' s f t 1 i , . . .. . v(.;; , GUARD. Tin EST1BL1SDED FOR THE DISSEMMIM OF DEMMiTlC PRISCIPLES, AND TO EARS AS HONEST L17INB BT TUB SWEAT OF OCR BROW WHOLE NO. 720. KUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1881. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE GENE PITY Cugrae Citg Guard t U tiMTttLU I. K. CAMf BKI.I CAMPBELL BR03., Publishers and Proprietors. OFFICE-On the East side of Willamette Street between Seventh and iighth Street, OCK ONLT RA.TKS OF ADVERTISING-, Advertisements inserted as follows : Ana snuare. 10 lines or less, nn. Insertion 13 each subsequent insertion ft. Cub required in advance. Tim. advertisers will be charged at tbe fol wini ratei : One square three months ft 00 " " ail months 8 00 " eue year 12 00 Transient noticea in local column, 20 cents per Lie fee each Insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All ten work must be paid for on delivkkt, POSTOFFICE. Oflee Hears -From J e. m. to I B. B. Bunders tumfcMteKMp. m. Hail arrives from th. aenth anil learee Kolas; north 10 a. at. ArriTe. from the north awl Iwth toms r ith at 1:11 p. m. For SiuLlew, Franklin and Long Cna, close at t a.m. on WednewlaT. For Crawford. 111., Camp Creek anil Brownsville at I r.n. IrtUr. will bereadrfur delivery half an boor after s . riral ef train.. Letters should be left at the effloe an. hour before nulla depart. A. 8. FATT8R80N .P. H, SOCIETIES. m T- 1 1 A V ... A If Ueeta (rat and third Wednesdays In each aunts. Bnvrii Bom Todob No. I. O, t O. F. Meet, every Tuesday evening. '-VrL' Win aw a la EXOAMMSXT No. . Mete en the id and 4th Wedneadaya in each month, Eouini Lorwi, No. 15, A. p. U. W. Meeta at Maaonio Hall the second and fourth iYiUays In eacn niontn. . J. M. Sloaw. M. W. DR., JOHN NICKLlN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly ef Yamhill County.) HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN Eugene City. Oliice in Underwoods Brick, 2d Boor, ever Wells, largo k Co. a Ex press eftice. Residence, two blocks went and one north ef Public School, in the Hilling Werth property. au&i-tf A. TV, PATTERSON, rarsiciAN and surgeon, Ninth Street, ppeslte the St, Charles Hotel, ana at Keelaen.ee, KlJCiKNK CITV ORKCSrOV. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or re., idenc. when not professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence en Eighth street, opposite Presby terian Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LU8XEY, DEALER IK Clicks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. 6r All Work Warranted. jp9 J. 8. LUOKKY, Ellsworth k Ce.'a brick Willamette street CRAIN BROS. DEALERS is v. - MfeiM3 Watches and ys&gg13 Jewelry. Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and arrnnted. Northwest cornir of Willamette Warrwnted. and Eighth streets. NOTICE. Onr Dwaerlptlee Illustrated Prleo Llat.Ke.aO. of Dry Goods, etc will be leaned about March 1st, 1881. Prices onotod la No. 8 will remain rood nntll hat date. Send na your name early for oar of No. SB. free to any address. MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO., IT ft t Wabash Ave Cbioago. 111. ME AND SEE R. G. CALLIS0N Next door te & H. Friendly, and get your BOOKS, STATIONERY AND GRO CERIES. He is always on hand ready and waiting to accommodate his Customers with ALL kinds of fund for . MLYD AND BODY, And can furnish a SMOKE to those desiring A GOOD CIGAR, OR TOBACCO To those who use th narcotic plant CHEAP for CASH QnosoBiireredtoany prioi weeny "roruouni, v-am-, ""'. 4J'1' ehargo. F. M. WILKINS, aeeeawr to Sbiltov k Wii.kiss. Practical Druggist fi Chemist, UNDERWOOD'S IjUILDINO. Mextdoor to the Orange Store. Willamette ireev, r.ugene Lity Uregon. ITave ust opened full line of fresh Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals. Fancy and Toilci Articles. ALL KINDS OP Mixed Paints, Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY Which they will always sell on reasonable ternia. Careful attention given to Phf iieiaa'i Pre icriptioni. B.F.D0RRIS, DEALER IN Sfoves, iianges, Pumps, Pipes, Metals. Tinware. AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette Street, Eugene Citv. Oregon.! If yen wish to bay your goods cheap, you must go to the store ot LURCH BRO COTTAGE GROVE. The keep one of the largest stocks of General Merchandise Outside of Portland, and they sell goods cheap er than it can be bought anywhere in the Wil lamette valley. POR (iKNEIt ill MERCHANDISE So T. C. HENDRICKS. XTEW NTOCK OF II.1TS The best 1.1 and largest ever brought to bugene.at i lUKNDLY S, Children roa Fitcte's Xlethcrs like and Physicians reoosuueud it. IT IS ROT NARCOTIC. CENTAOt LINIMENTS; tho AVorld's great Paln-Kc-lfnviriff remedies. Tliey heal, soothe and cure Burns, Wounds, Weak Back and Rheumatism upon 31an, and Sprains, Galls and lameness jpon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPTJRT3 of tUacnstlxts Knou. SnixQea. Crackling Patina in th Head, Fetid Ereatla, SooXneas, and amy Catarrhal Complaint, CAB exterminated by Wei Do Meyer'a Catarrh Care, Consti tutional Antidote, by Absorp tion. Th most Important Die" coTery ainoe Vaccination. V '!! WP S nr. ' fl l H. Pe.iJ V I s..y Bonk and StationerY StorE. jOST OFFICE BUILDING, EUGENE Citr. I have on hand and am constantly l receiving an assortment of tbe r. notiool an I ulUnMm Uut HtAl'umprr. P.Ink Hooka ettee. e.. A. 8. PATTERSON. w it I Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Window And Door Frame3 For Sale at greatly re duced rates. AIiSO- Hacks, Wao&ns, Busies, . Buckboard, And Waon Material, To Close Estate of John Kinsey, deceased. GEO. W. KTNEEY, . AGENT. Eusifne City, April 23, 1881. BOOT UNO SHOE STORE. A. HUNT, Prorrietcr. Sliop iii Willamette atroct, 2nd door north id hard ware store, hugene City, Or. will here ft er keep a complete, stock of L 4 OIKS', MIKSLS' AND CHILDREN'S , SHOES Uuitera, Cloth and Kid, ' Button liOOtN, Slippern, whits and black, Klsildisla, FenhkldMhoei. MENS & BOYS FINS and heavy BOOTS &, SHOES And Jn fact everything in the BOOT and SHOE line, to which I lutend to devote in especiul attention. MY GOODS Were manufactured to order, ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed as represented, and will be sold tor the lowest prices tlmt a good article oan be afforded". apr27-78tf A. 1II MT. US NEW MEAT MARKET On tbe west side of Willamette Street, between Ludith and Ninth. Having iust opened a new and neat Meat Jlrket, we are prepared to furnish he best Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, etc.. Te our customers, at the lowest market rates The custom of the public is respect fully solicited Meats delivered to anv part of the citv free if charge. McCOKNACK & RKNSHAW. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADe , SLOAN BROTHERS WILL DO WORK CHEAPER than any other hop in town. HORSES &U0D FOR $2 ;CASH. With new material, all round. Resetting old Shoes L MA1 warranted to give satisfa turn. thop on the Corner of 8tb and Olive streets. I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD On the corner of Eleventh and Willamette streets.and keeps constantly on band lumber ef all kinds. Seasoned flooring and mtir, fenc ing and fence poet F. B. DUNN. s 2 AN JUAN LIM H for aale by T. U. HriNUKILKS. ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Win fin sn ttiAnv nennle we aee around us. mm ... t.rf... i.i uffHr n,1 m mule ttuvi,k i bv Induction. Cnt.tiitioi, Uizzinw, lyxs I n( Appetite, Cnmin? up of ti e Food, Yellow Skin, hen for 75 ct.,w-will sell them Ma- j loh'a V iU'.izer, guaranteed to cur. them. j 4d by Osburn &, Co., Drugts. KUGKNK CITY S3USINESS UIRECT0RY. ALEXANDER, J. R-Justice of the Peace South Eugene rreciuct: ortiee at Court llouse, ABRAM3, W. II. BRO.-rianlng mill, sash, door, blind and moulding manufactory, Eighth street, east of mill race. Everything In our line furninhed on short notice and reasoname terms. BOOK STORE One door south of the Astor Huuse. A full stock ef assorted box papers tilniti .nil fiiHna ' CRAIN BROS.-Dealer ln Jewelry, Watch ci, ( iih-'ki ana jiiusical Instrument. v II lauiette street, between Seventh and Eichth. CALLISON, R, O.-Dealer In groceries, pro- , viKions.country produce, canned goods, books, tutionery, etc, southwest corner WlllametU ana v.a nh DJulU.-, GEO. B.-Attornev and Counsfllor r i.w uinoe on Willamette street. Eu DORRIS, B. F.-Dealer in Stoves ..d Tl ware Willamette street, between Seventh ann Aignm. ELLSWORTII k CO.-TWriate and dealers in paints, oils, etc. Willamette street, be iween Eighth and Ninth. FRIENDLY a H.-Dealer In dry goods, clothing and general merchandine-Willam ette street, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE-Newspaper, book and job printingoffice, corner Willamette andSeveuth streets. URANUE STORE-Dealers in general mer cnanoise ana produce, comer Eighth and Willamette streets. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug gist, Postoffice, Willamette s reet, between & .1. ..... 1.'. 1..L ' HAYS, ROBT.-Wines, Liquors, and Ci gars oi me oesi qna itv kept constantly on hand. The best billiard table in town. ENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei in general mer chandise northwest corner Willamette and Ninth streets. HODES, C.-Keep, on hand fin. wines, lln uors, cigars and a pool and billiard table: Willamette street, between Eighth ami Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M.-Gnnsmith. Rifles ar.J shot guns, breech and mutzlo loaders, for sale. Repairing done in the neatest style and war ranted Shop on 0th street. KINSEY, J. D.-Sash, blinds and door fac tory, window and door frames, mouldings, eta, glazing and glass cutting dime to order. LYNCH, A. -Groceries, provisions, fruits, veg- cutuicn, rw., . iijHiuriu. street, urst uoor south of Postoflice. LUCKEY, J. S.-Watchmaker and Jeweler; aeeps a nne stock ot goods In his line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. McCLAREN, JAMES -Choice, wino8,llnuors, anuciifars uiameite street, between eighth audlSiuth. OSHURN k CO.-Dealers In drugs, medicinea chfSlini'illfl. nils, nuinfa ts CiI1unf. u4 -t I vvv ITUilMUVIvQ IVil opMsite S. Charles Hotel PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting cards, PRESTON, WM.-Dealer.n Baddlrrv! Har ness, Carriage Irlmmings, etc. Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE -A new stock of standard school books just received at the post oliice. REAM, J. h. Undertaker and building con tractor, corner Willamette and Seventh streets. ROSENBLATT k CO.-Drv roods, clethinir. groceries and general merchandise, southwest corner w Hiaiuette and iglitb streets. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Charlaa Ba- ker, Proprietress. The best Hot. in the iity. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets SCHOOL SLTPLIES-A large and varied assortment of slates of all aires, and quantities of slates and slate books. , Three doors north of the express olliee. THOMPSON k BEAN-Attorneys-at Law- wuinmette street, between (Seventh and Eii'lith VAN HOUTEN. B. C. -Agent for Well., J'argofl Los. AXpress; Insurance effected in the uioxt responsiblo companies at satisfao tory rates. WALTON, J. J.-Attorney-at-Law. Office- wuiamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. , ELLSWORTII & CO., D HUG GIST, "A1TILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS in f all its branches at the old stand, effjrinx increased inducements to customers, ol'i and new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescripions. FEEBLE AND SICKLY PERSONS Recover their vit-dity by punning a course of Hontetter's Stomach Bitters, the most pop ular invfirorant and alterative medicine in ue. General debility, fever and ague, dysitepsia, onnstiation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely removed by it Ak those who nave line 1 it what It has dune for firm. For sale by all dnivgiats and Dealers generally. rfUIE BEST SHOES EVER BROUGHT J to this niarki-t, at the lowest priiWi T. G. HENDRICKS i 031 ACM Letter from W. T. Subtil. Dr. W. II. Rubcll, formerly of this city, but now of Dalian, received lost week the following, from his son Willie, who has been soldiering iu India: Mux Mir, May 29, 1881. Dear Father: I have some pretty good news to tell you, as far as it goes. I had my discharge from the British Army ia my hand yesterday, but it is of no immediate use to me, as there is a proviso in it There was also a let ter from the commander-in-chief for in formation. The substance of it was this: In courtesy to the American Min later at St James, His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, commanding in chief, was pleased to sanction the discharge of the soldier described in the margin as soon as ho was in a post lion to show that ho could pay his pas sage to England. So the csso stands like this: When I can deposit 300 iu pees in tne hands ot the uoloncl L can go where I wish, either remain in the country or go out of it, and at any time when I want to go I can claim a pas sage in the mail steamers at the ex pense of Government, If I go at my own expenso, on landing in England can claim the 300 rupees. There are two ways for me to go cheaply. One is to grt billeted in a troop ship (and can easily doit) costing 7, or $35. The other is to ship in a steamer for London or Liverpool, for which I would get about 12, as seamen are scarce and wages high in Indian ports. If 1 go straight away I will get a free pas sage by rail to the seaboard and will there bo settled up with and discharged receiving 13, deferred pay. But that is not mine till after discharge, I wish it was, so they will not take it as secur ity for passage. ; Tho reason of that is that the soldier may not lie destitute on discharge. If you will send the money, 300 rupees, or $150, to the following address, "Officer Commanding 28th, The King's llegiment, Mian Mir Ben gal, East Indies, via Southampton," I will undertake to come to Dallas with out spending a cent of it In fact I can make money as far as New York, and then it is only $35 to San Fran cisco. If you can't send the money let me know as soon as possible, as by binding myself to the railroad company they will go my security. May 31st I wont before Col. Grogbun yester. day and he told me just what I have told. lie says I will be sent to Dec- lallie at Government expenseand placed under care of the Brigado Major of Bombay and will there receive my dis charge, deferred pay, and oilier clear ances, and can then sell my regimental kit If I procure a ship for myself the money will be refunded. If not, the Brigade Major will buy me a ticket, send mo on board with an escort and then I am free of the service, or if I piefer it, lie will secure a posHuge in a troopship for me. There is no news here at present. The regiment is pretty healthy. A few men are in hospital with intermittent fever, but it is a bad typo. One poor fellow of the Band, died a few days ago with it It is pretty hot now 110 to 115 inside the bungalow. A piece of metal in the shade is as hot as one likes to liear . in the hand. The punkas are going all night and we are literally frizzling. I am enjoying pretty cood health at present and hope I may got through the sickly season all right There may not be any cholera here this year, as there was a good deal in 79, and there is generally a couple- of clear years, but there is always a terrible amount of fe ver in October and NovcniW when the cold nights come. I have been waiting anxiously for a letter from home for a long time, but each' mail I am disap pointed, tut i hope to answer your re ply to this in person. Hoping that this will find you all well I close with my love to all Your affectionate son, Will. The water supply of the city of Al bany consists of eight cisterns, of a ca pacity of 80,000 gallons, and one hy drant During the year just closed there has been four fires in that city, and ten alarms sounded. Losses by fires over insurance paid 4427. Suliscril for the Gcahd. STATE NEWS. The woolen factory at Oregon City still continues to be pushed with work. Last Monday the operatives in tht weaving department commenced work at night Since the narrow gaugo railway reached Woodburn there has been no ticeably improvement in the place. Among these is a store and sawmill, and a grist mill is going up. David Campbell was slashing in the woods near Hillsboro this week, and struck a limb with his ax, and the lira flew up and struck him on the chin, causing him to bite clear through his tongue. A family reunion took place on the 17th inst, at the residence of Hon. R. C. Geer, of Marion county, the occasion being the return to his old home of L RGeer from Walla Walla There were present 45 mombers of the family. The parasitic insect which devastated the apple crops last year is again mak ing its appearance in some of the or chards in Clackamas county, but not so lud as was the case at this time last year. E. 0. Maddock exhibits at Oregon City some fine specimens of oats, their height being over six feet, with heads two feet long. One was counted and found to contain about 700 grains- Thoy were raised on his place in Bcav er creek precinct Mrs. Sparks, who died recently near Sheridan, Yamhill county, was, in her long life of 98 years, never sick but once, and died while at table eating her dinner. She was the mother of 17 children, 6 girls and 11 boys, 10 of whom are now living. One of her daughters, Mrs. John Lynch living on Mill creek, bos had 16 children all liv ing but one. - Mrs. Sparks has lived in Oregon since 1851. A man named C. A. Pickett is in jail at Oregon City, charged with an attempt to outrage a little girl eleven years old, the mothorless daughter of respectable citizen of Eagle creek precinct The father would have saved the sheriff an arrest and the county the expense of a trial, if his gun had not missed fire. Tickett is well known in Washiuaton county, having resided for a number of years at Hillsboro and Forest Grove. The indebtedness of Yamhill county as shown by the financial exhibit just, published, is $10,450. The contract for building the bridge over the Yam- ill at Lafayette, will bring the indebt edness up to noarly $19,000 before another tax levy is made. This will show an amount of indebtedness great er than heretofore at the time of mak ing the tax levy, and will require a ' somewhat higher tax that last year or the year before The extra expense is owing to tho loss of bridges during the ant winter A Murderer Term Hisbwajmaa. David Higgins who murdered 0. McClosky at Myrtle Point, Coos county on the 4 th is still at large in tho mountains between Coos bay and Rose- burg. On Thursday lost he called at the residence of Mr. Miller, six miles from Dora, near the Coos Bay wagou road and drawing a revolver, said to Miller: . "Give me a hat, coat and a square meal, and I won't trouble you." Miller, being an old roan and ' un armed, immediately complied with the request, and Higgins left in the di rection of Roseburg. He was tracked to a small wood near the summit which woB.,surrounded in the evening by par ties in pursuit and all folt confident of his being captured. He managed to escape, however, and was seen lass Wednesday on tho Roseburg side of the summit on the Coos Bay Wagon Road. He drew a revolver on a man near the summit and took a coat and three dollars from him. Sheriff Lone has offered a reward of $300 for his ar rest and detention. The Coos Ba News gives the following description of Higgins: A young man about 23 years old, height from 6 feet to 6 feet 2 inches, weight 180 to 190 pounds, light complexion, sharp chin, light moustache upper lip binds on teeth, teeth show when smiling, no whisker. t f ! -