. M.w INI
Si e ail KM Bond hrl. Parlrr tail Wm4 ,,
Mania riniass.ur.
Pr. IHklimtnii. lute rrvlesaura IKyn A Kar liianaara
In the MlNllrnl llepKrlnielll ill Illume m eniii.Y
lout ereeleil a line iiolliliiiK. on a neaiiiim vaiioii in
the aoiilh part nf the city anil l pr. to aiiiinio-
ntttlxtiia KiilY.Ttiif from all illneioiea of the hi K.
KA H ur 1 11 ttt'A I. Almi will pay jwcmi miriiiii in
lalmrmi miller ( 'limine Nervous afl'ivtrous,
ami to illwanea ieciillr to women, ami recley a Hull-
tint lllliulier 01 raaea eMT!m; eonniieiiieiii.
The la to provide a Hume fur ien raxes
with all Hie het hva-lriik airi'lii'lea. mnililiieil with the
hem mnlfc'nl aklll lu lie had In the iuetroilU.
Prnf. nf illaeanen uf wumell and illlldren III I lie IlledU al
fuiMii itntf 11 ivnIcihii and nlinreon lir. rnillli linrrey
deiwrtmelit " lllametle I lilvepilty.
Alxi nr. J. "I. r . Iiniwne, rrvi, oi rnysiuiuKy uivii,
n u t. Willamette I nlvendty.
For any ainuuul nf referein'os sml rlmilar, addrew
Cor. 14 and V.lnl.ia Wia., I'lirtlaaJ. Or.
Mllir.Mr, I tir At. I. rH'i n,, cif.iv".
All regular sites, 5, i, ami
As shown In our caialogiif. Also a full Un of
!P.A.I2J" T JE 33.8' STOCK,
VarnUhes, llnwhes, fie. l"talou and 1'rle IJst
t.l. .ul .... ,,tll,.all,
Anv Infnrmallnn nnt found In our Clluii will h
cheerfully fnrninhed. All letters nf Inquiry will re
ceive prompt attention.
P. E. BEACH & CO.,
103 Front street. Portland.
Commission Merchants,
Foreign and Domestic Frodaee.
W aUsJPirt rrawsjsslsilly
OonsVmmfnU and orders ollrttM. J?,
nlry promptly answered. Wkly Prices Ourrael
mailed tree on application.
! aad 1 rKorr arrma-rr, i-ortxavjtj
o. n. in ui, M.n.,
tk..i.i..a. Obdetrlelaa an
First above Morrison-same blues: wlin Atlls
I'tKiliHjrHph a-allery-l'ortland. On'Kun.
Ofllee hnurs-in A. M. to 12 M and 4 to P. M.
Residence, sixth above YatuUul. " Beldotu at home
between 10 A I,
Telephone In residence. . .,,,,.
(Iiei'ileal, Mlenwuple and Post mortem Eiamlna
Unnscoliducleilwllh ear. nh.t.irte nraetlr.
The utmost car ueatuwed open Ohatetrto practice.
Few weeks notice required, to -lv time for the pre
naratofy treati iient winch has liecome so tKipii lar
Lum na flomci . Path-. This medicine, with wrflteu in
iru. ili is will be sent by mall for three dnllHin.
Kmiiv cai ol inedlctn prepared or reUlled, and
uouks furnished, at Kan ;',;"yrii'r,:
l'atleut treated by mall, at olllco ran
Md iclues X iays lurulsueu without .itraeharf.
No. 42 Washington st,, Portland, Or,
Bread. Cakes, Pa-lr Hod. Picnic, Bnlter, Tlcston
Sugar and Hhoo Fit t;rsrsers Jenny una
Cukes, Ginger eusps.
..Order from the trade solicited and promptly
atundK to.
Portland, Oregon.
In the Market at all lime for III abo
Address ns for Information as to values,
or Term of onalunmrnt.
sale In lot to suit.
ui...nii marka fiirnlaliMl free on applica
tion J"-
l)r. IF. M. IIUSS. Dentist.
VnTthtrtiiterest of the iiulillc. I have resolved to do
flrsl-clawi work at these prices I
( onllnnun.Onra Work-Poreelala ,15?
He of Telh oa Kabbrr. -.
Hel of Teeth oa Celluloid
kM tfitilfl I'lule..
.) AO aad upward
. IDlie aad upward
) (Ml aad upward
Tt.::- i mi; "" " i oo aad .award
KxirurtloBur Teeth, with Was l
riKKICK-lii rhotogriinli (lu'lrrjr, Klfth street, op
posite postofllce. nr H M HVlm B!tuti
Olllre hour, all hour.
Teeth eslrarted wllhon'-i. eta.
I II, M.kx nndVlamiM. for holding Kranies, at un atly
w ... ,,1'iti.i vn TI-IIKIHII Ml'tl PAITEHSN,
rwlinwl lirliw. My rnerns are i.u ..i n,
Flowers, Hcrolls.elr., print"! enjille clot'i-Hiirlap-helnsnhuded
In various colors, required to make tln in
iierfri-t. i hey are lllled with rami or wool ynni Jdili
a honk made esiiressv for the purpose. nmkliiK Ihem
wi utiiililc that a chllil i nil follow the mreelions In the
...... i, unii inuku a very liundMime ru at a small
A'rataloiriie of designs and cost of each may be lil
h-addr,.-.!., B oABRiSM, CO.,
wi, m Third streat. Portland, Omcon
miS. G. II. CLAltKE.
Curaer Fourth and 1'eluasbla, Periluad,
Has Hecelvert her Full and Winter
Couiprlsln sll the LATENT NOVELTIEH In
aitenta lor the
I al venal Keaevaleal Aeaoeaatloa,
(Of California.)
Fer I'aaiarrlrd Fereea.
aend for particulars to Walter Price, Becrelary
10 Mlswin street, han Franciwo, t aj.
JIQI ID OR DRY, PRICE lrr.-ATMi)Hr-Hr.itiv
J lnaomatora," price sue. liry Cure and Inaurlta.
o,r mailed on recelut of price, with full direction for
OMtc. K . hKlliMOhk A Co., Dnwsisui 11 Firs
street, Portland, Oi syivl Afsou lor uin. rariu
fvai aaraif
If 5
lb fuses. HITTEIU let I He WORLD,
Vitalise lh System aurl Merest the ravsc
of the Lirearirul Aleohol Habit,
far D'aa-BTlst nr Wla Herekaat
lor them.
WILHSHDIXU eV il.. Agent ftaua rrsua-
W.J. VASf nrillVVRR A r Portlnael
Are three treat eeaeldoratloas I eeasassere la
the iraeral ae of LCBKICANTM. Oa taea
we tuue ear dales te the Trade, aad eeaSdsa.
ly adyertlae.
Ml L rreas shark llrer I well anew te pea.
ares very saperler labrleatla a rope rile, aad
Ihul saaaaraetared by the ahldesate Oil Cu at pa
ay, at their steaas warhs, tjaeea Charlestti
Inad, has beea tested la roaipetltloa with
Lard, Olive, Oalllpell aad Kaateea Oils, aad .
la every Instaaee ha ere Ted Its eaeerlerlty.
The Ql'A LIT Y Is read, aeyead a duabt, a baa
titAKTITY Is resjalred, aad tie ricl
placed at rate that le beaad te eoasataad a
lurie sale, aad sjlT (atlalaetlaa ta the eeaw
suaser. The CeasiHiav ha aaaserea teetlsssaS
als la support f It asertta, bat la thee
have aul acre It, a fair trial I the beat war
teat It properties aad aeeaoss.1 ifalae.
Unalltr.OBDISIAKT aad EXTRA. The EX.
tra vre aialntala Is eroead te aoae la taearertd
far aar elaas ml ataehlaerr. Mead fer elrealaav
KIDEOATE OIL CO., Vletarla, B.O.
Agent for Portland,
aldlm JaNAFF, BPRRELt ah CO.
Also for 1 by Woodard, darks A Co.
The Great English Remedy.
I never-fallloR (lire foe
Nervous IMiltltv.Eiliauat.
eil Vluillly,Meminal Wili
iiea, pern lalurrhiea.Leet
Manhood, luiHilem'jr
l'ariil lulu, and all Hie terri
ble effects of Hyif-AlMlse-Youthful
Follies, and ex
cesses In nialurer yean,
such as I-oks of Memory,
Infinitude, Nocturnal Knit.
slons, Aversion to Society,
IHiuneM of Vision, Noteee
In the 1 1 end; the vital liutd
iHHinir uuuiiserved In lite
uriiie.aud many utliei: diseaae that lead to Irsaully
''l" sreetofurfelt Flvellnndred
k'I'sl K ATI V K Hinder his smiIh1 udvlce and Ireav
ineiiliwlll not ctin-: or for snyihlim Impure or Injurl-
fulind III It. IlK. MIMTIK treats all prlval
disease uc-efiill.v wit limn mercury. 'anuliaiiia
i. r . 'mm ol this It ml the s 1 1 .si. ssso
free. Thomuitn exHliiliiauou ami aovir.-, ............a
analysis nl urine, smsi. Price of VIliU Kealorallv
;iou'a Isittle, or four times Ihe quantity, fin on; sent to
any address upon rwelpt of price, orC.O. l).,itecui
Iromohservatloiiiandin private name. If
1 1 Kearny sirevl, him Fmnelsce, CuL
FIIKETH lirl, cures all klnili oi kidney awl
llladdcr I (inipiiunts, iliuiorrlKeii, Olect, lucorrho-al
Fur sale hy all dru;KWU; si a buttle, six bottlns fur at.
the best nod chest.! IU si'KI'st A and if I uuis
cure In the market. For sale by all driiMlst".
IIIIIH.t, liftVin IV.i 1 nriiaiiu, wi.. .ur.
All orders for Medicine C O. II. must he accompsr
lu,lililiatl OOiasauuaritlitee of kiskI faltii.J wloc
will hediM ucted when Ihe pacKiure is i
i shipped.
immmu uscuJ5. 1B7.
For isle everywhere-il 00.
sui. neuTri, s n wrr Ti -
N. 1T Tklrd l, Pertlaa'd, Or.,
Blaier, Slows. Wllaaa. Davis. AataasaU.
Herat Mt Jekaeaud Uoaaekeld Hewing ks-Hinee.
riealiif MachUies rtire.l and warranted lor oiie
year. All kinds ol Bewhif Mat hi us Keeule Attaca
nieuts. Oils, sic
nnirr I ICT of bomeofthb articlct
I A.l'lteTa,. lO. FlrM at. Fertlaad, Or.
Parisian Uiamoiid Narf I'ln friiui wm
Udvs Rolled Oold Enameled StawipValfl J w to
laii v s French (ill! Hhawl Itn J J
liei is' Separable Htuds and Mleeve Buttona iSc to I
" collar Huimiia IJclo iw
Pn French, (illt Ve-l Chains .....4oc to 2 9
Fine Rolled Oold Vest Chains, newest , ,
F.neTSed ( i.'.ld 'Hl ", "
If you cannot come send on your money end try
an" one arifcle. Bent free to any address lu Oreo or
Beaver, Otter, Fisher, Mink. Martin. oori stc,
and maklii the buslnes a Snanclal succes,can be ob
taiued by appljluf iwltb stamp) w MivTKt(
MouWomery Avem
OTltw hauFraoUoo,CsJ
5 -&Ji:XBJlm.