T Kl EC2EKE CITY -GUARD. 8ATUEDAT,-.. ...... ....JOT 23, I&3I. in IT1TI UmillTfll I15CEL Will (be peopk of Iane txmntj u-'P iddebtedacs aguuitr' tbe Uflivmily for Ute purpose of rttainin g it in Lane countvt Hi is tbs question havs lo deal with, and it if an import-int jaftior. TW sEocld'Le' Estrone answer to thia, al Hart will r lot one, if tie peo . are"itall klivt to their interests, 2Co on can aaj be U not interested in this natter Even if we look at it in the light of dollars and cents, it can be readily aea to Le of great pecuniary value to this community. The sta-dvnU-2the7d together in Ecgne City spend for board, etc., at the very lowest estimates, f 15,000 p-r annum, (he pro feasors spend a boat $10,000, making a sou of 25,000, ahich is spent right her in Eogene City every year, and distributed through the rarions chan nels of trade, all orer the county. The act sal indebtedness is f 7,630 91. The fired lou to the county, through fail are to pay this will be the interest on $00,000, the annual appropriation of 12,500 and the nxyiey paid here by the students from alroad. . The indirect tos is" simply incalcula ble. If we once get this indebtedness against the University wiped out, wr will hare all these advantages and nany more assured us in perpetuity, whereas, if we allow the sheuff to sell the building, the Stat University is lost to us forever. Other towns seeing the great advantages which accrue from .having the Stat University in their sidst, are watching anxiously for a shia&t to secure (bis ikh prize. AM 0U A PaOPTJlTT IIOLKEKt St is greatly to your interest tliat this institution remain here. Take this University from Eugene City and prop erty will kmnedtateljr depreciate !hf third in value. Von know that (hi will be Uueatc AM YOO a SUSIXKSS XAkT Borne of this annual expenditure of 125,000 Cows, in one way or another, into your pocket As a matter of bus iness, therefore, (lie money invested by you in helping the institution to it fet entirely unencumbered, canuot otherwise than prove, in the end, a good investment. ASB T0U A III OF PAHILy! j Iftre you have au institution right at your deor, which sill give your children the lient education '"uuiainable iius state. If you send your cliild awsy to school but ne year, it will coat you fully $300; yet here is an institution which offers you superior advantages for one-hhth that amount, permitting you to keep your child at home, away from influ ences which might prove baneful, and the question with you is, can you of ford to see all this pass away, by re fusing to contribute something to help pay off this indebtedness! Aside from the altove reasons, another reason pre sents itself to my miifd w hich is really the most important reason why we bhould cling to this University: I have reference to the healthy tone it las given to the morality of this community and the prestige which always gathers around an institution of learning, I do not believe there is a town in Ore gon, of its size, that can make a better showing for orderliness and morality, than Eugene City, a fact, without loubt, due to the possession of this ed rational institution iu our midst Con trast Eugene City of 76 with that of 81. The Faculty of the State Uuiver it j propose to contribute about $2500, lie Regents, $1000, making a total of $3500. This leaves a balance of a lit tin more than $4,000 which the Regents hope will bn contributed by the lilieral minded citizens of this county. A meeting of all interested iu, the success of the University is called for this evening, in the Court House at 7 o'clock. The necessity for immediate action it very yresthtg. Already the report that the school is about to be closed, has gone abroad, and will keep many student froiu-coming here, unless we can soon announce Uio joyful tid ings that Lane county ho again come bravely to the front This indebted adness was incurred by the University Associati6n in the erection of the build ing and. is not a fart of the pinning txpaxtn of the institution. After tb payment of this, the University stands free from all incumbrances. Is there a man in Lane county, and espe cially in Eugene City, who is so blind to his interests, thst he can not see the force of the alove facts! I think not AClTlZES.. Stir talc Inf. Star rout Brady was interv iewed at New York the other day by a Cincinn ati newspaper man. Governor Forty's private secretary was present and ex pressed his disbelief in the existence of star route ring. The Enquirer's re porter thus Eire what followed. "There was a star route ri.ig," said Genera Prsdv, "and a fursiidsbte one too." "What were iu oliecUr aked the reporter. The election of Oa-rsl Garfield ' was the anwer; and he continued, Yhen th ft geutlemenf the cabinet get their case into court they will suc ceed b proving it The rin. was or ganized for the parjvjw of raising money to aid in the election, and ' it Lad no other object cr aim,- A " kimilar con spiracy existed in every other depart ment of the government Almot ev ery employe of the government con tributed ccooey to that end. If the contributions by ti contractors were anevideace- that they were paid too much, then the same rule should -apply to other employees." The printing department at Wash ington -is said to be a net of corrup tion. - Is there anything thwe that isn't' Darin; the past year 1,500,000 bar rels of apples were shipped from one crunty alone in New York to Europe. Verner Miller has been elected to ceoceed Senator Piatt, as Senator of Xew York. The President is reported out of dan-g-r and continues to improve. BUCKLEJTS ARNICA- SALVE. Tb Bzst Ruvs in tbs world fur Bruises. Cuts, Soree, Ulcen , Salt Rheum, Fever tcs. Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Con, ami all k'ndsc4 Skin Eruptins. This salv ia guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction-in trrry case or money refunded. Price 31 cts tr but For al by WILSIS S, the Ih-u-ut, Kutne City. Mulbolland, Juuctioo City. Wt bare s iedy aaI titi Cure tn Cs tanb, LHphtheria. Cankrr mouth and H-al ehe, K SHIlOH'3 CATAKKH RKMKDY. A naal IojecVr fret with each t-ttlr. I'm it if yon druire health and aweet breath, l'ric J cU Bull by Otbuni k Co, 1 nir.-iU. 'be I'rrat Imm Myrap haa curol thotu uJl 'bo were a utfering from I e- bilitr, 'Jver Cotopiauit, Loiin, Hatnon, 'e buJ' toinrliDt, rte. I'tmphlrU free to auy aiiitreaa. W Fuwle and iiona, liuatnn. . .SHOOTIXU Cfli:-W W)WX THE BACK. llll Mt. I ! Ilml.. luuaea. biliouioeiM, are ymiitotw f.pproachiir fever and aj,ue. I'ae without ilclay Jlitwri ;'"v'ml which aulxtituUe for the chit aet.itii s p nul warmth. rtruUu the atn acd iin- narla l,n. tr. thm Hrrr 11, boMTr'U. Ult Ifm- acb and the biliary iJaad beinj re.tore.1 to s Aealthveon(linon.tlilUMeu conir t' the nuUvt. I ' - - - NEW ADVKUTLSKif, NOTICE. THERE WILL BE AX ADDITIONAL three eenU charged on all wbrat remain ing in the E'l.'tne Hill Wsrehoiuc sfter Au gust 1, mi AU good V,lilt WlnUr WTieal will U tnrel Ires In the Eugene City JJ ilia, except where sacks are furnished by the Mill Company, then Storage will be charged the laiue aa on Spring WTieat. Tartiee gettiug aacki from the Mill Company mutt receipt fur the lame when taken sway, anJ return on or bef'ire November 1, or pay 12) cents for each sack short. PATTERSON, EDKIS k GRAY. July 20, 1381 LOOK HERE 1 I HAVE REMOVED ACROSS THEStreet into the shop, adjoining Jamea'a tin thop, and hare jut received a freeb miiply of Staple Uroceriea, and ha mow on ban aud for aale s well Mlented Itnuk of ererythinji in the line of family (irueerie, sUo Knpe, Ijinip, I jimp ( lilmwye, Lantemeaml Krwit Jam; all of which re oflfered at LED KOl'K nricre for CASH. J. R. ELLISON. Eugene City, July 21, 1881. Holman'a Fad. Liver IN ALL CASES OF BILinirs.NESS AND Malaria in every fonn aa a revenlive and cure of all kinda of r'rver, Dr. llolman' PAD ia a perfect aucce: and far DyaMia, Sick Hvailarhe and nervoui prmtration, aa the I'AD ia applied over the pit of the ilomach the reat serve center it annihilates the diaeaae at once. It remoYM Torpidity of the Liver and reatoree s natural notion of the Stomach. It neutraliea and deatmjra Blood Poiaona caiiaed by the Vinia of Scrofula, Caucer, Malarial or (.oiitaioiu DiaeaseH, aiui vitaliaea the whole evatein with Nature 'a true tonic It rriil.itAa the I.I vrr and Ntoinarh tn iunf ully that dimtion becoruee periert. I'rofraanr D. A. Iomia aav: "It i nearer a universal Panacea than anvthng in mediciue. I'nia la done on the principle of Atmorptiun, of Whltti UK. 11ULJIA. fiU U toe genuiue and only true exnent. all Klilnrv HOLMAN'H KKNALOR KIDNEY TAD the beat reiiinly in the worll ami recommended by the Mwiiral Eaculy. BKW1HK OF BOCIS PADS. T. ACH GENUINE HOLM A NTADbear. the rritate Kneune Slauip of the HOIr MAN I'AD CO. with the alve trade mark printed ia green. Buy nose without it. FOB IALKHV ALL DRtCGUTS. DR-HOLM AN"S advice U free. Full tres tiae tens ca application, tddms 1I0LAN PAD CO., P. 0. Bos 2111 744 Breadway, New York. ."7AWV:EK.liaarat homeeerfy maAeCtXlr V iautat Irte. AMnw f ai a Co, AugtuU, lie. For -fa THE "tyN AXD Stamach, Kidneys. -AT I 510,000 must be GOODS WILL BE Black and col. Cashmere Lace Buntings, Buttons, Ribbons, Corsets uoois ana snoes lotningana Hats, Be sure and give is. a good opportunity for everybody to buy GOODS cheap in hard times. L X. L. HI Iniliili 111 Wholesale and Retail Dealers and v'V. tTEteen T. keep the Ur-ect awl bst I rtrdrtoct I 1 which we will u !1 at trreatly rwl'iceil call and examine our aiock before iiurt-hiuiinz tins fuaracUed. Wrerom-On Kiyhth Kartof the JCo gene fityM..urini Mill. GENERAL i m i.i. a f i i u a rai IT U U i 1 U IN Of the Prices of all kinds of Goods for the purpose of. re dueing my stock. $. IL Friendly. King of the Blood It not a"ewrt aI.-'Mt It ahlood nnHflM and tl Iminntr of Mutxl i.iu tiw ,)unn, Ueranxre tberln ulaliou. bI liim lndu T n-i.r tuonlrr, know n by UlITreDt nunrt to tluair-iif-h th-ni Uiminlu'Tmi.T tu..ic, i the tune preaenbed n the order for the publi imr to dutluul-ta lln ni o . catiou i UiU euiumon. ronlme Ui efleru. but brlnir mtllir Lr.in. tm or phn of ibi.t rl renertc atoitir, Iwpvrliy mf Hleeil, Hocli are 'yfx-rMui, jJKpiiiMM.hY ItetoiA U-rU V.ihmi, M 1iarnM, larr.'i, Jh-miuu. tu.i lhmrl. rt. tsnlri. r'nrrt. lw,MVt, Ae.,r. hle efihr Hlsod ini-nia eivieup ihew i f ii.k tig iiinr. nuiuritr oi w uumhi. cnir.l.u pnU hrk-iin n la e.ililr f l "the o cm Kenu'n tifl efTlrl.'l rrt-os. NK'h-. K ui.,miiIK din- iioKs e., Iu .iin- fif,t invni on m-aMt o( lle Wwl" v r.pM nn.un J e lKt'. 6. UA.sOU, suX A (0., rropt., luffale, X. T. Citation. Wherean, o the ftth day of July. 1.1. :i 1 ea tanUvm tiled hi application in the County Court, of Lane County, Orron. pray ing that hit nam h? rb?'!2Td fr CanMiwine to jide'i Cant.mwine Millet, ami aaid Coart by order duly Biade filed M"0'Uv, the Mh ilay of SeemW, Wl. at M otl.k A. M, for hearing aaid application ; Therefore: To all whom it may concern : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE tF Oregon; you and each of you ar herrl.y cited anil required to appear 'ia aaid County Court on Monday, the iOi day of eptonil-r, 1H81, at 10 o'clock A. M. f aaid day. then and there to ahow ca'we, if any iat, why the the prayer of mod petition -should ii"t ba granted. This citation ia luUUhed ia the Kiufene titr Giasn by onler rt aaid Court, made this btq day of July, l!L -s,. ViT!rs the H'vu C. S. I Kitch, Judofaaidt'oiirt, my IfcAL'' f hand, and the seal ef said Court, v thiaothdarotdtilv. lv.1. Jy?tt JOtLWARCbik. Z2 1 THE - Raised in 60 days. SOLD AT COST ! sit Cost us a call, as this STORE. 9 Manufacturers cf ail Kinds of Furniture, Mirrors, Picture in Frames & C J J -T. " 3 Etc., Etc. in the Willarorite ValW f Purllsnd tiriccj. Vraim hnl it to tiif.r a'lvanSHt;e t flriir. Ail orl-r hlivl I'MUii'Mv. Satin'ac Street Vet of Wil'.mneMc. l!a!Uil!l-torj' J. S'. llhKKV, HOLT. M. UAY. Summons. In tl.e County Coart of Lane Cuoi.ty, State of Oregon. J. W. Matlock Plaintiff, fa J,l,n IWn, DefmdL j fec0ver money 1 To tlii? above named defendant, JohnThomaon: TN TILE NAME OF THE STATE OF On-Run you are hi-n-hy required to appear i in the County Court of Lane County, State of I On-g'on, and ar.w-r the plaintifi'a compliiint in the a!xjvt) entitled cauM now on fileiuaaid . court, by M uiday, the 5th diy of September, j 1 !!, lieinjj the lirut day of the next regular trm uf miiil Poilrt following tlie evtonttinn at The drftmduut will take notice that if he fail to to appear and aiuwer lid coinplaiut a kljovc iviuircil, the idaiutiff will t.Ae judg ment atint him for the aua of $31.00 with intcret tliereon at one per vnt fwr month, from tli'.Tth day Octolirr, 1CT, aiid forthe mm of 40 a attornt ya fi-ee iu the action; alto for the mm cf $17.00 with int-rxt at ten per writ pr annum from the 1st day of Septem ber, IST'J; also fir the mm of J7.00 with inter est thermu at 10 per c-nt. per annunr from the 31 -t hy of J a!y 1S7'.'; also for the cum of sin dolUrn with iuU-ret thereon at 10 percent wr annum from the lt day of Januirr. 18fi0: ' wdfor the cet and di'areuirnu of thi a ti. n, a d. mainled in aaiitcHnphtiDt. Snice of thiit eummona u directed to be maile hv publication in the Euvne City tJtMli!', liy onler of eaid County t'ourt msli and enterwl of record thereou on tlie "th day of Ju!v, l!l. THOMPSON BEAN, jyOwG Plaintiff's Attorneya. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. TOTU'E H HEREBY GIVEN THAT t!ie c t-rtnert hip heretofore exUtina be tween David Ch'-rrr ant J. V". Cheiry it this day dissolved by mut'ial enent, David Cherry htinir ditiol of his interest in the firm to Mr. hob. rt M. ?v. Either p-uiy a-ill receipt f money due the finn. All peron knowing tliemtelves indebted to the fiiiu will confer a favor by calliug and aettiirjr st once. D.WIIMHF.RRY, J. W. CHERRY. E i.oe City, Jane 2j, l.vsl. jyCt4 THIS PAPER r&SXUZ Ailvvttetiw HQewl t lo Sitee hi k whre .1r :u WMUiMi Ixwkl KU Xa.W VOKtv.. Ml 6 The largest stock oi good s in Lane Co Is now on Salo at I B. MM'S; And these are a few of tlio Bargains of fered for CASH : Xic WLit Llauki ts for f 4 per pair. Brocade Drexs Goods for 15 cts pi-r yd. Good Cashmere, full width, 50 cts -r yard. r.rocad Silks from $1 25 up THE Best Assortment in tie City of BOOTS AND SHOES I Ladies Kid Button...., LadissKidFox Ijwlies California Calf Chililrens California Calf....- Men's California Boots Men's Good Heavy Boots Men' Calf Boots. Ladies Pebled Buttoned Shoes Clc thing Cheaper than any other House. Icceli'J a-y ctwi at can e fc S'fnywidc. ' Give me:a call and Save YourseWes, MONEY eadparters? lit I, OEEGON HIDE AND FUR GO. IB- ll -:0:- riDe. your FKES-AHD FURS to the HEADQUARTERS mere ihe HIGHEST MARKET MICE in OjE33B CASH TP 111 he paid for all kinds of FURS. HIDES AND TALLOW. . B.HYMANv Robinson h Churcfy D1M1.KP.S .V S3IELF& HEAVY HARDWARE IIAVK T1IK BcslSclcclcU Stock in Oregoi.'. New Departure TWO PI1ICSS I- CASH AXl) C3F8.E230X'XV PATRONIZE THE MEN WHO HELP T .liUlLDYOUR BKIliC.ER, ROADS AND-' SCHOOL HOI irK.S, hoe interest ar6 your interests ! Are k rmaiicn tly located aud. tjtnd their protiu at home. Take ntUe tl.at. A V PETERS, Will sail joods for CASH at icreatly re.Im.-ed pacos, as low as any ctlier CASH STOKE. UwitPrinU lu and 18 yards $1 00 ! Vine Clieviet Shirt. 50, 75 cts and fL Beet lirowa and Bl.-aehed Mnelins, 7, 8, 9, anil 10 eta. Clark aud Brooks spool cotton 75 cts per Dot Plain and Milled Flrnncls, 2 55; 4.1 and SO WatirTroo. ceuta. Eu.br. dJeries and Ediu. at Fabulont Low- l"!Ba WhiUShirta, 75cUandL" J Piicea. And all Other Coods at Proportionate Rates. AUo the Celehnued WHITE SK ,VIXG MACHINE I N"D better f strength, sue, and durabilitrl. At greatly reduced ntea. UTToay old Customers, who hate stood by me so Ion jr. I wiU motiuie tt sell on sam. enat at hf-tofore on tim, but if at any time they wish to make CASH purehaje. I will r all tin, as thtra, the full credit ot my redudiuu, A. V. I'ETEJUS Lidies under Vents at from 50 cU up' A Large assortment of Trimiii'' Silks, 75 cts to ?1 25 tvryard. 1 A fine line of Iloosiery, all priues UveraiiH loro cts up. at from ?2 up- from 81 25 up from $1 50 up from ?1 up ft U worth SO ?3 50 to $3- $4 worth $0 ; $2 up HAVE FOR sale) at the LOWEST: Kate. IRON, STEEL, AXES, ANVILS,, -NAILS, ROl'E,, Cable Chains,, and Pocket UTLERY. as, 1'istols, ammunition: ilifULTURAlj Powler,-. Fifhir-,' Tackle. Etc., Etc. W'e invite an exan in-ition of onr good confident that o mtim. K. v ill . suit . tH . Ifli.e.'i. ? f New AortraeBt Dress Gooda'INo Trash) 15. 2Jand2aets.. Mens' Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, 50 c ta ; Mens' Overshts, 75 eta. and ?1. I Mens' Overalls. 50. 65. 75 cU ami 1.