nn G CTY 1 1, H ESTABLISHED FOR THE DI5SEMATI0N OF DEMR1TIC PRINCirLES, AND TO EARN AN HONEST LIVING BY THE U EAT OP Ola BROW WHOLE NC 736 EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ID, 1881. $2.50 per year 1)1 ADVANCE (The Cugtne City (Buarfl. L L. CAMFUKLL J. . t'AMPBKU. CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers and Proprietors. OFFICE On the East side of Willamette Street between Seventh and Klflith Street OCK ONLY KA.TK3 OB' ADVKKTISINO. Adertlemetita Inserted m followa: On ninare, 10 line or less, one Insertion SS; each sutMwiuent iuaertion L C'aah reiiuired in ""Timrklverteri will be clian-ed at the bl owing rate: M Out ii-nare three months N " " iix month 8 II II .. ear .. 1'ran.Uat notiues in local column, 20 cent jwr In for each insertion. Advertising Mils will be rendered quarterly. All job work. mut be r.vn roa o I'tLivtHV. POSTOFF1CE. tfflfe Hour - From T a. m. to 7 p.m. Bands?! i. m ISO to iV P- .i, i .t ll.il arris from the oth an-I learea jolni- north 10 a m. Axmea from the north an.l W-ava. if.iiiK . nil it 1SS o. m. for Siuiilaw, franklin ami Jonir f.. cloie at ".- WtUaea-i.-f. Ko, Crawford. ill' Camp Creak an Brown.Tiilr at I r.u. VitUra will be rovtr forneliverf half an hour aftr , malof train.. I-elter. .hould be left at the utnee ...kor before PATTF.RKO P. . SOCIETIES. . vt & v Mini A II KPOUKI nono i "! , ," vu Brat and third Wenedajr la each Math. K4o. 8rmrr hdtti i-onoK no. w . . Rv .WjO. K. MeeUery laewiaT uttoios;. U on th Id and 4th Wednesday in each month. Euurss Lonus, No. 15, A. O. V. W. Meeu t Maaonic Hall tli second and fourth Fnday. in each month. j M S oA!) M W DR, JOHN NICKLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, (Formerly of Yamhill County.) JtESIDENCE-Upstaini, over ('has. JHoru'a gunsmith shop. A. W.PATTERSOX, PHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON, Office on Nlntli Street, opposite the St. Charlea Hotel, and at Kenldcnte, KUOKWK CITY OHKOON. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN UK FOUND AT HISOFFICK or rw yidenco when not professionally engiii-ed. Olfiee at the POSTOFFICK DllUtl STOllK. Kesidence on Eighth street, opp-ialte Presby terian Church. JEWELRY 1 STAliLIijllMKNT. J. S. LUCKEY, DEALER IN Clocks, Waches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc, Umpiring Promptly Executed. taT All Work Warranted. J.S. LUCKKY, Kll ..rth k Co. 'a brink Willamette street. A. LYNCH.- JAS. PACE. LYNCH & PAGE, In Dorris' Brick Buflding. PEACKKit IS Groceries i Provisions, Will keep on hand a general wwirtmeiit of (Iroceriea, Provinions, Cured Me:iU, Tolracco, Ciiiarn, fandiea, t'andliK, Soi, oti"iis. Gre.it and Dried Fruit, Wood and Willow Ware. Crockery, Etc l!iiirreM will le conducted on a CASK HASIS. Which nieaiiH that Low Prices are Established fjoorfi drlirrrrd vrltliont liargc to Buj'ri ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED Vr which we will ly the ,rice. ll'M n x 1 A ELLSWORTH & CO., J KIT Ct GIST, 11TILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in f f mi in. i'i . - - - . - q Increaaed inducemenU to cuntomem, old and n.w. A heretofore, me morn Careful attention civen to Prescripions. p BOCKBIIt-Ihalleerful'of GROCERIES & PR0V1SI0VS AndinriUth. "'dvZ-uuuv . wlt in four ow town. Term, u l lioutllt HEADQUARTERS Eugene City Bide & Pur Depot For the present I can be found at T. . G. HENDRICKS. I am now buying all the runs, hides offered at the best Cash. I hope to see and customers before selling their Pelts. D. HYMAK The largest stock ol goods in Lane Co Is now on Sale at ft mm And tliCse arc a fow.of the Bai ferod lor CASH : . iri'i. il....l....tu fin- fil hit rwiir. .Met' in" i)iiuii m . i i limeade Dress Coods for 1" ds per yd. Cood Cashmere, full width, SO cts per yard. 15roe ade Silks from $1 25 up THE Nest Assortment in the BOOTS AND SHOES! Ladies Kid Tuition Ladies Kiii Fox Ijitdles California Calf Childreus California Calf Men's California Pioot.s .Men's Cood Heavy l'.oots Men' Calf Hoots Ladies IVhled ISuUoued Shoes. Clctliiiiff Cheaper than any o flier House Give me a call and New Departure TErVO PRICES I CASH AM) ITI!nNIETHEMENWlIOlIELPT SCHOOL Httl'SES, whose interest are spend their profits at home. Take notice that- A V. Will ell goI for CASH at greatly reduced Pst PrinU lb and 1 yanla f 1 00 Pest Hrown and Lloached Muslins, 7, 8, 9, and 10 cU Clark, and Prooke ooI ootton 75 ct per Dot PUin and Milled Flrnnela, 25, 35: 45 and 50 eta. Water Troo , cetU fin. Whit Shirta. 75 eta and tl. And all Other Coods at Proportionate Rat Ali the Celebrated WHITK SK rVIXG MACHINE ' one letter for strenirth, ttr, and duraldlity). . k... .... i..j l, i If , nv time !t u.. otl.-n.. thii full credit ell rtatv.XiuH A,.lt,lUM and tallow, market price, in all my old friends gains of i I,adics undiT Vests A lir'c iissdrtiiicn t from .r0 ets up of Trimiii'' Silks ? cts to 1 I'.'l ier yard. A tine line of l loosiiry, all jiriccs Overalls from TiO ctJ up. City of . ...at from 82 up .from SI 2") up . .from $1 50 up from $1 up 50 worth . ....!?:150 toi?r worth o $2 up Save him f t 08.333Ta?, KUILD Ynl'lt P.lflDCES, l DS AND your interests ! Are peiuiaueii4j,.ttte,i a, 1 PETERS, j.rices, as low a any other CASH 8T1 Fine Cheviot Shirts. .W, "5 eta and New Assortment DreRe (Jool (No 20 and Zri eta. )15, Mens' Underwear, Shirts and Drawely) ,.t Meiia'Overshirta, 7-r cts. and 81. Mens' Overall, SO.fifi, 75 eta and 1. Embroideries and Edwins at Kabul Low 1 1'rii-es. At greatly r. .In. ! rate.. tlifv wi.h to ri CASH itrAr. I will MONEY -' KlTOKNK CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AI.EXAIF.I. J. n.-.lutice(.f the IVm-e South KuKi'iiv lWinit:oHice at Court limine. AliKAMS, W. H. A l'.liil. - I'laniiii,' will, a.h, door, Mind and nioiil.liiu; iiciiiufiu-torr, P.ifc'hth Htre. t, eiit .if mill ,-,.. Kverythiiuf in our lino furnished on nhort notice uud reiuMiniilile terni. HOOK STOlti: One d.M.r mmth of the At.ir House. A full stock of aniorted lix p;iu m plain ami fancy. CHAIN l'.KOS. -lVnler in .Jewelry, Wnt.li en, CliK'ka and Musical lntniuiit Wil lainette street. Mwcen Seventh and KiB-lith. C.M.l.ISON", I!. (!. IVuler in ikviim, pro vision, country irodiico,cnuiieil pHuli, hooka, atatii'iiery, etc., noutiiwest inrncr Willamette and Uth Stx. lOI!lMS, CKO. It. Attorney mid Counsellor at Law. Ollico on Willamette ntrci t.. Ku trne City. DOUKIS, II. F.- 1 Valor iu Stoves and Tin wan1-Willamette afreet, hetween Seventh and Ki'litli. Kl.l.SWOKTH & CO. -Drnwistaand denlera in painty oilH, etc. Willaiuctto street, U' tween Kihth and Ninth. FK1KND1.V S. II. -Dealer in div pnuls, cUhiui; uud general men liandise Willam ette street, between Kih'lith and Ninth. (U'AKD OKF1CK Newspaper. 1-iok uud joli printiiij;otlice, corner WilliinieUeiimlScvinth streets. t;il.l .J. P. -Physician, Surgeon and Dhik' (fist, l'ostoliice, Willamette a net, lietwcen Seventh mid F.hth. HAYS, PiOl'.T. Wines, l,iiitors, and Ci tars of the hest ipiality kept constantly on hand. The best billiard talile in town. HKNDKICKS. T. U.-ealei in general iner cliamlise -northwest comer W illamette and Ninth .itreeta. HODKS, ('. Keeps on hand tine wines, lii tiors, near ami a pool and billiard table; Willamette street, between Kilith and Ninth. HOHN, ('HAS. M.-IJunsiuith. Piflca and ahnt-KUiia, breech ami inuzle londers, for sale. Hepa'rintf done in the neatest style mid war ranted. Shop on lull street. LYNCH, A (Iroeeries, provisions, fruits, veg etables, etc., Willamette street, first door south of l'ostoliice. LJ'CKKY, J. S. -Watchmaker and .Jeweler; keeps a tine stock of iimls in his line, Willam ette street, in Kllsworth's drug store. MeCLAKKN, J A MKS Choice, w ines,li.pi,rs, and ciirars- Willamette street, between Kihth and Ninth. OSIiUKN t CO. Dealers in dnnpi, inedicines. cheuiicals, oils, paints, otc Willamette st., opposite S. Charles Hotel. PATTKUSON, A. S.'-A fiuo stock of plain and fancy visiting cards. PKKSTON, WM. -Dealer in Raddlerv, Har ness, Carriage Trlinniin, etc. Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth, POST OFFICE -A new stock of standanl school books just received at the post ollice. HEAM, .J. It. Undertaker and building con tractor, corner Willamette and Seventh streets. liOSENULATT & CO.-Div l-ikmIs. dothiui: grcHeries and general merchandise, southwest corner Vt lllaniette ami highth streets. ST. CHAIM.ES HOTEL - Charlaa lin ker, Proprietress. The best Hote in the :ity. Corner Wilhunette and Ninth streets SCHOOL SUPPL1ES-A huge ami varifd assortment of slates of all sii s.ainl ipiiiutities of jlatos ami slate -ImokH. I hive doors uoi tli of the express ollice. THOMPSON 1SEAN - Attorneys aM.aw- Willatnetto street, between Seventh and Ku-hth VrAN HOUTEN. I!. C. - Agent for Wells, Fargo Una. Express; lnsuneiceilf'icted in the most responsible companies at satisfac tory rates. WALTON, J. Attorney at-I.aw.' Ollice- illainette street, betw een Seventh anil Eiirhth. Children ron FifchefQ 'astoda. Mother like and Phyalciana rooommond it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. ckxtaui: li xm i:nts ; !h? "World's ftrwit I'aiii-K -lioviii"; H-inodii's. Tlicy Ih-q!, sioollio anil cure IJiirns, Wounds, Wcuk I:itk and JJlieiiinatisiii upon .Man, mid Sprains, Galls mid Lameness .r.pon llcasts. Clwap, iiiitk and reliable. EPURTS ct iHf:ntinr; Elucua, Cnolaoi. Crackliu Paiua la tUa Head, re Lid Ereatli, DeaTnobb, and nny Catarrhal Complaint, can oe exterminated hj Wei Do Meyer's Catarrh Core, a Consti tutional Antidote, by Absorp tion The most Important Dia covery since Vaccination. poll ,tt.HflltM)liK Co T. C. HENDRICKS. VKH' timiU'H OV II A1H ,e lt i 1 and lari-'est ever brought V Lu''i.e.i Fl: I K.SOL VS. JAN JUAN LIMB for sale bv T. ;. H EMI; ! 'KS .uUltllW;. A'Mn- I SI I A....U-U, 11 fa W STATU N1AVS. The Palles dephires the preseneo of several women who are in the liahii of drinking to intoxication. It is expected that tlm new Metho dist church nt Astoria w ill he ready for occupancy iliout. New Years. Ceo. lVrrick of I'nmtilla county 1ik' l,5i)t) pounds (if potatoes from three. quarters of tin neres of ground. Mr. llatiley lust week m,hl to Cin Lin, a celestial miner from Applegnte, fifty hogs, nvera-inj; 300 ihhiiuIs ench iu weight. (ieorge McNulty, son of dipt JIc Nulty, is lying sick with small pox iu the Italics. The enso is issolated iu uitiiii us possiiilo ami the patient is doing well. A Land of horses immU-riug SS head la-longing to the estate of II. ,1. Wul (Iron, were sold nt auction in the Ihilles last week. Tim nverngo price was $50 per head. The amount to lie raised Ly Multno mah county this liseal year in the wuy taxes, is over $222,000, a Mini which certainly ought to run that county in pretty good shape. A joint stock company has been formed to luiild a public hall in Pen dleton. A building 10x100 feet will be erected, costing about $2,000. The shares are $50 each, all of which have been, subscribed. On tlm 7th inst., Fred Miller died nt his home on tho John Day river, whilu while watering his stock at tho barn. He was in his usual health and died without a moment's warniiio. Heart disease is the stated cause. The following entries were inado nt Thn Dalles land ollice during October: Timber culture, thirty entries; pre emption filings, thirty nine; homestead entries, twenty-two cash entries, eight Tho totid aggregate, 18,000 acres. Heppner has had one case of small pox. The victim was.Miss Nancy Ynr lott, n young lady about 20 years old. It is not not known how she. contracted the disease, unci of the nuim-rous per sons exposed, none havo taken it from her. A child of Hew J, M. Mclntiro of Hubbard, Linn county, was fatally pois oued on the 7th, by the mother mistak ing morphine for iiininc and minimis tering a dose of the former. Tho child lived but two hours after taking tho medicine. It is stated that thero am "15,000 bushels of grain uiuliresliwl in the country above Sheridan when the rains began, and only a small portion of it was saved as merchantable grain. This is a, discouraging event for one little section. , Messrs. A. Sanders and Levi Hob bins, of Mulalla 1'iairie, drove a lino lot of hogs to Messrs. Albright ,fc Lojj us, Oregon City, last week. Tho for mer had IS which averaged 270 pounds) and the latter 1 1 with an average of 2'J8 pounds each. Marly last Sunday morning a largo fir tree near the home of John Hin derman of Highland was struck by lightning and n piece about sixty feet lung was torn nway from '.he main body and left hauuin". Some distance from there a dead tree was also struck and shive'cd into fragments. Travel has now almost ceased for this year across the licbanon inoun-l tain road, and very few more will at tempt the trip before the mad opens next spring. Walter McCee, the keeper of the gate at Canyon creek, says that the number of wagons pass ing that point was 75.S and that the t'dl collected aiiiount.-il to n little ovr 2,000. The store of Kveit A Histad situa ted on the Meadows, Umatilla, was burned recently and all its contents destroyed with the (ixccption of about 50O worth of goods which were gotten out. The loss is about' 9,500 with no iniirauce. The fire originated by one of the employees going into a back room after night with a lighted candle i to get some rope. Inle there lie ac cidentally set tire to a curtain. The lire spread ntpidly and the building la--in" nt wiine di-ilttice from any other bun.- it was wrapa-d iu tbuues U fore help could arrive.. Tb.anks;ivin rrorlnmntloai It has long been tho pious custom' of our pertj.lt' with the closing of tho year to look Wk upon the blessings) brought to thnn m the changing couroa of seasons and to return solemn thanks) to the nil giving Hource from- whom-' they (low, nnd although at thin period,, w hen the falling leaf admonishes ca that (he time of our sacred duty is at hand, our nation lies in tho ahadovr of a great Wrenvi-ment, the mourning which tills our hearts finds uh sorrow-' fill toward the (lod la-fore whoiu wo-' but lately Lowed in grief nnd suppli cation, yet the countless lienetitH wliich have showered upon us during the post 12 mouths cull for our fervent grati tude and make it fitting that we should rejoice with thankful hearts that tho Lord iu his infinite mercy lias most signally favored our people and coun-' ti y. lVaco without nnd prosperity within have liecn vouchsafed to us, no-' pestilence litis visited our shores, tho abundant privileges of freedom whit-hour fathers left us in their wisdom are still our increasing heritage, and if in parts of its vast domain soma af fliction has visited our brethern in tliuir " forest homes, yet oven this calamity has Wii tempered and in a manner sanctilh-d by n generous compassion for the Kufl'erers w liich has been called forth throughuut our land. For all thesa things it is meet that tho voico of tho nation should go up to God' in' devout homage. Therefore I, Chester' Ai Arthur, president of the United States do recommend that all people observo Thursday, tho 24 tli day of November,, as a duy of national thanksgiving and' prayer, by ceasing so far as 'may be from their secular labors and meeting in their several places of worship, thoro to join ascribing honor and praiso to Almighty (Jod whoso goodness has been so manifest in our history and in our lives, and offering our honest pray ers that his bounties may continue to us nnd our children. In witness whereof, etc. CHESTER A. AUTIIlJli.. Ity the president: Jas. (!. P.LAiNE, Secretary of Stat a. Much excitement lias prevailed in linker county relative to tho death and suhscicnt disposal of the remains of J S. Winn at linker City some days 'ago. As soon as Mr. Winn was taken sick he sent for his mother, in La Grande, to come to him, and in the meantime making affidavit before Judge Elmer that ho had not sullirient means for his immediate necessities, ho was placed in the earo of Dr. llrown, keeper of the county poor. lloforo Mrs. Winn reached linker City he was buried. Upon her arrival sho decided to ' haver the remains removed to La Grande; but was horrified to find that they hud been taken away, the collia having been broken in from the top. Search was immediately instituted, and after several days the corpse was foond bur ied iu Dr. Atvvood's barn, alongside tho manger, in a perfectly nudo' Btato. It was brought o La Grande and received decent burial on Tuesday. Tho friends of the deceased were amply ablo to havo cared for liim had they beon prop erly informed of his condition. A. J. P.uck lins a curiosity on exhi bition in Oregon City. It is about the sir.e of an Indian pestle, but carved on both ends and on one side. Oa the side is a good representation of a heart, 1 1 was probably a small idol and wo found, as wore also some huge teeth1 that are with it, about sixty feet be low tho surface) of tho ground, where the excavations are lieing madfl'or tho railroad at the Cascades on tho Colum bia, Alfred Wilson, who lives near Sher idan, killed a largo black bear recently after a fight of several hours. He waa aided in tne battle by five dogs, aH of them ln-fng fearfully torn fit the strug gle, his wife, two daughters, and finally' a man, came to the rescue. As told' by a corresjiondeiit, it was one of the most famous lear fights of modern times. A large panther was also killed! near the same place shortly after. The foulest monopoly in the land' rniubiiiatic.il of six firms now control the' I whole poultry trade of. tin South.