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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1881)
. ABtoryof 177J. iMUii morning ia Aogust,1775, uhinirton wt out from hit bead- One en Cambridge on noreetxwn, erelJ .. . t emta nnattandarl. Ma-mole of mile- in the di- !rtTof Watertown, when he aaw a PS far adranced in year., aitting In fS.rand moaning piteously. Hii L -.(hiMwere at onoe aronaed, and, bKm to . halt, he inquired: nuB" o . . .t.Ui un mw nrrwf OB"' . h It,- n1 "uinu rlil ni.rt hare been here thia morning J i ilolen or destroyed eerythlng in . clrden. I tad cultivated the garden fch aw own hand., and looked to what Xald Ktber from U f0.r the "PP01 r Tr inralid husband and myself dur- -tbeeomiDg "Certainly. He is always giau w uare T one call npon him." (ruhinirton dismounted, tied his Jorse waiouuo, into the house, whero, on every le be found evidences of extreme pov rtr He. was, however, cordially wel Jed by the feeble old man, who, bol lered np in the bed, extended to him a in colorless hand. For half an hour t more the Commander-in-Chiof of the Imericsn army ueiu cuui ui mo L,.i nnnle. during which he learned teT were most pronounced Tories, and Long Gage's troops in Boston. Before iking his departure, ue urow auwo l0ney from his pocket and held it oward the womfa, saying: "This will enable you w provme ior our present needs." She at first mani ,..iJ & reluctance to receive it, but fin- llv accepted it, with profuse thanks. hn ha Droroised that Oen. Washing- bn should be informed of the treatment fc) VUICU lUrt BUllUUlO OUWJWWV uu "Oen. Washington! sue exciaimea. TTa la our bitterest enemy, and will ' lonbtless, rejoice to know that any who ij-mpathize witn tne unium iave ueon based. "I think you are mistanen in regara his disposition; hope yon are at least'," U tne answer, wiw a buuuo, u m a house. 1 He immediately rode toMajor-Oeneral ntnurri. wlio oommanaeu me center Jivision of the army stuioned at Cam- ridge ana navtngttcquuiuieu mm wiui hat he had just learned, ordered a wwli for the marauders to be institut- d and that, when identified, they be iont to his beaUquartera. The third day .hereafter, an aid de camp conducted hree soldiers into his presence. "Are you the ones who disgraced the miformsyou wear by plundoring a de enseless woman's garden?" asked Wash Qgton, sternly. "She is a Tory," was the indirect re lv. "So she told me, and 'also that her ons are in the British army. But she is woman, nevertheless, and for that jason, if for no 'other, entitled to aspect. Your wanton conduct was orthj of oppressors rather than of those ho as does the Amerioan army aim j prevent oppression. Accompany !em to the woman whom they molested, .Uressing the officer having them in Uarge, "and see that they fully com- ensate her for tne damage tney rronght. Another offense of a like ( attire would not be ' dealt witn so niently." Later, tue same day, wuue ne was en aced in writing, a servant informed Iim that a woman waited in an adjoin ig room, who was urgent to see him, 1 ask ner to step in nere, saia wasa- jugton, laying aside his quill. When the woman presented herself tofore him. he saw she was the one in those behalf be hod acted a few hours irevionsly. She went . to him and 'laced her trembling hand upon his rm, saying, "God bless you!" Then lie tears came, and she could articulate o more.' "Please be seated, madam," and Wash Qgton placed a chair for her. She seated herself, and, so soon as he could command her voice, con inued, . "Only a little time ago, the soldiers ho robbed my garden came and gave a sum of money, more than suffi lent to make good my loss. From them learned that my visitor of the other aorniug," was Gen. Washington him olf of whom I had 'held so erroneous u impression and that it was at his -your command they recompensed ie. When they had gone my husband ad I, talking the matter over, came to lie conclusion that such a commander o tinlike Gen. Gage, who never calls his ien to account for any violence or in 117 they may have done to the rebels ronld not be likely to have charge of an (Qjnst cause; and though we had been irm adherents to tho King, we then and jiere resolved to espouse your cause in i'e future. I think our sons, when they 'am what has occurred to us, will do ue aame. I came here to tell you this, iod bless you!" and totalling her lips to lis hand, she wont fi jia the apartment. Within tho month two soldiers this roman's sons deserted the British tandard and enrolled themselves with uose who fought beneath the flag which as emblematical of freedom, justice, quality. One of them was killed, the was severely wounded in the as a2lf.on Qaebeo, under Arnold. This story was often told in Boston "id Cambridge during the revolution id after its close, bnt we do not know it has been given in history. is one of many local traditions of t ashington, and we present the version lf it that was told by the old-time fire- Juries of popular kings acting the r- oi uDKnown benefactors nave oiten ( told, as, for example, King Henry id the miller, King Jamee and the tin r, bnt we have not before met with a f incident of Washington. F. F. Fos ri m Youth's Companion. Tbe bride at a recent Bosom weddinK f" to wear tlm aama irnwi vfinh lier Mother and grandmother had worn when J'J were married. It was given out to "ungitback went into a church and '"I the bn mil a UM, ho. WhlU )ia V at her Anvnlinn ttia Vinn.lla voa nd every effort to recover it , as a result, the bnde wore a devoid of family traditiona and '""Ptttwodays'noUce. i -. Early BallrM4lBg. In the early days of the railroad in thia country, the locomotive engineer was the master of the train. lie ran it according to hia judgment, and the con ductor had a very little voice in the mat ter. Collecting fares, superintending the loading and unloading of freight, and shouting," All aboard! ''were all the conduotor was expected to do. The Ene railway was then the Mew York and Erie railroad. There waa no rail connection with Jorsey City in VU2. Boats carried passengers from New York to Fiermont-ou-the Hudson, which was the eastern terminus of the road. Turner's, forty seven miles from New York, waa as far west as the railroad was in operation. One of the pioneer conductors of this line waa the late Captain Avers. He ran the only train then called for between the two terminal points. It waa made up of freight and passenger cars. The idoa of the engineer, without any knowl edge of what waa going on back of the lo comotive, having his way aa to how the train was to be run, did not strike the Captain as being according to the pro priety of things. He frequently encoun tered a fractious customer who insisted on riding without paying hia fare. Aa there waa no way of signaling to the en gineer, and the passenger could not be thrown from the train while it was in mo tion, the conductor in such caaea had no choioe but to let him ride until a regular stop was made. Captain Ayres finally determined to institute a new system in the running of trains. He procured a stout twine, long enough to reach from the locomotive to the rear car. To the end of thia string next to engineer he fastened a stick of wood. He ran this cord back over the cars to the last ono. He informed the engineer, who was a German, named Abe Hammil, that if he desired to have the train stopped he would pull the string and raise the stock, and would expect the signal to be obey ed. Hammil looked upon thia innova tion as a direct blow at his authority, and when the train left Fiermont he out the stick loose. At Turner's he told Captain Ayres that he proposed to run the train himself, without interference from any conductor. The next day the Cap tain rigged "up his string and stick ' of wood again. "Abe," said ho, "thia thing's got to be settled one way or the other to-day. If that stick of wood is not on the end of thia cord when we got to Turner's you've got to like me or I'll lick you." The stick was not on the string when the train reachod Turner's. The Captain pulled off his coat and told Hammil to get off his en gine. Hammil declined to got off. Cap tain 'Ayers climbed to the engineer's place. Hammil started to jump off on the opposite side. The conductor hit him under the ear, and saved him the trouble of jumping, That settled for ever the question of authority on rail road trains. Hammil abdicated as auto crat on the pioneer Erie train, and the twine and stick of wood, manipulated by' the conductor, controlled its manage ment. That was the origin of the bell rope, now one of the most important at tachments of railroad trainsf The idea was quickly adopted by the few roads then in operation, and the boll or gong in time took place of the stick of wood to signal the engineeer. Captain Ayers con tinued a conduotor on this road under its different managers until he was supcran uated and retired on a pension a year ago. He died a few months ago in Uswego, at the age of 78 years. Attempted Suicide. The first attempt to commit suicldo on the elevated railroad in this city was made a few days ago by a young woman who threw herself from a station plat form in front of an approaching train. In the large cities of the world the high places accessible to the public have como to be utilized for the purpose of suicide. Many persons bent on self destruction have leaped from tho para pet of the High Bridge aqueduct across the Harlem river, and have been killed by the fall of over one hundred Joet. Superstitious laborers engaged about the pumping-house have told stories of phan tom shapes flitting along the capstones of the masonry on moonlight nighta, or as oending the flights of stairs without step ping; and it is told of one of the men that though his working hours ceased at 2 o'clock in the morning, he would never cross the bridge to his home till after daylight. Since a drunken man leaped from above the key-stone of the central arch, and lived to resume his occupation of fishing from the neighboring wharf, which exploit has been followed by do scents in safety by two or three ventur ous persons, the place has been aban doned for purposes of suicide, as offer ing, perhaps, too many chances of failure. After the Breoklyn Bridgo shall have been completed, it will, unless closely watched by guards, offer facili ties for suicide which cannot fail ' to attract those who may be tired of life. Harper's Weekly. A Curiosity. , " The following poem, formed from dif ferent Bible texts, is worth preserving: riln to thi ViBntT VB, "'"' ' ninir in thr vrlef: Hnh. Til.. II Cling to the Uolf One. He ft relief Cllnw me Gradorii One, Cllnlo thr Pln : Cling lo to Ftllblul One, He will luitain. Cllni to the Urlng One, Cling to thr woe, Cling to the Llrlng One. Tli rough ill below ; Cling to the Pardoolog;One, Heineikelr pi Cling to the Eeillng One, AuguUh dull cetse. Cling to the Bleeding One, Cllugto Hilde: Cling in the Rlwn One, In Hia abide: Cling to I Br coming One. Hope (hall "Ite: Cling to ihe R-'fgning One, Jor light thine ejea. Heb. Til., 11. . . cxl., 6. Pi It . 4 Yk ext., 5 Then. t. 25. Pi. it. 21. Heb. Til., 25, ft. xiifl,7. 1 jKbn lT.lfl Kr m. Til , Wt 39. Johu xit , V7 .tobn xir 23. Exod xt 25. tt. CXTli,, I Unbolt.. 77. ' John xx ..27. K'm. tL, 4. Jobo XT 4 IUV. xx!! . 23. Tlitu 11. IS. Pa. xctU . 1. Fl XTl., 11. "Clover Nook," the home of Alice and Phoebe Cary, where the Bisters were born and spent their girlhood days, ia to be preserved, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer, and beautified as a fitting tribute and memorial to their noble characters and commanding genius. Mr. Alexander Swift, a brother-in-law of the sisters, and a well known and wealthy resident of Boston, haa purchased the twenty-six acrea which comprise all of "Clover Nook," and will proceed at once lo carry out hia laudable and long cherished object. IBOET BIT8. Tfl mn oitlaa i.iwnl In lh TTniUJ States Sundar ia the most disorderly day of the week. hmA aaven buckshot 1-1 t L I t . n .1 umlr.l l)t quite a load waa off hia mind. A anrrminondent deacnbincf Macedonia AT taemla a cloture e t in a pleas ant frame of green meadows and green trees. Tn nrmn there ia a million surplus of women the result of the wholeaale emigration of men to oeoape military service. Mia afinnla Palmer, the aotreas. Ia nn.inr .vw twml tn her manager not to marrv for five vears. Bo also is John H. Rogers, her agont. Miss Helen Choate Pratt, grand daughter of Bufus Cboate, has just been married in Boston to ait. v. a. rrmce, son of Mayor rnnce, 01 tnai city. On Ma nf th noatal cars near Wash ington a letter waa found directed to "Hand Ovor Cart-Horse." It waa sent to Hanover Court-House. Tl, Pitant Mnsenm. South Kensing ton. London, now contains Mr. Edison's "original lamp, accompanieu oy bbwmj mont that it burnt for 1 ,390 hours. A now ladies' political club has been opened in London, with a membership of 1,000 women. Gentlemen will be ad mitted on lecture nights. The lady who drew a gentleman ilrauincr vnwn. at a recent church fair now wishes to draw a good-looking young man w put in it. a waaHii nitizjm of Kew York in cel ebrating the fiftieth anniversary of his wedding, toasted ma wue aa me "healthy old lady who oombinoa beauty and durability." A bail pin is a very useful article to a woman. It serves the purpose of tooth ninir tinttan-hnnk. and hair fastener: but all thia is no excuse for having one in a . a . 1 A your vest pocitet wnen your wue aoetwu know where it comes from. A lady tells something whioh ought to - . . . t r. uave remained a secret wim uer xi tint a wnmnn in choosintr a lover considers a good deal more how the man will be regarded oy otner women than whether she loves him hcrsolf. In addition to the othor objections against the elevated roads in New York, it is said that a leaguo of husbands ia nn o,lcrvtin(T their abolition. The stairs leading to the stations have pro- 9 1 L - KIT.,.l nnnil tliA tla,Aff UUCeil SUUU All Duuv upu null uwnreij bills that an ordinary salary can not stand it. This is an account of a London toilet: "Vlnmo nnlni-A.l RiinAtinir shot with ETold. trimmed with scarlet and gold head fringe and sleeves trimmed witn acariei and gold lace. The bonnet was covered with beads and lace to match." There is no account of the husband's remark when the aooount was presented. "Thore is so much marrying and giv ing in marriage going on in New York now." mvs the World, "that any tale win' nli blooms with orance blos soms will easily find credence and at tract listeners, in Ban rrancisco it will now muse alarm and consternation among the young men. One by one the fellows fall. A lu1v nf etnnrlence cives advice on to a Tonneer ladv friend as fol- 0 -. - . lows: X0 irugai 1U iue ueniuwni ui such favors. In the first place, i wouia cut off all uncles, cousins and brothers-in-law; lot them kiss their own wives and daughters; aud I would not kiss the min ister, or the doctor, or the lawyer who gets you a divooce." Now this is a wo man of some sense. She scos the harm lessness of the editor man. A lady graduote of medicine in Wash ington has been tendered the position of resident physician on one of the largest Indian reservations in tue w esi. y e hope she will acoept, and proceed there t Wa know nf no olieaner or H VUWi I ' w . ( more certain method of satisfactorily solving the Indian prooiom, tnun uy pianino- the reservations undor tho medical charge of lady graduates. In about ten years a live Indian would oe a cunuauv. Fairly Beaten. Fame has other serious drawbacks than having one'a name wrongly npelled in the dispatch. Prominent among them is an endless succession of bores. They are visitors who have no claim to attention, and call to gratify merely their curiosity. It is not surprising that amiable tempers grow waspish, and courteous manners take on a rough edge, under such provocation. Gootho was one evening interrupted, while absorbed in literary work, by a culler from America. When the caller was asked by a servant if he hod any special business, he replied: "Only to see the poet." Goothe was vexed at the interruption, and showed it plainly. Coming hastily into the room without a word of greeting, he seated himself abrubtly on a stool, as if saying: "Jf you only wish to see me, look at mo. , The visitor's impudence was sublime. He proved himself master of the occa sion. In perfect ailence, like Goethe's, he rose, took a lamp from the table, and walked slowly around the poet, looking at him from every point of view. Goethe was conquered by this cool ness. He burst into a hearty laugh, and began to converse in hia pleosantest style. The visitor proved to be an agreeable companion, and Goothe was amused at his Yankee impudence. It is no justification for interrupting a busy man that bis fame is such aa to ex cite curiosity to see bim. To rob him of his time is about the same as to rob him of his dollars. With him time is money. ' A bell' Premium. At the Plata Fair just closed, Frank G. Abell of Portland, look first premium for laryest photographic work, photographic views, colored photographs, cabinef pho tographs, panel photographs and boudoir photograph. Mr. Abell also was awarded a gold medal for superior general exhibi tion in his line. Abell leads the art of the State in the opinion of competent critic. Tb old md jronag tod th wek strong by drlnx Eg Punlioa Bitten, the greet tonic 1 Plug up mice boles with soap. ; The mice will not go through, IaXrUpMU a Boot Fateat. Buckingham & Hecht, sari the Ban Francisco Chronicle, bare brought a suit in equity against Porter, Oppenheimer, Hluasmger A Co, for the Infringement of a patent in tbeHianufacturing of boots. It la claimed by the complainant, that on the Slat of May, 1878, Won. K. Miller and Miller R. Creighton, of Baltimore, Mary land, were the iavenlors of the patent, and obtained letter patent therefor on the !d or April, 1870. Subsequently, tbe above inventors, by a regular claim of as slgnaient made in writing, conveyed to tbe plaintiff tbe letters pateut and all rlghiaand liberties) by them conferred. In the face of this state of affairs it la claimed that the defendants, disregarding the exclusive right of the complainants, have manufactured and sold boots, eacn of which contained the improvements and inventions described in the said let ters patent. In conclusion, the complain ants ask a decree enjoluing the defendants by an injunction from using tbe patent. The court ia likewise called upon to assess the damages sustained by the plaintiffs in the premises by reason of the alleged infringement. Patrick Kelly haa filed a aimilar bill in the same court, aays the Ban Francisco Bulletin, against the same defendants, to recover damages for infringement of a patent on an invention by plaintiff con sisting in the combluing in the upper part of gaiters a front part of leather, a middle part of elastic material and a back part of leather, so arranged that the upper part of a gaiter resembled a short boot leg. Plaintiff also prays for an injunction restraining the defendant from using such Invention. Saying of Poor Slcbard. Pride is as lond a beggar as want. When you have bought oue fine thing, yon must buy ten more that your ap pearance may be all of a piece. It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow it. And it ia as truly folly for the poor to ape the rioh as for the frog to swell to equal an ox. Pride breakfasted with Plenty, dined with Poverty and supped with Infamy, and after all, what is the nse of this Eride of appearanoe, for whioh so much i risked, so much ia suffered? It can not promote hoalth nor ease pain. It makes' no inorease of merit in the person. It creates envy; it hastens misfortune. What madnoss it must be to run in dobt for superfluities. Think what yon do when yon run in dobt. You give an other power over your liberty. If you cannot pay at the time you are ashamed to meet your creditor. You will make poor, pitiful excuses, and by dogrees lose your veracity, and sink into base, downright lying. For the second vice is lying; the first running in debt. You lose your manliness and independence. An empty bag can't stand upright, and those have a short Lent who owe money to be paid at Easter. A Rew Idea. The American Mutual Aid Association for unmarried persons is n new institution that is deservedly attracting attention. An agency has been established at Port land under the charge or Air. a. a. uross. who will send circulars and answer all letters of inquiry. It is a capital means of providing for those who wish to enter the marriage state and can De taken ad vantaue of by the youth of either sex. A young lady with a policy in the asso ciation of $10,000 would be a prize that would be much sought alter. Mr. Gross is issuing a great many policies and those who contemplate marriuge should write to hi in for Information in regard to that system of insurance Ton will lwyt feol good end norar hlYt eour tuiutca If 70a OrlDK Duulent isitlen. O. N. V. Co. (New Herl0, No 21. iss il; All! EN A VI NT A rOTTKKY. WIIOI.FAI.P. DKPOT M, liSI ana J Irunu A. M.binllb l'rup., initiiudu'lum tlralii tile, nUme wr, Mower poU, ymmt, lira brick, via. Country nnlrni niiiNi promptly. JWMMIWNIo:V MKK liAT. Tfl. H. Pl'l'l No. ?d Proiil lrw!L Whol.ifiale ...ii. i I U..i..... (..ill unj nnul.uui UIKltr 111 l.IINJrilM BIIU lM..ulliHlwt.,,w,w.i Chine ltl'' .Nut Oil t low rem. A B TjUOODH u 1 1 fi T" V A T. C TTO VA Tl T Til u lewllng imnu. for Dloliirc truiiiM end luoulillnipi, wliolwmle end retll. Funcy gooda end rllu' nmn rtulne khw Utlty. Mini mrvi'i ronmim. w"nijivjji nienudunuroni, wholesale and null Jcwidi-ni. HoIImI Uuld iKiwelcU, Ncvk Outlne etc., end rarinuui lJUtinondH. Aluminum (lolU Wutchoe for 11 Httud t-ouui euuup lur oeuiogue. A1TOHKKTN AT UW. kl KOUK At IIKAC'II Koolll 13, M'Colld floor, I'nlon llloL'k. All li'KulbiifiliiKmetUiiiiieii to mum gon end lliti Tnrrlloria. Colltctioiui made eud poll' eloue procured. I. TtAWXIl'R..-Rnonie II end 12. Union Block Perticuier micutlon to Collfcllone, Coniuilalouer end Notary UiuliiFaL 1IOTEIA BTBTOV noCBEHeee A Merit Prop., eerner Tiiini ena r- mww. m-ruwiui"".,' ',.7'; oiwiiger end begge to eud Ironi iioele eud tretiie J. a. BURNER & CO., POSTOFFICE CANDY STORE . MANUFACTURER OF m Every Description of Plain and Fancy Can dies, Wholesale and Retail. . HAVING HAD U YKAM EXPERIENCE IN two of tbe larvwt Caudjr Feolorioe in Hen whnlMBla buTArt cen reiT ddod bnrinr. Candlre ea low u In Haa Prenclaro. Our gooda are II pure end DlghiT naTored, ana t one uui irtwn Candlee arnt lo Ihe trail end we meniifacturt Ihe lergxet Tarletr lo Purllaod. Give ui a trial order asdiee lor youriell. POSTOFFICE CANDY STORE, FIFTH AND MORRISON STREET, 0PPO8ITS POST OrrtCF., PORTLAND. Safe. Sure & Speedy, in ii, mMtft of mrlne we ere In had health. Th aKU haa got hold of u; hk a we may we rannol nhake It off lllilem we una -fiirMler' Hure.rWe and Mpeedy evpr and Aeuecwre.epurevee-. etalile n.medv. A ereat benefit. aim tothoae haying uwd cheml. -U, ticb en quinine, iron, ete. 1'rW, el. pr hutue. Your drug. gut nee it or wiu gw u ior ruu. EVEEDING & FAEEELL. WOOL DEALERS. ConiigiyEeaU eoltclte4. Adraocn Pertland. Oregon mm N-tiie SEYI.1QUR, SAI3IET c& CO., PORTLAND BRANCH HOUSE. Wa han eome lo the PACIFIC COAST lo Mat, with oar Minnesota Chief Threshers and Engines. 0 THE CHIEF IS TO The Lightest Eunninc, The Beit Grain Cleaning, The Greatest Grain Saving, The Fastest Seed Threshing AND TBB Least Expensive Thresher in the Market. Our ELWARD EQUALIZING POWER is the Simplest and Strongest O OCR MACHINES IOR THIS TKADK ABI BUILT AGENTS FOR TBE MORRISOIV BRO.'S J7LOWS, AND THE WHITEWATER WAGONS. a-For further InlbrmaUon and dcecrlptlre catalognee addreei SEYMOUR, SAB IN & CO., ( (Bee end elnroonn, Medlton etreet. between Front and I itet. Portland. D. J. MALARKEY & CO., Commission Merchants. WHOLESALE SKALXB8 IH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Foreign and Domestic Produce, V niaUHI1 gllll US IIU Viurifl ar'" v. qalry promptly iniwmL Wtlil PriOM Cumol M 1 .. ML-Amm tAlUHarl TaaM kM ftU niauiea mm on sppiinivKiei. LIBERAL CASH ADYAtfCES HIDE ON (.DJiSlUJiMEMTS. i im4 i vboht rrairr, roRTUjrs DR. SPINNEY, We. It Kem etreei.a. V.. Treate U Ckreale wad apeetal XMeM YOUNG MEN HO MAT BR MOPrERINU FROM Tnil K wi'll to avail th.maulvwi ol thia, Ihe ervau.t braa ever laid at the alter of eunVrlng huiuaiilty, UK. HI'INNKY will guarantee lo forfeit uo for ftv.rf iwu ul jrouinrui lollli'e or IndlK'n-tloii, will do cane of Hmlual WeakiiwH or private dla4Mwof any kind or character which be uuderukee eud falla Kj eiire. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There are menr at the age of thirty t alxtjr who re troubled with too frnjiutnl evariiatioue of the bledder, often aronmpaidnl by a .light auiartlng or bn rnlng eenaatioa and e weakening of the eyiieiu In a nienner Ihe patient caniiot aoeoant hr. On exam Inlng the urinary drpnelie a ropy etHllmviil Will ofwn be found, aiid utmetlmee email partlrlHi of alhunien will appear, or Ihe color will be of e thin nillklHh hue, .fain changing to a dark and torp'd apiliaranre, many uen who die of llita dlffli-uliy. Igno rant of the ceuee, which le the eccond ataaM of Kami nal Weakneaa Dr. H. will guarantee a rHTfert cur. In all euch oaeee. aud a health reeloretlon ol lite guitto urinary organa Office Hour.-10 to 4 and ( to I. Bnndaye from 10 to II A. af. Voneuitalloa free. Thorough exaailiiaUou and advice. IA Gall or aajrea DK. aPINNET A CO.. Ho. II Kearny etivet, Han rrancleco. Cel. A aai of Ifeawtv le o Forever. DR. T. FELIX OOIBAVD1 Oriental Cream, or Magical llcautlflor Remove. Tan, lliniilce, Frii k IpeNfolhPaU'lice and every bleni. ieh on beauty. II haa etood the tent of thirty yeer. and la w bar ml ell. we tMHte It to be euro thepri'par. atlon la properly made. Accept norotinterfi'Hol elinllnr name. The dl.tliiguUh. ed Ir. I- A. Havre eald to a -'SA 'i,iTV-;-f lady of the bant kvfV-r.'i'n -i ii (a patient): wfll nae them, T recommend Omimnd'e cream' a. the Eait harmful of all tlie Hkln prci-inillone." Alei. Pnu dH,,btTe remove, .uperiluou. bale wltliont Injury lo, "wmi?!!. B. T. OOORAUD. Sole Prop., 48 Bond it. "wr eale by all dnigghla nd Fancy flood llfr. .hrotXutWunlteo, tWee anurop FancV u r Beware of ba-J. hnllalkni. whtefi are abroad. W. offer MOT Reward lor the af reel and proof of any one eelllng Ui. aama. ELEOTRIO BELTS, TsmliSe-BS. raMU tnd Appaktocaav Itttt Ispproytunta. 8uprWff to All. fyf Olalrf 'wow waiiauuia mm 1U7S. PncM tlwayt Lowor .beta tthrn twm flaw. TO aMaMacpto St. aton Hraacitco, Ul Thoroughbred I POULTRY. HOGS md CATTLE, V.l-V. HAVle.rlaiaaa alnrl Maiartit M I'lBII IW "I rig.niliiwn eai. r Polnnrt, Chlni, llxn; Jrwy Cut i -fflL'tle. Write, ncliwlng alaim.. frr clr- X11.1.H. Ana-flfH. CkI. mil IB Win av STENCILS: SEALS. EAL SMCBATEBt, Ba EI BUTT ST. rOBTLAKD, OR. EX8HIP "ZEIMIPIIIE" Direct from New York, Tbe following lino of Varnishes : Ma-lit Furniture No. 1, Dark Furniture No. I. Light f'oach No. I, V.J.. Heavy ( iiml No. I.Ocnulne Alcohol Hhellac, Kitra Hnlrtta Hhcllac, K. Heavy White Uaiuar, Black A.phallum, llrown Jauun. All the above line of V A ItNIHJI KH we are nre pared to fumlh In barrel or can lota. They are f rum the well kuown manufai-tory of William 'llldcn and KtklrM llMviiir nurchaNed the above befoie the re cenia.lvaiice, we are enablwl to make belter pricee than ever before out it m in , ... F. E. BEACH & CO., 103 Front St,- Portland.' SIBSON, CHURCH &.C0, Portland, Oregon. EXPORTERS OF WHEAT AND L0UR. Ia the Market at all time, for tbe abav. CommodiUee. AddreM we for Infarmatloa aa to valnee, or Teraa. of CoaelKaaaent. CALCTJPTA AND OAKLAND BAGS for aal. la loU to .alt. teaell aurki rwrwl.hed free oa appllea. ttoa. JtU- PU GU-AJ-AJtTTEED BE Power made. - A XSFBCIA1XY FOR ini COAST. Wl ARI 80LB CELEBRATED Tho Great English Remedy. te a neTer falling Cure for NVrvmi. DrliUliy.KxIiauat ed Vlullty-nnoal Weak. niw.Merniatorrha Vt MaabawA, liupMt.iocy I'aralvala, and all llirlerrl hie eifwui if H-lf-Abuae Youthful FolllHa, and el evawe in -maturer yeare uoh aa I aim of Mi'inory, iMellude.Nni'turtiel Kmk aliuia, Avendyn lo rlurlely liluineM of vwlon, NolM-a lu the Head: the vital llutd J luuMlne unolMHrveil Ul the urine, and many oll-r Uiaaee lliat lead lo InaanllT ai?ji.'lJfTI R will agree to forfeit nwflt4 Itollare for a r-aae of thle kind the ITAL KK. riVKATIVKiniMlerhleeiieelal advice and trvat. mentiwlll not cure: ..r for anything Im fur .or f omlounil In It. DK. Mia'riK trealaall priveia dlaiwe auecHwfully without merrury. wewltjrtUe) free. Thorough ejanilnallim ami ailvk e linii. Ing analyala of urine. Mua l'rlce of VHiU Mmilii M uoa iHittle, or four llmee the euantliy, lio , eent lo eny eddreae uinin receipt of price, or C. O. leec"' IroiuolmonratloniaudUi private nemo, If A. K. 1 1 e.. w. 1 1 Kearay etreet, lea rraaelee, MU DK. MUTtEHI K1DSIET BEMEDT. Hj PilKtrnt I'M, curve ell kind u( kidney and IllailiM-r Complaint, llonorrhrea, tlleet, Leucorrhir Vol aale by ail dniggleui el a buttle, aU botUee fur at nit. m iTir'a nittinri.ini pii.i are the beet midcheaiiert DluPKPMAand HIUOV cure In the mark. t. For aale by all ,un,,t",,S?:fco-., 1I(HKK, J'AVIS A fO.. Ptirtland, Or.. Ahleal Affnta. .rpble great aireagtb. A. el 'ivta ii! a, iTu. la. . .. . ' mmA kltlniatn rreuH of over year. 01 prarticai eiiH-n- nee. ana .iic.n , . I'NKA1IJN01.'KRTAIN. I'Y Nervoue or Fbyau-al IMilllty, Hcinlnal Weak- Hii yj ', vAnlrJnilaafoiiii.lmrwlencyi.A J iU.'iati.ted Vllallty. I'rema- jk ViI aAjllKI re Decline and t.W IlLUUVEfeAIUIIl! vhalever caune produce.1. wamaMaamaeaaaaaanaaaavaTiJit etirti-hen. and liurlrie. the llloud. aireuailieiie the Nervee, llraln, Mtnclra. the llhKMJ, mrenaineiie ine nwTn, '!"" '. "v lilgeeilon, Iteproducttv. Urgaua, and Hhyalcal and Mental Farultlea, It etoeany unnatural clebllltatlng drain iion tlie eyatom, preventing Involuntary loieg debllitallng dreann. eemliial loaeii with the urine, etc., mi ilt-atnu'llve to nilnd and Iwdy. It l a urti eliminator of all KIDNKV AND HXAbDKR tDM 1'I.AlNi'H. To thoae enVerlng graa. the egeet. of youthful Indiscretion, or rmn eweedy. Iknrnwiih and Berai-oeai (l Ka, IH Mig. AKTt II. l'rlce, ooper notlle,or nvauouieaiai caw with full direction, and advice, tO. Henl , ae cure from olieervallon to any aililrea upon receipt ol price, or ('. O. 1. To be hurl only of HanFranclnco.l'nl. l.n.ultal!nHtrlctlyntldentla. , by letter oral ofllce, FHKK. For the convenience of pHlleiiM, anil lu order to aw-ure perfect Mwery, 1 iiav. adopte.1 a private addreae, under which all package, are forwarded, "flnlrnn' Orinn HnTlfi Ffifl flntrnmh' ouioULiioiiu uaiaiiu IIQUID OR DIIY, PRICE 1 w; ATMimi-n J liLUfflalore," prk- too. Dry CJireand lii.ullla Uira mailed on receipt of price, with full direction 1 for ue,eto. K. tl. HKIUMOHK A Co., lruirgit Iftl Flr etreet, Portland, Or. Bole AgenU tor tu. N. l'-tti (Vtaet. mfMt GREAT REDUCTION , Jit THE PRICE OF . , . , PTANOS fc OT1GAN8 PIANOS & OllGANS SDI0N HARRIS, FIRST ST.. RET. PISTE AND AI1, C ... Pvitluud, Or. , . . . Is offering NEW full sized 7-octave Upright Tlanos, war. ranted for five years, at tho low juice of ' $275.00! V WI-WIV JUVallll) V"awaaVV ' ACE ORGANS at the reduced price of SS5.00! Call and examine these ingirunicuta. SIMON HARRIS. Illuatraieil 'ntaloxne upea apiilU ratio. i f A i Ji r direct and tar. tba Urg. ooumMons p.ld to trareilng igciiuj. uaMTtaa'D MAACH ii. llrrt. gpi WJt FrUHDIR, SOLK PBOrKIETOS.' Ortfom Pained Ipeclfle far thia t'UmeU Bewar. of Fever aad Apia. the viEaT Known imuT tj aiAir CIIAS. HIRSTEL &.C0., Fire at. aad 101 Freat at,, Pertlaad, Or Import en and WbuleeaH Dealer. In .. CIGARS AND T0RACC0S, TATIONEKT, SUT1B.H, Wio, tviLcni, r. iv. gole A rent, for J oka Patey-a .M Pea. wa4 Peacllei Mr Agent, for ii.ufc-a HcaMe,uar, aad Tkaauu1 WrtUg lake. BPECIAJ. BIMCOCSTW IN KCHWL BOOKS 1 .2.2?I-lUrL-...