nn GENE CTY G v - ISTiBLISBEB FCI TB8 BISSEII11TI0.1 OP BES0CE1TIC PELICIFLES, 15B T9 i( I05EST L1TI!(0 BT THE OF BUOW UHOLEN0.718. KUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1881, $2.50 per year in ADVANCE ' 4 t L, A-tTSI-L. J. B. CaMFSEU. CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers and Proprietors. GFFICE-Oa ths East slds of Willamette 8 treat between Seventh and Eighth Streets, OCB ONLT BA.TK3 OF XDVKHTI81NO, Advertisements inserted m follows t One square, 10 llaM or lf, ant Insertion S3; Mch subsequent insertion L Cub required in advaBOe. Time advertisers wtU b charged at tht fol tliintN! On ifuri thro taoaths 14 00 ' " sis months S 00 " " " ana 7 ur 12 00 Traasleat boUcm in local column, 20 cents per In (or each insertion. Advertising bilta will bo rondorod quarterly. All fob work Bait bo rain rot on plVt-V OMMaOMOMaBaOMB9H posTorriCE. .jfire Hears -From I a. at. to P . at. laB&ars l. m t.M to l: p. m. i i r u Mth ui Uim niu niflh 1 a. m. Arrive, f ram tho aorth tad leave. folo , t ItB : P- s. mrmuiiw. . tjm. eloee at f oa Wedae-day. For Crewfords- ... ' n n .1. ..J ..II all M fill Umf jrwmm . tt4 wiU ko ready for deUverv half aa boar after t 'rivftl OI sreina. bnrniHww iw t . wv. SOCIETIES. Cvorai Moos no u, a. r. eaa a., a. ,Vote Irrt and third. Weiaaaoeya la each it.. OMnimtB Bom toooB Ho. ItO. O.F. Meetosvery Tuesday evening. WtHAWRALA Ksxuttranir Ko. 6, note "ob tho Maul 4tb Wsdaeejaye ia oaoh month. Edukmi Lonoi, No. 15, A. O. tTW,7 Meets at Masonic Hall tho second and fourth Mondays in each month. ... DR. JOHN NICKLIN, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. (Formerly of Yamhill County.) MAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN Eugene City. Office In Underwood. c. Id floor, over Well, Fargo it Co. a Ex press office. Residenoe, two block, went and no north of Public School, in the Killings Worth property. au28-tf ! t A. W.PATTERSON, FHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Mat Street, paella tha St. Charles Hotel, ana at HesldeBee, KiJOKNE OITV OREGON. DR. JOSEPH P.' GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. ' Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, apposite Presby terian Church. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, DC1LEB IN Clocks, Waches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing. Promptly Executed. ' HTAIIWarlt Warranted. ' J. 8. LCCKF.Y, Ellsworth ft Oo.'s brick WlUametU street CRAIN BROS. 7. DEALERS Wakhninde Jewelry, Mutlcallnitruments, Toy, Notions, etc Watches, CTocVs, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Northwest corner of Willamette aad Eighth streets. Oar DeaeriptlTO IllBstratod PrleS) Mat. Ko.flt. or Orr 9 - will taaaod abMt March lot. ISSt. rU ojow4 la Ka. WiU taaaala oa4 aatU that aaU. ob4 bs fwar aaaaa aarlp f mrof NO.S9. rroatoaar addrooa. MOHTOOMEBI WABD COr IT Wabaelt Aeon ChUaxo, III COME AND SEE R. Q. O ALLISON Next dear to 8, S. Frieadly, aad get yrar BOOKS, STATIONERY AND GRO CERIES, Ha H always on baa ready aad waitrntf t aceommodato his Cattomen with ALL kinds W food for MIND AND BOD T Aad can furnish a SMOKE to those deaxHnga A GOOD CIGAR, OR TOBACCO To those who nsf ths Mrcotic plant CHEAP for CASH F. Kl. WILKII1S, buocwaor to 'Bbklto k Witima. Practical Dn'ggist & Chemist, i UNDERWOODS BUILDING, Next door to the Grange Atore, Willamette street, Jtugene Uty Uregon. Hare ust opened a fuU Una of fresh Drugs, Medicines & Chemical. Also a (Ins assortment of Fancy and TpIIci Articles J- ALL KINDS OP Mixed Paints, Lead. Oil, Varnish, Brushes, WINDOW GLASS.and PUTTY Which they will always sell on reasonable terma. Cartful iltenlloa given to Phyilelia'i frt leripKou. B. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN Stoves, llauges, Pumps, Pipes, Metals, Tluware. s AND House Furnishing Goods Generally Wells Driven Promptly AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Willamette street, , Eugene Cltv. Oregon. If you wish to lay yonr goods cheap, yon must go to tne .tore oi LURCH BROS., COTTAGK OBOVE. The keep one of the largest stocks of General Merchandise Outside of Portland, and they sell goods cheap er than it can be bought anywhere in the WU lamette valley. , F OR UENEB4L JdERCHANBISB f T. C. HENDRICKS, N r.W STOCK OF If ATM The best and largest ever brought to Eugene, at (KibavLii a. roa Castoria. Mothers Ilka and Phyaloiaaa reoommaad li. IT IS MOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUR LINIMENTS ; tho World's great Pain-Re-Ilcvlng remedies. They heal, Hootbe and cure Barns, Wounds, Weak Back and Rheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness jpon Beasts. Cheap, quick . and reliable. SPURTS of dlft-rtia; Uteai, SaaLUaa. CraoUlac Paisu 1st tit Bead, rU4 Eroatk, Daafaaaa, aad Bjr Catarrhal Coaaplalat, eaa ha axtarmlaaud by Wat Da Keyar'a Catarrk Cara, a Caastl tattaaal Aatidnita, by Abaory tloa. Th aaoet laporfaatt Sto aorory aiaea Vaccina tlaaw Bonk and ftaKonerY StorL UOST OmCE BUTLDINO, EUGENE X City. 1 nave on hand and am eonstaaMy reoiring an aaenrtment of the IVt Hchonl aa MuoeUueoas Books, Stationery, Blank Bocks Pattf alios. Cards, Wallcta, Blank., Ports-aa sue a c. A. a. FATTCIUjON. Children KUGKNK CITY X3USINES3 33ISCT0B7. ALEXANDER, J. E-JusUoa tt the Peace South JEugens lrednct; office at Court House. AORAMS,. W. a 4 BRO.-rianiag mill, sash, door, blind and mouliling manufautory, tignw nroet, east it mm race. verytnini in our Una furnished on short notice an roaaonable terms. BOOK STORE One door south of the Astor House. A full stock of assorted box papers plain ana fancy., CRAIN BROS. Dealer in Jowolrr. Watrh os, Clocks and Musical Instruments Wil lamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. CALLISON. R. O. -Dealer in eroosnes. nro- risions, oouhtry produce, canned goods, books, stationery, etc, southwest ooraer Willamette and 9tb ta. DORRIS, GEO. B. -Attorney and Connsellor at Law umoa oa. Willamstto street, Eu. retie uty. DORRIS, B. P. Dealer in Stoves and Tin ware Willamette street, between Seventh and Eighth. ELLSWORTH k CO.-Druggtat and d.alers in palnU, oil., eto. Willamstto street, ba- FRIENDLY, B. IL -Dealer in dry goods, clothing and general merchandise Willam ette street, between Eighth and Ninth. GUARD OFFICE New pa per, book and lob pnntingomos, corner n uiametto andSevenUi streets. GRANGE 8TORE-Dealers in general mer channus and produos, ooruer x.ighth and Willamette streets. GILL, J. P. Physician, Surgeon and Drug gist, rostomce, vv uiamelto s reel, between Seventh and Eighth. HAYS, ROBT.-Wnes, Liquors, and Ci- far. of the best quality kept constantly on and. The bast billiard table In town. HENDRICKS, T. G.-Dealei In general mer chandise northwest corner Willamette and Ninth streets. HODE3, C Keeps on hand line wines, llq nors, cigars and a pool and billiard table: Willamette street, between Eivhtb ana Ninth. HORN, CHAS. M.-Gun.mlth. Rifles ana shot-guns, breech and mutzle losders, for saie. Repairing done in the neatest style and war ranted. Shop on 9th street. KIN8EY, J. D.-Saah, blinds and door fac tory, window and door frames, mouldings, etc, glazing and glass cutting done to order. LYNCH, A. -Groceries, provisions, fruits, reg- etaDiet, eta, Willamette street, brat door south of Postoffloe. LUCKEY, J. & Watchmaker and Jeweler; keeps a fins stork of goods in his line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth's drug store. McCLAREN. JAMES -Choice, wines, lln uors, and cigars Willamette street, between Eighth and Ninth. OSHURN k CO.-Dealors in drugs, medicines. chemical., oils, paints, etc W illametto t, opposite S. Charles Hotel PATTERSON, A. S.-A fine stock of plain and fancy visiting cards. PRESTON, WM. -Dealer In Saddlery, Har ness, Carriage Irimmings, etc. Willamette street between Seventh and Eighth. POST OFFICE A new stock of standard school books just received at the post office. REAM, J. K. -Undertaker and building con tractor, corner Willamette and Seventh streets. ROSENBLATT ft CO.-Dnr coods. clothlns-. groceries and general merrhannite, southwest corner Willamette and r-iKlitb streets. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Pharlas B. ker, Proprietress. The best Hote.in tho Ity. Corner Willamette and Ninth streets SCHOOL SUTPLIES-A Urge arid varied assortment of slates of all sizes, and quantities of slates and slate-books. Three doors north of the express office. THOMPSON ft BEAN-Attomeys at Law- Willamette street, between Seventh and Eichth VAN HOUTEN. B. C. -Agent for Wells, fargos Cos. Express; Insurance effected in the moot re.pon.ible companies at satisfac tory rates. WALTON, J. J. Attoraey-at-Law. Offioa- v uiamelto street, between oeventn ana Eighth. ELLSWORTH & CO., JD HUG- GIST WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINES3 In all its branches at the old stand, offering increased inducements to customers, old and new. As heretofore, the most Careful attention given to Prescripions. FEEBLE AND SICKLY PERSONS Recover their vitality hv punning a of Hostetter. Stomach Bitters, the most pop ular mvurorant and alterative medicine ta lit neral uebuitr. fever and airue. ayspepaia. are completely removed by it. Ak tnnas wno haa niwd it what It has d-me for them. For sals by all druggists and Dealers generally. mHBBEST 8H0ES EVER BROUGHT 1 to this market, at the Inweot priors' T. G. HENDRICKS lim IT IBIITI- Tho Trials aa Trlbalatloas of tha Paatclaa la Attaadaaee. LouiariLLi, Ky., Jane 20th. A few dars ago a dbipatch came from Nash ville to the effect that a woman reaid ing a Jackson want, that state, had given birth to seven children at one time, A correspondent to night tele graphs that after the first child was born the pains of labor continued. An examination convinced the physician that there were two instead of one and the woman was soon delivered of the second child, both girls. Tha phy suiian gave directions as to the cars of both mother and children, and pre pared to take his leave. Before reaching his home at the gate he was recalled, and delivered the woman of another girl baby. Again the physician took his leave, and again was recalled, bringing to light another baby. ' This wis considered remarks hie, and the physician was getting put; iled over the matter. He, however, congratulated the hustand on his good fortune and departed for home. He had not gone, more than half mile before he was overtaken by the excited husband of the woman, who, In breathless haste, informed him that there was at ill another child to be born. Hastening back the physican arrived in time to aid in delivering the woman of her fifth child. The physician was then prevailed upon on by the father and husliend to stay during the remain der of the night He was not slow to accept the invitation, and sat down to wait developments. In the course of fifteen or, twenty minutes he was ag tin called to the bedside of the woman, and very soon the aixtb child was breathing the breath of life. Morning dawned and the Doctor took his leave. Having had no sleep during the night, he threw himself across the bed on his arrival at home, and was soon sound asleep. Aliout 8 o'clock he was aroused by his wife who stated that Mr. R was at the gate and wanted to see him immediately. "What's the matttr now," asked the Doctor. "Mary appears to be going to you k,now," replied Mr. R "What! another onef exclaimed tho Doctor, excitedly. "That's it," said Mr. R, a smile spreading his mouth from ear to ear, The doctor mounted his horse and was soon at tne House ot li. lie was too late, however, to be of any service as the seventh child, a girl, was born, a few minutes previous to hit arrival The doctor remained about the prem ises during the rest of the day, but his services were not again needed. The gentleman who made the above 'state ment, and it is almost in his exact words, says he has seeji the seven babies several times; and, while not large, weighing four or 5 pounds each, they appear to be healthy, well devel oped children. The occurrence has caused considerable excitement in the neighborhood, and the people for miles around flock to see the woman and her babies. The husband is described as being of small stature in fact, ex ceedingly thin while his wife is said to be strong and healthy. Physicians here are considerably excited over the affair, and some are talking of paying the family a visit The most singular feature of the chil Jren is that all of them have blue eyes, and so closely re. semble each other that it is hard to tell "which from t'other. I Salem Statesman: The assistant county treasurer, 1L A. Johnson, in forms m that during the year ending June 30, 1881, he has received into the general fund 137,975 38 and has dis bursed $95,975 35, leaving a balance on hand of $2,657 21. Of school funds he has received $17,072 43, and disbursed $16,907 64, leaving A balance on hand of $104 79 A lot of fossils have been found near Albany, which are creating considera ble interest One of the tusks is over 8 feet long and about 25 inches in eir- cumierence at ine oase. ine oonra are crumbled and broken up badly, but sufficient remains to indicate that they must have come from tome animal lar ger than any now known. I Tit Lord's frayer. Ths following comparison of the text of the old and revised version of tha New Testament shows the exact changes mads in the wording of the Lords's prayer, in Matthew 6, 9-13, the most important being the omission of the doxology at the end: OLa 0. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. 10. Thy kingdom come, thy will be dons on earth as it it in Heaven. 11.. Give us this day our daily bread. ' 11 And forgive us our debts s we forgive our debtors. 13. And lead us not into tempta tion,' but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever, amen. new. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in Heaven, hal lowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in Heaven, so on earth. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Great Cocking Bain. LaNCASTii, Ohio, June 17. Yester day morning at 6 o clock a monster cock fight was opened on the eastern shore of the Licking Reservation in Avondale. Chicken fanciers from all the territory round about were drawn by the announcement, until over 2,000 persons had gathered, and the rising of the sun was greeted by the crowing of fire hundred spurred chanticleers. The first main was opened at 6 A. M., and as the battle progressed the excitement increased, until from eight to ten mains were being fought at onn time. Night came, but the participants were too much interested to close the sport which went on by the Tight of torches and lanterns, and did not come to close until 10 P. M. - Five hundred roosters were fought, 150 of which were left dead on the grounds. Bet- tins was freely indulged in, and over $5,000 is known to have changed hands. The New tfeeart I'ablr. Jay Gould's new trant-atlantio cable which hat just been laid makes no less than eleven cables from this country to Europe. The New York Sun is of the opinion that the business is being over done, and that there are not enough messages sent to support all the com pames. Kates win certainly fall still ower. Eight years ago the rate was $1 50 per word, and the daily receipts of one company were $12,000. Since the messages have increased seven fold, and yet the receipts of all the compa nies amount to only $13,675 a day. "Eloquent," said the Chicago lawyer of hit partner, "he't able to reason the kick out of a mule. Why here, awhile ago, business was dull, and he decided that Mrs. Dasher ought to have a di vorce, and he'd go into court and got it for her, and then charge her for it Somehow she heard of what was going on. She galloped down to the Court House to stop him, as she didn't want a divorce. She got there just as he was making his plea for her.- And, mind you, she was mad at him; but, by Jove sir! she listened to him five minutes and became to convinced she ought to have a divorce that the walked right up where the people could see bet and shed three pints of tears while be re cited her wrongs. And when lie won the case she embiaced hint and safd he should conduct' all hef divorce eases. I call that eloquv-nce, D. O. Hubbard, who has charge' of a gang of Chinese graders on the' nar row gauge line, was arfesfed Off the 5th inst, on ctmrplaint of T. IX Will iams, of Ltfckiamute,- charged with trespassing on nis land Mr Williams it seems, had made a demand for dam ages but the company paid no atten tion to it and set their grader to- work on hit place. Mr. Hubbard appeared before J antic Brown at Dallas on Wednesday, and after hearing the evi dence the justice fined him $50 jAn appeal hat been takcrw 8TAT1. NEWS, The report of the county treasurer of Folk county for the yeaf ending July 6, shows s balance in th treasury ' of $1620 74, About 5 o'clock on the efem'ffg of the 7th inst, two convicts employed! od the new insane asylum building at Sa lem, attempted to escape. The guards fired a number of shots at them arrest ing their flight and returning them ia custody. The whol number of organised school districts in Polk county is 44. Of this number 42 as required by . law reported and drew from the school fund. There were 1 683" r pupils en rolled in the publio schools last year. Average attendance; 1,090; number ef school buildings, 43. . An artesian- well ia now in opera' tion on the old soap pole flat, Wasco county, which throws a contiRtfous stream about 25 feet high, Froi Hurley bored down by the side of one of the soap holes to a depth of 219 feet, finding nothing but tliaf curious mud which created such art excitement a few yeart ago, and when the boring ceased the water spouted from the hole, and keeps it up constantly, Albany Democrat: Andrew Wiley of Linn county who has lout so many ' sheep from attacks of cougars, is now beginning to get even, A week or so ago he put some poison on ths ear casses of several sheep which had been killed by a cougar, and he has not lost a sheep since. Another matter which causes him to believe that he has suc ceeded in killing ths old sheepeator, is that a lot of young cougars have been running around there sine that Urns making a living for themselves. He has captured two of them, and Mr. E. Jackson has taken one and killed another. Mr. J., treed one of them with his dogs and then fastening a steal trap on a pole he climbed the tree with it Upon getting up close to the ani mal he stuck the trap up agafinst one of its paws and caught it Austria's rapid road to ruin is chief ly caused by its inordinate thirst for military glory, for Which it never had the means to pay, Since 1879 there has not, been a single yeaf irt which her revenue hat com tp to her expendi ture! The accumulation of deficits from 1851 to 18C6 amounted to $650,- 000, and it still going on. The deficits between 1870 and 1877 have amounted to nearly $85,000,000, Her debt has grown from $625,000,000 hi 1848 to $1,955,000,00 in 1880. The most un satisfactory outcome of all this is that, notwithstanding these enormous ex penditures on her army, she has during this period of waste and extravagance lost her Italian provinces, and been badly whipped by Prussia. She , still keeps up her show of military grandeur and is reorganizing the army with a view of having its war footing amount to 1,064,025 rank and file, with 31,808 officers and 188,107 horses, The consumption of wheat in France is increasing, while its production is at standstill: The laboring classes de mand an improved dietary, with more of wheat bread and an additional allow- ance of meat, and they look to this country for a share of our grain andl pork. The area in wheat in France has varied little In, twenty years, and is very near seventeen million acres f and the product in average seasons come near to three hundred million bushels, recent bad harvests falling off' from 10 to 15 per cent The average- yield is usually 40 to 60 per cent bet' ter than in this country, yet for four years, with iioprwements here and df disc tha thm & acre has been the tame in both countries. Statistics for May show an increaser in the grain receipts of St Louis of 30 per cent over the same month of 1880, and a decrease of Chicago' receipts of 46 per cent There said to be a rev olution going on in the grain-carrying" trade of the ocean Tho water route by way of the Mississippi to New Or leans is the cause of the change. Thar railroads are now taking gram from Chicago to New York at about half the' rates th-y were charjjns a year z