The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 20, 1881, Image 6

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war saorT.
"OhE? Ucuto(d4
Ui-hau hit art aoiaalnf,!
0 ftis. :a twra I .T
H at o & now,
W.! (rah wul wiaii r blown,
Ao4 U 4no4 Kit yooiLM brow
Tty err?ul lijht m rSowitf I
tdwirl, is,
Tb raikc rcaic( aait
Tin kid bneht oa Aira't Uk6
Anwlte from ty dfmmt t
Mil i.e ko,
Wj aeanrt friraJ, I pry
Tkt t9-10 eras tharci! mk.
Ytaaid'H om bow
I air h bOVwi war
I m ttea kaOf bi(h :
But to g .iEpM of a furUxr Ctort
Hu iti 1 auaiaiez eje.
B:r a4 what Ohj b.-j-
0( !; jWt bfToad.
Tars btck froa tettjwtox urj
T lit ewa aativs bail.
"It it vol iota bat psia
Tai r;r fa to lay bwat
r:;y, Uwantroawsjaia ;
1 cav kt tac irt."
Co kc j Jock, tfcsl nr rrpruTol ma
For U. w I tot bear
(hi Bsve kok of miier.Lf moved nx
Aa4. twUca dxrk. taetxaric
y; d.t-tioa wy ;
'm a t en A farther gracing
ei.ntl my tool thai awful dy.
r!d, at of J. the tw sun wtlinr ;
gunk 10 fo Um twi:hl bntm ;
Summer dt Ml softly, veUicg
Gltc s4 (!ad, and Kleat tree.
Tbc I t era bfia to weary.
We jitd beoaalb a nwrtal lf p;
And tie r rU jtvw Uraaplr dreary,
Cl'rtid'wJ, ereB u they would weep.
But they wept not, and Uy changed n.,
Never moral and sever eioted;
Tmubled still, aod Mill Uey rLfd no
Wuxiered not. nor yet repoted I
So I knew llial k wu dy ins,
Stooped, ad raited bia Uajuid bead ;
Felt lo breath, aod beard bo sighing,
bo I Leard that be wit dead.
tbi semen or fOLOl HEAL15G.
Abont 20 yeut ago Gen. PlMutaotoD
began acd eontioaeJ aerie of eipeh
manta to detormine the effect of bin
light npoc animal and vegetable growth.
Many Terr remarkable reanlta were pro
duced, ty placing few pane of bine
glasa among the ordinary glaai of bot
housea, the plants were made to grow
with rapiditT oarer before equalled by
any process of' plant culture. Animali
aiao were found to outstrip all competi
tor!, when placed for part of each
day under blue glaae. Application of
bine light waa toon male to human be
ing, and here, too, in many case, the
effects far excelled all expectation.
Other aeientiflo men had given the
object much attention, and there i now
considerable literature published by
them, ail confirming the idea that differ
ent colors produce vastly different ef
fects upon human beings, animals and
plant. Most of these rose arches, how
ever, concern red and blue light, giving
leaa attention to yellow; still leas to mix
tare, and almost none at all to other
colors, and the influence which exist in
the solar spectrum beyond the luminous
or visible part.
Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt, of New York,
baa gathered allarailablo information on
this subject and woven it into a large
and comprehensive system of hi own,
giving the effect of all the different
colors and combinations, as well a the
influence of the dark portions of the
spectrum, and building up a system
which, supported a it U by reliable testi
mony and experiments, must be regard
ed aa very remarkable and worthy the
attention tl scientific men in general and
medic-el men in particular.
It U my purpose in this paper to give
a very brief outline of the more promi
nent joint of hi conclusions. I Intend
merely to say enough to draw your atten
tion to the matter, after which you can
give it such attention as seem best to
you. X j brief notice could do justice
to the many pbaaee which he presents, so
I Uke principally from one or two chap
ters, the idea and direction which ap
ply !erticclarly to the effect of different
1. In general.
2. I' pon animal and vegetable growth.
3. I pon disease.
When tho ordinary sunlight is sepa
rated by a prism, we have the well
known rainbow colon, from red to
violet. It is well known, also, that cer
tain influenoes extend both way beyond
this visible spectrum. The investigation
of Babbitt and other have shown, that
the invisible spectrum is fully ten times
a great as the visible part. Babbitt says
that the influence of the visible color
are repeated in the dark portions, like
the octaves of key on a piano, and in
modified, form, and accordingly call
them octaves of color.
In regard to the heating power of the
different color, it is easily tested by
holding thermometor for a given time
in each one. According to Sir II. En
glofield, if the mercury rise 1 degree in
given tiiiiS in blue light, it will rise,
under the same circumstances in green,
4 degrees, in yellow, 6, in red, 10, and in
tho dark portion just bolow the red, 1H.
Thus the heating power at one part of
the spectrum is 18 times as great as at
The greatest light of the spectrum is
in the yellow, diminishing rapidly both
The greatest electricity is near the vio
let color.
Thus we have three leading qualities
. - - f V '"O WW
places on the visible spectrum, heat at
one end, light near the middle, and
electricity at the other end.
These point are matters of science
and one would think, need not have
waited so long for practical application.
Heat, we know is stimulating to flesh
and blood of the body, and light is
stimulating to the nerves, while elec
tricity is just the opposite, cooling and
soothing. Now since these influence,
heat, light and elnctricity are found in
variably with certain color in the spec
trum, it seems very natural to look for
the effect of these agencies upon any
auimtanoe wnicn might te placed within
e placed within I
If, therefore, a '
their ref-pejtive limit
mm. iaeoli. let bias get into wd
fjVhi- if be U deficient eesaibilitv of
Brrea, give bun yellow; ana if too ex
,.iU nr too warm, let him take blae.
Experiment ia tbi direction have
abundantly confirmed the most aanuine
expectations, uvleej have far excelled
Seeirg these influence always associ
ated with certain colors ia the spectrum.
itreaniredbctaatep to associate iceca
with the eclor out of the spectrum, any
la this matter. Babbitt has
probably gone far ahead of all others.
We find many common expressions
whkh are in keeping with tbi principle,
although they came into use, we might
say, involuntarily, certainly without
reference to any connection with visible
phenomena. Thus we speak of the 'heat
of passion," and it is not to be supposed
. - . 1 1 .
tht toe wora - oeax was ui uiuw
passion produce both beat and redness.
We speai of "the warmth of love," "a
warm, loving heart," etc., and we know
that these aen-sations always tend to ac-
nlrat the heart action, and eone
quently produce beat and color. We
speak of the "coolnes" of reason. Also
of the flashing of the eye, thus
associating the words light, nerve,
fu.h All these idea are singularly con
firmed bv the finer sight of certain
sensitive nerve. The experiment of
Von Tifhenbach are. perhaps best
known in this connection, sensitive
persons actually see certain colors em
anating from the body, and these colors
aa described by them with approximate
uniformity eonespond with the reoog-
nixed principle 01 anatomy, iney aee
blue coming from the forehead, where
the reasoning power of the brain, are
upDosed to center; yeiiow, green ana
white, exauisitelr blended over the top
of the head, supposed by phrenologist
to represent the devotional nature; and
dark red from the base of the brain.
here both anatomy and phrenology
place the animal part of our nature.
However much or little importance is
attached to these visions of sensitive peo
ple, thsy are, at least, very interesting,
aa being exactly in the line of the general
effect of light and color already hinted
The next step in the consideration of
color, is to suppose that the effect of any
substance may be known in some degree
by iU color. That this is largely true,
may be shown by numerous example.
First, however, a word i necessary as to
the manner of estimating a color, since
many things are transparent. It is done
bv the spectrum. The substance being
burned, the prevailing spectrum tint
are taxing as it predominating color.
Now take a few example:
commencing with red, we find in the
word of tte L. S. Dispensatory:
Cayenne Pepper fruit scarlet, some
time yellow orange effect, arterial
stimulant and rubefacient.
Bromine red liquid, caustic, irritant.
Iron preparations are mostly radish,
and the effect are tonic to the arterial
Alcohol red from it hvdrogenl which
give red spectrum lines) and certainly
Many other example are given, but
these are enough to show the general di
rection of Dr. Babbitt' investigation.
Take yellow and orange, and we find
also a singular unanimity of color and
effect Anything which stimulate the
nerve, aa well a the circulation, will
produce the effect known aa emeue,
cathartic, diuretic, diaphoretic, etc., ac
cordingly we haver
Lobelia yellowish liquid, emetic, ca
thartic, diphoretic.
Indian Hemp Teiiowian Drown.
emetic, cetnartic, diuretic.
Tartar Emetic yellow, orange and
red in the spectra of its elements emetic,
cathartic, diuretic, diaphoretic.
Colonuth, flowers and npe fruit, yel
low A powerful hydragogue cathartic.
Castor oil, yellowish aiud cathartic.
Sulphur, yellow Laxative diaphore
The more red is mixed with yellow the
more violent becomes the cathartic ac
tion. For example,
Gambage, reddish orange Powerful
drastic cathartic.
Croton oil. varies from pale yellow to
dark reddish brown Powerfully cathar
Chubarb. yellow, with reddish brown
tinge Cathartic and astringent.
Ijet these examples suOlce lor yellow
and red. Take a few from substances of
blue color. If the same principles holds
good, we may expect to find from blue
substances such effects aa are indicated
by the words, astringent, refrigerent,
febrifuge, sedative. Accordingly we find
our old friend aconite, flowers violet
blue a powerful nervous sedative and
anodyne; long familiar to us aa an arterial
Belladonna, combine yellow, red snd
purple in its plant, or spectra, and is
therefore both stimulating and sedative.
Acid Most of the acids have blue,
indigo, or violet spectra, and are refrig
erant and astringent.
Ergot Violet brown, yellowish white,
violet, powerfully astringent.
Bo much for the general significance
of color. As to its effect upon animal
and vegetable growth, a few word will
show the general ideas.
It ha been found br experiment by
Robert Hunt, Charles Lawson, and
others, that germination of seed is more
rapid under actinic or electrical ravs,
that is, under blue and violet light,
without any yellow or red, than in ordi
nary sunlight or in the dark. In Law
son s experiments, seeds, which before
had germinated in eight to fourteen
days, under blue glai germinated in two
to five day a.
Also that yellow light prevented
Frof. Hunt says that red light pro
duces rapid evaporation from the soil
and surface of the plant, by It increase
It retards growth, and turns
the leaves reddish brown, and Uus even
if the plant be eiven extra water
General Pleasanton placed one line of
blue panes and seven of ordinary glas
alternately in the roof of hi grapery
He then ot out twenty grape cuttings
one year old of the size of a pipe stem,
and in five months they were forty-five
feet long and one inch in diameter.
Others of the same varieties, in ordinary
sunlight, having good care, in the same
lime attained a length of five feet, with
scarcely an increase of diametor. The
next year General Pleasanton witnessed
even a more remarkable growth and hsr-
vested about IM) pounds of fine grapes
from the original twenty cuttings, after
vetted about VJW pound of fine gra
onlr seventeen month' crowth. The
next year they yielded 40U0 pounds.
This went on to the time of writing, nine
year, the vines being healthy and
stron:. Other case are given, but let
these suffice.
Tne effect npoc unhealthy plant i
equally marked. When house-plants are
drooping and unthrifty they may be re
rived in two or three da v by throwing
over them a blue vail, such as ladies
wear, and exposing to sunlight
Animal bfe is also subject to great
modification by the use of different
colors. Increase of beat tends to pro
duce animalcuLe in air and water, while
decrease of beat has the opposite effect
Acting upon this known principle, pro
fessional gardener near liostoo, alter try
ing in vain all the expedients in hi
knowledge to prevent insect from eating
his vonnz plant, finally made some
small frames like soldiers' tent and cot
ered them with blue gauze. Placing
these over a part of the seed, the others
were left exposed, and the result wu that
while the exposed plant were eaten a
soon as they began to grow, those under
the blue tent escapea entirely, mis
was manr times repeated.
On the other hand, when animal a
pigs or calve, were placed nnder a lim-
f. 1 1 : L . .1 ,v
Ilea supply 01 iias ugui, uieir grv tu
was rapid beyond ail precedent.
Thus we tee that undiluted actinism,
or more properly electricity, i unfavor
able to animal growth, while a proper
proportion, combined with ordinary
light, develop a condition which greatly
favors it
I must hasten to say a word about
color effect as applied to the practical
treatment of diseases.
Bed light, a we have seen, is the
warming element of sunlight, and pro
duces a rousing effect upon the blood,
and when accompanied by a small
amount of vellow rays, stimulate the
nerve as well, and ia useful in such dis
eases as are characterized by a slow cir
culation and impaired sensation. Thus
a red orange color will be indicated in
paralysis, consumption, general exhaus-
tion, sluggish bowel, etc., and contra
indiated when there i an excess of
heart-action, inflammation, or fever.
Case of all these are given, but would
occupy too much space if detailed here.
Lxpenmenu with, the insane have
fully confirmed the principle already
given. In a trench asylum violent
and maniacal patients, when placed in
rooms where the red light predom
inated, became worse. If removed to a
blue room they became quiet. A
woman whose delirium had become
greatly aggravated by a red room, be
ing taken to a blue room, exclaimed,
"Oh, how soothing it is!" and soon fell
Many case of this kind might be
given, but will occupy too much time.
It is much to be desired that physi
cians in charge of insane people would
give them the benefit of this wonder
ful influence which is poured upon the
earth in unlimited quantities by the
great King of Day.
The mean employed lor the applica
tion of colored light to given cases are
very simple. For chronic cases, patient
not confined to bed, place three or four
panes of glas of the required color, in
a sunny window, and have the person sit
in the mixed light much of the time.
Complaints of limited extent, as sensi
tive spine, or rheumatic inflammation of
a limb, may have blue light applied di
rectly to the skin. If immediate relief
of pain is required, use Babbitt's five-
inch lens, focussing the color a pon a
particular spot. For sluggish bowels
focus yellow-orange light upon the abdo
men. In the absence of glass, use col
ored clothing. A person who is sensi
tive to sunlight should wear blue lining
in the hat. One cf general sensitiveness
might wear blue undershirt A cold per
son should wear yellow and red. In a case
of consumption, with sensitive
head and rapid pulse, I di
rected the patient to be placed
in the sunlight, with blue covering for
the head and heart, while the whole
trunk was covered with red, half an
hour to two hours at a time, daily. The
good effect was soon apparent.
Another verv interesting and import
ant feature of the subject is that water or
other substances exposed to the influence
of colored light, become charged with
it properties and may thus be given in
ternally for conditions which call for
that color. Sugar of milk
thus treated becomes an im
portant remedy, and is the odo-mag-
netic sugar, or od-sugar, advertised by
Dr. Bohland.
The foregoing are but hint. The sub-
iect is too large for a single paper,
enough has perhaps been said to direct
attention to it and the methods pointed
out with sufficient accuracy to enable
physicians to follow them.
"A Wiltshireman" write to the editor
of the London Daily New a follow
sir: The wasteful way in which thi
delicious vegetable is cut and conse
quently brought to table ia a striking
example of the loss the public suffers,
and apparently without complaint, in
conformity to custom. When I see in
the London markets the handsome bun
dles of large "grass," about six -seventh
of which are white and uneatable, and
only one-seventh eatable, and know that
the same length might be sold for the
same price, all eatable, I cannot but re
gret the sad loss and waste of COO per
cent on this article of food. The evil
arises from cutting the asparagus too
soon and below the surface of the beds.
I allow mine to grow eight or nine inches
above the ground, and thus obtain seven
to eight inches of green tops, the whole
of which is eatable and of good flavor.
Asparagus should be cooked standing in
bundles in the pot. with the tops just
above water to prevent their being over
dose whilst the steas us sciHn CvO&cu
sufficiently. If any of your readers who
grow asparagus will try this plan of cut
ting and cooking they will find they have
saved the large percentage I have men
tioned; and better knowledge on the
part of the publio would soon bring
green and eatable instead of white and
uneatable asparagus to market"
"If you find a locomotive rushing at
vou, says a trgima authority, spring
into the air and come down on the cow
catcher." Thi might injure the cow
catcher. A better plan would be to jump
into the air aod let the train pas nnder
you. it require a mue practice at arsv.
Norriatowa Herald.
I stall Bitwi ! Fraice.
Many Englishmen will learn with con
siderabl satisfaction that a strong feel
ing is being stirred abroad against the
wanton massacre of small birds. As long
as the bird are netted and shot to a per
fect! v unlimited extent in trance and
ItaJv on their war to and from their win
ter quarter, our own measures for their
preservation cannot prevent their dimin
ution even in this country, and the case
is of course much worse with conn trie
lika Aiutria and Germ an v.
According to two articles just pub
lished in the Cologne Gazette, which are
obviouslv written by some one well ac-
ouainted with the south of France, the
destruction of the small birds U pursued
at all time of the Tear in the most
wholesale and barbarous manner. The
two seasons in which shooting license
are granted are in the north of France
from the beginning of August to about
the end of January; in the south, from
the middle of August to the same date
a license costing about twenty-three shill
ings. But no license is required for
shooting in small private inelosures. sur
rounded by a wall that Is, in the vast
mass of ordinary gardens; and here
it is that iu the absence of larger
game, small birds are trapped and shot
without let or hindrance all the year
round. The use of net in these in
closures is indeed forbidden; but a no
garde champetre can enter them without
a special order the prohibition has little
or no effect. In the south of France
autumn is the chief time for a general
massacre of the birds of
paassge; but when spring comes, and
the travelers are living north again
they are shot down in numbers as they
gain the French coast from the Mediter
ranean. Among other ingenious artinces
for the destruction of small birds the
system known aa the poste, will hold its
own for deliberate ingenuity. It is a
sort of hut about five yards square, half
hidden in the ground, and when possible
surrounded by evergreen shrubs. One
side is made of wooden planks in which
holes are punched for shooting through.
This hut is built at a few yards' distance
from a group of fir trees, or, in default
of these, post stuck in the ground with
dry branches fastened to the top (cim
eous is the Provincial term) to wave in
the air; and under the branches a num
ber of little cages containing decoy
birds are hung. Most of the latter have
had their eyes put out,especially such as
finches, linnets, etc., which would other
be too timid to sing amid their strange
surroundings. The poor blind things
pour forth their songs to the rays of
the rising sun which they feel but
can not see, and attract their fellows from
the neighboring woods. These blinded
birds are to be had in hundreds at any
bird fancier's in the south of France at
from two to five francs apiece. Some
postes have only a dozen or so decoy
birds to do the work, but others have
hundreds, rich owners sometimes spend
ing 2000 to 3000 francs a year in their
purchase and keep. At sunrise "sports
men" arrange themselves comfortably,
we are told, at their posts, with rugs, a
sofa, a stove sometimes, if the air is
chilly, and apparatus for making coffee.
frequently ladies who delight in the
pastime are of the party. The cages are
hung up, and the birds begin their song.
The gun-muzzles appear at the apertures
of the hut, and as soon as a bird is seen
on the top of the cimeous, drawn clear
against the morning sky, down he goes,
whatever species he may be. the shoot
ing goes on till 9 or 10 o'clock. If many
"sportsmen" are at work twenty to thirty
birds are brought down at a volley.
Good postes yield in the best season often
from 200 to 300 birds a day, of every sort
thrushes, nightingales, linnets, wood
peckers, yellowbammers, blackbirds,
robins, crossbills, field-fares and larks.
Large and small are all shot down alike;
the sweetest singers are not spared, for
all without exception are eaten. Nor is
the postes the only expedient for getting
within shot of the small birds. The
agachoun is a tower, or sort of wooden
scaffolding, with a little platform on the
top, from which flights of birds can be
seen and fired at a they pass; but there
is an element of uncertainty about this,
and it is more fatiguing than the postes,
and hence less popular.
The numbers of birds that are netted
are, perhaps, even greater than those
which are shot. Thrushes and nightin
gales are caught by hundreds in the tesa,
a sort of net which is spread along the
sides of narrow, well wooded lanes, and,
in combination with the inevitable decoy
birds, proves extraordinarily effective.
The means of destruction are so varied
and ingenious that it is only wonderful
that there are any small birds left. The
comparative absence of bird life, which
strikes a traveler in the south of Europe
so disagreeably, needs, at all events, no
furthur explanation. Swallows alone
have been tolerably exempt from perse
cution, not because they are less
esteemed by the jaded palates of
the South, but because of the ex
treme difficulty of shooting them.
Powder in France is so dear that a swal
low is literally not worth powder and
shot. They might, indeed be netted;
but this is forbidden in their case by
law. M. Guibert, Councilor-General of
the Department of the Vauclause, did,
indeed, get this prohibition annulled for
a time by way of doiag his electors a
good turn; but people soon found them
selves threatened with a perfect plague
of gnat and mosquitoes, and the law
was re-established not, however, before
many thousands of swallows had been
taken bv the marshy Bhone banks. Very
similar has been the experience of Swit
zerland, where swallows are now pro
tectedalmost too late, however, to re
pair the mischief that has been done by
heavy fines." Pall Mall Gazette.
Tub Rtos or a Nanon. A Chicago
rag dealer estimates that each of the 50,-
cards an average of five pounds of cloth
ing yearly, which make 250,000,000
pound for the whole. Then, he says,
there are the tailoring establishments, big
and little, whose cutting are not much
less in quantity in the aggregate than the
cast off clothing of the nation at large,
while their quality as rags it greatly su
perior. Then there are carpets and bed
ding and curtains and other domestic
articles of cloth of some kind w hich make
up a goodly bulk in the course of a year.
The different article make up another
200,000.000 pound of cloth material.
Hi estimate ia that one hundred car
load of rag eater and leave Chicago
"Now. my dear," said Mr. Spoopen
dyke, hurrying np to bia wife' room, "if
you 11 come uowu ia vum jmiu 1 to gut a
nleaaant surprise for you."
"What is it?" asked Mr. Spoopendyke;
"what have you got, a horse?
"Guess again, grinned Mr. 8poopen
dvke. "If something like a horse.
"I know! It's a new parlor carpet
Thai s whet it is!"
"No. it isn't, either. I said it's some
thing like a horse; that is, it goes when
you make it. Guess again."
"Ia it paint for the kitchen walls?"
asked Mrs. Spoopendyke, innocently.
"No, it sin t; and it ain't a hogshead of
stove-blacking, nor it ain t a set of dining
room furniture, nor it ain't seven gross
of stationary washtubs. Now guess
"Then it must be some lace curtains
for the sitting-room windows. Isn't that
just splendid?" and Mrs. Spoopendyke
patted her husband on both cheeks and
danced np and down wun oeiigtii.
"It's a bicycle, that's what it is!'
growled Mr. Spoopendyke. "I bought it
for exercise, and 1 m going to ride it
Come down and see me."
"Well, ain't I glad!" ejaculated Mrs,
Spoopendyke. "You ought to have
more exercise, and if there's exercise in
anything it's in a bicycle. Do let's
see it!"
Mr. Spoopendyke conducted bis wife
to the yard, and descanted at length on
the menu of the machine.
"In a few weeks I'll be able to make
mile a minute," he saia, a he steadied
the spparatus against the clothes-post
and prepared to mount. Aow, yon
watch me go to the end or this path.
He got a foot ia one treadle, and went
head first iuto a flower patch, the ma
chine on top, with a prodigious crash.
"Hadn't yon better tie it np to the
post until you get on? suggested Mrs.
"Leave me alone, will ye?" demanded
Mr. Spoopendyke, struggling to an even
keel, "i m doing most 01 this myself.
Now yon hold on, and keep your mouth
shut. It takes a little practice, that's
Mr. Spoopendyke mounted again, and
scuttled along four or five feet, and
flopped over on the grass plat.
"That's splendid!" commended his
wife. "You've got the idea already
Let me hold it for you this time."
"If you've got any extra strength you
hold your tongue, will ye? growled air,
Spoopendyke. It don't want any hold
ing. It ain't alive. Stand back and
give me room, now."
The third trial Mr. Spoopendyke am
bled to the end of the path, and went down
all in a heaD among the flower not.
"That s just too lovely lor anything!
proclaimed Mrs. Spoopendyke. You made
more n a mue a miouie mai ume.
"Come and take it off !" roared Mr.
Spnopendyke. "Help ne up! Dod
gast the bicycle!" and the worthy gentle
man struggled and plunged around like
a whale in shallow water.
Mrs. Spoopendyke assisted in righting
him and brushing him off.
I know where vou make your mis
take," said she. "The little wheel ought
to go first, like a buggy. Try it that
way going back."
ilay be yop can ride this oicycie bet
ter than I can!" howled Mr. Spoopen
dyke. "You know all about wheels!
What you need now is a lantern in your
mouth and ten minutes behind time to
be the Citv Hall clock! If yon had a
bucket of water and a handle you'd make
a steam grindstone! Don't you see the
big wheel has got to go first ?
'lea. dear, murmured airs, spoopen
dyke; "but I thought if you practiced
with the little wheel at nrst, you
wouldn't have so far to fall."
"Who fell?" demanded Mr. Spoopen
dyke. "Didn't you see me step off ? I
tripped, that's all. Now you just watch
me go back."
Once more Mr. Spoopendyke started
in, but the big wheel turned around and
looked him in the face, and then began
to stagger.
Look out" squesled airs, spoopen
Mr. Spoopendyke wrenched away, and
kicked, and struggled, but it was of no
avail. Down he came, and the bicycle
was a hopeless wreck.
"What'd ye want to yell for?" he
shrieked. "Couldn't ye keep your meas
ly mouth shut? "What d'ye thinky'are,
anyhow a fog-horn ? Dod gast the meas
ly "bicycle!" And Mr. Spoopendyke hit
it a kick that folded him up like a bolt
of muslin.
"Never mind, my dear," consoled Mrs.
Spoopendyke. "I'm afraid the exercise
was too violent anyway, and I'm rather
glad you broke it."
"I s pose so. snorted Mr. Spoopen
dyke. "There's $60 gone."
"Don't worrv, love. Ill go without
the carpet and" curtains, and the paint
will do well enough in the kitchen. Let
me rub you with arnica."
But Mr. Spoopendyke was too deeply
grieved by his wife's conduct to accept
any office at her hands, preferring to pun
ish her by letting his wounds smart
rather than to get well, and thereby re
lieve her of any anxiety she brought on
herself bv actini? so ontratreonslv under
the circumstances. Brooklyn Eagle.
Thb Heart or Locis XIY. The
French are made happy by the skull of
Cardinal Richelieu and the heart of Vol
taire being placed in safe keeping. But
would they like to know where the heart
of "le grand monarque" is? It reposes
in Westminster Abbey. An emigre
brought it over with him to England
during the French revolution. Being
hospitably entertained at Newnham, in
Oxfordshire, on his departure he made a
present of the heart to the host. There
it remained for a considerable number of
years as a curiosity. The late Professor
Buckland was on a visit at the house
when the heart was shown to him. It is
well known that the professor during the
later years of his life, was eccentric. The
heart looked like a small piece of dried
leather. The professor handled it, then
he smelt it, then he put it between his
teeth, and then, to the horror of the
spectators, he swallowed it. The re
mains of Professor Buckland repose in
Westminster Abbev. and conseonentlv
in Westminster Abbey reposes the heart
of Louis XIV.
False happiness renders men stern and
proud, and that happiness is never com
municated. True happiness, however,
renders them kind and sensible, and that
kappiaeas is always shared.
Leie Xoiatala.
"City of the 1 Dead." At thy feet lie,
one of the living- city teeming jj
life, with its street crowded with mot
ing, reatleta being, the fall 0f whoJ
feet are ever beard eaotnding and blend
ing with the roar and tumult of it
sea of life.
In that living stream flow the old sad
the voung, the rich and the poor, snd
the happy and the miserable all gliding,
shifting and flitting like the veriest
To-morrow there are those who will be
far away, perhap never to return, and
others who never again will promenade
iU thoroughfares, but will be called to
take np their abode with the silent ponn.
How beautiful, bow happy, how gy
and bright appear her moving thousand
a they troop by at night What joyou
sounds swell upon the ear; what raviib..
ing music floaU in the air.
How little are they burthened with
thoughts of the dead. Oh! how far front
their minds the City of the Dead. Ho
little they think of iU fleshleas inhab
itanU, yet how soon will they be num.
be red with iU skeleton.
Every tick of the clock, every toll of
the bell, every ebb and flow of the great
world of waters, heralds the approach of
the living to the dead.
Within thy gloomy portals, no living
throngs surge np and down; no noisy
revelry ascends. The very air breathes
of silence and iU surroundings speak of
Within those little enclosures lie many
a mother's darling; and many a sad and
almost broken heart comes here to weep,
and to view the little hillocks where all
iU pleasures lie.
Oh, stricken and mourning mother! If
thou hast a belief or a hope in the life
to come, weep no more, but rather re
joice that thy1 little one has escaped so
early the miseries and wants of an im
perfect existence; and remember that
life is but a troubled dream, and death
but the awakening to a more perfect and
blissful state.and that time will soon roll
its mystic course, and thou, too, will
soon pass through the mysterious gate,
and will awake as a child to the dawn of
a happier existence. Golden Era.
A Farming rTomaa ia TaJare Coutj.
A very remarkable example of pru
dence, foresight and continuity, hu
recently developed in the southern ptrt
of this county. The more so in that the
subiect is a woman. And in comparison
with the conduct of so many men oo
have become easily discou"ged Dd
"tramp" a the most pWseworthy, this
young lady had sted with nothing but
her education; taught school a few
term ad acquired a little ready nionev.
The occasion for iU use speedily arrived,
which she was not slow to perceive. A
young man in the neighborhood had
taken up one hundred and sixty sores of
land, built a house upon it, a barn,
bored wells, dug ditches, sown it in
wheat, and in all spent hundreds of
dollars upon it It happened to be
a dry season, and the crop failed.
He became discouraged, and like many
desired to leave.and offered his claim and
improvement at a sacrifice, for means to
get away. The young lady alluded to
gave him $100 for his right, title and
interest in the land everything on it. She
sold the insufficient crop for hog feed.
The bogs rooted and scattered it. The
winter rains came, and with them came
the volunteer crop, which matured and
has just been cut, yielding twelve
bushels per acre on one hundred and
entr acres. She will clear at least
81500, besides having the land and im
provemenu. So much for adhesion
and the girls. Visalia California Delta.
Seasonable Economy.
TJTa An nnt !V- nHncn'tKMS Wsdonot
like economy when it comes down to rags
and starvation. We have no sympsthy
with the notion that the poor man should
...... ... .
hitch himseil to a post ana stana aim
while the rest of the world moves for
ward. It is no man's duty to deny him
self everv amusement every luxury.
every recreation, every comfort, that he
may'get rich. It is no man's duty to
become an iceburg, to shut his eyes and
ears to the sufferings of his fellows, sad
deny himself the enjoyment that results
from generous actions, merely that he
nay hoard wealth for his heirs to quar
1 ,lnnt Ttnt thpra ia an economy
which is especially commendable in the
man who straggles wun poverty au
economy which is consistent with happi
ness, and which must be practiced if the
rr man would secure independence,
ia almost every man's privilege,
and it becomes bis duty, to live
ithin his means; not up to, but within
thom Walth dnaa not make the man,
and should never be taken into account
in our judgment of men; but competence
should always be aeourea wnen n cau u,
the practice of economy and self-denial
to only a tolerable extent. It should be
secured, not so much for others to look
nnnn nr to mi'm na in the estimation of
others as to secure ns the consciousness
of independence, and constant satisfsc
tion which is received from ito acquire
ment and possession.
VnmriTT nr th Pica. On Wednes
day a curious inoident occurred on the
Tnlla Bridge, about S
mile from Thuriea, which showed in a
remarkable degree the voracity 01 m
nik A nnmber of dncks were swim
ming on the river, when one of them ut
tered a loud "quack," was seen suaaenij
in diaannoAr. a enmmotion being lm
mediately afterwards discernible among
the remainder of the flock. tome young
men, going through curiosity to the spot
where the duck had vanished, found
near the bend of the river an enormoas
Eike floundering about and so uneny
elDlees that they had very little diffi
culty in ianding it, when to their ai2-
ishment they found the dues, wmcu
appeared the pike had seized, but was of
course unable to swallow. The monster
whose insatiable voracity had caused it
death, weighed nearly w pounas.
in Land and Water.
Carlyle: I call a man remarkable who
becomes a true workman in the vineyard
of the Highest Be hi work that of pal
ace building and founding kingdoms, or
only of delving and ditching, to me it is
no matter, or next to none. All human
work is transitory, small in itself, con
temptible. Only the worker thereof,
and the spirit that dwelt in him, is significant