EUGEIIE CITY GUARD LATEST 5EW8 SIDDI1BY. T TCUfiUrH T aTat Cornell and Dublin ara arraagfar n ialernaiianal collet cop raea lot PvU ej. A Chinawoman was shot dead by a LifLbinder ia Com Cook alley, 8. F. oa taafttn. Trial of tfaa aait of Etchmond fa. ths Albion mi o log eonpanr began at Eureka, Jievada, oa tit 5th. Two or tbrea Uji will be ronsumJ in prelimiaariea on technical point. There U greater eidtemeat and Jealiag . among tha Kogliali pfleorer tbe shoot log of President (iarfleld Uian OTtr any foreijpl vent for rears. Ear! on tha morning of the 5th the opera booM and eleven other baildiag at Kan Jom wer destroyed bj fire, ontln anknown: loesa on the opera hooae $J0, OuO; other Iomm unascertained. Brighton Beech mil raca won by Erideaake; Biakemore second; time, 1:15 j. Mil beat race won by Jerry kprtgae; time, V- A4. Selling race mile woa by Imke of Lent. . tteeoie cliaae won by )lies JisJIoy, 3.0!. Aide bardie won by Lennox. LoJ. Dnrios tb beat of the day on the 6th there iu treat electrical distirbanca at Paha. At midnight a siorni killed several persons. On Mondiy Jour soldiers were sanstrock darinz the sham battle at Al- dershot. fceveraJ art la a precanoot con- Ciuon. . Telegrams from tbt Tnrto-Oreek Iron tier Mate fort i'onta which bad been die- mantled baa sinos been rearmed, and Arts which bad been evacuate.! baa been reorganized. ThtTorka bare aaked for extention of time for eradiation, which tbt boundary commiaaionen refuse. Mud & trotted In Detroit on the 5th to beat BLJalien etimeover it, which waa 210 1-4. Maud went over the ground in . 113. The track i coon ted among sport ing men u three seconds (low, which if allowed would be preciaely the aame time ai tier Deal made Last season. Griacom In hia thirty-eight dsys of st ing baa been very uncomfortable. Oo the morning of the tth he fainted throcgb havins? risen too haslilv. La(r in the dar he vomited, and tbia evening waa troubled by heat At midnight, boweter, he recovered bit grit, health and confi dence. On July 5th thirty to forty thousand people witnessed a regatta on the Cbarlet rim, J-tnile rate ana a turn, for profes lionala. It waa won by Horner In 21:11 Double acull race, three mile, for rrofw lonala. won by I'labtieJ and Lee in 21:13, John Bucklry, of Portland, won the 3-mile race for inuteura. 75iOO to 100,000 people were in the building on the 4th where a celebration occurred in honor of the 20(Hb anniversary of tbt landing of Wo. Fenn. A great chorus and orchestra were prevent. Gen. Bearer, lUndolph Tucker, Gen. Hooker and others spoke. The bop in the even ins waa abandoned in consequence of the president' condition which waa referred to several timet daring the exercises. In the race at Jlartfjrd July 4lh each race a as decided in three straight beats. In 2 :i class Win waa winner, evst time, IZ'. in 27claa CliDirMoue won; time, 223 1-4, and 2:'.-.' 1-4. Uax 35. Screwdriver won, slow time. Steve Max well made two unsuccessful attempt to beat bis two mile record of 4 tJ. Beat tint to-day 4 51 1-4. Billy D. with a run nine mate, in trying to beat bis mile. 2.1JJ, msaer.'ij. Harvest prusrx-cts in Southern Kuwia are so brilliant that if realized the abund ance will U unprecedented. This i due to the abnormal quantity of rain during me pw two weeks, tbnugb Its continu ance in some places now excites fear that they may have too much, fcuch numbers of corn beetle appeared in ine govern ments of KbarkotT and Kherson that the imperial government intends to appro priate loG.isO roubles towards the exter mination of them. FcoU in the assembly at Albany re ported for the majority that the bribery tvoimittee thought it proper not to report f-u aliened bribery, as indictments had been found by a jury. Both charges and denials were positive snd circurnaiantial. The minority reported or the charge that it was true that a great crime bad been committed. It bears somewhat on Brad ley for receiving money at all and com pares him with Judas IsearioL Either lirsiley or cessions has the crime of per jury on his conscience; the Almighty alone knows which. Tbe testimony shows that no money w as offered to anv legisla tor but Bradley. The whole testimony is reversed by tbt minority. The New York Tribune aayi: Many politicians, e?pcia!l" stalwarts, were at the Fifth Aveuue hotel !at niht await ing news. - Gen. LVvena.Ewiug.Gorbaro, Castigan ond other were noticed. Ham ilton Fish called 011 Conk'.inp, remaining a long time. Cohkiingonly left the room a few minutes, r-bould the president die he will go to Washington. Police Com miwioner French, John F. Smyth and Piatt are a itb him almost constantly. It is said that ba was deeply moved by many condemnatory opiutona of bis course" having led to the attempt upon the life of tin president. Each entrance to the hotel U supplied with olicemen, whereas ordinarily only one or two are on the tldeaalk. dpt. William in citi ten's dress, walked the main entrance for hours at a lime. Insuector Thorn stood at the main entrants most of the day, while President French' remained with Conkling. Polire Commissioners Nichols and Mason were also at the hotel part of the time. In the corridors mingling with the crowds were police detectives in citi sens' dree, and other persons who bore the appearance of detectives were present and always hovering about where three or four men happened to be engaged in conversation. Police ollkials denies that there was any special significance to this remarkable display of force on a quiet day w hen everybody w aa so anxious for the lifnf tha nral.J-r pri-,t l";;r..M said that precautious were lakuu t.y In apertor Tnorn op liis own responsiii.iity. Tiiorn, he aiJ, had taken es,cialcar to protect the hotel brcaua It wss a holiday and a time of great excitement, owing to the shooting of iho president. As the bott'l was a central point it was desirable to luve a number of policemen there. Cunt. Williams was reticent. Official xefusi'd to give any explanation of the mysteion meeting at headquarters the niKht before. Hotel men generally could not give any explanation of the difplav of police force and detettivea. Out said, however, that theeats have been made a man it Conk ling and he desired protec tion lo ruse tbt people might become grestly excited. 1 Tbt weather to Intensely hot ihroegboat Europe. A firs at Minsk has beta ragtag sicca n ' . . . -. 1 . , Bandar, aov Dooara oewuvau. )l art est txptcttd to be good throogh- Ottt let Koastan empire. t A Ulerraa from Oobtenx says: Tbt eoa dilioa of the Empreaa Aogoau of Ger many conUDoee aatuuaetory. John Trainer and Olson Lava gone tha smallest dorr that tvtr mad ihm trip across tbt Atlantic, provisioned for sixty days. Sexton baa Intimated to tbt land leagnt that farmers mhtbt be aked to contribute a portion of their abatement when coatn buuooa Xrom America uroppea on. The Denver A Bio Grande railroad baa contracted for trading iu abort hat from a point oa iU main hot aeventeen miles tooth of Denver to the south fork of Piatt river. J avaia hoisting works boned on tht 5tb; lots $15,000. Tbt company baa si- ready coca me need to rebuild. Firecaaght from a spark igniUng saga brito dost on tbt lop of lot boiler. A Washington di pa!cb of the fob tart: It it reported, probably falsely, that a boat leaving the distressed steamer Britannic capsized, drowning seven persona. Tbt tel it in a very precanoot condition. An officer of tht Whit f tar lite reports that everybody baa been landed aafely. The queen will review 50,000 men at Windsor. This it tbt Urges review ever held. The Ltakt of Cambridge will com mand. The Prince of Wa'.ea will march st the bead of tht bonorablt artillery of London. The Dokt of Connaught wiu command a division of tbt 24 army corps. A great number of minor accidents oc curred at Han Francisco daring tht 4th, mostlv arising from playing with fire works One girL Carolina Kata Romer. tged 12, wasborned to death, ber clothing taking fire whilt Snog 'double-neaOera. A lively fusiladt of crackers, bombs, pis tols, etc. was cameo on inroogboat loo day and evening.- Oat Chinamta waa perhaps fatally wounded by a pistol shot in the back. Tbt day waa exceedingly warm, with a light brtett. Fire alarms wert rung every few minutes during tbe day. A great number of strangers wert In tht city and tbt street w era thronged with promenaders. Newt from LI Paso, Jf ew Mexico, states that a party of Americans, traveling in their own conveyances fiom Paso del Norte to Chihsaboa, came suddenly at the sand bills, about forty miles south of El Paso, upon thirteen dead bodies, all Americans, and a portion of ibt surveying party of tht Mexican Central railway. Tbt surveying party originally numbered thirty, and a under command oflocav ing engineer C C L'pbam. Tbt discov erers immediately returned to El Paso, from which ptact yesterday a strong de tachment of troops were sent out to ascer tain particulars. It is supposed that tbt massacre was committed by a remnant of Mctono s band or Apacbes nnder am. Victorio's wsr chief. Nam and about thirty renegade Apaches, tht Last of that once large tud powerful tribe, bsve been biding and committing depredations in and about bierra Candelaria for months, and although constantly pursued by Mex ican troops, bare so tar not been punished or caught. A dispatch from &nla Ft dated July Ctb says: Tht national holiday has cot interrupted progress of the railroad cast on hearing here. Early this morning 11. 6. Brown eom.laled his argument com menced last Ka:ardar, fortifving by pointed and well-elected authorities. The position heretofore stated as relied upon by the defendant Judge Brown st-emed to elabihb the Imprudence of the order first Issued granting an injunction and appointing a receiver. Brown at last satisfied bu associate counsel. He Wat followed by Judge Waldo in a brief but eloquent argument for complainant. Governor Bros n takes tht brad ground thai the Texas Pacific has an exclusive charter, and that no other company can build any road anywhere within the eibt-u,ile belt between El Paso and tan D.ego, and that tbe Southern Pacific is a trespajmer npon their exclusive rights, and that 1'js charter from New Mexico, being in conflict with the act of congress under a hicti tbe Texss Pacific wss organized, is null and void. Governor Brown alto an nounced that tney were preparing the papers to commence a similar suit iu Ore gon. Tbe fool McXamarasaid in Washington: "I came on bert to get tht authorities to call off tbt Per who art conspiring against me. There it a political conspir acy of spiritualistic mediums who are trying to obtain possession of my mind. They ara trying to pnt pbysche in my brain. They revealed to me in 1575 while I was in San Francisco, that I wss to shoot brant and the t'nnct or n bales, the e'.dert m of the Dutch widow, and they have Wn puruiiig mt ever since with spiritual exhortation to carry out their behixts. I have been doing battle against them ever since. Last month I came from Sin Francisco to Philadelphia, and tried to make a settlement in one of the court. thstju-lic might aid me to fight the rniisptrary, but I taw no opportunity to be beard in court unless I committed some misdemeanor. I got myself arrested. I split a brick In halves and put tbt halve in my overcoat pot kels. When I got to the poetotAce I took one from my pocket and threw It through one larze window, calling it the same time, 'That is a better shot than the one aimed at the president of tht United blaUs.'" He did actually perform tbia deed. He it medium siztd, haggard, sparse gray hair, and was ragged, and bad only a dollar in bis pocket. The Barefsoted of Jew Jersey. Ia violation of the customs of Broom fluid society, my children go barefooted all through the summer and early au tumn. Probably I should not want them to go barefooted for the lack of money to bay shoes, bat if I owned all the rail road stock of Jay Gould and Vanderbilt combined they would go barefooted juat XLi faiu, suiu puaniuij, in that case, they would not be the only ones in tbe fam ily to tvail themselvea of that health-giving privilege. I believe most fixmlj that thoir health is greatly augmented by tbia practice. If they wear shoe and stock ings they must stay in tht house all through these beautiful, long, dewy mornings, or go with wet shoes snd stockings, or else wear rubber overshoes that confine the prespiration from the soles of the feet.whioh in summer is very profuse. Either of these alternatives, one can see at a glance, must be very hurtful. "Why not for grown people then?" 8ure enough, why not? Essex Coun ty Press, ras-ica a-a psstairaxca. BS Itlj l-BM sirtmt at s tar. sai a. Sn ! 7. " !-- In mm, imij a Snt1 sacks. SMSOT-. .M4 H:, . 04mm etsl. toss 1 t fcurwj ts nsissssry. aais talliaa, torn ta tmmmt. 1U V; irt sWAs-tHssTW SJ1.H.U:s.lMV CIqii IH Sls.)sUS.sUV. U.W. jiya-alwrsma. tlu mstsril WlMKMNBn.U. C.ailc sirf-Sl-lttV- jif a BWpt-WMl, T.J0t ctia. laladia f.Jtm aboart ais: tew. P ; sssnm. tW ska-. tts. aa i Tk, M s UtO btSSBr.M s ml 1 n 1 - ' T starts as tan Gnu bmtm .Ta Mrt ts tna l sa t&nmn. Imi mim Us lwis w K JSS Oslmu sactxa. M su St; ws ( tatrt' S)ic 11 Ti, mim is (au-TM ssarSM nw4 W muA So shew as tss- fi m mil: w aaos as hate. artT Msrlat is Sea: sKa mscsiaausd faaatteaSlk. atln luais is fair. l vwwc mam rv enpss tk auts ss sat: cmotcm crtsa raU, Sat Lrxs-Trtcas in k4 suamslly cas&a4. JM slusi SfSiarr ta aulas' ton is aesad. aspanslly for cSaSt pisrs honim Mar fa is tra witt s too naod. T-mom Calsaiss, Ulc; CaaUat. U4 line Lart Cslb I ss It a ttM.UmH: turaa ta lata. tnem sstar PreTlrtn rataaaf. ' Tk smlaj!r mars! Tt M CfcaaaTaL TS iss us. vsl,OaTS. IT. L, osauaaat. saw voce uuni XrvToaa. Jsr a wwa-rsi.t st C ki a. Fsw vswts. Caocasa, mIj a. WVcaS- fl K'i asi-ast. ho-III 1 avast. Lart-fll U. Aa-art. K:hat 7 ru. aacrtkla I as. saxxaotos's Jlhl rVsiiM ! ririy mtil. Cmrgor as t fvmdf bU. Hark Las aat -Ftrswr. Llm mmm bmS Mas BmirT. Uwtwri aisi Caaliaia wkils wLcal, aifbeat ptr rtl V : kwfat. s S4. Lmnool ivju a n wiax. k'tlnst frt ctl. SsSd. UnrToH aaoutioaa Eat swiaz Sa. X. aitafsa. ftt M: xrvaat. U M. Instk crura tam est ka absdaat tLsawssaa ttrtpMaa. Laalua cropa taxs met Was tbndaa! ttsa was sa bnpai. ut in rrnixt caoc Sukss la Bnaavtl scrts WVat aad it t mrj. HjeLt la Uita Watat rroas ZK.SW SO M. .UJS Uaaa rraaaca Slarkas. TLrrQwMAOas for ruuj VAt it tSfacstsaJ sr4; Si Tit ratal cvastrr brsaas. Ot T-vac II ; fmL II Sh' - KaT Bafal ttateUr. lal . MILL fiat O4aaoa: MxMlIBjS fXlS Sscris ll; cat? fra juu4 : hrsa II A 11. Clslv KUIS- vauuneaa sf ts ioiks : ava. Omra marmt rata ISUc; SMSH 14)1; vxm. Utisr: saoaUn al-Jr. LakX Cnew-iu an 1mm ta ktcs: UaH ia sm sa It le la psils. VHIO) trHJj aaa dnad. .vc ; F laaustr ild. ai'.c. UtliEO FLriS-sm mis. k; piucas. us 12 He faM4nii: Uilxt fi laacfclBS pbuss. HlblA waocauoaa ara lie fur am-claas rj- Kfrflc fur rm; cmlis, H t. Kbrp plla Pncas isTsmniit lo ta quantity of aool left oa sua; from sfe4l. fcl'TTLK-faeJT Be: rl to choirs. raHc; fair. l"-lar. la boia. la bnac, iS&fi'vu OMO. Qauuuoa 1H1 av SiiVAamt tie. CHKE5E Of 10-lc. ArPLCt-rrr bos, sioall. TIVOTHT SEU Pfr&VtVate. TT1.IET I-rr av,liTitt,t,lfclSc; aomlnsL CBICKESS a tut. riot W. hALM'JS OcWambu nut. B AA,&& SO; kf bbt, i ktlhes, ti 110. Hore-4Mow. . HH lUte. FOTTOE tuavtte cU. CCMKST-Buaebltl. btL II Tt. FarUsDd. SHIAOLXS-Prr If, IJ Kt2 SO. Mcata. BEEF-aaiHc Is (toss. . Kihl-e. ru Ml ITOS-. froas. atombarded by Thaadtr Bolts. A single lightning bolt struck this city (Norwich, Connecticut) on Thurs- t afternoon that wrought more havoc than all the thunder bolts of the last twenty years. An inky-black cloud rolled up at 2 o'clock, and without any warning auddenly discharged a zig-zag flash of fire directly at tha city. A ter rific peal of thunder followed instantly. Nearly every one in the city was bewild ered for a moment with the impression that he or she bad been struck. Several horses in tha atroet fell in their harness in fright Tbe electrio fluid seems to have been divided and sent in a hundred (lifer ent directions. On Laurel Hill the bouse of Kelson Oalby was entered at the second story. Its French roof was demolished, nearly an entire window sill was torn from its frost and hurled across tha street. Mrs. Priestly and her 17 year old daughter were thrown en tirely acrosa the room, and a board on the outside of house was hurled through a window across a room within a foot of a lady's head and driven en tirely through a partition. The lath and plaster in the kitchen and pantry were swept from the walls, the kitchen mat ting waa torn in shreds, and the floors wert lifted tip. Several windows were carried away, and one bed waa taken up and twisted into varioua shapes, yet no one in the house waa severely injured. No one aaw the flash, and no fire fol lowed the stroke. In the neighboring house of Mr. Charles E. Cuse. electrician, twentv seven feet of telcy wire was entirely consumed, but U.u cord cable that en cased it waa not even scorched. A part of the aame flash passed through the ttore of Iieid k Hughes, which waa filled with customers. The bolt entered tht front door, flashed across tbt store abort tbe breads of the people, and passed out of a rear window that was open. Its appearance is described aa lice a ball of blue fire. No one was in jured, and the flash was gone so quickly that no one felt tht alarm, in tht Western Union telegraph office the wiu-h board was scorched and a piece of paper burned at exactly the aame mo ment. For an instant tht whole office seemed to ta filled with flame, and tha operators received a slight shock. At the same moment a flash came into every office and dwelling in which was a tele phone. The appearance of tht flame waa tha aame in each case, described aa a jet of blue fire bursting out of the in- atrument and filling the room with an odor likt that of burning brimstone. In tht Telephone exchange, where all the wires center, the flame burst out and filled tht room, and tha clerks left their posts and ran oat Nearly a dozen tele phones in tht city wert more or lest shattered, and tht next day not an instru ment could ba worked in the city. A Cincinnati lawyer hat astonished even his professional brethren bv charg ing a $'20,000 fee for .collecting 53,00o' THZ LOST iTOtrCS. st ran, rorr. A Urea black beetle, with a pair of piaetrs ia front, likt tht claws af a hills lobster, waa harrying through tht forest oa a sammer day, whan ha waa accosted by alixard. "Oh, Ue," aaid tha lizard, "wbart art ywn going so fast? I never taw yoa ta aaeh haata befora. "I am trvma to find something." aaid tha hMtle. "and I mast not ttoa." "What art yan trying to findr asked tbt lizard; who waa very inquisitive. "Tell mt what it is. I can run. fifty time quicker than yon, and can easily slip into nooks and crannies. I am sure I can find it, whatever it ia. Is it aay this that has beta lost, or ia it ome- thifit- hat baa to be discovered:' "It is something that has bean lost," said tat beetle, a littlt vexed at being deiared. "What is it. then, and whom doea it belona to?" aaked tht lizard. "I l not wish to tell yon," said tht beetle, "There is a reward. "Oh r aaid the lizard. "Will yon tell ma if I mess? "Yes " redied tha beetle, still homing on; "but you can't do it Yon wouia neTcr uuiia oi sue uiuig. t j i. -f .l - 1 1. : - "Will yon let mo try twenty ques tions? asked tht lizard. "Yea," said tha beetle. "Ia it animal, vegetable or mineral?' "Vegetable." "Useful or ornamental?" -Both." "Ia it maauiactumir "Yea." "What art its dimensions?' "It ia about as long aa I am with my legs stretched out; but it is much larger around. "Ahr said tLe lizard, "ia it in the shape of a cylinder? Not exact! v" replied tie Metis. I it larrer at one end than at the other?" "Yea." "It it heavy or light?" "Light" "Is it solid or hollow?" "Solid." "Whatisit't color?" "Its treaeral oolor is a yellowish brown bnt one end of it has several colors. Alight vegetable substance, said the lizard to himself ; "made useful by being manufactured ; as long aa a beetle, something like a cvlinder, only larger at one end than the other; and ornamented ith colors at one end. I believe it is cork stopper." "Ia it a cork stopper for a bottle or jar ? he then asked, aloud. Yes... answered the beetle, "bat yon don't know whom it belongs to." "I have ten questions left, aaid the uzaro. ".uoea it Deiong to a msn or a woman?" VA woman." "It must be for a bottle." said the liz ard, "for such a cork would be too small for a jar. Is it for a bottle? lea, said the beetle. Is the stuff in the bottle rsefnl. or for pleasure only?" asked the lizard. "ror pleasure only. "Then it must be a perfume," said the lizard. "Does it belong to a high-born lady?" . "It does." ' The lizard thought a moment. "Does it belong to the mistress of yon . castle?" be asked. "Yes." "Then it is the stopper of the perfume bottle of the mistress of yon castle," said the lizard. "That is it," replied the beetle. "And five questions to spare," said the lizard. Then he went on. "I'll help you to find it, and I shall only ask you to give me a quarter of the reward if we should succeed in win ning it". "All right! replied the beetle, who was afraid the lizard would go and look for the lost stopper on his own aoconnt, and get all the reward, if he should not take him into partnership. lou can hnd out anvthing in the world by asking twenty questions," said tha lizard, who now seeiuftd to be very much pleased with himself. I believe yon can," replied the beetle. They now lourneveJ on for some dis tance, when, passiug a little thicket of forns, they saw a small dwarf, not much bigger than either of them, asleep under a toud-atool. He was an old dwarf, for he had a long white beard, and ho held in hia lao a oickax. made of a stronir twig, with two sharp thorns growing from one end of it. Hi!" whispered the lizard. "Here is one of those digging dwarfs. Let's cap ture him, and make him look for the stopper. If it has fallen into any crack, and been covered up by earth, be can dig for it" That ia true, said the beetle. "But shall we have to give him any of the re ward?" "Oh. we can give him a little." said the lizard. "He will not expect much." But how are we to catch him?'' asked tht beetle. "If he hits one of ns with that pickax, it will hurt." ' It will not hart you, said the hzaad. Your shell ia to hard. I am quite soft. so I will keep ont of his wsv. I will climb on top of the toad-stool, and you can cree'p up. and seize him by the ankle with your pincers. Then, when he wakes np, ha will see me sticking out my tongue OTer his head, and be will be frightened, and will surrender." It all happened as the - lizard said it would. The beetle slipped up quietlv to the dwarf, and, turning over on one side, so as to get a better hold, he seized him by the anile. The dwarf woke tin sud denly, was greatly frightened at seeing the lizard making terrible facet above him, and surrendered. His captors then told him whst they were trying to find. and ordered him to come and help them. They all went on together, and the dwarf said to the beetle: "If you had pinched a little harder, you would have taken off my foot." "If you bad not surrendered," replied the beetle, "I might have been obliged to do so; but if vou will help us cheer fully, no harm will come to you." For a long time the three searched the woods diligently. They looked nnder every leaf, and in every crack; and the dwarf dug with his pick in many spots where the lizzard thought the ground looked as if a cork -st opper were con cealed beneath it Hat no stopper could they find. - - "It is very necessary that it should be fnand " aaid tht beetle. "Ont of tht Dafea told mt all about it It waa lost ia these very woods thrtt days ago, by the lady of yoa castle. And, at not that time bar maids of honor havt beta ohlimd to take turns ia holding their thambt ovtr tbt top of tht perfume- bottle, to keep tht valuable odor iron, escaping, and they are getting very tired of if , , After mora fruitless search tha beetle tad tht lizzard aaid that they mast go and take a nap; for they wert vtry much fatigued; but they told tha dwarf ha must keep on looking for the stopper, for be had had hit nap nnder tha toad stool. , , , -When he waa left to himself, the dwarf did not look long after the stopper. "It will be a great dealtasier," bt said to himself, to makt a new cork-stopper tbaa to find tht old one. I will make a new cork-stopper for the lady in yon castle." So he looked about until he found a cork-tree. Then with his little ptckax. he chopped off a small portion of the rough outer bark from the lower part of the trunk, and carefully cut out a piece of toft cork which grew beneath. This piece was nearlr as big at himself, but be lifted it easily, for it waa to light. and carried it to hit own house, which waa not far away, in' the forest There he took a sharp knife, and carved and cut the cork into the shape of a bottle-stopper; making it very small at one end and large at the other, so that it would fit almost anv bottle. With a small file he made it smoother than a ny cork stop per ever seen before. The lower end was cot off flat, while tbe top waa beautifully rounded. Then he took some paint and little brushes, and painted the top in curious designs of green, and gold and red. When he had finished it, it waa the most beautiful cork stopper ever seen. Then be pot it on his shoulder and ran with it to the place where he had left tbe beetle and the lizard, taking their naps. "Hi I hi 1" cried the two companions, when they awoke. "Have yoa really found it?" 'No." said the truthful dwarf, "there waa no nse of looking any longer for that old stopper, and I have made a new one, which, I am sure, will fit the perfume bottle of the lady of yon castle. Let as harry and take it to her. I am sure she would much rather hare the new stopper than to find the old one. "We should think so, indeed!" cried tbe others. And they all set off for the castle. When the lizard, the beetle and the dwarf the latter carrying the stopper on hia shoulder appeared at the castle, they were welcomed with great joy. The stopper was put into the lady's perfume bottle, and it was found to tit exactly. Then everybody cheered merrily, espe cially the maids of honor, with their tired thumbs. 'But:" said the lady of the caatle,"my lost stopper has not been found after all. "No," said the dwarf, "it is not found, bat this one fits just as well, doea it not?" Yes" said the lady, "bat I wanted the same one that I lost." "Bat is not this just as pretty?" asked the dwarf. .. It is a great deal prettier, said the lady, "but it is not the one. It is not the stopper I lost, and which I hopdd to get back." . . "But it keeps the smell in just as well, does it not!" exclaimed the dwarf a little crossly. "Yes," answered the lady, "but that does not make it the same stopper, does it?" "Oh. nshaw!" said the dwarf. I think that will do just as well as the old one. It fits just as well, and it is a great deal prettier; and the old one can't be found. I think everybody ought to be satisfied with this new Btopiex, and forget all about the old one." So do we," said the lizard and the beetle. . . . r . , "And so do wo," cri d the maids of honor, and all the courtiers and all the people who stood about. "Well," said the lady, "I suppose it will have to do. It is very pretty, and it fits, and the reward can be paid to these little creatures. But it is not the same stopper, after all." " The reward was a large golden pitcher with engraved sides. It was too heavy for the dwarf, the beetle, and tho lizard tocarrj away with them, and they had to leave it on the shelf where it stood. But they had the satisfaction of knowing that it was their own. Let me go ." said the dwarf, as he hurried away, "to finish my nap under a toadstool. It may not be the same toadstool I was sleeping under before; but, if it is just as good, it will do quite as well. I have never heard as tuneh silly talk as I have heard this dar. If a thing is just as good as another thing, what difference doss it make whether it is the same thing or not?" "It makes no difference at ail," said the lizard; "but some people are so par ticular. We ought to be satisfied with what we can get" "Yes." said the beetle. "That is true: and I want yoa to understand that the handle of the pitcher is vours. The dwarf can have tho spent, and all the rest is mine. " Let us be satisfied." June Busings. Where shall we go this summer? To the mountains or the seaside? Or when shall we shut the house and seem gone? How much shall it cost? Mosquitoes? MJana? Any rooms in which one can take a square Continental turn round in? How many trunks? How many dresses? How nesr ia the farmhouse kitchen to the hogpen? voh our bucolic host eat in his shirt sleeves? Or smell of the sULle? "Biled dinner" four times a week? Butter weak oi strong? Boating and bathing. Goose pond at the front door. Twos thus lost summer? Any other boarders? Will the coffee cups and saucers be as heavy and thick as last summer? And aa badly nicked? Will tbe beef be as touch as that of last summer? The first great work is that vourself may to yourself be true. i 8 3 8 t 3 e 1 3" SI s 33 0 3 O a 73 (fl . 0 3 . ft ,-0 "I 2, m 0 3 W W TJ M O S-l 3 te at J"QH1T -A.. CHILD, PHaiMilN, Deafer la Draaa, CbcaaieaJs i Cot. MwTlaon aot Second Mlnvtt, ParUsa Or Wbolnal snd Ratal) Asralfur Forest Flower Cologne Kmc Bachal's ENAMEL BLOOK lor lb 4-sapiaUa. BHAW-S PaetorUl Syrwy, suavts Glycerine Lotioo rocUM'sc. . pmiamlon in anul ta snrthln nl k. slnd rrrr oftVn-4 la U)ls market, am) all in. Inrlt u call sod tae hr Uwmarlrr. Ordrn br mall promptlr attended to. JOI1JC A. CHILri.DnurrUt, leba Cor. Marriaon ana ond a., Port land. Or J. B. KNAPP & CO., Commission Merchants AND PURCHASING AGENTS. All Goods on Commission, WOOL, GBAI.V. DAIRY PRODUCTS ASJ FRUITS A SPECIALTY. Agent lor ParroU's Patent Dosbletree. 267 First street, Portland, Oregon. aa We bar th heat (arMttealn Orrroi) tor utortnf dltion. Ko caur lor storage of butler coiulrned to aa. - . . . American Xutnal Marriage Association. TTTHY SOT afARRV, WHEN AT A TRIFLE 1 V cost a rear rou can flerur a home for a .r .rt r T Vamlirnhlp tvr. only urr tbouind,at any ar from 10 years upward. All polk-le are parable after marrlue, or amurnable to your wier, sweetheart or unmarried friend, at an expense of on dollar. Colorado Live Stock Insnranee Companr- W1TY TAKE THE CHANCES OF HAVING your bones, mules or burned raitle die or ret killed. wben st s small expenae yon can Insure tbem MauiHt death from any cause Inmirance taken oo lire stork while In stanle. yard, barn, meadow, or while ou tbe ruad, rltber afoot or on bam or car. A. H. OHKSH. General arent for both the sKnre Cum pan lea. Si I r4.ii rllock.Hiark street, Portland l Mm Seep s Complete Stock of Wood Working Machinery iw Mills and Saw a. Machinists' Tools, . Steam KaRlnea and Boilers, . Meant, Hand and Power Pnmpa, Meant fcnglair ova. Mora, Lubricating Oils, Rtowe-saud Cxhanat Pans, Emery W hirls and Machinery, Bailing a kprclnltjr. Packing, 1 lose. Valves, Springs, Ktc. Orders from thsrnnnrrr BUM wUh'TiTtmonaa DRS. 8TARKEY PAI.EX S NEW TREAT ment by Inhalation for taaaaaplla, Aathran Hroachllla, Catarrh. DvaprlM, HradiM-, 14 allilv. ..r.l.U. ami all t'Sraal and Nervoa lllaordera. Packages mar he conve niently sent uy express, ready Str Iniineifist use at home. tend fur free pamphlet. Artdn- thejiropri etors,T)RS. STAR KEY 4 FA L F.N, IIW srM Till (II rard street. Philadelphia, Ps.,or It. K. MATTHEWS, l Munlirumerr at reel, San Fram lxco, t'al., from whom can be obtained both Inf matlon and supplies. KEKTAl K A VT Til E B EST IX THE C1TT . All Modern Improvement. Open all day. J. II. BREWER, Prssrietsn ATTENTION, MINERS f 'W. O. JENNE A CO., ltB Front street, bet. fttark antl Wsshrngton, Portland Assarts or snalyzliii of Urea, Mineral Waters, etc One assay for feild a?nl silver, ; i a-wra, I0. nold dust bought snd bars nuule. Orders by mall will rrtvtve prompt attention. I'd It fa made trom efmnl Tmmral 1ai nf Kju Value, and a rof VI V K Reaseaj for all the d.s eases that cause pains In the lower part of tbe body V -r Tnn1 IJver Heariarhea-Jauniflr lHtzlneaS Urarel, Malaria, and all ibedinVultiesof the Kidneys I Jeer ana l mary Orrana. ror t laaale IMsraare Monthly Menstruations, and durina area-nancy, It ba no eotial. It restores the onrsns that makk tbe blood and fteoce Is the hew HIm4 PwrlaVe. It is the ant known remedy thai cures Hratht a Uweaa. 'aT ia bete, nse Warner's Mare DlaaeSra tajre. For bale by linicrtata and all ltealen at at SS pet bottle. Larraat botoe in the market Try Ik fey Thtw OREGON MACHINERl DEPOl1 43 Prosit St., Portland. - rjuLW-L" 11 - i. a l -.S. J. .I.... ..- aa n. re atxaa sua a? IU., S. eai aster, as. a i i