The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 06, 1881, Image 5

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Reads getting dusty.
Go U Goldsmith's for groceries.
Goldsmith keep the belt ciifara.
Job work k spociality t th Guard office,
Tbs Comroso Council meets text Monday
Mr G Bettman has purchased the Townsend
Nw tvle ladies visiting card at tin
GiMRD fnce.
If you wish to bay goods cheap cull at
$ H Friendly'!.
Call aud tee that large stock f goods for
sale at Friendly1!.
Mr S H Friendly returned Wednesday
from Clatsop Beach.
Mr Robt Hayes has bought the residence
ef Mr E F Chapman.
Goldimith keep! the best line of groceries,
and sella them cheip.
At the but .nceting of the E II and L Co,
o ne member was elected.
We learn that a lodge of I 0 O F, will
hortly be organized t Springfield.
The building adjoining this oflice on the
south has been moved to the alley.
Something new Ia:e kid gloves at S. II.
Friendly'. Cal! and examine them.
Cash paid for CHICKENS, HIDES, TAL
rOW and BEES-WAX at A Goldsmith's.
Another party of gentlemen from Portland,
started for the McKunzie springs Tuesday.
S H Frieudly sells cheap for cash boots,
shoe clothiim, bats, caps fancy goods, etc.
W acknowledge the presest of a fine hex
of blackberries from Mr Jeel Ware's place.
The Gcakd is the beat advertising me
dinm in Lane county. It hag the largest
A large lot of mile-end Clark's spool cot
ton en tale at T G Hendrick's in lots to suit
The workmen tore out the bottom of Ros
enblatt's store this week aud raised it about
three feet.
Mr. Geo. W. Kiusey has several new hacks
and buggies, which he will sell very cheap. See
We believe Lane county can boast the old
est horse in the world; at leant we saw one
on the streets brauded B. C.
A firs occurred in Harrisburg on the 29th
which destroyed the Pioneer hotel building
owsed by Hun Enoch Holt.
Harvesting with headers will commenco
about the middle of this month. The bin
ders and reapers are already at work .
MrS H Friendly will pay tlia highest
cash market price for wheat. Give him a
fail before selling your grain elsewhere.
The person who took Charley Croncr,
Jr'a. money, last Monday, had better return
"the same aud save trouble. lie iasuspicinucd
Some one feloniously stole A bucket of
plums inteuded fortius office from Father
Perkius the other dy. Tlireo of them weigh
ed a pouud.
Chis Lauer brought to this oflice one day
this week a curiosity in the shape of a plum
tree limb, bearing fruit and blossoming at
the same time.
Frank Kaukin, the photographer, will
'ineve into bis new quarters about the 1st of
August, where he will still turn out the beat
f work in his Hue,
Elder S. Monroe Hubbard will preach at
Christian Church, next Sunday, morning and
evening. Sunday School at 10 A M. All are
Invited to attend.
A peripatetic prestidigitator pitched his
tent in town Monday, but failing to get an
audience sufficient to pay for his license
failed to perform .
The Mendelssohn Quintette Club, concort
Thursday eveningwasadecided success. The in
strumental music was fine, while the singing
of Miss Murie Nellinl was encored.
The tongue of the express wagon came dnwu
one day this week and rather an excitiiig runa
way occured. Frank Stewart however held
them in the road until they were stopped,
Some person so far forgot his manhood as
to remove and hide the the taps from the
wagons of the Jubilee Singers. That 'the
Company are bilks is no excuse for such con
duct. I have seen considerable dentistry done by
Dr L M Davis for the hist 3 ;-ears, and I
-consider him a good dentist.
L. S. Skiff.
Salem, July 23, 1SS1.
The roof of the residence of J J Bellvail was
-diaenrernd on fire. Thiirwltv morning. It was
extinguished by officers Moore and McKenzie,
th only damage bcin the loss of quite a sur
face of shingles.
Business men should not forget that
blank notes, bill-heads, statements, letter
heads, and evorv description of eoiiiiuercii 1
Urilitinrr r niltlv Alld DlOinptlV executed
I C5 J
at the Guard oliice.
Mr P J McPherson our efficient county
Assessor has almost completed his assess.
ment for 18S1 . See his notice to taxpayers
ars in another c-jlumn- The Board of Equal
tzation meet Monday, August 27th.
We call especial attention to the silver
tisement of Sternberg, Senders t Co of June
tion, in this issue. They are closing out
.. , .. 1- .l f, !.. mot. till
tueir mic, vl -
"day will offer pecial iaducements to buyers.
Wasc Independent Academv. We ac
knowledge the receipt of a circnlar from
this yonng and risiug institution, tinder th
supervision of Prof T M Gatch, principal.
Prof Gatch is well known throughout the
State as a thsrsngh and accomplished in
structor. PoisoiC. Considerable of our space this is
sue is devoted to a most important article
which we clip frem the San r raocisco cuue -
tin in regard to the poisonous adulteration of
P.k.'... P W.flitto be of ereat
JL . d c.mend it te our
Real Estate Transactions for July.
0 W Washburn to W C Heaibr, 1C18
seres; consideration, $11,(100.
T W Harris to J II Hall, 40 aires; eon,
WP and HE Gardner to I W MiUsr, 1H0
acres; cob, C23,
H F Stratton to Wm PresWn, lots In Eu
gene; con, 100.
Wm Luckey to F B Dunn, land, ten, f 30.
Wm Goodpasture to Thuntoa Goodpasture,
iutorest in 100 acres; con, I.TOO.
B II Bailey to A It Oar, land; con, 1 100.
Solon S Jones to James E Hervey, lot in
Junction; con, 200.
R S Catliey to X P ChrUroan, let ia Cot
tage Grove; con, J3W.
L C Ilotnin to Henry Gale, 58 acres; con
Volney Hemenway to A A Hemenway, 100
acres; con, $100,
W B Blachley per J M Shelly to 8 II
Friendly, land. Sheriff a!e.
G V Canterbury to It S Strain, 72 acres,
con; SC00.
Nancy M Cartwright to M Kennedy, land,
con, $i0,0X.
U S to G W Turnbow, donaton claim.
U S to B P Goodman, donation claim.
Geo F Craw, admr estate of N S Griswoldi
lots in Junction, con, $747.
U 8 to Samuel Wingard, donation claim.
Killed by a Horse. Our Monroe corres
pondent hus kiudly furnished us with a private
letter to Alex Lamb of that place from Lepp
ner, giving the sad news that James Ferguson,
who was born sud raised in Lane county foul
miles south of Monroe, and the'son of the early
pioneer, John B Feixusou, and for the last
few years, a resident near Ileppner, while try
in; to hitch a span of horses to a hack on the
17th inst,, on of the horses, a large 1300 poun
der, becoming fractious, kicked Mr Ferguson
with both feat, on foot striking him on the
right groin, about even with the navel, and th
other stroke was about three or four inches to
th right. The letter above alluded to was
frem the attending physician, L F Shipley, M
D., who states that the kick which struck near
the navel was the fatal stroke. He died en
the morning of the 19th, after suffering very
severely, and was mortifying internally when
he died. Th deceased was well known to
the writer ever since boyhood. He was an
honorable, industrious and well respected citi
zen, and a brother-in-law to our fellow towns
man, the Hon John Burnett Gazette.
Ge.nekal Brows's Condition. Mart V
Brown, former proprietor of this paper, is
now at Lower Soda Springs, and is gradu
ally wasting away with consumption.
Uia left lung is new entirely useless, sud au
abscess is forming on th right lung, and
when it breaks be will probably puts away .
His time is very short for this world, aud he
is fully awart of his conditiou, but docs not
seem to dread the final end. Hi wife is
nearly worn ouc with weary watching, but
feels very thankful t those kind friends who
have given ber assistance in this her hour of
need. Albany Democrat. Later Gen.
Brown died at the Lower Soda Springs Wed
nesday. He was buried at Albany by the Ma
sons Thursday.
Leo Shattkred. A correspondent of the
Standard, under date of July 30th, says that
a yung man by the name of Luckey, a son
of Xels Luckey formerly of this city, had his
leg badly shattered by a flying reck from a
blast, while working in a blacksmith shop
near tuunel No 2 on the rail.oad above the
Ho was taken to the hospital at
Hood river. The doctors were undecided
as to whether oi not his leg would have to
be amputated. We suppose it was Mr
Luckey's eldest boii, William. Mr Luckey
is at present occupying a position at Coui-
stock's sawmill at Latham.
Rain in IUhvbst. Rain during harvest
is no new fling iu th Willamette Valley as
every old Oregoniau cau bear testimony.
August 1851 was a wet month and uiueu ot
the grain cither rotted staiiding iu the field
or alter in it beeu put in shock. Iu 1S54
tha uim occurred, also in 1507. Iu IbiU a
great deal of wheat was destroyed all through
tho valley. The rain of last week caused
considerable damage to hay aud grain in this
viciuity. A great dial of hay was stdl in
th lipids when the rain came. We hear of
some Fall sown grain being knocked down.
Died. Wm Gale, better known to our
citizens as "Uuclo Billy' uaie, died ai me
residence of his son-in-law, J N Hocker-
smith, in Eden precinct, Jackson county,
Monday, July 23th. The deceased was for
many years, a resident of this city, where he
raised his family. His sons, Henry and
Thomas, both promising youug men, besides
twe daughters and his wife preceded him to
the grave. Although ecceutric and vision
ary, he had a wide circlo of friends, and was
generally respected. He died of old age and
geueral debility.
Surprise Party. A correspondent at
Junction, under date Aug 1st, writes as fol
lows: A most pleasant surprise party was
given last Friday evening at the residence of
L Solomon, as a token of regard to Miss Si
mon, who is visiting her ister, Mrs Sol
iiiou. The refreshments were of the choicest
and no ffort was spared to make the even
ing one of pleasure leug to be remembered
by the participants . At a late hour th par
ty broke up pronounced by all one ef the
most pleasant.
Wm Reid, manager of the narrow gauge rail
road, has received a telegraphic dispatch
from Mr iliard to proceed without delay
in securing the right of way for the road
from Portland to Junction City. This
would seem to indicate that this company
contemplate building the road into Portlaod.
Torn 1own. The buildings formerly sc
cupied by Jahosou's restaurant and Bausch's
shoe shop were torn down this week U make
rooinfor Abram Bros new brick. Work on the
brick will be commenced a toon a the
, bi ick are bnrut.
1 Wbeat. We
have beeu shewn
! gM wieat rei by Ceo Belshaw, ca-
, .k... .r,.; ll,P.I.c Afn,
i Fishitle. and Ten head! Kiffen hd srf
the i'isbpole variety weighed one pound.
The Eugene corr sspondent of th Oregon
ian, an experienced bop man, write t that
joanial as follow.
Th bop vise in this coanty art now is
bbxsam and some of th earlier varieties
are iu the burr and promise fair yield,
in this crusty, however, there has sine last
year bees t decrease iu acreage of our bop
yards, consequently thr will not b as
many bale a that of last year. Grower
will know that this will not aflert the mar
ket price, as we do not raise enough to male
any impression as far as quantity is con
cerned. The report of last year showed
that Oregon hops a a whole were the best
picked and cured on the coast, aud if our
growers will only adhers to the rule of do
ing good work they will have us trouble iu
realiziug paying price for their hops. Some
times we bear growers complaining that "so
and so" did not pick as clean and cur as
good hi ps as themselves and yet realifed as
much iu the market. This we know has of
ten occurtd, but oue thing must be remem
bered, if bad picking and careless work in
drying and baling if followed for a year or
two our growers will soon lose their reputa
tion as bop growers ami will realize but lit
tle for their labor. Let good picking aud
careful drying aud baling be the rule auioug
Oregou growers.
Death of Bishop Haven.
Salem, Aug 2. Rev. Krastns Otis Haven,
D 1), L L 1), bishop of the Methodist Epis
copal church, died her to day at 2 o'chvk
PJM, of u ramie poisoning, at the residence
of Rev J N Denuison, aged 10 years. His
wife and son were present. He made his
will on Saturday and requested to be buried
ia Lee Mission Cemetery near this city. He
was elected bishop last year.
Nearly four week ago, he left California
to attend conferences in this btato. He was
not well at the time, but came to Salem,
where he attended the commencement exer
cises sf Willamette University, and was im
mediately afterwards confined to bis bed,
with what was thought to be intermittent
fever. The case was not considered danger
ous until Saturday last, at which time Dr
W H Watkius, of Portland, was telegraphed
for. The patient was found to be in a pre
carious condition, and preseutcd symptoms
of congestive chill, with nausea and vomit
ing, which preveuted the use of customary
remedies. After the administration of stim
ulants hypodermicaliy, the bishop rallied,
and it was hoped, would soon recover. A
sudden relapse this morning carried him ail.
Gilked Again.
The people of Eugene are ever ready to
be imposed upon by nearly every traveling
humbug that puts in an appearance The
last was Wednesday night, when a good
house assembled at Lane Hall to be thor
oughly bilked by a company of darkeys styl
ing themselves Kentucky Jubilee Singers.
They numbered thirteen, but it has never
before bceu our lot to wituess a so utterly
miterable performance by a crowd that put
on so much stylo. With the exctptiou of a
few jubilee sougs our amateurs could do far
bettor. Tbo burnt cork artist is far super-1
ior to tho genuine article. There is one von
Halation, howevsr, that is they never iutfict
their presence upon a town but one niht.
Tho lower valley press should ventilate
thsee Africans, and savo thuir poople from
getting bilked.
Work AT thb Bay. The Government
work at Yaquina Bay mid-ir tho manage
ment of Eugineer Polhemus, is now under
headway in earnest. Tin! p opped pl.m of
sinking cribs on the bar and then filling
them with stoua to keep them iu place has.
Ueu abandoned. Wo are informed that this
crib system was not the one proposed by Mr
Polhemus, as it was bis opinion that the
cribs could not be successfully fastened, and
his first attempt fully verified his former
prediction and tho plan suggested by him,
that of constructing a tramway and building
the jettiei from the shore out, has been
adopted iu detail, and the work will be con
tinued iu this way in future. The crib that
was attempted to be sunk, is uow being
used as oue of the shore abutments for the
present plan of work. From Mr Trice, from
the head olfice In Portland, we learn that
the plans are uow fully matured and will be
carried out without delay or hindrance. By
this plan the work can be prosecuted in all
kinds of weather even though the bar be ever
so rough. Gazette.
Nearly an Accident. A young man by
the name of Thompson, on Tuesday, drove
his team of four horses into the mill race to
water; he imprudently stepped out on the
tongue to let the check reins down, when
one of the leaders became friehtened and
kicked him on the back of the head, render
inir him fora short time sensulets. iueteam
then ran away breaking the tonguoand some
other gear of the wagon. The young mail
soon recovered from the kick, but got a good
Incendiary. A fire was disoovored,
Thursday night about 11 o'clock, in a barn
near the brewery. Fortunately it gained no
headway before the discovery or we should
have a disastrous conflagration to record. The
fire was plainly the work of an incendiary,
as an old sock was found afterwards near by
saturated with that oil, and th smell perva
ded the building. The city council should
offer a reward for the arrest of any one at
temptiag incendiary work.
Collectiso Grains anu Obasses. Mr D
Prettyman, of Salem, paid n a visit Tues
day: He is traveling through the valley se
curing rpscimeus of grain and grasses for the
the railroad company, and for exhibition at
the next Mechanic Fair at Portland- Mr.
Prettyaiau has Collected sou tin tpeci-
I men showing what Oregon cau do. Samples
left at this office by any person, will be for-
I rdd bW to tboae making the collection,
1 free of cost
R J Gralnmtwent to Portland this week.
Mr A Wvhfulieiwer of Junction was in
town Thur..Jy. ('
Mrs Ilnnehett was visiting friend in
Portland this week. j
Mr. LG Adair and wifs bavs cjne ou a '
trip up the Columbia.
Sheriff Shelley and James Warniek have
ne to Kitsou'i ipriugs,
Mi Alice Sinmn, of Portland, in visiting
relatives sud friend in this city.
J G Gray, W II Abrauis and Gen Cooper
havs returned from Kitsou's spring.
Hob J M Thompson and family have gone
to Kitsou'i springs ts ruMicaU for a short
Fd Porris, Geo Crom r, Win Mooro aud
Geo Gill returned, Tuesday, from Yaquina
Bay. They report havii g a pleasant time.
Mr Curran Oshnru of Cottage !nv
been engaged in Ostium A IV drug store,
during Prank Churn's al s. noe this wick. Unburn started Monday for Walla
Walla, The piny entitled "Fun on tho
Bristol," which was produced at Portland n
short time since is not running now, Some
say that Mr. O.lmru's visit to Walla Walla
ha some connection with that popular com
edy. Judge H C Humphrey, Joel Ware, J R
Catnp1cll and E J McClanahun started
this morning with a boat for Hills on the
Middle Fork, from which placo they will
fish down the river iu the Tlry will bo
gone sfVoral days. Tho "jo lgu" has bceu
elected custodian of D. Johu.
A Fraud.
W 0 Thrailkill, a dentist of Sacramento,
Cal, thus ventilate IV J C I'ob'u formerly
of this city, by circulating the following card
of warning:
To Whom it way Concern': Some time
ago a man (?) calliag himself J C Bolon ap
peared and stated that he was a dentist ('I
and that he had an otlice iu Eugeiio City,
but bad left there for a while on account of
sickness of himself and family (wife and
three ch'ldreu); that bo was destitute (hav
ing no money and ouly oue pair of forceps),
and that be thought if I would only let him
have a littlu money aud a few dental goods,
that be would be able to m.iko a little some
thing iu this mild cliumte and would settle
up soon and go hijk home to work had
several hundred dolhrs duo up there. I let
him have money aud dental goods to tl.e
amount of S'.H) 03 during tho time bo was
around here (about three mouths); but ho
got off en the road ns far as W'iuncmuce.i,
Nevada aud lit out for parts ui, known. He
did not return to Oregon; but may have
gouo to Idaho or Moutaua; p.nsibly gone
Any information concur j:ug the above
g-r.tloinan (?) will be gladly reeeivol, us
he will be immediately nrrcOed on a
charge of "falso pretenses" aud brought baik
tu these parts.
Soiling Off Cficap.
(1 Bcttm.iii is selling goods at a lens price
than ever before to cb'ar out tho old stock,
and save trouble moving them back. Tliu
repairs on his old store will bo completed in
about two weeks hen he will ho glad to
see nil his ld friend and euiUmelM. Call
and examine hi-s goods ftud sua tlio low p.i-
ces for youri'dt.
Prolivic .Mr Jiiuies F.bbvrl left at this
oflice, one day this week, a clump of when
grown from onu leed containing 200 stalks.
Each head of wheat, it is calculated, pro-
luce 40 grains; If the heads of tlionustalkt
had not been hurt bv rust r.liey Would luvo
produced SUM fold. Mr Kbbert is of the
opiuioii that the Into sown grain will be con-
sitlerauly damaged iy rust.
ANri'MoNoi'd.v Lr.AdUE. The Anti-Mo
nnpoly league organized last S.lurday by
electing the following ollicers: President,
Koscoe Knox; Vice President, K B (Vchran;
Secretary, J W Jackson; toirespouuing
Seeret.u v. A W Stowell. The meeting lid-
jourued subject to the call of th President.
Anklb Citi'MiiKu. A Mr McC'lure, a
teamster in tho employ ot the npringiiem
Mill Co, had the misfortune Tucsdayto have
one of his ankles badly crushed by being
caught between two sawlogs. Or islioltoit
was called and rsuuerou ine necessary u,gi-
cal attuutiou.
Ma liniKD.-At Walla Wulla, Aug 3d, by
Rev Boyd of the Preshyteriau Church, olli-
dating, Mr F WOsburn of Eugene City, and
.Miss Aditie Uristol ot Jlaiiey. Mr uaourn
aud bride will bo home Monday.
Stop a Moment and Read This-
Look at this list of goods just rtceived at
tho Farmers and Mechanics Clothing Store.
Souqus Suit from $10 to $ 17.
Scotch sacqoe or frock suit from $12 50
to 17.
Sacque or frock diagonal suits from $13 50
to 823.
Broadcloth coats and vests, diagonal,
Prince Albert coats and vests. Just the
thing for Holiday presents.
Several new lines of overcoats, reversible
and ulsters, all grades and prices, from $7 50
to 820,
Derby shirt, i.eckties aud the finest hue of
npi-t( ill ftio f-ilA'.
New buU ami caps, wool scarfs and
1(1 different at vie of underwear, all grade
aud prices
The be it stock of silk and linen hamlker-
lilf. hoaiurv. tc. for the holidays, in the
I.atest style of hat I to W an. I aps
from SI to 1 25. lioys hats ami caps.
The line tf pants pattei us and suits
in the citv. Cashmere. Diagonal, Scotch
and Americiu cloths, fuits made to order
frum !UI nti.
I'mta maln to order from S3 50 up! Dark
orv (Ireion islimere Hants, i't. All wool
nanta 4 M 7.'. ". ij .V. id. Pantsii 75,
'2 50, Overalls ftO ctnts, "i cents,
$1,112.). Diagonal pants from to ?S.
The only Gent Furnishing goods store in
F.ugeue City. Clothing cut for anybody.
All goods marked in plain figures, and
strictly one cash prico for all.
Call and exainiue our good before buying
jlsttw litre.
Farmkks 1 Mich ksuh Sroitr,
It. J. (iKAII AM, Malinger.
ruisooi N itHr.u.
An Alarming Array of Ff t Not to be
Lightly Read, but Carefully
f.'oiiHult Your Kumily Dmitor.
The frightful and dnyei-oin adulteration rac
'-d ''V baking powder manufactories is exeit
ing an iiwieavd and uide spread al.mii nirx'n.
i-.munnMi. 'I In, .i-i1 liaii lit twitted LTfater tli-
tlll)llilfl, tUll ,e ,uo,t UtlM .uts eould
btve iiuiiiie.l.
In a city like New York , a government chem
ist, at an iuviMfcation of the boaid of health,
makes an analytical examiiii'tion, and discloses
the fact that the very l.u-e propoitioii of pow
ders sold there are made of alum. The action uf
alutu on the human stomach. i preciiely the
same on th uioii'h; it draws and puckers it
all up an I produce all sorts of unpleasant und
diiti'croiiH disorder. In Germany, England
an I Fraiuv, nnioiie found manufacturing or
selling all iu powder is subject to a heavy tine and
I'ut in the state of California may be found
hundred of hra.iJs made of this misouous
c! euiieal. Pure lakiii,; powder should be
made of grape cream tai tar, which costs from
thirty to forty-five cents per pound. Many
Irre.qmnsible and reekle- manufacturer make
this important domestic articb frem uliim
which 10.-.U but three cents per pound.
The Royal baking powder company, of New
York, a weakby and honorable corporation,
the largest Mntuiueni ot grapo cream tartar in
the world, iu their ellorts to Intiolnee their
oimds ill tho niarVt, were confronted by sn
niuiy of iilum powdcri, which wa re sapping
an I underiiiiiiin .'the health of the community,
If thi average eitien wa told that hi oft r0,
peatcd attack of dv-pepHia, constipation, heart
bum, etc., am- from using impure and poison
on. l:vking powder, he w ould probably pass it
us.m tiles, assertion, yet such is a fart.
I (id any one of our lady rtadcrs, in her pur
chases of domest in supplies, ever iMtice that
her grnew had always a brand rf powders put
iil'der his
If she a I an imalvsis from a Coiuieteiit
clibtnist, it would tell he that in nearly every
ease she was being olfered poison in the most
dangerous und subtle form; not oisoii that
quickly kill -for lh dose is not large enough
- but poison that will slowly and surely under
mine the health of her little ones.
'1 he arises, why d i grocer have
their powders put up un.Ur their own name,
iusteud of having some well known, pure
and ivliablo brand cf powder? It is simply be
can their prolit is la.ger. Their powder is
di ui of ul i mi at one-eighth the cost of aciraiu
turar powder, and they are enabled to sell it
in loiiipctitimi with an honest article like the
llovol Baking powder and make nn enormous
proiit. Nearly all the powder sold by th
grocery ineiiof this town under their own names
ar made by proiniu, ut manufacturer here,
and are composed of alum, and the only safe
guard a housewife has is to buy an honest
cream tartar powder, uuulu by soma responsi
ble manufacturer. A series of researches on
the part l
Our Lading local i.aer, shows that outof
I'ilferent corner grocery brand, selected
at random,
contained alum or other impurities and eight
were short weight, H e ot tliem o;i iwr cent.
The names of these powder are not hero given
f..- ii w ...,r..,lv believed that the erocers were
aware of what they wero buying and having
nut nu in their own names, but the suinples
and reports an- in the bauds of .Mr Hanks.
e ask every reader lo my now u uu
und consider whether the pitiful saving arising
from the punloiso of a cho.ip b.diiug powder
compensate s for t'ue loss of heiiltli inclined. Al
ter the i-ciioatcd warnings of science, any mother
who nontiuues to make us.) ol tnese poisonous
compounds, does so witli a leaiiui penau)
hanging over bur bead.
no ask vocu not roil
If alum baking powders are dangerous, and bs
guided by Ins advice.
Dr Mott, the government chemist says:
Skw York. April 17. 1'J.
p view of the fact that alum is wi powerful
a .,;,u,o that loss thr.n fifteen grains hits been
known to kill uu iufnit - and considering that
ll the stalf of life -not only the
foGil of the li'-nltli v. but exclusively of
the sick and the infant-it is myopinion, after
careful and thorough investigation, that every
,-..,.;,,iiii,n that science and law can combnio
against its ne bhnuld be universally adopted.
I!, viiv A. Morr. Jr. Ph. 1. ii. M.
Mnulier American lieliilcul HoCiety, Meinner
Berlin Chemical Society, Member New nrk
Academy ol Societies Member American as-
aoeiatiou lor Advancement oi nucirmw,
Stule .4.ier's (lllice and Labratory I
4 f-Utc Street, ISost'dl, Mar. ZJ, )
In tn" iudgini nt the substitution of nlmn for
cream of tartar in baking pow der renders such
pilW lee illjllrlO'l to heilll.ll It UHCltl 111 IOOII.
When Halting pawners coiiiiuiioih n,i..
... . ,1 I Ii. (.......I U'l,,,ll
....l-.i wit i I nor. no ru salts iu i.iuu.i n,,,..
I h'dieve to bo unite iw ib lctenuiis as imcniiiig
ed alum itself. K DANA HAYES,
Male Assaver, niassaonuseu".
PiofTessor ef Cheuiistiy, Yale college, ays
March H. 1H79.
Al. Rnd solr.Mi) nlmiinia salts r woll
known to be poison, which in small doses tlu
nu,.. the tliL'.iHtive organ and in large quantl
ties dexlroy life. 1 regard their iu roduction
into baking powder as mosr. uangerou vu y
public health. I am decidedly of th opinion
that the manufacture ami sale of such bakniK
powder ought to be interdicted, with heavy
i.:... S. V. JollNrtoS.
Prof.ssor of Theoretical and Agricultural
I'l...,., .trr Vi a eo etc. .Director oi urn
Connecticut Agricultural Kxperiineut Station
Vi.sar IliiVMll. I ,1)11 IU
Prof, liurker, Uuivi'Wity oi rvnntfyivnui,
,tti,- . f.-. OMfK m70
F,ee.aue of the ftriiigent and irritating action
h ,i r. .ii a. niniuii sji'oii
...i.:..i. .i,., n,i,l ,,iit Hidiibbi salts ol alumina
may erert upon the tiss i' S with which they
..... i .l,t in miitiu-t. I ui clearly oi ine
.. ... t .1 LI . ktroiiLdv condemned.
. t , no, nl t io Huljfiiancc in ni
If the use by linkers ol small tiiiiiiniiie u
alum to improve the appearance of their bread
be regarded as highly culpable, how much
more severely should we reprobate the use ol
i. i ,.,..nt of this substance needed
i.. 'i .i.;..,. ..,..1,. Nnr is the cass altered
111 ft ihimi - , - - - . .
-,.uri,ill l, the fact that muse the soda ol
the baking powder decomposes the alum. All
of its constituent remain in the broad, and the
alum is itself reproduced to all intent and pur
pose when this bread is dissolved by the gas
tric juice in the process of digestion. 1 regard
tho ue of alum baking powders, therefore, as
highly injurious to the health of the commu
nity, and believe that their sale huM be lor-
bi.l.lell kv lttW. tJt'l. F. JiARKEH.
Ti.- ,.:.,;,. nf minent autliovities who
have united in deploring this evii raiijiii. '
multitdicd indefinitely, but the foregoing are
probably the most standard authorities In the
L'nited SUt , and their opinions are um
..........n ..r whnf others would sav.
In the east where this object is exi Hing great
attention, Dr Halls Journal of Health savs, in
a recent issue :
Llt-fore coumi;Uitf ourfelvw, however,
miv vs-ssvn - .
w,lMr. tn atifv ourselves that the Utitu-
lion of alum for .rem of UrUr in their coin -
i - . n....ein1,Ul whllft S
clrefui ex'au.iristior, of the ItoyJ Baking pow-
i i: !... I iv i.nvi,n).
Uer connruis oirr wim -j
m'litCi.elllliX, wnell lie nni SMSa !...
mended tbi for iu wholesomenesa, did it DR- IIOLMAN'S advice is free. Fulltrea
wholly in tli interest of th public. , tise ent ou applimtion. Address
Ws do nm hrsiUH to say that th rU-yal , jOL.n.l! PAD CO.. -
ISKKSSSt i 1 r. o. iw, tin ...r. y
Will not snanw prominent masufaetum of
pure candies follow their etampl and expose
the sKrsUof a bsslnt s that I jMng untold
mU hief to little iVIdren? Below ia given a
list of a ft w prominent r-owdcj containing
Alum. The inaby hiimheif
Are not given.
Br Mott reimrt as follows.'
Dear 8ir:-Iu accordant with your request
I hereby einUidv the result of the analysis of
baking powders nrecurod during th psvst Hires
months, in all ef which alum wa used a au
Donnolly k Cos Contain' alum
(Premium yeast powder, Han 1-ranclsco.l
I'lianqtigiie Contains alum
(.1 B l uylor l o, nan r rancisco.
Pita I co Contain aluaj
INrdtti, lldiiway Uo, liinumore, jiu.
;illeit' Contains alum
(liillett, Met ullotigh and to, Chicago.)
King Contains alum
('harm Contain alum
(Rohrer, '. hristian and Jo, flt Unit.)
Andrew's Kogal Contains alum
IC i. Andrews and C, Milwaukee.)
Queen Contains alum
. .. . . . ... xr , l
(Hdiiuoii uiul mean, .icw iiaven, .tiun.i
anna Contains alum
(Church aud Co, New York City.)
Orient Contains alum
(('rouse, Wulworth and Co, Syracuse, Jl Y.)
Au:sn Contains alum
(Lrskme and Krsklu, Louisville, Ky.)
win Sister Contains alum
(Union Chemical Work, Chicago.)
Imperial ...Contums alum'
(Spraguo, W amer k llrhrf.'old, l hieago. )
Icontuuical -. .Contains alum
(Silencer Brothers and Co, Chicago.)
ICxcebior Contains shirt
(L E Taylor, Chicago.)
Chsi tres. Contains alum
(Thompson aud laylor, t htciugo.)
jinut Contains aluro,
(W V McUuglilin, Chicago.)
IJudli, Coolauis aiuin
(Star Chemical Work, Chicago.)
Sibley, Dudley and Co' Contain alum
Lakes! Jo Contains alum
(O O Pcrine, Chicago.)
rench Contains alum
( Thompson, and Taylor, Chicago.)
Invincible Contains alum
(Snyder Brother Co, I incimiattl.)
Whitel.ily Contains alum
(Jewett, Micrnian CO, j
Munurch Coutainsalum
(Kicker, C'roinbio A Co, Milwaukee, Wi.)
Oae Spoon Coutsan alum
(laylor Manutacturing ce, at uvui(-)
Uonest (Contaiu alum
(Schouli & Wechsles, St Paul, Xlinc.)
Grunt's Contaiu alum
(J C (Irnut, Philadelphia.)
Peerless Contains alum
(Marden's, Rochester, N. Y.)
ZcitUw's Superlative Costume alum
(INew ) oral
Rising Sir' Contain alum
(U U stout2 it co, cnicago. j
Yours very truly,
Hknry A. Morr. Jh.. Ph. D., E. M.
New York, January 5, 1S79.
This alum abuse is not the only evil consum
ers have to contend with, but it Is ewtainly
the worst, and in a later Imiie the result of
the researches t f Prof. Angel, Ufore the 8clk
euee Asuoeiulion will be given, and will how
an alarming result. San Francisco Bulletin,
Lumber! Lumber!
J. B. Riiinohart has been appointed agent
f the Springfield Mill Co. He can oiler
batter figure for Lumber now than ever be
fore. All kinds of building lumber delivered
on short notice and at very low figure.
Oou't fail to see Rhinohnrt before ordering
elsewhoio. We propose to sell lumber, and .
ilon't forgot it.
Don't Read This.
We make the best washing machines In the
Smith & 1U.i.hon, Cottage Urove,
11 the co-partnership, heretofore existing
lietwuon Sigmond Knsenblatt and U. liettman,
is this tluy dissolved by mutual eonseui. u.
liettman will collect an ueots one me nrm uu
... , . . flH l.f..l 4a m
pay all tltuuaiuis against u xtmiiftim
publiu for past patronage, we hoo a oontln
iisnce of the same to Air. U. Bettman, whs
will continue the business.
Dated this Uoth tlay of July. Itwi.
J. tlirotj ceuts charged on all wheat remain
ing iu the Eugene Mill Warehouses sftef Au
gust 1,1881.
All good White Winter Wheat will be stored
free In tho Eugene City Mills, eXofpt WUers
sacks are furnished by the Mill.Coinpany,tho
Storage will be charged th same a on Spring
Wheat. '
Parties getting sacks from the Mill Company,
must receipt for th name when taken sway,
and return on nr before November 1, 1881, or
pay 12i ootit for each aok short ,
July 20. 18H1. '
."Ills WEEK, illsfbtvat liomseastly made.Coatlt
V siuiitlit free. Aililrus fact ft Co, Augusta, My
Holman'a Fad.
For Liver
X. MaUria in tveryform ana preventive and
cure of all kind of Fever, Dr. Dolman's PAD
is a perfect Success; and for Uysiiejisia, mca
lleaduche and nervous prostration, as the PAD
... .. .. - M .1.. ........ ...k V,&
is appiica tiver me pn m n bi,,uiju ,
great nerve center it annihilates the disease at
once. It removes Torpidity of the Liver and
restores a natural actum of the Momacn.
neutralize and deitroys Blond Poisons canned
by the Virus of Hcrofula, Cancer, Malarial or
Coutaglous Diseasea, and vitaliice the whole
system v. ith Nature's true tunic. It rTilatea
tho Llvr stntl Wtouisjcli so successfully
that ingestion beoouini wntn.-.
Profi-sHor D. A. I-oomi says: "It is nearer
tiniverMiil Panacea than anything in medicine.
This is lme on the principle of Absorption, of
which UK. HOLM AN a PAD U the gtuuins
and only true exponent. ' '
For all Kidney Trunolci u DP.
we j ld F , ,
..-.'I a ST AU IflS'Z tK St B
rrivtsto Keit nne Niampoitn iiuiv
MAN I'AD CO. with the ahov. trad, maik
1 in iftmii. T.uv none Without It. 1
- n -.
Stomach, fIJ Rita