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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1881)
The Chicago Inter Ocean claim that the tramp hare disappeared from the Weatera towna, proiperitj and plenty ' having aolved the perplexing question of a tew yean ago, and at the arm of trarnpa at work. And yet there were journal at that time which de clared the men would not accept work if it were offered to them. The Cincinnati Enquirer aaya that it U a well known fact that both Preai dent OarfirJJ and Governor Foster hare . ao little contiileuce of carrying Ohio thia Full that the Berlin Mission is being ipt open for Foster in the event of hU failure of re-clnction. Significant Bach m the demoralization of agri- cm!! re in England, nays the London correnpondeiit of the New York World, that in many of the countie over 50 per cent of the land is not in cultiva tion. answer mis question. WhydosomaoypeopI w see around as, lien to prefer to suffer and be mad miserable by Indieetion, Conetfpatlon. Dizxineee, Lo ot Appetite, Coming up of the Food. Yellow Kkln, when fur 75 eU, wt will tell them bLl loh'i ViUlitrr, guaranteed to con them. gold by Utbunt ft Co., Druggieta, - Wa Cballeat tha World. When we my wt believe, w hare evidence to prove tlit Bbiluh's Consumption Cure i de cidedly the brat i.ung jueuiaoe uaae, la H much m it will curt a common Clronio Coagb in one-half the time ul reliev Aathma, ltron chitia, Whooping Cough, Croup, and ihow more eaeeS nf Consumption cured tbao all oth era, It will cure where they fail, it ia pleaeent to take, harmlms to the ymingeat child and we guarantee what we aay. Price, 10 eta., 60 eta. ad $1. If your Lungs are sore. Cheat or Back awe dm 8ulloh's i'tirou Flaater. Sold ly Unborn ft Co., Drngviata. August Flower. The imtnena aale and great popularity of Green's Augtut Flower in ail towna and vil ages in the civilized world baa cauaed many iuiitatora to adopt similar name, expecting . to reap a harveat fr themaelres at Ibe ei pence of the afflicted. Tbia Medicine waa introduced in I'M, and fur the cure of Dyqwtaiia, and Liver Complaint, with their effect, each ee Sour Stomach, Coativineee, Hick Stomach, Sick Headache, Indigeetion,, Palpitation of the Heart, vertigo, etc., it never baa failed to our knowledge. Three due will relieve any caae f DyitxiMla. Two million bottle sold last year. Price 75 cent. Sample 10 cent. tiiiu'a Atlas axd Dust Almaxsc, the moat eipemive free Almanac ever published, tent free on recipt of two cent etamp.' G. Q. Gun, Woodhnry, N. j7, U. B. A. Oil, WHAT A COUGH! Will you heed the warning. ' The signal per haps of the aura approach of that more arnble diaeae Consumption. Ail yourwlvea if yon caa afford for the aake of eating M) eta., to run the ruk and do nothing for it Wt know from experience tbot Hliiloh i Cure will Cure your Cough. It never faila. lliia explain! why more than a Million Bottle were aold the Vat year. It relievee Croup and Whooping Cough . at once. Mothere do not be without It for Lame Rack, Hide, or Cheat dm Khiloh's IV rousPlaet.. Sold by Osburn A Co. BOOT MO SHOE STORE, A.HTOT, Proprietor. ; Shop on Willamette street, 2nd door north of hardware store, Engeo City, Or. will bereaft er keep a complete etock of LADIES', J1IKSL .V AND CHILDREN'S SHOES tialiera, Cloth and Kid, nation Boots, (slippers), white and black, k aUadala, . FenhkldMhoea. MEN8 & BOYS nxi aD BEAVT BOOTS k SHOES And In fact everytlilns In the BOOT and 8HOE line, to which 1 intend to devote m eapeoial attention. MY GOODS Were manufactured to order, ARE FIRST CLASS And guaranteed aa repreientej, and will be sua lor we lowwtprtare uiai a g oan be afforded. apr27-78tf A. 1 xxl article II XT. 3 NEW C3 JIKAT MARKET Oa the weet tide of Willamette Street, between ibtu and i Into. Having Jutt opened a new and neat Meat wrket, we are prepared to lurnuo be beml Bear, Teal, MNtton, Tork, etc, Te ear cuetomers, at the loweet market rates Tha custom' of tha public la respect fully solicited Meata delivered to any part of the city free of chare. McC )RN ACK It RXS1IAW. OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRAD SLOAN BROTHERS WILL DO WORK CHEAPER thaa an other hop in town. HORSES SHOD FOR 2:CA8H. With new material, all round. Resetting old 8boettU ...... aaJtl warrauted to give aatiafe tli.n. Shop on the Corner of 8ti and ' Olive Streets. LUMBUIt! LUillUDIt! I HAVE ESTABLISHED A LUMBER YARD Oa tha corner of Eleventh and Willamette atreeta.and kr onnatently on hand lunibrr ef all kimla. Heaaimed flooring and rutir, f,-no-ing aad fenoe puatt Y. K DU.N.N'.' OAK JUAN LIMI f. aale bv T. O. ltE.DRICE& 4ft wera ia Tour owa tova.Tnwie aad ttontAt A'tUtfaiHUAiSnTaCeil'artlaae'.lle 2s . : f - , u . - - ' J f p I fit! T"-aWSwajBTVaW Te' PERRY DAVIS' m KILLER IB A PritELI VZCET1BLX BEMIDt far IiriXXAL artf EXTZS5AX Use. BIM ITU I tTO mnrmtU4 ha aaeS wMljrloi-Ul)ttie.a!'t iifrKtlf DCIU (I! I m I a ore rvrw for Mora rAIN Tkrot.(ah-.'iiiiia, If'urrkfTH, Lftarnierr, lrjap Chelerae til '.H.i. PAIN KILLER i,nt.a rrWa KIckaeM, r-irk he, Palatnihe Uaca,Ma4a, JhramBiia, a ii SearaiM'a I AIM KILLER lf,rtM rndr r"t J ( r to ail iimi of hrlra, ret. H,ralna, Kevrr, fMlfl MLLLH Trim il ihx llrrkaale, Karmrr, I'lnolcr. Knllor,' In fi til cImm tl( HfNif'lo rtry ,1 hin'1. an4 Inirraalir or eaunuUlr with carlalatf f r Vj Imff ean f"H to r wlthmit tfc!t tiv V-J'iiV retiielr 11 tb II i-rwe bninf S aitlun IV rrxa of a:l,mii rt anmnllji tare tu irr t;nra ll tt In (!vtfr liUK fm y ii 4f -rin u tnbOM4 at a Witla. ERRV DAVIS A SON.ProvWoooe,... Proprlotora SPORTSMAHS EMPORIUM, Chas. Me Horn, PEA C TIC J L G UXSU1TH. mitviini nxrxri vrrrra nyTrihing Tackle aal materia la, aniiwarranted. Sewing machine, Saiee, Locka, etc., repaired. Guns loaned and amnvjniion furnished. Shop oa Willamette at, oppoaite Aator Houe A. LYNCH. JAS. FACE. LYNCH & PAGE, In DorriB' Brick Boildlog. DUUBS M Groceries d Provisions, Will keep oa hand a general aaeortment of Gmcrrita, Proviaiona, Cored Meate, Tohaoi-o, Cigara, Camliea, ('and lea, Soapt Kotiona, Greeu and Dried 1 mita, Wood and Willow Ware, ' Crockery, Etc Buaineae will be conducted on a CASK BASIS. Which meana that Lqw Prices, are Established Coodt dtlittrtd without charge U lojei ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED r which we will pay the hlgboat market price. l,l.M,tt a rAUK, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Window And Door Frames For Sale at' greatly re duced rates. Hacis, Wao&ns, Buggies, I uucKDoaro, And Wagon Material, To Close Estate of John Kin3ey, deceased. geo. w. asm, AGENT. Eune City, April 23, 1881. nru WEEK. U.(Ur boruMllr ate.OMv V'ewiUltbea. AoMieai laca a Ca, Aaguata, Ma. 1 Eugene CAMPBELL ISSXJXaOO STTJ3Eri3-a."SrS. A live Local Paper devoted terests of Lane County and Eogene City. TTia mTA1?n inm iVi 1nrYrf r?rnltion nf nntr tinnpr ?n Lane County. It circulates through every post office in the County and is therefore the best 30 Of well selected LOCAL, MISCELLANEOUS, News in every ifcsue. The GUARD is Democratic in polities' but seeks to become a popalar local journal, rather than a po litical organ NOWS THE TIME 3 SUBSCRIBE TERMS: ' 82 50 Per Year, in Advance. ADVERTISING at reasonable rateK. CORREfcPONDEXCE from all parts of the County so licited. s Job Printing! We are prepared to turn out first-class Job Work upon short notice and reasonable terms. You need not send away for job work as we will do it as Cheap, and furnish as good material, as any Printer in the State. CARDS, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, LETTERHEADS, POSTERS, LARGE AND SMALL, NOTES, PAMPHLETS, . LEGALBLANKS, FUNERAL NOTICES, RECEIPTS, PROGRAMMES, ETC., ETC. Give ts a call and examime our specimens of Job Printing. . OFFICE: On Willamette Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets. HAVING Just Received a LRGE Asserted BILL HEADS. LITTER IIFADS STATEMENTS, All kinds of CARD and DOOK PaDcrs: Etc. wn are prepared to do Job Work at nrj LUW nates. (xuard BROS. PUB'S. to the Development and In medium for advestisers. STATE, AND TELEGRAPHIC Citation. lathe County Court of the State of Oregon, lur toe counir 01 LAne. In the matter of the estate of Geo. C. Fish er, deceased. Citation. 10 wanna rvner ana ail otner Hem or devjMre of aaid estate unknown Oreetins: TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR JL egon, you are herehv cited and required to appear in the County (Yurt of the SUte of Uregon, lor the I ounty of Ijtne. at the Court room thereof, at Eugene City, in the County of Lane, on Monday, the 6th day of Septem ber, ItWl, at 10 o'clock in the forenonn if that day, then and there to enow cauae, if any es tate, why an order of sale should nt be niaile authnruinn the adminintrator of aaid eatata to ell tne followins; deeenhed real property be longing to aaid eUU, as by law provided, to eaiiafy the debte avaintt aaid eaUte, to-wit : riegumuic at J port between Sections 85 and 9H, in T 17, S ol K 4 W, runninir thence Weet 5a83 chain, tlmm Nnrtk an Asir, theses Eaat 90.83 cha!n, thence 8outh 40.00 chain, thence Kat 20.00 chains to ?eetion line, thence South 80.00 chain to place of beginning, eon Saining ?J4- acre more or lea. Alao lota t and 4 m 8ectio 28, con taking 3H acrea; alanlot 1 ia rWUa S emitainina ItxM arrr. Alao the N Yf ( of tb 8 W of the 3 W I; aim the W4oftheN Waf8Wl;aJoUie W j of theS WtoftheK Wl; and the Weat of Lot 1 la Sectioa Sft, eantarniatr 8L07 acres. All aaid premiaea bii ia Laaa County, Ore gon in T 17, S of K, 4 W. Thia ciutioa i trabliithed br order of tha County Court of Lane County, Oregon, of daU June 18, 188L mtm, the Hon. C V FiU-h, Jnde r A- ot the County Court of the State J REAL. I OreRon, few the County of I . ( IM, with the etal of aaid Court Vv ' afnaed. thia the lHth da nf June, A. v. 1M. C, W. rnCH, Cotmty Ja.Tge. JOELWARJ5,ark. OK THE WORLI LIGHTNING OIL. THE NEW MEDICAL WONDER TUP U'nVTlVR FTTT. J SPECIFIC FOR DIPHTHERIA AND SORE I'HROAT. The moKt u'tonishuig the world has ever known. RHEUMATIC PAINS NEURALGIA PAINS UKAUAt'HK TOOTHACHE STOPPED ANY FEELING OF NUMBNESS IN THE FLESH RELIEVED IV la MINUTES. 11 TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICIX? AND AT WHOLESALE BY HODGE, DAVIS AND CO.' PORTLAND, OREGON. PRICE, tl PER BOTTLE SAMPLE BOTTLES, 10 CTa GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. eradicates All Local Skix Diseases; Permanently Beautifies the Comn.xxiok, Prevents and Reme dies Rheumatism and Govt, Heals Sores and Injuries of THr Cuticle, and is a Reliable Disinfectant. This popular and inexpensive remedy accomplishes the same results as COSTLY Sulthur Baths, since it FEE If ANENTLY REMOVES ERUPTIONS aod Irritations of the Skin. Complexional Blemishes are al ways obviated by its use, and it renders the cuticle wondrously (air and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, and Cuts are speedily healed by it, and it prevents and remedies Gout and Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens the roots of the Hair, and preserves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and as a Protection against CuNTAiiious Diseases it is nnequaled. Physicians emphatically endorse it Price-25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. n. Sent by Mail, Prepaid on recti pi of price, and 5 centi eitra for each Cake. . "imiS EAIB A5S wmsxzs I) TV Black er Brawa, SO Ceate. a Cl.Criitenton. Prcj'r Sixth At. I. Y. Q.IIOCERlES-Iahall keep on a full of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS And inviU the tcntlnn nf honntVeeptn. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOB THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, "Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of the THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including; CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES t " It does not dry up a couch, and leave the came behind, at ia the caae with moH preparations, but koeeu it, ckaiuei (he lungt and allayi irritation, thua removing the cause of complaint" DO NOT BE DECEIVED by ankle, bear log aunflar name. Be lure you get DR. WISTAR1 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the aipiature of " I. BUTTS "on the wrapper. M Centa and 111.00 a Bottle. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE ft SONS, Bo. Saa.MMa Sold bydrarnua ami !?? sra2 A U B ICULTUR A L IMPLEMENTS of XX. aU kinda at inile iignree hv m n ti pVTimiire Ladles Altentlea. Berlin Faahion Patterns at Dunn k. Strat ton. FARrl FOR SALE. 4 FARM of XA acrea, 300 of which i prairie X- and 230 in cultiratimi, is oQVred for eale. It ia aituatrdore mi e treat of Strriwrfield, and 2) milea ea of Eupene. t;oxl b'lii iina aad outhouaaa, aad aU f -noe. For terma ap plj KOBKET CAMPBELL, t At the premises. Mil KILLER. IS DR. HENLEY'S OP THE NINETEENTH CEXTTTTrr AP.fT.TStlV nv t.txt IN 20 MINUTIS. IN 15 MINUTES. IN 5 MINUTES. NOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL Sheep owners that they mturt dip their heep aa soon as sheared. The law saakee pre vuions that whea the owners fail to do ee, that the Inspector shall cauae it to be done at their expeoae. 8 D. COATS, Sheep Inspector for Laaa Co, Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of 8ylveeter Rutledge, deceased, bv the County Court of Laae county, Ofjn, and that all persons having claimi agaiut said estate are hereby required to preaent tha Ratneto nie at the office of Thonpna A Beaa ia Eugene City, Oregon, with proper voucher annexed, withjn six months from the date ef this notice. Dated Mar 17. IfWL J. I). MAI LOCK, Admlnbtrator. . THOMPSON A BEAN, Attorneys. J. B. ALEXANDER, Justice of the Peace, Conveyan cer and Collector. Bills collected, Records searched aad ah racta of title mada. All hnainu mrotl attended to. Off -- at the Court House. osnuitN & cos -TEW DRUG STORE ON WILLAli Xl ete Street, near Ninth, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINT8, GLA8S, VARNISHES FAT1VT SLbDICIlVZS, ftc. Brandies. Wines and Liquoif ZF ALL KINDS. Ia fact, w lava the best aasortsneBt ef artier found in FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. We warrant all our inn. far the? are new aarf Frh. Particular attentioa ia eaQed t en Stock of . Perfumerw ai.u- Toilet Articles. am we have bought OUR GOODS FOR CASH Wt can compete with any establishment in I grne t- uy in price and accommoiiatioB. Buy your goods where yon caa get the best and cheapest. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLIP1 At all hours of the day or night. (ismnn & t. (r fn (tOn peritayat home. Saraptee worth If VPU 111 tSaU(ree. iddrcaa Snanoa (', Tori lind, Maiue. FOR BTJENA VISTA STONE WARH g to T. G. HENDRICKS ane mosi popular and fragrant rerrame the day "HACKMETACK" try it Sold bf Oeburn A Co., druinrfnU. Eugene City, Oregon NOTICE To Whom it May Concern. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I AM mi auie owner of the iaYtat KlsrMt for Sinking and Driving Wells fa Laae county,. State of Oregon, and that said Right t pro tected by Letters Patent ironed by the V. S.. Government to Nelson W. Green, of Courf land County, State of New York. All persons who have Driven Wella, or bad thess drives. without my permission, sinos the Jlat day f February, 17S, are liable to prosecntiea for infringement of aaid Right and are hereby Ba toned to com forward and adjust the nan All infringements ia the future will b pr eon ted. ram prepared to drive Welb or will paa penuiaMoa to others sa application. B-FDORBIS- A BEL1H "rTACOJT-I aai theeaiy agent for thia celebrated T. G. HJEND1UCX