CITY AND COUNTY Locals scares. (jo to Goldsniitb'a (or groceries Goldsmith keeps ths belt cigars. The aewnade'ra were out Wednesday night, New styles Udiei visiting cards at tit fouABD office. tf you wist! to boy goods cheap call at U M Friendly'; Vm Lyle, Stat Librarian, was in tlie city tlui week. Miller Sod bar commenced work on the SprinKfield bridge. Call and see that large stock of goods (or alia at Frieridly's. Cioldaiiiith keeps tha best line of grocsrics, and sella them cheip. Geo Woods while in swiidming had his foot bwlly cut on an old lard can. Why pay traveling dentists to practice on you? Go to Davis; got good work. Tha residence of Kir A G Horey is be ginning' to assume' fair proportions. Tba railroad spile driver has been at Work driving spiles near tha mill this week; Something new las kid gloves at S. It. Friencily's. Call and examine them. Caih paid for CHICKENS. HIDES, TAL tOW and BEES-WAX at A Goldsmith's. 8 H Frieudly sells cheap for cash boots, thee clothing hats, caps fancy goods, etc. The Goabd is tha beat advertising me dium in Laue county. It bos the largest circulation. .... A large lot of mile-end Clark's spool cot' ton on sale at T G Hendrick's in lota to auit purchasers. Mr. Geo. W, Kirisey has several new hacks and buggies,' which Tie will sell Very cheap. See advertisement. Workmen bave bee a erfgaged npon Ran kin's photograp'h gallery this week. It is nearly finished. ' Tba Recorder baa completed the assess ment of tha city finds the assessable property foots np $540,000. ' A series of religions meetings is in .pro gress at the Christian church, Elder Moss ef Monmouth officiating.' The brick kilns in the east part of town Ire progressing rapidly and will be ready to burn within a couple of week a. Mr Frank Hedgkins, a knight at the quill,' and Assistaut Secretary 'ol State,' paid Eu gene a visit the first of the week. Last Saturday morning a recount of the vote recently cast In the mucicipal election in Fort land gave Simon one majority for mayor. Mr 3 if Frieidly will pay tha highest cash market price for wheat. Give him a call before selling your grain elsewhere. Invitations are out for the wedding of Mr 0 6 Awbrey to Mis Varian Bryson, on the he 18th, at the reafd'eaca of Mr M Bryson. Uuhappiaass ia the child of Dyspepsia. Get rid of both parent aimf child by a few doses of King of the Blood. See advertise ment.' Elder S., Monroe Hubbard will preach at Christian Church, next Sunday, iriorning and evening. Sunday School at 3 r v. All are welcome. Meals cheap. Chas Baker at the . St Charles Hotel will 'sell five meal tickets for $1. He buys bis groceries at wholesale aud caa afford it. Table set with the best the market affords. t . The Pacific opera house, of Albany, was aunt ad to tbe ground on Monday morning Jast between one and two o'clock. Supposed incendiarism.' It belong to Lon D Fromaa., toss 11,209. No insurance. ( Business mon should not forget that blank notes, bill-beads, statements, letter heads, and every description of coinmercia printing are neatly and promptly executed at the Guard office.' On Moqday and Tuesday of this week, Mr E J McCla'nahan dragged the ferry boat from this pkee to Springfield, where it will be nsed by Miller & Son' in constructing the piers for the Springfield bridge. There are one hundred1 and fifty named and described varieties of wheat and yet que half the people who grow the grain don't knew the difference such is the lack of - training in the natural history of plants. Mr Cornelius, who was shot in the streets of Portland, on the 4th, died the following day from the effects of the wounds received. Mr Cornelius was a vary worthy citizen; and bis death will be deeply mourned by a host of friends!' His remains were carried to Forest Grove for interment.' Prof E C Clayton, teacher of plain and ornamental penmanship in ail its branches. Either of three movements taught finger muscular and whole arm. Family records, certificates and cards designed aiiil lrawn ta order. Satisfactory improvements of pu pils made or no pay asked. We take this means to say that Dr. . Hol man's liver pad for all 'stomach and liver troubles, was tha first article of" the kraJ in troduced to tha public, and from the won derful success it baa in curing all diseases ef the liver and malaria, in all it various 'i'l, it has become stomach remedy; and Can Bew be had at nnr Hna etnrwi .EacaPi ar "Tbcstiih." Within the past week there has been two "State Prison con T'ct who are allowed perfect freedom to go wherever it ia their pleasure, and who would not be known from any other citizen, except that the "trusty" weara a striped suit-made their escape; ana on the 4th and one ah the 10th. Low Want Piidiciid. Steamboat men ra predicting early low water in tba Wfllam t this seaaoa. Tba absence of snow in the BMtmtaina k tbe fact npoa which they' base tkr judgment It baa been many years since light a covering of mow was left in tbe Cscde rang at tba open fag of spring." tit r. f- .t k T TaLSltl fnfl 7 July 11, ion.' I Council Proceedings. . Coincil Room, Ei'okni City, June 11), 1881. Council met pursuant to ordinance, I'resuut Mayor Hendricks) Counrilmen r r. i .. . . . uer, vampo. ii, Johnson, aioan, mere and Edria. ...A ri..l I ...'v-.iwvt a... v. .iiwaiiM. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. WARRANT DRAWN, , Finance committee reported the following win correct, and on motion, warrants were or dered drawn on the treasury (or the several amounts: Ceo Fisher, fl; B F Porris, $13 12; Orin Moore, $2; B II James, f2; J E Attebery, $0; O Uickathier, J135; Springfield Mill Co, $10 5C( J M Frouk, fll 20; H C Humphrey, tl Bill of Chas Woods for (i referred back to couucil without recommendation, and on motion, ordered paid. The judiciary committo reported ordinan ces aineudiugseo 1 of chs'p d of the printed laws preventing cows running at large with iu the city during the nigh t time; also amend ing sec .1, titli 2, el up 4, also see 7, same chapter relating t: nuisances. . On motion the judiciary committee were granted until the regular October meeting to report en matter of stables and street corners. Committee en fire aud water reported ver bally the condition of fire fend, aud, on mo tion ware instructed te make a definite written report at regular October meeting. On motion Johnson and Edris were von stituted a committee to inquire into the quality and quantity of coal oil belonging te the City and te report at the next regular meeting. Matter of levying tax laid over one mouth. P.etitiou of Stowell, MuCornack aud others asking that a sidewalk be laid on north aide of Sixth street from Willamette to Washing ton streets taken under advisement until next regular meeting. The Recorder reported tha assessment al most completed. The assessable property is about $040,000. ' The following bills presented1 and referred to the finance committee: Springfield Mill Co, $4 20; J R Campbell, $12 50: ' J K McKenzic, $1: J J Rellvail, $1 SO; Orin Moore, $19 50; Hack and Dray Co$2j Joel Ware, $25; Geo Stowell, $4 13; On motion tho Marshal was instructed to contract the gravel hauling for eity during next six month's. The chairman of finance committee re ported that lie did not deem it advisable te buy the cart belonging to the ex-marslm! which report, ou motion', was received and placed on hie. On nwliun, adjourned. . H. C. Hcm?urky, Recorder. What Newspapers Do'. One of our contemporaries says the col umns of a paper are a publishhei'a stock in trade, and the parties who ask to use (them for their special benefit must expect to pay for the same. Every public spirited oitizen of a place should have a pride in aeeing bis town aud surreuudings improve; every new house every road, every new manufacturing establishment erected, every new busiuess opeued, enhauces the. value of property in our midst. Every reflecting miud know this to be true, aud it should not be forgot ten that the local paper ia an index to tha general wealth and prosperity of the place, as well as increases the reputation of tho town abroad. It benefits all who have bus iness in the place, enhances tha value of property, besides being a desirable public convenience, eveu if not conducted in the in terest of the ruling political power. It in creases trade, cautious ogainat impositions, saes you from loss, warns you of danger, taints out different 'advantages and increases your profits. The local press is the power that moves the people; therefore support it by advertising in it liberally, subscribing for it and pay yig' for it. Frerniums. Several ladies of Eugene took premiums at the tate Fair as follows: Mrs Kirkland, tea corey, collar and cuff, silk embossed, 1st; lambrequin, applique, 2d- ' Mrs W T Shelton, display ef mineral cab inet and speciineua in natural history, 1st; mosses and lichens, 1st; herbarium 1st; piessed ferns, 2d: . Mrs F M Wilkins, ottoman in applique, 1st; toilet set iu darned bcttiug, 6 pieces, 2d; set of table napkins; largest display of ma chine and hand sewiug, 1st; display autumn leases 1st. The Portland China Line. It is generally bruited, and tha informa tion is said to come from some official source that the 0 R A N Co will have a line.ef steamships established between this city and some port iu China by October uext. Tbe steamer Uisjissippi will form one of the fine'. The enterprise, it is thought, will be success ful from the first. Mercnry.' I.vkase. Joseph Hates, an elderly Ger man, was exann'ned by a board of physicians Tuesday and adjudged insane.' It appears that he is subject to paroxysmal fits of in sanity, during which ht baa morbid propen sity to kill some one, and after he masters that feeling, he baa a strong desire to kill himself. He was takea to the aiylnm Wed nesday. Sensational. The last Fertland Mercury has a sensational story about there being a' fight here en the Fonrtb, at which pistols were drawn and fired. The Mercnry has beea misinformed. Although an immense crowd was here, no disorderly conduct took place. . Survey on the 0. & C. R. R. Extension, Several partiee of surveyors are bow at work on tha proposed extension of the O I C It R seeking tor passes through tba mono taiuous regions ef Southern Oregon. It ii fou-d tll,t th, ,iU),;0B tunneline and bridging heretofore deemed Beoeesary eu this reute ia a mistake. A route through tha cauyon has beea found with a grade of lesa than 100 feet to tha mile, while another over the Cow Creek Hills ia reported ta have grade of 20 feet lesa to tha mile. By tha route now being surveyed a tunnel three' quarter of a mile in length through tha Siskl yous 400 feet below the lowest pass will be necessary. Howard's surveyors aia bow operating in tha vicinity af Colas, Cal, hav ing passed tha state line on tha 6th, inst, about one mile east of tha stage road. They expect to reach the Klamath rvcr in about four days, when they will retracetheir steps and commence surveying toward tha Rogue river. This party found part of a mad tact ia the vicinity of Pilot Rock recently, which still had soma matter in it The sup'poi' tion ia that it is the remains of tha bag rilled by robbers a year ago. An express way-bill receipt from the Jacksonville office wis found among the papers. Standard. - i. Grave Charges. X long letter appear in tha Portland Met cury of Monday last, charging Professor Walker, Frt aidant ef the college at Philom atb, and a minister of tha gospel, with be lag a libertine and a liar. It is aigued by Isaac Belknap,' ex-pastor of the church at Philomath, and a member of 21 years standing, and concludes with the following appeal te Prof Walker: Sir I charge yon of circulating among your friends report that are sa false as your own heart, and thereby trying to break down the character of tha innocenta whom ybu had previously sought te) rflin. These aud all the foregoing charge are of auch a nature that no honest gentlemen will rest nuder them, and I bave but to add that if you think that your past record will bear inspection aud wish to enter into a legal in vestigation of the matter, you will find ma iu life-site at any residence at Philomath. . Then give uo longer private lessons To a female class of ana,' In the chapel of the college, 'Neath the aetting of tha iud. Dexter Items. ' Dexter, July 14th," 188L Tha loggers have started their "drive. Ml1 Will Williams has rented 3 A Briugle'a farm. Mrs E B Hunsaker of Spekan Falls, ia visit ing relatives and friends here. Tboy any it Is necessary to "man a slip" or a Brlgg's(?); yes. in a Horn.' W K Parker killed a bug cougar yesterday. Did you say it was mora than twenty feet long? Now "Reea" you must know that is a "whopper" (not alone the animal but tha story,) and we'll bet be measured up one side and duwa the other. Who Saw it Firsr? The question of wbo discovered the present cornel has become a most momentous one. Over 500 persons have laid claim to the honor and the Warner Prise of $200, aud all of them are within comparatively tnt same time. It is desirable that no injustice be done in this mat ter and to this end a'l parties who saw tlie comet during the week ending June 25th, or previously, will please forward their claims without delay to Prof Swift, Pirector .of the Warn'dr Observatory, Rochester, N. Y. If ia certain' the discovery was made by a private Individual, but who that individual is remains to be seen. Cow Ordinance. The city council has concentrated the wisdom of ita member, and given the peoplo a law that will make tha lawgivers famous. We refer to the ordinance compelling widows and poor people to keep thoir cows confined at night. What ques tion, vital to the interests of the city, will next engage the attention of these Solous? We bave a dog law and a cow law, would it not be well to experiment on cats? Fishing. A party consisting of B C Van Houten, E J McClanahan, and J R Campbell of the Guard, started this morning on a fishing trip up the McKenzie. They take a boat with them which they will put in at tbe Toll badge. 50 miles east of this place. . They will be gone nine days, and will make the speckled beauties stiffer. . C6lt Show. The colt show advertised by Mr H G Hadley came off but Saturday, quit a number of fine loo tin j oofta puting in an ap pearance. The prize of 120 waa awarded to Geo Hadley; tba colt ha exhibted waa 2 months eld, and weighed 430 pounds. Mr Hadley rffers three premiums for next years colts, viz-' (15, 110 and 85. Died. At Mohawk, Monday July 11, 1881, Milan Burbridge, step aon of JH Wet more. The funeral took place from the Bay tiH church in this city Wednesday after noon. The deceased was about 16' years' of ace. Hi death was caused, we are informed, by tbe immoderate nae of candy at this place on the Fourth- Krniiii'i Springs. These springs, sit uated on the Middle Fork,' are becoming rather a popular resort. A party consisting of J C Church, J O tGray, J M Thompson smd W H Abrama with their families leave for those springs to-day. Full. Eugene Hook A Ladder Co No 1, at ita meeting Tuesday evening took ia four new members. Tha company Dew ha it complement of fifty active members, all that tbe state laws allows it to have. , , Excursionists. A party of excursionists for the East left Portland Tuesday. Among them were Miss Bella Bum of Cottage Grove, and W J McDaoiela and wife grad natea ef th I University. ' e A O U W.-Tbe first Grand Lodge of tbe Ancient Order United Workmen con vroed at Salem Wednesday. Mr J J Walton and J M Shelley went as de!egate from tha Eugvne lodga. Personal! Mf L O Adair returned Monday from Salem. Dr Jobs Nicklin visited Portland Wednesday. Ruf Robinson left Thursday for a trip U Va quinaBay. Mr Simon Rosenblatt, of the firm of 8 Rosenblatt., Co, is in ths city.' r W wits I . .a Vt a EmiworiQ started, Monday, on a short visit te La Grande, Union county, Or. egon. Mi Ben Larch and f.irnffy of Cottage Grove, have been viaiting in Engeue this week. Dr S Hamilton, of Roaeburgi one of the Stat University Regenta, came down Friday to attend a meeting of the Regents to-day. Seymour Condon will oocupy a position this summer in the U S Coast Survey under Col Habersham. H went below' Wednes day. MrJaa II Sbinn, formerly of the atate land office at La Grande, pasted Saturday and Sunday ia Eugene. Mr. Shinn was de lighted with the country around our town, and declared that it wm the finest section of country that he bad seen ia the atate. Salem Flouring Mills. Ws'ere informed that on Tuesday a eumpa ny was eryauiaed in this city for the purchase of tha Salem Flooring Mills, capital stock $200, 000, whicb was all paid in.' Tha stockholders are named fn the order of tlielr Internet in the stock aa follows: Wm Raid,' W Soott of Liv erpool, W S SIbson, Robert Bell, W S Ladd, A Bush, Mr Cochran, of Dundee, Mr Lowsnn, of Dundee; Wm Dunbar and Geo Beattle. The company seems to have been re-organized by Mr Scott, who waa a large stockholder before the death of Mr Albert Kinney, whose death' has probably made auch a movement necessary, Mr Geo Beattie baa been for many year chief miller and continues bis direction. Tba direc tors of tha company ar Wm Reid, who ia president, Robert Bell, who ia secretary; W S Ladd, A Bush, and Geo Beattie. Wa are informed by one of tha company that tha in tention ia to extend tha busiuess of the com', pany materially another year, ft ia possible that this mill company will own its own1 boats so aa to be independent on the score of trans portation facilities. It ia a strWg concern and tha purpose is to carry on an extensive business with the best possible facilities.' Standard C. P. Smoa-Tba Oregon Synod of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, convened at McMinnville, June 30th. Rev W K Bishop was chosen Moderator, and Rov D M Keeue, Clerk. The session waa one of deep interest to all present The Synod will bold ita next session at Brownsville, beginning on tha 2Ulh day of June, 18H2. . Survitino Pabtixs. Two surveying par ties left her this week. One of tham, under CyJudkine will operate in the vicinity of Camp Polk, Wasco county, and tbe other un der Lafe Wheeler in the Summer Lake, Lake cbun'try. . i". .' . , An' undivided half of the brick building oc cupied by Robinson t Church wm sold, Tues day, at sheriff sale for 11100. Teachers Writing Class. Prof. J. M Garrison, the wall known teach er of penmanship, Will commence iu this city on Monday, July 23th,' 1881, a writing class for the matructiou of teachers, aud other adults, in the art of penmanship. The coarse will extend over eight days; three ssaona each day, forenoon, afternoon aud in the evening. Terms $3 for course. Eugene City, July & tbcaf'.MjrVket Wooi-2728cte per lb.' Wheat, on cars 62 J eta prbuah. Four 15 per bbL Oats 50 ct pr bush. . Bacon Sides-12) cU pr lb. Hams 12J15 cts pr lb. Shouldora 810 eta pr lb. Butter 20 eta pr lb. EtfKs 10 cts pr dot. . Lard-12i15cttpr. Don't Read This. We make tba best washing machines In the state. Smith k Hazi-won, Cottage Grove. To Millmen. Old type for babbit metal for sale at thia office. for Rent or 8ale. 'ih. building adjoiuing Rankiu'a Bazar lately occupied by the Guard.' For rarticu ars, inquire at this office. , Stop a Moment and Read This- Look at this list of goods just received av the Farmer and Mechanics Clothing Store. Sacque Suit from $10 to $17. Scotch aaoq'ja or frock snit from $12 60 Sac que or frock diagonal suits from $13 50 to"$25. ; Broadcloth boats and vests, diagonal, Prince Albert' coats and vests. Jnst tbe thing for Holiday presents. Several new linea of overcoats, reversible and nlstera, all grades and prices, 'from $7 SO to $20. Darby sbirt, Lecktie and th finest line of neckwear in the city. ( New hat and caps,' wool scarfs and gloves' . . iu uiutu jrw ol biiuerwear, mu graue and prices. Tbe beit stock of silk and linen .handker chiefs, hosiery, Ac, for tha holidays, in' the city. ; . Latest etyl of hat $1 to $3 60. Caps from $1 to ll 25. Boys hats and cape. 'The best line of pant patterna and suits ia the city. Casbmers, Diagonal, Scotch and Araerioin cloths.' fait made to order from 30 np.', , , Pant mad to order from $8 60 np! ' Dark gray Oregon cashmere pant, $5. All wool panU4 50$4 75. $3, $5 60, $8. PapUll 75, $2 60, $3 60.' Overall 60 otnta, 75 cants, $1, $1 25. Diagonal pant from $5 to $& Tbe only Gent Furnishing good atore in Engene City. . Clothing eut for anybody. All goods marked in plain figures, and strictly one cash price for all. Call and examine oar good before buying eUewber. Fakvej t MirBiir Store, R. J. GRAHAM, Manager. The Latest. , Tbe President Detter. Washington, July 13. -The president is bet ter than, since he wm shot. Bliss sees marked Improvements. Hla condition I nearly nor mal The president ate soma woodcock and toast to day besides his milk and rum. He is now steadily and necessarily slowly improving. This is tba twelth day, and tha day on which a turn usually occun Surgeons aay the indica tions are of a change for better. Tbe 1 o'clock bulletin shows that the bet weather doe net arrest continued improvement Fever lower than lately in ths middle of the day; pulse be low 100, temperature acarccvly 100, aad sur geons think tba increase this evening will be vary slight Dr Bliss sa)- that if no Hew cotnblications arts the president will be substantially out of danger by Saturday. Doctor Opinions. Washington,' July 12. Wh.ile dooters in charge do not pretend that th president is eut ef danger, they grow more hopeful daily. The president has shown uuaaainesa at bia alaw recovery only two or three times. Yes terday ha inquiringly remarked that it wm doubtful if the few years he would get at beet were worth all the bard atrngglo be wu making, but Mr Garfiebl urged him not to talk that way, m hi life waa worth all that could possibly be expended t save it Tha preeideut promptly replied that be did sot have any idea af relaxing any of his effort, but hi remark wm nun reflective than otherwise. The presideuf get occas ional information about th excitement out side and know what deep interest is taken by the people, and ouce Mked if tha excite ment wm m great m when Lincoln wm killed. A Washington special lias the following. Dr Rcyburn, upon being showu ths state ment of Dr Bliss published thia morning te the effect that strong indications existed by which the location of the ball will be exactly dfttermtued very toon if they continued, laid that such was the (act, ar at least that the suspicions noretolore eutertamau oi its oourse were greatly strengthened. He de clined, for professional reason, U enter at length into a description of these indications. It wm thought best to await further devel opments iu the case. Ha was asked: ' "Will you make an effort to extract tha ballaoonl" ' Not until it become necessary, br until tha patieut ia ao far recovered m to be able t sustain an operation without daugor. If it ia in the interior wall of the aVdomem it is not likely to give ua any trouble atpres sut" Does it give the president pain where it "The president's body just now it pretty sere, from head to toes. His feet and legs pain hiin, aud bis back fuels a if broke in two, while the abdomen is of ourse tender. He would probably fail to detect just bow the exact spot of soreness due to the bullet; at least it would not do to depend upon such a feeling." . "Uooa expect a apeedy recovery!" "I am encouraged by every day'a report, aud I expect to be able to aay when tha the week ia gone that eur patieut is abso lutely out of danger." Dr Fraak II Hamilton thia morning states that the latest symptoms in tbe president's cue indicates nothing bst vgradual improve ment. Referring to the Washington dis patch priuted in the Eveniug Post, Saturday evening, in which the pre'idnnt symptoms were tpouen oi u inure tenons man me public aupposed, Dr Hamilton says the ac count wm exaggerated. Garfield was not a well man by any means, ' but the present symptoms were not alarming to the sur geons. More precautions ware taken to prevent oxoitemeut in the case of the presi dent than ioau ordinary 'cue, aud these precautions are what, alarm laymen. The praaideut ia getting along well, and nature may be expected to do almost, all that remains to lie dona. There will be bo ne cessity (or probing unless the healing of the wound is not healthful snd indicatesiuterual abscess or coucealed suppuration. If the healing of thewouud seemed ta bs natural, and healthful and nothing need be done. Ohio Democrat - ( CoLUiintK, Ohio, July 13.'-The democratic. convention to day nominated J W Book waiter for governor on the second hallotf also Edgar M Johnson, of Cincinnati; lieutenant gover nor E F Bingham, supreme judge; A F Win alow, of Cleveland, atate treasurer; Frank C Dougherty, attorney general. Wanted. A good steady boy, 16 years of age, wants employment on a farm. In quire at thia office. For Hav and oata for Kale cheao. AptHy to Dr. T W. Shelton. Lumber I Lumber! J.'B. RhSnehart has been appointed agent of the Sprintftield Mill Co. He can offer better figures for Lumber now than ever be fore. All kinds of building lumber delivered on abort notice and at very low figures. Don t fail to t Khinehart before ordering elaewheie. We propose to sell lumber, and don't forget it . ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST.' Mr FJf Wilkins", the live iDruguist of tha u -I M .... U- - - J meet the demands of his many customers: He has just received a supply of that wonderful remedy .that is awtornining. the world by its . 1 r,.. L' , v-... Tt. for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Aathtna,Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Phthisic, Croup, Whooping Cough. Tickling in the, Throat, Loss of Voin. Hoanen'ss or any affection of tha Throat or Lungs. This remedr positively cures, as thous ands. can testify. If yea do not believe It call at Wilkins' Drug store ar 1 M a Trial Bottle rstx or cost or a regular 'r bottle for one dollar. Aa vou value your !''" give it a trial and be convinced, sa thousands 'already have been. Aluliiolland, Junction City. Hodge, Davis It Co, Wholesale Agents, Portland. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINT. la it not worth the small price of 75 cent to free voureelf of every symptom of tbsee dis tressing oompUinu, if yon think so call at our store aad get a bottle of Sbilnb'a Vitalise r, ev ery bottle has a printed guar ante on it, me ac cordingly and U It noes Vou BOgnoq li will eHl yoe Bathing." noli ry oeDura a l o. ' A itood thing. Ivrr.a Syrup is th special prescription of Di . A. B tehee, a celebrated German Physi cian, and is acknowledged id !o oueof the mort fortuiai discoveries in Mediaine., It quickly Mires "oughs, Cold sand all Lung trouble el lb euivreat nature, removing, m it doea, tbe cause of tha affection and leaving tha part ja a strong anil healthy condition. It is fact aa experimental medicine, but has stood th test of vears. riving satisfaction ia every case. which its rapidly Increasing nil every iseaaon, confirms. Two- million bottles aold aanitallv. Beware oi medicine of similar nam,, lately introduced Dotchee'a German Hymp wl Ihtfo- dunui In thallniUd HtAiM itt arid W 11 OW sold In every town and vfltr, in itbeoivftl ted world. Three doses will relieve, any u Uuary cough. Price 75 cent. Sample boUle, 10 cent. Hate iVlNtar'a HaUaru of tt ilsjl Cherry always at hard. It cures Cuoghe, Colds. Bronchitis. Whooping Couiih, Influent, Consumption, aud all Throat and Couiplaint. SO cents and $1 a bottle. I . ... i t mOTIIUHB I mOTIIKBS I i( t Are iron disturbed at nbxht and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting Ueth T If so, go at one and get a bottle of MRS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend uoa it; there is no mlstak about. There Is pot a mother on earth who bait tvnt used It, who will not tell you at once that it will rerukte tbe bowels, and nive rest to tha mother, and relief and health ti the child, op erating like magic. It is perfectly safe to u In all caee, ana pleasant to. tne taste, ana is the preeoripti m of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurse ia th United States. Sole everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. A Cviuh', Cold or More.Tliroat should be stopped. Ntd.urt frequently result Us an Insurable LUng Disease or con aninptlon. BROWN'S tlBflNCHIAL lltGOIKBar certain lo dye relief In Astbma Brouc1tll Cfuglia, fatrrn, Colieiinipllv and Throat Dlseta.. For 30 pears ths Troches have been recoup mended by physicians, and always give pet feet satisfaction. ' i They are aot nsw.or ,ur tried but having been tested by wide and eonv etant use (or nearly an entire generation, they have attained well merited rank amontrtheiew staple remedies of tha age. I'obltc apenlM era and alnirera use them to dear and strengthen the oice. Sold at 25 ctnte a box every were DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP; NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore eiistln be tween W. W. Haines and I. K. Pater Aa been dissolved by mutual consent All debt of th late firm will be settled by Haines & Clarke. W.W.HAINES, L K. FKi'KlUi. . WANTED. 100 corddf bale Bark; also 1,000 Hides; for whi6h we will pay, irt cash the highest market price. Haines & Clarke. Eugene, Apr. 18, Agerif for Lane Count, except Junction for She boss Coffee & Tea Frit; Secured by THREE PATENTS. TT'DISON MAY FURNISH LIGHT TO 7S MAY FURN1 i Millions, but th A1A thai BOSS COFFEE AND TEA POT Will certainly furnish health to. all who at them, as by till process, purely philosophical, Coffee is made in TWO MIiyUTES, extract ing only the strength snd rich aroma, leaving, tbe NICOTINT. and INSOLUBLE portfon of the berry in ths filter, Endowments from' the People we all Know i Portland, Oregon, April, 1881. To WH0H IT HAT CoNCtRHl ' tl' I f, After a thorough test of ths BOSS COFFEE POT, we th undersigned endorse H. aa .Savins' at least tjfty per cent over any other method we have ever seen, JJoside. saving eggs, it produce coffee aa clear, aa wine ia one minute, .. whicb ia much stronger and has a more deli cious flavor than coffee mad by any other process: L V Brown, Rt Charles iloUl, L A Ware, Clerk 8t Charles Hotel, Goldsmith 4 Lowenburg, Stoves andl'Inw'r, It B Flemtnir, Foreman Manufacturing De partment, i ' ' tf IV miuam, wii wm awwhv, P F Nijmiach, Pharmacist, S A Clarke, Willamette Fanner, David Col k Co., Htoves and Tinware, Otis Freeman, Spragne'a Landing, . J M Iiowe, Purser Steamer Alioo, W M Diggln, Street Contra itor, W D P aimer, Manager O W Pub Co, Edward R Hill, Artist, Mr E R Brown, St Charles Hotel, J Warner, Paoitie Te Store. W W Schever. Steamer Lurline, J H Brenner, Tbe Esmond Hotel, 1 , n W PiMm-V IWilv uui Wanklv Omronlasu 8 A Nahon, Ck-ar Manufacturer, H Verdier, Coffee and Spices, F Riehet, CoftVe and Spices, C J Curtis, Reporter, . J C Neppach, Butcher, G W Babcock, Hardware Merchant, . n D Frank, Agricultural Implements, C W Knowlea, Clarendon Hotel, Frank Wheaton, USA, Fort Vancouver, 4 Oppenheimer, ' ' KriU & McMillan, Stoves and Tinware,' 8 Levy, Stove aad Tinware, And many others. DESMOND,' . Modcl Horn or nit Noktiwcm,'- PojraASD.Oreconl'AprilM. lSai,' , I am using tha Boss Coffee and Tea Urns at . The Esmond Hotel. Thev are saving m oae-. half of my Coffee and Tea, beside all my pa- . tron ar better plssed with thacoffs and tea, sa now made la the Beta Coffe and Tea Urn. , I fully r"BJmend tbem to til who bk fin coffee and tea. J. H. BRENNER. I!, f. IKI I! I! IS,