Tim fi-FNF C TY ARE H. A Jl- 1 T-. m . ."VT" -' - '" Trni.J.'j'yr. ".T:twji!Ljia'HftjM ESTABLISHED FOR THE D1SSEX1SI ATIOX OP 0E3T0CP4T1C PRINCIPLES, MB TO EARN AS HOXEST HVIXfi BT THE SWEAT OP OUR BROW WnOLE NO. 723- EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1881. $2.50 psr year IN ADVANCE I la Va eugrgf City uartt. t L. SAlTf 1KIJ. J. R. CAMPDEI.U CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers and Proprietors. OFFICE On the Ev-t sid ef Willvnatte Street between Seventh aud El.d.th Street. OU ONLt IIA.TK3 OF ADVEKTI81NO. Advertisement Inserted as follow, : 0a square, 1 line ur leu, on. insertion f 3 ; ,ch ubsequent insertion i. Cash required in advance. Time advertiser will be churned at the fol wing rate! : t On tuuare three months.. $(1 00 " six months 8 00 " " nue year IS 00 Transient notices in local column, 20 cent per toe for each insertion. Advertising bill will be rendered quarterly. All lob work must be paid rR on ikut.rt, POSTOFFICB. JflceBoara-Frtm J a. m. to 7 p.m. Suadays torn I SO 'o m p. at. u.il uriTH from the loath an4 leave "rain north 1, a. m. Arrive from the north an.! leave. . ,iB tt 1:85 p. m. rot iMnisiaw, rransun ui iou f jm, close at a.m. ob We.lnw.lay. ror crawroras -mi. rVmnfrMk Ati'1 ftrnwnivillfl at I r.lf. Utter, will be ready fur rtolirery half an heur after ..'rlral of traina. Letter. iihouM be left at the otao. boor bef.re mail, depart. 0 0 A. 8. PATTERSON T. M. SOCIETIES. Vnnwuw No II. A. P. and A. M Meet, flret and third WeWV in each mouth. .Htm-, "eutcra Brrrri Ixjnor No. I. O, O. F. Meetsevory Tuoday evening. J?f-" WimwHAt.A Encumtmmit No. A, aeets on the Jd and 4th Wednelay. in each montn, Ehuess LonoK, No. 15, A. O. U. W. Meeta at Masonic Hall the secoud and fourth Friday in each montn. J. JL Sloau, M. W. DR, JOHN NICKLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill County.) HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN Eiuene City. Office in Underwood's Brick, 21 lbor, over Wolk Fargo ft. Co. s Ex press eifioe. Residence, two blocks wM and one north of Public School, in the Killing worth property. au28-tf A. W.PATTERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Nee on Ninth Street, opposite the St. Cbarlea Hotel, aud at Itcldeuee, KCTG-KN-S CITY OKKGON. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CiN FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. .Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence oa Eighth Btreet, opposite Presby terian Church. JEWELRYESTABLISIIMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, Ekn DEALER IN Clocks, Waches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. (STAII Work Warranted... , J.S. LU'.'KK.Y, Klle-irorti k Co.'s hri.ik Willamette street CRAIN BROS. DEALERS IN im-$Ml ffatfhr and Jewelry. Musical finstruments, Toys, Nations, etc Watches,, CTocka, and Jewelry repaired and warranted; Northwest corner of S illametto Mil Eighth streets. OoVODewlptiTe Illustrated Prle tl.t, K .. of Dry Goods, .. will be tssaed about March 1st. 1881. Price quoted la Fo. 8 will remain good uutll taatdat'. Send us your nan early tot oyy ol Ko. SO. Fre. to any addreM. MONTUOMEKX WARD CO., til tTabaak Aa.. Chicago. Ill- u I COME AND SEE CALLISON it. JfextdoorU E. Friendly, and get your 1 BOOKS, STATIONERY AND GBO- . CjERIES. He u always on 4and ready and watting to ccommodat hi Customers with ALL kinds of foed for mlyd Ayd body, Aad can furnUh a S.MOKE to those desiring a A C333 CM, OR T03ACC3 To those who use th narcotic plant CHEAP for CASH , . . , J Wt deUrereJ V any mlrtof tnty f . eharga, & G. CALLIaON. H. WILKIHS successor to Shelton k Wii.iins, Practical Orurrgist fi Cbist, UNDERWOOD'S BUILLING. Next door to the Orange 8tr, WillametU street, f.ugene Lity Urcgon. Ilav, just opened full line of fresh Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Fancy and Toilci Articles. 7W s iiur terani.i llirilV l ALL KIN PR OF Mixed Paints, Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW CLASS and PUTTY Which they will always sell on reasonable Careful aUtnli.n Rivtn to rbyticiua't fre icriiitiois. terms. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN stores, Ranges, Pumps, Pipes MefaK Tliwnre. AND Hauss Furnishing Goads Generally Wells Driven Promplly AND Satlsf clion Guarantee'!. W illaiuette Street, !ugene Citv Oregon. If you winh to luy your goods cheap, you. must go t tne store 01 LURCH BROS. GOTTA OK GROVK. 3 The keep one of the largest stocks of General Merchandise Outside of Portland, and they sell goods cheap cr than it can he bought anywhere in the Wil lnmctte valley. UOH UENER4L fflKUril AIMDISE Ko T. C. NENORICK. N JEW STOC K Or II.lTfi The best and largest ever brought to IMwene, at k'i'ii.-vm vs lllUillliA Jt always Caret anil Barer disap points. The world' great Pain Rdlever for Man and Boast. Cheap, quick aad rellaljla. PITCHER'S CASTORIA is not Narcotic. Chiltlren grow l'at upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Fcverishness, and de stroys "Worms. WEI DE METER'S CA TARRH Core, n Constitutional Antidote for thi torribla mala by Abkorption. The most Imporuutt DlaooTery tine Vao iaatioa. Other remedies may relioTo Catarrh, thia euro at my .tago hofor Conioatptloa aeta La. M d StatianerY StorE. 1 OST OFFICE BUILDING. EUGENE L City. I have on hand and am onitan'Jy !win' an Muirtment ol tae iVfl hool at Mil!aaeniis Bks, ."tttionfry, Blank I ok PonMio,. Car.b, WaileU, Blanks. Port nor ett. c. e.. A. S. PATTERSON. F. .irTEVTIirt 111 I 1 U 11 11 U 11 I Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Window And Door Frames For Sale at greatly re duced rates. -ALSO TlonVq 5 Waojns, Busies, Buckooard And Waon Material To Close Estate of John Kinsey, deceased. GEO. W. KINFEY, AGENT. Eune citv, April 23, mi BOOT ISO SHOE STORE. A. HUNT, Proprietor. Shop 011 Willamette strict, 2ud door nortli of hardware store, hugenc City, Or. w 11 here ft er keep a complete stock of LA l IKS', -AND- CKILDREN'S SHOES liHllem, Cloth and Kid, Button Hoot, Slipper), white and black, Saudalm Fenhkll.Shoe(. MENS & BOYS mi AND IIEAVY BOOTS & SHOES And in fact everything in the BOOT and hiluh, line, to winch 1 intend to devote ui expecial attention MY GOODS Were manufactured to order, ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed as represented, and will be lil for the loWHt nrioett that a iron, article nan be afTurded. a;r27-78tf A. lli:XT. M NEW MEAT MARKET On the west side of Willamette Street, between Euuith and Ninth. Having iust opened a new and neat Meat Mrket, we are prepared to furnish he boat lU'cf, Veal, Mutton, Pork, etc.. To our customers, t the lowest market rates The custom of the public Is respect fully solicited Meats delivered to any part of the citv free of charge. McC 1RNACK KJS.N kli MV. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS 1TTILL DO WORK CHEAPER tban any y V other hop in town. HJKSE8 SHOD FOR IZ CASH. With new material, all round. Resettn.g old Shoci X tiA 1 warranted to give satisfaiition. Lhop on tno Corner cf 8tb ana Olive Streets. I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD On tht corner f Eleventh and Willamette treets.and keeM conttantly on hand lumber of ill kinds. Seiwoned flooring and rustic, fenc ing and fence posts F. B. DUNN. SAN JUAN LIMP f sale by T. G. HENDRICKS. ANSWER THIS QUESTI S. Why do so many people we tee around n, seem to prefer to stiff -r utd be made miseral le by Indigestion, Con-'ipi'.inn, Dizzineas. Ixm of Appetite, Coming up oi the Fowl, YeKow Skin, when for 75 cts., we will sell tliem Shi lob's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Oabum ft Co., DrugfUta. KUQKNK CITY 23USINESS 33IRECT0EY. ALEXANDER, J. R-Juitlr f the Pence boum r.ugt'iie i'reciuctiottioe at Court House, ABRAM, W. U. AKRO.-Planini mill, ah, iloor, blind and moulding nianuliu.-tiiry, Eighth stret't, rast tf mill race. Everything - in our line f .rmshed on short Both and reasonable Utiiih. BOOK STORE -One door anuth of the Ator Hoin A full stock of assorted box papers plain and fnocy. CRAIN m:0S.-Draler in .L-welry, Wat.-h- ea, i.rfs ami ji.mtrnl InstrtiiMrntu Wil lamette stnxt. betwen Seveuh acd Eighth. CALLISON, R. O. -Dealer in irroc nes, pro-f tiu country prmricn, eanticU go "tx, books, stationery, etc, southwnt oorntr Willamette aud Utli SU. DORRIS. GEO. B. -Attorney and Counsellor at Law uinee on W iliuiuette street. Eu gene l I'y. DORRIS. . F.-Dealer In Stoves an l Tin want Willamette street, between Seventh ana r.ightu. ELLSWORTH CO. -Drafts and dealers in paiuts, oils, ete.-iUMmetto street, be tween Eighth and Ninth. FRIENDLY, S. II.-Denler In dry goods, dotliing aud geueral men:handiKe-"WUlaiu. tt street, between highth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-Newspaper, W.k and job fniiiiiiguiuee, comer uiaiaette anaseventn streets. han.lie and produco, conm in gene ;r Eightli aad iilamette streets. GILL, .1. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug gist, PoBtofflce, Willamette reet, between rmvenin aim r.igniu. HAYS, ROBT.-Wines, Idquois, and Ci gars of the best quality kept eonstautly on hand. The best billiard table In town. HENDRICKS, T. G.-I)alci h general mer clmiiilise northwest corner Willamette and Ninth streets. HODES, C Keeps on hand fn wines, liq uors, cigar and a pool and billiard table; Will'iniutte street, betweel Eighth and Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M.-Gunsmlth. Rifles and shot guiiH, breech and muzzle losdrrs, for saie. Repairing done in the neatirt stylt and war ranted. Shop on !Uh street LYNCH, A -Groceries, proiions, fruits, reg. etatles, etc., Willamette street, ttrst door south of Poxtoflice. LUCKEY, J. S. Vatchrmker and Jeweler; keeps a hue stock ol gMxis m his lino, W illaiu ette street, in Ellnwnrtlih drug store. McCLAREN, JAMES -Choice, wines.lhmors, and cigars Willaruetlestreet, between Eighth and -inth. ' OSBURN 4. CO.-Dealers in dnigs, medicines. chemicals, oils, patrts, etc. Willamette st, oppoxito S. Charles iioleL PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting cards. PRESTON, WM Dealer In Saddlery, Ifar- net, i arrlnge J rimming., ete. illumette strut. between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE -A new stock of standard school hoeks jut receivod at the post odiue. REAM, J. K. Undertaker and building con tractor, corner Willamette and bevcutli streets. ROSENBLATT ft CO. -Dry Boo,1h, clothing, groetrie and generul nierchnmlise, aputuwest corner Willamette and Eightli streets. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Charlas Ba ker, Proprietress. The best Ilote in the ity. Comer Willamette and Ninth streets SCHOOL SUITLIES-A large and varifd awortment of slates of all sires, and quantities of slates and slate-books. Three doors uoi tli of the exprens office. THOMPSON 4. r.EAN-Attoracys-atLaw- Vvillaniette street, between seventh and Kip-lith VAN HOUTEN, B. C.-Agont for Wells, I'ai-goACos. Express; Insiirsnce eif icteil m the most responsiulo companies at sittitfac tory rates. WALTON, J. J.-AUomey-at-I.aw. Office- nillamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. ELUSVORTH CO., DUUG G 1ST , ITHLL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in ? T all its branches at tho old stand. oO'erinir incroaseil inducement to customers, old ana new. As heretofore, the moet Careful attention fiiven to Prescripions. MALARIA IS AN UNSEEN VAPOROUS Poivon, sprea!ing diseax and death in many localities, for which quinine is no genuine an tidote, but for the etfects of which Hn'etter's Stomach Kitten is not only a thorough remedy but a reliable preventive, lit this fact there is an overwhelming srrny of tehtiiuonr, ' temling over a pwiod of thirty years. All dis orders of the liver, stomach and bowel are also conquered by the Bitter. For sal by all drnpgists snd Dealers generally. rpHE BEST HHOES EVER BROUGHT L to this market, at the bm-mt prk', T. G. nND RICKS IP" KLE3WED 'WVi fry STATE NEWS. The warehouses of Corvallis, contain about 30,000 i.ushels of wheat of the harvest of 1SS0. The various orthodox societies urs buying up the stock of tht Bwart-rton Hall and will convert it into a church editice. Jirs. Elizabi-th Tucker, who had been a resident of Washington countj since 1852, died at Ucamton latt wetk, agfi C7 yearn. During the yea ending July 31 there wore 625 money orders issued at Hilluboro postotlice, aggregating the sum of 111,428 8(; amount of order paid in thnsanie time, f 3,-123 55. The Fowler Bros, at tileucoe, Wash ington county, have Bold over 500,000 shingles this year. More building and improving is being done, take the county all over.thon at any previous year in its history. A warehouse to hold 100,000 bushels of wheat is being built at Lebanon. It is being pushed as fast as possible in order to get it roady to receive this seasons wheat. A uno new hotel is soon to be opened in this town. Washington county has furnished two inmates to tho insnno asylum this month, a miin named Gunter, who lived about three miles from Forest Grove, and Edward Dolan, who lived near Butler'8 mill. Both are sincle men. The Common Council of Fortland has thrown out the celebrated ballot No 200 cast at the city 'election, deciding that the vote for the two candidates for Mayor was a tio. D. P.f Thompson, prcnent incumbent, will keep his seat "until his successor is elected and quid ifted." JIow soon another election will be held does not plainly opnear as yet, T . U intensive improvements are being ruudo in the Oregon City mills. Tho old wharf has been raised 18 inches and a new extension of a'wut GO feet is being added, and is built of cribwork tilled in with stone. The roadway to the wharf is also being improved, nnda new bridge is built. When these im prcvements are completed, this wharf will be the best landing in the city, hav ing a gradual incline to suit all stages of water. The Coos Bay murderer, David Ilig gins, is still at large and is causing con sternation on the mountain road lead ing into that county. A lurgo reward has been offered by the authorities and citizens of that section, but the tempt ing reward lias not induced any one to make his capture. ThesherilTof Coos county writes the Governor asking him to make an additional reward of (500, but from the following reply of T. J. Stites, private secretary to the Gover nor, no additional reward will be made: "I am. directed by his Excellency, the Governor, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of July 27th with peti tiou asking that an additional reward be oliered by tho Governor for the cap ture of David II iggins, and to say in reply that unfortunately the Legisla ture made no appropriation for such purposes." Last Saturday two weeks ago to-day, was the hottest day known in Boise during the memory of "the oldest iu habitant" At 10 a. m. the thermome ter indicated 98 degrees and at noon it was 102. By 4 p. it. it got up to 10G, and at 7 P. M. it hud fallen back to 102. At 10 o'clock at night it btood at 08 and a hot wind blew down the river that was almost suffocating On Bun day morning at 8 o'clock it stood at 92, but about 10 o'clock the sky began to cloud up and a light shower of rain followed, which odwl down . ti!os phere and gave scorched humanity another chance to breathe. The High chief of the RAlik group of islands in the Pacific ocean has is sued an ordinance forbidding tho saie of intoxicating liquors. The penalty for the first out-nee is fixed at $100, and at second disobedience of the ordinance is punished by expulsion from the islands. The Chief gives as a reason for pro. mulgatmg the law that the use of in toxicating liquors is destroying his peo ple. The United States Consul at Apia is lendina hw support to the en forcement ' f the decree. Tne Pint Mardir. Fartlaad Tle(ram. We published a few days since the account of the killing of William E. Noyes, or "Noyce," as wasthen given, being the first murder front the Wood river, Idaho, country. The killing was done by the blacksmith with whom Noyes had tho difficulty on the day of the murder. The blacksmith's name is Frank Ayers. It teem Ayert was riding home with Noyei and wife, and Noyes being very drunk, was abusing his wifo and finally knocked her off the wagon into the road. Ayers, at tempted to take her part, when Noyes, who was a powerful man, gave the blacksmith a thrashing and then rode off home leaving his wife and Ayers to walk home. Mrs, Noyes went home, and, finding her husband iu bed, soon retired with him. Between eight and nino o'clock that same eveuing, Frank tVyers, accoiupaniel by another young man, botlt armed with double bar relled shot guns, rode up to tho station and asked Champagne for his partner, Noyes. The Frenchman replied that. Billy had "turnod in;" whereupon" Ay ers went to Noyes' cabin aud called! for him to get up. Receiving no Veuly, he entered the room, and, retiring over Mrs. Noyes, emptied the contents of both barrels into him, exclaiming as ho did so, "There, you'll nevor box anoth er man around, you .t" Leaving Mrs. Noyes to take care of her dying husband, Ayers and his pard crossed to Champagne's house, and en tering the bar-room called for drinks. After supplying themselves with six- shooters and a rifle, they went down the road to Area As the nine o'clock stnge of Blackfoot hove in sight, the men presented their weapons and de manded the driver to stop. "I've got away with Noyos," said Ayors, address- g the driver, "and we want some fresh horses to skip the1 country on." The men cooly helped themselves to the cadra, placed their saddles upon them, caving their old horses behind, bade the passengers good night without offer ing to relieve them of any valuable, and vanished in the darkness. This murder took place at a station on the Blackfoot and Wood lliver stage line about sixty-four miles from Hailsy. Kallroid Newt The Rosolurg Plaindoaler, of last week, has the following concerning the proposed extension of the O. 4 0. R. R: There is no longer room for specula tion in regard te the course the railretd will take when it is extended beyond loseburg. Already surveyors are at work locating the road and driving grade stakes, and as nearly as we are able to find out, the course as decided upon will be south from here, to or near Canyonville, but it is not definite ly settled whether tho road will be lo cated through the canyon, or around by ie head of Cow Creek, the cost feeing about the same on either route. From the head of the canyon, it is supposed that the road will be located through tho Cow creek and Grave creek hills an far south as Jump-off Joe, and from there take a southwestern course through the mountains aiming to strike somewhere about Crescent City. Then down the coast and connect with tho Donahue road which Mr. Villard has lately bought, aud which runs up the coact from San Francisco about 125 miles. The road if located' on this route, will leave Jacksonville about 45 miles to the left, with a good wagon road to it at nearly all times of the year. Spec ulation is rife as to the time work will begin on the grade, some being so enthusiastic that they want to let there will be 500 chinamen here to-nignt to be ready to begin work on the grade Monday morning. We will wait and see. It is said of Dr. Agnew that he re- I fused to stay at the White IJonse con stantly as he had patients in Philadel phia whom he could not neglect. The President was well cared for, but there was a sailor who had fractured hit skull, a machinist who had got injure ! and three others of the same olass. A 1 these were dependent upon hint for treatment, and he would not forsake them. Not much of the Bliss or Bax ter1 about such a man as that'