CITY AND COUNTY BRIE' WKXTIOX. Tor gd daotishy go U Davi. Q U Goldsmith' fur ptcerie. Goldsmith keep tin last cigars. Jab wrk speciality t tho GlURD office Vfeaale plentiful i the western part of the wonty. 4 MoClanahaa ba stark J new express wafon. Carpenter ar at work en Mr Wm Osbnru's tlwellinr- Kw tyl ladles riiltlnj 'card at the Gdabd ffica. Qm FUtobtr haa bn appointed deputy city assessor. Iaqoirie are numerous for vacant dwnll io( to not If you wiik to ny goods cheap call at I H Friendly'. Mr J J Chapman ii talking ef moving to California ihortly. Masons art now laying brick on the new Abrarai bo'ldiiig. Call an J te that large stock of goods for tal at Friendly'. . Goldsmith keep the best line of groceries, and sells them cheip. R. 8 Bean, Esq;., lies lieeo appointed a no tary public by Gn Tlnyer. School at the State University will com meoce en September 12th, Dr Owiley, formerly of this place, ii now located at Paisley, Lake county. Choice city lots for sale. Apply to Mri John D Kinsey, for particulars. Marshal Mooro hat the thaitki of t!ju Guard for a basket of fine plums. F A Rankin la givinj special attention to everything in Uio photograph l;ue. Robert Blair killed a deer one day this week juat abev town a few mile. Something new lajo kid gloved at S. H. Friendly'. Call and examine them. Cash paid for CHICKEN'S, HIDES, TAL LOW and BEES-WAX at A Goldsmith's. 8 H Frieudly suits cheap for cusli bunts, ees clothing, bate, caps fancy goods, eta We aJ?ri,tn'' 'la' c'' Coopor ..tends erecting tbi Sum mer. The Guaud is the beat adverting me- dinm is Lane cenuty. Xt baa the large.-,, circulation. A large lot of mile-end Clark's spool cot tea sale at T Q Hendrick'e in lota to snit purchasers. Mr. Gee. W. Kinsey has several new backs ad bug jies, which be will sell very cheap. Seo advertisement. We notice that Rev S. M Driver has been stationed at Ceuterrille, Umatilla county, for the next year. Ex-Senator H W Corbett is the largest individual taxpayer in Multnomah count, paying taies oa 1220,000. Mr I H Friendly will pay the highest cash market price for wheat. Give bim a nail before selling your grain elsewhere. Miss Laura Goltra, teacher of piano anil or gan. Half hour practice a day with beginner. Reference, Nettie H Ilper, Salem, Oregon. Orin Moore baa an apple tiee at his pla in this city that is now in full bloom, although it already has an abundance of ripe app'es on it. See G Bettman's new advertisement. Ho will sell his stock on hand cotsldera'oly Mow coat price. . Give bim k call before purchasing -elsewhere. The Cor.nty Clerk is recording a tuonster mortgage given by the Villard management to the former German bondholders of the 0 & C R R Co, for over $10,000,000. "Mr Smith, father would like to borrow your paper) he oply wants to read it." Well, jo back and tell yonr father to send me his upper. Tell hiin I only want to eat it." For latest style panel and promenad por traits go t F A Rankin in the little ' f:-''1- O" 'areund the corner" by the Guard oflico. His motto is "good work or no pay." Tho self-propelling f team engine of (iilWrl j 1 Co. waa in town one dv tins weoK, an caused considerable exciten ert, as it run through our streets, ft is used for threshing purposes; Business men should not forget that. Wank notes, bill-heads, statements, letter heads, and every description of commerJia printing are neatly and promptly executed at the GrlRD office. Work is going os at th new bridge over th North Santiam on the line of the 0. R. Limited. Tb extension from Rrowavii!e to Cobnrg has progrtssed' so well that the road h new Uearly ready for the ties. W acknowledge the receipt of Vol !, No. 1, of the Oregon Register, published at La fayette, Or, by Messrs Tnwmcnd 4, Frwier It is Democratic in politics and a very neat paper. We wish the proprietors allhn ass eess imaginable. Mr J i Winter has on exhibition at the music store ef CrainBms, a ne .style of p; ." tsres, known a the Promenade. The scenery is fise, and we donbt if better pictures were rver taken in the S'a'-e. The drapery, bal ustrade, tc, are uncommonly fine. Cive him a call Elder S. Monroe Hubbard will preach at Christian Church, next Sunday, murninu and venit x. Snaday S'hool at 10 A m. Ail are invited U atUnd. Morning ubject, i ro tsjcUen. against Infidelity." Eveuiug, -GniUaa, a Type of Americas Character." Wm A Owes sf Central Poiut proposes leaving for Lane ooosty hofor long tolc-ate, having received excellent bnsinM induee nsoti there. He is ooe of tui well known residents of this eion and will crry the bestwuhM of many (risad with him. Jackssnvill Time. 8'JUvan's "Mirror of Ireland" appeared or the put 6ve aiU to p bobbies t N-"v war due to Uck of th proper metho-i o: i semJ vssrtumir. in th hrjt Dlace. ana in iu six- ia rJi Ivek nf miiii abilitv of the prin cipal members of the comjfly. Portland Sna- U 1-1 Oregon Stats University. (I'ortLnd Tslezrem,) Every citizen of the State must feet a great pride in the fact that that onr St te University, has, through the publio spfiited moiiiflcente of Mr Henry Villard, become ab solutely free of debt. No institution can prosier nndcr burden of fiuan ul embar rassment, but the iucuhn of audi a burden bears with peculiar weight npon an educa tional iimtituti'iu. The university in a cer taiu su U4on,'s to the titate, aud ciwj. quctitly all part of the Hia.eare interested in its pruren,'aiul will roj iiie in its prosper ity. Every county in the State is eutitled to one scholarship iu the collegiate djpart- meut of the uuiversity, aud an additional scholarship therein for each member and joint member of the lugielulive assmeoly to which such comty m..y hi eu'itled. This fact mny not be jjeiiLrally known and we publish it for thu pi'rpijc of allowing oue of the iaon why the whole State is interested in the University ar.d nlso to ura that these free scholarships be nil filled, that every county in the State may be represented here. Hur dist:ii-tii .he 1 jurist, Hon J V I'cady, u rrnnu aiit of tho Rcard of Itcn.'i:!. an 1 (Ion dust ni J W. Itou is Secretary. The faculty for tlie ensuing ytur is coi.ijH.ccd of tho IhM edticnti''nal tiileut to be fou id on ' tliu cua-t. llii' building nt Erene H a hue .tnii.-;ure a id r jit upwards of i7-'),0 'J. The mathriu.iti.ul and philosopliicil apparatus is new and excellent, costing nearly j'.'i.OUJ. Added to tiiis is the npleu.lul natural history collection of I 'i of Comloii vliii b has been pro nuuueed tl.eb -st ou the l' coast. Eu gene is one of tiie hcal.hicst cicn-a in Oregnu aud situated at the lira 1 of our reat valley. Its people ore cultured and ru tilled and siu- lents can readily Mini homes in some of these f imihis or board themselves at a low rate. The tuition cud and other expevj are put lowu to the lowest prictj. We think the advantages in all re-ip-.-cts for obtiining an cdiioiitioii in our ov,u University aro unex celled and onr pj"pl aru to bo congratulated on the rare opjortu:iity they have for the higher eduoatii'U of t'.leir hOiis hi d.daugl.ters. The full term of this institution begini on lie 12;li of the next mouth aud those w ho intend to ominiemv a course hero should bo prompt iu attendance. Dexter Itams. Dextcr.'Anc lG'.h, 1381. Mis3 Ella Adiley is viiitiu frie .ds he.v. Messrs t il'd 1 hive started their thresh er and Joe sayi, ''found 'om ou the back, Clemy. " Howard and Carter aro ruiw'rig their rv.l Mad ties, and will bank them at Coryi'I IMiiut. We aro pleased to Ie.i'u that William Eroi made the iiittiiijj and running of the saw lc,s a financial success. They do ay that the young man from Pleasant Hill returns to' his home Sunday ceilings earlier thau uiual siaca Aliua weut away. Our ju.itico of the peace has gone into the mwmtilo I'VMiie'i, wliilaour pioneer mer chant has renvoi the yard Htn-k t hi "liottcr half," ami is now curbed in supp'y ing the hungry granger, his w;ii and babicj, with fresh baof. Pleasant Hill Itoms. Anguit lii, 1S31. Bora, On the 11th iui-t, to the wile of C A Pavi', a son. The heavy rains for tho past few'days have gin n the favnwra a ch voce tu re.t. Ite grain is pretty badly rtutod, but to wh..t extent, we do not 1 uow yet. B RiitleUa and II C Morgan have btcti rumiiug their solf-binder niht end day- Mr 1 N Miller t'.r-.'iliol his crop tl.i wcelt. Whoat avr.gfd 21J Lnshtls per, a"ri', snd oats ovur 50 busliols. DrEJ Brittoiv may n-.w be fo'T.d at I Mnlkey's b.:.e' mith Shop when he has cs tablishsd nn o!ii :C Yfjl YfM. O.iTri.u. Cr Rol ej '.i i no v tri.V be(.iro j,,, t- 't in tlia circuit wH nt As- twia, chari 1 wi'll the nuiflir of J v i.mui. Tin niMit is d i'en.k'd by W La'r Hi.l, H i, t,so-i. mJ Mr r.iojhnin. )rftrlct At. torr-iy t'aples is a.,i-t -d by Mirsrs C YV Ful ton, of As.ori.., M.J " Humphreys, of Al bany. f! ..i.1i. ulty w;-s e,.tiietceJ in eui paaeiiiiga jn y. Maruhd. In Portland, Anj 17, 18S1, at the rcsi lilies i-f the bridi.'s au it, Mrs. V. W Lristow, Mr Edward K Iliuultine to Miss Sarah C I.ichanUtm, by J W Davis, J P, all of Multnomah coiin'y. The bride is well known hore, having rcsiib.-'l iu this city formerly, aud all wish her a pleasant niatri u oaial life. To Lash Cuusunh. F'roui and niter tliisdat-i. until ( m-tiie. the (irAnu willi ulil sh Hoijct .id a 1 1 Pre-'-mption Nr tiee for Tdm MILVM V. VC'il. Ev i.rv on has tint ri 'ht to select t)ie pa.ncr to -j - . - have hij advr'i-e n-i it ! r' itrf I in. On D'jp.)m-. Mr li r' iiir.-i.s, Treasnrer or the Board of II'..' :u ift'ieStite Cnii-erilt", has received noti- that the Villir l d .liV.i ni is ou deposit ' Portlm 1 s-bj"ct to his cr hr. We ha .c Ken i...oraj'.l that the vhol debt wid be pasrt OJ Ve-lav. Vi; -i;li us the Way. Toe Orcgonian has it that 4 5 vessels are Liaileil tais way, 12 more up and 1 udin;', doubtfid, etc., aud lo iu port, making a tial of 7'!. Tiie ship ping iutere-U of Orejtl are incrtasiiig rap idly. Wheat MAiiKr.T. We the f flowing from a ii 1'rin.iscO di-paicii to tiie Orcon iau. of Aniusl 1 th: "Tlie market isstrnrg and active, tl C! 'u ollered foi er.:ra choi. shipping." It Sf:o:;. The M E Church Confere-sce is at p--r.t in ats'ion, at Last .Portl-id, llaf.-is pre-iding. To M.LLsitN. O: I type for babuit meU U sale ai this oCkx. " Personal. Joe KeibofTi in town. fli S.nith.of Uarrisburg, was lu town on day tl ie week, J M Thompson and family have returned from KiUuu's springs. Prof Rogers anil wife, of A.'ubnd vUiUd Eu gen one day this w eek. I'rof. J. W. Johnson and family left fro the mountains last Weduesday. Miss Annie Underwood returned home from Like cnuuty Weduesday last. Mr R 8 Rean went to RcseWg oue day this week on professional business. Wesley Graves, of the Chemeketa Hotel, of Salem, has rcturusd from the McKeur springs. Elmer Gray and Cms Sharpies have re turned finm a surveying tour to Southern Ol rgon. Messrs Jas I'd go and A W Stowcll were in IYrt!uiid ou day this week, but hart re turned. W J Di nner, formerly of this county is at P'e ,llt minima a saw mi:i at Bij Butte, Jackson county. T Je!T S.niih came down from the MclCen- ;:i Si rinys this week, end returned to fort- land Wednesday morning. John Church and family who have been sojourning nt Kitsmi's Springs for quite awhile, returned homo Tuesday last. TrofG fl Collier and wife started for the Dalles Monday last. Miss Hattis Collier luft at the same time for Portland. "Col" Henderson h is accepted a position on the nilroad pile driver. Ho went to tlarrisbug Monday to conimouce work. Dr T W Sholton and F M Wilkins and families li ft for Y.V)iiina Bay oue day this week. They will be gouo about ten days. We acknowledge a pleasant call this week from Mr. Z. 'F. Mo Jee, of San Francisco, silent for the Statistiiaa and Journal of Commerce James Slater, who attcnled the Universi here lant Winter will not return this.year. Ha has commenced the study of law at Pen dleton with Turner i, Cox. Woodson Sla ter will return hero co school Mr S H Friendly sailed from Portland fur San Francisco Tuesday morning nn the stoamcr State cf California, whero he will purchase his Fall ntock of goods. We learn tint Mrs Frieudly' health is somewhat im proved. Mr. G. Rctttnan and family went to Port land Wednesday. Sunday Mr Bettmnn will leave on the steamer Columbia for San Francisco, whole ho will pur Oiaso a largo stitch of goods. Hi family will remaiu iu Pottlaiid until ho returns. llou II C rorkitiD, state agent for tho se lection of wamp lands and who has been out iu tho Harney Valley and Stuiu Moun tain country, for several months on business coiiiitctrn with hi ol'iiec, arrived at Lake v'ew cdne-day tvi nii'g. lie was also no- vionpauu1'! ly .1 ;.r lUcturnauk. I lie .arty tt i'l return to Ilng",ie by w.-y of thu. Military ruoJ. Lr.keviuw llxa uiuor. Comets. It rcerns that this ye ir we arc to have an unusual di ip'ay in the ay of comets, if we cm laco any faith in the predictions ni our Eastern scieutiits and astronomers.' They any tout m other wonder of the skies bids fair to culminate in August. IJefora the r e'ing co net u fairly lo.t to sight a tuc ccssor apiM'ftrs, starting fro n the same point i i ihe heavens, and tr.ive'ing in thu sa ne d i rection. It Vat nut full Hedged to lie m with, bke its predecessor, but was discovered us a tiny telescopic objoot, with pliuty ,f room to grow. It is fast tailing on larger proportion, is now visible to the uKv oye and ha. already developed a forked Vail, and is rushing headlong toward the eaith, with a prospect of beiiix marvelous to ihehold as it circles around the north star In its transi tory visit to the re.ilnu of the sun. Atrou mncrs have another tidbit with which to di versify tho studiu'i of the summer nights. Not oue of them foiet.dd tin celestial visitor not mho of them can tell whether one traiu or half a doz-ju will form its gm-samer Cos '.unie; nut one of them can prophecy tho size it nn! attain when reaching purihelinu. It is the ileliglilful uncertainty of ooinets that foniH their chief clurni, for there is little probability that tho observers of the present tg'eucrntinii will settle with nny degree of certa'n'y tlio constituents and purposes of these ill-o'-t!ie-wi-n of the heavens. Coyote Items. An; ID, 13S1. Xls ftiuf set tIurr nmtiilornl sa (l-nilinn in ., . . . ' " , , thu iart of the county, hut mostly on late sown, and thut sown ou low lauds. Must of the fr n ?ri in this put of tho county are cutting their grain with reipers. i'ooso ttiat have no reapers are u.diig headers. of the sport.iinon from Eugene,, are innkiiiif it tropical for the voiin -X crouse in thu vicinity. The ni.r.rods and tin ir dog triinp dowu C iUoiilerablo grain. Kill all t'iu grouse y -u want, boys, but please keep cut of our grain fields. Mrs Eincy Baurh, living on what is I known a the old Htnry Hi gan place, has growing in her garden a reddiaVl tiiat Un as' Uies 2.1J iiiclui around it Anybody who can beat this. Ls iuvited to make their way to the front. L.J. L Tf.oCT SMLitM. After tho fUhing rrty returned from their excursion up the Middle Fork, oue day last Week, they left their lih 1 iu lVe hall over Pt'ei j' store, when t ti.eir 1 surprise, later in the evenin;, when Ling to L,et some of them, behold they w ere all luiss- mg. MaRII. At Union, Oregon, at 3o'i.loak in the morninc, Auj 5, Dr 1 J McDonald t- ! Misa I'attie hbsworttt. Tb bride i well t knn in tins vicuiity and faaa the coogratu. lUcasof all. v ., School for Deaf Mutes. Parents aud guirdiana of deaf mute chil dren are herrby uotitie l that tlie arsMon of the Oregon School f, r Deaf-mutes, for 1SSI- 2, will eommeiic October J. IbSl. The sea .siou is to brgiu on mouth Ltr than hereto fore, for the reason that a new building in being erected, Inch it w ill be impossible to' have ready for occupancy before the time named. The new building is to be near tho one now occupied, and is to be used as a school room and boys dormitory, Boys and girls will hereafter bo entirely separated ex cepting at meal time and in th school room. Other new arrangements will be mad of which duo notice will be given, and the manageis fed sur that the coining session of school will be so provided for as to iusure success. , Siuslaw Agricultural Society. Sirsuw, Aug. 6, 1SSI: Th members of the Siuslaw Agricultural Society met and proceeded to business by elcoliin W I Coleman, President; J A J Crow, Vice President; F. M Nighswauder, Secretary; and M Wingard, Treasurer; alo (our Trustees as follows. 1 tl Colemsu, Mrs Jane Simpson, Geo Landrith aud Win llus- Sel. The time for holding tho fair is tho !'.ltn of October, liSl. You and all the rest of thu inhabitant's of Lane comity, are hereby iuvited to attend. F. M. NmnswANDEii, Sucrctary. 1 Local Market. Wixil-24ct perlh. Wheat, on oars -7d cts pr bsh. Four iu pi r bbL Oi.ts -25 j,3;t cts pr bush. t BiMn Sides l'AQl'i cts pr lb. Hams U SIC cts pr lb. Shoulders lOji 12 cts pr It. Butter- 2i) cts pr lb. Egk's IB cts pr dot. Lard-12i;.; 15 cts pr f. For Rent or Sale. - The building adjoining Rankin's Bazar, lately occupied by the Gl'AKD. For purlieu ais, impiire at this ullicc. A Dkslkvino Suntesck. Ifnyt, tho man who committed th rape ou the litlhrK'r! Ida Cooke in Astoria somo time Hfco, and who so narrowly escaped 1 ,'iichini;, was tried Iot week before Judge Stott, sitting in and for the county of Clatsop, and w as sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment in the penitentiary. N A O It 1!. -lieno Gazette, Aug 1 : There are 4:i) nii'ii at work on tho Nava la Oro- gun n.iilruad. arid tho body of the force litis now lea.hul the eud of tho second tive mile s.'cUoii. lu liext Section will be tun nnles Iu length aud work will bscomiur need immedi ately. ltKiimi.tuNu. Mr J U E'JisiMi is robn'U- ing on tho comer formerly ccitpied by bim, just north of the Gt'no oflice. Telosraphic. LAIM.-A Wnbhiisyton (Ui-iatch, dr.tod Au? It), 1 A 3k, iya tho president is dociikdly bettor. Wasms-owM, Aug 10', 11 P M. To night's buUelim indicates some little ini- ! provcni-rut in the prusidont. The doctors any t!'.i much; thoy say he is holding hi.s own, which is dl thoy could ak under the circuuistancuj, as their object is to keep him (ror.i pulling back any while 'his stiurmch guts well. The seoond toacpoonful of beef juice givea him this afternoon nauseated him a little. That pas ed ofi, ami thu nourish ment remained on his stoma 'h. The doctors then coucluded not to administer any more for several hours, but intend to try te give a tea poonful about every two hours tliroii-h the night. Ii his stomach will retain it, they tay imimdiate and eatisfactoiy improvement iu the case may bo counted upon. Secrotnry Llaitie i id the caso was not as bad ns ho expected, aud he still hoped. About 7 o'clock Or Boyiiton, who is a constint ntten daut of the picddent, and who is very frank in giving statcsinents of tho case, says tho president is eurtiinly bettor. I will not say much better, but thero is somo improvement, npiiareut to all around him mid cspeci illy t hi ifsclf. At 9 P M tiie president's puliio was 110. The following cablegram was scut to Min ister Low-ill by Secret iry I'l lino. ."At lO .'il lo-iii-'iit tho president's coinlit iin is not s scntiiilly changed. Tho aituation, though more hopeful than yestorday nr before, is still extremely critical ana nils everyone with deep anxiety." The following cablegram waa received at the executive mansion this afternoon: OaBonNK, Auj 17. Airs Irarhei 1, v a hill ton: -1 am anxious to know bow tje 1 -nt is to day and to ex ! press my twu sympathy with yonrse if. i ' ' ';',lE qii);. The following reply baa been sent: To Her Majesty IJin-eii Virtori i, Osboin": Your inai -siv's kiu I in iinii-v finds the iire i d eut's c ui'lai i.i ciian ;-d for tho ln-tter. Ju the iuA'.UJiit of his m-.Hli"J a his, rs t.i to in stron li 'p.' d bis Kco.ery. His iniiel ii viruy cl:,ir and your maj sty's kin I i lire w of synui .tiiy most grateful to hiin as tbey are gr-teiuily acuowi ?ej liy inc. L'.'i.ur.i.A V. '.t.kH. iixi). Two or Mora Surguons, Of the Pa'infio S irgied Imtitutn, i r Rear aey s'reet, Hmi IVii.- ic ), will bo at the St. Ciurleill.t ', A. iy, Sept'.'l and 3d, at the St. Ciiarks Hotel, Eugene City, Se pt 5th and tith, and at the hotel, I'o.sebur, Sept 8, 9 and 10. full prep ird lo treat all cSea of Spinal l' case, Knee and Iliy Disoasca, Club l'.mt, Crooked Limbs, and Paralysis Hid all Chronic and .Surgical Hiseaos. Aa this Institution is uueaipialed iufricilitioa for the treatment of t'leie alfectioo s. All who are lutcrusted ahould not tail to see the sur- geOUS. Lumber J Luuiber! J. B. P.hint hart bis Ucn appoi itesl agent ol the Spriii,;'ieiil M. I Ca lie can oiler butter li'jrea tor LuuJier now tha i ever be fore. Alt k.Lila (i( In ! tin -r lu.niM-r deliver. 1 o-i short notice f.d a: very low liuro. luu t fail to Sec liliinebart bs 'ure orucri: ' jf,wheie. W inoposo to lui.iber, ni duu't forget it.. . Stjp a Moment and Raad This-. Look at this list of goods just rtotived at the Farmer and Mechanics Clothing; Stor. Sacpio Suit from flO to $17. Scotch sac(;ue or frock suits from 12 SO Su- jiie or fitK'k diagonal suits from ?13.V) to c2."i. Broadcloth coats aud vests, diagonal, Prince Albert coats aud vests. Juat th thing for Holiday presents. Several new lines of overcasts, reversible aud ulsters, all grades aud prices, from $7 SO to $".. Derby shirt, te .kties and th finest lin of ucckwear in tiie city. New hats and caps, wool scarf and gloves' 10 ilitlerent styles ot underwear, all grants ami prices. The bo t stock of silk and linen handker chiefs, hosiery, ic, for tho holidays, in the city. latest style of bats W to f 3 50. Cans from SI to 1 23. Hoys hats and caps. The best line of pants patten ns and suits in tlie city. Casliiovis, Uittcoiial, Scotch .mil An.i .icm dolus. Suits made to order from HO no. t'auti in ido to order frnn $3 ."0 upl Dark gray Oregon cn.shmer pants, f.'i. All wool pant I AO ; I -.I, .v i .ii), ;!. I nula?! 7.), ,0, l"l oil. Overall iiO ctnts, 7" cents. Jl, if I 2.". Diagonal pants from ?.' to SS. I ho only (Jeios i'urnisliing g nls store in Eugene City. Clothing cut for anybody. All goods marked in plain tigitrt-s, and strictly one cash prico for all. I all Mini examine our woods belore buylnu elsewhere. Farmi:!! V Mwii anics Stork, R. J. GRAHAM, Manager. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For thr speedy euro of Consumption and all li.;i'!i-i'S that had to it, such Hi stubborn Coughs, ni'Klceted Colds, Iovtiehiti-, Hay l'evi r, Asthma, pniu iu the sido and chest, iliy hunting cor. ,'h, tickiln.; In the throi.t, lloai-Hu lies-". i5m 'I Illicit, and all chronic or liii .Trinc iliicas s of the tima'. and bni,'i, Oil. Kims'h .hv I M ;0ovn:v lias no viiul1 unit has estah l!"t;cl for it.-elf a wort-wide rupiit.'.tion. Mnny l-'a-'iiw plivnii'iiris ivi'oninien 1 mid ii.-o it in their pricticu. The formula from which it is invpar.'d is hicliK' rcconnui ii Jed by all medical .K Ti e rl-rry mi l the prove haw com !iiin f.ti d it m tliJ inoi t glowmi; terms. (In to your dnii.'.'ist an l i,'ct a trial bottle free of coit, nr n ri :u!ar siu for ft. For sale by K M Wikins, liiu '. i.'.t, Kiijfi no City; iMuI hollaud, Junction, floilce, Jj.ivis Co.Wliulo- mile A(,eiit:i, Portland, Or. A Uood I rung. Tr.-ii.s Syrup is tiie special prescription of Di A. H tel ee, a celebrated Germnii Plivsi- cian, and is uckuon leii(,'i"l to he one of tho iinmt fortina o ilisi-overii s in Miilliiiic. It quickly cores ;nii 'lis, ( om mum an iaiii,' iroiiulcs M the se.eiest iiiiture, n imn mz, as i j06s, the cuie of the iitfei tion uud leaiej th par (n a stron' and healthy eon 'if i.sfi. It is not an experimliiUl inc-dii.i'.',, but has stood thu test oi yearn, K'H'IJ latisfiu'tmii In every case which its i'a)'ldly immwiiiK salo every season con hi uj:s. luo inililoil liotnes toiu iinnuaiiv. lieWire ni ineilieiiies of riini'.'.r mmijn, lately introduci'il Bosehcn's ticiucin Svruii wes intro duced iu tlie I nited Stiites in lSiiM, and Is now Id iu cviry town and village in thocivilireu rid. Three ilose will relieve uny orninary couch, l'lieu Jo cents. Sample boltle, 10 cents. BUCKLES". AT1X1C.V SALVE. The I'llsT H.l' in the wmld for Bruises. nt.1. S iiv.i. Ui.n , ilt Lheiiiii. Fever Sores, Ti tt'T, Ch .pn-'l ! I .ni I', t'liiiol .ins, i:nrns,iuid all l.'ii Is of , lie iptilis. i nis salve is to iivo iier.V.-t. n .ili.if-u.tiou in ovtry ease or .'.I'Jlll'V 1'. I ll uKH JUT 1KB. inr le 1 1- ..'ii. kin's, tho I irux'iist, Joiyciio tity. Mcllioll' -.nd, Junction C'l.,'. . . . MPTiaKEi" t woTiiifnu Are y;m di iiiibed at uiht mid broken of yonr re. 1 1 y a sick child rulTirliig und crying with the excruciating pniu of cutting teeth! If ;. at one mid get a bottlo of Mlto. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING bYPUP. H will r,l eve the poor little sullercr iiuineoiiitelj deirfuilupoii it; tliero is no miutaKe nnoiiu There is not n mother on earth wlio lias ever use it, wlm wid not tell you at once that it .v ill re.'nh to I'm lriwels, an I irive-rest to the mother, ami relief ami iienlth 1 1 the child, op- in-.ttiug like in:v,io. It ii iierfei lly safe to uiie in all cai!, ani( !eaii.ut to ii:e lanie, ami ib tlm iiee.ieriiiti in of oneof the oldest und liest feinalfc uhv'siciuus mil nurses in tho United States. Sole everywhere. !.'5 cents a buttle, A Ouiili. Colli or Httrc Throat shoul.l be stopped. Neglect froipiently result In bii I i ii rnlil a l,n iir niMi'imn or Toll unriiptinn. II!eU'N'lH HICstNt III A I, lb !M Sit r Ceillllll to tils rnirim AMinnit llriiiic:nili, oiiulin, nlerrli, Ciiii.iii-ipllve nml I In out r nr .vi it .ir" ::io irociies nav uei-n rronu-iru-nde 1 by phydieliniH, mid always givs per tect iVi'isi'ai uon. I'hey arc not new or un tried but liavin,; been tested by wide and con it. int i so f r n..riy mi euLiie ueiieration. thoy hale altanii'il well insrituil rank anioUK the few ji r.otn .lies of ti.i nn '. t'uitlsc ;;' lll r mid Hil!t;l'-4 U.;i! thorn to clear mid streii ,'tlu n the Volet'. Sold at !W cents a bo everywero We have aspe. lv an I p isitivu Cure for Ci oveli. Ililill'loirift. ( Vl'llT lnoii'h nn I Ilea l teL... ir, shi iAiU'S CATAIMilf l'EMKl'V. A imsnl Inleetoi- free wit.l each bottle. Mm i. ii von desipi health and fcwoet brenlh. Price 50 cts. hold by isbu.n & Co. 1 Irilt'ibitl. Tho r-ril Vi Mil fsj ruj hm cured thous- nnls who wer:' siilleriu.: Ii'oui l)y 'pepsin, J bilitv. Liver CoiiniUint, tSni.s, J tumors, Ft male ComplainU, uto. Pinplilets free to any ail.ii ess. heth W 1'owle und fcmis, Jiston. As a mild', but elfectual Inxativo, ns a safe but sure tonic, blood purilier. ami general streiii'thener, Kini of tho P.'looil, See advertisoiueiit.. vnr'ti A ::no Cure has sv.ud thousands of lives ill till distr'.ets of this iindolli er totii.tnts. It is ws.niiiitcd s certain Slid upec'ly remedy f i co from all harmful injjred ii'iits. ' D!?LUTiO:n:9TICE. .TOTicE. is ni:iti:ic (;ivi:x that XI t'.e co pA'.'tuersiiip, Uioloioro cxi-itinB blw-en ,iimoiid i;.iri!oiil.itt all t Ii. JStttmsn, is l!i s .1 lt ,li,4i,iveil liv nuit ml consent, ti. litt.rt.., .villeoaeet i,n.lehu i!uthe hrmau, pay all it. thankful to the ii, .l.i;.. f.. ,. i.i ,. ,Ii-.ii v-i- hiine a contiu- ',.(, f t,e same to Mr. 11. JkUtnan, who will eolltilllin tlm biisiuess. Pated this h ilav of July, InHl. rilli.'.iOXH KO.-jE.NLLATr, (J. LLl'l'MAN. jyJOtl , KD7IGH TO TAXPAYERS. NOTICB Is JtlluEKY GIVEN THAT ou ..iouuy. l.i i.'tln'. i.V ot Au'ujt the Hoard it E'.iaii.-i:i .n f..r tiie cn.ury of Lsne, .SUt4 of Orejou, v.ilU.t H'l nt the Court liono iu slid v. at till o:tiu) of thu County C!er, to publicly esamiuu th A --ui nt Roil an I en- -j. ,id n r iu v!aa'.io.i, ,i. -s r.p- ::..a or r;'!'o..-i ol loAt, tuts or i t1 -r p"i"r- ty, a-t nil parties int-re-st : 1 t.o-Mc ; 1' ' r - by m..:i-.l to arixr-r at the tn-.j n-. ! U-' -j..v lumtio.nd. I ' .1. .Mi'v'. Cuiii. :v . K-ssor, L -ne County. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS Below Cost G. Bettman will move his entire STOCK 0FG00DS To the old stand on the OLD CORNER Tuesday. Prior to the ar rival of his New Goods from San Francisco, extra ordinary induce ments will be of fered. Goods will be sold way Below COST for the next FEW WEEKS I Give him a call and price the ar ticles and satisfy yourself.- LOOK HERE I f HAVE REMOVED ACROSS THE Street I luto the store adjoining James's tin shop, and have just received a fresh supply ot Stap Groceries, and have now on hand and for sal a well selected rtock of everything in the lin ol taniiiy lirocoiies, aiso jvoe, isu, imm t iLino liliiiiiiinvs. LauteiTsand VniitJars; all of which ars otiercd at 11ED KOCK prices for CASH. iv. ttiiiiouii. Eiiene City, July 21, lti.. . t Zing of tho Blood. Is not a "cvn. all;" It Is a bloml-purlflnr and ton In. Jiiiiurliy uf blooj iolsons tlui systsm, dernnKo the elre'ilal'ou, mid thus Induces nisny disorders, known by UlireriMit mimes to ilUtlnKUlsh ibera ao ein iivr to i-fTis'is, but being really brsnches or plinfcsof itint ureal iienerle dtsonUir, liupnrltr ol HI od. Hucliiir')ijifjlii, 7liilouH,'M, Urtr ( on. i ,',onf, (.'eii.rixiloi, A.-rism lMrtter, iUatL oeAf , Hticlwht. iimniil Wenknut, llrart Oikom, lrnp --jt Ktiiru y ioncusii, illr. i.ViruiwiilUwi, t (nrri, H.ivtuhi, Skit Vlnmlm, llmplrt, Ulorn, An, ''"(!, (tr,.Xe. Ii Ing ill I lie lllond iirevvnt i.uiiotin s these lT si lucking ih mux, Impurity of tint blood. ClcmUts uief physleisns mire In calling it " Hip ti.ost rciiuIiki ami efllelent prnpa. ri-ll .liforllier'irpoHi'." Hold by UniaKlsls. SJI iee Ik. i I tv. H Ii-iIiiiiiiiIuI. illreethiiK, '., in pM jili et, "Trpnil on ldwascs ol lh UlooU," wrsi pnd in ound ea. h botth. 1). Ui.tSOM, bO.X CO., frops., Buffalo, II. I. Holman's Pad. Liver nassisAM. TX ALL CASES OK BILIOCSXES8 ANI X Malaria in every form sjs a preventive and euro of all kimU of Fever. Dr. Holman s I Al is a perfect success; and for lys)epsi, Sick Headache and nervous prostration, as the 1 All is applied over tho pit of th stouiach-th nerve centei- it annihilate the disease at onre. It removes Torpidity of the Liver and restore a natural action of the Stomach. It neutralizes aud destroys Wood Foisons eausea r ,,iHelwrtl, ,Bll vitalises the whole- ' - . , N t true Umic. U realists bt ... ... ..r..i- f M..1..P1&1 nr i.C I.iVfrH'"' MOIIIHCU sosuwmiiu' that di istiun becomes perftct. I'rof i h: or I. A. Loomis says: - It is nearw nnire'sal Panacea an; r-a th.m anything m meuicme. Tn is is done on the principle o Anson'""".. which HU. HUUIAN'S FAU is th ((enum and only true element. IKil.M VN S li UN AL OR KIDNEY PAD, 1' iir nil II HI in-J rwu (lit JV 1 l'-S I' ' nts for! J and recommended the btmt reineity In tl: Wl by' th MHliol l aculy. IMltV'AIti: OF nOI FAUS). EACH llENCINE HOLMAN PAl)Uan.he I'ri vultt Kncnuf Stamp of tlie 110L MAN i'AD CO. with the above trad mark punted in recn. Luy noue without it I Oil N.IJ.K lit ALL DltrtifilSTS. iL HOLMAN'S auvic isfree. Full trea tise s nt on aiddicttiitn. iddivs j J . ! noLn iJi pa co., 1 P. (I. r.-xiril'. 741 IWiway, New York. : -ii Wff.K. Ilia l.ict tioiMeasily n.a.Oostl. I', toetnttiee. A'li"-li.-rair.Aofat,Mt For m THE CyN AND Stomach. fUU Kidnev