Iirnirf f tie fiarU. The comet La ley-n'geniEj nrned, or doubling up, or doirjj soiue.tk somewhat tbrtitrk-v. At any rite tWt are two tra aide 1t aiJe. So my BAiroLMiiera. Tin eitraoc-JiuarT liewi corce from tl) ClrjciritAti o'hxt Tuory. ProL Store re j:ru tLat on Wednesday tigit he rrx:Td evi dent of ft Lrr Hi':, ' c atatioa in the EDcJeua, and & aejiamkn is to t o IftheoomH iLou'-J sj'it ia two the ustrtitiojixal wor'J wce!J tae etc:: uJrwn.b. r:!it cr-U'tri, ia HfC, I'-l ? u. iwr-i, and the to faru wre. een radLj aide It tide on the comet retsra ia IsT-i and after that the eoaet a t -a. F-st ia N" Teahtr, li'72, w L"a it abould Late been visi'4r if it ret ex:ei, there cnoe ra!dex.?y cut tf tLit jtarVT of tLe tea ret where the ocnet u lx-ked fc a drii it aLow er of Cre lHv the iiirctcver said ti were f.-vrietu ci the V4 cceiiv. IVcf- , , . ,. . leroe JjOw.1 tnk'.L-.t'y...r tiat the ncc!- i tf the cozx-u ca-t be dtu.- ar J ttAck-c ki tel If that u tree of the ffeat ccael, aid if the ntioaehkh j:re it tarjesi a di Aeter of o&e thcusaui tu:k- or n:r are correct, who a cooceite the ter ric fwer (I the f ieeOed to read it ia two? Tit th'-WT tht the Ltti of co.ieu are d-ne aara of twKorv or cloud c-f liquid jiartir',e or u-aa- of pyBi natter, s-ea niwe Lkelj to be troe b t Li cas than that the r.a tletu i a cietkllk 111 ci j kieurr balk. Cor. John W"hitikT i at prTt TUitinj turio b ia Lite coctttT. Lakeriew Herald noiLita:- hia lie for oar ifA erwr. Here'a for a ae.-oai to tb ooaiina tioa It tut, jerhtps cP!iJtig rather jrvkE& to ya the c.!,jjkl lif-la ajaln kj far ia aaraice f llie b: tle, and r t it is altr jy.J to le alow ve'l Cia'twij ticr;Lt oa jd ia portaijt a Vil t the iioa.".iA:rja of ozt ?ut;e Gc vf-T'ir. Web-le that Joha Wlivekkr wt c'd l tot oa the nOKt ava:'!al''e t;an the lxay.Thi-r ootild Df'i'na , but that hit aia.i:i traaa weald V mtire satifac: orj, if elf-cu-d, tliaii ihit of a?.j ctaiJlate L'0 ia ier. We cacWt "HtrnKt Jcil.r and it h u rcti f.ir tie -.: bj tl. ra:e of aiid a:jd id k f th t j O1;'. we Will eXl L:m. Eatf Oro-u.iaa. i 1 1 lOfillS. Agent for Lane County except Junction for THE BOSS Coffee & Tea Pot, Erur,J It TEtEE rATI-VT.. E I:W MAY ITLVU3 L1CHT Tx: ti ilKOi, Let Ui BOSS COFFEE AKD TEA POT nruisJy f artai b'-v't U tiitiw ti&. M tLit irww. $un-:r iiii-i;il.iti. Cofit mJ as T0 MIMTLS, ivv ln cvJy ti tmu'i i n 1 mmt. ln oif ti XKTINE .i lX.jLrtLE jrLi.a ) f tl W37 a tl ten. Endrstments from the People e a!i Know: TvI.:jLjf! trrt, Afril, lvX To no rr ai Coaraax: Afvw a tWxwe-a Wt U ti BOSS tVITXE I ,1Uif nrtinJ 1 1, w U oimtv,m avrw it at xt tftr r otiL vr -y oUr s: i t'e lnM uiui er.n, it rrtuo cr a. ia in m Uiieut, wiiica aiaca utiMbfrr aal t a BKrt dtli 1 CKtM BiJC 11 UJ CuBCT propra: 1. 1 Hro, St llri Hotel. L A Mrr, Clerk M Cfcr!oj Hotel, truliHuitn k lotrraUir;, Son oj ltaw'r, K b l ltaaai, lWrtaxa ikUauiMturui l1 lrtttin t, J K t'4vhia, Storr ad TU rr, P K N'llh. lhraiK-itt, S A C!m, W illartt- l rr. IHtM C k C. . Me a i limit, Oti. Krrraiin, Sjrr3' Ijii '.ii.j, J M Ijhwt. rrT n-xope Ahne, W M lH.-.-in, Si-Trt lvr r, W 1 Kliurr. Mo.r O a W 1M Co, llwxrd 1! Hill. Arti-t, Mm E K llrowa, M CLro Hotel, J W.Twr, l'fc fc IV Mit, W V ShTt-r, M-jinr Luilin. ( J H r.rrnu.r. Tlir LUH.d Mnul, ti W Citka-k. 1'iulv and Vrk!y Orr-oaUn, S A XaIioo, (ra laufactorer, I B miirr, t o8c liicht-t, C3i nd Sjix, C J Curti, l!cirtr, J C Nqiiaca, JiuU-her, (i W lUlicwk, lArdrr Mercluuit, 1 1 Krak, Ai,ri-ulmrl Implenamt, C V Knnwlr. CUrrD(t HuWl, Krauk Wheatoa, U S A, Fort Xaaooarcr, J Oi'rhriinr, KnU k McMiuan, Str nj Tiawart, S IrvT, Suv and Tiawara, And Buay olher. THE ESMOND, Modu Htki or thi NoamwisT, H rorru!n, Orrson, April 14, 1SS1, I am unint the IV Coffee aad Tea Urn at Tbe EiLHtid lKtrL ThT are auir m oa half of tuv Co9c and Tea, befcle aU my ( Uon art Vtter l-el with the ci'ffee and tea an now mad ia tlx I IVffe and Ta Urna. I fully recvainirud them to all who hk a& off and tra. J H BKKNNES. SHILOH CVXilUPn0X CTEX TL i lT'-4 Toeti:i ti Ki(at nc orWsl Cuur VtVsiao -aw sJ J a f 1M OhThif ttraiiahCy U won om cf CVurh. Crp, bj.1 lcA.itta, wll iu mm drfuiooe. it ti rirrt if tVtKaiti rJti."ra ft parri ti U- iivrr c4 lmoow. uru ana cuwrrr h La Uw J a farrv. u. 4 UiT ;i cu Calri 11 x aorvt ttCi al m totTR. Print ! ru u nj I i. If j-crnr Lai," art , I'wxC r trk 1-j ax M.ij.i. 1 Wn P.-" l'n Si ax a. .id ty Ihici 1 Cv. Ivc.-.ft. We we t wt Ih-m-i. v i-;3fr ci it rur cn-iu il t T.ri C.o. ii r Wi tai 1 rrj.r Anu.ai. i tn. II i- curt ur u x n jvt .L1 ' tukrktu Sikl f T- IV'", j " it., J n to m Naii 'r.u ilicer. s.ii It Jlrur t Co., Ivi-ppi-i. Auf.k) Flo . .it' An.-u-4 I'l 'iiij is J tf!i uid vii T U c fifii i.w rtu' iJ.T n-uvn l Kn.iaj j,knr. i;"nif v t tkr-.fi-l f.Urt.i' 1 llrf ri;-!- tC ' 1 & ...4 i . .J 1 .- ... jtJtT .;i.iit. vL'r t!M i a: t A.n,vtm. t mi KiA. In it. 1 Hi-t. n it L Otto Art xt- Itiit Aihav, t U. Jl Gilts. Vw-xt. N J . I". S. A. 03. V lATACX'I GH! VT3 TUB t! WKT;Tlf Tir nirnC 1"T- L; U tL. ir rr ;;ir.'i U.U n irt in.uf c aS-rt r ti ia; t ra. ti rvt ki.J oe ii'tuw i:v a. t.-- rn, iKa.-i. It tirnj- iwi. TX 1t bki tii XI-i; J. rrj? ft :w v w. It rtf rc ( Tiq. joid Wi.;..i r Otmrt X! ,tT di- in i w-jii-n.t TL it Luw N.k nr t'i.fJ tiw -15.il. l'c run. I'iUZrj. .;uJ It vi'i k ' ''i. THE BEST REMEDY J YP T?"5 I- rf a 1 it exmiirr nrrud ia aai r-. !u iy-okt it iLta'.ukaut. At t a' Ctrxtr I nniii it ra.L a mhvi, au4 db oUnTDf ttuD; iii.f ari' ii ti er(LiijfU'. 4 ti n.lilK 1: i a : trttic entLLtua'jua d ti ndi:-tfc. ir-.u;i-juf uJ tT.rat.i-t tj tur :i tii- drtix. rlHiui'.'..r tufxl. c ti i !; ff Mid .iikn- li "r.trt ; atr act erti i. .tit rrrt ;i,-4 'j,ti. i U yumr-w rtuarf i t it iKi: t. Ia ' rrdj!.-!- (o(bv Cold, Sm I'aroat, ' brftMkSUa, laflorBXjL. CiirQWti'i , Sim I kro" Acama. Croup. ! ( -: Lurk. to t2r::i Avia Ceiair Ptr I Tarn rr nihri V.. u i liL.T.tuir : ' riuu.'T rrrwrr'd tr:ia: rriaa J. m tr jt i.a.j Kill 1il:l'u, b-. I; Wiaid t trt at Laiit i nTT iiaa-is'.i Ix :i pr tTjos n ;-jrti is uiir k-ji'it.. Ii V boijE rrt and (.iai'.ioi ti w ii i-iiri jratT ai &ji.ja, a:nrji!jit. tni l':i!iii. ! Lw cii-r ki iiilurnTr tarr 3 of ' j tiniKr it.iur.ti:-TB:,.iiiit aiii ut f rr'i UiTVlma'A. tow P?r:t : wiiirk a. tira::.i us ruric.t na r, j raa ki.ti mu'r xm-.tyrtrr r-.n-f. Mil rt ! u?r vo ;' ana c.;:i-n.M tiif Ttntjrat. il ti u.r:tl Lai ittr utdiui ! ; arTjrf kuarf -Ttrr:iuMir; ,uJ a s aaa- i -tar tar4anur. tre ti i.a-wJry Una - w i 1.44 ik a&'.w uiii i W-:m Wimct waif l ini-ii. Ct j Ant Crixar 1'fc .a-u auj ;to xu:y j ctt!oii.T twl li Ivtr. rusuiul It a a-w?.iii urui.i :-. aai a ctwap at n -arrJuj jrriiLrkLKt ni ti j rnrrirtit wiil a.irf. lji..tia;T ti? wiatm, J kn.i-iig r. ntitut:iK.K . irt:T-; n a rwji fs;4Ji r Ui i...J m ITtf tri mtf etna R at pM-jL-tty t t urt aJ fu xttuok.'T nis.tuii.u not a-rcaiy 1k?uij2 u react U Li.-r aa ail. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer L Co pTwctkaJ mmt AaairttcaJ (anut LomH, Waaa. eu ax aii aiwm ri tarvacaa. SFCSTSMASS UU Chas. M. Horn, P&1UTICJL G U.YS U1TE. ifiST br.L.-u--trr ti aauort I a: 'v luki M.'w, L i... etc. , rr; i-l i Lti, Q'JTil loi'ei IT. j 1HT. J5?l fiim'ishf! Shop Wuiiawtt Ft, f,fm AtlT Hoo X LYNCH. JA PAGE. LYHCH & PAGE, la Dorris' Brick EiUding. r tiuia is Groceries ad Provisions, Will keep oa Land a feaeral awxtajrst of Cnwrin, rrovhinj, Ccrod Meat, TcKavxes tV". Cih1k, Cuilcc, Notioaa. tirrrn and lrie Krortu, Wood and WCi.tVm Crwkrry, Etc Boinet will l coodm-ted on CASH UASIS. aant that Low Prices are Established Coodt drlivr rr d vilLcut thrji U hjfl ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTEC whkh w will pay tb licb4 aurket iio. "LYNCH PAVJK. CHERRY1' ijCOiiT. A4irmHaixaTTaC,rrtl4,l THE Eugene ZE3 CAMPBELL ISSUED SL1 U Jb&33-A."3Z"S. A live Lccil Pbjxt dfvet to the DeTtrlopment and In tents of LaDe Cohmv kxi Knjt-ne Citv. Tbe GL'AllD bis tbe lirct circulition ol any paper in Lar.e Coar:tr. It cirrCiAU-s tlrccjh every pot office in the Co-Ltv is tiert'.rr tbelt EediTira for advestLer?. 30 COLUMNS I - M 11 t vt sctrc.a LOCAL. MICELIJ-EOi:iN Nt ia every iae. I'ut sek to lecvnie NOW 11 THE TOIE IS SUBSCRIBE TERMS : Per Year, in Advance. $2 50 AnVrTTTMNr, at retona!.!e rte. ronP.D-rONf'EyCE from ill part 0fth3C0a.tr so- fL. 1 Job Printinff ! We are prepared to tarn -boM tOtice &3J re&.faal' ttlTai Yoa ceei l.4 s-eii-l awsv ;".r tteap, &ni taniisa g.i iLattiUi, &?av i nuter ia the t-tute- CA R T. STATEMENT?, CIKCl'LAPJ?, EILLKE.r LETTER HEAP?, FOSTERS, LARGE AXrSMALL NOTE PAXFHLETS. LKALFUN'R. FXTERAL NOTICE?. RECEIPTS, PROGRAMMES, ETC, ETC. Give cs a call and eiamirce onr specimens of Job Printin". OFFICE: On Willamette Street between &ith and Seventh Streets. HAVXIG X, "T J U US 6 XV.C C CI V C U Q LEGE Asscrtmcrti OF BILL HEADS. LETiERHEATX STATEMENTS, All kinds of CARD tnd BOOK Papers; Etc. we are prepared to do Job Work at TJ LAJ IVAie. (hard cnr2 BROS. PUB'S. STATE. XSD TELEGRAPHIC lie GUARD is Democratic ia jolitic?' i .'pdarivciJ juarnal, rather tbau a jh oct rt-cdss JuL Work npoaj iol troik a we will do it a? Citation. . Ia th C.iciitT Cocrt of tl Sti of Orepr. 1 l:r ti ct'UttT of Lane. Ia ti Better ot tie eUi of Geo. C Ti?h To Martha E. Fiir and aU other kein or ckTwe t4 aaid e'u ctiBi'"a trrretior: IN THE NAME OY THE STATE OF vT. e.". va a- be.-e t rtte-i and rtt.nirrd to j :!rr in the IVrtr Crrt of tie ?ii!e of j.Tn-fu f-e tie Cn.tty of Lr at ti K-m rt ! tberoof. at tu,'n 'ity, ia t' e Cotntj I -4 Law. oa U ir, the ."itli Ut of Se;-tti I t, lvt. at 10 o fUi is tl !,. J thai !oay, tics asd Vbere to ttw one, if any ei K, wly aa orwt r4 hi i oS ! c-W artK-nnr U acstutnt of nui at t.. foixmia; d-i:ird real rin-rrtT be- .nct v u it iaw i-r-t wru. t ti-'T IL Of tc a.-iiit aajd f."U!t, VMt : lt-:tiiiijr at J j4 i-r-a ertiia i"i ni A. J I i.". j ot K ( V. mbr; tM U m V Aain. ti NC.h i wchaiaa, t. -rvo. Eat IS3 ctiaiB. Udc Swti eO.') ciaiaa, thetiv-e Eaet cboix w .- c.tiu hi, ihra, Uitn.' 4 -4 ttt Mac ct V-a. A.o 't At ) aad 4 la ertxiB 3bL arrr: ! ' 1 ia Snt' X". prtinHc ara, Alw tHe X W J,t!.e!!i JUlirSHj; te ti W i4 ti X U Jrf S W i: LU4 VT ) of J utM ft ta . f: ai-3 u et U 1 1 ia V euLtL-tu' 5LCT arrea, AH aud ir.i! j Lax Cottty, tr r. ia T IT. S U k. W. 1 ai ataijra ia c canbed Vy oHt of ti totutT txut 4 Lac tti.tT. cut Ju? 1. v. ni. tae E.w. C w r-v. cf the t.mty Cost of te Suse o rr.-'. fe tie I tit j it the aial - f al Vocrt aaed. tia li 1mA ca if Jane, A D.lN'1. ' ! U . rrrCH,Cocary Jai.". SEAL JOXLVTAILA, (Wl NOTICE To Whom II Jlay loncern. T HEP.EEY GIVE XOTK'K THAT I AM ot tU 1'Mleut Itigbl !i S-iiliiii aa.1 lr:iii Wtl! in lnt cuuuty, stkt i t ind vLtt laid lii.lit l lo- i-uj It LrUrn tt U.'".J i y tLt U. S. 'jorrLU)tit t- 2!"'i , lrn, l Hiirv bifcd Ccabtv, pi' York. AU rmt walTrrivriiWt!l., t Li tlitni I'rivni, witioct niT a-rniiMib. tic t!i 21t of F -avnr,':c73. r li-! . t rMcuti"a for iiJnn,tifUt of l.il t t'i r htnhj bo ufcol iu tja fcrni iw ijiat the unie. All idnn ,tawta ia the future will U r cctL I prrj ir- V drive Wh will jfran ptnukwiuB to utltr bo tji'iluvtiun. B F DORRIS Citation. WbfTfui. oa tV fth day of July, GH- .'ntEiii tii ft!i'-ation in tbe Cuiity tVrt, of In (Viaty, Orrgon, jiray it tit L n: I chiti.'l frin OiJ-"ii l'rVjite M lii-itoo Cut-rtiwin MiKtrt.aml il Court It wir dnly ro! fixi MwIjt, ii ,Vh dy o St.U-iulr, at 10 o'diick A. M., fur beirlif iii ;ij.lhation;Thtrrfore: Tj all whom it my contxia : IS THE NAME OK THE STATE OF rr"n; voo ol eich of y.a are hr)iy uxi rr-i'iinr-i to ! in will County Court on M tb .V.o dy f ."et-tnlr, at 10 o'cioik A. JL of aid tLv, th.n and tlre to bc t:w, if any xit, why the the I raver of laid irtition thonld Diit 1 gm.U-L Tii eiutif'0 i tmU54.el in th Et ne Citv Gi an by ordr of suj Coiat, mvie thit 6tL Ait f J'uIt, ljl. 1 ' , " Witxl-s tie Hn. C. W. JrT t Fitth. Jui,r of i Court, bit J -tAJ- hand. nd the tM of i i Court, . ' tii Oth d..r of Ju!t,1v:. ;rM JUEL WA1.E. tl.rk. 'mm. TJS. : L. i-y . et Li i .'TV.". - -1 .VI GLEXX'S suLPnun soap. ttADICUEt Ali Local ?k:n Disruscs; PllHANtMXV liLAt'TIIIF-S TIfl CoKriXTtio, PkivLxrs and Keub. C1I5 KniliJATtSM AND OOIT, HULS SOS.ES AND 1.VJCUH C F THf Cl TICLE, AND is a Rujaele Disinfect axt. This roj-r-lsr an! intipensh-e remedy aco:ffi7i:ci ie same rtsins as ooiixv tfir-Hfx Baths, tinceitpn rNEXTtT ktjiovu EarmoNS and IariTATtoNS of lie ?kin. CCi!rUJLl 'AL EiEMISHES are ah w-iys oimiirJ I t its use, and it renders tl caclt wo5iroaiT fair and tinooih. Sjen r t ains, bRvisrs, Scmxs, P i ns ad Crrs are 3FEEDILY HEALED I j it, ia i :t rre-.tnis and retneOiei Gout aa-2 Kiaa:i!tt. It it:c.vls I'Avrnrrr, rrrr.jrJienj ti.e rot of Lue Ilaj, ltd iresrnes its to:-J-Ju! .cl,-. As a DlMXFLClAXT of Cloiiii.:c aad lir.ta used in the sick kv, tad rs a Fsotectios ajiiast Cont.v.IOVS Li5t5U it is nnequalol. rtjjjciiss e-i ;.haijcai!T endorse it Prices-25 art 50 Cats per Cake: perBsxfSCa1:-:.-). 60c cti$1.20. ' e ira f -: Gale. EJlfS HITS AXD VHISrO, DTK," Blark r Cnm, 3S Teau. f C5.frittrttca.rrfyr,T&iilkiT.I.I. CM Or TK OLDEST ASD K0ST RtUABU SEKu)lS IX THE WOOD FOR THE CIRE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and troy aiectioa of Uta THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including CONSUMPTION. A UtUKOWJI fWSICWH wtlTES 1 " It das sot dry ap a cresS, aad lore the exam behiai!, s n tbe cm h auu Fnrm, kal kxxeat k, deasKt tbe ksp mi tLjyg wriaiam, tbal CEXrj2 the carac of comrluEt." DO OT EE DEtXIVtD Vy ankle, bear. B-1 K-rrim Bam. Ee mi yc pt BR. WnTlSf EkLSAM Cf WlUi CHERET, s iVa:srec"l. ETTT5 " oa tbe wrtpfa. Cru and SI .00 a rattle. A OEICTLTl KAL IMPLEMENTS ai lia.i at iai .-3. 1-t T. ti. HENPP.ICKS a-alle' iteauB. BerLa Fa&iuoa Parma at Iaca 1 Strat SSiFARffl FOR SALE. 4 FAEM of STej arrai. ijOofwlii prairie V. a-jd X. ia c-JuTatiw b tfri f.e aale. It a gi'a . u ' i j ,St r Et,-.. GJ Wkiiiv-a aid en. - h. - ojM, aa-i a.1 tr-r f-n-e. ForteTBap- fij LOLi.LT CAMPEELL. 0SBTJRN & CO., SlaLIB la DKC03, CUEMICAIA, 01 LH, PAIXT8. GLARH, VABNlsnE3 PAmTBTxTJICKJIS, ftc. 8randie3. Wine$ and Lkjuoit .'.F AIL KIMsg. Ia fact, w Ut. th. btrt awortBieat ef rti,u found in a FIRST CLASS DRUG tJTOEE. W. anant all onr drop,, for tLey a,, ,w FmL ParUctilaratULtiun i. lltd t. stock of a Perfumer a,u Toilet Articles. a W- LTt looj;ht OUR GOODS FOR CASH W can compete with any ertabU.fc inert in 7B. gnt City in price and accwumMatitiii Buy your pooda whera you can r th Lert and theaWt PRE.SCTII PT10N8 CAP.EITLLY FILLU, At aU hours of Ui day or aij,ht. onnt 4 i, NOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL Shp owner, that tLT mutt din their1 PUKBK .beared. Tt. 1 ..iT ri.ioni tLat when ti uwrer. fail to do aa. that t.. Iaict .i.ail cacat it to U dn at their tipctis. Steep IupK-tor for Lane Co, Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S N3TICE. VOTKE 1 HKPP.I;Y GIVEN THAT' . ' the on-ieriurd ha ln aj (..jn'ed Ad mmUtratf of il.--Lverf sT!ve.r llatledift "ecea,.!.!. tie ( cn tty Coi.it of IJr county 'Kn. an-ith..' s'J f.-r W-u claims ajiabst ini.l tate are Le:VT rei.'ii-e,) to re-ent th. suieto it at tl rfrce , 1 lirti.i.L 4 IVan ia En.-ne City, Uip-d, v.r.h -j..jr vomUrs !r.nixH, wiUiia ix month from U.. date of thi. Df'tii. DatdaTir. 1-S1. T. I. MAI LOCK. Adminutrator. THOMPSON BEAN.Attoruevi. J. B. ALEXANDER, Justice of the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Bills on'.let-tei, Record war ded and sh ra-toft;t:e wvte. A'l l.;'-!ne-. promptly nrn.ledt. OJ -e at the Court Home, QC tf C0T t'eriayat bom TiplM worth SJ A :d:e tT-.axx a ', Port laai. M :t. Bl'ENA VISTA STONT VAr.'ge V to T.ti. HExnr.:L'X3 Tl; U--1 r"5i:;r r! f'ajrsnt Tfrfin 6 ti e day "HACKAiETAi'K ' try it. Id by i -jt urn I Co., e,n;'.5t. Eryene Cry. Oregon T A HF.I.I! T' '.'.iflX-I 19 ti.re! 1 i ai.eut ti Uu xii t :te1 w. n. T. 0. HENIiHICKS Summons. Ia the Cccnty Court i-f Lane Cottnty, ! Orrjon. J. W. Matlock, PUintU, Ciril w J..fcn T!., Defendant J""""0"' To the aloTe umed defrnlant, John Thoauon? IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Orecvn yon are berely re-,uirtd to appear in ti County C;rt of La ( nty, Suite of Crrg.in, and ancr the .!aiati3" cvrcjihiint in the ai.tve entitled c&ue now- on file in aid cxirt, hy Moihiay. the 5th day of September, 1S1, l!cj the tlrsi dy of the next reculr term of id Cvart fulifatnj the expiration of tl tinr.e pre.-rild in the ordtr for the puhli catim r-f ii i suBDa-n Tl. ; iii-iit will take notice that if he fail to to ap;ar acd snimer id ecmplaint a a'.iT r c'.'r.-d, th plain::? will t-ke judg nitLt .ia-t L:m f. the um of 3L00 with intervst tb- re n Jt ote per cent per monthr from tbe 27 th ti..y C-ct-Ver, 1T9, and forth. s".n) of ftO a a!-.'rrTj fres ia the aition; als' for the k;dj rt elT.iK1 i:h introt at ten per ottit r-r rr' m fr m the Ht c:t of Septem- her, al-o f -r the ;iun of i ;.f.l with inter est thereon r.t H'r- r o-Lt. j t aciium froai ih. Slt day . f J .lr 1;T?: for the om of ioa d illars b ith jrjt-rfi t'.ejei'n t 1 per cent, jr ansum froai t) e Ut day f JxanAry. 1S0; ai.df.ir the ci ii and U4 urs-n.-w of this ac-' tn, a d' mantled in siii njupl.xirt. Srio of thU mn n-nii ii iirectd to be nade Ir pchiiiv.tii r in the t4tn. City G r s EI by order of aid C s.y 1'iurt made and entered vf reoiid thtrevu vn the 7th day of July, ISM. THv MPt N 4 F-EAN. jySww 1. luii s AUurxifya. Ims.z Kuan!. 0' - . Ek aid NVCLuaett t, - igene City, Or QROCEHIE-Iaail kee a afaUaf GEOCEEIKS & PROVISIONS Aid iariie th. tntj- of rossekeepera. T. G. HENDEICK TUTS PIPES F'kXlTfTT GSJ a W ew Si Tr . i At tbe preaww. SOULS tO&Sfi